The Advantage of Conviction - Bro. Brandon Jordan - 9.8.21

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[Music] come on throw those hands in the air is [Music] can you sing it is with this come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] cuz [Music] with me oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] much [Music] we adore you my father [Music] anybody knows [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god how great you are come on lift your voice in your hands and declare itself [Music] [Music] when i look back over my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come and move on [Music] come and breathe [Music] praise the lord everybody welcome to wednesday night service so thankful to be in the house of the lord i don't know if you feel it but already the prayers that have been going up during this special week of prayer i already feel god just moving he's doing a work and i'm so thankful that we get to be a part and we're going to go into a time of worship however you feel comfortable if you want to sit if you want to stand we're just going to worship the king and bring an offering of praise i wonder if we can do that before we sing lord just worship his name we love you lord we give you praise jesus we give you our worship we give you our thanks we give you our praise for you alone are worthy and deserving of it jesus you're worthy of all the praise god you're worthy of all glory and all honor to unto you jesus you're faithful who promised god we put our trust in our hope and your word we put our hope in you jesus have your way jesus have your way jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] lord [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] bring it to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] me around [Music] you jesus [Music] is [Music] me [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] and how good god has been to me i was raised in this and i'm so thankful but my dad wasn't and this was his favorite song he'd get up and he'd lead it in worship and an overwhelming sense of gratitude every time we sing this song i just want to thank him for saving me i don't deserve it i'm a wretch undone i don't know about you but i don't deserve his grace i don't deserve his goodness i don't deserve his kindness but if it wasn't for the lord who was on my side where would i be we're gonna sing it again and i just want you to think think about the goodness of the lord and how good he's been to [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give hallelujah our worship jesus glory to your name god hallelujah hallelujah what a mighty country we give you our worship jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh thank you jesus [Music] is [Music] that will bless [Music] is [Music] it's all about you jesus [Music] no one could express how much [Music] is [Music] is [Music] much [Music] it's is about you jesus [Music] and it's all about it's all about you jesus [Music] [Music] it's all about you it's all about [Music] so [Music] i'm sorry lord for the thing [Music] i'm coming back [Music] is [Music] [Music] let's go ahead and just exalt him for a minute hallelujah jesus let's go back to the heart of worship hallelujah jesus thank you jesus praise you god thank you jesus thank you god thank you jesus you can be seated for a second uh just a few announcements before i bring brother brandon up to deliver the word tonight but just want to remind you that this weekend is ladies conference amen and if you haven't signed up yet are still looking for information on that please see sister connie hansen and next weekend is men's conference and please see myself brother purdy brandon jordan if you want some information on that we encourage you to go the information has been sent out so please sign up they're looking for people to register so it will help them be prepared for how many people are coming and so on so we just encourage you to do those things and um just want to relate i want our pastor pastor and sends his greetings he'll be back and ministering to a sunday uh but i just want to take a second to talk about his call uh to prayer and i i thank you all that have been doing that uh this week and uh the names are growing and uh a lot of it is by the the virus uh which name i will not glorify and using but a good portion of it is from that but there's other things but there's also a reason to um rejoice a little bit tonight amen i i i thank you all for praying because prayer works prayer works it works and and i don't have reports on all of them but every everybody is um is is getting along that is on that request and we're going to keep adding to them so send those in but there's one um that i do want to share the first part of what we're believing will be an amazing testimony and i spoke to brother jonathan morales about 15 20 minutes ago and he said please share the story he wants god to be glorified last monday sister kim morales had a fever she was a week or so away from uh having a cesarean section for their their their baby and uh the fever persisted all week so thursday she went in and they said well the baby has a fever now too so they called for an emerging emergency cesarean section that night her being positive uh with this virus obviously caused some concerns also the baby was fine everything amen was great the fever dropped thursday night amen however for whatever reason i don't know any of these details but they sent her home um saturday night so sunday night overnight she developed pneumonia with this and woke up uh monday morning barely able to breathe they called a 9-1-1 and uh ambulance came and um they took her to the hospital um the paramedics told her that if it had been 10 minutes later her oxygen and her breathing was so low that she would have not made it so god protected her got her through that night amen oh my god he was looking out thank you jesus so that was just the beginning of of of where she is now that all day monday um the reports were coming back to brother jonathan with um things don't look good um there was talk of we're preparing innovation and going on a ventilator and the prayer request went out overnight monday it wasn't looking a whole lot better but the prayers went up and yesterday and today there's been progression it went from a dire situation to the doctor saying this is very dire and desperate and this is not looking good to you're on the road to recovery [Applause] this is still the first part of the testimony because we have to pray and continue there's still some issues but they went from saying well we might look to try to get you on some solid food in two days to they're gonna give her solid food tonight so it went from we're gonna get you walking in a few days to hey we're gonna try to speed up all this process and we're just praying amen that god continue to heal so the prayers help the prayers work they don't just help god is responding amen thank you jesus brother and sister whit had a grandson that was in an accident the other day they were getting ready to do surgery and they came in today and they said we don't know we've never seen any we don't understand it but he doesn't need surgery god is moving god is answering prayers amen i think actually he deserves a little bit more than that i think if we can stand up know if we can stand up and amen hallelujah jesus you're worthy god you're worthy god hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus thank you god hallelujah jesus you're worthy god can we just take a a minute and i won't go through all the names on the list but i hope that you're seeing them let's go ahead right now and just exalt those names that prayer list just for a minute to the lord and just say lord continue to do a work continue to heal god continue lord jesus to move on these situations lord god continue lord god to let your healing touch go out lord jesus into the hospitals lord god hallelujah jesus help those lord god that are there working lord god tirelessly helping those that are in need jesus help those that are sick right now lord god with whatever it is that they're facing right now lord god continue to move lord jesus and touch god and change situations god be glorified to those that they don't have an explanation for what's happening or how someone is being healed god but we can say it's you jesus that they can see that you're glorified in the time where this world is turning to everything but you god your church still stands god your people still stand and exalt you lord god above everything else lord god we won't glorify anything else in this house god but you god you are high and lifted up jesus your name is above every sickness your name is above every illness lord god your name is above all things lord god the enemy has been defeated death couldn't hold you down lord god you're worthy of our praise tonight lord god i pray that each one of us here tonight god glorify you for what you've already done but more so for what you're going to do god the testimonies that are coming forth this year jesus you're good lord god and your mercy's endureth forever [Music] you're good all the time jesus you're mighty to save god your grace is sufficient jesus you're worthy god let your presence settle in this place jesus restore faith tonight lord god help somebody to hear what you're already doing lord god and then encourage them tonight to know that you're god that answers and hears our prayers god you're on the throne god [Music] you're on the throne god no virus has power over you no sickness has power over you jesus lead and guide your people in this hour jesus lead and guide your people in this hour jesus strengthen and encourage lord god in jesus name hallelujah lord god when they're down lord jesus hear the cries help us to lift one another up jesus to encourage one another to lay hands on one another lord jesus to respond god in jesus name to respond to you god to respond to the unction the holy ghost is putting on us jesus help us to respond jesus help us to listen god to your still small voice right now lord jesus you're speaking to your people in this day and in this hour god help us to hear it god the enemy's been defeated lord god there is no fear in your presence god there is no fear in your presence god jesus name we are conquerors in your name jesus a holy priesthood god covered and protected by you jesus you are covering your people in this hour god you are covering your people in this hour god help us lord god to seek shelter in the cleft of the rock put it on our hearts god mark us god mark us god set your remnant aside protect us god help us to know jesus we rest in you god thank you jesus thank you jesus i encourage you all to respond to the unction of the holy ghost that he's speaking to people sister caitlin texted me yesterday saying is it all right she had a burden to do something in prayer and i said absolutely respond to what the holy ghost is telling you to do it's time for the church the people of god it's time it's time for his people to respond to the calling he's putting on your life there's no more waiting around we're not going back to a normal we're not going back to church as usual he is calling you to stand up right now and i don't know what that looks like each and every day but he'll put it on your heart i have faith in the holy ghost that he will put it on your heart what to do when to do it how to respond how to pray and who to pray for look at that prayer list as it comes out each day hold those names up because he's answering prayers he is going to show this world that he is on the throne and that nothing this world thinks it has the answers to will match him he is above all things hallelujah brother brandon in jesus name come deliver the word [Applause] praise the lord everybody anybody in here have a feeling that everything's going to be all right do we all believe that everything is going to be all right hallelujah while i was just sitting over there i was just thinking when my name was on the prayer list amen have anybody have a testimony here that when you call his name something happens hallelujah when the saints begin to pray something happens hallelujah hallelujah i thank god we serve a miracle working god hallelujah we have nothing to be ashamed of hey man we have nothing to be ashamed of when we call on jesus name brother if you believe it or not something happens every time amen every time hallelujah he's not one word fall to the ground he hears the crowd of his people amen but i thank god he's worthy thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah that may not be for everybody but i remember i remember my wife was giving birth to our first child and she cold blue while she was give in delivery stop breathing blood stop working my heart stop pumping and all i can do is call on jesus amen if something happened amen the doctors couldn't do anything the medicine wasn't doing anything actually it was the medicine that was killing her but when i called on jesus hallelujah life began the breath of life came back to her hallelujah i can't explain it but it happened amen that was nine years ago it happened amen hallelujah her and the baby is here hallelujah prayer changes thing amen glory to god glory to god god is a good god we can turn this service to a prayer service i don't mind i step aside of the holy ghost if somebody respond right now i'll tell you hallelujah we can praise him and magnify him and call on his name i have just enough faith to believe that he'll hear us something to have to change the devil had to back up hallelujah hallelujah he was wounded for our transgressions hallelujah he was the stripes on his back was laid for healing hallelujah it's already done hallelujah in the name of jesus in jesus name glory to god i'm not going to be before you long just something happens when you call the name does something to you hallelujah gee it ain't nobody nowhere like jesus hallelujah i thank him if if you can turn with me to the book of john chapter 16. thank you jesus [Music] thank you lord chapter 16 i'm gonna start reading up the first verse if you have a say man these things i have spoken to you so that you may keep from stumbling i'm breathing from the nasb i'm sorry i should have let you know the the king james say these things i've spoken unto you that you may not be offended if you go down to chapter first seven up i'm gonna start reading there it says but i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i go i will send him to you and when he when he comes will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment concerning sin because they do not believe in me verse 10 and because in concerning righteousness because i go to the father and you no longer see me and concerning judgment because the ruler of this world has been judged i just want to read verse 7 one more time but i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i go i will send him to you and when he come he will convict the world concerning sin lord god i ask in the name of jesus that you you break up the follow ground this evening lord [Music] god i ask lord god that you give me clarity of mine and clarity of speech lord let your seed fall on good ground this evening lord in the name of jesus god build up on our most holy faith by the washing and cleansing of your word lord god we ask you in the name of jesus lord before the night over let us build an altar of god a fresh altar lord a thanksgiving of sacrifice god for what you have done and what you're able to do lord god in the name of jesus we pray god we pray all these things in your name lord in jesus name we pray amen uh you may be seated in the presence of the lord the topic i want to speak on tonight is the advantage of conviction the advantage of conviction here he's this is jesus telling his disciples he's about to go away and he's sending a helper he's sending them the paraclete the one who comes alongside and he's warning them he says i'm telling you these things it's a whole discord there's a few chapters where the lord set his disciples down and he started explaining to them that he he as must that he'd go away and he's he's about to he's in jerusalem and he's about to be crucified but he tells them that a helper is coming and i know us pentecostals we when we talk about the holy ghost we like to talk about the power the dunamis the book of acts power which is is correct that we should and the bible talks about how you shall receive power once the holy ghost come upon you and in the book of acts is it's a book that is titled the acts of the apostles some people call it the acts of the holy ghost because if you if you read how the apostles act before and then you turn the page into the acts and when they receive the holy ghost it was a whole different personality the with the holy ghost the ones who were weak was strong and they did exploits like the bishop bernard said those who do they god they would do mighty things and the book of acts is filled of their doing they're acts and that word dunamis it means doing it's we get the word dynamite dynamite want to vent it back then but it's still doing it moves things it's action and we get that type of power when we receive the holy ghost and and that's good that's that's that's a positive but there's also a power that we get when we receive the holy ghost uh i wanted to bring it full circle the bible talks about how uh the holy ghost is the spirit of christ we we we know that god and christ is one and the holy ghost is the spirit of christ the bible says that the lord is that spirit and and if you don't have this the spirit you are none of his but here it is to have the mind of christ you have to have the holy ghost and the bible tells us let this mind be in you that was also in christ jesus who was being in the form of god i thought it not robbery to be equal with god but made of himself no reputation and he took upon the form of a servant was made in the likeness of men and being found in the fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross and we have to have that mind in us we have to take up our cross hey man we have to die to self amen and and that's that take power amen uh he he warns them he said i'm telling you these things because what y'all see the world do to me they're going to do to you and and that's that's where he is in this chapter he's letting them know they're going to put you out of synagogues they're going to do all manner of things thinking that they're doing god they're going to do it in my name he said but because they rejected me they're going to reject you no no no no slave is above their master and whatever you see them do to me they are going to do to you and and that power i'm talking about the mind that christ has in the book of john chapter 10 it talks about he tells them and let them know no man takes my life i want to get that clear i don't want y'all to think that that i'm just helpless out here he let them know that i have all power but no man takes my life i have the power to lay it down and i have the power to pick it up amen now that power is not the same word in the greek dunamis this is a difference it's a greek name uh it's called exousia it says zuzia power and it's it deals more with authority but it it it's more of the power of choice it's it's the power to control or to hold back are plainly the power of restraint amen and when you receive the holy ghost you have doing power and you have power to restrain amen somebody glad for the power of restraint amen you can you don't have to can't help us like you used to you know when every time you see a beer commercial you couldn't help it but go get a six pack card go get a drink with the buddies but now you have victory amen over sin did anybody have that restraining power that comes through the holy ghost amen and he tells them that hey you're going to need this type of power because the world is going to try you and right before he tells them the world is going to try you he just let them know don't you know it's easy to be offended it's easy to stumble if you don't know these things so jesus was trying to be very clear with them and he told them he in the beginning of the 15th chapter he talks about i'm the i'm the vine you are the branches you have to buy to me and and and then he told them he talked about bearing fruit but then he told them there's a new commandment i'll leave with you i want you to love one another like i loved you you know i laid my life down for you i want you to love one another in that manner and and when he tells them that the next verse he says now don't think it's strange when the world don't give you that same type of love yeah he calls us to love one another but if you're expecting that type of love from the world you're going to fall you're going to be offended because the world has a whole nother system they have a whole nother god the bible says that that the devil is the god of this world amen and we have to remember as saints we are called out of the world amen we are not of this world we are in it but we're not of this world and and when i say the world please please please understand what i'm saying because you know some people you know god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and we are sent out into the world to preach and and but if you if you go two more chapters one more chapter over in the book in the same book in chapter 17 the bible gives an account of jesus high priestly prayer and he actually says i pray for them and not the world he actually says i don't pray for the world but i pray for them that you would keep them while they're in the world and he's not talking about the people of the world he's talking about the system there's a system it's not the people it's the system and i just i wrote down some synonyms just so you can get a good idea of what i'm talking about i'm not talking about your next door neighbor the person you can't stand i'm not talking about souls i'm talking about a system everybody say system i'm talking about a structure this is this world have a setup it has an order it's a network it's a method of framework the practices the processes the procedures the mode the ins the institution is it's an administration they have their own way they have their own manners they have their own policies they have their own plan they have their own programs they own schemes they have their own formula their own routines their tactics and they have their own logic this is the world that's going to persecute you you can't get entangled with none of these things it'll cause you to fall like man we cannot be friends of the world james said know ye not that enmity from being friends with the world cause should be enmity with god and he says whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is an enemy of god you cannot entangle yourself with their system with their logic with their routines amen and and as i was reading this chapter and i'm reading these these these few chapters and i said man i wonder how the apostles had to feel because here it is this is jesus warning them this of this in the same breath and saying i see y'all later i got to go he's telling them that they bout to do something pretty brutal to me and some of y'all going to be offended by it it's going to be gruesome but i love y'all and i'll be with you always and i'll see you later and they're comprehending like hold on what do you mean you it's it's it's a it's an advantage for you to leave us when the world is turning against him they're going to turn against us and you're saying bye and as a saint you know i just i had to wonder like how the apostles dealt with that they they they was with them three years and they seen them do miracles and wonders and and they believed on him and they seen people flock to him and and the people rejoiced when he came in town but all of a sudden it seemed like the system the logic the structure and all that stuff started to come down on him and not just him but on them also and this is what he told him he said these things i say i say unto you that you will not stumble that you don't fall and and he lets them know that their what they've done to me what they how they treat me is the way they're going to treat you he let them know that i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away it's for your advantage that the helper come it's for your advantage that the holy ghost come live with inside of you and i i said how is that an advantage i you know all my life i i sign songs you know when i see jesus amen you know when i see jesus all my troubles will be over and all all my my strife and all this struggle will be over when i see jesus it's just you know amen that's our climax but here he's leaving us but he's coming in a different form and in this form he comes as a helper as a as a paraclete as an advantage but this is what he says he says when he do come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment and and i grew up in apostolic church and like sister caitlin said i thank god for it and and and and most of y'all are familiar you know they they teach you the holy ghost will convict you when when you do something wrong or when you need some correction the holy ghost will convictuate man though i got a witness and this is the scripture where that is based out of and when i was i was studying that out i'm trying to read it but here it says it convicts the world i really want to talk about the saints but it says he will convict the world but he lists three things that he will convict sin righteousness and judgment and so when i dove into those three things i've seen where the advantage come in at for the child of god amen when it says that he will convict the word world concerning sin the the word sin it's not plural it's just sin so it's one sin and mind that he's talking about and the ultimate sin the ultimate thing that damn man's whole souls to to hell is the rejection of jesus christ all the other sins are just a fruit of that old root of not believing or not receiving jesus christ amen there's people out here that do not don't have a need for a savior they feel like hey i'm not a murderer like them people i don't sell drugs or i don't cheat i'm pretty pretty decent i mean they think they can make it to heaven on their own merits and they don't see no need for all this blood and all this sacrifice and all this what jesus did and because of that unbelieving of self-righteousness the holy ghost convicts the holy ghost will expose the world convicted the greek is exposed or to reprove or rebuke or to bring light to that's what the holy ghost does it is shared abroad it's a revealer of things there was villa of hearts and and he he said he's going to convict the world of sin he said because of sin concerning sin because i go to the father and they did not believe me here it is the lord he provided a way of escape he provided a way of salvation he he broke he broke down the wall of petition and he opened up the way where we could come in and come boldly through to the grown throne of grace and have communion with god but people reject it because they don't see the need they don't see the need but the holy ghost will convict you and let you know you need a savior amen that is an advantage i thank god that the light from heaven shine on my soul to drive me to my knees or drive me to an altar and say god thank you for the blood amen he said he convicts concerning righteousness now this world don't know what righteousness is the bible says there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is death the bible says that there is a generation that are pure they own eyes and yet is not washed from their filth that's why the bible says you need to be washed and regenerated amen be born again of the spirit in the water amen there's a they they have a hypocrisy they they look and feel like everything they do is right this flesh is deceitful it's it it can justify almost anything you know as long as it justify the means you know well i had to do this i had to do that and they don't they don't care they feel like they can do anything and be right everybody have their own truth you cannot everybody cannot have their own truth that's a lie from the pit of hell there's only one way one truth there's only one who is right amen in this world they have their own righteousness they are puffed up with their knowledge with their technology and trying to put god out of their out of their knowledge but the holy ghost come and shed light and expose all of that amen and then the bible says he convicts concerning judgment concerning judgment this is the same crowd the same people the same time that took jesus and had a mock trial they took a innocent man he who knew no sin and crucified him and at the same time demanded that a murderer be pardoned they don't know anything about judgment and this is the same world that'll tell you don't judge me who are you to look at me or try to expose me now let me i'll just put my two cents on this if you if you read the bible the bible tells you the judge righteously he tells you you will know a tree by the fruit that it bears in order to know it's a a lemon tree you have to make a judgment in order to know that this fruit is not poisonous you have to have discernment you just have to do it right the bible doesn't say don't worry about the moat and the being that's in your brother's eyes just tell you take care of your molten bean first amen he told peter after you are converted then go strengthen your brother and and it's sad because when we come around our presence and us having the holy ghost convict those around us and and the world has went so so so one way where is pulling us with them where we say well i know i can't judge or i know i can't you know it's not that you you don't condemn them but you can call a state of spain you can say right or wrong the bible says makes difference between the profane and the clean thing and and because people are in their feelings us as saints get quiet we just don't i'm not gonna be in nobody's business i ain't to say nothing but if you don't say nothing how can they hear amen the bible say faith come by here you got to say something amen and the bible says don't you know you would judge angels one day let them loans these little matters we we have to just be wise and right when you do so amen here it is he say these judgments we have to do it in the right way we have to do it righteously the bible says no that the whole world is lying in the lap of the wicked one all these things the way that the world looks at things we have to make sure that as saints we don't look at them in the way that the world does we get so entangled and you know we yes we're blood bark we god is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins but we have to stay at an altar of repentance just because we spoke in tongues once or twice don't mean we have to stop praying the holy ghost when you feel the conviction of the holy ghost let it do what it do it's so it's god god chasteneth whom he loves he's exposing you because he loves you he's shedding that light on that situation so you can correct it he's not trying to condemn you he's he's beckoning you back to him to himself it's the ministry of reconciliation it is an advantage when god points out something in our life that is not right and it's an advantage for the believer because we hear god we respond to it and not push away from it there's so many that push away there's so many that don't want to hear they reject conviction they feel and and they confuse it with condemnation condemnation is when you condemn the person but conviction is when you point out the action the belief or the practice when you're practicing something that you shouldn't if you if this world is having a grip on you as a saint of god and god shine light upon that don't don't walk out these doors on a sunday morning thinking that you're okay you're going out here weaker than when you came when you hear the word of god respond and leave it that's what about present yourself as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable if you stumble get up come to the altar he's faithful just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness you don't want to get your own self-righteousness thank god for that advantage thank god for the holy ghost that is shine the light on our on our soul john 3 19 he says and this is the verdict that light has come into this world but man love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil will light shine you don't try to keep from being exposed none of y'all died for me none of y'all to have a heaven or hell for me to go in when light come lift your hands and say thank you lord that old song lord shine your light from heaven oh my soul if you find anything that shouldn't be take it out lord and strengthen me i want to be right i want to be saved i want to be whole [Applause] we are children of the light we walk in the day we're not of the light we are not of the night like some are that's our advantage this little light of mine let it shine you don't have to walk up like you're more holier than all and and and everybody else it it's i got a few brothers in here when i made a mistake i i i went and gave it to the lord and then when i see them come around i see them make the same mistake i just pat them on the back brother you can make it i'm not gonna point my finger at them and i thought you were safe now you strengthen your brother you you let them know i've been there too man get up don't let the donut don't don't grope in the darkness don't let don't let the devil have victory when you feel that conviction respond but most i'll tell you the best way to respond respond with praise thank god for the for the conviction i'm scared if i do something i don't feel nothing that means i'm my flesh is callousing my heart we're children of the of of the light we can't get wrapped up in the world in a way that they see righteousness in the world how they view sin in the world of how they feel judgment we live in a world where fake news ain't gonna get political tonight amen there's so many different narratives coming from the left and the right i've heard church people i'm talking about church though trump is the messiah and some church folks say he is the demon himself church though but you get so wrapped up into this thing the bible says don't think holly's men with you out he's a man just like you are he needs the holy pray for him amen whether you're with the mark are against them politically he's a man he's a soul don't get caught up in the way that this world this this system their logic their their their their way of thinking and when you if you do you need the holy ghost to realign you you need the holy ghost to set you straight we praying for the holy ghost to get everybody else we need to make sure we stay on the straight narrow amen amen that's our advantage he will lead and guide us into all truth all truth if you sin you see it confess it forsake it get stronger that's an advantage that's an advantage that a believer has there's there's different ways that we can we can respond to conviction there's different ways i i'm gonna wrap this up but there's two scriptures i want to read one of them is acts 24 and 25. let me read it out the same bible i have up here if you can turn there with me another scripture is in acts also so it's not going to be a lot of journeying acts chapter 25 24 verse 25 amen the bible says but verse 25 but as he was discussing righteousness self-control and judgment to come felix became frightened and said go away for the for the present and when i find time i will summon you you ever have people when you talk about the gospel the good news and what god done for you they i ain't trying to hear that i ain't ready for that right now they ain't where i am in my life right now the holy ghost is trying to do something in their life and they they try to reach they reject it he said he got frightened he said i got time for this and the bible said he had him sitting waiting two years never called them back that's one way when when the holy ghost tried to convict people push back i don't got time for that man you know god understand you know man and all you can do is pray for people like that amen and thank god that he opened your eyes amen now i've got another example in the bible of how you should respond when conviction comes let's turn to acts chapter 2. let's look at verse 36. this is the day of pentecost the holy ghost that fell as the birthday of the church all 120 was baptized and spoke with tongues that's the spirit of god gate of utterance and peter stood up and preached jesus and he preached and told him you were with your wicked hands crucified the lord of glory he told them you were the one that could that condemn this innocent man and the bible says in verse 36 therefore let us let all the house of israel know for shorting that god has made him both lord and christ this jesus whom you crucified and the bible says in 37 now when they heard this they were pricked to their heart and said to peter and the rest of the apostles brethren what shall we do that holy ghost when they convicted shed light they responded it pricked them some people get pricked and i'm i'm hurt i got to go be healed the church people hurt me they told me i was the reason why jesus died they said my hands was the one that put them on the cross it was your sins but they responded what shall i do they let the light the light hit them the word found them and they responded and the bible says there was added to the church that day about 3 000. don't resist the light the exposure of of of the conviction power of the holy ghost it's to our advantage saying it's not to shame you it's not we're gonna put you on the back row and put you out it's so that you can be saved above all else we must be safe heaven is the goal god put one devil out he's not gonna let another one in now when i was studying this i'm be honest with you i i i'm a person i like to study and i look at scripture from every angle that i can get and dig out and about the time i was ready to come here tonight i looked at something in the context of what i was reading and it almost messed up my whole message i ain't gonna lie i said oh but i can still make it fit in and i'm gonna close it with this amen if we look back at verse number two verse number 10. he talked about concerning righteousness the holy ghost will convict concerning righteousness he's talking about the world the context is the world it says concerning sin because they didn't believe when he said concerning judgment is because the prince the ruler of this world but when it came to righteousness it said because i go to my father and you no longer see me he was talking to the saints there it wasn't that he was just convicting the world of righteousness up to the saints about righteousness and a lot of times we look at conviction we just look at the negative connotation on it i heard a preacher say in the classroom he went it was a pentecostal classroom and he asked the the young people there i want you to write down 10 of your most powerful convictions and everybody in that classroom they wrote down you know your normals i don't where it is don't put on that don't cut this don't go here don't drink that don't sleep with you know and it was all negative don't don't don't stop which is fine but don't you know believing that jesus christ is the mighty god is a conviction don't you know that we must be baptized in jesus name knowing that that bring that is a conviction right here it says concerning righteousness because i go to the father and you no longer see me he left him but he left him with a finished work now i know i believe in sanctification i believe in the journey of sanctification i believe in being forsaken and cleansing ourselves from all righteousness but i do believe in the finished work of christ on the cross and and having that faith in what christ did i know he's gone i know it's done and i can walk in that victory i can walk in that assortment that he will complete that which he began in me amen that's a conviction of mine that's an advantage i know he'll never leave me nor forsake me that's that's a whole i heard somebody say that's the whole i plead the blood thing do you think god gonna forget give up on you you think god don't love you just look at the blood look at the price that he he paid so anytime you you think that god has forgotten about you plead the blood know that the blood was shed on your behalf and if he got that much skin in the game he's not going to let you go now amen have confidence that he's gonna complete what he finished in you no matter how many times you slip and fall get up get up the righteous man follow seven times but he'll rise it again that's a righteous man now will we consider that righteous that brother he always at the altar yes i i need to be at the altar i remember i remember thinking like i don't want to go to the altar of crime because they're going to think i'm probably gonna sing rather than seeing or not i need i need a you need an altar in your life a consistent altar that's burning keep oil on my lamp lord keep me burning to the to the to the brink of the day amen know that you have an advantage this holy ghost ain't just for speaking in tongues and jumping and shouting and running it's to shine light it's to convict it it's the lead to truth amen i'ma go ahead and stop there uh uh uh we we have a lot to pray for we have a lot to pray for i thank god for all my brothers and sisters in the report that they're doing good and doing well that god is moving but i i'm telling you i said that i thought i remember when my name was on the prayer list i remember my family was praying for me when i was backslidden i remember when when when when when they thought i was a lost cause but god is well able it was the prayer of the saints the prayer of the righteous amen it beals much never get tired of praying never get tired of coming to the altar i understand we can be practicing toast of this you can have an altar right there where you sitting right there where you stand amen lord god in the name of jesus i pray hallelujah we thank you lord god thank you for this advantage that we have in your spirit lord thank you for your word lord god for your your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path lord god we thank you for for the illumination of the holy ghost and the love that is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost lord but we thank you for the power that comes with the holy ghost lord lord we believe lord god that we should call your name and lay hands on the sick and they shall recover lord god hallelujah for your finished work lord god for your blood that was shed hallelujah we magnify you tonight lord god god we ask that your blood covering your blood prevail lord god do what only you can do lord god hallelujah we do what we can but god we look unto you lord you're the author and the finisher of our faith god hallelujah we look unto you lord for which cometh our help lord god hallelujah hallelujah we thank you jesus god you're still a miracle working lord we know you as the healer lord god we know you as a waymaker lord god hallelujah we know that we serve a living god hallelujah ones who see ones who hear in the name of jesus send your healing power lord god touch this congregation in the name of jesus from the youngest to the old lord god in the name of jesus touch our elderly saints lord we thank you for your good reports lord god we thank you for your report lord god we shall believe the report of the lord hallelujah in the name of jesus we magnify you and we glorify you in the name of jesus we pray jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] he is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] jesus you
Channel: Tree Of Life Church Cincinnati Ohio
Views: 237
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wmgoNnG9Jr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 47sec (4907 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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