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<i> [phone vibrating]</i> <i> Mary, it's Katie. Could you call me back?</i> <i> It's about that patient referral you sent in</i> <i> last month on Liz Oakley.</i> <i> Just uh... just call me back.</i> [gasps] You know you shouldn't be here. [gasping for air] <i> [alarm beeping]</i> Go get 'em, babe. Thank you. Mom! Shh, it's early. I made varsity. Sweetie, that's so great! It's gonna help with my college apps. Good job. Go back to sleep, okay? Morning, doctor. Surgery went well? No hiccups, but could you call the post-op nurse at Cedars? Mm-hmm. Thanks. See how Miss Franklin is recovering. Yes, doctor. Oh, and I put your 1:15 in your office. She's a new patient. Who is it? Elizabeth Oakley, a referral from Dr. Mary Wilson. Great, thanks. Miss Oakley, I'm Dr. Jones. Liz is more than enough. I hope you don't mind, but I have a meeting with the district attorney and I need to look my best. Of course. Maison No.7, very nice. Oh! You have quite the talent. Have you ever tried Fuscian Dreams? It's to die for. Go ahead! That's good! Very nice. So before we get started, you're a patient of Dr. Wilson? Mary and I go way back. Great, what can I do for you today? Isn't it obvious? May I? You know, I could probably shift your brow up just a centimeter and I think you'll like how that impacts your eyes. And my ears? An ear pin would be superfluous, really. Okay, well I trust you. When was your last surgery? 14 months ago, but I was hoping you wouldn't notice. The rhinoplasty and cheek implants are barely noticeable, but you know we have made some advancements in the past year. I could probably do a little adjustment to conceal this, if you want? Please. So why the change in doctor? I relocated from San Francisco because I felt like I needed a fresh start. Well, I am sure that you'll find Seattle very welcoming. I'm sorry, is there something wrong? You really don't recognize me, do you? I'm sorry, I don't. Georgetown General? You keep this up and you'll never make the grade. How's my star pupil? Elizabeth? You look so-- An improvement, I know. Can I just ask: you must have had a mastopexy and then a little body contouring? And augmentation. Wow, you look beautiful. I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you. On the contrary, if you recognized that little mouse then I would have wasted $100,000 worth of surgery. Don't say that. I know what I was before, and I know what I am now. Look, you and I could be sisters. Of course I've had to spend a lot of money to get here. Not everybody is as genetically blessed as you are. Oh, please. Have you ever thought of getting some work done? You know what? I'm just happy helping others. Well, it's never too late for a mommy makeover. So, your last name... Oakley? Elizabeth Karazinsky had absolutely no ring to it. And plus medicine wasn't really my thing. So I moved into law: class action. Much more lucrative. Well, you always were always smart. So given the stunning transformation, are you sure you want to go through with these new procedures? Don't sell yourself short, Katie. I'm sure you'll do wonderful work. In fact I'm certain of it. Perfect. <i> [front door opens]</i> Hey, hon. Hey, welcome back. Where is everybody? Aidan's upstairs, I told him no TV until he had the periodic table down. Our smart little man. Where's Jess? She asked if she could hang out with her friends after practice. And you said that was okay? Yeah, I figured it was fine. Chris! This is our only time to spend together on surgery days. You remember how that was. Sorry. I didn't mean to go there. I just love our little family. And I want every minute of it I can get. You doing okay? Good. Yeah, Jimmy called again about that pharma job. He says they want to hire me. You don't really want to be a pill rep, do you? It pays high six figures, even more with the bonus. We don't need the money. Why don't you take this time to focus on your rehab? It's only been six months since the seizure. Honestly, I don't want you anywhere near work stress. No more 80-hour work weeks for you, okay? Remember what the doctor said? Yeah I know, it would just... make me feel good to contribute to the family again. Chris, you do! As a husband, a father, as a friend-- But not as a surgeon? I didn't say that. You know what, let's... talk about something else. How was your day? Well, it was good. Surgery was uneventful. I did have a strange experience this afternoon. Oh yeah? I had a consultation with this woman who used to be in your intern program. Elizabeth Karazinsky? I barely remembered her either. I think she dropped out after a few months. Yeah, you know, my... attention was very focused back then. It was laser sharp. See, there was this one really... beautiful girl in the class. Yeah? She sounds like a real hussy. Little bit. Anyway, this Elizabeth... She has changed so much, I didn't even recognize her. Oh no, bad face lift? No actually, the opposite. She looks amazing. She's had so much quality work done. If she wasn't a referral, I wouldn't even take her on as a patient. If anybody can do those last little tweaks, it's you. The thing is, it wasn't just her appearance that has changed, it was her whole attitude. I can't explain it. The girl that I used to know was like this shy, bookworm, homely... But then this woman, when I walked into my office, she was confident, sexy, powerful-- Uh oh, should I be worried? Oh, stop it! She just surprised me, you know? People don't usually change that much. Hey, look at that! No shake. Babe! See? You've got nothing to worry about. You're getting better every day. <i> [alarm beeping]</i> Okay Liz, I want you to count down backwards from ten. And when you wake up, it will all be over. You're going to look perfect. You ready? Ten, nine, eight... How was the swelling? Nominal, but it looks great. You were worth every penny. You're healing very nicely. I think you should come back in six weeks for a checkup, otherwise I think we're all set. You know, you really have a gorgeous jaw line. What if we made some adjustments just... Like, right here, and then added a few more cc's here while I'm under. Liz, I think you look excellent. I really can't recommend any of that. Don't be so selfish. Even with kids, yours are so firm. Look, I'll show you what I mean. That's really, that's not necessary. Don't be silly, you're my doctor. I'd rather you not, I'd prefer if you don't-- Seriously, once I show you, you'll understand. Liz, stop! Okay? Miss Oakley, I don't feel comfortable performing any further surgery on you. We're done. Mary, it's Katie. Could you call me back? It's about that patient referral you sent last month on Liz Oakley. Just... Just call me back, okay? Thanks. <i> [phone vibrating]</i> <i> Mary, it's Katie. Could you call me back?</i> <i> It's about that patient referral you sent in</i> <i> last month on Liz Oakley.</i> <i> Just uh... just call me back.</i> [gasps] You! You know you shouldn't be here. [gasping for air] <i> [phone ringing]</i> Jones family? Hey, Bruce. What? Oh my god! We're so sorry. Is there anything that we can do? Yeah, Bruce we're... We're praying for you. Okay, bye. What? Mary Wilson died. A stroke. Oh my god. Look, one of us should go down there. You knew her better. Yeah I'll go, of course. Bruce? Katie. It's so good to see you. Hey. Oh, Bruce... Can I offer you something? It's all gonna go bad if we don't start to eat it. Bruce, I'm so sorry about Mary. Sit down. It's the girls I'm worried about. I still haven't figured out how to explain everything. It was just so sudden. One day their mother's fine, and the next... Well, you and Chris know how things can come out of nowhere. We do. You know... We had breakfast that morning. Mary never said anything about feeling bad. They say doctors make the worst patients. Sometimes there's just no good explanation. No... I know what did it. Mary had this malpractice suit. Yeah. They said that I'm not supposed to say her name, but... But Mary's dead. This woman... Liz Oakley. She starts out with a simple procedure. No big deal, right? But it's not enough. She pushes Mary to do more. But then this bitch sues Mary! Says that it's not what she wanted. And then flies in all these experts... I'm sorry. It's okay. Anyway... Insurance wants to settle, but Mary refuses. The whole thing just-- It just ate at her until... So Mary would've never referred Liz to another doctor. Are you kidding? This woman is toxic. My Mary never would have pawned her off on another surgeon. No way... no damn way! Johnson was the first school in the Washington University system to offer an advanced surgical study program. So for all you pre-med students, you're gonna be spending a lot of time right here in Caplan Hall. Forget that. I'm not staying in school until I'm 30 like mom and dad. Although, there are some perks. The next on our hit list is the famed Vincent Library, where the ghost of Alexander Vincent still roams the halls, waiting for someone to read his famously boring book on astro-trigonometry. All right, moving on. Jess Jones? I barely recognized you. You've grown up so much! Do I know you? You wouldn't even recognize me. The last time I saw you, you were this big. You can call me Aunt Liz. I'm an old friend of your mom's. Come here. Oh, okay. Do you teach here or something? Teach? Never! I was just guest lecturing for the dean of the law school. Him and I go way back. Jess, let me look at you. You have turned into a beautiful young woman. Wow, it's incredible the change from when you were a child. Yeah, kids do that. You know, I always wanted a child of my own. One with beautiful, long hair. Big hazel eyes, just like my own. Well, I better get back to the group. I'll let my mom know I saw you. Yeah, please do. Dr. Jones? I thought you weren't back until tomorrow? Yeah, I caught an early flight home. I need the patient file for Liz Oakley. Of course. Bring it to my office, I need it right away. [knocking] Here's that file. How did you receive this referral? It was faxed in, I think. What's wrong? I've known Mary for 20 years and that is not her signature. I should have called the clinic. I'm sorry, I never thought-- No, it's not your fault. I should have looked at it personally before seeing her. What do we do? Nothing yet. I have to figure out who we're dealing with first. Well, hello beautiful. Dr. Robin Pratt, at your service. Liz Oakley. A delight! Now tell me darling, what are we looking for today? Well, I did have some ideas. But I do want your opinion. Well you're just marvellous, aren't you? An angel dropped from heaven. Just like my other lady here. Leonardo could have done so much better. Well, remember the times dear. In her day, she was the epitome of beauty. Thankfully, times have changed. Yes, they have. And I assure you, we are ready to deliver on the latest trends. And I'm thinking... We could do a little contour on the hips. And some shaping around the lips. Of course, and a small breast augmentation? Yeah, and I would like to do some face work as well. Something along the jawline, here. But I want to have a natural beauty about it. Something like... Use that as my model. Is there something wrong? This will take a couple of surgeries to achieve. But it's not a problem, darling. You are in good hands with Robin Pratt. <i> [door opening]</i> Mom's home! Hi! How's it going? I see you guys got take out. Dad's favorite Chinese place. You're home early. Yeah. Hey Jess, why don't you put on a movie for you and Aidan? Mom and I can clean up. Sure. Come on, Aidy. By the way, I ran into an old friend of yours at the college tour today. Aunt Liz? What? Yeah, she's real weird by the way. What did she say? That I looked grown up. She called me beautiful actually. What is it, what's wrong? You better sit down. That's ominous... You remember that new patient I was telling you about? What, the big transformation? Elizabeth something? She sued Mary for malpractice last year and then forged a referral so I would take her on as a patient. And then last week at her checkup, she got very upset that I wouldn't do more work on her. And then she just happened to run into Jess? You think this is some kind of malpractice scam? I don't know. It feels more personal than that. Going after Jess, that is way too far. I know. You know, we should call Gwen. She knew everybody in that class. Elizabeth's done her homework on us. It's time we do the same. Here. No hang on-- I can get it. <i> [phone ringing]</i> You look as lovely as ever. Gwen, thank you so much for coming. Of course, is Chris joining? Oh no, he's busy with rehab. How are you two coping? We're good. Well yeah, we're okay. Strokes are tricky. People recover at different speeds. Do you remember Elizabeth Karazinsky? You mean Miss Oakley. So you've seen her recently? Unfortunately. She came in looking to get some work done. I wouldn't touch that with a 40 foot pole. I take it she came to you? Yeah she did, and with a forged referral. Liz certainly runs hot enough to pull something like that. I remember that from school. Can you tell me anything about her? Honestly, I barely knew she existed in school. She was so quiet and then suddenly she was gone. She dropped out. Elizabeth didn't just drop out. She was escorted. What do you mean? And Chris was a savage teacher. He had no room for error. Yeah no, he was tough. Elizabeth just couldn't deal with that kind of criticism. Being held to that level of perfection. Eventually she cracked. We were in a lab and she just fell apart. Started screaming and crying. She ended up getting carried out by security. How did I not hear about this? The hospital kept it quiet, even from Chris. So have you like, kept up with her at all? Only from a distance. I do know she became obsessed with her looks. Hence the plastic surgeries? It hasn't been a smooth transition. She had some complications after one procedure, ended up losing her ovaries. I read about that. Nasty business. She sued that doctor out of existence. So, do you think she's coming after me to get back at Chris, like revenge? What? I don't think she wants revenge on Chris. Who then? You, Katie. What? Back in school, Liz wanted to impress Chris but it was you she was obsessed with. Why me? She was jealous. In a way, we all were. You were the star pupil, engaged to the genius doctor. You had it all: the looks, the brains, the charm. You were perfect! Elizabeth idolized you. She would have killed to be more like you. And you barely knew she existed. I had no idea. My professional opinion? Liz Oakley is reinventing herself. <i> And anyone from that old life,</i> <i> anyone she thinks spurned her</i> <i> back when she was Elizabeth Karazinsky...</i> <i> She wants to hurt them.</i> <i> You should keep your family as far away from Liz</i> <i> as you possibly can.</i> And never look back. <i> [door knocking]</i> Yes? You know who I am. A sad widower. I told the insurance company they can go to hell. It doesn't matter that Mary's gone. We're not going to settle. And I know you're dirty. Mary knew it too. And that's why I'm going to dig up every nasty thing you've ever done. You'll never get a penny. I just wanted to see the look on your face when I told you. Umm, excuse me. I'm not finished talking with you yet. What's this supposed to... [coughing] [choking, gagging] I'd love to stay and discuss this more, but I have a date. Look, I know being a rep isn't the sexiest job. But damn, Chris, there is so much money in it. Yeah I know, but it's not just about the money. I get it, bud. You were a rockstar with the knife in your hand. And guess, what? You will be again. But until then, join the pharma fam. <i> [cell phone ringing]</i> Excuse me. It's the wife. Buy your wife some new sparkles. Prove to her she's not the only one who can bring home the bread, you know? It's possible she may have a malpractice suit coming up. See? This is the perfect time to start bringing home some extra cheddar. Spread your wings a little. Fly to some new ponds, huh? What are you inferring, man? Just can't help but notice the vixen in the corner who's been staring at you ever since you sat down. There she is... hello! [whistles] I'm happily married, Jim. Oh hey, me too! That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, you know, when you're on the road so much, a dog's gotta eat. I gotta take a leak. In the meantime, order some shots. Yeah. Check, please. Leaving already? I am, actually. Meeting didn't go so well? I'm not even sure why I came. Well clearly your friend is a neanderthal. But you seem much more refined. Thank you. Is that right? Yeah. You must be an architect, or a surgeon. Why do you say that? You have an artist's hand. Do I know you? Not yet. Whoa, sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I'm married, so... I can see that. Right, well then you know what it means. Best of luck. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You practically ignored me when I was a student of yours. But now that I have something to offer, I thought maybe I could get your attention? Elizabeth? I go by Liz now. But I think you'll find me a much more intriguing student now. Is this how Katie does it? If you come near my wife or my kid again, I'll-- You'll what? What's wrong doctor? Are you having a hard time bullying me now that I'm not a weak and pathetic student? Or is it you, doctor? Have you lost your edge? Get away from me! Whoa... Chris, where are going, man? It sounds like Miss Oakley knows how to walk right up to the line without crossing it. A restraining order could be difficult. I'll do whatever it takes. I don't want this woman near my family. -Chris... -Katie, I-- Chris, this is our lawyer. Can I borrow you for a minute? Like, right now? I'm so sorry. I'll be right back. Where have you been? I was with Jimmy. I thought we agreed you weren't going to take that job? Yeah, I know. Were you drinking? I smell alcohol all over you. Jimmy spilled a drink on me. Would you just listen to me, please? Yeah, go ahead. Liz was there, at the bar. Oh my god. She came up to me and she umm... She what? She... she was flirting with me, all right? I didn't recognize her at first. I spoke to Gwen. Liz wants to hurt me in any way she can. Yeah, I definitely got that impression. So let's just go back out there. Let's tell the lawyer everything and within a few weeks, Liz won't be able to come within 100 yards of our family. Deal. All I would need is a statement from you and it would make a world of difference in getting this restraining order. <i> [front door opens]</i> Yes, I know she's had a lot of success in suing doctors, but you haven't even operated on her. So she would have no grounds to-- Okay, no. Thanks for your time. <i> [door knocking]</i> Yeah Wendy, you can go on home now. I'm gonna be awhile. Oh, she already left. Are you having trouble trying to find someone willing to speak against me? I'll manage. You know, it could've been much different, Katie. We could've been friends. Friends don't threaten each other's children and hit on their husbands. I think that was actually fun and I was testing him for you. I offered him a taste of something really special. But of course, he stayed true to you: his muse. I'm calling the police. But you know, Chris did seem a little different. He's not as rough as he used to be. Not macho in that doctor type of way. He's a little off now, isn't he? Kind of like a lame horse who needs to be led around. Was it the stroke, or was it you, Katie? Did you break him? I'd love to know your secret. Get out! You heard about Mary? She tried to cross me. She tried to limit me. Did you do something to Mary? Katie, no. That was just karma. Stay away from my family. Katie, you're supposed to be the good girl, remember? What are you going to do? Try me... you'll find out. Hey. Hey. What's wrong? Liz came to the office today. What happened? I don't think Mary's stroke was an accident. I think Liz killed her. Oh my god. She really hates me, Chris. Maybe we can just... pay her off or something? No, it's deeper than that. If she can get to Mary, then she can get to us. Or the kids. That is not going to happen. Welcome back, darling. A little water? Now Liz, I think it's important we discuss how umm... How these procedures can sometimes have varying degrees of success. The final outcome is always a little different from-- Mirror. Darling, let's discuss this for a minute. Mirror now! What is that? There was a tiny complication with the jaw graft. That's going to scar. It will barely be noticeable, I promise. Get out! Darling trust me, with how you look-- Get out! No, wrong, no, wrong again. There charts are completely unsatisfactory. If you keep up this up, you won't make the grade. How's my star pupil? Hi, honey. [screams] Hey, you guys hungry? Yes! Mom, you're still here? Yeah, I had a last minute cancellation this morning. Isn't that nice? We can have breakfast together as a family. <i> [cell phone ringing]</i> Hey Wendy, thanks for the text this morning. I got to sleep in until 6:00 a.m. Really living it up! <i> You might actually be able to stay home all day.</i> <i> Both your afternoon appointments cancelled, too.</i> Really? Can we skip school too? No chance, little man. Did they reschedule? <i> I tried, but they didn't want to.</i> Did they say why? I asked, but they wouldn't give me an explanation. Okay, well, thanks Wendy. I'll talk to you later. This is weird. You don't think this is connected to our other problem, do you? She hasn't tried to contact us since the restraining order. Could she be going after your patients? I just need to go to the office and make sure everything is okay. All right, I'll go to the kids' school. I want to talk to the administrators just in case she shows up there. Good idea. I thought you didn't have work today? I've got just a few things to take care of. How about I pick you guys up from school later? Yeah! Okay good, I'll see you all then. She seemed distressed, I guess. She wasn't wearing a top, I remember that. She might have been crying. Dr. Jones... What's going on here? My name is Carlos Lopez. I'm an investigator with the Washington State Medical Board. He said I had to talk to him. It's okay Wendy, you can go. The state medical board investigates all claims made against licensed medical practitioners. I'm aware of what they do. My focus is on claims of sexual harassment. There's been an accusation of gross misconduct on your part. That is ridiculous. Not according to your accuser whom your office manager last remembered exiting your office without a shirt on. She described the patient as being in great distress. This patient is Liz Oakley. And if you'd care to do your homework, you would see that she has been harassing my family and-- You've filed a restraining order against her. Would you take a seat, Mrs. Jones? It's doctor. And I'm not speaking without my lawyer present. When you're ready to make an official statement. I'm sorry, doctor. I didn't know what to say. That's all right, you told the truth. You can go home now, Wendy. I think there's something you're going to want to see. The investigator told me about it. This was posted three days ago. My name is Liz Oakley and I am a victim of sexual and professional harassment. I am a mature, confident, well educated woman, respected in my profession. But none of that seemed to matter to my doctor, Katie Jones. She saw me as someone she could take advantage of. During a regularly scheduled checkup, she... She took advantage of me. Her patient. I trusted her, she was my doctor. And she took an oath to do no harm. But I am not a victim. And I'm sharing my story with the whole world so that Katie Jones does not hurt anyone else in the same way that she hurt me. Thank you, and god bless. No... this is a lie! This is obviously a lie, she can't do this! An investigator from the state medical board came to the office. What? You have ten years of unquestioned professionalism. She's got nothing. It's her word against mine, and right now, her word is a lot louder. Come on, nobody's gonna believe this crap. We've had a dozen patients cancel since this morning. Really? Well, we'll sue her! We will sue her right into the ground! She's the lawyer, that's her game. No, she can't get away with this. I should tell Jess. I'm going to call that lawyer again. If she wants a fight, we'll give her one. So that Katie Jones does not hurt anyone else in the same way that she hurt me. Thank you, and god bless. How can she say those things? You know, people are going to see this. Your friends, their family. I'll tell them it's lies, I'll tell them it's not true! Jess, sometimes when people see something like this, they don't always know who to believe. That's not fair, you haven't done anything wrong. You're right, it's not fair. And it's going to be really hard, but I do not want you to get engaged. I do not want you out there fighting for me. But mom, I-- Jess please, I don't want you pulled any further into this than you already are. And I'm not going to tell Aidan unless I absolutely have to, okay? People will believe you though, right? I'll make sure of it. My name is Liz Oakley. And I am a victim of sexual and professional harassment. I am a mature, confident, well educated woman, respected in my profession. But none of that mattered to my doctor, Katie Jones. She saw me as someone she could take advantage of. During a routine check-- As I live and breathe, Dr. Katie Jones! It's good to see you, Robin. Is it? The last time we saw each other, you were voting me out of the American Plastics Association. How the mighty have fallen... I need to know if you operated on Liz Oakley. Now, you know as a doctor, I could never answer that. Robin, I really need to know if you worked on her. Me? She was your patient, right? At least, that's what I saw online. You know those things aren't true. So then tell me, why do you think Liz would come here, to seek my humble services, when she had access to the great Katie Jones? After Liz asked for some procedures that I didn't think were necessary, I refused to do any further work on her. But I know that not every surgeon can afford to be as selective about operating on clients with excessive requests. i.e. you're better than me. I didn't say that. Yes you did. And you know what, you're right. I can't afford to be picky. I'm a small fish in a big pond trying to make a name for myself. After all, this is the Emerald City! People here want to be the Mona Lisa of our day. They want excess. They want the next big thing. Slim waists, Brazilian butt lifts, double D's. So you can look down your nose all you want, but my patients need me because people like you won't help them. Listen, I know we've had our differences. And I wouldn't ask you this if it wasn't really important. But Robin, my family is in danger. I need your help. If I operated on Liz, and if something went wrong, then you know I would be in her crosshairs, right next to you. In that case, if there's anything that you could share that would help me, maybe it could help you too? Unlike you, I'm used to crazy patients and lawsuits. And I'm smart enough to cover my own ass. So I don't need any help from on high. That said, I'm going to help you anyway. Because I'm not the unprincipled jester you think I am. I recently had a patient... who will remain nameless. She gave me this image to use as the model for a number of surgeries we planned out. This nameless patient said, this look would make her perfect. Thank you. Anything for a colleague. And if anyone asks, we never spoke. Of course. <i> So I've already applied to Westwood and Penn.</i> And dad wants me to try Boston, U Mass... One second. Hey! You need to leave! Oh hey Jess, how's it going? You have to leave, there's a restraining order. This is a public establishment and I was here first. This is how these things work, sweetie. So it's just a coincidence my mom's arch enemy is at the same coffee shop as me? Arch enemy? I am a victim. And I told my story so that your mother doesn't hurt anyone else. You're a liar! I just hope that things are okay at home with you and your brother. My mom would never hurt anyone. She's actually a good person, unlike you. You know, in a less cruel world... You could have been my daughter. You're disgusting! You know, there is a bit of a fighter in you, Jess. Maybe you and I are more alike than you realize. Jess? Mom! What's wrong? I'm sorry. Liz came after her again. I know I shouldn't have even talked to her, I'm sorry. Listen to me. You didn't do anything wrong, okay? There's nothing to be sorry about. Are you hurt? No. You okay? Okay. Can you go upstairs and give me and your dad a few minutes to talk? -Okay. -Okay. I'll be up there in a few minutes, all right? Okay. This is getting completely out of hand. This is our child! And the investigator called again. He wants a statement. Good. I'm ready now. This is investigator Carlos Lopez. Interview with Doctors Katie and Chris Jones. For the record, my clients are here on their own volition. Dr. Jones, thank you for agreeing to speak with me. Whatever will help stop the intimidation of my family. Intimidation, that's a good place to start. So you know that our daughter is being stalked by Liz Oakley. She basically threatened her last night. I was told that harsh words were exchanged. Apparently your daughter threw hot coffee on Miss Oakley? Jess is just a kid, she didn't attack anyone. I'm just telling you what was said. I should add that a charge of intimidation had been levelled at you as well, doctor. What? You met with Miss Oakley at a hotel bar? On September 18th. No I didn't meet with her, she followed me there. Witnesses described you as violent and angry? Oh come on, that's not even-- You don't have to answer that. She alleges you confronted her about Katie's assault. Then threatened physical violence if she went public about it. That is not what happened. Were you there, ma'am? So what, you just believe everything she says? I believe where there is smoke, there's usually fire. What are you, her lap dog? That's conjecture, Mr. Lopez. You don't have to answer that. I object. Look doctors, obviously there isn't clarity with this case yet. But right now, all the evidence is pointing against you. Then do your research, Mr. Lopez. You can start with Mary Wilson. A doctor in San Francisco. She was in perfectly good health until she died of a sudden stroke in the middle of a malpractice lawsuit with Liz Oakley. Liz isn't just a liar, she is also obsessive. And dangerous. If that's true, I promise it's her I'll be investigating. Until then, Liz Oakley is the victim. Now, let's look at when you first met Miss Oakley. That would be the fall of 2001, is that correct? Stupid son of a bitch. I bet you he's sleeping with her. I don't think that he's the enemy. I just think that Liz is always a step ahead of us. So what do we do? What can we do? We need help, we need proof. Evidence that Liz is the offender and not the victim. Yeah, but who's going to help us? Mary is dead, Bruce is missing, everybody else is so terrified of getting sued, they won't say anything. We need Robin Pratt. The ambulance chaser? Yeah, she's operated on Liz. She knows she's crazy, we need Robin to talk. Yeah but Pratt's just out for herself, she hates us. Yeah but behind all that gloss, there's a real doctor there. I'm going to head there now, listen. Will you pick up the kids? I don't think we should keep them in school during this. Yeah, of course. Okay. Hey... be careful. -I love you. -I love you. <i> -Hello? -Robin?</i> <i> Robin, it's Katie Jones.</i> <i> It's very important that we talk.</i> <i> Sounds important.</i> <i> Can we meet, please?</i> <i> Okay, I'll be at the office late.</i> <i> Say, ten o'clock?</i> Robin? Yes, I need you to send police over right away. I think there's a crime being committed. It's Katie Jones, Robin. Are you here? Just outside of Dr. Pratt's office. Yeah, please hurry! Robin! Anybody here? Robin? Oh my god, Robin! Wake up! Can you hear me? Robin! Robin? Oh god... One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Come on, Robin! One, two, three, four. Robin, wake up! Oh god... Have you ever tried Fuscian Dream? It's to die for. Go ahead, try it. <i> Katie?</i> Chris? <i> Katie, what did Robin say?</i> Chris, I need you to stay with the kids. Don't leave the kids no matter what you do. <i> I've got the kids.</i> I'll be home as soon as I can. Katie, are you okay? Thank you. The homicide detectives said you asked for me specifically. I trust you. See the bottle over there? The perfume? If you check inside, I think you'll find methyl iodide. It's a noxious gas. Very little odor, and unlikely to cause any residue on the lungs. It can cause a massive stroke in a matter of minutes. Officer? Can you bag this please? Be careful, it might be toxic. Whose fingerprints will they find on the bottle? Mine, just like she planned. You could have wiped it clean. Yes, I could have. I looked into Mary Wilson's death. I've asked for an exhumation of her body and an autopsy. It would help if you called her husband to get him to agree to the request. I'll call, yes. I'll make sure that methyl iodide gets added to the list of substances tested for. Who's looking after your kids? Chris is with them. Good. Am I being arrested? Not yet. But the detectives will have to question you formally. I'd recommend that your lawyers be there for that. I understand. I know how this looks. But I didn't do it. <i> [phone vibrating]</i> Hey. How are the kids? <i> They're okay, they're asleep.</i> What's going on down there? <i> They're not charging me, not yet anyway.</i> Thank god. Chris, it doesn't look good. I think Lopez believes me, but he said if I try to leave town, they'll arrest me. I don't know what to do, she's like ahead of us at every turn and I just... <i> Katie, listen to me.</i> We're not going to let her beat us. We've been through tough times before. Just get home and we'll figure this out together. Okay... I love you. <i> I love you, too.</i> -Hey. -Hey. You're free to go home. Okay, thank you. This is homicide's case. I'll see what I can dig up Liz, but without anything solid, I won't be able to do much. Well I would've come to visit you sooner, but you had to file that pesky restraining order. Fuscian Dreams. You're so meticulous. I was hoping you would notice. Were you sure to wipe the prints off before the police found it? You didn't. You naive little child. I didn't kill anyone. So I've got nothing to hide. But Katie, you did kill someone. You killed Elizabeth Karazinsky. When you walked past her without so much as a glance in her direction. And when you married Chris and she was left crying herself to sleep. And then gave birth to that beautiful daughter while she was made barren. What is wrong with you? Mary, me, Robin. None of us hurt you. Katie, would you listen to yourself? I'm practically a freak. Robin was lucky she went as quick as she did. If you had showed up one minute earlier, she may have survived. Or she would've become one of those drooling invalids who would've only wished that the stroke had killed her. Maybe Chris is gonna end up like that? Liz, the police will be investigating soon. How long do you think it's going to take them to find out how Mary died? It'll be all over then. It doesn't matter. Why are you so intent on hurting me? Hurt you? Katie, I don't want to hurt you. I want to be you! You should be flattered. Your looks, your husband, your handsome little boy and your smart little girl. You have the perfect life. The life that I've always wanted. You wouldn't mind if I borrowed it for a while, would you? You're sick. No, I just know how the world works. If you want good things to happen to you, they don't. One day you're dreaming about having children and the next, you're watching some doctor remove your ovaries. If you want the perfect life, you have to create it. You have to take it, just like you took mine back in school. Well I'm not watching anymore. Now it's my turn to take, and I'm going to watch you suffer. Katie! Thank god you're home. Chris, I want you to do something for me, okay? Yeah, anything. Do you remember that hotel in Port Angeles, where we went with the kids last summer? Of course. Tomorrow morning, I want you to take them there again. And don't want you to come back until this thing is over. Katie, no! Hey, I'm not going to give up. Okay? You were right, we can beat this. But I need to know that you and the kids are safe first. I am not going to abandon you. Chris, please... I love you, little man. I'm sorry mom has to stay back and work. And we get to skip school? That's right. Yo guys are going to have so much fun! Come on bud, let's go. We'll see you soon, right? I'll join you as soon as I can. I promise. Be careful. I will. Dad, come on! [Aidan] Bye mom! And when did she leave? [doorbell rings] Really? Thank you, this has been incredibly helpful. Yes, okay. I'll be in touch. I hired a private investigator to do some digging. Guess who flew into SFO the same day that Mary Wilson died? Liz Oakley? And I've got a lot more where that came from. There's no smoking gun quite yet, but she has made a lot of mistakes. The district attorney is going to prosecute. What? I've voiced my opinion, but it's moving forward. I see. You'll probably be charged by the end of the week. I'm sorry, Katie. I'll let myself out. [screams] I'm going to be arrested tomorrow. No! Yeah. Look, we should come back home. No, you guys stay there. I don't want you to come here, it's just going to put you guys in danger too and I don't want that. We can't just do nothing. You can't give up, there's got to be something we can do, some way for you to cover your ass here. What? I'm just saying there's got to be some kind of proof for you to defend yourself. No, what you just said before. Robin said the same thing, she said: I'm used to dealing with crazy patients and lawsuits... and I'm smart enough to cover my own ass. I've got to go. I'll call you soon. Good, go get 'em. I love you. Love you too. Carlos Lopez. It's Katie Jones, I need you to meet me. Where? At Robin Pratt's office. Okay, so why are we here? The room was already checked. Just give me a minute. What is that? A trigger? For a recording device. Seattle has more plastic surgeons than any other city in the Pacific Northwest. Young doctors like Robin have to take on any patients they can, even if they're too risky. She was used to excessive patients and the lawsuits that came with them. She said she protected herself. This is how. I think Leonardo could have done better. Well, remember the times dear. In her day, she was the epitome of beauty. Thankfully, times have changed. Yes, they have. There, that was right before I found her. Liz, I didn't see you on the schedule today. I thought I'd pay you a surprise visit. Just like our old friend did. I'm sorry, what friend? Not very ethical of you, doctor, giving out private information about a patient. Darling, I would never-- Shut up Robin, just shut up. Don't worry, I'm not going to sue you. Thank you. Ugh, Liz what the hell? [choking] Best of luck, darling. I expect they'll pick her up right away. Good. Where will you be? I'm going to be with my family. [cell phone vibrating] Hi, you've reached Dr. Chris Jones, please leave a message. [beep] Chris? I did it! I got her! I'm on my way to you right now. I'm going to be there in two hours. We can surprise the kids in the morning. I love you. I'll see you soon. Good evening. Room key for Katie Jones, please. Here you go. Katie, what did you-- Shh, the kids are in the other room. My husband was supposed to leave a key for me. Uh, yeah. Sorry, didn't you just... Can I just get a key, please? The room is under Chris Jones. Sure, I just need some ID. Sure. -Here you go. -Thanks. Oww! Damn it Katie, what the hell has gotten into you? Do you remember me now, doctor? Jesus, get off me! What the hell are you doing? What, you don't like it? This is totally crazy. I'm calling the police. What... what did you do? You know, I never really thanked you enough, doctor. Without you, I wouldn't have become the woman I am today. [phone vibrating] Chris? Chris! Oh my god, Chris! Are you okay? Hang on... Do you like what you see? Liz, the police know that you killed Robin. There's a recording of the whole thing. This is over, just let me help him, please-- No! Liz Oakley is over. Katie Jones though, her life has just started and sadly, you're not going to be a part of it. You can't do this. Who's going to stop me? By tomorrow, Chris is going to be dead. And you... It'll be like you never even existed. People will know, Liz, they will know that you're not me! People believe what their eyes tell them. You of all people should know that, Katie. And you know what they will see? They will see Chris' beautiful widow mourning the loss of her husband. Nobody's going to question me. Don't worry. The kids and I will be better off without a cripple father. In fact, we're going to be a perfect little family. Do you really think that this is perfect? Are you blind? Our chins, they're pathetically weak. And you have to face it, our noses... they're crooked! And our overbite, you've got my overbite, congratulations! And our hairline, it's thinning. We can thank the kids for that one. Stop it! And our ears! Our ears are just embarrassing, how they stick out like an elephant-- Shut up! And our necks are short-- Shut up! And our eyes, our cheekbones are really high, but unfortunately we get older and our eyes start to sink into our head like a starving child. No, I am perfect! Well done. No really well done, Liz. You look just like me. And you inherited all my flaws, but guess what? I am not perfect. No one is! And especially not you. And you never will be! [gunshot] Chris! One, two, three, four. Chris, wake up! Come on, wake up! One, two, three, four. I guess neither of us are going to get what we want! One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Don't do this to me. Chris! One, two, three, four. Chris, wake up! Wake-- Wake up... Wake up, please! One, two, three, four. Chris, wake up! [crying] [tapping on the glass] Yes, bacon! Mom, I told you I'm vegan now. Does this have anything to do with your new hippie lab partner? Victor-- Vikram. And he's not a hippie, he's enlightened. Ah! Well, problem solved. Now eat up. Yeah, your dad and I have to get to work. Got surgery in an hour. How does it feel, operating again? Pretty good, sweet heart. But I couldn't have done it without you guys.
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Id: ZZVwYc0IvnU
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Length: 89min 57sec (5397 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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