First Time REACTING to ONE PIECE Openings (1-25) Non Anime Fans!

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what's going on guys welcome back to a brand new video I'm Chase and he's Skye and today we'll be reacting to you of all One Piece openings oh videos please them down in the comments below Chase direct to this we'll be that guy we got you just gotta stay patient and also 95 of you are not subscribed subscribe it's free all right so we have already reacted to this first one piece opening in a earlier video so make sure to check that out so we're gonna vibe to this first song and then react to the rest of them let's get it bro opening one the characters look so different in this anime too like oh yeah he has stretchy character in the show has like their own design like it's not one design you know what I'm saying like yeah it's a different heart soul bro I could play forgot about these monsters like how oh yeah bird monster in the water bro imagine your real life since like the ocean hasn't really been discovered as much I imagine like those being in our ocean I mean could be is that a llama ship I don't think it was a llama we're looking at these break dancing on them oh you got yoked how strong do you have to be to do that to a monster [Music] I don't know it's not like he's super buff this song is such a banger like a basketball boys doing it with his hat hmm okay so I have a question for y'all why is a show called One Piece is it like does it mean that they have a crew of people right and it's not like the whole One Piece because like a piece together because I'm gonna take out I don't think the main character's name is gonna be one piece um it looks like this anime was really old or is really old um it looks like it's like from the 90s maybe like around the same time as Naruto and bleach um the art cell it's like I mean it just feels older compared to the rest of the ones we reacted to and the thing I like this I already said it but the thing I like about this anime is that each character has like their own art style and not it doesn't follow like this one generic art style you know what I'm saying like the characters can just get crazy no matter what so we obviously know they're Pirates but what's what's their main goal is it is it like something like big or is it just them trying to get treasure probably get treasure because I feel like a lot of pirate shows and movies like that's their ultimate goal right it's to find the buried treasure on like some remote island and just like get rich and stuff like that so like do you think it would be like multiple different Treasures or do you think it's they're just trying to get you one like gigantic treasure I don't know because I feel like anime is so creative right I feel like they wouldn't follow the same generic pirate scheme you know what I'm saying I feel like they would try to like spin it in some sort of way and by the way so the main character right the character with the straw hat is he like Mr Fantastic Four where he's like really stretchy because we have him right and then we have a green guy which has like three swords he has one in his mouth I'll be a redhead girl I'm not sure what she does we have a guy with a a egg that he Yokes people with uh we got the smoker guy he does break dances like what what is like the power system of the show if it even has one so when you talked about what one piece could mean and you're saying how like could be like the crew yeah could it be like the crew is like a puzzle and they're all like a piece of it but each piece is just as important as the next piece so like they're like all the One Piece true they're all the main character yeah I mean I'll lose a superstar right because we have a couple different shows that look like they had like multiple different characters like JoJo's for reference yeah I can see that happening and also the lyrics right at the end they said we are in one piece if if it was like them looking for Treasure or something like wouldn't it be like when the lyrics change if they're looking for Treasure instead of saying We Are One Piece so it probably Bliss me off because like they're all One Piece One Piece opening two play Chase okay okay way different from the first one already was that space I saw dang there's a lot of characters a lot of characters there is actually a lot of characters was that a fish mouth what is going on no that looks so cool though that guy looks cool is that mustache man Waluigi bro okay oh this Vibe is so different from the other one I can just get up and dance right now look how cool they all look they look so happy they're all just smiling reactions okay bro he he actually just break dance it's actually insane he is bro I wonder if he upgrades feel like a sniper and mentioned him being a sniper oh so she has a staff slingshot sniper oh who are these characters I showed so many of them this is a second opening this Arsenal kind of reminds me of another show we were acted too much fun I can't I can't quite remember fairy tale oh I think it I think it was Fairy Tail yeah fairytale has like a similar art style [Music] okay I like that one a lot all right so what we saw from this second opening right they showed off a ton of characters like I was playing a fighting game or something but like so they're showing like multiple different Pirates right I mean it might sound generic but well I'll Just Go With It Anyways what if I gets a bunch of pirates in a different Crews back in this battle royale type of thing fighting for treasure like they like like cfd is for reference like what like what like a whole goal is to get treasure and they just hijacked other people's ships and stuff like that I could definitely see that and not like especially I feel like it takes a turn with these like monsters in the water because how will they because they have to worry about your ship and the water and like the weather already and then you have to worry about these monsters and Pirates trying to take her stuff I suppose that would be a tough goal I don't I don't really see that power system here yet but it showed off a lot more weapons than usual because we saw like guns and we saw a staff so I wonder what else they could use and I feel like it's already creative with a character using a slingshot as a sniper so screw I'm interested to see what else is in store for us one piece opening three let's get it okay already different from like these three openings dude and the Arsenal's changing none of the art style it's like the color scheme that's cool like circling the world with the waves I've even notice that that was awesome yeah that looks cool okay wait oh I don't know what that was but it looked like there was another girl new steps looks sick is that a reindeer shapeshifter a reindeer dog thing bro I love that how they show the map bro and all these openings do you think each one will show more and more of the map like the more they travel hopefully that'd be cool like they just have to render in the map okay did the trees on their boat did I just see that right I'm not too sure okay that's I think that's a goat or a sheep on the front oh that dude yeah that yeah that is the actual tree I think it's an orange tree or something like that or like apples I love the the aesthetic of the show okay is he trying to fish for a dolphin don't do that to a dolphin what never mind she was not fishing for a dolphin that was huge bro what got him look at him they look sick that looks so cool this reminds me of I know I say it like sometimes but bleach I love how they change the clothes and they're dripped out I just love it like it makes it seem like they're not lazy and they know how to design these characters okay first of all what is that thing on the bottom left it's not a dog reindeer cat dog mixed I literally I legitimately don't know it showed off the map again right it looks like they might have discovered more stuff with a map so um on the map right it's just like a bunch of different islands and a bunch of different creatures doesn't mean like when they draw the creatures on the map does that mean that's where their habitat is or is like The Gnome danger like like a dangerous place to travel to because it's like big monsters over there yeah it's probably like that but I mean it could be like just where they saw them so it's just like their own personal map like oh we saw them over there so maybe that's like don't go over there like bro like what is up with the water it's like it's like the water like mutated in these animals because a dolphin's not that big at all if we saw like a mega sized dolphin that kind of concerns me not gonna lie when they how or when they show more islands and stuff do you think they'll have like more like pirate Crews too you can like know where they're located at so they don't bump into these other Pirates or you think they would mark them on there so they could steal from them probably both right like you know what I'm saying like I feel like there's like a big like this is gonna be like a bunch of pirates right so I wonder if like there's like certain pirate Crews I have like a lot of people like compared to them they only have like seven people so I wonder if other pie recruits have like 50 100 and like you don't want to mess with them it could even be like a whole Fleet like multiple ships true that'd be so dangerous bro like like one big like head captain or something like that bro I'm kind of interested I want to see it so we have two new characters of This Crew it looks like um the character with the black hair in this reindeer thing um we saw what the ranger thing can do is like shape shift or like grow big or smaller stuff like that but we haven't seen what she can do but she the redhead girl got a whole new staff or a pipe it looks pretty cool not gonna lie opening four one piece play it that's kind of weird oh yo that beginning sounded so weird okay hey what dude I love how they nearly like their Adventure I feel like this is like them narrating what their story is going to be about okay dude it just grows just just more characters and characters oh my oh my goodness gracious bro is he gonna like is he afraid to fall off yeah I guess not oh look at that walk side eyes that I don't know it's almost like crayon but not but I'll love these posts and stuff to do the guy with the three swords looks so cool dude's dripped out like all the time okay oh let's look like they're shut off their past yeah I was gonna say they all look like uh when they were kids so this one it looks like they're having a lot of fun we haven't seen like fighting like any parachute or anything like that hmm okay well is he a dug on the bomb right okay hear me out right so um in these past four openings they've changed uh clothes right so do you think that they change clothes on every time they landed at a different Island since like a different island has a different theme that could be pretty cool that'd be awesome I feel like that would fit so well off the bat this opening seems like really fun and uh so this opening looks like it's really fun and nice right like very peaceful but then like in the middle of it it should like everybody's past it looks very depressing but they're like anyways let's get back to the fun I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa don't show me on this like you're showing me all this I wanna I wanna know more because like all these characters look like you're depressed I wonder if like each character has a different goal or is it like each character oh all these characters have the same goal and they're sharing it it looks like the blonde character was like really like he was like really skinny like like you're starving like what is going on with your like past like I wanna I wanna know so I wonder if like they were all depressed at one point and then they all found each other and that's just like sharing a goal or they're gonna help each other reach their own goals so okay do you think they're kind of like a family at that point then like they all have TR because they all have something in common like they all have their tragic backstories they always have some type of goal I don't know if it's shared or their own goals but they all came together you know one people are all happy so I wonder if it's like a they're all wonkies I love okay hold on I just noticed this so you know the okay look up a one right look at the o x marks a spot I didn't even I didn't even realize that like treasure I didn't even roll it bro that looks so cool that's a good way like your show I wonder if they're gonna travel to like different biomes right it like each volume is gonna be like harder and harder like to survive in like looks like they have like they're all wearing like warm clothes up to the beach so I wonder if they'll have like warmer clothes and like survival will be harder if they go to like different biomes because like them weren't all this close like these clothes like warm clothes I don't think it's gonna work when they go into some environment that you have to climb a mountain of snow or something like that you know what I'm saying I wonder like I'm really interested and see how they develop as a team and try to work together so the character with the straw hat right and the the redhead character um the male uh redhead character with his power crew it looks like they're like in some way like their past stories were passed there were the flashbacks connect to each other because it looks like he was like older than him but it looks like he might have saved him since he's like in the water crying so I'm not sure about that maybe it's maybe saved him right from like something and then now their Rivals that could be cool or like the straw hat character is trying to let's say like like repay him back and see if you can save him back or something I think that'd be another cool story just to see why um the redhead character wouldn't recruit him to his pirate crew I wonder if he like he would have right tried to recruit him to his own pirate team but what if he's like forget that I'm gonna create my own pirate team and become a rebel from like to you I mean he's probably just too young at that time because he did he looked pretty young but I don't see why now he can join the crew you know yeah since they're older I mean it depends on how long they've been traveling because like I feel like being on a ship could last years and I feel like it'd be kind of hard to find him material yeah that is true depending on how bad the world is because it looks like they're gonna travel like everything it's like we haven't even seen like like I think it's gonna be so it could just be a huge world that they're like traveling across I think I feel like this uh like I feel like this anime is gonna be fun to watch I feel like it's just like so much in like there's 25 openings like there has to be a lot I'm just saying like I feel like it's just gonna be a really fun adventure anime that anybody can just watch and enjoy and since it has a bunch of characters there has to be a character that at least someone likes right he's off the bat like there's a character for everybody yeah I feel like that's a character for everybody because off the bat we're on opening four and they showed like 100 different characters already opening five one piece let's get it Magic fairy dust fairy dust Peter Pan what are these guys they're in fortnite [Music] jumping out of the battle bus thanks bus driver but look out dude maybe I was right whoa maybe it is like fairy dust they were flying I'm confused their whole ship was an error oh maybe maybe there's magic in the show I mean I would assume so since a ship flying looks like they have the same characters on the so far um what bro I'm so scared of what that is like if you supposed to be like the Hulk for the team it's not I don't know he was buff okay they're fighting Pirates now what ice powers so there has to be magic in the show yeah okay that dude was like so tall wait was that the police holy dude there's so much action going on a bird whoa what bro that was so different from the rest of them already it really was there's so much action the art improved the animation improved like I show I feel like since like everything approved they get to show way more stuff than they already showed already like what off the bat we see a bunch of different characters we got a character with ice magic is there actually magic in the show because I feel like they kind of teased it when they all were flying from the sky and I mean I guess his stretchy arms could be magic too what would that be if it's not magic listen do you are you able to learn the magic or are you just born with it you could just do like yoga and your arms start being floppy you know you know those mascots and for like hard dealerships to get your attention they're like oh my gosh the bullet points Theory time you ready for this I cut it with the side of my eye so off the bat the black hair character um so they're like everybody or the whole crew is on like this campfire right like relaxing and like falling asleep but she was inside the tin like studying something what could that mean like if if they're all falling asleep and she's inside the tent do you think she's like ready or trying to like betray them or do you think like she's studying on how to get better treasure yeah it could be like old Scrolls stuff like that where it's like or old Maps where like x marks a spot like we said before so I mean I could go either way I mean like I saw with the side of my eye and like I I was like what why is there just one character in The Ten so I'm kind of scared for them for that the characters on the show too like there was like a bunch of action going on so that like there's just some type of police character I want I wonder if that's like another thing that they have to deal with too they don't have to deal with like these monsters and Pirates and like the weather they also have to deal with like the Navy and like the police oh a Navy bro because the Navy is always on that would be a huge obstacle Amy's always on the water the wanted posters that makes so much more sense why they're being Navy with the wanted post I was like I was wondering about the wanted poster I'm like is it for pirates or like are they hunting people like as like Bounty Hunters oh listen because they could they could hunt other wanted people bro okay listen listen that could be another thing why she's trying to betray them so like what if they're like one two posters have like a certain amount of like reward right what if she's like dang my crew is kind of expensive I'm a oh my gosh slash them up and give them to the Navy and like that could be another thing to you with these like a bunch of these Pirates they're fighting each other to take down each other to get more money but at the same time they they get a chance of getting caught by the Navy too because they're wanted this this might be out there but I'm just going to say it anyways what if like civilians get like shipped and stuff and they try to hunt down Pirates as well you see all these like multi posters what they like you know what that's a lot of money I'm gonna take my own boat and my own friends or we're gonna go sail and try to fight these Pirates I feel like I feel like normal people wouldn't stand a chance though against Pirates because Pirates are always like at least traditionally there was there was fighting like they're sword fighters and in this show there's magic like ones with magic and like stretchy arms and ice like freaking stuff so so how would a normal person fight that I don't know like I mean we don't we don't really know if like the Pirates are the only ones with powers yet like what I mean true what if like because like the Navy could have powers like these citizens could have powers I thought you just could be random because those shows like already pretty random off the start so I wonder like that's not a far-fetched in my opinion I'm just really concerned how how did they get a whole strip to fly that's one thing I want to know um it could have just been for the opening to look cool you know that's always a possibility because I mean people told us not to take everything so literally when doing our theories so maybe you know that's just because it's still out there right they were so high in the sky flying like that's that feels so out there that maybe it's just like foreign artistic reason I guess you're right because it's a bunch of pirates on the ocean but it's always fun to think far-fetched true it's really fun to do these series like that opening six one piece play it those outfits probably be so fun like you could be like Spider-Man with like no webs you just use your arms dude I thought he was swinging around on trees like a monkey I didn't think of Spider-Man at all I'm sorry foreign like after all these openings um [Music] holy I think I was right with The Fleets yo that guy looks cool that guy looks cool that guy looks cool he's huge wait is there a grandma a grandma Grandma's a pirate I don't know oh I have another theory bro it was oh it's Navy I said uh I said Marine on it he said Daddy yeah they're gonna get chased down by him bro what the that look weird the fact he's fighting with three swords no did you see that I also got the egg thing right it was a staff slingshot double chin what is okay dude look wait did she get kidnapped she was on the other she wasn't standing with them the black-haired girl or did she betray like you said bro I think I think you're right I think she betrayed dude oh who's gonna get juicy all right so Alpha three right you know how like we showed the other flag right on the on the land I wonder I wonder if pirates can claim their land and put like you know how like people discover or climb these like mountains and they put their flag down and claim it like and name it after after themselves or whatever I wonder if the Pirates can do the same thing when they discover land they get to claim that land and name it whatever and what like other Pirates can't touch it because it's their land like they have it claimed I mean I guess they could fight for it like it's like Clash of Clans so just like just just like the signal your territory though yeah yeah because like that'd be pretty cool I will what was that like so I was imagining like these Pirates fighting each other but they're there's just a gigantic group of pirates just sailing together I guess well listen do you know how lit the parties would be though do you want to go to a pirate party okay but these character designs are really like like up there bro I'm telling you yeah some people were huge there's a character of the Indian there's a character that was just a mouth but bro like I want to show out like I want them to show these characters more often because like I feel like when they're showing these characters it's just like a split second I was like oh bro I'm gonna look at more because like we saw like this big Marine dude we saw another pirate that looked really cool and another like pirate he looked pretty cool too like let me show like I wanted them to show them more and then just a split second because I mean I don't blame it either because they're fitting so much in in just two minutes maybe a minute 50. I want to see what happened with that black hair character because if she actually did betray them and that's why listen she left them after the Marines got to the island thing just ditched them and dipped listen my theory would be cool if it was like that but okay like another thing that she somehow could betrayed them to right well she's like writing letters in a tent and giving it to a messenger bird at least we did see a bird true we did like a part of like a pirate crew or whatever what she shipped out to the Marines dropped off the messages to the Marines and then went to the island it's possible I mean that's definitely possible what was going on with the main character he turned purple yeah and his leg did like a you'll be I don't even know what to call that he's Gilly foreign man oh yeah he did hit that whoever he was fighting like back like yeah bro it looked like I don't even know how far like a lot far away it looks like it was a cannon inside of his hand Cannon's side of his hand okay wait so it looked like when we said his leg looked goopy it looked like there's some ball in it you think it was moving through his body it was like an actual Cannonball and it was moving through his body and he like shot it out of his hand wait because he said his hand would look like a cannon yeah what if he could step on cannonballs and they like enter through his foot ew and he like shoots him at his hand oh I mean that looks already nasty to begin with but you just describing how the power could work oh I mean yeah that would not feel good or that's kind of gross that is kind of gross okay another thing the the the character with like this like uh egg Cannon or a gay uh egg uh slingshot he looked like he upgraded big time because he has like a whole like costume now and he has a staff that has like a snapper attached to it wonder how far I wonder how far you can shoot now infinite like I mean magic anything's possible if he's like actually using magic I want to know how strong they are I wonder how strong the main cast is compared to the other characters because I feel like there's a but like if there's a bunch of pirates you know those can be a big competition yeah I'm just saying I wanna I wanna see how like that power scaling works with the show yeah I think we just to figure out that kind of stuff I think we just have to watch the show yeah opening seven one piece let's get right into it I love how they commentate over these openings in the beginning part of it it's almost like they're reading it like office not like a fairy tale but like Legends almost like these were like the legendary Pirates and it's like a scroll why is this is the first opening that's a little bit different it's a remix because there's more voices in the song okay I wonder if it's gonna be the same visuals though I love how the youth hit like the main character as like the logo hmm this is kind of hard I don't know if I like this one or the main one better I don't know wait I know we did see that what was that a clown yeah clown guy I don't think we've seen him again yet that sounds so cool how it's like multiple people singing listen I'll have a theory what if it was like the okay listen you know how it was like a bunch of people singing it yeah okay so like the like the original ones like it's just one person singing it right because it's just the beginning of their Journey what if like they remixed it and had the original like the like the four original people or the characters sing together that's why like the actual voice actor people yeah so well if it's like actual voice actors seeing it because there's more of them now in the crew that'd be pretty cool if it was the actual voice actors like the whole crew singing together bro that'd be awesome that's like their chance and the character the main character at the end he said one piece like come on I think I think that I think that's possible oh it looks like visually I don't think anything changed but the music a banger bro if it's the actual voice actors complete Banger I wanted the more people that joined his pirate crew I wonder if I I wonder if it's like the either we're going to get more of these openings like more and more voices added yeah like periodically it'll be the same like visuals but more and more voices like almost like a chorus or yeah maybe or maybe the visual kind of could kind of change yeah because I was looking to see if this one changed at all and I didn't notice anything I think so maybe it was something small yeah I think it was the same yeah let us know if we missed anything but it looked like it was the same one piece opening eight please Chase okay ukulele or something a professor logo we're not supposed to signify what if the crew broke up and you're trying to find them again to become one piece wait wait you might be big brain wait I just also realized is there a member for each letter in the title one piece wait we have to count that we have to count me Members they have wait she's back with them though hmm maybe she did get kidnapped well they're using like the thing as like a luggage carrier that's kind of messy oh he's carrying stuff right there too maybe it's just because he's the strongest Maybe that's a big bird I think they're really just going everywhere look how cool he looks this character bro that dude looks sick I love that those character designs there he is again some of my favorites that they've shown those three oh wait is what he just saw it he just so he's back on whoa he just packed him up and he's back on an island this is chilling he's like yeah our work's done what there's dinosaurs you like how they're all scared of him and then he's just like laughing wait what did I just go straight through the island yeah what is there like a river maybe that it we didn't see was it a hippo wow you're theory about the the letters or the logo of the crew I don't think it's accurate yet because I think I counted like seven characters wait one two three four five six seven yeah you're one off these are seven crew members and there's eight and then eight yeah okay Atlas so maybe one more person yeah is gonna join maybe for to be eight I mean I can see that happening that'd be cool wait what okay so you know the redhead guy that saved him before and he had his own crew what if he loses his crew and comes back to join this one and the Red O not only means like x marks a spot but it's also signifies for him with his red hair and he's like the missing piece he's like the one piece that they need to complete their crew that's interesting what what I don't I don't think I don't know why that just came to me but if that's true that's a big brain moment so like my theory in the beginning was like all the like the Legos that scattered across this island dude to try to get his like crew members back or whatever maybe it did happen but it looks like it didn't but it would be cool if it did happen yeah like throughout this whole opening it looked like it was like very like peaceful and like fun it looks like it was just like them like shopping for stuff and like just having fun until like like this other pirate crew showed up trying to fire cannons at them he reflects it back at them and then slingshots himself to their boat and destroys it and comes back and here we have opening nine of One Piece playing let's get right into it okay okay the look is different is that a new character wait I think that might have been new characters that's a whole different ship it's like new everything okay what it is just a completely new ship huh unless it's upgraded that's a whole different person yeah yep so they have eight now oh that's just a skeleton is that the logo okay yo he can machine gun out of his hand I wonder if you like knows martial arts look at that look at a slingshot oh new staff again yes we're swords he has like three in the back and three on this uh on him I couldn't tell if those were more swords or just the sheaths that hold them I could have been the shoes do you just almost slash his own crew member do you see the makers just like a shirt shirt it's a nap whoa bro are they actually that big there's no way right I can't tell with this show bro he is getting stretchier and stretchier oh he's just having fun he's actually having fun was that different gears [ __ ] what what not a submarine so what we've seen about the ship tell me where you're sitting about the ship earlier they can fly okay bro it can just fly like that that's crazy they can just fly around it looks like the guy puts treasure treasure do you think that's the name of the pirate Cruise one piece I was just about to say that like that's what they're known as throughout the land and like to see bro that's so interesting to me bro okay off the bat new character or a couple new characters but one character in The Crew He has machine guns bro from his fists this show is so creative bro what I'm so confused about this skeleton dude is he actually like a skeleton or is he or is that just like someone's magic like like you know how like people create zombies and shows what if it's like a skeleton just magic I mean I don't see why not I mean there's flying ships and other we've seen other magical kind of stuff so I'm I'm you're like I'm not opposed to that you're like um I don't think they would do that because the supply show and guess what happened a flying ship nope I think I'm still right I think the old ship couldn't fly I think it's just the new ship that had the big rocket booster on the back and the other one was foreshadowing this it was just a foreshadow I think I was still right I don't think the The Old Ship could have could fly I think it was for foreshadowing for that right there the rocket ship sure sure buddy I think my I think I was still okay but do you see how much like the ship has upgraded since the other one that's what I'm saying so are the numbers on the like you like the gears is there different numbers for each gear like gear one is like this uh Cannon Gear 2 has this like submarine sharks gear three I get transformed yeah a little bit different ways every time like a Transformer bro that they're driving or sailing imagine if you have like another gear it's like wings where they can stay on the air for like a certain amount of time oh it's like Glide so like you rocket booster up there and then you have big wings to Glide around that could be cool I could I could definitely see that how broken that would be if you're you're the only ship that has that you'd have to be the best ship because you could just fly you could like there's a pirate let's say there's a pirate underneath it right or a pirate crew you you Skydive down steal the stuff jump right up fly yeah cause how would anyone catch you no one would you could just look down for like unsuspecting ships you're invincible and like the main character like it's like he's not scared of these marines or Pirates he's just in there having fun fighting people you did the same thing again he he used to stretch your arms flowing at the Marines this time and destroyed it over one shot and then proceeded to fight the whole Fleet he wasn't scared he's just like I'm gonna fight you it's like that probably that probably means that the powers are more rare because I feel like if everyone had one he wouldn't he would he'd be more like wary of people it was like anybody any random person can have like an amazing power yeah that you'd be like kind of not maybe not scared but like aware of to deal with so I feel like it's probably more rare where everyone doesn't have one what were you saying about the Pirates too like the the rivals or enemies that they have imagine if they're that big bro like you're not like they're in the back like huge are they gonna be Mountain size are they gonna be like dinosaur size or are they going to be or is that just like to describe how strong they are or even like that's how well known they are I wonder if there's like or how big their wanted Bounty is about to say the same thing girl if that's true one piece crew they're not big yet they're getting there though they're on their way peace look at all this Treasures that they copped maybe that's how they bought their new ship as they like saved up and had someone like invent or like found in maybe a certain Island that had more advanced stuff because you're talking about different islands with different biomes of different kind of people it could be like a certain Island that has more advanced stuff and they bought it from them do you know like I think it would be smart if they if they uh recruited a a mechanic on their team oh yeah because it's all mechanical now because you know how like easy that would be you don't have to worry about it and like you just fixed or anything you just have a mechanic there true they need another member one piece opening 10. play Chase Finding Nemo like electric guitar way different this is like a futuristic kind of beat wait oh it's another remix oh it is a remix oh he looks way serious nevermind nah you happy he happy the drip was he walking like that he's a menace bro okay that's cool it's got the whole gang I think his arms are massive I wonder if it's like like ammunition stored up in that like area of his arm oh maybe dude I can't even take in all those characters there's so much at all okay since like oh a new trip since they're showing the characters from the first opening are they making a return Maybe wait was that a stone or not a stone nose but like a steal a nose what does that mean the X on their arm oh no still going huh oh there it goes dude I think they're wait what I think they're actually that big chase that's crazy oh it's skeleton again so is this kind of just a a recap of all the characters they've shown like in the series so far Maybe because it kind of seems like they're showing like all the characters that they've shown I wonder how strong he is bro you keep on showing him for real that was a nice change from the first it was a nice change they they already makes this twice I think I think I like this one like the best out of the three think so I think so with the fish drink like the futuristic type being okay I don't know futuristic's the right word but look look how long this one was bro usually like a minute and 50 seconds this was two minutes and 30 seconds they showed a lot they did show a lot they did show a lot yeah the theory of like the characters could be that big or could be like you know just like I want to poster type of thing the characters are actually that big bro do you see how massive that dude was I kind of want to go back and see that oh it's a robot where look at his stomach that's a chair inside this is an opening hole wait wait like curtains and this is like stitched together and there's a like a serial number on his arm like a robot would have okay listen so what time period does this take place in do you see if you have this type of like equipment in like technology what could like it's a show like anything possible I mean it seems like it I did not do this on the first time around bro it looked like a giant dude I was looking more like his face because look how menacing that is it is but like I do like what do you say look at the stomach I was like what about the stomach I was like it was a chair so I wonder who was controlling it like could it be another pirate or could it be like the Marines like it looks like the main characters used to that purple smoke thing again so as to who's controlling it maybe it's normal people closing as like these super strong Pirates okay to get back at like the other Pirates please move to the pipes kind of adding to your theory maybe earlier Pirates stole from them mm-hmm and they want to get revenge on them and get their possessions back okay I can see that at least we just see them in town and look at ourselves yep I mean boss Maybe opening eleven one piece flame Chase it's like a ooh I like that transition I like this voice too straight to the vocals wait the schedule's with them now yo okay bro bro look at this what this one's sick they just okay you show some names now okay there's they're going by so fast it's hard to remember them oh so he so he is a part of him and he's a musician bro look how cool this looks you're the one character in the green hair character keep on fighting with each other bro they do oh those ships are so big you're in the middle of the whole Marine bro dude I thought their ship got bigger from the very first one but those ships were massive bro once you progress everybody else progresses too that guy look weird all these characters look so many do you see that guy's mouth holy they're so tall wait is that the same character I can't tell if is that the same black hair character yo those character designs are sick wait was that a fish at the end dude he is just destroying everybody he actually is though wait who's that looks like someone got chained up maybe someone he knew from like when he was little or like his past okay that's my favorite one okay vocally yes that was like that was my favorite one vocally a hundred percent that's so the transition when they're like come from the sky to them I'll use the vocals already so cool so looks like these openings are longer than usual the last two have been two minutes of 30 seconds so I feel like they're having like a lot more money now and they can animate more and show off more and get more artists to go on the show and like create more music so that's interesting in fact this is like the first anime that has done this um you have the longer ones the longer opening so like how how do you like yourself get surrounded by all these marines bro because like look how little their ship is and they're just surrounded but then they've blasted them with like this cannon from their ship yeah he was not worried at all he was smiling he's just having fun I mean at the same time they can just blast off and go in the sky and get uh yeah I don't think they're worried about being surrounded anymore because you can just Escape anybody with that ship true and what is up with the green haired and the blonde hair character the like I feel like it's like every other opening they're fighting each other what's going on with them May their Rivals rivals on the same team I mean yeah I can see that and the skeleton dude is a part of their crew now it looks like he's a musician like you're saying yeah he had like a violin maybe maybe he's like maybe uh he's got recruited because he's like an Entertainer and he's going to entertain the the crew possibly I could definitely see that yeah I could definitely see that and like what is up with all these characters bro the character designs are just crazy they're they're big tall uh some characters are literally just a mouth what else can they do sponge on Patrick gonna show up I mean like anything's possible one piece opening 12. play itches oh already peaceful okay this one is pretty peaceful so far they're just having like a picnic oh is he trying to catch us okay what are these animals what yo an alpaca there's no way that's kind of funny looking what game what board game is that chess let me know in the comments I don't know what that was it kind of looked like Checkers but I don't I don't think it was I think it was a different game why does he look so [ __ ] uh what are they all freaking out they'll find ship hopefully is it is it or big monster big monster big monster I kind of look like a turtle big turtle thing for a what that's a giant turtle yo that's big seagull okay bro what was happening right there well okay so much is happening right now oh I wonder if that's just like pirate crew is tattooed on his back probably like Insignia Insignia thing what the they look really weird do you think they're all robots or are some people actually that big I don't even know like maybe they modeled the big robots on actual like giant people it looks like he's trying to save him yeah so one thing I learned learning from those uh openings right don't underestimate them don't ask me what they can do because literally in this whole opening it's just crazy like the transitions of them boxing each other to them saving someone to them flying to them a giant turtle what else can there be like what and see how like mess with those people bro I don't know if they're robots or not because like what the fact that they can get that big is insane and my question is right if that pirate or whoever got captured is not a part of his crew why was he why is he going through all the struggle to go to or try to save him maybe it's like um one of the people on his Cruise like it could be like a family member type of deal or like a like a friend from their childhood because like they they have enough people now it could be like that it could be I mean so like they knew them in their past I mean I just I think it's weird like if if it's your brother or friend right why don't you just recruit them on their team maybe he's lost or like maybe he was on a different crew and then got captured like they could be on like a pirate crew for a long time like we talked about before where they could be sailing across the world it could take years and years and years I guess I guess that's true they found like they just heard like in a rumor like he got captured and then they like go straight for his rescue it's kind of weird that like the Marines just like show them off you know what I'm saying true like maybe it's bait yeah why not try to maybe maybe if they're baiting him since he's like a lower amount and maybe they're trying to get the straw hat character because he has a bigger um reward on him what was going on in the beginning what was that robot llama thing I don't think it was a robot it kind of looked like okay it looked like armor right yeah first of all but then it looked like they put on the Marine like ship parts maybe from ships they destroyed while fighting them because the Cannons on the back it was like a triple Cannon yeah was the same as the ones on the Marine ship so maybe it's like they even saved it from a marine ship like a marine llama alpaca thing just like took it um yeah like this opening it looked like it was like very peaceful and very fun it's like in the middle of it the whole peaceful and all that to like destruction I'm like oh what's going on here something ain't right opening 13 of One Piece playing Chase armor okay okay Brock but he's always just chilling I'm telling you he is he's just enjoying life wait did their ship upgrade again wait is that that guy it is huh okay I don't know how I feel about this one yet I feel like it's like a very serious tone right now hmm yeah it looks like everybody's like focused or depressed right now yeah see she's studying something I'm telling you bro like what is it maybe her deal she's just like a researcher for them wait it's not the same guy that with a tattoo on his back oh cause there's a big mustache huh yeah look how cool these characters look bro like what so unique but these animals are wild oh flashback to them too maybe I think you're right yep I was right dude they grew up together [Music] that's funny he always had the straw hat even when he was little yo what was that attack what okay a dragon there's so many Powers going on I don't even know explosion Firepower there's look like an energy beam thing I wish I could throw out a I can't tell if it's a is that ice I'll be in a different biome right now I couldn't tell either like I can't tell if it's just like Kelly's game or they're actually like on ice so off the bat way more serious than all the other openings combined um like the song and everything completely changed um all these characters you can see them going through like these struggles and stuff and they showed a lot more characters again like there's like infinite amount of characters in the show and it's hard to keep track of all these powers like what kind of powers do they have so many Powers dude like well we saw like 10 of them okay so so you see like you have stretchy arms you've got like this laser beam we've got this explosion thing Dragon power Ice Air water I don't like what if these characters get special powers too does that go for Animals because it kind of seems like it's leaning towards like animals can get it too of how like weirdly designed they are and how big they can get so maybe it's like a a thing for them too it looks like the main character saved uh the character that got captured yeah because because they couldn't met yeah I I believe we didn't see any Marines this time maybe we did maybe maybe it's getting by but it looked like there's no Marines this time maybe what if that was like the whole Marine base and they destroyed if things come because they destroyed it just Rubble like after destroying it all I mean that could be a possibility that could definitely be a possibility bro do you know how bro do you know how like insane this would be if he's a part of a different pirate crew right and the Marines kidnapped him and then they pull up I mentioned how many people could pull up like handmade pirate Pirates or um crews could pull up fighting the Marines bro there's you're just out just for that guy yeah you're just outnumbered if that many Pirates come after you you know yeah you're just screwed at that point the show I feel like you can get insane dude infinite like infinite amount of story infinite amount of characters infinite amount of powers like you can literally do anything and the cool thing about like you said infinite amount of characters like there's been a lot of characters yeah it's really cool how like how unique all of them are yeah like you can they don't look the same like you can tell which character is different from the other because not only from their powers but like just the way they look it's like another thing I'm interested very well designed another thing I'm interested too like you know how you've seen like everything's like everybody's unique I wonder if like how their character writing would be too do you know how much do you know how much time and effort you have to put in to write all these characters and and draw them holy bro there's no shot these have like a whole wall full of just characters you've drawn no there's no shot dude like if you're an author or an artist right what if you forget a character like what would happen then like this I feel like it's hard to keep track of your art or your work yeah if you have this many characters if the if the character of writing is good this might be the greatest anime of all time well isn't this one super long too like that that's why there's so many openings there's 25 openings bro I mean it seems like it's super popular also because people have been recommending it if it's from if it starts if if the ship started in the 90s it is 2023 now how many years has it been alive how many years of writing how many years of drawing are you doing like your whole life basically right oh that's insane Chase one piece opening 14. play it okay what's up oh so cool when they show the map like that that's like the other one we saw it is oh oh my dude this beat is hitting different oh he's just looking at his hat because there's a bunch of memories he went through what's that no no wait why do you look like that now firefoot I didn't bro I was about to say the same thing I was like what another person you grew up with hmm they look so happy together for all these faces bro oh it looks like he was surrounded by like a bunch of Marines hmm it's like a bunch of flashbacks oh maybe this is all the flashbacks that how he got how he recruited them um did you just take off his underwear foreign that's not a those aren't did for kind of thought those were Graves for a second those Mounds bro did he die he might have bro there's no way bro the lighting the lighting on the character and everything the art style was completely different and he was like Shining yep bro I think he died because he's not with him anymore right here either and maybe he maybe maybe pushed him right just tell him to keep on going don't give up on your dreams just keep on going without me yeah bro what I didn't know this show could get this depressing bro what that even hits harder because we we look at everybody's flashbacks yep and them as kids to him die the fact that you went there to save him from all these marines and Pirates and then he just dies like bro imagine there's no not so depressing that's so depressing that's pretty sad yeah that's that was probably the saddest one we've seen so far like the beat and everything the song such a Vibe until we what we just saw I mean it was cool seeing all the flashbacks and seeing how they met each other and how they got recruited to his team and like how much progress they've made the only thing that was weirded out about this whole opening why did the guy with big arms take off his underwear dude it was laundry day Paul said I ripped my pants this was this was a laundry day the guy with the the egg uh slingshot what was going on with him he looked completely different yeah he's way bigger so maybe maybe it's not really sure maybe that's something they're trying to or you know how like everybody like it's like these big uh enemies right or there's like these big robots maybe he's trying like like maybe it's an experiment to see if he can get that big um okay maybe maybe that's what that guy's kind of bigger too with the big arms I feel like it's just his magic because like what like his Armstrong's ammunition ammunition is Knuckles are just through the barrel look at the character on the left though she's just like styling now with this like my purple scheme bro opening 15. um yeah there we go let's get right into it foreign Grand lion is that red line and grandma is that yeah it says Redline and Grand line think about showing this character is he someone important I'm I'm guessing so yeah okay we're back to being happy now that was so cool I will never get over that wait I kind of look like water oh he has a scar on his chest now oh must have happened during the battle wait these characters look different did they grow up maybe art style changed a little bit no some of them look different some of them look older bro the Marines just need give up bro foreign get bigger but that's a big is that a fly trap there's so much happening right now I don't do here comes the giant fist prom really liked this opening foreign now yeah he gave it to him what if this is like a mission is to find him maybe because they haven't really interacted at all the style of these characters bro I'll never get over it okay Chase did you tell tell me if like all these characters look like grown up and changed right yeah so the main character has a scar in his chest what happened I want to know what happened um he's not the only one with like a scars though so the main characters shift the green hair character had a scar on his eye the little the little Ranger dude has a whole new outfit now the redhead character has longer hair now the skeleton dudes just dripped out uh the Big Arm dude look at him now he has a bunch of armor on his like arms now yeah are those scars like from his neck down his chest he looks way taller now that big robot also had marks like that is he a robot I don't know if he's a robot look at his legs I didn't what he has like robot legs he and he has the same number on his arms that the robot did like pin number or something it's kind of super confused now about how that works they all look dripped out for though still like I wonder what major battle that came out of like what this looks insane and like we were saying bro the Marines just need to give up they just got they got hit with the giant fist dude they've been getting destroyed every single opening like actually just getting they're getting whopped bro they can walk play it okay dude okay he's like a chipmunk his cheeks are full of food hands up okay what is this house is this how much stronger they got I think so they're definitely all older oh he's always chilling bro I'm telling you he's always happy for the most part what he's had to spin like a top he's like Beyblade [Music] [Laughter] wings bro okay there's so much happening right there whoa that card looks crazy we've seen this character so many times true what is that that's a slime [Music] gooey who's that new character it looks like the new character dude I'm loving this song dude holy look how big he is Holy Legos dude the drip you want to talk about the drip for a second bro they actually they just hit it bro they just hit it it's actually insane look at look at the like a little reindeer like he's tripped out bro it's looking cool I'll leave bro I'm appreciating this so much bro the creativity behind all this insane was skeleton guy always that tall I don't think he was bro because he is tall tall now he's like 12 feet tall he says tall as a blue hair character now yeah dude that's huge bro look at that guy smoking he's hitting that junk bro off the bat way more peaceful than the other openings I feel like this is just like them showing off how how much they've traveled how much they've grown up and how much they've got stronger too because the green hair character is literally with lifting weights with his mouth you're not messing with him and like is this okay so we know how he has a scar in his eye this is I completely gone uh I don't know because like the past two openings we have not seen them open his eye hmm maybe bro maybe he lost his eye that'd be insane dude and like the reason why I'm saying like this opening sounds like very peaceful and like looks very peaceful it's just them showing off them traveling around the world how much they've gotten stronger and stuff like that right and I feel like it's just a fun song just to vibe to it's nothing to take too serious um we've seen the main character turn into a fidget spinner blasting everybody so it looks like you did looks like you learned new techniques to fight on how to divide I want to see boy bro I'm excited so I'm I'm gonna take a wild guess here right you know how those three characters I gripped together right the main character and the two the one character that might have died in the other one right well I thought the other the other kid they grew up with what else what that's the same character with the hat at the end he did did they have a hat when it was a flashback no but I mean I mean anything changes you know what I'm saying so maybe it's a possibility because like why else would he be sitting there and like like him being shook like that opening 17. one piece let's get it new drip ooh they all have new trip I'm awake they're so colorful I was like the blue character grew his hair out a golden bug they're always fighting bro I swear whose hands come from I'm curious to see what this is bro what dude Marines just need a saw bro wait some of those actually look cool is going for part 20. well it was like fire armor yeah wait some of them actually look kind of strong did was that electricity okay dude's actually just Transformer and there was another big dude [Music] foreign this is on an opening bro that really reminds me of JoJo's opening bro it does it just switched up out of nowhere that was cool I did not expect that at all Fool's on actual Transformer now I'm like what a Coliseum is there gonna be a tournament is it gonna be a tournament like all the Pirates what uh there's so much going on there's so much going on I don't even know this show could be so Random the meteor just crashing I love it dude I think this one might be at my actual favorite now dude how much the creativity is endless bro visuals 100 is my favorite for videos wake up wake up wake up bro come on tell me it's not catchy I mean it okay it is really catchy it is bro it might be my favorite maybe so we'll see this Show's just random bro they went from chasing this golden bug to then fighting the Marines with more Powers so the Marines actually have a chance to get to against the Pirates now since they have powers because they have like the fire armor they had like a bunch of other stuff too and then out of nowhere it switches up the whole song and like this pirate interrupts it and tries to fight him that was so sick Bro I like that a lot holy anime we've seen that from is Jojo's and how like the characters switch up the uh openings and visuals and stuff that was sick and this blue hair Transformer what is going on like what he actually just tried he turns into like a massive robot I mean is he a cyborg um okay do you see the whole huge gun he's holding on the flag yeah that's a huge that's a huge like sniper thing I did not notice eyebrow what that is massive we just talk about how the art is like just went up another level it definitely did like it's so clean dude look at the main character bro he's wearing the actual flag or the logo that's so cool it's so cool and there's like a bandana on now there's nothing else I can say bro it's just a boy from him fighting the Marines to this uh the pirate shown up why would the other Pirates show up out of nowhere after him finding the Marines maybe it was a distraction to like weaken their crew because of a fight right it's like third partying someone in video games like they're getting third partied right now by another pirate crew I mean but what's this like what's his objective though to try to we can like since again we can maybe get some of this treasure look at all this treasure I mean true I guess you're right they have like God over the years or however long it's been they look older so maybe years it has to be Years bro Chase play opening 18 of One Piece the Marines just getting destroyed again what actually has Lego blocks on his wrist do they just Skydive to their ship it looked like it the show is so silly but it's so like cool at the same time more new characters real holy you can also just tell the budget's higher I definitely this someone's actually putting up a fight against him for what who's he fighting what whoa what is even doing with that they're comboing us what do we do dude so they just all have powers now all right oh maybe maybe that's the character they grip with I don't know maybe did that for just suplex him Frozen pajamas right now oh that guy looks so cool bro we've seen them like in like 10 different opinions they look so happy them on top of the world I mean bro so the character with the the staff slingshot right you want to tell me how he has a pet dragon now I maybe some magic stuff and can like summon it okay okay listen okay and how do you have like that orange uh Tree on the ship for a while um all right so the character right she was planting or like helping the plant grow right what if that's the plant the Venus fly trap is the plant that she's riding on now I mean there's so many places they've been to they could have definitely like picked up a plant from one of their destinations and grew it I mean I could definitely see that bro I don't there's so many characters like I don't I can't like there's like so much going on I can't even process everything that's happening and like who are these characters bro we have a pirate that looks like he's on the onesie what what is he gonna do put you to sleep laughs and like I'm so confused because maybe I was wrong about the audio pudding where uh the guy with the hat was his like long-lost friend or something but it looks like his friend was in this opening actually with the blonde hair so maybe I got that wrong because like he looks way more like him to the other character did yeah so I'm intrigued about that and see how that relationship still goes and like the guy the guy with the glasses like the pink aesthetic to him we've seen them in like 10 different openings like what someone took him out already already can like you literally can tell he's a menace he's just gonna mess with him the whole time true yeah just take him out like you do with the Marines bro he's probably super strong if they haven't if they haven't like fought and beat him yet he's got to be super strong like his upgrades the blue character look at his upgrades already as for hair again that's another thing I appreciate about this anime too like they change up like they're not scared to change up anything like like the author is like I won't care I want this character to do this but then do this after and then this after like I feel like the writing goes so deep with these characters of him changing up like everybody like that I want to see this I want to see it opening 19. one piece let's get it monkeys oh wait did you just did you just flip me off did you put me off get rolled get rolled Skye bro okay whoever's sailing that boat they cannot see over that thing bro there's no shot through there was rocking out how are you sailing that I was in The Matrix now there's that character again yep there's a clown clown [Laughter] what is that score this is where again well oh my that one for that takes the prank too far yeah I'm saying bro I kind of want to watch it what is that a woolly mammoth dude how are you supposed to beat that is he dabbing fish she has lightning powers now what was that net for trapped to trap though maybe like I don't know maybe yo what power is that is that a castle who who are they it's like animal people foreign I look cool they always have to hit the post at the end they have to show off their drip okay bro that was a lot to take in other words wow so they went from going to The Matrix to having a squirt gun battle water gun battle them showing off a woolly mammoth and showing a guy as tall as a woolly mammoth and then he has a new transformation now that then we saw like animal people like what so much was going on that's like most of like this whole opening was them having fun and chilling until this guy came out of nowhere and let's start attacking them how are they going to get that that dude's like Skyscraper exactly bro like dude it's so tall and he's like it's like just tall he's buffed too so what was the whole thing about them going to this like glitchy place like it looked like the Matrix like there's a bunch of squares around them and like everything like a bunch of weird writing yeah that kind of just confused me like there's nothing really to go off of for that this is Neil shot this is a video game right I highly doubt this is a video game because I mean that that thing that just like throws me off maybe I'm just overthaking it we've seen first of all we've seen like a lot of different biomes different people kinds of people maybe it's just like a place where more technology happen true we just see a lot more uh technology in the show hmm so it might just be a specific place on the world where everything's like futuristic well a futuristic biome for I love you insane and here for Gilder has like Advantage too what if like someone like what about like a pirate claims that land and they're defeating it with this technology that no one has that sounds experience that would be okay maybe that's how they make the big one the big people is from that kind of Technology so now they have a Transformer on their team now right I wonder if the like the guy can get as big as the Willy Mammoth dude I don't know how big we've seen them get it's hard to tell like sizes yeah from it from just like a couple scenes so it's hard to say who's bigger or how big they can get but like I would I got like this like the whole time I was thinking like maybe saying that these characters are so big because like how menacing they look but no they're actually this big another thing that throws mouth too is that the main character has this new transformation and he's like really buff now and he changed colors yeah he's like red and black now can you just gain Powers that's interesting so like that ruins like the whole theory of like everybody being born with like a certain power because like it looks like you can just claim it and like I believe we haven't seen any like spells or anything in the show well I don't know I don't know how it works one piece opening 20. can you believe it I can't believe it play it okay do you just help her yo teleported he has like hmm this is so peaceful now they're actually just enjoying life bro whoa well look at that design with the cape that's pretty cool but I wonder what's going on with him did he leave was that to signify he's going off to achieve his own dream maybe running into the sun like that whoa I don't think we've seen the skeleton dude's power before that was pretty cool so it looks like he comes back maybe it's doing like a side quest s the characters just get more and more insane looks so cool what's going on here like fighting do they fight against each other like it doesn't like seem like a like a a playful fight bro they're like actually swinging to look like yeah I like that character design is that a cloud they get married what what hello there's a lot going on in this one wow so first of all they're showing like the cruise like powers and everything and finding these other Pirates and they're just it goes to them enjoying life on the ship and then out of nowhere the blind character just believes them and it looks like he apologized because he felt like a basket like full of like treats or something yeah so maybe it's like his own arc during this that'd be cool that would be cool I wonder why he would leave though because like it looks like you're just like on the ship it looks like you're just enjoying life and traveling around with your friends right why would you why would you leave that maybe it's to do something with this backstory that we just don't know like something in the past I was surprised that the green character didn't fight him it was like the main character fighting him he's like if like those two are Rebels then what what makes main character to him now you know what I'm saying I mean in the beginning if we ever expecting someone to betray them but it looks like they retreated her and then now this character is like doing its own thing like what and can we talk about like these characters again bro we thought like you you can you cannot interest them underestimate them the show like I was trying to say you cannot underestimate the creativity like I was saying you cannot undermit you cannot underestimate them [Laughter] like a robot you cannot underestimate them like I was trying to say fruit like the I was trying to say for the 50th time you cannot underestimate the [Laughter] SE like I was trying to say you cannot underestimate the creativity beyond the show Jesus um the characters just get more and more insane and now we have a character that that's literally a cloud doesn't surprise me there's been so many weird characters dude and like so many we have like this big giant character now and she's like murmur opening 21 one piece there we go is that yeah let's get it um super speed boat now super power you say super powers yes we get super powers what hmm is that flying mirrors bro what the song is going insane right now it's like a mirror dimension bro look how creative this fight is what is that Mr Krebs what is going on oh bro dude that's why it's gonna be so cool does he have the same power it kind of did seem like it huh oh that character looks sick Bro what was that I don't know okay no this is so catchy it is bro it's just like look at the background it's like chess like a chest room yeah bro he looks like a menace bro what's up what is that what was that ghost what was that wow so it confirms that they have superpowers yes we got superpower for power bro every time we see the Transformer dude he's different every time facts you can like you can never guess with him at all it looks like the main character got thrown into like this different dimension compared to everybody else because like what is that bro it's like a bunch of mirrors flying around we have this like chess aesthetic to it and we have like this guy that looks like he has a similar power to him so how could you cancel your own powers like just like an endurance battle yeah I guess like whoever well doesn't he have two Powers technically yeah stretch your arms and uh so maybe it's Whoever has more Powers I want I want I think it would be like that though you know and I thought like I thought like the main villain was gonna be like the big um pink haired female she was fighting the reindeer and he was fighting someone else so I thought the two like unless she's not a captain maybe he was the captain but I don't know I feel like I would much rather see where out like what I would have thought I would see is that these captains would fight against each other but it looks like they're just fighting the crew I'm I'm intrigued about that okay in this scene right here right with all these fists coming at him yeah do you think so he's probably still in the mirror Dimension right yeah do you think the other guy can control the mirrors and like punch through them so there's fists coming like out of all the mirrors at him so like that's his power yeah like that's one of his powers he can like punch through mirrors bro that'll be insane I've been being insanely broken he could just punch through one mirror and maybe it like um doubles or like triples or like quadruples his fists right yeah like through a mirror Dimension or something that's why there's so many of them I can see that that'd be insane honestly how could he even Dodge that like you just want to get punched in like damaged all over the place that's broken hmm the female character right she has which one she has ghost the black haired female character she has okay she has um ghost hands her like I thought her powers were gonna be like this uh Venus flytrap looking thing but now she has ghosts yeah like several openings ago I forget which one they were like running on the deck and the table got knocked over and these random hands just like picked it up and set it up there like picked it back up bro that's kind of cool and I was like where those hands come from but I guess it's just her power like she can create multiple hands from stuff did things like it could be similar like this or do you think it would just I don't know I don't know I feel like they're different but the same but they're kind of the same Chase one piece opening 22. play it this one looks dark already is he locked in a jail cell looks like it okay we can groovy too what was that well look how colorful this looks no for every opening like the art style just increases bro this is a different art style like it's almost painted ourselves is that like a line thing they're on now I don't know what you're sick Bro oh it's just them trying to retrieve their captain because he's locked up now yo because yeah he's not there huh bro I'm really liking this art style bro what does that mean he lost the fight then I mean perhaps yeah what what is going on okay it looks like he breaks out wait is that the same dude for like two openings ago I think it is that mustache looks the same like the volume yo what is that looks so cool the fool is actually fighting no dragon that looks so cool so much what's going on right there and it it looks like to activate his power he has to like either bite himself or something yeah on his arm yeah because he put his mouth on his arm yeah it looks like he bites her like blows into it I mean oh like inflates his arm dude that's why he's bigger he gives inflate himself like a balloon okay but how is he gonna defeat that guy that guy's a whole he's a menace on himself who think I have no idea he calls in a dragon that's like a god level threat and like we saw like that's crazy which I like that lion thing too so maybe the line thing comes and helps him too I don't know because I I feel like I'd like to check out that one dude you need several people or several different like types of help to defeat him yeah I can't see him 1v1 in him in Vietnam there's no way yeah he just looks way too strong if if he can get like that in the future he'd be unstoppable what if he can just keep inflating himself till he's massive he's like swole now he's like yeah it's like spot that SpongeBob episode where he had inflatable arms and he just keeps blowing himself up what's up fellas [Laughter] he goes he goes to try to lift weights he's lifting a stick what if he's like blowing his arm right epoxy is like two fights he goes I think like deflates around with his mouth he's like hey guys okay bro I'm a Stucky right here right now the show's insane right we see the characters progressing and everything but guess who also said as a progression at the same time the animators facts because the whole article changed like we have the blonde-haired dude right he has a whole new fit like he looks like a superhero but at the same time these animators are actually like insane right now they're like changes ourselves changing the animation changing everything these innovators are putting in the work bro insane that's all I gotta say insane opening 23 um One Piece three there we go let's get oh [Music] bro it's somehow getting cleaner and cleaner every time it does yeah there's no shot there's no shot are they having fun finding him hello oh don't give up okay looks like more backstories whoa that character's part wait they're part of the crew now huh I don't know are they just here there to help wait is that oh is he underwater does he have water powers now I I don't know dude I wish I wouldn't like I like I could know what they're talking about here I know there's so much going on foreign at him yo she'll beat that explosion was she just nuke him wow look at their trip they're all I changed again yeah yeah Samurai is now so off the bat they're all the whole crew is there they wouldn't even fight this um Dragon bro and it looks like there's like a bunch of more pirates from different crews are helping them and fighting off to like the minions and it looks like this guy or whatever pirate crew he's in there's like multiple dinosaurs and multiple like huge people so like how this how are they gonna beat that there's like dragons wooly mammoths big people like there's so many things going on it's like how I mean like the only thing I can see is like the transformer getting that big and using like some Cannon or something but then like the main character is flying at him like a meteor oh okay and there's not like some flashbacks of the characters like from the island I'm assuming what if like the civilians there are helping them too since like maybe in the past they help them and now they're trying to see that now they're trying to like or they realize that these Pirates are not like not all Pirates are bad and maybe these parts are trying to save them from getting demolished right here so I wonder if they're going to join into the fight and help because like off the bat like this island looks like it's Samurai based and looks like that they could have like a lot of weapons a lot like maybe a lot of technology that could help defeat them one piece opening 24 special what if that means play it okay this is like the beginning yeah I was gonna say it reminds me of the first one or one of the first ones we watched I wonder if I wonder if it's uh anything changed foreign it's expanding I was oh I think and then all the r is upgraded yeah and it's their new bone new versions of them that's awesome honestly I love when shows do stuff like stuff like this I'm not gonna lie yeah evolution of him too that's insane yo okay animations kind of go hard it kind of changed a little bit especially with like the new uh crew members mm-hmm okay dude this song Just bangs the song is so good the first song might just be my favorite we uh one piece that was my favorite one amazing bro this show literally can do anything anything it wants to like that was so cool there's nothing there's nothing you can complain about the show there's nothing like it's Flawless the creativity the animation the art style everything just increases bro they just get better and better you know imagine the writing the writing could get better and better I really love how like they use the same like the first opening right yeah and everything looks the same but they added the new crew members and the new animation like that's insane like it's just like the only show that's ever done this or is there other shows I've done this before I feel like doing stuff like this it's pretty unique yeah I think it is unique I don't think at least out of the ones we've watched the closest one that's done anything like this is Jojo's I think who started it though do you think JoJo started like the the thing or the trend where they changed the openings or do you think it was one piece I don't know yeah let us know in the comments down below because I'm I'm interested to see what like who started like the opening stuff and like how we changed it all right so it seems like that last one was just a remaster of the first opening so it wasn't opening 24 this one's opening 24 and can you believe it we're already here bro the last one it's been such a journey bro like actually like I've been having so fun so much fun watching this everything just looks I just wanna I just want to watch it bro play Chase just play it I want to watch it all right let's get into it it's already gonna be a bigger bro it's all over the song the harder it hits bro bro that looks so menacing like the island girl it does insane Source pumps maybe this game what is that maybe this gives the civilians a chance to fight Maybe here's that character new character wait he's back was that that's that guy that was the guy oh dude bro there's so much going on she has ice powers now the skeleton bro this fight scene looks insane dude holy do you see how big that club was too can that Dragon just eat someone That's So Dope yo even with the boat up there wait it looks like oh yeah I was just about to say that that's so cool bro this one might be a contender for one of the best songs or one of the best openings in the show the amount of teamwork they have to take down this whole pirate crew is insane and like another thing we where are the Marines where are the where's the Navy at they're all they were on this crew for such a long time but they don't want to touch this Dragon dude I mean maybe they all got defeated I mean true but like they didn't show them in any of the openings of them fighting true yeah like bro that dude's Bounty must be Millions bro yeah I wonder how expensive like how does our money work oh no billion quadrillions like come on if the Navy's gonna jump them at least jump the dinosaur dude or the dragon dude like come on that's not even fair like and like in the opening right we saw like a for like a split second there's like people in like a prison cell locked up why would why would they show a couple people in the prison cell like are the pirates that got caught by this crew and maybe like the crew is going to try to get them out and then fight the dragon it's like prison break but they're on the same side kind of thing maybe yeah I feel sorry for whatever crew house you go up against like this Dragon bro because you're just you're just caught like true single-handedly this dude just destroys your crew like for like the last four to five openings like they've been they've been fighting like the same crew so imagine how long these fights are like we have a new character too the white hair character what's your power I don't know they didn't really show it huh what the girl with the Ghost Dance looks like she has like a whole like statue of herself now and she has like multiple hands so I wonder how these Powers just get like upgraded yeah how they evolve in like upgrade and they have a like this fish dude as their new cremate too I wonder what his powers are he's like the only thing we saw him is like him punching people in the teeth so I'm interested in seeing how his power Works maybe it's like water and maybe we've also want round water because since he looks like a fish dude the character that I believe died is back or maybe it was like a flashback but so much is happening and he's open I think it was probably a flashback so that doesn't really make sense if you just back all of a sudden true so Skye what this might be a tough question but what's your favorite opening okay this one this one for sure has to be a contender opening open that one was pretty cool too the either this one open H20 if not all of them are cool because like literally see how seeing how this show progressed and everybody's how hard everybody's been working it's insane like I really appreciate that and they're not lazy like they're showing you that they're not lazy and they're hard-working animators and storytellers and everything even again like new people on the track over and over so I wonder how the Indians would be too because if this if they're this great of what the show and the openings how creative are they as in the endings like I really want to see that and let us know if you want to see that too because the show looks amazing Chase what's your favorite opening so I actually really liked the one that we thought was the 24th one the special one because it's just so cool seeing them remaster like the first opening like that true it was just so unique it's so cool how they just changed the art style brought in all the new characters same song yeah I actually really liked that first song and I think it's just really cool how they did that and let us know if you wanted us to watch this because because I'm intrigued this really drew me in and I really want to watch more all right and there we have it that was one piece openings one through 24 plus the special one if you enjoyed it please leave a comment down below for more suggestions and like And subscribe oh I found the Subscribe button be sure to subscribe please
Channel: Chase&Sky React
Views: 83,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oi8BLOyqubo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 21sec (7161 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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