Fun facts with Wan 

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[Music] let's go Yang Chen is technically the youngest fully realized Avatar in history at the age of 17 you got that right Ang is the only Avatar in history to Die Twice good job dude how's that a fun fact don't interrupt me I'm doing a thing Kora has been arrested more than any other Avatar Avatar zitto is the first known lava Bender Koshi is the only known person to ever glass Bend no one even knows how she learned it kuk basically looked like a Walking Corpse by the time he Di died due to all his injuries and the spiritual consequences of slaying Spirits I'm not going to show that though it was really bad kaora is the youngest Avatar to ever be revealed being only about 5 years old when she was first recognized Yang Chen got banished from the Northern Air Temple she never brings it up but she messed up really bad one I swear to God she got a lot of people killed Ang is the only Avatar to learn how to redirect lightning and Koshi is the only Avatar to fail at redirecting lightning okay ju enough cor brought back the air Nation by complet accident and had no idea that would happen one these aren't fun facts Roku is the only known Avatar to die in combat sort of okay Juan you've said enough nah I'm going to keep going Juan stop this silly game I can see what you're doing you know what you guys don't respect me nearly as much as I deserve you're going to learn to respect me Juan stop being stupid let's just next Avatar that talks is going to get it Juan come on Yang Chen got [ __ ] blocked wow he was not joking cor didn't defeat a single major villain alone I mean I could have I don't know K vatu was kind of handling you Koshi likes to talk all big but she was the sub in her own [Music] relationship I wonder how long it took you to come up with that a fairly long time I see hey Roku you got anything you want to say nothing to say to our good pal Juan over here weather's quite nice isn't it Roku you suck it took Ang longer than any Avatar in history to become fully realized being over a century old and all that doesn't count yes it does dude get over it Kora is the first avatar to ever use metal bending Koshi is the first avatar to ever firebend with her mouth not much of a surprise there kuk was the best P show player in history like this man did not lose you know I ain't about that life man it's just a game you know I ain't about that life Yang Chen was the only Avatar able to use airbending powered screaming and before you say it no Ang never did this I probably could have if I tried and you may be like oh but Avatar Juan Ang used airbending screaming when he was trapped with Zuko help I mean I sort of did no you're wrong if that was the same as Yang Chin's technique you would have blown Zuko's head off I still think I could have done it roku's Dragon Fang is the only animal companion ever seen in the spirit world H is the first avatar to use Spirit bending in her search for Yun kioshi ran out of leads so she kidnapped a fire nation official and his mother then she threatened to drop his mother off a cliff unless he told her where Yun was yeah not my proudest moment he literally had no idea where Yun even was well I thought he did Yang Chen is the only Avatar to ever physically enter the spirit fog wait Yang Chen you actually went in there I was looking for somebody who are you looking for don't worry about it well now you got me curious that's unfortunate so who was it nobody tell me I'm not telling you anything please no Yang chin come on I just want to know don't pester me child sorry but is this called Yang chin and Kora argue about stupid stuff or is it called fun facts with Juan sorry Juan damn Chen you all right I'm fine you don't seem fine I'm just peachy really is this about how Juan exposed you again Koshi he did not expose me none of that was even true well the evidence is right there girl I'm surprised you can still even deny this anymore it's just the natural effect the water tribe has on air Benders it's like they can't control themselves oh my God thanks guys thanks for completely ruining my flow with this my pleasure the people want more oh great please no please yes one aren't you running out of things to say who are you talking to right now cuz it's not me just stop round three baby Kora is the only Avatar to ever kill a member of her own family hey I didn't kill him I just Kora you literally deleted his soul I think that's even worse I think that's even better yeah thanks Koshi Ang has spent more time in the Avatar State than any other Avatar kyoshi's first kiss was rangi well yeah obviously but it was almost Yun dude wonder if rangi ever knew about that you little Yin first learned water bending on an island off the coast of the Fire Nation oh here we go I'm pretty sure they named the island after her and everything just say it already kuk sank it he sank the whole thing Koshi Kora and yang Chan are the only avatars known to ever use healing with water bending Koshi is the only Avatar to consistently fight with weapons unless you want to count Ang's staff but you know it's not for stabing kuk once tried to confess his love for a woman through a letter dude really she was already married it was complicated you tried to steal someone's wife how is that complicated I still blame Yang Chen of course also Yang Chen I want to apologize about my comment about you getting denied action in the bedroom it wasn't appropriate yeah I'm not falling for that since it happened to kaora too oh my God that sucks oh my God you're ow for two ladies come on now why why do we keep letting him do this because it's what the people want Juan just just shut up hey man don't be mad at me like I'm the one that walked in on you while you were okay okay okay Juan you are never doing one of these again but they're fun facts Juan no one here is having fun that's not true it's fun for me oh well that's good cuz this is the last one you're doing you can't just stop me if I want to share my vast experience and knowledge then that's what I'll do so that's how you're going to be yeah I guess it is you know you can still stop I'm not going to stop you sure about that oh I'm definitely sure all right then I'll stop all right we're doing this again Juan do you have a death wish I'm already dead what about Koshi screw Koshi I'm telling her you said that that was a reflex I'm telling her please don't Yang chin invented an air bending technique that completely extinguishes combustion bending wait she what I was getting really sick of those godamn combustion Benders why did you never tell me you never asked what Kora is the first avatar to ever use the uh spirit banishing technique ju what the hell did you even just say I forget what it's called definitely not that fine let's just call it the thing kuruk really wanted to use but couldn't figure out how why are you such an ass I don't like to be corrected Koshi has threatened both the earth king and the fire lord respectively Ang has a scar on his back and on his foot because of how electricity works the headpiece Roku wears was given to him by fire lord San one that is common knowledge he still wears it in the spirit world even after everything soan did it's very fashionable that is so screwed up but I like it dude take it off no kuk and young Chen are the only two avatars that have never really lost a fight damn right zto too technically wait you're saying Koshi actually lost a fight well that janju guy sort of beat her and she got ambushed and paralyzed that one time does getting ambushed really count Yang Chen got ambushed once and she just one shot everybody but they didn't try to paralyze her you really think that would have made a difference fair enough Ang is the only Avatar to ever successfully fight off a volcano he only used one element by the way he was also 12 one I get it take off that lunatic's headpiece no it's mine it's so screwed up that you're still wearing it it's stylish kruk's fight with father gloworm was so intense that he nearly tore a hole between the spirit world in the Juan this is old news we already know this what how is this old news don't worry about it cor how do you know about that it was referenced what are you even talking about uh nothing when the hell was it ever referenced cor don't tell him I won't don't tell me what you know you really think the spirit world would be large enough for me to not hear your constant whining what's up Koshi hello Juan so cor how bad were the facts this time they actually weren't that bad this time did he say anything stupid I don't know does Spirit banishing technique count as stupid what the hell is a spirit banishing technique you tell me oh my God that thing you know like when she's all like go in peace and just obliterates your soul that's not what that does there is no afterlife for that guy well deserved if you ask me Koshi aren't you upset he went behind your back and did this again dude why would you say that D I just I just can't even be bothered right now let the man talk about his Shenanigans for all I care girl just couldn't resist the fun facts Juan don't push it sorry
Channel: Jayne 2711
Views: 116,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7p2yYH2sNpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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