Apple Vision Pro vs Meta Quest Pro vs Meta Quest 3!

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I spent over 100 hours testing the Apple Vision Pro then the quest 3 as well as the quest Pro to give you an in-depth comparison between each of these three amazing headsets to make sure you're picking the right one that's best suited for your needs so in this video we're not only doing an in-depth comparison but also going to go ahead and run some scientific test comparison to give you my real world experience when it comes to owning all 3DS headset so with that said let's begin starting off with the displays all all three of these headsets are using pancake lens but the quest Pro as well as the quest 3 are the only two that still uses LCD displays meanwhile the Apple Vision Pro is using micro oleds and I got to say the micro oleds definitely does allow you to view the black pixels as their natural colors as oleds are able to do they're able to turn that pixel black which eliminates any Glen glare effects whenever there's white Tex in the frame a small minor thing that's typically found on the quest Pro as well as the quest 3 but the quest 3 and the quest Pro although the these two are still using LCD displays the difference is between Clarity is Noble when it comes to reading text the quest 3 is nobly clearer compared to the quest Pro and the screen door effects are totally gone on the Apple Vision Pro but you kind of see it still on the quest Pro and if you actually try looking for them you can somewhat see them on the quest 3 but when it comes to overall field of view the quest 3 has the highest one out of the three to give you a image comparison how that looks like in real life see this image this is how it looks like on the quest 3 now this is how it looks like on the quest Pro and the Apple Vision it's like somewhere around here the reason why this is important is if you're playing VR games you like to see people enemies on your peripheral having a higher feel of view definitely does come in handy especially when it comes to using Pastor mode as well which a lot of people are tend to be doing with the Apple Vision now with the F of view Apple hasn't disclosed the exact number and it's probably for good reason I don't know if they're embarrassed about it but Maas explained this situation really well hey boss should we measure the field of view on this thing you know put it on the website no let's say it's like nothing else out there I get it we're still technically telling the truth because it's more narrow than everything else just shut up and do it yeah that comedy skit was on point so it's really interesting how Apple doesn't want to disclose this but if I would to guesstimate I'll say it's somewhere between 95 maybe 200 fov meanwhile the pro has 106 and the quest 3 110 now the display on the Apple vision is definitely not as bright as the quest 3 is Mark Zuckerberg also said this on his respawn video to the Apple vision and in the pass through mode this is definitely noticeable especially when it comes to viewing your smartphone on your display as here's a comparison how that looks like when I'm viewing my screen on my iPhone using the Apple Vision pass through mode and then this is how it looks like on the quest 3 follow by the quest Pro to be honest even though the pass through is slightly more tweaked and better looking on the Apple Vision it it's not far apart from the quest 3 in the side-by-side video comparison but the quest pro pass through isn't really that great it's definitely a generation behind from the quest 3 now the Apple Vision does have a shutter button which allows you to take spatial photos and videos and I've used this a couple of times but I figured out that the quality isn't great either as just utilizing the same cameras that you're using for past through so in theory even though the Apple Vision does have a shutter button to take photos and videos the screen recording looks like this and it's literally just your pass through being recorded So due to this I did a recording test comparison of me playing with the ev9 just walking around the vehicle and here's a side-by-side comparison and I have to say even though the quest 3 isn't on par with the Apple Vision Pro quality image wise it still comes extremely close so it's just the quest Pro doesn't really have the greatest pass through but all three of these are extremely responsive as they're all rated to have a 12 millisecond delay when it comes from the image from the camera to the display to your eyes so with that quick of a respond rate this allows you to Capt objects on all three of these headsets or Dodge things in case of emergency but noticeably the Apple Vision Pro again does have a better pasture because it doesn't cause the fish lens effect that you typically will find on the quester even though MAA did a fantastic job in improving this and eliminating the side effect as much as possible you'll still see it especially when you get really close to objects this never once happened with the Apple Vision Pro the quest Pro also experienced this fisheye effect as well but slightly worse than the quest 3 now both the Apple Vision as well as the quest 3 are the only two that are utilizing depth sensor but the Apple vision is also utilizing a lar sensor due to this I noticed that the Apple Vision does not need a boundary to automatically be placed each and every single time when you're in a new environment you see the quest 3 has a boundary safety measure you could set up as well as the quest Pro but the quest 3 utilizes that inp sensor to scan the room automatically for you so you don't have to go through the boring setup procedure majority of the time the Apple Vision doesn't need this because as soon as you go into full immersive mode any object that walks in view the headset's smart enough to actually show you that object that's moving so you don't crash into them or if you're getting too close to a furniture or a wall it'll automatically make a smooth transition out into pasture mode allowing you to see what's going on before you Collide or hit something like a Furniture piece or something like that so Apple really perfected the safety boundary mechanism as it this does it all automatically meanwhile the quest 3 and the quest Pro you have manually do it but the depth sensor on the quest 3 does also come in clutch just again it doesn't do it automatically you need to lay it down but this is also really awesome because this allows you to actually select unique windows and stuff around your surrounding so when you're playing automated reality games things really do come alive and I've seen some people play some zombie games that allows to turn their entire household into a zombie Battlefield it's super fun and immersive something that Apple doesn't yet have in their VR headset now the quest pro has this immersive AR ability as well but it doesn't come close to compared to the quest 3 nor does it come close to the Apple Vision Pro now let's talk about battery life the Apple Vision Pro is to be able to last 2 and 1/2 hours and for my real world experience I've always come close to that 2 and 1/2 hour mark so they are really consistent when it comes to their battery life meanwhile the quest 3 depends on the game I'm playing but worst case scenario if I'm playing golf plus as an example I'm not the only one that also says this and if you search up on YouTube if you don't believe me the quest 3 has been known to have not the best battery life especially when you compare it against the Quest 2 so because of this on average when I'm playing VR games I do get around 40 5 to 50 minutes of battery life I'm lucky to even get 60 minutes but if I'm just casually using like social media apps maybe just watching a YouTube video yes was hand tracking enabled as well the headset's able to come close to that 2hour Mark that meta is claiming meanwhile the quest Pro easily can actually come close to that 2hour Mark as well regardless if I'm playing a game or not as it's rated to have a battery lap that can go up to 2 and 1/2 hours just like the Apple Vision Pro I'm pretty sure if I was watching like YouTube videos and stuff like that doing similar Tas with the Apple Vision Pro is doing it has the same battery life as the Apple Vision Pro just with the Apple Vision Pro you have to deal with the wire with the battery Bank external battery bank but to the most part once I have it in my back pocket it's not annoying but it's definitely an inconvenient especially if you have pants or clothing that doesn't have pockets and then it just makes it awkward to hold in the hand while you're using your headset I do personally prefer and I like the fact that it's all built into the headset itself of the quest Pro which makes everything balance more since the battery bank is on the back portion of the headest you don't have to buy external accessories or anything to balance everything so due to this I think the quest Pro is the most comfortable one out of the three but the quest 3 has a bunch of support for third party accessories so it's going to cost you a little bit more to make it comfortable to really find a comfortable headset the Buble VR is a good one I recommend especially the brand new one which allows you to extend the battery life as well meanwhile the Apple Vision As Time Mak this video there's not really a lot accessories available but there has been people making 3D prints allowing them to use existing hardware for other VR headsets to easily be attached on the Apple Vision the unique strap headband solo Loop band as well as dual Loop band that it has allows the user to have more options to find the perfect comfortable one for them so that's the second most comfortable one meanwhile the quest 3 is still uncomfortable for me with the original strap so I had to upgrade it with a third party accessory just to make it as comfortable as the Apple vision so your results May Vary for Comfort but all these are great so as it sits right now my quest 3 this one is more comfortable than the Apple Vision Pro now let's talk about performance the Apple Vision Pro is the only one that's using an actual processor out of a MacBook Pro as it's using Apple's silicon M2 along with Apple's R1 and thanks to this processor it not only is the most efficient one but it just allows it to open up multiple different windows at once while recording without experiencing any like delays or lagginess and then it does utilize the latest generation Wi-Fi this this one does have Wi-Fi 6 not Wi-Fi E I was unable to confirm that but it does indeed have Wi-Fi 6 which is still is a nice relevant Wi-Fi signal as well as does connect with Bluetooth 5.3 the quest 3 is running the latest Snapdragon xr2 Gen 2 which allows this headset to run some Next Generation only one VR headset graphic which definitely improve like the texture from the quest two on the quest 3 dramatically especially when it comes to like The Walking Dead game but because of this you may see the game requiring more storage this one actually utiliz both Wi-Fi 6 as well as Wi-Fi 6E and then when it comes to Bluetooth also has 5.3 The Meta Quest Pro is powered with a Snapdragon xr2 plus which doesn't utilize the Next Generation mobile VR headset Graphics texture Improvement games are available on the quest 3 unfortunately but it does support the Oculus leak as well as Steam VR gam so if you have a powerful PC both the quest 3 as well as the quest Pro can run off the processor and the power off your desktop Tower the Apple Vision does not have this capability as of yet there has been people hacking it though to make it possible but nothing official yet from Apple that allows its user to do this but both meta headsets these two do have this capability and when it comes to connectivity even the quest Pro is still on the latest generation Wi-Fi 6 e but when it comes to Bluetooth since it was released a year and a half ago it is using Bluetooth 5.2 which in reality this doesn't really make a massive difference from 3 to2 now when it comes to audio all three these headsets have downward spacing speakers that sound great and are extremely doable even when it comes to VR Gaming but I have to give the crown to the Apple Vision Pro I I noce the sound the bass and everything else just sounds better it's just better tune especially when it comes to watching movies and such the quest 3 also has an amazing speaker but it doesn't come close to the Apple vision and then the quest Pro is below the quest 3 quality in my opinion it's not terrible by all means don't get me wrong and plus you have the capability to plug in an ax Cable in both of quest Pro as well as the quest 3 meanwhile the Apple Vision Pro doesn't have any Ox ports you have to rely on solely on Bluetooth but this does work extremely well with existing wireless earbuds especially if you're using Apple's earbuds or even Beats are compatible earbuds in general that support the Apple ecosystem as there's literally zero to no latency when it comes to listening to music or audio and it's the only headset in this group that supports lot less audio meanwhile the quest Pro as well as the quest 3 if you're using a Bluetooth headphone there's a latency delay when it comes to the audio that you're listening if you're using it for in-game purposes or chat with other friends but nothing crazy or insignificant plus there's directly engineer your earbuds you could purchase for Bluetooth connectivity that eliminate this latency issue entirely but I've been personally using these third party earbuds that I purchased on Amazon that allows me to have a past through access on my headset so I can power it and utilize them at the same time with zero latency and these are the ones I recommend I'll have them Linked In the description down below but just something I personally recommend now when it comes to controllers of course the Apple Vision does not come with any controllers but yes you can pair a Bluetooth controller gaming controller of your choice could be a PlayStation 5 an Xbox controller it's compatible with the majority of wireless controllers you could purchase but you may also connect it with a Bluetooth wireless keyboard no mouse can support yet that's not an apple Mouse like the touchpad or the Magic Mouse Quest 3 is also compatible with this as well and you can also pair wireless controllers onto the quest 3 as well as the quest Pro but it's only the quest Pro as well as the quest 3 that actually come with actual touch controllers out of the box which definitely comes in handy especially when you're playing VR games and now thanks to a recent update you could also utilize One Touch controller at the same time while you're using hand tracking so you have more option with the quest Pro as well as the quest 3 unlike the Apple Vision you're stuck with just hands but I have noticed that the hand control adjusters are really natural feeling when it comes to moving windows and such around compared to the quest 3 as well as the quest Pro but the quest 3 and the quest Pro these two controllers are extremely advanced as to Quest Pro controllers actually has external cameras utilizing existing Android processors and because of this the tracking is 10 out of 10 and then the quest 3 its controllers even though they don't have cameras it's utilizing IR sensors but it has AI technology inside it and the tracking for my experience is a 10 out of 10 as well but the quest Pro is the only one that will actually utilize a stylist so if you're a designer something like that you can actually do that so this is not only excellent for gaming but also for productivity use fast charging it's only the Apple Vision that supports fast charging because if you actually upgrade the power adapter that comes out of the box to like 60 watts or higher I'm using 100 Watts this actually does support fast charging because I noticed it can actually accept 60 watts while charging which allows its headset from going from zero to 80% in just under 20 minutes meanwhile the quest 3 and the quest Pro does not support fast charging can go from from 0 to 100 in just under an hour and 10 minutes for my personal experience now glasses if you have to wear glasses in the VR headsets you'll find that the quest Pro is the only one that gives you more room here because you can remove these little side blinders on the side as they're just attached magnetically and this gives you the maximum room without fear of them actually coming close to the lens and scratching your headset me well the quest three is uh you could fit your lens in here depending on the frame style you have but for me personally these frames mine don't fit it's really cramp and then the Apple Vision Pro doesn't really advise you to wear glasses in here as there's literally no room whatsoever to fit anything in there so you have to settle with your prescription lens option so you have to pay for that for prescription lens if you can use contacts meanwhile the quest Pro as well as the quest 3 do support third party accessories one of which is thanks to today's video sponsor V we they make these prescription lens that simply attach the adapter onto the VR headset and the cool thing about there lens is that they are magnetically attached so if you have a friend or somebody who also wants to try your VR headset you can just remove the lens without removing the whole adapter and you can allow them to test out and play with your VR headset they make them for not only the quest Pro the quest 3 but also on the Quest 2 and the quest one and I've been using it on my personal devices ever since the quest one days to this very day and a beauty about their lenses they also have blue light filtering options as well as anti glare capabilities so if you're looking for some awesome prescription lens I highly recommend checking them out also throwing in this promo code right there to get a nice little discount so definitely do check on the video description down below for that link to find out more about them now if you plan on using your VR for productivity purposes both the quest 3 and the pro can work on both windows and a Mac computer so long as you download the free meta software on your computer and it simply just connects and it allows you to have up to three monitors open at once and there's a nice little window on the bottom here in case you need to see your keyboard or mouse or a portion of your desk but you could also switch to full past mode to really see your environment and feel like Iron Man now the Apple Vision also has this capability where you can quickly connect to an Apple computer only an Apple computer of course but this feature Works flawlessly really nice and the thanks to that micro OLED display and the amazing color accuracy graphic designers will definitely love using the Apple Vision Pro for its gorgeous OLED display but also the fact that when it comes to graphic designing or color matching it's much more consistent and accurate on the Apple Vision Pro than it is on the quest 3 as well as to Quest Pro but the massive limitation aside from only being enabl to be used on Apple Computers is you can only open up one monitor at a time but yes you can increase the size but if you're an individual who utilizes two displays at once like when it comes to video editing how I typically do then I have one with the video editing software in one window and I have another window available so I can look up my files and stuff and click and drag it to one another even though the screen is super big it still is challenging to have two things open at once if that makes sense if it's something that you're commonly used to having two monitors but the quest 3 I'm able to do this just fine as well as the quest Pro and then while we're still talking about productivity use the quest Pro is the only VR headset from meta that utilizes face tracking ability which makes conf calls or talks super realistic and convenient meanwhile the Apple vision is utilizing personas which is what will be use whenever you're using like Microsoft teams Zoom or FaceTime calling both have face tracking abilities and work perfectly fine but the Apple Vision actually works on other devices so in other words you could talk to people on an iPhone a Mac computer they don't have to own a VR headset to be able to talk to you in VR the quest Pro as well as the quest 3 only have this video call ability so long as the other user you're calling also has a meta headset and inquester does not have any face tracking abilities whatsoever now console gaming was something that Apple Vision was pushing in their ads and yes it does work you can actually play your console games and view it all in your VR headset as it does support iPad based apps so you can install like Microsoft cloud gaming or the PlayStation Network console Connect app and this does allow you to play your favorite games now the quest 3 and the quest Pro does support Microsoft Game Pass ability so you play your favorite Microsoft games on the VR headset as well but don't worry if your console is not compatible on the quest 3 or the quest Pro there are some simple walk arounds that I demonstrated in this video but both of these headsets have that ability to play your your favorite console games on the VR headset and I'm fully aware that I've been calling the Apple Vision a VR headset even though Apple doesn't want want its consumers or marketers or companies developers to call it a VR headset they like to call it their spatial audio but regardless whatever marketing tactic Apple has this is a VR headset and a mixed reality headset it goes on your head it works like VR it's a VR headset in my definition and many others also agree so which headset is the best one for you so if you're traveling a lot you may find the Apple Vision Pro a powerful tool especially since it allows you to bring your monitors on the go and have mult multiple different Windows scatter around your room your house or office building so it can easily be a powerful tool when it comes to managing stuff and then since it does support iPad games you could find your favorite mobile games on here as well but as of right now there's no support for full VR games but there are a bunch of game developers who are interested in the Apple Vision Pro who are saying they will release some VR games onto the Apple Vision Pro in the future one of the most popular ones is job simulator as as they confirm they are indeed in the works of making this happen so somewhere down the line I can easily see full VR games making them their way to the Apple Vision but since the Apple Vision just recently came out it's still too early this is still the first generation it is still a risky investment as you're literally paying for the future and for that price tag that's pretty expensive and then when it comes to storage option yes you do have additional storage options you can choose from $3,500 is the MSRP price for the 256 gigabyte version if you spend another $100 you could easily get a terabyte but again that is $44,000 already if you include taxes and everything else you definitely are paying for the future and you definitely are a risk taker because in the next year I'm sure Apple will redesign and improve the current Apple Vision with the second generation which should eliminate its quirky things that it has going on like the external battery bank and such for the same costs as the current Apple Vision or maybe less if all goes well so it still is a risky investment meanwhile the quest Pro normally it came out costing about $1500 but it was more Enterprise Focus as well as retailer Focus but now you can buy this headset for Just Around $900 it's on sale right now at Best Buy as the time making this video this is a nice headset it's super easy to put on as it utilizes a Halo strap design out of the box and that battery life does definitely last a lot longer than the quest 3 for all Purp purposes not just social media purposes or video viewing the batter life also performs really well even in VR Gaming but the pass through isn't really the greatest but it does offer the face tracking ability with your meta Avatar but if you would ask me I personally would have prefer a Persona over the Avatar and again the quest Pro avatars for FaceTime calling stuff like that only work with other meta headsets meanwhile Apple Vision Pro I could FaceTime my mom and talk to her on her MacBook or her iPhone and then if I was in a conference call with my job it also supports the zoom and also Microsoft team I'm sure more other virtual call companies will soon have an app available on the Apple vision and I'm able to continue utilizing my Apple Persona and apple knows about the complains about the persona's complaints it's been receiving has it looks weird it looks like a character from Oblivion or for Nintendo golden ey game it just the Avatar just looks looks like old school Graphics but they recently improved it and enhanced it in the in the current beta of vision OS so I'm sure we'll continue seeing enhancements on these goofy looking avatars to make them look more realistic but for full VR Gaming enthusiasts you'll find that majority of these features that the Apple Vision Pro has can be found on the quest 3 no it does not have the ability to place Windows around your house like how Mark Zuckerberg was advertising it to be able to do but something tells me meta they're in the works to add these features as well as enable a travel mode so maybe give it a couple of months and we'll see get more features added on the quest 3 it makes it more usable like the Apple vision is when it comes to those people using it daytoday on public streets and stuff regardless if you're a true VR gamer there's a lot more games on the quest 3 than there is on the Apple vision and then the graphics and texture in those VR games look so much better on the quest 3 than it does on the quest Pro so I know this video is a lot information but I hope I did a good job in giving you like everything you need to know so you can make your own financial decision on which headset is right one for you or just skip them all entirely or wait until these VR headset become more powerful and more capable of doing other stuff as it continues on advancing in the next couple of years so there you guys have it that is the comparison of each of these VR headsets hopefully you found this video informative if you did make sure you hit that like button as well as get subscribed for more VR content just like like this if you're planning on picking one up be sure to use the affiliate links in the description down below as it doesn't cost you anything it just sends a small kick back to the channel which allows me to continue making these videos for you guys so I'll greatly appreciate it if you could do that now if you like to watch more maybe check out this video over here where I show you all the cool hidden features and the cool Easter eggs that the Apple Vision has and then that video is another hidden feature video but that one revolving around the quest 3 thank you so much for watching
Channel: HotshotTek
Views: 30,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meta Quest 3 Vs Apple Vision Pro, Meta Quest pro Vs Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro Vs Meta Quest 3, Can Quest 3 do spatial computing, apple vision pro, quest 3, meta quest 3, vision pro, apple vision pro vs meta quest 3, meta quest, apple vs meta, apple vision pro review, quest 3 vs vision pro, who is apple vision pro for, quest 3 vs vision pro resolution, meta quest 3 best games, meta quest 3 vs apple vision pro, meta quest pro vs apple vision pro
Id: -5a2w6qu_48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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