The Amazing Spider-Man Can't be Redeemed

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dick Spencer gave us our hero back and I can't thank him enough dick Spencer gave us our hero back gave us our hero back gave us our hero back it's essentially saying that the weird Direction the book has been going for 10 years is over he's writing something that feels great the character feels like the triumphant return of someone you lost a long time ago [Music] years ago I made a video praising the initial 10 issues of Nick Spencer's Amazing Spider-Man run as a new beginning for the character I felt great optimism that a lot of the problems the ASM comic had over the last decade prior would finally start to fade and the book could get back on track to where it was before well you know I've read every issue of Amazing Spider-Man up until this run at least once and throughout my formative years I felt very strongly that the book's best time was in the 70s and 80s the stories were keeping me engaged with Peter's personal life the plots were always building to something important and something new was always happening to keep the book fresh I loved my time with that comic back then and I'd even start skimming past the fight scenes just to get back to that juicy personal life drama that Spider-Man is known for with the beginning of Nick Spencer's time as the lead writer on the book I felt we were getting back to that Golden Age again and perhaps we'd see some progression that the character has been sorely lacking in the 21st century but as the Run continued into a downward spiral of baffling decisions and visible editorial meddling and subsequent runs after it fell victim to many of the same problems it became clear to me that unless something drastically changes behind the scenes at Marvel Comics The Amazing Spider-Man book can never truly be redeemed the Spencer run had a solid start by bringing the at the time messy status quo for the character back to something resembling more of where he was in the 90s Peter was roommates with The Tragically underutilized Rand Robertson again Peter and MJ were finally dating again which gave us hope for one more day finally getting proper acknowledgment Peter and Felicia are finally on good terms again as platonic superhero friends and Peter was having to deal with the consequences of some of the events from slots run I felt at the time that Spencer's Spider-Man books were making an attempt to address criticisms of the book from Dan slot's historic run on the character and Dan himself actually replied to the video to offer some of his counterpoints this was a moment of growth for me because of a few reasons it made me realize that a character writing like this is still incredibly subjective and both of us could make an argument about what counts for being in character for Spider-Man and both of us could be right from a certain perspective it taught me to treat my own opinions about handling of characters as less matter of fact and there's a lot of different angles to look at these subjects from and that there isn't always a clear correct answer I actually agreed with a few of Dan's points here in this thread but the other bigger thing it taught me is that b the creators I talk about are real people they're not far off magical celebrities that exist on a different plane of reality like fictional characters they can and probably will see the things that we say about them that can have a personal effect on them I'd probably be as defensive as Dan slot is on social media too if I was always getting the angry accusatory bile and hatred he was getting from fans that were all either angry 15 year olds like I was or angry alright wackos in their 40s that can't accept social commentary as inherent to most if not all forms of Storytelling and I realized I don't want to be in either group I don't want to be an edgy teenager slinging mud and treating creatives like they're bad people for not riding the ship that I like in my fiction I also definitely don't want to be the type of guy that says things are woke if they have even the slightest hint of social awareness or characters that represent the diverse world we live in fine seems like I've become a lot softer in recent years it's because I don't enjoy being angry and bitter I don't Revel in relentlessly trashing things like we all did when we were younger it's not fun to be pissed off I try to be fair and I try to look for the good in things and I'm still honest when I can't see the good but I don't have to be completely reactionary and rageful and for all these lessons I want to thank Dan for reaching out and offering an opposite end of what I thought was a one-sided conversation I thought I was just gonna just talk my no one would ever be able to hear it or respond to it or care but he's a person like me I don't magically love a lot of his Spider-Man storytelling now after this but I've made great strides to understand it and realize he's just a guy who loves this character like me so I can't speak for the toxic fandom but I can speak for myself and I do want to extend an apology toward Dan for the way I villainized him when I was a kid for no reason other than a difference of opinion about a silly comic book hero I've grown up and I've learned and I'm sorry also Dan never said this quote that was poor editing on my part I was trying to use it as a simplified visual filler to explain my feelings on the decisions Marvel tends to make with their popular characters but if he actually said it I would have attributed that quote to him which I didn't so please stop mistaking this for a real thing that he said because it's not I don't know who said it someone must have because I heard it like a hundred times and I thought it made sense to use but I don't know who said this so with all that being said how did the rest of the Spencer run go did it meet my expectations well I assumed because of the strong start that it would eventually stop focusing so much on addressing criticisms of ASM and start finding its own voice and identity I was expecting it to start progressing the character forward again in new ways but the unfortunate reality is that Spencer's Spider-Man books never made it past his first phase of going back to old storylines and trying to put a Band-Aid on their various blemishes or unpopular choices I thought Spencer was only disavowing more recent decisions with the character but he was just starting there and working his way back slots run wasn't the only thing he wanted to go back and Tinker with it was well a little bit of everything ASM in this time period had an unhealthy obsession with correcting mistakes of the past rather than bringing anything new to the table the books frustratingly slow pacing was always building towards another storyline attempting to dive back into a previous book in retcon or rewrite a previous writer's contribution okay let's take a look at one of the bigger examples a huge portion of the book was devoted to revisiting Craven the Hunter and trying to undo his unfortunate Resurrection in Grim hunt that stole some of the impact of Craven's last hunt JM demattis's Craven's last Hunt is one of the best Spider-Man stories ever told and The Tragically dark ending of Sergey cravenov taking his own life after a long battle with his mental illness and insecurities about losing to Spider-Man drove him over the edge but decades later Joe Kelley's Grim Hunt storyline has Craven's surviving family members uniting and using a dark magical ritual to resurrect him something even Craven himself thought was unnecessary Craven was now Immortal unless Spider-Man himself killed him which we know would never happen now Craven's last hunt feels like Friday the 13th the Final Chapter it's just a silly title because we know it became historically Incorrect and that ending loses some of its power when we know that he'll be back it's probably one of the most ill-advised character resurrections in the history of comics which will become a theme in this video Spencer's run tried to have its cake and eat it too I think Spencer is fully aware of all the issues that the status quo creates for telling good stories in ongoing Cape comics nothing is permanent another writer will always want to use this or that character again later on down the line nothing can be definitively finite but he made an attempt to work around this by having Craven create a near identical clone of himself that's just several years younger and still in his prime the story sees Craven attempting one last time to emotionally break Spider-Man so that he can finally break the curse but Spider-Man's faith and optimism wins out in the end so Craven breaks the curse by becoming Spider-Man in essence and taking his own life once again it's all very flowery and kind of dumb he's been re-killed to bring us back to last hunt but Spencer future proofs the story by leaving behind Craven's more powerful clone to take up the mantle and essentially be the new permanent Craven for all other Riders to use in the future the story has a lasting effect but will also allow the cycle of repetition to remain unbroken the problem with all of this is that it's ultimately sort of pointless in fixing what was broken the damage has been done resurrecting Craven at all still harms last hunt retroactively and laying him back to rest again can't undo that damage the Craven clone running around is still going to be a blemish on that original story by not leaving well enough alone we devoted dozens of issues to building up this great Hunt storyline for it to ultimately end right where it started there's still an alive and well craving the hunter running around and Grim hunt still exists as part of the story the effort is appreciated but it's just unfortunately something that can't ever be fixed making the effort less remember when Spider-Man found the guy who framed his parents for being Red Skull spies and allowed him to get blown up no he didn't that guy's fine remember when Ned Leeds was framed for being the Hobgoblin and died no he didn't he's actually fine Gog is just a misunderstood little guy the tablet of life and death works completely differently actually chameleon's origin story is completely different now the isotopic genome accelerator Works differently actually Norman Osborne made a deal with Mephisto and Mephisto Owens Harry's Soul retcons are a natural part of comic books and long-form serialized storytelling in general and sometimes retcons can be good but this is just too much all at once it's like there's not a single new idea on display here just riffing on older stuff in the worst possible way to improve it somehow and this obsession with fixing the unfixable would soon characterize the entire rest of the Spencer's run leading it to being arguably the worst run in the character's history readers have asked me to fix older stories they don't like those aren't the stories I'm interested in telling stories about stories are Never As Good As just telling stories we don't need serialized fiction to mend and paper over older stories we need them to entertain you said it brother wait you said that can we talk about Kindred I'm dying to not talk about Kindred I'd rather jump in a wood chipper than talk about Kindred but let's talk about Kindred for those who haven't read it I'm going to get the basics out of the way for the relevant backstory Harry Osborne went nuts and became the Green Goblin way back in the 80s and 90s with the intent of avenging his father's death we know this one it's a classic arguably one of the best Spider-Man stories of all time but Harry's heart gives out from the batch of goblin formula that gives him his powers Flash Forward and habitual loser Mysterio fails to pull one over on Daredevil of all people and exits the servers rather than get taken to jail again then a few years later Mysterio returns as like a weird demonic version of himself and then they quickly forget that happened and he's just normal Mysterio again also Peter Parker meets these two twins that think that he's their dad and it turns out that they're actually Norman Osborne's kids who aged way too fast because Goblin formula or something and Gwen Stacy apparently cheated on Peter Parker with Norman Osborne which is yuck Peter Goofs up big time and trusts Tony Stark big mistake and that results in his identity going public and all of his enemies going after him Aunt May gets caught in the crossfire and Peter makes a deal with a demon Mephisto to sell his marriage in order to save Aunt May's life this results in some bizarre time travel stuff where history was permanently changed and the wedding never happened and anytime he said the word wife you just need to auto correct that in your head to girlfriend Mister that's the brakes naturally the one more day storyline is universally reviled because all of that is a stupid way to undo a marriage instead of just having the characters get a divorce like goddamn adults it regressed Peter's character and just made him look really bad to do something that selfish to get the 347 year old Aunt May like three more years maximum instead of just accepting reality part of growing up is that your family members get old and die but this guy is not allowed to grow up so Aunt May will be around forever he can't be married because that makes him look too old to be the young superhero he can't be a father because that makes him too old to be the young superhero after all of that happens Harry Osborne comes back because everyone with the goblin serum gets an extra free guy alright so the stage is set Kindred a mysterious stranger from Hell shows up covered in giant centipedes for no reason and he's got beef with Peter Parker over some terrible sin he committed that ruined everybody's lives Mysterio met this guy while they were both dead and says Kindred was some damned soul that Rose to the ranks of Hell to become a really powerful demon they're back on earth now and everything Mysterio has done over the last few years was part of some master plan that Kindred has had for ages meanwhile Peter and MJ are having a hard time scheduling time to be together and Peter reveals to us the reader that he has plans to propose to MJ in the other book friendly neighborhood Spider-Man written by Tom Taylor around this time Aunt May is diagnosed with cancer see a pattern forming all these pieces fit together it's making sense but then the problems arise Peter and Jay get back together at the beginning of this run just to basically never be in the same room together so much so that MJ got her own book about the stuff she was doing in La Peter's life outside of Spider-Man is becoming such a non-entity in this run that I don't know where he works or what his social life is like or how his school stuff is going and weirdly sometimes even he is barely in this book because it's so focused on the villains and everyone's giant evil plans for him a lot of time devoted to making Boomerang like a cool character that's like redeemable and it's just all terrible I'm sorry I hate it like I really could not get into any of that Peter Parker stops being a character in this run and just starts being like there he's so reactionary he just waits for something to happen and then reacts but his character is so flat now Kindred pops by to drop vague hints about his motivation every few issues across dozens and dozens of issues and reading this in real time was massively frustrating because the answer is becoming more and more obvious but we're still stalling for time how many speeches do we have to read through before you finally say something actually relevant Kindred talks about Peter with familiarity and calls him Pete because they were friends once Kindred thinks Peter is a selfish bastard that hurts people he loves Kindred has a fear of Norman Osborne Kindred remembers this party from a way older issue of the book that Harry Osborne was at Norman Osborne recognizes Kindred and is like hey I'm proud of you redacted so much time wasted Kindred finally reveals himself to be Harry Osborne the real one implying the guy who came back post one more day is a clone or an imposter which ruins so many Harry Osborne character building Moments by just saying oh well the Clone did those God the Clone fathered a child and got back together with Harry's ex-wife oh my God all right I can deal with that so he kills Peter and shows him a vision of him waking up again at the end of one more day like it's the exact same scene we're back there again why did the anchor forget to lower the black values for some of this this looked really amateurish and shitty this is not how a professional comic book should look this is Harry's way of saying his return back then was just as wrong as it felt at the time and he reveals himself as Kindred to Peter then he proceeds to torture and kill Peter hundreds and hundreds of times in different ways bringing him back each time because he thinks he deserves that for what he did which by the way he still hasn't said what that is yet I haven't even mentioned sin eater in the magic shotgun that makes you act nice yet but I can't figure out where to even bring that up this is such a already and I haven't even gotten to the bad part that's part of the Revenge plan I guess bring back sin eater and make him use a magic shotgun to make people nice again so part of the evil plan is to make Norman have a conscience with a magic wand so he feels bad whenever you go hey here's all those bad things you did Doctor Strange is a guest character in the book and summons Mephisto to interrogate him about why Spider-Man's life is getting with so badly right now by people from hell and then the book shuts down and things start getting weird this scene stays in some odd form of stasis for 25 more issues like neither character is allowed to leave the room or say anything that advances the story Peter loses track of Harry and then has this big therapeutic monologue where it seems like Nick Spencer is talking directly to the reader about how stuck he feels Peter is spinning his wheels nothing's getting done nothing makes sense anymore he's feeling lost and hopeless a lot of the resurrections are starting to get ridiculous I feel like this is a turning point the behind the scenes story for this book has been so vague and unclear we have no idea what happened while writing this thing but I think Spencer was trying to clue Us in in this issue again everything I say about Nick Spencer or what was going on or or any of the intent behind all of this is purely speculation on my part there is no evidence to support any of it it's just what I can interpret from the material God please save me please help me escape this please just set me on fire before I have to explain Kindred anymore okay I guess he wants to hear this one too Kindred is actually not Harry but he is Kindred is not one guy but two for kind of three somehow they're Gabriel and Sarah Stacy Gwen's kids with Norman that age like five times faster than they were supposed to because of goblin formula reasons at some point they died off panel and Mephisto made them his Champions to try to break Peter's spirit also they're not Gwen's kids because Mysterio implanted fake memories in Mary Jane and Norman Osborne via hypnosis at the behest of an AI with evil Harry's memories even though that used to just be a pre-recorded message but now it's alive and evil AI Harry wanted to pull a prank on Everybody by tricking everyone into thinking Norman had kids with Gwen even though telling everyone about the prank at this point just ruins it because it's a giant sigh of relief to find out it was fake and Gabe and Sarah are just more clones when did Mysterio meet Kindred in Hell Gabe and Sarah died years after Mysterio was already brought back from the dead by kindred so it can't be them why is Harry a clone too when and why did that even happen the story doesn't even say why does kindred remember the from before Gabe and Sarah were born what about the note in Gwen's handwriting confirming that they were born was that a forgery did Evil AI Harry scan her handwriting and then print a secret message that looks exactly the same why did they disguise themselves as Harry for so long why do they talk to Pete as if though they're old friends they don't even know him none of this makes sense my friend Dan gavazden is practically a Spider-Man historian by this point and he created the thread on Twitter trying to make sense of the retcons at play here you can read it if you want but all it's going to do is drive you insane because there's no real answers to any of this okay so we're doing this again we're doing this again this is twice now this is twice whose skeletons are these clone Harry demon Harry and AI computer Harry and skeleton Harry are four separate characters doing completely different things simultaneously one of them being dead and one of them gets turned into Gabe and Sarah at the last minute and then Mephisto is like Mayday Parker would beat me up if she's Canon and I can see the future so that's why I did one more day so you're probably wondering with how weird and wobbly all this got does kindred actually tell us what Peter's big sin was the thing that he or they were so mad at him for the thing that makes Kindred think Peter deserves to die a thousand deaths nope he won't say it he can't say it what was the point of all this spending three straight years being led in circles just to undo sins past I don't buy it we were all happy ignoring since past the book stopped acknowledging it fans only brought it up and a joking wasn't that weird way none of us took that seriously it was a joke and it was all gone and forgotten now all that unpleasantness was brought back just to negate it with the worst retcon in the history of comics when the fix is worse than what was broken in the first place was it worth it and what did we actually gain from all that Gwen Stacy's memory is preserved once again even though that character has been dead for half a century again there is no clear answer on what happened behind the scenes and I can merely speculate but I think Nick Spencer's Mission plan was to undo one more day and then that got vetoed by the people he works for somewhere along the lines maybe early maybe later than you'd think and you can literally watch the scramble to catch up in those last 20 issues to try to at least undo sins past as a compromise so all the build up could end up fixing something anything and the end result is a story so bloated sluggishly told full of pure nonsense and confusing poorly executed ideas that I just can't do it anymore I'm tired of being strung along for the big reveal to be pulled out of the rider's hands and turned into more garbage I can't comment on what Spencer planned originally but I can guarantee you it would have probably been better than this I was happy with how this run started but it ended up devolving into such a disaster that I can't keep investing my time and money into this series that confidently boasts storytelling on this level this is complete greatly ridiculous I've heard people defend the Nick Spencer run by saying nobody appreciates the janitor but Nick Spencer had to do all this and I completely disagree these Solutions are creating more problems that someone else will have to come along and fix this is the continuity equivalent of that gag where someone plugs a leak in a boat and then another one Springs somewhere else and then they plug that one and it just keeps going the ship has sunk guys my God I just hit my wall with Spider-Man as of this run I think 70 of my life so far has been post One More Day stories and there's always more teasing about undoing it there's always hints that Mephisto was right around the corner he's constantly showing up in other books messing with other Spider-Man there's always more dangling MJ in front of the readers to get us interested again like keys in front of a baby everything about this comic that sparked Joy or excitement in me is gone the Peter Parker home life drama has been replaced with constant clones and implanted memories and time or multi-dimensional travel it feels like he's Spider-Man more often than he's not which at this point feels like a crutch that these stories have put all their weight on Peter and MJ being together is just a button that they press to keep the fandom interested when they're getting bored and they have to press it more and more frequently lately there's basically never any actual new villains or storylines just more weird sludge made up of retconning older stuff or assassinating characters that editorial has a vendetta against for no reason I'm tired of being disappointed over and over thinking hey this will be the run that makes me like the book again and then having it turn into a flaming record I haven't really loved a Spider-Man story since I want to say new ways to die then Big Time came around and I know that's a fan favorite but I just couldn't get into it everything since then has been a slow descent into apathy for me now I just don't care none of it matters Peter Parker could die I know he'll just get brought back MJ could get killed off because there's a clear bias against her behind the scenes from the old heads that grew up reading Gwen's stories I don't care anymore well one more day finally be undone probably not but if it does I don't give a anymore I'm over the mystery box storytelling at constant spider-verse team up events 200 years from now you and I will be long dead but Peter Parker's stories will still be coming out with him in college for the billionth time chasing some girl he's going to break up with eventually the story has no permanence and no Stakes it's just repetitive grueling Direct that's made to keep the book going indefinitely because the book makes too much money to ever be canceled no matter how bad it gets there are certainly worse stories coming from the big two but I think Amazing Spider-Man Takes the Cake by being so maddeningly mid to low quality for such long stretches at a time it doesn't need to be good it doesn't need to be interesting it just needs to keep existing as an additional Revenue stream it's The Simpsons of comic books again I owe a huge apology to Dan slot because his run had a lot of the problems listed but at least something new was always happening Peter gets a new job or a new suit or fights a new villain or gets his brain swapped with Doc Ock or gets a forgettable sidekick or everyone in New York gets spider powers or he becomes a billionaire I mean the status quo always snapped back on itself eventually but at least we were deviating a little bit I didn't always like what was going on but he was coming up with things for the characters to actually do I was at least interested to see what was happening next it wasn't 74 straight issues of backtracking other stories or having the characters twiddling their thumbs waiting for something to happen I was wrong about so much Nick Spencer's Spider-Man run didn't bring Spider-Man back it just made me realize why I'm so tired of Cape comics in general by pushing so hard for something big and important just so the superiors could probably trash all of it why are we stuck like this why does the editorial staff at Marvel demand that the book continue on like this forever clashing generational ideologies my childhood Peter Parker was married where's my wife you symbiote freak their childhood Peter Parker was in his early 20s just trying to figure out his way in the world but they're the ones in charge not me they have the authority to make their vision of him the one that sticks and the one that stays what I grew up with was a dream that we all woke up from and will never see again in this book at least not until I'm in my 60s and someone my age is in charge at Marvel and the current guys have all had their time no Goblin serum went up for them but then eventually someone younger who loves Emma Stone will come in and demand for Mary Jane to go back into Oblivion again whoever the writer is at the time will get blamed for it just like always it's taken me two years to write this video and four or five completely different drafts some very angry and from a place of hurt some versions even more bitter and cynical than I'm probably coming across now this time I just want to go for sincerity when I tell you this is a very personal difficult thing for me but in a way I feel like this helped me grow up a little in like a harsh way like finding out the truth about Santa Claus or paying taxes for the first time and realizing that's the rest of your life I finally realized that the things that have been eating away at my enjoyment of this series affect damn near every popular comic character out there and it's not something that will go away lizard syndrome is the default now stories without endings just start to get stale after so many years of playing it safe or veering away from so many potential points of growth I can keep invested in series like Ninja Turtles or Transformers or something because you know those keep restarting and doing new things it's old stories told with a new filter through a new lens or with a new direction or sometimes just completely new stories that have nothing to do with what they did before Spider-Man doesn't get those reboots it is just doing what it's always been doing but like not really interesting anymore this isn't Dan's fault or Nick Spencer's or even Zeb Wells they're merely a single component a cog or an egg yolk perhaps in a giant Rube Goldberg machine that was designed to kick me in the balls you're not gonna kick me in an ad again are you no I'm not Diva those days are over okay that's the release that is the best news I've heard all day what's that thing they didn't build this machine other men did decades ago I suspect even the writers at Marvel are aware of how this works when someone asked chip zadarski if he'd ever Helm ASM after writing some of the best Spidey stories in the last decade for sister books he basically said why would I ever want to do that and you know I've said it before that I don't really have an interest to write that because it's kind of the weird expectations and kind of everything that kind of surrounds it and people think that's weird because I go off and do Batman but like but I understand the audience of Batman better than I do the audience of Spider-Man after what happened to Dan Nick and now Zeb it seems clear that writing that book is a huge honor right up until you become the internet's Collective punching bag for all the things you can't do all the things they want but you can't give them ships got the right idea it's like when Lex Luthor said do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be president him and everyone else are better off writing the side books that get canceled every year or two they have at least some leg room to tell decent stories in there the name keeps changing but the story stays the same whoever writes Amazing Spider-Man is the new Public Enemy Number One For The Phantom until the next guy comes along and it's not fair to keep picking on them for telling garbled stories while their hands are tied and every idea they have resembling growth or change is getting tossed out by their boss they're the figurehead that gets all the Flack but at this point I think they're really only contributing dialogue which I mean there's flaws there too sometimes a good idea or an interesting story accidentally leaks out of the machine's structure and we see a glimpse at something comforting like old times but that will never be the default again while the current players are in charge at the highest level at Marvel Spider-Man is Marvel's Flagship character this could go all the way beyond the editors of his books and straight to the tip top of the company for all we know I'm not even gonna say editorial could be the problem this could be some executive like an Ike Pearl mutter type that keeps demanding that no he has to be the young and relatable hero I don't know who to blame and at this point I'm tired of trying to figure it out but I know someone is causing this and while nothing ever changes anymore I just can't get invested all through the books I read in high school the book was changing and growing Peter's character was growing up alongside me I knew his struggles because they were happening to me at the same time it's part of what makes so many of us initially love the character we get what he's going through but now I feel alienated from that entire relatability aspect of the character sure I love many characters that I don't find relatable at all but it's sad that Peter Parker and I have drifted apart in that way that element is completely gone for me I'm married I have a job my wife and I want to have kids soon I'm going to keep getting older and facing the challenges that come with that while I do that Peter Parker is going to be doing the same things he was doing 40 years ago I'm outgrowing him maybe someday I'll look back and enjoy his stories again from the perspective of uh I remember what that was like for me at that age but right now I'm just not interested in that grind the repetition is killing me and the thought of picking up another issue of this makes me anxious I can't do it anymore I don't even want to Pirate this book I feel like reading it at all is somehow still supporting it so I just I have to just leave this book behind for now I've fallen out of love with it and I don't know when I'll find the passion for it again my relationship with this comic much like with the rest of the fandom has become toxic the stories for the foreseeable future will still be full of stuff that bores me or makes me angry and I'll see everyone around me blaming the poor guy that's writing the book at the time and missing the entire point of why it's a problem but they always come back for more but I can't live like that I don't hate watch movies I know will suck and I'll have a miserable time with I don't seek out disappointment and that's all there is in here at this point so I have to say enough is enough people will say don't like it don't read it and they couldn't be more right I haven't read an issue of Amazing Spider-Man in two years now and in a way it feels freeing but it also felt very sad something that at one point in my life brought me so much joy is now something I feel a bitterness and depression towards something I really resent maybe one day we'll be on better terms again still enjoy the adaptations of his older stories coming out in animation games and movies but the comic itself I have to do what Peter Parker can't anymore move on so anyway everyone just go read uncanny Spider-Man because Nightcrawler is Spider-Man that's a cool idea I like Nightcrawler hey also I always get mad at YouTube for not putting my videos in the subscription box because people will comment finally Xavier uploads again after all these years not knowing three other videos came out within the last month already so maybe that stupid Bell icon thing will help you remember I exist if you want other ways to support the channel you can always go hit up that patreon for early videos and exclusive stuff because it's just a dollar I'm not kidding it's only one dollar Isn't that cool if everyone who watched this video donated one dollar a month I'd be able to afford a house for myself so that would be that would be really cool you can also check out our merch on T public or just buy some of my random stuff on eBay I have a pretty substantial collection of old toys that are still in the box in perfect condition so go take a look in case you find something you like and lastly since this is a YouTube video and you probably play fortnite drop my Creator quote Xavier GM next time you buy a silly answer cool character skin really helps me out see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: GodzillaMendoza
Views: 356,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nick Spencer, Spider-Man, Dan Slott, Marvel, The Amazing Spider-Man, Comics, GodzillaMendoza, Review, Video Essay, Nick Lowe, Zeb Wells, Spider-Man Beyond, Ben Reilly, Peter Parker, Paul, Mary Jane, Kindred, Harry Osborn, Sins Past, Gabriel Stacy, Sarah Stacy, Norman Osborn, Green Goblin
Id: PlVfGz_tmg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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