The Life of Avatar Kyoshi

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have you ever wondered who Avatar Koshi is this is something that recently crossed my mind what exactly do we know about Avatar Koshi other than she was a previous avatar from the earth Kingdom and the originator of the Kyoshi Warriors we even know that she lived for 200 years that's right two whole centuries she was Avatar before dying and passing on her mantle of Avatar to Roku but there has to be more information out there since she is one of the prominent past lives of Ang that we constantly see so knowing that what better wait them to find an answer than to scour the internet I was able to gather a lot of information about Avatar Koshi that I never knew before and let me tell you her history and backstory is pretty tragic so we're going to dive right into this and start off with the early life of Avatar Kyoshi which is when she was born in some unknown parts of the earth Kingdom in the year 312 BG now if you didn't know BG stands for before Fire Nation genocide and AG stands for after the Fire Nation genocide that's how they keep track of the years for BG the numbers go down and AG it goes up just for a reference now her parents were Jessa and hark both members living in the earth Kingdom however Jessa was actually a renegade air Nomad while hark was from a family of poor actors now somehow these two met fell in love and formed a criminal organization called The Flying Opera Company now another thing to know at this time in the earth Kingdom it was very unstable as was a lot of the world in general the Earth kingdom was unstable due to some uprisings and criminal organizations scattered everywhere through the nation one of the main contributions to the country's destabilization was a recent Uprising called the yellow neck Uprising now her parents who were also criminals themselves thought it would be best for them to lay low and decided to take their baby on a trip for the next 5 to 6 years doing the best they can to make a life for themselves and on their Journeys they stumble across the little village called yokoo Port now yokoo port on the whole is a very poor Village of farmers and when they stumble upon this Village they decided to leave her in the care of a random Earth Kingdom villager now obviously they traded and made a deal with this villager giving them some of the belongings they had as a trade to take care of their child now as the parents were departing the mother chose to leave a fan with young kioshi as a remembrance of her parents now this fan is going to be the iconic fan that we get to learn later on in this series as kyoshi's ideal weapon now from the moment the parents leave the villagers immediately start to turn their backs on Kyoshi especially the one that was intended to take care of her they saw her as an outcast and didn't want any single thing to do with her which kind of sucks for Koshi because now she has no body in her life to take care of her and for the next couple years leading up to her Teenage life she basically lived on the streets and endured hardships she would eventually start to blame her parents for this Misfortune as they were the ones who left her in the care of the Villager and not for one moment did she ever blame the villagers which was quite interesting of her personality due to all these hardships she eventually grew very tall and strong as well as distrusting of every single person she would ever meet now fast forwarding a little bit to the year 305 BG now apparently in the earth Kingdom around this time they have been searching for the new Avatar who is said to be of Earth Kingdom Heritage for the last 7 years unsuccessfully and the two people in charge of this endeavor wanzo and kelang finally make it to this village where kioshi is staying by the way these two bending Masters were actually best friends with the previous Avatar kurik of the water Nation now at this point in kyoshi's life she gets to witness something very interesting as she's spying on an event held by these two bending Masters who are in trusted with finding the next Avatar now what they're doing is rounding up all the kids they would expect to be at the age the new Avatar should be and giving them the Avatar test which is basically allowing them to choose specific toys from previous avatars if they choose the right toys then it is obvious that they are the Avatar and they're going to literally do everything in their power to train this being to fulfill their Avatar duties so Avatar Kyoshi is spying on this event and this is where kelang sees this little girl who is Koshi and invites her in to take the test Kel sang explains to Koshi what this test is and if she has chosen to be the Avatar she will in turn have her life changed as she's going to gain riches and rewards however Koshi very distrustful of people does not believe him and runs off and this is where kelsen's partner Wan Zoo says to his friend hey this girl is way too old there is no way she could be the Avatar little does he know he's actually very wrong but we're going to continue on the story here now this is where something astonishing happens that I actually didn't not know happened in the Avatar universe or could happen these two vending Masters falsely identify a kid named Yun as the Avatar now I don't know how this guy passed this test but maybe he just by luck chose the right items so Yun is obviously taken from his family and what these two masters decide to do is they get the funding as they announce it to the world that this kid is the Avatar and they immediately start to build a mansion near the village now the Mansion is going to be a place for all his bending Masters as well as his servants to live because obviously the new Avatar needs to be trained and he needs somewhere very lavish to be and stay now that the two masters kelang and wano are staying in the village kelang actually sees Kyoshi once again rumbling around the village and noticing there's a trend how The Villages treat her so kelang with his kind heart decides to take it upon himself to take care of Koshi as he doesn't really believe she should be treated this way and over time Koshi starts to warm up to him and consider him her adopted father now as she's living with kelang whenever kelang is in town he takes the best care of Kyoshi however there are moments where he needs to leave and when he does this he leaves money for villagers to take care of her after the first time he comes back he realized Kyoshi was skinnier than ever meaning that the villagers did not take care of her instead of getting angry and taking it out on the villages he chose a different option he was never going to leave Kyoshi alone ever again and he also convinced his partner wano to get her a position to work at the Avatar's Mansion this way she will always have a place to stay and be taken care of as well as learning how to take care of herself so they do this and she basically starts off as a little servant but eventually Works her way up to being the personal servant girl of Yun himself now as Koshi is working in the Mansion she becomes loved by a lot of the staff she makes specific friends with Yun himself as well as yun's firebending master and teacher rangi now rangi's personality is she is very aggressive and upfront she doesn't really have a lot of friends but she is also very demanding but due to the relationship she formed with these people she's very kindhearted towards Koshi herself now as the story progresses we also learn that Yun and Koshi seem to have this form of Attraction for one another there are some moments where they're nearly kissed but nothing ever happened as they thought this relationship would be impossible so instead they remain very close friends now kelang also takes note that Kyoshi is able to earthbend and he even tries his best to get Koshi to take on a master so she could become a proper earthbender Koshi again says she has has no use for earthbending as that has nothing to do with her job so he again has to let it go now we reach the year 296 BG kyoshi's adopted father starts to get suspicious thinking to himself that kioshi might actually be the Avatar he confronts her about this and she just writes it off as something that could never be possible and the two end up dropping this notion now we also get to learn that Yun and Koshi are actually going on a lot of missions together because as we know the Avatar is the person to be the Diplomat between the Nations and since some of these missions are dangerous kelang decides to gift Kyoshi with something very important the iconic armor that she will forever wear so we now know how she got her armor and we know the fan itself is from her mother which is really cool that she keeps these things that are so close to her heart now with that being said the group is sent on one specific diplomatic mission to negotiate peace with some Pirates these Pirates are called the fifth Nation this however turned out to be a trap and things went South quickly and on the verge of capture and death Koshi actually activates the Avatar State for the first time ever saving Yun the group and herself in the process when news broke of this event kelang began to immediately say his thoughts publicly which caused the identity of the Avatar to come into question however this is where the other Master wano takes a deep dark turn in the story he decides to kidnap Koshi and Yun and seeks out a evil spirit named father gloworm asking this gloworm which one of these two are the Avatar now in this cas case the spirit immediately says Koshi is the Avatar and In This Moment wanu grabs Koshi dips out and leaves Yun to suffer unbearable Fate by the spirit now we also see Kel sank show up to the scene as he is alerted of the news he comes to save Koshi and ask his friend wanu what are you doing and before he could get any words off wanu immediately unives kelang which causes Koshi to be overburdened by her emotions as they begin to overflow and take her over and that is when she activates the Avatar State for the second time giving her the power to escape wanu fly back to the Avatar Mansion tell rongi it's also nice to note that rangi being her friend doesn't question it fully trusts her and they both literally Fly Away on a Flying Bison which is owned by Kel sank called pangpang eventually the two start to come up with a plan to lay low and their brilliant idea is to join a criminal organization known as the flying Opera company which kyoshi's parents actually started back in the day Koshi also realizes that one of the main members of this group PA Lai was actually a famous assassin now she also over time starts to befriend three other people in the group kirima a water bender and Wong and Lee who also turn out to be Earth Benders themselves now as she befriends these people Lai continues to tell her that he has a way of immortality he knows knowledge of how you can become immortal and he slowly starts to share this information with her now this could also be the reason that she's able to live to 200 years old now Koshi and her friend rangi could only run for so long and this is where w finally catches up to her as see sen shiru which is that weird creature we see in the Avatar series with the tongue that comes out you know that weird dog looking thing with the tongue I at a badger but you know what I mean now he sends one of that after her and they're able to find her and this is where a battle ensues and due to this battle Koshi has no choice but to reveal her identity thinking her friends would want nothing to do with her or probably capture her in turn for a reward Koshi tries to run away but her friends hold her back saying they're not going to do that to her they're not going to betray her and this is one of the best moments in k she story as she finally takes note that she is the Avatar and she uses her friends to help her train she just does not have a airbending teacher yet it would have been pretty cool if kel sank would have been but he's kind of un alive right now so that's not going to happen and La just says he's going to continue on with them and continue to share his knowledge about immortality with her specifically now Koshi and her group are eventually sent on a mission to rescue prisoners from a dungeon from the corrupt Governor known as T sing hung now you remember earlier in the video when I said the Earth kingdom was unstable and then one of the biggest reasons was due to an uprising by the yellow necks now the reason I brought up that earlier part in the story was because of this next thing which we come to find out one of the prisoners was actually the leader of that Rebel group that caused the uprising in the first place and with him being loose what do you think he's going to do he's immediately going to start to build up power and try to overtake the entire Earth Kingdom and The Leader by the way his name was zuping and zuping is a very powerful lightning Bender so Kyoshi immediately learning of this had to challenge him because she needed this not to happen she eventually wins by entering the Avatar State and she unives zo pink now after the battle Kyoshi herself is very injured and is needed to be nursed back by her friends to get back into good health and this is where wanu swoops in a battle ensues and he somehow escapes kidnapping rangi and uning leak now kioshi overwhelmed with anger musters the strength and searches out for wanu after some searching kioshi finds out where he's staying confronts him and doesn't even ask to release her friends she Wants Revenge wanu asks one more time for her to become his pupil so he can train her in the way of being the greatest Avatar however Koshi being as stubborn as ever as well as knowing wano killed her adopted father strikes out and a battle goes on between the two now wanu himself is no pushover and he's putting up a pretty good fight however a decisive moment occurs when Yun the fake Avatar somehow appears out of the blue Koshi is shocked and stunned by this and Yun takes this opportunity to un alive wanu and then he just disappears Koshi is flabbergasted as what she just witnessed because like her you as well as I probably thought Yun was gone Yun was unived by that creature now after all these events hioshi thinks to herself she has no choice but to fully accept her faith and she flies to the southern air Temple where she finally publicly announces she is the Avatar nobody can question this as she has all the things to back this up she can enter the Avatar State as well as wield the other elements so with that being said the world now accepts her as the Avatar and before leaving the southern air Temple she has given some news wanzo actually left all his land and wealth to her which is pretty funny it seems like wanu was one of those characters who intended to do the right thing but did it in some really shady and unnecessary ways now for Avatar kioshi she's finding that being the Avatar is one of the hardest things in life as she's being forced to be a diplomat between nations and Kingdoms in general and what she's learning frustrates her incredibly that most of the governor she meets or Kings she's intended to talk to are all corrupt and they're not doing anything for the people other than filling their pockets and she is losing her mind with it and whenever Koshi is sent on a mission she finally accepts she doesn't do this the Diplomatic way she uses force and manipulation in order to get her way it tends to be for a better outcome however as she's trying her best to clean up the Earth Kingdom and that is one of the things that Koshi is going to be known for now in the year 295 BG Koshi starts to clean up a lot of the group groups of criminals all over the Earth Kingdom she also starts to get rid of the corruption inside the police force now after all this Koshi as sent on another important mission to the Fire Nation she does love the fact that she'll be able to see her friends again one in particular being rangi now during the event where she gets to meet the fire lord Yun somehow repairs I have no idea how he got here but he is and he assassinates Lou Bayon and attacks a lot of Fire Nation guards somehow Yun became this powerful earthbender now as the story progresses with learned that Koshi thinks that yud may actually be possessed by the creature maybe that's how he's still alive we also get to note that Koshi is being visited by one of her previous lives perk of the water Nation he keeps visiting her in her dreams trying his best to tell her something but just like Kora or Ang she has no idea how to decipher this information so after a lot of attempts trying to figure out what Kirk is trying to explain she finally gets the message he explains to her something very simple the creatures cannot possess humans in the physical world which means that the Yun she saw is actually the real Yun he acted of his own accord we also learned that the Fire Nation fond a look alike for Yun and is using a fake Yun to inight more issues within the Fire Nation now with that aside Koshi eventually finds the real Yun confronts him and says she is going to stop him he scruffs and immediately starts to battle with Koshi koshii ends up winning this battle on Al living Yun and this is where rangi and her a small little funeral for him now there is something I forgot to cover fully perck wasn't the only Avatar State she talked to she also talked to Yang Chan the previous airbending Avatar and all she really does is show Koshi important moments from her life to explain why she made certain decisions to help hioshi on her path in becoming a better Avatar this is normally what these other lives do for the current Avatar as we've seen many times in the last airbender as well as the legend of Kora now that this whole Fire Nation debacle is concluded every everything's at peace now at this point Kyoshi is done she is fed up of corruption and she takes it upon herself to directly combat it she even establishes a force to swiftly destroy any of the criminal organizations within the Earth Kingdom regions sadly however the earth king himself uses this task force as a way to enforce his power to ensure he stays as king well that didn't really sit well with Koshi so she ends up dealing with this around this time Koshi is actually summoned by Wong shei Tong that giant owl in the library he simply explains to her it's her duty to help him and he requires her to retrieve a stolen item for him this item was stolen by a criminal organization known as the paper knives she does everything needed and retrieves the book for wangi Tong and hands it back to him now at this point in the story Koshi is a master of the Avatar State as well as every single element she is known to the world as an avatar that is feared and very effective at rest restoring the order in the world as I said she's been rooting out criminal organizations getting rid of corrupt officials and ensuring the people themselves have better lives she also establishes the Kyoshi Warriors themselves she begins to train women in her adopted Homeland to defend themselves for three reasons in particular for one so they wouldn't be harassed and taken advantage of by men coming into the town two so they can defend themselves from Criminal organizations or Bandits stealing from this town and three because she needed a force she can trust now this is where we get to see what actually happens between her and shin the Conqueror in the year 270 BG so essentially in the earth Kingdom the 46th Earth King was very unpopular and this allowed for the rise of the warlord named Chin Chin began to gain popularity and amassed an Army and went around Conquering the Earth Kingdom itself almost controlling the entire continent until he reached kyoshi's Homeland and this is where it all stopped just like in the Avatar series she confronts him battles him breaks her land or Homeland away from the main island creating Koshi Island and due to this event chin falls to his death now she to herself believes she was the one that caused it regardless of the situation of it being an accident chin was just a stubborn guy who had a goal to take over the Earth Kingdom would he have been a great king we have no idea but we knew at the time the people simply thought so because they clearly did not like the 46th earth king and another incident happens right after chin the Conqueror where she is summoned to the capital to Aid the 46th earth king because the civilians and peasants have an uprising going on in the city Koshi simply says no she is not going to stop this Uprising as this is an issue due to the Old Government now the earth king obviously says you can't do this I'm the king and sends his guards to attack Koshi and we all know how that ended Koshi was standing on top of some unconscious bodies and basically enforced that the king do better for his people or else and the earth king agreed and started to give the people a voice in his ruling and Kyoshi in turn agreed to protect the culture of bosing SE and in order to protect the culture of bosing SE and ensure the stability of the nation she chose to create an elite platoon of earthbenders I'm pretty sure you know where I'm going with this she's actually the one who created the D Elite to keep the peace sadly however as her time went on she started to realize that dile became corrupted which is something that weade heavily on her heart now after all is said and done in her later years kioshi was known as the greatest Avatar where kioshi has now United most of the Nations together for example take the Earth Kingdom Bandits are no longer running rampid causing uprisings for the most part the Earth kingdom is at peace and she was looked up to by the younger generation even the princess of arasu as someone to idolize and aspire to be so overall Koshi did a fantastic job as an avatar she she changed the world forever and she eventually died in 82 BG at the age of 230 now obviously this is probably to her friend sharing some immortality Secrets as we talked about earlier in the video now Koshi eventually had a daughter and her daughter's name was Koko Koko was actually the one who succeeded her and started to lead the Koshi warriors on Kyoshi Island after her death now that covers everything about Avatar kyoshi's life everything after now is things we see in the anime or even the live action and this is where she meets with or the legend of Kora just to give them advice but her impact on the world is felt today with the Kyoshi Warriors the stabilization of the earth kingdom yes there have been many things that caused the destabilization in the future but without her building this structure nothing would have been possible not even Republic City and this is why I think Avatar kioshi may be the greatest Avatar of all time with Ang being a close second in my opinion so that's the life and history of Avatar Kyoshi so my question to you is pretty simple what do you think about Avatar Koshi was she awesome is she one of your favorite avatars do you think she needs her own little movie or series because I do and that wraps it up and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Melloart
Views: 16,767
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Keywords: avatar the last airbender, avatar the last airbender netflix, avatar kyoshi, avatar kyoshi live action, the history of avatar kyoshi, who is avatar kyoshi, the rise of avatar kyoshi, the rise of kyoshi avatar generations, avatar kyoshi explained, how did avatar kyoshi become the avatar, kelsang avatar, yun the false avatar, jhanzu avatar, jianzhu avatar, the full life of avatar kyoshi
Id: 716nJ8YRC4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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