The Most Hated Spider-Man Comic

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although there are plenty of bad comic books out there Spider-Man since past is not only considered to be one of the most hated stories in the wall crawlers history but just one of the worst Comics ever written Yep this is the story where the Green Goblin sleeps with Gwyn Stacy but there is so much more to it than just that hello and welcome to Comic Drake where I talk about comic books my name is Drake and today we're going to be taking a look over this monstrosity the creative back and forth and why Marvel allowed it to be made in the first place and the somehow even worse sequel but before getting too far into things I want to give a big thank you to the sponsor of today's video World of Warships it's a free-to-play game for PC and consoles that places you into a 12 V12 Arena where you can conquer the oceans with the most iconic ships in history there's new content released every single month which includes some wild collaborations like Transformers Godzilla versus Kong and my 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is actually known for being one of the best Spider-Man writers out there see the 9s were a weird time for the wall crawler his parents were apparently not dead but it turns out they were actually robots there was a bunch of spider clones and he even stopped being Spider-Man for a while and fought crime under four different aliases there was a lot going on and frankly like most '90s Comics a lot of it was not good but stazinski helped make Spider-Man one of Marvel's best Comics Again by focusing on Peter's personal life and his Supporting Cast Aunt May finally discovered her nephew's double life and we actually got a touching issue of them reconciling all the years of Lies instead of continuing to sell pictures himself to the Daily Bugle JMS had Peter become a science teacher at his old high school and used his position to make a difference in his students lives but most importantly shinski wrote a damn good relationship between Peter and Mary Jane my good friend Alex linen has a great video explaining what makes JMS as Spider-Man run so great but to quickly sum it up a strazinsky Spider-Man comic was guaranteed to have a ton of heart and even though some of the concepts are weird like Peter actually being a magical spider totem and energy vampires readers were still treated to Great dialogue and plenty of funny jokes sin pass on the other hand is complete and utter garbage it's the equivalent of going to a fancy restaurant but being served a sandwich it doesn't matter how many Michelin stars the chef has or if he's cooked great food in the past if he serves me a turd it's still disgusting the book opens with everything everything going well for the Parker household in fact Mary Jane just landed a part in an Off Broadway show but obviously this tender moment can't last because this is a Spider-Man comic after all so Peter and his friends and his family are not allowed to be happy for more than two consecutive seconds the celebration is cut short when Parker receives a letter from his dead girlfriend Gwyn Stacy now quick refresher on the death of Gwyn because it is going to be very important context for the story so back in the' 70s Norman Osborne got caught in an explosion which caused him to forget that he was the Green Goblin and that Peter Parker was Spider-Man but when his son suffered from an overdose a couple of years later the stress jogged his memory seeking to kill Peter Osborne flies to his apartment but he finds Gwen Stacy there instead so Norman kidnaps gwy throws her off a bridge when Peter tries to save her the Whiplash of his webs causes her neck to snap this is one of the most iconic Spider-Man story lines ever written but at this point in time Gwen's death had been Revisited over and over and over again so folks were already rolling their eyes that this was yet another comic that was beating a dead Stacy but anyway there was a brief time before her death when gwy took a trip to Europe and she apparently wrote this letter while she was there the message states that there was some dark secret that Gwen needed to confess but that's it there was clearly a missing page and even stranger the postmark was fresh it was from New York to boot based on the handwriting and word choice it's clear that this letter was not a forgery but if this confession was so important then why didn't Gwen simply tell Peter face to face when she got back well it's actually pretty understandable there was a lot going on at the time remember their friend had just overdosed on drugs so there was never the right time to bring it up and unfortunately that right time would never manifest because while pondering this mystery Peter does the sad boy routine of visiting Gwen's grave and letting the emotions wash over him like the rain that he didn't bother to bring an umbrella for but suddenly he's attacked by two figures dressed in black they clearly have enhanced strength and managed to get a few hits in before Peter escaped it's obvious that these guys were after Peter Parker and not Spider-Man so he was trying to keep his powers on the down low and even remarked afterwards that he's pretty sure he did a good job of keeping his identity a secret despite the fact that he double jumped at least 100 ft in the rain directly onto a moving truck which he clung to with his fingertips while Peter tries to figure out his next move another letter comes in the mail this time it has pictures of MJ and Aunt May clearly threatening that they could kill Parker's loved ones whenever they want but in case the reader is too dumb to figure that out for themselves the bad guys made sure to explicitly spell it out on a sticky note that says we can kill them whenever we want Mary Jane notices that the other side of Gwen's letter has indents from what was written on the next page so Peter webs it to a piece of Steel and asks a cop to have forensics analyze it but not before threatening the cop's family if he tried to sneak a peek at it because you know friendly neighborhood Spider-Man in the meantime Parker calls Aunt May to make sure that she's safe but the call is intercepted by one of the bad guys telling telling him that if he wants to see her alive then he'll have to meet them across town in just 10 minutes Peter bursts into the Rendevous point to try to free may but surprise surprise surprise the two bad guys attack Peter once again and in the commotion we learned that their names are Gabriel and Sarah they beat Parker within an inch of his life but agreed that it's not time for him to die just yet which gives Peter enough time to return to forensics and to give him a partial reading of the letter there's not much but the important details were as plain as day Gwen had been pregnant and gave birth to twins named Gabriel and Sarah this drives Peter off the deep end causing him to dig up Gwen's grave in broad daylight and then break into a lab to run a DNA test but that wouldn't be too necessary because Sarah attacks him and reveals that she is the spitting image of Gwyn right on down to the same iconic haircut and headband Sarah says that her brother wants to torture Peter by killing everyone that he loves one by one but all she wants to do is kill him right then and there to finally get things over with but obviously Parker likes not dying so he gets on out of there but when he returns home Mary Jane is waiting for him and reveals that she's read both pages of the letter Peter tries to assure his wife that he and Gwenn never had sex so the children couldn't possibly be his but before he could finish stammering out his defense MJ interrupts him explaining that she already knows who the father is now this comes as a total shock based on how she said it it's clear that Mary Jane didn't just figure this out like 10 minutes ago no MJ has known for years that her husband's ex-girlfriend had cheated on him and had kids behind his back but she never brought it up once throughout their entire relationship and also just as a quick nerdy nitpick but uh MJ was also best friends with Gwynn's cousin Jill back in the 90s so I don't know maybe it would have been worth telling her that she had a secret niece and nephew but then again I guess things might have gotten a bit awkward considering that Jill started making moves on Peter when Mary Jane seemingly died in a plane crash and the moment that MJ was revealed to have been alive Jill vanished from Comics altogether I have no idea what happened to her but anyway MJ flashes back to when Gwen can fighted in her about the pregnancy see they were Norman Osborne's house taking care of Harry during his overdose since fearing a scandal Norman refused to have his son admitted to a hospital Gwyn went off to Norman's office to share a few Choice words but when she was taking too long MJ went to check in and that's when she overheard the bombshell Gwyn had just delivered twins Norman is the father and seeing how he was treating Harry Gwyn didn't want him anywhere near their children and if he didn't take Harry to a hospital that instant she would go public with the entire Affair Norman was obsessed with getting the children because thanks to the goblin serum that's genetically passed on to them the Twins were growing at an accelerated rate and he was convinced that their special blood made them the perfect heirs to the osbor Empire even though he had forgotten that he was the Green Goblin prior he he shouldn't have known that until like later in this but anyway Gwen ignores the threat storms off and then catches MJ EAS dropping at the door recounting how the affair happened in the first place apparently Gwen had gone to talk to Norman a few months prior and there was just something so powerful and sexy about him that she just couldn't resist yes Gwyn Stacy wasn't able to resist the international sex symbol that is Norman Osborne in his Ginger wave but honestly if he had that Willam defo drip then I would totally get it by the way did uh did you need to see the Green Goblins o face because it's here whether you like it or not the reason that Gabe and Sarah are trying to kill Peter is because Norman took in the twins hired the best teachers to train them as they rapidly aged and filled their heads with lies that Peter Parker was their true father he abandoned them and Spider-Man had killed their mother but when the time was right they were to take their Revenge now all of this was not how the story was originally pitched J Michael trzinski actually wanted Peter to be the father of the twins but he was forced to change it because of one man Joe Casada Joe was the editor and chief at Marvel at the time and he hated the idea of Peter seeming old because he was convinced that readers wouldn't be able to identify with him so not only did he meddle with sin's past because Spiderman having illegitimate kids would make him seem older but also because he didn't want Marvel to quote deal with the repercussions of Peter and Gwen having unprotected or careless sex out of wedlock you know as if Gwyn still having unprotected sex out of wedlock but with the man who just so happened to be the father of her childhood best friend and famously killed her is any better this is the same guy that also forced rinsky to write the infamous one more day story line where Peter sold his marriage to the devil which resulted in sweeping changes to the Spider-Man continuity since the deal with the devil could bring Ant May and Harry Osborne back to life and rewrite decades where the continuity and physically change Peter so that he no longer had organic webs strazinsky figured that if he was being forced into it then they might as well use the story as an opportunity to get rid of sin's pass as well but no for some reason Casada absolutely needed Norman and gwy banging to remain Cannon but what makes sin past even worse is that much like how Peter desecrate Gwen's grave in the comic this story devalues the legacy of the iconic 7s Story by recontextualizing why Norman killed her instead of Gwen being at Peter's apartment and becoming collateral damage in the ongoing fight between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin showcasing the danger that superheroes exposed their loved ones to now Norman murdered Gwyn because he wanted to avoid a scandal and is jealous of her wanting Peter to raise his children instead of him plus this obsession with a proper air also ignores that in the original story Norman had legitimate worry and care for his son while he was going through his overdose that's why he remembered that he was the Green Goblin and that Peter was Spider-Man in the first place but for as much hate as Casada gets for butchering strin story it's not as if the original version was some sort of lost Masterpiece because and in an interview Casada claims that Norman being the father was merely a suggestion and that strasinski was under no obligation to write it quote Joe came to me with a storyline that had Peter meeting these twins one of which looked just like Gwen that of course he would be attracted to these kids would turn out to be the kids that he had with Gwen Peter of course had no knowledge of it and would have to deal with the ramifications in my world there was no way I could go forward with this story as is for starters you're talking to a guy that feels that a married Peter Parker is n the healthiest thing for the franchise since it ages the character there's no way on planet Earth that I could let him have kids Marvel almost made that mistake several years ago and there were further implications of the story that were out of my comfort zone first it was dealing with the repercussions of Peter and Gwen having unprotected or careless sex out of wedlock second it would have been dealing with Peter having kids out of wedlock while of course he wasn't aware of having had them there was always the possibility that the media could spin it that way but in the end it was mostly the idea of Peter having kids that I just bed at I had to tell Joe straight up that there was no way we could do this story the way he wanted to do it so I offered up the option of having someone else be the father perhaps uh Norman I guess the one place where my story differs from Joe is that once I gave Joe the suggestion for Norman it was up to Joe as to whether he wanted to write that story or not I didn't demand that he write it if he felt that it was that bad of an idea he could have just skipped it all together this conversation happened before he began writing the arc so it wasn't like we were Shifting the ground on him story so yes I came up with the idea of Norman and still stand by it but I assumed Joe also thought it was a cool idea he did all the research and came back with a methodology within continuity that made it work it was pretty damn brilliant he wrote the heck out of the story it's one of my favorites I understand that fans give us Flack for so many of the things that we do but that's part of what comes with the territory of working on these very old established icons I think we can all agree that the Norman stuff is terrible and it is hands down the worst part of since past but the idea of Peter having two adult children show up out of nowhere one of which he is attracted to is just so unnecessary and doesn't work with or without the editorial meddling this comic was doomed to fail from the get-go but I mean hey there's more to this story than Osborne green gobling up a girl 30 years younger than him so let's get back to it um upon learning this Revelation Peter screams to the heavens Osborne and starts tearing up his home but after a moment to calm down Parker realizes that because of the accelerated aging the twins are dying and he vows to keep them alive since they're all that's left of gwy Spider-Man calls a press conference to tell Gabe and Sarah to meet him at the bridge where Gwen died even though they had been stalking him and he very likely would have just encountered them naturally without the need for a public spectacle in fact the media frenzy causes a crowd of reporters and cops to follow Spidey from the press conference to the bridge resulting in a cop shooting Sarah and causing her to fall from the bridge which recreates her mother's death luckily for Sarah though Peter didn't snap her neck during the rescue because he' been running that scenario in his head over and over and over again so that nobody else he saves would ever get staed again this might seem like some beautiful poetic storytelling but U it's it's been done before even Forest Stacy because remember Jill who I talked about earlier well she also has a brother and he fell from a bridge and Spider-Man saved him without killing him so he got to redeem gwyn's death by Saving her cousin while Peter rushes Sarah to a hospital Gabe retreats to one of Norman's old hideouts and he's greeted by a recorded message from Osborne revealing that yes he is their true father and they had also left them custom Goblin suits along with extra doses of the goblin serum allowing for Gabe to become the gray Goblin funnily enough though Sarah's suit is just the Green Goblin but with boobs so I guess she would just be a new Green Goblin meanwhile Sarah is having complications in surgery she heals fast but she has lost a lot of blood and unfortunately her body has rejected every transfusion due to the goblin serum that's coursing through her veins Peter volunteers to be a donor because his blood is special too you know radioactive spider blood Goblin blood same thing right so Peter gets strapped in and what follows is a shot of the symbolic battle between Peter and Norman for the fate of Sarah Stacy and I'm 50/50 on if this is like extremely dumb or low-key brilliant luckily though the transfusion was a rousing success but Peter is left extremely weak since he had just had a lot of blood taken from him which really sucks because the Great Goblin Attack at the exact moment that he regains Consciousness the two of them duke it out but Sarah steals a cop's gun and shoots the glider causing it to explode which kind of seems like a massive design fluff a standard issue police pistol can do that much damage but what do I know I myself not somewhat of a scientist Sarah vanishes while the dust settles and Gabe wakes up on the beach with amnesia which poetically mirrors his dad's history the end now obviously this comic is complete trash but the sequel some somehow manages to be even worse releasing just a few months later s remembered was written by jm's Protege Sam Barnes she has only ever written three stories for Marvel of which this was the final one and I wonder why so Sarah Stacy finally pops back up on Peter's radar because she downed a bottle of pills and her doctor in France reached out because he was listed as the emergency contact being an empathetic Guy Peter hightails it over to Paris and recounts the events of since passed to the doctor practically verbatim like it's bad enough that Peter told a complete stranger that she and Gabe thought that he was their father and that he was responsible for the death of their mother but he even went so far as to bring up the accelerated aging and the fact that Norman Osborne the internationally famous billionaire turned super villain is their father it's like Peter is not even trying to hide his secret identity here but Sarah insists that she didn't try to kill herself and because she's technically fine Sarah is discharged from the hospital and invites Peter to stay with her in her Mansion where she and Gabe were raised this comic is a weird nonsensical mess the whole thing rapidly moves from location to location to crack jokes about how much France sucks which is followed by Sarah making uncomfortable advances towards Peter yes the seven-year-old with an 18-year- old's body keeps aggressively flirting with the man that she was convinced was her father up until a few months ago on top of that Sarah is having Goblin hallucinations she keeps reporting to a mystery person over the phone and her every move is being tracked by shadowy figures France joke hallucination flirt phone call Tracker France joke hallucination flirt phone call Tracker France joke hallucination flirt phone call Tracker the entire time you're reading the book you're waiting for someone to get shot or something but the only thing to be assassinated is Mary Jane's entire personality when MJ was written by stasinski she was depicted as this amazing loving and supporting wife but Sam Barnes on the other hand writes her as deeply jealous and insecure she flies off to Paris because she can't trust her husband to not sleep with Sarah and of course she walks in at the exact moment that she inevitably forces a kiss on Peter Sarah Peter MJ Janet roer instead of letting her husband explain what was really happening Mary Jane instead storms off and immediately goes on a date with the random dude that was helping her track Peter down where she proceeds to drink too much wine and puke all over the dude's shirt but okay what the hell is the actual plot and conflict of this book well due to the accelerated aging Sarah and Gabe apparently suffer from extreme headaches and the only thing they could find that could do the pain were some pills that were being hawked by a local gang because Osborne never gave them any of their own money the twins snuck out night after night and used their enhanced abilities to run jobs for the gang and exchange for the pills however Gabe apparently amassed a serious debt and since he's who knows where with the Aquatic Amnesia the burden of paying the debt Now lies on Sarah's shoulders she thought that having Peter around would be enough to get them to back off but unbeknownst to her interpole had discovered the twins ties to the gang and are trying to gather enough evidence on them to bring them in which inadvertently wraps Parker up into an international scale drug bust oh and uh one more thing Sarah had found her brother and is keeping him hidden in another wing of the Mansion chained to a bed because he's suffering from these very violent mood swings when MJ finally snaps to her senses she ditches her date and goes back to the mansion to finally allow Peter to explain himself but he's not there since Sarah decided to just kill the gang leader herself which required Spider-Man to team up with Interpol to stop her and of course Gabe conveniently breaks from his chains at the exact moment that MJ arrives at the mansion and he attacks her now interpole still had agents posted outside so they alerted Spider-Man about the conflict Peter swings on over and beats the Shad out to Gabe until he flies away but instead of going after him Parker goes right back across town and interrupts Sarah right in the middle of her cool action girl moment and convinces her to let the authorities take care of the game she cries in Peter's arms says he kisses like a brother the end the really weird end there is no doubt that sin's past is terrible but at least rosinski delivered on some decent dialogue and Mike diodato Jr's art is legitimately great to look at outside of you know but there is nothing even remotely redeemable about sins remembered it's a badly written book filled with atrocious dialogue jokes that don't land and uncomfortable moments and no offense to the ill Ator Scott Eaton who normally does solid work but the way that he draws Peter Parker in this is just uncomfortable to look at luckily for us though Gabriel and Sarah were never referenced again outside of an actually pretty decent for issue story that was mostly about Harry dealing with his drug addiction where Gabe shows up to shoot him because he's jealous that Harry actually got to live the life of an Osborne however Marvel decided to finally lay sins past rest with what is perhaps one of the craziest storylines in all of spider- man history because hey what if Gabe and Sarah were turned into bug demons and then fused with an AI version of Harry Osborne and then team up with a guy who steals people's superpowers by shooting them with the shotgun sins Rising everybody yeah that is one hell of a cliffhanger for part two and it is certainly a doozy so make sure to like And subscribe so you don't miss it and if you're watching this in the future where the video is already done then just click the button on screen and you can start watching it right now but anyway thank you guys so much for watching and hopefully I'll see you next time
Channel: Comic Drake
Views: 94,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ComicDrake, Comic Drake, Comics, Comic Books, Spider-Man, Sins Past, Spiderman, Spider-Man Explained, Sins Past Explained, Green Goblin, Gwen Stacy, marvel comics explained, spider man, spider-man comics
Id: CFm19mANecs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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