Understanding Revival - Senior Pastor. Joel Urshan - 9.15.21

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through the strength of christ cause you rest just like a mental easy life [Music] that's just who you are that's just who you are you are my fulfillment you are most efficient you are everything that we've waited for that's just who you are [Music] [Music] we can do anything through the strength of christ cause you rest just [Music] that's just who you are [Music] just [Music] [Music] you will stay true even when the lies come [Music] your word remains true [Music] even when my thoughts don't line up [Music] ease [Music] peace is a promise you keep [Music] you will stay true even in the chaos your word of mine is true even when my mind wreaks [Music] my jehovah's [Music] made it [Music] praise the lord it's good to be in the house of the lord tonight hallelujah those that are joining us online let's give god praise for what he's done he's been so good to us hallelujah lord we're here we're in your presence right now lord we're standing we're breathing today lord your blessings are real lord hallelujah your anointing is real lord hallelujah your healing touch we believe in lord you answer every question lord hallelujah we believe in you lord you are great greatly to be praised hallelujah how great you are lord hallelujah how awesome it is to be able to come into your presence and lift up your name hallelujah how great you are lord hallelujah we love you [Music] sing the splendor [Music] [Music] darkness is [Music] is [Music] [Music] times [Music] [Music] this is [Music] me [Music] [Music] this [Music] is [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] beside him there is no other jesus you are great you are awesome god no matter what our situation says you remain the same you are god you are in control you are great you are your worthy lift them higher than the sickness [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my god [Music] oh [Music] telling you earth [Music] the oceans are rising rising [Music] how oh you [Music] you are hey [Music] now [Music] uh [Music] you know [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh bless his name bless his name if you know how great he is could you just lift him up if you know how great he is could you just lift up a high praise unto the lord today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he's a great god he's a great king he's doing great things my lord i praise your name oh god i praise your name oh god i praise your name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord my my there is a sweet presence of god in this house and it feels good to be in the house of the lord can we just give him another hand clap of praise and lift up our voice unto him magnify him hallelujah come on somebody over here say hallelujah somebody over here say praise the lord somebody over here say thank you jesus he's a good god he's a good god amen before we are seated tonight we're going to look into the word of the lord but before we are seated i'd like for us to join together in prayer for uh noah andrews this is brother tariq and sister ashton andrews son uh and he's just a few months old and he needs a touch from god we've been praying for him the last few days uh sunday night he it became apparent that he was in desperate need of a touch from god i am glad to tell you that as the saints have prayed there has been a turnaround and we give god praise for that amen thank you jesus thank you jesus praise god and and he is still in need of prayer but today was a good day and this is the day the lord has made and so we're going to give god praise for every little victory we have and that we receive and we're going to keep on praying and we're just going to pray that precious baby right up out of that hospital in jesus name can we join together right now in the name of the lord god in jesus name your precious name the name that is above every name we come to you in faith believing praying for noah andrews right now in the name of jesus christ that you will continue lord to purify his blood remove all infection in jesus name lord we pray for his liver to be made fully whole his kidneys to be made fully complete restored in the name of jesus christ to full function right now in the name of jesus christ we give you the praise for it lord we thank you we thank you for the miracle working power of the holy ghost in jesus name lord we pray for brother tyrek and sister ashton that you would give them peace continue to bless them with comfort and peace right now lord in the name of jesus christ wrap your arms around this family right now lord let them feel the prayers of the saints enter into that hospital room oh god in the name of jesus christ we plead the blood of jesus christ we plead the blood of jesus christ and we give you the praise for it right now lord can we give god praise with a hand clap of praise with a shout of praise hallelujah hallelujah with a shout of praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god amen and amen thank you for praying let's continue to do that you may be seated in the name of the lord let's continue to pray for baby noah and for all those that are in need of prayer right now we're thankful we have folks here tonight that just a few weeks ago were suffering from covet but god has delivered them praise god let's give him praise for it amen you know you know we send out prayer needs and and we pray over those prayer needs and we give god we bring our needs to the lord and that's so important to do it's just as important as the lord begins to move upon those circumstances to give him praise it's just as important as he begins to heal and set free and deliver for us to give him thanks for what he has done praise god oh lord we thank you and we praise your name we worship your name we give you praise o lord thank you jesus god is so good to us and we're going to go directly to the word of the lord tonight i want to speak to you on the subject understanding revival understanding revival and uh and brother joyce sent it god bless you it's so good to see you here tonight can we give brother joe senate a big hand we love the senate family amen [Applause] and they're they're doing a great work in herrick illinois as youth pastors and we just love them and are thankful that he's here tonight but i want to speak to you about understanding revival now that is a word that we use a lot and talk about it here and there and so i just want to take a moment make sure we understand what we're saying when we say it and and you may hear us say things like we're in the middle of a red-hot revival anybody ever heard that before amen or or we're we're experiencing apostolic revival amen or you might have heard somebody say we're we're having revival services which by the way we are having revival services in just a couple of weeks amen we're going to have brother chris green october 10th through 13th and you do not want to miss these revival services we're going to be having a holy ghost time in these services and before that uh brother uh riley martin is gonna come for some pre-revival service and we're we're just gonna have a good time in the holy ghost and we're expecting people to be filled with the holy ghost and we're expecting there to be miracle signs and wonders amen say not four months and then the harvest look upon the fields so they are white all ready to harvest now as you know we're in the middle of a very unique season uh at tree of life church so do stay tuned for where those services will be held but we're so thankful to be able to hold our services at grace point uh for the time being and we it is a little up in the air as to when we will not be there and and be back here so for the foreseeable future for the next couple of sundays for sure we're going to be worshiping at grace point church and we will be providing you with better information and further details the more we know because what's happening out here is that all of the conduits are being put in place all of the materials necessary for the utilities to our building are being put in place and then the then the actual uh duke energy comes in and puts in all of our electric and we will have access to the building and so praise the praise god it's coming it's coming along and but we're thankful to god for what he has done amen amen and you know what what a great testimony as the as to the great church that tree of life is that we're able to go through a season where man sometimes we don't even know where we're going to be having church next but but the people of god are like you know what where two or three are gathered amen there he is in the midst of them and and uh the lord inhabits the praises of israel and and so god bless you for being such an amazing congregation and uh we're thankful to the lord for all that he has done hasn't he been doing some great things for us over this summer amen we're thankful to god for pastor sizemore in the grace point church the grace point congregation for all of their help and assistance and but i want to talk to you about understanding revival because we throw that word around and we we need to know what it means the word revival the root of that word is is the word vive v-i-v-e and and it has a lot of derivatives and and connecting words related words uh for instance you might say of somebody they are vivacious what you mean is that they are full of life because the v-i-v-e deals with life that's what it deals with life in fact that's where we get the word veda arbol davida tree of life it's it's a connected word uh to to vive or vivacious vida vitality anybody ever gone to the doctor and and they checked your vitals it's a related word because it has to do with life uh veda uh vita vegemite no i'm it's the uh vivacious vitality uh vitals uh revive uh these all have to do even the word victuals is a word connected to uh the word revive or vive and so even it's even where we get the word vibe uh these all are connected words and it deals with life so when we talk about revive we are talking about life again that's what we're talking about so we know that god formed man genesis chapter 2 god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now that happened genesis chapter 2 verse 7. man became a living soul now we know that man fell and we know that that that living turned to dying and he who was to live and be fruitful and multiply and he who was to just have all access to the wonderful everlasting life that god can provide ended up going into sin and with sin comes death don't think you can commit sin and not have death if you commit sin it's going to bring death death always comes with sin sin never travels alone sin never travels alone sin always has a companion and that companion is always death so if you're in sin repent from your sin because you're toying and tinkering with death and so that's man's story man had life man became a living soul and then he he fell into sin and sin brought death and so there needs to be a reviving there needs to be a revival there needs to be a breathing of life again into the soul of man bringing bringing life to man yet again and so this is a word revive is a word that is used in the bible the word revival is not but the word revive is used in the word of the lord and i want to take you to a couple of places where it is used reading from first kings chapter 17 and i'm going to begin at 20 the 21st verse first kings 17 here we have the great account of the prophet uh elijah dealing with the widow at zarephath and he brought great miracles to her home the lord prepared her to feed him and then the bible says that her son died and here elijah is in the home there's this supposed to be a great time of of uh joy a great time of miraculous provision but instead death visits the home and the son dies verse 21 the bible says that elijah stretched himself upon the child three times and i just want you to notice that okay he stretched himself upon the child three times now there was no there aren't a lot of precedent or precedent there's not a lot of precedent for that kind of of action to be taken and yet elijah felt that that was necessary and so he stretched himself upon the child three times and cried unto the lord and said o lord my god i pray thee let this child's soul come into him again and the lord heard the voice of elijah and the soul of the child came into him again and he revived he revived that was a revival the child had been alive the child died and the man of god stretched himself out upon the child three times and cried unto the lord lord let this child's soul come into him again and he lived and then verse 23 elijah took the child brought him down out of the chamber into the house delivered him unto his mother and elijah said see thy son liveth and the woman said to elijah now by this i know that thou art a man of god and that the word of the lord in thy mouth is truth now i want to turn your attention to second kings chapter 13 and we're going to look at another area where this word revive is mentioned in the scriptures second kings chapter 13 verse 21 it came to pass as they were burying a man that behold they spied a band of men and they cast the man into the sepulchre of elisha and when the man was let down and touched the bones of elisha he revived and stood up on his feet now that is a very unique miracle in the bible that this man is dead and they see that there is a band of men and they cast the man into the sepulchre of elisha the prophet the elisha the prophet had been a great man of god who performed many miracles but now he is no longer on the earth he has died and it's interesting i should note that elijah the prophet performed seven miracles elisha asked for a double portion and so he received elijah's mantle and elijah said if you see me ascend you'll be able to have a double portion of my anointing my spirit the bible says and the mantle came down elisha receives it and while he lived he performed 13 miracles but there his bones lie in the grave and they throw a man in on top of his bones and there's one more miracle left in those bones you know the promises of god stand sure and steadfast hallelujah even if somebody goes on to the lord before the promise is fulfilled the promise of god shall be fulfilled praise the lord and so elisha's bones are just laying there in the grave they throw the dead man in on his bones and as soon as that dead body touched those anointed bones the body came back to life the bible said he revived and stood upon his feet so these are miracles of revival and that's what revival is it is when the breath of god enters the picture again it's when the breath of god breathes upon something that was dead and is made alive that is a revival when we have a revival service what we're doing is we're saying we're going to let the breath of god breathe upon us and anything that should be alive but died somewhere along the line along the way it's going to come to life again you know every time we gather together there is a revival atmosphere hallelujah you don't have to wait for the special speaker to come you don't have to wait for the designated dates on the calendar those dates are going to be filled with glory and power and and the might of god on display but you don't have to wait for that you can have victory right now you can have a holy ghost victory right now and that word victory is connected to the word vive praise god and so so we look at this matter of the breathing of god upon dead things and and that breath of god causes the dead thing to come to life again we see this in the story or the vision of the prophet ezekiel when the prophet ezekiel in the 37th chapter saw the valley of dry bones and the lord said can these bones live now i love it when god asks questions because when god asks questions he's not looking for information god was not he was not somebody lost in the mall trying to find where dillard's was can these bones live no he knew the answer and he was posing a question as to lead ezekiel to an understanding of the fact that yes these bones most certainly can live and i'm going to show you how to do it prophesy to these bones and then he said prophesy to the wind after he prophesied to the bones the bones came together and then he said now prophesy to the wind and as he prophesied to the wind that wind of god began to move into those old bones now that those old bones represented an army that once lived that once fought that once was victorious that once delivered people that at one time they were strong at one time they were disciplined at one time they moved in formation but somewhere along the way they encountered the enemy and the enemy brought a an onslaught against them and they fell in that valley but when the word comes forth the word of prophecy to the bones and the word of prophecy to the wind hallelujah the word of prophecy to the bones is the preaching of the word of god and it's the declaration of the word of god you know i'm preaching tonight i'm teaching tonight and i'm declaring the word of god over this pulpit but do you know you don't have to stand behind this pulpit in order to preach the word of god you can declare the word of god over you and every circumstance you're facing wherever you are that's prophesying to the bones prophesying to the winds is prayer hallelujah it's when you get into a place of prayer and you make your petitions known and you bring your supplications to god and you repent and you and you bring thanksgiving to the lord and then you begin to move into an area of intercessory prayer hallelujah and you start to prophesy to the winds as you begin to pray and the spirit of the lord begins to move upon the very circumstances you're praying about don't you know that when you as you're praying it it is done as the words are coming out of your mouth those aren't just words those are the words of faith it is the word of faith that is nigh thee even in thy mouth praise the lord and so so this is what we have to understand about revival so so god uh wants to breathe his wind into our lungs again and he wants to make some things come to life that may have died along the way if you used to pray more than you pray now god wants to bring that back to life if you used to be more dedicated than you are now god wants to bring that back to life if you used to be more forgiving than you are now god wants to bring that back to life if you were more passionate about the reaching of lost souls and preaching the gospel to those who are lost than you are today god wants to bring that back to life something may have distracted you along the way somewhere life got busy somewhere you got hurt somewhere somehow you can there's a different reason for everything but god wants to breathe on you again that's revival when the wind of god begins to breathe upon you that's revival hallelujah praise the lord god wants to breathe life into some anointing that the enemy tried to steal from you god wants to breathe life into some prayer and fasting that you used to engage in and don't engage in it as much anymore god wants to breathe life into that burden for prayer that burden for fasting that burden for reaching lost souls god wants to breathe hallelujah breathe his his spirit the wind of god upon the valley of dry bones praise the lord yes he does and so that's why we're having revival that's why we're having revival services and so you say well what does that how does that correlate you know we it's a very broad term we're having revival we're going to have revival services and and so it's a broad term that we use the reason that we're doing this is that it allows for the body of christ to receive ministry that is that that opens up the faith of the people and that opens up the windows of heaven so what i want us to do is i want us to be in fasting and prayer as we lead up to these revival services again it's october 3rd with brother riley martin october 10th through 13th with brother christopher greene and we're going to have a holy ghost revival service now you know that the enemy has come against the church in 2020 and 2021 and you know what we're getting ready to do what god is getting ready to do in our midst it absolutely is going to blow our minds but we are in a position of patience and persistence and faithfulness and god said i want to blow my wind upon my church i want my wind to come into my people and i want to revive them again hallelujah notice what habakkuk said in habakkuk we're going to read habakkuk chapter 3 and verse number 2. habakkuk chapter 3 and verse number 2. if you can't find it i'll read it to you habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 2 o lord i have heard thy speech and was afraid habakkuk had been made privy to some of the thoughts of god some of the words of god some of the things god was going to do if people didn't straighten up i've heard thy speech and was afraid oh lord revive thy work in the midst of the years you know where we are right now we're in the midst of the years and habakkuk said revive thy work in the midst of the years in the midst of the years make known in wrath remember mercy what we want god to do in the middle of where we are right now is revive the work revive the work he has begun in each and every individual that's here tonight those that are watching online those that aren't here and aren't watching online lord help them and forgive them god wants to revive the whole body god wants to revive the whole church god wants to revive each and every one of us hallelujah with a holy ghost revival a revival that will quicken your soul quicken your spirit it'll turn you to prophesying it'll turn you to praying it'll turn you to interceding it'll turn you to fasting it'll turn you to the working of miracles it'll operate the gift of healing inside of you it'll operate the word of knowledge inside of you i'm talking about an old-fashioned revival when i say old-fashioned revival i don't mean outdated i'm talking about the kind of revival we read about in the book of acts and the kind of revival you remember when god picked you up and turned you around and placed your feet on a solid ground hallelujah praise god oh hallelujah hallelujah the bible says that the lord gave pastors and apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers and evangelists to the church for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of christ and for the perfecting of the saints revival as we call it it's it's it's most the purest meaning of the word is god breathing upon his people breathing life upon his people and we rightly uh use the word to describe the kind of meeting we're going to have where god's going to breathe upon his people and so when we have this revival we are appropriating those ministries into the body of christ the ministries of the apostle and the prophet and the pastor and the teacher and the evangelist it is not enough for just one or two or even a three of those ministries to operate we need apostolic prophetic pastoral teaching evangelistic ministry to operate in the church of the living god that is what edifies the body of christ that is what works the ministry that is what perfects the saints of god and if you're used to one particular way of having church it can get a little unnerving when you get into the middle of a red-hot revival and god is just breathing on his people if you're used to sitting there and watching everybody do everything for you and you're used to coming in singing a song or two and and hearing a sermon and and praying a little bit and leaving and that's the way it always has to be you're in for a rude awakening because that's not how it always has to be that's good that's decent that's orderly there's nothing wrong with it but the body of christ when revival is happening when the wind of god is blowing things happen that become powerful that become that become energetic that become momentous and god begins to move and he doesn't need our permission on how he begins to move i remember some old-time revivals growing up lord have mercy and you know the evangelists that come through and preach revivals god moves on them in very unique ways very interesting ways again i want to notice i want you to notice what elijah did elijah stretched himself out upon the child three times now there's no place where the lord said stretch yourself out upon the child three times but elijah in that moment it's fallen to him to raise this child back to life i got i've got to figure out what to do and so so elijah feels compelled to to act in a way of obedient faith to the spirit of the lord and by the time he has prayed and cried unto the lord and said lord bring this child's soul back into his body there's a a child that is alive that once was dead and he's and elijah's bringing him out showing him to the house saying here you go your son's alive praise god i remember evangelists coming through and they would do some unusual things i remember brother mike anderson one of the great evangelists that would come through and minister in our church growing up from houston texas and he would come through and god would move upon him and he would say all right we're going to have a prayer line we're going to have a prayer line and he'd have everybody to line up whoever needed prayer whatever you need a prayer for and he'd lay hands and have all of us laying hands on everybody that came through the prayer line well that's unusual that's not what you do every single wednesday night it's it's a little unusual there's nothing that says you got to do it that way but he felt compelled of the lord to do that and people were healed and people were filled with the gift of the holy ghost there were other times he'd have a prayer line and he'd say all right everybody that needs the holy ghost come in this line and everybody that needs healing you go in that line and so there'd be a holy ghost line and a healing line there were other times he'd set out two chairs and say all right everybody that needs the holy ghost you come sit in this chair and anybody that needs healing you come sit in this chair and and and you say well that doesn't make any sense that's what i'm trying to tell you when revivals happen and it isn't going to always make sense when revival's happening you go with the flow the wind bloweth where it listeth and you hear the sound thereof but you can't tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is everyone that is born of the spirit and i'm sorry i'm not going to let this confuse the world dictate to me how the spirit of god is supposed to operate [Applause] they heaped to themselves teachers having itching ears we've got enough teachers and people wanting those teachers who have itching ears we need a bonafide red-hot holy ghost apostolic prophetic evangelistic revival hallelujah where sinners repent where sinners know that they're sinners there was a day when sinners knew they were sinners and they didn't have a lot of false prophets and false teachers telling them they were sin was fine and that they're fine in their sin and that god doesn't care about their sin and that they can go into judgment with sin and they're going to be okay it's the blind leading the blind and they're all falling into a ditch we need revival we need the wind of god to blow upon his people hallelujah praise god so it doesn't always make sense my goodness i i've seen preachers evangelists as the as the gifts of the spirit go into operation they would they would take somebody by the hand and just walk them back and forth three times across the front of the church and that's all they did then they tell them to go sit down that's all they did and you say well that doesn't make any sense doesn't have to make any sense let god be god we're in the middle of revival the wind is blowing the spirit is moving hallelujah and god will lead you to do certain things and he will he will lead men of god who come in and preach those who come into the house of god and begin to preach the word of god he's going to move upon them to say certain things do certain things act in certain ways take particular actions and they don't always seem to to to have a lot of rhyme or reason but when god is in it you can trust it praise god i've seen people get nervous when the holy ghost starts operating and the the man of the woman of god as they begin to minister the holy ghost begins to operate and they begin to follow the leading of the spirit and people start getting nervous because we've gone past two songs in a sermon now because we've gone past this in the way we normally do things and and that's exactly right because the way we normally do things it needs to have some disruption to it praise god so don't get nervous when a when a preacher begins to say all right i feel like people need to line up right here that need a healing touch and and don't get nervous when they say here's a chair you come sit and we're going to pray that god deliver you from whatever has you in bondage don't get nervous when they start demonstrating and you and there is biblical precedent for it i want to take you to the way jesus would operate for just a moment let's look at this matthew chapter 9 and i want to read to you from the 28th verse matthew chapter 9 and actually we're going to look at verse verse 21 verse 20. uh behold a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood 12 years came behind him and touched the hem of his garment for she said within herself if i may but touch his garment i shall be whole but jesus turned him about and when he saw her he said daughter be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee whole now i want you to understand what he's saying there he says to her daughter be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath made thee all it was your faith that made you whole yes you touched the hymn of my garment but it was your faith that made you whole yes you came in contact with me but it was your faith that made you whole and you're going to find this over and over again throughout the scriptures let's look at just a few verses later matthew 9 28 when jesus was coming to the house the blind man came to him and jesus saith unto them believe ye that i am able to do this talking about healing their blind eyes they said in them yea lord then touched heed their eyes why did he touch their eyes i don't know but he did he touched their eyes and said this according to your faith be it unto you and their eyes were opened my goodness so this woman touches the hem of his garment he didn't even touch the woman she touched him and then when she was made whole he looked at her and said it was your faith that did it jesus is standing there but it was her faith that did it he's got on a garment that has a hem on it but it was her faith that did it there's virtue flowing out of his body but it was her faith that did it that's the power of faith and he before he touched their eyes he didn't touch their eyes until he said do you believe i am able to do this and they said yes lord he touched their eyes and their eyes were opened and he said according to your faith be it unto you so many times what happens the reason that a a a vessel of god who is a operating in an apostolic or prophetic or evangelistic or teaching or pastoral ministry many times the reason they are led by god to put out a chair or set up a prayer line or or anoint a prayer cloth it is because faith needs to be built in the person and there are certain things that god knows that nobody else in that room knows and he whispers directives and directions and nobody including the preacher knows why they're doing it but they're just led of god to to do something and that they've never done before they'll just say hey you over there you come over here and lay hands on them and it'll be somebody that doesn't even normally operate in that kind of a ministry but god is confirming something with that person and with this person and faith is rising because it is the faith that brings the miracle amen faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god paul said i came not to you with enticing words of man's wisdom but with the demonstration of the spirit and a power we'll talk a lot about the spirit and a lot about power but he talked about the demonstration of the spirit and power and why he said there's a very important reason why we talk about the demonstration of spirit and power and not enticing words of men's wisdom so that your faith will stand in the power of god and not in the wisdom of man there are a lot of people whose faith stands in the wisdom of man that is the sand that the foolish man built his house upon it will fall when the storm comes but when your faith stands in the power of god that is the house that is built upon the rock and it will withstand the storms that come your way so when we're in the middle of revival just get ready because there's going to be operation of the holy ghost and the minister will feel to flow in certain ways and god is speaking to them their heart is open to the directive of the spirit because of the fact that they've been praying they've been fasting that's why we need to be in prayer and be fasting so that we're all with one accord in one place allowing the spirit of the lord to begin to move among us this is when people receive the holy ghost this is when people are healed this is when miracles begin to happen this is when chains begin to break when all god's people are praying and fasting in expectation of the moving of the spirit of the lord hallelujah matthew chapter 15. let's keep on reading matthew chapter 15 and verse number 28. now this is a particular account in the scripture that is so befuddling to many people but i want to take a moment here jesus verse 21 jesus went fence and departed into the coast of tyre and sidon behold a woman of canaan came out of the same coast cried unto him saying have mercy on me o lord first of all she said have mercy on me that's how you approach god have mercy on me o lord thou son of david she knew who he was you are lord she was not jewish she was a syrophoenician woman have mercy on me o lord thou son of david she knew he was messiah my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil but he answered her not a word he did not answer her his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she cried after us but he answered and said i am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of israel so at that point she goes away right at that point he just he didn't he ignored her how rude right that's how we act today when we go to god in prayer about something and he doesn't respond to us we walk away saying well i guess it just wasn't supposed to be the will of god that's not what she did she started by saying have mercy on me then she came in verse 25 and worshiped him saying lord again she calls him lord help me i love the fact that when he ignored her she did not stop she came to him again he answered and said now he answers and said it is not meat to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs uh-oh he just called her a dog so now there is a fence added to insult insult added to a fence first she was ignored now she's called the dog this is when people typically will walk away from a thing that they bring to god in prayer that's not what she did she said truth lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from the master's table then jesus answered and said unto her o woman great is thy faith ah lord that was a fast turnaround no it wasn't he knew what he was doing the whole time he was bringing her into that great faith she started out saying have mercy then it turned into help me then and worship she worshipped him hallelujah and she said the dogs eat from the crumbs that fall from the master's table and i'm just going to tell you that she had a revelation of who he was that he was the messiah she not only had a revelation that he was the messiah but she knew that when he talked about casting the children's meat to dogs that he was referring to himself that he was for the lost sheep of the house of israel she said you're right i know who you are but i know your body's going to be broken and the crumbs are going to fall everywhere and when your body is broken that opens the door for me to step into the same blessing that the children of israel have a hold up so i know why you came to this earth you are the lord and i need mercy and i need help and i worship you and you're right i am nothing but a dog but i know you're going to a hill called calvary and i know your body is going to be pierced with many sorrows and i know there's a blessing for me jesus wasn't playing games with her jesus wasn't he he knew the whole time he was leading her along into a place where she could have the faith that would deliver her child from being vexed by a devil praise god and notice what he said a woman great is thy faith it comes down to faith luke chapter 17. luke chapter 17 and we're going to look at this great account where these lepers came to jesus and when they come to jesus they need a healing touch luke 17 the bible says came to pass as he went to jerusalem that he passed through verse 11. samaria and galilee as he entered into a certain village there met him 10 men that were lepers which stood afar off they lifted up their voices and said jesus master have mercy on us when he saw them he said unto them go show yourselves unto the priest and it came to pass that as they went they were cleansed that's an amazing miracle that was an act of obedience they were not cleansed of their leprosy when he told them to go show themselves to the priest when he said go show yourself to the priest and the priest would be the one to determine whether they were leprous or not so when he said go show yourself to the priest they were they were basically going back to the doctor to get confirmation of whatever they were going to get confirmation of and here they go he said to go so here they go they're limping along they are dragging along they are they are trying their best to gain the strength to go their hands are withered their nerves are tattered and torn but they're trying to do what the lord told them to do that's the word of faith and their going in response to the word of faith was an act of obedience and that act of obedience brings the miraculous and it doesn't always make sense go show yourself to the priest he just uttered it go show yourself to the priest it's similar to when elisha told naaman go dip seven times in the jordan river it didn't make sense but he said to go dip yourselves seven times in the jordan river and there's nothing magical about the jordan river there was nothing magical about it but but there is there is a miraculous power in obedience to the word of faith hallelujah there is miraculous power in obedience to the word of faith so while they're walking along to go show themselves to the priest the bible says while they walked they were cleansed praise god praise god i'm telling you what ladies and gentlemen there's something that happens when you feel compelled of god to do something in faith believing you do that you do that in jesus name it reminds me of the young lady from germany who was unable to have a child and they had told her she would never have children but she believed that the lord was going to bless her with a child and she was in brother sister enos church and she went out and bought maternity clothes and started wearing the maternity clothes she started didn't need them and and the doctor said you'd never need them but she started wearing the maternity clothes and said i believe i believe i'm going to demonstrate that i have faith in god the lord opened her womb and she conceived and brought forth children because there's something miraculous about operating in obedience to the word of faith luke chapter 17 we're continuing on now they go show themselves to the priest they're cleansed as they go one of them when he saw that he was healed turn back and with a loud voice glorified god fell down on his face at his feet giving him thanks and he was a samaritan and jesus answering said were there not ten cleansed but where are the nine there are not found that returned to give glory to god save this stranger now when he says stranger he means this is not a this is not a child of abraham in the purest sense they are they are part jewish but they are not fully jewish and he says they are not found to return to give glory to god except this stranger notice did you notice that there was a syrophoenician woman in matthew 15 who received her healing when jesus says the greatest faith i've ever seen in all of israel he didn't speak of an israelite he spoke of a roman centurion and one place he explained to them he said you know there were lots of lepers in israel but but in the days of naaman but naaman was the only one healed naaman was not jewish he was a syrian he was a syrian man and and what the bible is telling us is that those who were closest to god many times took it for granted the power of god took it for granted the ability of god to heal took it for granted the ability of god to save and so god had to go pour out his miracles upon people who were not even a part of the blessed lineage of abraham god forbid it would ever be said of his church god forbid whatever he said of his church that we have grown so accustomed to and so complacent with and we've got down into our little ruts and routines and it's supposed to be this way and it's got to be that way and if anything disrupts that then then i don't even know what to do with myself god forbid that's not how the holy ghost operates the holy ghost is in charge the holy ghost does what the holy ghost does hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord and so the bible said were there not ten cleansed where the nine there are not found that return to give glory to god save the stranger and he said unto him arise go thy way thy faith have made thee whole hallelujah thy faith your faith did it your faith has made you whole jesus when he performed miracles notice that when he performed the miracle of the blind man he touched his eyes but that's not always what he did another time he spit in the ground and made made clay of the spittle mixed with the dirt of the ground and he applied that to the man's eyes and then said go wash in the pool of siloam there was nothing magical about the spit and there was nothing magical about the pool of siloam but for whatever reason and he doesn't explain why but for whatever reason that was the way he wanted to demonstrate faith in that moment and the man received it and he acted in obedience to the word of faith and he went and washed in the pool of siloam and when he washed the spittle away and the pool of siloam he could see you say i don't understand that neither do i but that's what happened and you don't have to understand the things of the spirit and if you say you do then you are dealing with some other issues the bible said just like you don't know how those bones grow in the womb you don't know the way of the spirit just like you you tell me where to go get bone material you tell me which lows wherever or home depot has some good bone material that you can go put together some human bones no you don't know and i don't know where those come from but they grow in that womb it's a miracle of god it happens under the surface it happens where the human eye cannot behold it and the human mind cannot perceive it no matter how smart you get regardless of how educated you become don't you ever forget his ways are above your ways and his thoughts are above your thoughts hallelujah i don't know why he spit in the ground i i i have some interesting thoughts about it but i i can't tell you that i know why he spit in the ground and why he put it in the man's eyes and why he said to go wash in the pool of siloam i think it all has symbolism i believe there there are metaphors involved there where he was teaching about the the incarnation of christ and the washing of baptism but i won't get into all that right now i'll just say that when god wants to move he moves how he wants to move hallelujah let me tell you this when he healed the man of his of his death condition and his mute condition the man could not hear and the man could not speak the bible says that jesus put his fingers in his ears touched his tongue spit and said be open and he was healed he could hear and he could speak he didn't do that for everybody that he opened their ears and he didn't do spit in the ground for everybody that he opened their eyes i don't know why he did it the way he did it here some different way and there another way but whatever he did the whole time he was doing it the faith of the people was rising the faith of the people it was developing into the kind of faith that can open the eyes of the blind and unlock the ears of the death and i'm going to tell you something when god says do this do it when god says say that say it when god says put a chair out put a prayer line you do what god says to do hallelujah praise god i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell you what our world needs our world needs revival man when revival is happening you'll have people all over the city being healed when revival is happening you'll have people sitting in their living rooms and they'll get up out of their living room get in the car drive to this building and say i don't know why but i feel like i need to be baptized in the name of jesus christ that's what happens when you're having revival because the wind of god is blowing and it's blowing in montgomery and it's blowing infinity town and it's blowing on the north side and the south side and over the river and over the rhine and on the east side and on the west side you better hear what i'm preaching you've got to get on board and be a part of what god is doing in this last day hallelujah hallelujah i've seen preachers get up and say everybody just praise the lord in the dance when they do that you better do what you can glory to god just dancing you don't have to be a great dancer just pick it up and put it down pick it up and put it down that's all you got to do is pick it up and put it down just act in faith act in obedience and let god be god let the lord do what the lord is going to do god is going to have a people god is going to have a people let me tell you something god's people are going to do what he tells him to do and if that's not us then we can forget about it we're nothing special we are nothing special we are here because god is good and if he spared not the natural branches what makes you think that you and i can go worship other gods and not be cast aside like the natural branches those of us who are grafted in by the sheer mercy of god those of us who are grafted in by the mere goodness and benevolence of the lord you think you can go bow down at the other idols of this culture and this generation and god still be fine with it somebody lied to you and you believed it and if you believe a lie you'll be damned no no i want revival i want revival i want holy ghost revival i want the kind of revival that drives me to praying i want the kind of revival that drives me to repenting i want the kind of revival hallelujah that makes me love my neighbor i want the kind of revival that wakes me up in the middle of the night with somebody to pray for i want the kind of revival that makes me feel like sacrificing i want the kind of revival where the sick are healed where the sinner is saved hallelujah where revelation sweeps the city [Applause] come on all across this house lift your hands and give god praise lift your hands and give god praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yeah your co-workers are supposed to be saved your neighbors are supposed to be saved your family that's supposed to be saved your friends they're supposed to be saved hallelujah come on i think god wants to start something right now god wants to start something in your soul right now god wants to begin something in you hallelujah glory to god my god i'm gonna tell you what i'm done i'm done you can stand with me but listen listen i want you to know something when you start praying and fasting when you start seeking the face of god and there's a true hunger and thirst for the things of the lord inside of you and you start setting these little pieces of technology aside and you start putting aside all the distractions of the world and you say no i'm going to be shut in with god in a secret place beholding his power to run this race hallelujah here's what's going to happen you're going to emerge from those prayer meetings and even in those prayer meetings the still small voice of god will whisper in your ear and he'll tell you to do stuff doesn't make any sense hallelujah and you'll just feel like going to target and not buying anything but just walking in the parking lot and looking over by where they put the shopping carts and they'll be somebody standing there and 10 minutes before you showed up they were saying god i need somebody to come along and give me direction i need somebody what are you talking about i'm talking about revival revival revival revival revival [Applause] hallelujah i'm telling you to get a hold of you and you'll just you'd come up out of that prayer meeting he'll interrupt your prayer meeting he'll stop you cold while praying and say send a text to so and so right now and tell them this and it'll be a confirmation of something they were just praying about and they will say like the woman said to elijah now i know about you being a man of god now i know that god is real hallelujah who wants to have revival who wants to have revival listen you've heard you've heard the old adage revival is coming and you've even heard the adage revival is not just coming revival is here let me explain to you what that means the wind of god began to blow in acts chapter 2 and it has never stopped the wind blows where it lists and you hear the sound of you can't tell where it's coming from and where it's going but i'm going to tell you prayer will bring the wind fasting will bring the wind sacrificial giving will bring the wind hallelujah preaching the gospel and teaching bible studies it'll bring the wind blow a wind of god blow a wind of god upon these dry bones that they may live that they may live that they may live [Music] blue wind of god hallelujah i feel the holy ghost i want somebody who wants it so bad i want you to come to the front of this house say god i want to live in revival i want to walk in revival i want to be a part of what the holy ghost is doing yes lord in the name of jesus christ i'm gonna oh my god i feel the holy ghost i feel i feel an unction of prophecy hear what i'm telling you right now some of the greatest preachers you've never heard you've ever heard you've not even met them yet they're on their way into the tree of life church some of the greatest prayer warriors this church will ever know are on their way into the tree of life church they're not even a part of our assembly yet they haven't even received the holy ghost yet right now they're addicted to drugs but there's a praying church there's a fasting church there's a dedicated church who's going to bring the wind of god to this city in jesus name [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nothing is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] i believe [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] the holy ghost is doing something right now all across this room lift up your hands unto the lord lift up your hands unto the lord and give him praise [Music] [Music] that's it that's it let the holy ghost have his way right now let the holy ghost have his way yeah let the holy ghost have its way hallelujah come on that's it let the anointing of god fall on you right now let the anointing of god come on you right now in the name of jesus yes lord there's a joy of god coming upon you hallelujah that the devil tried to steal i said there's a joy of god coming on you that the devil tried to steal but the lord rebukes the devourer right now in jesus name i said the lord rebukes the devourer right now in jesus name [Music] hallelujah lord hallelujah hallelujah lord hallelujah [Music] come on that's it that's it that's it lift your voice unto god lift your voice unto god this is revival the wind of god is blowing this is revival the wind of god is making some things come to life right now [Applause] oh yeah yeah yeah [Music] impossible for you [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many believe right now how many believe it right now come on you believe it do you believe it do you believe it do you believe it hallelujah come on all across this room believe it in jesus name believe it in jesus name [Applause] come on widespread revelation across our city widespread healing across our city in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ hallelujah we're getting ready to have a baptism of genesis amen in the name of jesus christ let's give god praise for it right now while we're preparing to do that i want us to pray right now for rachel bohannon god is going to touch her body in the name of jesus anybody believe that with me let's lift up our voice right now and let's pray for rachel bohannon in the name of jesus lord you see rachel lord we pray healing power upon her body right now we speak and declare the word of healing the word of faith in jesus name right now lord remove this pneumonia in the name of jesus christ pneumonia you are cursed in jesus name you have no power you have no authority the wind of god move upon her lungs in jesus name revive her lungs oh god in the name of jesus cast down this pneumonia right now in the name of jesus christ under mahaya yes lord in the name of jesus dry up the pneumonia and cast it out in the name of jesus we pray hi shanda yes lord with your stripes she is healed in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah come on i need some prayer warriors right now to begin to prophesy pray and prophesy open up your mouth and declare the word of the lord in jesus name lord i thank you for rachel's healing i thank you for rachel's healing in jesus name in jesus name lord lift her faith right now increase her faith right now increase her faith right now increase her faith lord yes lord yes lord in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah i feel the holy ghost i want everybody that brought a need into this house to lift that need up before the lord with your hands just lift that knee up before the lord with your hands you brought it into this house and i want you to begin to thank him right now for moving upon that knee his word has come forth to heal his word was sent forth to heal and his word will not return void in the name of jesus come on lift it up to god right now lift it up to god right now [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah here's what i want us to do all across this building we're getting ready to baptize somebody in jesus name here's what i want us to do i want each and every one of us to repent before god say lord forgive me of my sins forgive me of iniquities forgive me of my transgressions you say it from your heart you say it from your heart don't just repeat after me you say it from your heart lord forgive me of my sins and my iniquities forgive me for my trespasses cleanse me oh god purge me with hyssop and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow created me a clean heart oh god and renewing me a right spirit lord let me be clean before you oh god let me be innocent and just and blameless before you o god lord wash me thoroughly from my iniquity in the name of jesus come on all across this house god i give you my heart i give you my soul cleanse me o lord cleanse me o lord in the name of jesus lord help me to forgive others right now i release them in jesus name lord i lay down every grudge i lay down every bitterness i lay down every resentment in the name of jesus lord i forgive them i forgive them i forgive them in jesus name hallelujah now i want you to begin to speak that need you have to the lord in faith believing that he's going to move upon it right now lord i bring my need to you in jesus name i bring my need to you in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah your word has come forth breathe upon this need in jesus name breathe o heavenly wind of god upon the need that i bring before you right now in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name come on that's it i give it to you god i release it to you lord i release it to you lord in the name of jesus i release it to you lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] wow oh let's give him praise right now let's give him praise all across this house let's give him praise all across this house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah come on let's give god praise for his mighty power for his excellent greatness thank you jesus i love you jesus i love you jesus i love you jesus we're going to be providing some instructions for praying and fasting leading up to the revival stay tuned be tuned in let's do this together let's see god shake our city for his glory let's see god shake our city for his glory [Music] oh god i don't want to complain about the state of our world i don't want to complain about the state of our nation i want to go to the throne of god and i want to petition the lord hallelujah and i want to see his spirit be poured out upon all flesh because we're in the middle of revival this is revival this is revival hallelujah come on one more time let's lift a praise unto the lord in jesus name [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Tree Of Life Church Cincinnati Ohio
Views: 270
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: y45TozIsIdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 50sec (5750 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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