The 9 Gay Avatar/Korra Characters Explained (+History Of LGBTQ)

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in recent years avatar has revealed many gay lesbian and bisexual characters in the avatar fandom there are actually nine gay characters to be exact and in this video i'm going to go through and explain each one before we start though i want to keep this comment section hate free in previous videos i've made they were similar to this one i've gotten some pretty nasty comments so let's try to ensure that doesn't happen this time around now that i've said that let's get the video started before we get into the characters let's start with how being gay fit into the history of the avatar world air nomads were probably the most accepting of same-sex relationships they didn't hide who they loved and everyone embraced everyone no matter their orientation the earth kingdom was by far the slowest of the four nations to accept same-sex relationships mainly because they didn't like change and they were more militaristically repressive as for the water nation their view on same-sex relationships is not as harsh as the earth kingdom but it's definitely stricter than the air nomads if you came out you wouldn't be disowned but their culture preferred families to keep their personal matters and views to themselves this could also be quite toxic though because as korra's father tonrock said these customs could oftentimes be emotionally stifling now as for the fire nation this one is a bit more complicated for most of its history they were tolerant of same-sex relationships but when firelord sozen began his rule the same firelord who wiped out all of the airbenders he decreed that same-sex relationships were criminal and he arrested anyone who went against this once sozen and the fire nation began to take over more land specifically from the earth kingdom this made the already hesitant earth kingdom fully banned same-sex relationships as well because of this those that were gay were forced into silence all around the world as the air nomads who supported them were gone the fire nation and earth kingdom banned it and the water nation told them to keep quiet about it it's quite sad actually now that we know the history of this topic in the world of avatar let's move on to the nine gay characters in the series kaya kaya was kathara and eng's daughter and she was attracted to women she once said that when she went on her first getaway with a girl she had never been so happy kaya embraced the water nation cultures opting to be like her mother katara who was from the southern water tribe because of this she kept her sexual orientation very private going along with the water nation's traditions of not being open about it kaya only told her friends and family all of whom were very accepting especially her father aang because ang grew up in the air temples where men and women could love whoever they wanted he embraced kaia's sexual orientation more than she could have ever asked for ai way aiway appeared in book 3 of the legend of korra he started off as good but we eventually realized he betrayed the heroes there isn't much known about his sexuality but we do know he's gay when asked in an interview if there were more gay characters in the series the creators of the show said they wrote highway as gay after putting a lot of thought into his character mynxia minxia grew up on kyoshi island and trained to be a kyoshi warrior with tsuki however she wanted to do more for the world and not just the island so she left on her journey traveling the world she met a lot of friends and discovered a lot about herself including her sexual orientation realizing she was a lesbian one of her friends soon became a girlfriend which brings me to the next gay character in the series maelyn mainland met mixia on her travels and the two soon became romantically involved melin was one of the biggest factors that made minxia realize she was gay and they lived a very exciting life together traveling around the world i always loved the moment where we see minxia introduce melinda suki because she's just so excited and proud to do it and so comfortable with who she is zenko zynga was part of a short story canon to the avatar timeline after kotara saved their village zenko invited team avatar to his house where we met zenko's husband i guess that's technically another gay character so there are ten in the series not nine but we never find out his husband's name so i'm going to stick to the nine characters whose name we know but anyway they lived a humble and wonderful life and the two raised an amazing daughter named chio korra korra is probably the biggest character on this list she has been revealed to be bisexual she dated makko throughout the early seasons but at the end of the show we saw her get together with asami the creators of the show were actually held back by nickelodeon who did not allow them to come out and say she was gay or even let them kiss so instead the creators had the last shot of the show see korra and asami holding hands and as they did they went on a date into the spirit world together this left many people wondering and shortly after the series finale aired the creators confirmed that korra was in fact bisexual korya struggled a bit when coming out to her parents though they were both very happy to see her happy kura's father tanrak later said she should keep her personal life private this upset korra who called him narrow minded and she stormed out tonrock later apologized for this though and he said she has his full support to do whatever she wanted even if it meant telling the world she was gay asami asami is another bisexual character in the avatar canon like korra she too dated mako earlier in the series and as i said she ended up with korra at the end of the series this has led to a lot of jokes and memes to do with makko but at the end of the day i think he was happy for both of them after the series ended many fans wanted to see more of korra and asami and the creators listened and gave the fans just that we saw their date in the spirit world where the show left off we stole their first kiss we saw them together while just living their daily lives and we even saw them say i love you to one another kiyoshi in an interview the creators of the show said that in the back of their minds kiyoshi was always bisexual and they finally decided to make this canon in the quora comics while that was where it was introduced we've seen most of her bisexuality in the kiyoshi novels she has a girlfriend named ronki but we also saw her share some romantic moments with a boy named yoon being from the earth kingdom the nation least tolerant of same-sex relationships many would think she would hide her sexual orientation but it was actually quite the opposite she was very outspoken about her bisexuality and she attempted to affect greater tolerance for those that were gay in the world unfortunately though these efforts had little to no impact and finally we have rangi as i said rangi was kyoshi's girlfriend in the kyoshi novels the two have a strong bond and they both cared for each other a great deal as i said kiyoshi also shared some romantic moments with yoon who ultimately went on to stab ronki it did not take long to see who kiyoshi cared for more though as she killed yoon moments later their story is not yet finished as there are still more novels to be written in the series but we left the two as a strong couple ready to take on the world together and there you have it nine gay characters in the avatar series thank you so much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed the video you can follow me on instagram to see more of my personal life like my cute dog loki and some behind the scenes movie flame stuff i also do similar content on tick tock and twitter that i do here on this channel so if you like what i do here check them out all the handles are right below me and links are in the description over here are my wonderful patrons if you want to be featured on the next video 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Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 204,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Disney, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, life of, review, legend of korra, homo, homosexual, aang, asami, lesbian, after the series, bisexual, bi sexual, katara, sokka, toph, mako, bolin, air nomads, airbending, water nation, waterbending, fire nation, firebending, earth kingdom, earthbending, earth, fire, water, air, romance, couples, kor, korrasami, kyoshi, rangi, rise of kyoshi, shadow of kyoshi, couple, gays
Id: h8nY4BiH2QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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