The AMAZING Digital Circus (EPISODE 2)

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ladies and gentlemen episode two of amazing digital circus is out let's see what it's about a I love the name dude candy carrier chaos to the digital circus it's good to be back man I'm so excited they actually haveen episode two I was so worried P oh my gosh wait she's back Hello whoa who okay what is happening I feel so bad for pomy cuz I swear she always looks so stressed and like I mean I get it like she's trapped inside of this world that she shouldn't be trapped in wait what is that wait that's the glitch NOC somebody help me so is she dead wait a second tell me this is like a bad dream but I don't even know if cam dream looks like our new friends already abstracted well I guess we're not all cut out for it I don't even remember her name honestly that this has got to be like a bad dream right this can't be real there's no way there's no way I knew it cuz remember this is just a virtual reality game and they're all actual humans just trapped inside of this possessed Wicked cursed virtual reality game hey that's so weird how you sleep away yeah dude are you still ratha is back it's ratha honestly she's kind of one of my favorites you get back to it if you are okay so in this episode I think they go on like some kind of field triping and that's what the name is all about was a bit of doozy dooy oh and don't worry about the whole abandoning me for the exit thing perfectly understand I totally forgot that happened in the first episode and there's no hard feelings you're all good oh no dude I think she's bitter how can he be bitter though at pomy cuz he feels so lost at every moment in time Kane's got a new adventure today and judging by what he's been teasing it seems like it's going to be a fun one oh no dude today's adventure is candy carrier chaos this is bad news that's right candy Canyon Kingdom's been robbed of their most valuable re gosh I love Bubble maple syrup Bandits who stole it to Sweet buttery Justice an entire Kingdom of candy sounds sticky very sticky indeed hey yo bubble chill bubble you can't say that yo whoa bubble chill bubble wait I'm testing out a new AI in this dud times more immersive oo a new AI you don't want to mess with the new okay we can all agree Jax is the best character right like come on let me know in the comments Jax is the best character hands down sounds fun what do you think that that close second is pomy or ratha our entire existence here is just laring y well why are you all just standing there the the canyon candy Canyon wait so we can just always open up portals did you just you just know this is going to be bad like you know they're just in for a world of trouble wait wait what did bubble say no thanks I'm trying to quit freaking love Bubble all maybe bubble is the second best character right after Jax I take that back then it would be like ragath the I need to make a tier list at this [Applause] point okay now this place is wild looking like what is this they all look like those those me characters from like the Wii I don't like how they don't have faces what is this what the freak what what is this what is this thing dude it's like a giant gummy horse elephant wow ker check out this Castle dude what are they like royalty here this is different candy bugs here it's so beautiful yeah this place is yeah for now it's beautiful it's the princess oh my God it's the princess freaking gangle always getting bullied a you must be the brave knight she's a giant lollipop to help us with our recent catastrophe catastroph whoa whoa wait a second wait a second sent To Us by God to help us with by God no dude Kane is not God a recent catastrophe Kane would be Satan your Kingdom's Awesome by the way love the vibe I like you already look paly we're already friends with the princess I'm not a child you don't have to Hype me up I miss the Bandit that a modded syrup tanker so we figured the best way to go head-to-head with them is to give you a war rig of your own oh no dude Jax is going to flip Jax is going to love this vience ja is this supposed to be again here's the key back into the kingdom for when you've secured the goods I trust you not to let it fall into the wrong hand You Can Count On Me Your Highness oh please why is ratha so like professional I call shotgun oh God is that the horn that sucks GLE you drive oh no dude this this a mistake don't let GLE Drive farewell good nights I have every faith in you I just something about this feels wrong you know what I mean like I don't know what it is but like I feel like the moment what is it a giant I feel like the moment they leave the kingdom they're going to show their true colors right and tell me I'm not crazy [Music] here wait so these are the bandits that stole the maple syrup do you think your mom's going to pull through if we get all this back to the Village I'm sure she will this much syrup would save hundreds of people wait so they're using the syrup to save people we won't know for sure until we get back to the Village she's a fter though she taught me everything I know oh why do they have to make the Bandit Australia boy don't get too comfy L looks like they've sent someone after us they're doing the Australians dirty right now the voice actors are so freaking good though also like I swear the animation so far is even better than episode one all right gangle when we catch up to him I'll jump over crawl inside and shoot him repeatedly until they're unrecognized is this I feel like that violates is this like this like a like a waffle cone you're violating they're unrecognized the waffle shotgun feel like that violates some kind of convention you're violating my ears with your clap back get driving driver yeah come on gy I'm sure there's some way you could help out here maybe when we catch up to them we could be assertive like this Ja Jack ob's already stressing as it is like she does not need this just hold that pose I got to get something Jack you you know I swear there was some kind of bazooka back here but I'm having such trouble finding take this here it is all right okay wait now what is this thing is that is that a foot it's like a foot bazooka a dude pom P done nice going PNE now I have no Bridge also can we just talk about this this is a it's a giant Swiss roll what are they supposed to do with that now I have no Bridge aha gotcha he's got like tiny arms oh oh he's not done yet though who let this Croc cook this Lots trouble let's see how that rig does on those rocks around there the arms aren't short enough to shoot dud what is it they either got tiny arms or crazy long [Music] arms all right what's going on this guy is so extra hey ribons Hing at him I don't think we aren't you supposed to be submissive and agreeable come on don't you want to help out pomy dude they got to drop the Swiss roll oh the spell is just don't no want to quit do that like the Swiss Rolls got to be like 1,000 lb and get back up here yeah run everyone all right yo ra the I couldn't hear Hey GLE Ram into him come on do it not them yes do it g do it it'll be epic there many yeah know I agree with Jack it will be epic tell ratha about the figurine thing oh little blackmail oh wait wait wait push them up D they can push him off the cliff feel so bad for pomy dude all look they're next to this clip so they could push him off but then you got pomy pom's already stress as it is man let's give him some of this hey oh no more ramming guess I have to tell Raga about um wait actually they could Ram them cuz if they Ram them they'll be stuck to them dude where is ker getting all the stuff hey ker is that attached to anything oh no yeah okay this is a disaster the heroes we don't need ladies and gentlemen dude like ratha like how is ragi alive she had a meat cleaver in her head and then she just got stabbed through the chest oh they're done what my man Jax is just defying the laws of gravity oh wait we still got pomy wait did they just like glitch into the back rooms they just glitched into the back rooms oh no oh no oh dude you're in kan's do made now they haven't revealed like another like super villain oh dude I like this guy this guy is this is my favorite that's my favorite Bandit right there okay so what is this place man oh dude it's like an endless digital Abyss wait a second wait what wait this is sick this is like the game designer area with all the different models of all the characters that would be dude could you imagine just seeing this in real life but it's like yourself [Music] cuz what I want to know is like are these also humans that are trapped in the game are they actually like characters in the game this makes me feel like they're characters in the game that were created by Kane or somebody else oh dude he's tripping out he's tripping out right now man [Music] maybe stop looking at him look somewhere else huh and then dude pomy like can we get a like on this video for pomy this girl literally can't catch a break huh where are we I would like to know as well this I don't know we're somewhere under the map I think yeah you guys Lally glitched oh yeah he has no idea I feel like he has to be a video game character why aren't you or any of your crew up here cuz they're actual humans I'm not sure because we are not NPCs NPCs what are you on about non-playable character it's like a term in video games what are you people oh no dude this guy literally is an NPC where am I a dude he can't handle the truth where's Mom you have a mom shouldn't she be here with everyone else oh wait that's a good question yeah where is his mom a face did she ever have a face wait he he never had a mom never real okay wa wait don't don't think about that wait he never had a mom think they're must be a way to launch ourselves back up wait a second dude this is insane oh no he's hyperventilating I want you to tell me exactly what I am how do you explain it man you're literally like code you're a bunch of ones and zeros my guy okay now we got to see how the crew is doing in the chocolate is everybody okay no oh man poor pomy I hope she's all right poor pomy how about poor us we're one tanker away from being Augustus Glo how are they going to get out of this what is that do my eyes deceive me what the heck delicious gift from within the kingdom Gates oh no don't mind if like to W wo wo wo buddy we're not food we're not candy we're none of that you don't want to eat us just take the Swiss roll Cy how am I expected to eat something that's not made of candy take the Swiss roll I'm sorry H also wait a second is this thing like half Swiss roll half tortilla I I swear that's a tortilla right there huh candy like that's definitely a tortilla right sorry py always seems to miss the big loopy monsters who are you anyway I am the fudge the fudge okay I might have a new favorite character B by that rotten princess after I ate too many of the delicious Town folk yeah that's messed up man you can't B so delicious sometimes I can hear them calling to me okay now I can see why he was banished this guy is freaking crazy that just sounds like murder really murder if it's delicious answer me that you make a great point no ja bad point why don't you leave this to me before I start thinking I'm flipping my my my head around what I look like I'm 12 dude hair looks like licorice Jack oh wow it kind of does oh no now that he said that I can't un see it you seem like an upstanding guy with real noble goals oh I'm not you knew what I did in my free time oh you'd be seconded as I was saying I happen to know a way into the kingdom walls if you'd be willing to help us out in return dude Jax is so big brain wait this is huge here H it with this you must be some kind of Master of unlocking things to free me from my outdoor something like that that's me all we need you to do is help us bring some dirty Bandits to Justice oh wait a second oh that was that that doesn't count rap a wink at me wait what just happened I D I feel like I think things are about to heat up like this is where things heat up man the question is like how do they get out of this like they're literally stuck out of bounds you want to try helping out at all are you still we might have finally found a character more down bad than bney hey you okay no he's not okay no you want to talk about it no he doesn't what is that to talk about I don't just want to leave you here why not I don't matter in the slightest I'm nothing nobody my life Noor my friends so fake you can make new ones it's okay dude P's not the one to give good life advice may seem weird but I think I know the feeling well maybe not the exact feeling kind of kind of you know feeling like you're nothing is kind of normal I mean people even feel like that in the world I came from but you still care about your buddies up there don't you of course I'm sure they still care about you come on buddy doesn't matter what do we have when you people leave we're just obstacles created to be defeated and forgotten I actually it's true that's literally true you don't have to be yeah you could become good the the circus the the place I'm from well I I'm originally from somewhere else come on man but cheer up buddy if it has to be my home maybe it can be yours too comp more interesting at the very least maybe you could be somebody real there yeah yo PNE actually the goat right now up how does this benefit you at all I guess I just don't want you to feel like you're nothing I don't want anybody to feel like that but I'm not even a real person would I even belong this is deep I'm sure you wouldn't belong any less than me and I could use a friend a friend come on you're a strange little character suppose I could give it a try yeah come on dude all I ask is that we don't tell The Lads about this there a couple of broad audio boys wait I what what did he just speak Australian what what I got to turn on the captions for that I have no idea what he said ask is that we don't tell the ls about this okay I know that there a couple of bride eyed Yos there are a couple of bright-eyed Yos what is a yabo dude oh I got to look this up yabo a cruel and brutal fellow so like they're just tough and I don't want to Dragon down with me I'm going to use that word for the rest of my life now What's Your Name by the way gum just terms no no it's way more dumb than yours pomy don't even try to relate here maybe some kind of glitch with go I'm not really sure how we could I'll turn the captions off okay a it cracked me up man I'm just throwing at the wall here if this doesn't work we can try something else you're the expert here I'm really not she really isn't go yeah she really is not the expert I just realized this might be a little vient oh what what it's a spaceship this is not what I expected from episode 2 but I'm all here for it okay now like I feel like I'm witnessing a romance like is is it me or do you feel like a little romantic going on between gummy goo and pomy huh I feel the love right now between the two of them I mean you're glitched out of the map you're flying in a spaceship that's made out of candy how can you not get a little romantic wait what okay now what is going on over here man hoping it be what were you hoping for you know like one big final battle Bloodshed death chaos whatever are you sure they disappeared it wasn't that they fell off or something I I can't say for sure but uh yes definitely yeah they fell out the map the boss to vanish with a clown very unusual concerning well if worst comes to worst we could always ask Kane to find her worried she's having another horrible experience we do not need Kane to be involved upset about Kan needs to stay away I don't think she really likes me that much it's a lot for anybody to go through don't take it too personally I remember how long it took for you to adjust oh yeah I'm surprised you remember that I feel like you can adjust to this what like you know what I mean like you you you just cannot physically adjust to what's happening in this world do you guys have a second truck that flies yeah oh wait wa wait wait that means oh no I go they just killed the fudge no bro he was like my new favorite character okay all right you know that's fair what even was that uh what's all this Stu chocolate py are you okay well what happened yeah I'm fine I uh I made a new friend gig go boss Where Have You Been we got fudged no Bo good to see you Lads now the question is can gamigo actually keep it a secret from his boys or sorry his Yos two bad guy trucks Oh wait a second this one's full of surup too this is like best case scenario suppose it is well you don't suppose my mates here could uh take this one back to the Village could they I guess since there's two of them yeah this is a win-win situation huh oh no unbelievably disappointed right now wait what well maybe there will be blood death and violence in the next adventure how wholesome uh oh yeah uh this wait are they playing patty gake wa they're playing patty cake in the background he's going to come back circus with us oh uh is that allowed his reality was kind of completely shattered I feel like the least I could offer him gentle head leaving him behind hey that's good of you P let's take this dumb truck to the dumb Kingdom I guess JX is not having it man okay dude thanks to you Brave Knights this is way too wholesome of an ending there's going to be some insane Twist by the end of this right will once again I'm sure it was no easy task you have no idea farewell Brave Knights have fun executing that Bandit fella yes wait what that is what we're doing oh yes here it is oh hey maybe I didn't leave the gate unlocked for nothing after all wait tell is that gummy goo you still did that wait is that the fud you did what now well love to help you again sometime bye bro Jax is actually evil like I love Jax but like lowkey that guy evil my little hard sheld hamburgers so this is the circus huh get used to this oh looks like one of these guys made it through no he's cool he's cool wait what I know you guys love your NPCs but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC who knows what could happen dude the moment we thought pomy was finally going to be sane dude she's just been through the ringer man I'm going to go drink water it's been a while since I've done that yeah know hey good hydration reminder there buddy appreciate you Kane I thought he'd never leave I'm really sorry about that pomy she finally had like normaliz and Sanity for once and then that happened you know he might be back in a future Adventure I know Kane sometimes likes to reuse NPCs no she's done got everything ready wait what what do you mean everything's ready you at least want to join us for cmo's funeral no we like to have a little little funeral service to remember the people who abstract this one just got pushed around a bit with your arrival and everything it's the least we can do to honor their memory yeah so if you guys didn't watch the first episode kfmo abstracted AKA just starts glitching and turns into a giant demon and and try to kill everybody like imagine your pomy you just witness a friend that you made die in front of you and then you're just going to your friend's funeral oh man I always think I'm prepared for these things but then you set up the picture and well I'm already breaking [Music] there's just no winning here man there's literally no winning in the amazing digital [Music] circus okay buddy don't cry no now I'm going to cry huh I just turned 30 yesterday and I already cried so much so many of You Beautiful People send in all these bird like all of you guys send in birthday wishes to me and literally made me cry it's on our Discord if you want to see it wait what is this wait whose hand wait whose hand is that [Music] wait is that all of their hands cuz wait wait why does this hand look like a human hand wait a second what was that human hand doing there oh dude I have so many questions that need to be answered don't tell me I need to wait till episode 3 dude if it ends here I'm done don't tell me it's over no go come on man no no no no no don't go anywhere there's got to be something at the end come on no wait there's nothing at the end no no dude we got to wait for episode three now Okay click either one of these videos if you want to keep watching thank you so much for watching have a blessed day and I'll see you all in amazing digital circus episode 3
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 257,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: 3BzGDv0WYNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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