The ACTUAL Difference Between Quest 3 vs Apple Vision Pro

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today I will test how Apple Vision Pro compares to meta Quest 3 when it comes to user experience and productivity on paper both of these headset can open multiple windows resize them type using a virtual keyboard switch between pass through and immersive modes and lots of other things that I will test today because you need to know the value that you can get with a $500 Quest three compared to the $3500 Vision Pro let's get started first let's talk about multiple windows as you can see I I have quite a few Windows floating around here and I open them by simply uh going to my menu here selecting whatever I want to open and then tapping on it and it's going to show up one thing that's really cool is you can bring it all the way close to you and it will actually feel like it right before your eyes and you can even use your hands to move around it there's so many ways that you can customize your uh workspace so you can place this uh Windows anywhere you want I honestly don't even know if there is a limit on how many apps you can open if there is I never reached it and I think that that's pretty great so let's look at how the multiple windows work here so this is my one window I can bring it up close like this so it's right in front of me or I also can bring it all the way further you can enable this other view which is called switch distance if I click on that the screen sort of becoming bigger and also so a little bit curv which is nicer for you to see let's open a browser and there's actually a really cool way to open new Windows without closing the current one you simply drag it right here I have a browser opening one thing that I really like about Quest 3 is as soon as you open your meta Quest browser you will see all of these web Exar games web xar games are the games that you can play right here in your browser without uh installing them so as soon as you click on one of them it's going to load I have a whole video about them because I found this fascinating and really really cool for accessibility so here you've got your three screens but there are some limitations to that for example you can only move them all together and they are moving in the sort of rails so you can't really bring one screen closer to yourself and one screen further they're all going to be moving at the same time and to be honest that is quite limiting because you can't really customize this view as much as you would like and then if you switch the view you can still make it a three screen but this is my least favorite way of viewing multiple screens because they're all flat and you can't control them individually you can only move them all together it just doesn't look good to me so whenever you are using multiple screens if you want to this is the way to do it resizing Windows is pretty straightforward too you simply drag it uh from right or left corner but only the bottom corner you can do it with the top corners now the photo zap is quite interesting one because this is a pretty large window I assume that they expect you want it to be as big as it can because you want to see those pictures on a pretty big screen and I can't really make it any smaller but my point is it's different for different app as Twitter for example and I can still make it quite bigger and I can even change it or orientation like that and this one this is just a browser I can simply reshape it however I want can be pretty small and can be really really huge not all windows in quest 3 are resizable so this particular window and you can't resize it others you can for example this browser window you can resize it so you can make it like a mobile view or you can make it oh super super wide you also can resize them from all all four corners so you are not limited just by these two corners on Quest three but you need to hit that corner um and sometimes it's easy to miss with your fingers while you can open as many windows as you want in Your Vision Pro there is one additional window that you can add and that is a window from your MacBook your MacBook can be connected to your Vision Pro in a very simple way you just look at it and this button will pop up all you need to do is tap on connect and instantly this screen will show up right in front of me and it is really really big it is a 4K screen I can blow it up really huge and just put it right there so here's the thing the first time I found out about it I was really disappointed because you can only stream one screen I just thought that this is not a good thing it means that you can't add additional screens which is the whole point of being productive right you have one laptop and you have multiple screens but the workaround that I found is that if you make this window really really big and open multiple windows and switch between Windows instead of switching between screens and because of how big this window is it actually feels like you're working with multiple monitors you can position your other windows that are running natively on Apple Vision Pro around it if it helps you work you can open your Discord your Twitter jgpt whatever use for work a really cool thing that some of you may not know is that you can use that Mouse to extend it to other screens like for example here I'm actually using my trackpad right here to control my pointer and it can go to all the apps here I'm like in the browser and I can use it directly on my Apple Vision Pro through the trackpad uh of my Mac book even though Quest 3 only supports three windows was opened at the same time there is a work around and that is using immersed app and just like with apple Vision Pro you can connect it to your laptop or to your MacBook can use to create multiple screens in front of you and be in this immersive surroundings but unfortunately you can't mix and match these windows with your other windows in quest such as your quest browser or your store this is just going to be your computer monitor so you need to connect it but you can open up to five screens in immerse so even if you're only using your MacBook you can connect your MacBook to immerse and have five screens which is amazing I need to give credit to the developer of immersed and not developers of quest because uh immersed are working on developing their own visor their own headset that they want to be perfect for productivity so it's not so much of a quest's merit as it is the developers marriage and when their visor comes out this is actually going to be a very interesting compan comparison to the Apple Vision Pro let's look at typing so I showed you that you can connect this to your MacBook you also can connect it to your magic keyboard via Bluetooth if you go to your settings you go to Bluetooth and here your devices will be connected if there is a magic keyboard you can simply connect it from here this is the keyboard I like that you can move it around wherever you want two ways that you can type with apple Vision Pro you can type with your eye tracking or you can type with your physical fingers so let's type with just my eye treking and hand treking this is me typ it takes some getting used to I was making some mistakes because you do need to look at each letter individually in the end I did type it I'm actually quite surprised with the accuracy of this I guess if you do it too much maybe you'll get a little bit of a fatigue now let's try the physical topping for that I'll bring this closer to me again you can make the keyboard bigger if you want to which I think might actually help me this is me typing oh I actually typed it pretty fast so only your index fingers are being tracked here and I assume that that's done because uh if other fingers were also tracking you would inevitably hit some of the keys that you are not intending to hit and that will just make it more difficult for you to type correctly the fact that you can move this keyboard wherever you want and you can even resize it you can also see that there is this input right here that shows you what it is that you're typing and of course there are voice commands this is me typing with just my voice voice period okay got a little bit delayed but that's okay oh it's still it's still recording I need to stop okay I got a little bit delayed but that's okay oh it's still it's still oh that's funny okay don't forget to turn this off if you want to stop recording your voice because it'll just keep going now let's talk about Quest three the first way to type it is also by using your tap um gesture but instead of using ey tracking you would just select which letter you want to select so let's see green that's the slowest way for me to type I really do not prefer it the another way to type is by physically touching the buttons and uh we can do it by um so Talent it works perfectly fine with typing what I didn't like is that I couldn't move the keyboard you see if I move the screens then it moves with it again you can switch the screen to this distance one and then if you do want to type something this line appears which means that you can move this keyboard around and you would think it's a good thing because you can move it lower to higher but you can't move it closer which means that you literally won't be able to reach it depending on how you sit I I find that this is a nuisance that you can bring it closer to you there is one third way that you can type using the virtual keyboard and Quest 3 that Apple Vision Pro doesn't have and that is swipe typing so let me show you how that works propagation propagation I simply tap on the first letter of the word and then and I drag it to match the spelling of this word and it works that is the fastest way that I type it's still not perfect all the time because it's kind of like a predictive text typing but it's surely faster than using this or using that and I definitely prefer it up until now I have been showing you the pass through mode and I can show it to you a little bit more I think it might be underwhelming for some people who are expected perfect quality but to this day today I I find that this is the best pass through quality I've ever seen in any virtual reality or augmented reality spatial computer headset ever the colors do seem a bit muted though but at the same time um it's very accurate like I made some notes right here about what I want to check so that I don't forget and I can see it so perfectly well right here on the screen I have zero difficulty reading that text however there is motion blur effect whenever I'm moving my headset from side to side it is very very blurry and it kind of stops as soon as you stop uh that kind of motion the pass through on Quest 3 is it's okay when I first got this headset I was really really excited about this pass through because it was better than Quest 2 obviously it was better than Quest Pro it was better than HTC wife Elite that I tried at CES however the pass through on Apple Vision Pro is simply better it is not not as Vivid for example those blue and pink colors are not as bright but they are much more clear and sharp than they are on Quest 3 but even Apple Vision Pros Pastor is not perfect there's still room for growth this little Crown at the top can switch from fully uh AR mode into a fully immersive mode by simply twisting it just like that I'm somewhere in the mountains next to the forest it has some some uh audio effects as well so I can hear the surroundings and that makes you feel even more immersed you can still see your hands right here if you move windows to the floor you'll be able to see the shadow which creates even more sense of immersion even if you are in the AR mode you can still see the Shadows so just when I move it right here it actually makes you feel like they are floating in your room that is a very very subtle effect but it's there and it's very easy to miss but I wanted to point it out because that's something that Apple Vision Pro does that it doesn't necessarily tell you explicitly that it tracks where your floor is there's a couple of environment to choose from and to change them you go to the menu environments and there is quite a few not too many to be honest there's eity it looks oh wow this looks gorgeous and I can't stress enough just how clear and sharp the visuals are just amazing but the cool thing about it is that you can also semi surround you in the virtual space while still maintaining your sense of presence so for example right now I can see almost like a very blurry portal into the virtual world I can place my window and whatever is behind you uh is also AR so we are in the augmented reality mode right now or mixed reality if I double tap on my headset then I will appear in my virtual space and you might be surprised to see because this one is a custom home it's not one of the uh typical homes that you can find in quest this one I side loaded using side quest and that is I think where Quest 3 wins in my opinion even though the Apple Vision Pros custume environments are incredibly immersive and the acoustic changes when you're in different environments and they're so Crystal sharp and clear there's just not too many of them if you want to spice up your work you know or home environment there's definitely more options for you in a quest 3 for example I've got this one from Minecraft village it looks so fun but uh the quality of those environment is definitely higher in apple Vision Pro and then of course in the fully immersive environment you know these are not my hands these are virtual hands of my virtual Avatar I can do this and it still looks good so the hand checking is fair fairly fairly decent on class 3 you also May notice that there is no occlusion of your hands over virtual objects that's why you can see the outline of your hands because you need to see where your hands are when they go behind a virtual object there's no Shadow when you bring it closer to the floor as you can see that's the Shadow from my own hand and not from the window so no immersion in that regard either you can make phone calls to your friends using this FaceTime and using the Persona that you have set up I have a separate video just about personas because that's such a huge topic and I decided to talk about it in a separate video so here I'm just going to show you my Persona hi that's me that's so far that's the best scan of myself that I could create it's still not perfect but it's kind of crazy how it detected even those tiniest things in my face like the you know a little bit of a redness of my cheek that's actually from the headset and whenever you're making a call or if you run any type of an app that requires a webcam like a zoom or Skype or FaceTime this is going to be used like your webcam anything that requires your webcam to be connected if you're using um Apple Vision Pro this is what they're going to see at all times now you can of course look at your avatar right here I'm sitting in a chair so the view is a little bit too low but uh yeah so that's me that's my virtual Avatar as you can tell I wasn't going for realism because this is just a cartoony looking Avatar and Quest 3 doesn't even have the eye or face tracking like Quest Pro but then again you're paying so much money for Apple Vision Pro of course you would expect it to be better but this is just not the most work inspiring Avatar it's more like a fun Avatar that you would like to see in a social space like the Horizon worlds that meta created but this is not the face of a person who would want to work in a virtual office and meet with your business partners and one more word about gaming I know that we are mostly talking about productivity but I think that this is still important to note two things about gaming first of all it's very easy to set up a multiplayer game with your friends for example I tried game room and I jumped in with a friend of mine who you might recognize right away just created an invitation on on the spot it just popped up and the game started you could see their reactions I think that that's really cool and you can even play some games with them while you're working on other things because multitasking is a very strong point of this headset you can have so many apps open at the same time and you will simply be able to you know listen to your favorite music play game and check on your Twitter all at the same time but still because this is mostly a a work or a lifestyle device gaming per se is just not the goal of this hatet whenever you play a game like synth writers for example you can still see some latency on the hand tracking which you don't normally notice if you just perform everyday tasks but another thing that I did not enjoy is people want to get rid of controllers because for productivity they're just a nuisance but for gaming I feel like people want controllers you know this is something that you need to be more confident in what you're playing to get some feedback and when I was playing a game like synth Riders the fact that it's all hand tracking and I didn't get any feedback in my hands the way I'm used to just made the whole experience lacking it it felt incomplete and that's why I just didn't enjoy it so for me this is definitely not a headset that I would use for gaming I also made a video recently comparing a piano app that you can find on quas 3 and the piano app that you can find on Apple Vision Pro and just how much better the quest 3 app is compared to the one I found on Apple Vision Pro go ahead and watch that video if you haven't already both Quest 3 and apple Vision Pro can be absolutely perfect devices for different groups of people who are looking for different things so let me know in the comments what you think about them and whether you find the quest 3 to be the perfect headset for you or whether you think that Apple Vision Pro is exactly what you've been dreaming of when it came to productivity but in the meantime I definitely want you to to watch my comprehensive Apple Vision Pro review this is one of the best videos I've ever made on my channel I'm very proud of it and I think that you will really enjoy it if you watch it more awesome content about these and other headsets are coming very soon so make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss them thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: DiscoVR
Views: 16,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, virtual reality, disco vr, vr games
Id: 7S1HXbOqLcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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