Single Souls: How to Handle Being Single - Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim

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although the La Nina shape on your G bismillah a more money more here II Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh in a hamdulillah he not matter who won a stay in a hornet South Pharaoh when I would let him in surely I'm 40 now women say yeah RTI Molina my ass de l'homme fella moody Lahoma nuclear fella hadiyyah-lah y shadow a la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika Y shadow anna muhammadan abdullah he wore a pseudo sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa salim about yeah you holla Dena a mwahaha karate well at Aventura illa anta muslim hoon yeah Johannes otaku Rebecca melody hahaha cumin FC Waheeda Oaxaca mean has a yahoo FM in whom original and Katherine Juanita Alcala hell edited whenever he won a ham inna llaha canary Curitiba ya ayyuha alladhina amanu taco la jara co Odense d de la c'mon alaikum wa lakin kunu Baku o Maharaja who forgot fast the folks in our email and my dad always and forever will begin with the praise of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we send our prayers of peace upon nabi muhammad sallallaahu are you seldom we testify with firmness and conviction that none is worthy of worship but Allah that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his worshipping slave and final messenger I continually remind myself a new of tako allah azza wajal which is the inward looking to our heart seeking the pleasure of a loss of hannah wa ta'ala hoping to find sincerity in the depth of our reality of this existence so that we may manifest it in the outward conduct the words we say the habits we have the actions that we perform all of it fearing allah loving Allah having hope in Allah Azza WA JAL and I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala raises the rank of Aetna bahamut's Allah who are you seldom and that he makes him from those who will be an intercessor for us on the day of judgement and that we are worthy of the shafa'ah of Anna vigil Karim Ali hear of the losada automata sleep I have you know and Hum Dil a good amount of time with my brothers and sisters here today and you know this conference about love is nice you know it's refreshing masha'Allah and speaking about half of our Deen you know when you think of the gravity of the topic the issues that relate to the fill and the clout and the towhead and all of the things that come together in that union of a husband and wife that sprouts loving children loving to Allah first and loving to their parents wallah he just yesterday when I was driving home with the kids before getting on the plane and coming Friday my daughter she was saying Baba you know you're not first I said what does that mean cheering she said Allah is first now I've been trying to teach her bubbles first Yanni yeah she was bubble you not first I said okay and she said you're not second I said who's second muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam I go but I'm third she goes bah bah you know the hadith she's only seven mashallah I go which hadith who's gonna come next she said mom I said yeah yeah and your mom and I Yanni were the same she goes no three times mum only one you it's a heartbreaking hadith as a father really when you come to that reality and I said and then she goes then you Baba after mom thank you you know our children are a byproduct of our hope and I would love for allah subhanahu wa tada and many of us we forget that the initial steps in our life the things that really matter the most and the things that will affect us in the greatest capacity on the day of judgment are those who are nearest to us the one that allah terrifies you about on the day of judgment and the one that allah puts fear in you is your spouse and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he tells us in different places in the Quran in two or three different verses that from enamine as logical from your own spouse your husband your wife I do one Laocoon is an avowed enemy to you not an enemy as a combatant but on the day of judgement each of us is going to be separate and Allah o Bottomly Barden I do those who loved each other the most in the dunya who were Halil to each other on the day of judgment they will be enemies to one another ll multiple except those who were pious your wife will pull you to her he's a by your neck and when she is asked by Allah she's gonna say answer for me the prophet sallallaahu are you a Selim the last thing he says on his member he's unable to walk to the member he is carried there and the last words he can't give a lecture and admonition he can only say two sentences Kelly Matan to the OMA as a legacy something to worry about a salat or sada your prayers your prayers when I look at a man who and how you deal with those under your authority lolicon Salah Salah is for you and Allah when my man look at a man who command who is in your control who you are responsible for your husband your wife your children your father your mother those who are a part of your most intimate dealings in life you'll be questioned those are the two things so we start from the beginning my job in the next three sessions insha'Allah is to talk to the brothers and the sisters I know it's it's difficult when you're doing a joint session but you can interact with the brothers and you can't with the sisters because you know they have different questions different thoughts than what the brothers have so we'll do our best insha'Allah so sometimes I might do you but I'll gain them and other times they'll to doubt but I doubt liking you evening la hey Tejada of course I don't want to give our secrets as brothers you don't you don't want the sisters to know right you know you you want to keep something for the brothers but at the same time the sisters need their HUP I'll try to be balanced Ilana I mean many times you hear a cop-out statement sometimes many of our brothers you you hear these things odds fitnah summertime you know in Birmingham in Canada in Perth in Australia my fitnah people are not dressed driving haha it's difficult we assume that at the time of the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam we seem to think seem to forget that there was greater sexual ization there was greater mutinous nakedness there was greater drunkenness see when you talk about the jahiliyyah those early years where the Prophet SAW seldom came you have to understand that people drank hummed wine and liqueurs and intoxicants more than water can you believe that because in the deserts water was polluted you know when they described The Watcher that was drunk I shot of the Aloha and the hadith and Albahari she said there were times we had no wealth no no nothing in the home of the Prophet I seldom to consume except the two black things unless we're done what is this two black things water why is water black because it was money you know they go to a well and take out muddy water and dates that was the food of the prophets I said him at times for weeks the people of Quraysh the Bowie Kuhne they used to drink alcoholic fermented beverages instead of water because they were cleaner if I drink the liquor I won't get sick because it's fermented there's no bacteria in it while if I drink water I get sick pre-islamic poetry is some of the filthiest sexualized stuff you can read some of it is just a lot a club man these people were vile and you can see it from the depictions that Allah tells you in the Quran can you imagine someone in their right mind now taking their daughter digging a grave burying her alive that's how these people lived at the time of the Prophet isin so don't come in our time in our places in in civilized society where yes there is nudity there is there is there is there is and think oh man it's difficult to control ourselves now at the time of the Prophet SAW I said those who were enslaved there was slavery people who lost the right to control their own destiny in life the women used to walk around unclothed and the ayat in the Quran where Allah initially enjoins the hijab upon the wives of the Prophet so I seldom the respectable women of the believers the daughters of the Prophet I seldom it was in part initially to bring that sect that segmentation in society vaticana and you're often she's known she's a Muslim don't look at me don't I'm not like those others there was a separation it became known that you cannot just grab me and do what you want with me as others had that abuse occurring so this was common at the time of the Prophet SAW syndrome today we have the common nudists and nakedness that subhanAllah is at times by choice we're talking now to brothers you know this mobile phone iPads one of the most destructive things to your heart to your Dean to you're allowed to your Iman to your taqwa to your life your death and your resurrection it can be this the ease of access to the Haram the unfettered access to Wi-Fi where no one sees you but Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala knows where now it's not just a choice about the fitna of the dunya but it's a choice that people make and destroy their shame before a lots of Hana Hana so here's the first principle you are not responsible for what people wear you are responsible for what your eyes perceive and look at and what lie I want if nothing you hear nothing today for me except this well lot attendant you you you will have Najah it's not what other people are wearing don't be concerned too much with what others are wearing don't be that judgmental don't worry about everyone else lemon tomorrow you were not ordered to make someone certain way but you were ordered believe me Nina hodo min obsidian tell them to avert their gaze the believing men from that which they know will strike their heart and bring them to sinfulness valleca this is what is necessary for you as a believer that's the first step so the first principle is moral responsibility for yourself don't take that cop-out roll all we live in a difficult time and all of this be responsible for you who you are don't talk about the other but be concerned with yourself concern yourself with yourself and this is from the way of our nabi muhammad sallallaahu are you seldom we see in a famous hadith the hadith of alphab in the day of hajj umrah a woman worldly a tell you AG who had a beautiful face came to ask the prophet a question while he seated on his camel she came to ask a question to the Prophet and Al Fogg was riding behind our Navy so I sell him on the same came all the Prophet had him next to him and the prophets all failed to keep looking at this sister the Slavia and the prophet notices took his face and turned his face away the Prophet didn't say to leave he entered acquire and then fugly says even though the Prophet turned my face she's a I turned ahead take a look masha'Allah masha'Allah right the Prophet take turns his face away so Allahu Allah will send him suddenly why I say three times your responsibilities to yourself do what's right for yourself we I want to take a methodical approach injure a lot in our discussion and I want to talk about keys to success for a single man and a single woman alright we're going to talk about 20 things that will make you a successful bachelor mashallah and a successful Bachelorette someone who will put yourself in a position worthy of a good kneecap and always remember the words of Allah where he says apply he will never pull you back the good are for the good they should be partnered together in life and in the next life allahumma Ameen step 1 trust fate Qatar and Manville kada many times are good questions especially usually from sisters more than brothers where there's a lot more familial pleasure on them you're 19 you're too old subhanAllah in some cultures all right you're 22 23 yeah I've had you know a few people come but I haven't had anyone in the last six or seven months brother yeah hey what what you are can I make to get married right it's almost as if there's this panic that the color and the faith that is destined for us will not reach us and I wish to begin and I begin with this first step to calm the nerves of those who find themselves in a position and in a time where they're worrying about where their future will take them and I say to you that it becomes necessary for you to maintain your belief in Allah Subhan Allah to Anna by assuming the color of Allah is debris is supreme faith interact with us in different levels at times you sitting in front of me you seem to think that you have more control in your life than you do and you don't none of us chose when we were born to who we are born where we are born in what ethnicity and language group we are born in one ERA in time we are born in what faith we were born things that are beyond us could you imagine you know how difficult it is to find a spouse you have to look for someone to get married to could you imagine if you had to find parents like it's so difficult to find a wife or a husband could you imagine if you have to choose your parents if you had to choose that essential you are given by Allah in life so trust your heart with allah subhanaw taala remember these two hadith the first one the Prophet is Adam Sessler hadith is ing America saw a hadith low end of NYADA Maya Haribo min R is guru Kamiya horrible min al mount la asada who is kablamo t if a human being was to try to run away from risen what law has destined for us o madam if you were to try to run away from your R is the way you try to run away from death meaning when you get sick you go to the doctor when you're hungry eat when your third you you try to avert your death if you were to do the same things you did to try to escape what Allah has written for you in R is la saw the horoscope oblem LT your risk will come before your death can't escape it second the prophet sallallaahu re you were seldom he tells us in the hadith of gibreel that from the essentials of faith at the end of the six articles of faith that we believe in another higher he wash of rain it's good and what we seem to think is bad but it is good for us other interact with us in three levels there are things that are happening within me and within you beyond my control and my knowledge it's pada you have no control over the processes within you if you were to try to hold your breath you can't if you were to try to command your heart to stop you can't it's beat and that NEFAs you have is counted by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala no one can increase it no one can decrease it except him that's with Allah second there are things that happen to you that you could not avert you're sitting at a red light you have your seatbelt on you're not breaking any laws a truck hits you from the back other nothing you could have done to avert it the third level of padam is how you react to the first two how you react to the first two the truck struck you from the back you say why me why does a lot always do this to me has shown this distrust in other why am I not getting married why is no one asking for me why why why why distrust in Al Qatar so the first step reaffirm our faith in allah subhana wa ta'ala by affirming that allah is are they're able willing knowledgeable has machine over us has the will to give and to withhold as he will subhana wa ta'ala number two to make yourself an eligible bachelor brother and sister master the fundamentals of life don't be one of those who thinks some things are not as important as others as a Muslim as one who submits to allah subhana wa ta'ala you seek to master the essentials of our faith know everything that needs to be known about salah about Leon about Dhaka know about Touhey know about the things that are fundamental to your Deen the soul of the faith know about right and wrong and halal and Haram to the capacity that you need in the life that you live and it's a requirement on you that you don't just say when it's time I'll try to find out something or I'll just read or ask no you have to build knowledge that arrives you to a level of certainty and a means of those two types there's one knowledge that it is Medora everyone sees it you don't need to tell anyone it's over time when they see the Sun in the sky it's known it's clear it's not nighttime it's Laura but then there's alien through it still and through seeking evidence what's the deal why is this right and this wrong and that's where it becomes essential for you to master the fundamentals of our Deen number three learn from your parents life from the eggs and from the successes parents don't like when I say this many of us we see our parents have done things that we do not ever want to repeat and that's natural and you find that those who are ideal role models for our communities past and present were those who gave Nasia to their children to avert them from repeating the same mistakes that they made and those who are given to us as the worst example of parents are those who do not teach their children to be wary of the mistakes that they made in life you need to learn from the mistakes that your parents made if you see agitation in the home between your father and mother and their bickering and and distrust and verbal abuse and things that are unethical an islamic unacceptable for many people they fall at times prey to the same trend that they witnessed in their home and that becomes a shame upon us as muslims fine to allah subhana wa ta'ala a path that is different to your parents in the errors and the mistakes that they have made in life and therefore you hear the words of ibraheem alehissalaam ya ibadi my father in a jar an amine Eleni Malamute iike feta bernie adocus rotten Zowie my father in Surat ammonium I have come to learn knowledge that has not arrived to you follow me in it you don't have to listen to me but just do something similar to what I'm doing it'll save you from that path of destruction you are upon yeah because you're often so you you'll be led to the right way yeah epithelia taboo to Shaitaan don't follow the word the way of the Shaitaan so you need to be aware of the mistakes of those who preceded you at the same time you need to see the successes and recognize that you my dear brother and sister stand on the shoulder of giants this message it is a testament to this and other masajid in the United Kingdom for the young brothers and sisters here it's very easy for us to become from a cult of critique where everything we do were critiquing critiquing critiquing critiquing and we don't give credit where it's due and Allah tells you what a tendency will follow vanakkam do not forget the blessings that preceded you from one another this Masjid and the Mossad did all up and down surrounding the United Kingdom did not come to existence without sacrifice without hard work if I was to take one of my young brothers here and I transport him into the middle of China and I say to you you after you're in a new country you don't speak the language you don't have a lot of wealth there's no one here before you maintain your Deen find a loving spouse build a message build schools have halal meat make institutions that help in times of marriage and divorce have levels of our to arbitration get involved with the government find ways to influence righteousness in society and I'm going to come back in twenty thirty years show me what you've done you think you will do like what our uncle's have done here in this country and therefore be appreciative of the sacrifices of those who came before you when you see the gray bearded men who have been here thirty forty years when you see the Imams who come and sit and sometimes their talks are not as inspiring or as insightful sometimes maybe there's this connection with social media and these kind of things they're not accustomed to it sometimes they're not as fun and jovial as this new generation but you see those white beards recognize that for each of those hairs there was sacrifice that was made for the place you pray in today that makes you a right young man who knows the words of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam lay Samina he cannot be one of us men Lemieux Walker Kabir aho the one who doesn't hold his elder in honor and esteem salah la Jara us a new number for practice Islam every day I know it sounds strange but when I say practice I'm talking like you know football players what do they do how does a guy become the top of his game practices he does it every day and enjoys the practice enjoys the sacrifice instead of doing this you'll do something else because this is what's going to get me to the goal I need and when I use that word practice it's an important word practice Islam every day learn something you put it into the into practice here something implemented and that was the methodology of the Sahaba one Allah when you ask them how how were they if you were to see them you were to observe them from a distance the thing that you will see that sews them all together was their word ah do Sammy Anna Donna we here we do it we're gonna do it yellow so allah so allah haughty listen practice due diligence invest yourself in the worship of allah and in the implementation of the Sunnah of the messenger Mohammed sighs item number five you know you're getting right you want to become this righteous young man blessed young woman number five Elm is important knowledge and when I talk about knowledge Allah I'm not just talking about al-quran where Sunna I'm not just talking about deaf sea or Inferno soul and no I'm talking about knowledge of everything that you can grasp a Larry and Tyler man could see CheY CheY knowledge in its most comprehensive sense is that you acquire something about everything you know something about everything you know - weed and you know a little bit of algebra you know why the sky is blue and how an engine works you know how to change your tire or it's flat when it's flat and you know what the difference between sahi and life is in and all of it will lead you to a loss of vanuatu odda looking yourself and looking to biology and look into history and look into geography and look into social sciences look into Taj we'd look into the the Sunan look into the hadith look into the genre look into everything don't be insular don't be binary it's yes or no only because the world is full of changes constantly in evolution so learn knowledge is not just to learn something about everything but also where entire lemons I could Lachey and then that one thing that in passions you that interests you that you seek to learn about it everything that you can that's knowledge specialize you know a little bit about everything but there's this one thing yes I'm going to delve into the art of reciting the Quran into the luga into the tafseer I'm going to learn about history I'm going to become a mathematician I enjoy programming find something that you can use as a passion that you have in life and all of that is knowledge number six don't let other people get into your head don't be swayed by the opinions of others completely you know a man one of the things that you notice about the Sahaba of the prophet sallallaahu you settle them was that they were determined in verifying information for themselves one of the men who came from the tribes of those as soon as he came touch the mushrikeen they controlled Mecca they stood at its outer boundaries and they said to the people if you're coming into our city to make Hajj there's a man here named muhammad sallallahu wasallam Kalam who qussair his words are bewitching magical be careful you Fergus Cobain L a B and AB blood 'no they separates the child from their father well Roger leeuwen rata and a man and woman one will believe in the other will not he's brought destruction to our people of barrage don't listen to him so this man they gave him cotton and he said take this cotton put in your ear so that you don't hear the Quran and the Prophet SAW seldom would sit near the Kaaba and all you would do was recite the words of allah sallallahu listened and he says I belong Allah anos maneja the Quran Allah refused except that I would hear it you know the cotton kind of wiggled it a little bit out of my ear and I heard you know Allah on and from the beauty of the Quran that was revealed in Mecca to the prophets I seldom you know there's majesty in how the verses were the the Quran that was revealed in Mecca its rhythm it sound the structure of its verbs and and verses are different to the Medina versus the Quran that was revealed in Mecca to the Prophet I said in those early chapters all of it was short sentences that had a cliffhanger effect you you didn't know what was coming next al Rahman who is he a lemon or an - who halal in Sun why ulema who'll be on a shams what is it well come up huh the husband I'm Maya Tessa a loon what are they arguing about and never allowing the great news what is it I don't know what is it what happened what's the great news I let you home feed him off telephone they will remain always arguing about it Taha who is he what is this man's analytical core analytical this forum isn't made to make your life difficult so what's it for alert of Kira it's a reminder for who Lehman Yasha to the one who has piety tanzeel and came down from where min Mahalo Aloha Samoa Tallulah from the one who made this earth and the heavens above who's this one a ronin ala largest el elevated above the Irish of majesty subhana tada the verses were short succinct had this cliffhanger effect so this man he hears these words he said I need to hear more he said to himself yeah I'm in Nakano Julie you're a man you're not a child Labib intelligent after you have knowledge shy you're a poet terrible Toby humming a lesson you know good from evil words listen to what he says make up your own decision and that's how we are the Ummah at sallallahu wasallam and those who have that righteous touch that desire of good are those who think critically we're not people who believe in hocus pocus we're not people who believe in falsities were people of Delisle and effort and narrations and footsteps that we Traverse that were passed before us by the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam don't let other people influence your thoughts so that you no longer have an analysis and a critique of what you hear number seven know how to respond to failure you know you're going to fail in many things in life and as a young man as an a young woman at times there will be the process of marriage that will come to end prematurely you won't get married at times you have hope of someone and it never materializes but you think it's a sure thing but it's not so I take you back to point number one which is believe in other fate and this number seven is an important point that when failure occurs and when you could not actualize what you thought was the only possible outcome solidify your faith in a loss of Hannah wata'ala that what Allah knows is greater than what you know and what Allah intends is a better outcome than what you plan for yourself and if what you wanted was given to you it would destroy you dunya or akhirah and therefore you hear the words of the Prophet SAW Selim that he teaches us in the door of histah Hara lama Iniesta Haruka Beranek I ask you by the knowledge you had that I don't have what the rhotic the power you possess that none of us possess if this thing is better for me in life and in the next life bring it closer to me materialised if not positive we'll turn it away from me number eight fear is an illusion many brothers many sisters they come to that point where chef you know I've been single for a little bit of time in Yanni it's about time but I'm scared sisters especially what if what if the beard does not mean he wakes up profession what if the big beard the brother has I thought that that meant he's a good Muslim but he's not gonna wake up profession like I hear from many sisters I thought he prays right he doesn't profession what if what we see outwardly is not inward what am I gonna do the show what if it becomes divorce you know I have a sister who's divorced and a cousin that got divorce I wonder if I'm a single mother oh sure what if I don't know something about her and then I find out later what am I gonna do fear fear is an illusion there's a difference between fear and danger of course right you know I was on a plane and you know I was sitting and the lady walked in and she had with her a coach a fear coach she's you know the type of people who don't want to fly she's scared of flying but you could tell like she's wealthy and you know she needs to start flying she's a businesswoman maybe and the you know he's sitting with her next to her in the seat and I could hear him he's coaching her he's saying so you're gonna hear some noises that don't worry they're just closing the the luggage gate and you know the engines are gonna start soon and it that smell it's not fire it's just you know these kind of things he's talking to her and as soon as the door closed she was okay until she saw she heard the lady you know the steward she announces a guy lock the lock the doors or something cabin crew please lock the doors she freaked out man Halas that was it that was the moment it was the doors are closed I got to get out and she stood up he tried to hold you can do this you can weave what remember breathe remember the breathing I'm not breathing I'm underwater I got to get out and she just let out this scream that he knew there was no way this plane was taking off with her on it so they opened the door they offloaded then we had to wait and they took their bags and you know that's fear it's crippling fear is unsubstantiated millions of people are flying at any given point of time there's a difference between that and crossing the road without looking that's dangerous do you see the difference ones danger ones fear one is manageable based on psychological problems that a person might have they look at things in a way that cripples them and a law tells us in the Quran often even to those who are more great than us and stronger than us and possess greater knowledge than us lot of any mikuma as Mourad Latta Hoffa don't be scared Musa and hone I hear everything I see everything don't be afraid because that fear is going to you it doesn't mean don't be aware of danger and in life I'm not telling you say oh I trust a law and leave it to Allah there's nothing to be afraid of just go away no you should be aware of danger of marrying someone who is misrepresenting themselves blah blah you know all these kind of things but that should not you of fearing anyone who comes and asks for you or for you to ask about anyone else so fear should be managed fear therefore is an illusion number nine hopefully we don't get sued just do it you got to do it but well I've number ten to it which is you can't do it alone you can't just make decisions on your own you need to get married a hamdullah good but don't just go do whatever you want to do and not consider your family your honor your name your your community you have to think there are yes there are needs and there are essentials and there he's the right one I don't care what anyone says I'm gonna do it nah you need people with you even one Matt sallallahu wasallam needed the sahaba of the Prophet they were the best of hearts and the best of people who shared the burden with him sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they are tantamount to the success of an Islam is because of whom Allah sent with him sallallahu wasallam to carry the burden as UEFA after him generation upon generation the people of knowledge bear that burden as inheritors of the prophet sallallaahu re wa salem so none of us can do it alone you need people to assist you number 11 excellence speaks for itself don't seek to represent yourself and talk too much and no excellence excellence quality speaks for itself and you need to hone your skills and your Iman and your ebody you need to hone your knowledge your degrees your wealth you need to hone yourself you need to excel as much as you can in the greatest capacity possible to make yourself the best you can be because excellence represents who you truly are and therefore the one who sits on the side and Mahad Lavine you know Allah talks about people just sit on the side the ones that hold back people who they will do but in their heart they don't really believe they are those who don't have excellent and therefore this concept of Hasan this gradual continuous unending process of seeking perfection is the character and the ideology of the believer number 12 expect your door to be answered make dua to Allah Subhan Allah you know a new mama chef a rahmatullahi d he would say a DRA victor had judy as a melody you sleep do i when you do your tahajud and you turn to allah in your night prayers is an arrow that never misses the mark you're gonna hit the target dead center bullseye because you are seeking allah subhanahu wa tada and therefore expect your door to be entered ask allah with specifics moon sun when he asked allah he doesn't say o allah send me a helper he says Haruna he send me Haru not any Harun the one my brother why he tells a lot why you know when you make dua this muna ja explain your reason Europe I need your best ahead of us you know open my doors of risk the car needs this and the wife and the children and Ya Allah help me with this and name your need you know put break yourself to a loss of hana wa tada the concept of ho schewe is that you are broken to allah you have broken into pieces before allah hoping that he will put you back together subhanahu wa'ta'ala number 13 when it's time to change change for young brothers and sisters sometimes we find it difficult to look ourselves in the mirror and say you know it's enough i've been going the wrong way for too long or i've been trying this for too long when it's time for you to change change when you've been eating your head against the same wall same door it's not opening it's not working don't keep doing it sometimes you just gotta say instead of bashing my wall i need to go around the corner and open the door sometimes you need to change tactic i need to think about other avenues that will lead you to success number 14 for my young sisters my young brothers the best things in life are usually the simplest it's the simple things and that's in act of worship and that's also in relationship success keep it simple you know if you pick up your phone now not right now after my talking chat law and you give your mama ring you just ring your mama no reason I can tell you what she's gonna say I know you say what's wrong why are you calling me it's unnatural her son rings at a time that he never rings her daughter ring what will you okay what happened you say no no no mom I just a lie I never big just wanted a I love you what are you okay find it strange Fe straight love you Wow what's wrong with you what happened to you where are you abnormal but for us as Muslims really that's the simplest thing the prophets are seldom says when you love someone what do you do tell them you know all the time you meet brothers say a book of Allah Masha Allah but Allah and we struggled to say that to our own wife you know you meet a lot of brothers a book a field a yeah I love you for Allah Masha Allah I shall look at this easy coming with the love then the number one thing what our wives complain about lies unaffectionate I never hear a night yani nice word Kedah I got hit her yeah something simple it's a simplest things you don't even have to do anything you just gotta say it believe it in your heart and say it brothers we kind of you know do things the wrong way we think that we show another way where I gave you money yesterday very big you there you go that's your love yella go buy something right la there's the simplest matters in love and it's a seminary badda between you and allah subhanaw taala kelly Matan two words Kathy fatale nice and easy on the tongue heavy in the scales of Han allahu wa bihamdihi para la la vie - raka just two are better than the dunya waa mafia better than the world and all that's in it - raka before Fechter logical simple simplest things are taught to us by our enemies - the Prophet SAW Salem says the one who recites ayatul kursi bad akula's Allah after every prayer the only thing keeping him out of Jannah is that they're still living la a club that's it that's all I got to do I just do my sign say Allah Allah Allah read that that's it I'm in general already but it's because I'm alive that I'm not there yet the moment I'm out of this dunya my place is Jenna just for that one ayah five times a day allahu akbar simplest things in life are the ones that raise your rank demand the best from others by giving it it's very difficult for you to demand the best when you're not willing to give the best it's very difficult for you to expect the greatest spouse when you're not going to be the greatest spouse Vicco he said I want this actually has to be this way and he has to be that way and when you look in the mirror you see nothing from what you're demanding of others and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says when a Huna missed Oliviana he'll never model give to them what you expect of them 16 control your emotion and one of the most difficult aspects for people who are still on the cusp of that next stage in life you know that life-changing process of marriage is keeping their emotions under check happiness and sorrow elation difficulty you know Allah even describes moosari is Salam in the Quran where he says that what moves has stood in front of the magicians and they threw down their sticks and they're so n there and their ropes and it made the shape of snakes even mooses eyes were bewitched the L Jess afine FCC fat a Musa Allah shows you that Musa was scared but Allah shows you where he was scared he enough see he internally Musa hid his emotion what he projected to the outside world not necessarily what he felt in his heart and therefore never lose control of your outer character and actions and emotions so that you are happy beyond what others can anticipate and that your sorrow is so destructive that it pushes you down and humiliate you in front of others lessens the regard of others to you we're going to finish with the last three after loving what you do you know controlling your emotions and having love and you know for young people especially try to study something and try to find a vocation and a job that you enjoy doing don't ever be from those who are just going to be stuck doing something they don't love doing but number 18 19 or 20 are three things that are all intertwined together and probably the best advice that I can give forget the past focus on the present and don't try to control the future these three things are essential for every young man young woman when you're thinking about you know you're single and these three things become very significant you're fat your past get over it whoever it is whatever relationship whatever happened make Toba to Allah ask Allah for support if it was a broken heart you experienced get on with it forget the past focus on where you are today and don't try to control and manage the future because it is not in your hand keep your trust with the fate that our law subhana WA Ta'ala has for you well like there's a lot more that I wish to talk to you about I think we're going to take a short break and we'll get back into talking about some of the things that will make us ideal and suitable candidates for others hopefully in chat law it's practical and we'll do our best with that subhanak oklahoma be handy for shadowy tehila enter stuff require boutique oh they'll be longing mean a shape on your lodging bismillahi rahmani mahi
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 74,400
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Keywords: conference, death, fawzan, arifi, asrar, rashid, murtaza, khan, alkauthar, mercy, mission, islamic, reminder, qadhi, hamza, yusuf, khutbah, iera, dawah, nasheed, sunnah, bidah, green, lane, masjid, mosque, salafi, publications, refutation, freemasons, dajjal, abu, khadeejah, salafis, quran, hadeeth, red, brick, media, bakr, umar, sufi, barelwi, zakir, naik, peace, makkah, madinah, live, sudais, huda, emotional, lecture, deobandi, al-maghrib, almaghrib, jihad, dispatches, debate, shia, shiah, sufism, hanafi, saudi, scholars, tawassul, islam, paradise, hell
Id: S9jMsgO7RfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 23 2014
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