The 9 Best Tips for Your First Month of Blogging I Wish I Knew

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welcome to another vlogging video this video is all about the goals and like different tasks that I would do the first month of vlogging so really it's like my first month of blogging tips but I think this will be really helpful and even if you're not at that if you're past that first month of blogging I think it's really helpful for really it's like for the first year and I have individual tips that will just help you grow your blog a lot faster and be a lot more confident and know what's worth it to spend time on versus what's not worth it to spend time on first tip is to set a schedule and stick with it to the absolute best of your abilities I've found from knowing people in in the industry and then also just like watching other people it is so easy to have in your mind to start a blog and then you realize how much work is involved with it and something that you have to be is super super consistent like you have to be a consistent person to have a Blog especially because it's fully on you to do it you know like you're not gonna have someone watching you being like you need a post today you need a post tomorrow it's just that's not how it is so you have to be super disciplined for me personally I made a schedule for myself that I would post a blog post twice a week and I was easy on myself on the fact that I wasn't like okay every Wednesday Thursday I had to post a blog post I was like all I need to do is post two blog posts a week it doesn't matter what days I post them at doesn't matter what time and the grand scheme of things it literally does not matter so don't be like super intense about that but for me from that Sunday to Saturday I was like in between that time I have to have two blog posts published and that really I have to have the blog post published and I have to have like the Pinterest done for it and that really really helped me stay on track wait follow up to that if you be realistic with your time if you can't do two blog posts a week then be consistent with one blog post a week if you have a lot more time you can do three blog posts a week then do three blog posts a week but what I would not recommend doing is doing like one blog post this week five blog posts the next week none the week after like try to be as consistent as possible with like two two two two two this is a big one that I harp on so much in my videos spend the least amount of money possible because it is such a small percentage of people that actually stick with blogging and so I always am like you know like get the cheapest hosting do not invest in a 300 theme don't spend a thousand dollars on the course spend the course buy the course that's a hundred you know like be super realistic with your money and then even if you have money I would say be realistic with it because then once you start doing it more and more and you're like okay like I'm actually I'm consistent with it like I'm actually gonna do this then that's when you could spend the big bucks but the things that I would recommend spending money on is hosting so get a your you want a self-hosted WordPress website so to do that you need to get hosting I highly recommend and what I used when I first started out is Bluehost I'll have the link for them down below I'll have like on my website I have like blogging which basically like goes over exactly how I started my blog all the different um websites that I use but the reason that I like Bluehost specifically also do your research there's like so many out there I just personally use Bluehost is because it's like the Walmart version of Hosting so I'm always like there's Walmart version and then you have the target version then you have like the Nordstrom version so now because my website is so successful and we're getting so many viewers on it every single day now we're at the Nordstrom level but in the beginning I didn't have money I was a college student that was paying for college on my own like I was broke so I had to be really strategic and Bluehost allowed me to get what I need to get done I switched over then to Big Scouts big excuse big Scouts I don't really know what it is which one it is when I was about at 200 000 readers per month but from the zero to two hundred thousand dollar or two hundred thousand reader Mark I was just using Bluehost it was really great so that's the cheapest one as far as WordPress theme so like the design of your website I would recommend going to Etsy Etsy has so many different ones at all different prices I mean they literally have like ones from five dollars all the way up to a hundred dollars I personally spent I think it was it was like 65 and um I'll put the exact uh theme that I used to it's a pretty I got it from like really I had a great experience with it but there's so many on there on Etsy depending on like what you're looking for and then I would invest in a course there's a million and five courses out there I would get one that is focused on SEO or like yeah I would get one that's focused on SEO so a little plug we have of course perfecting blogging which is basically my dream course when I started my website on like what I wish I would have known but like I said there's a million different courses out there so do your research read the reviews um and see which one is best for what you need but I like basically so perfecting blogging goes over and you any this is like what I would recommend for you to get first whether it's my course or another course but um so like what you need to have on your main page how you need to write your titles how you need to lay out your posts um the diff like SEO techniques that people that I use that bloggers use to be successful it's very strategic like it is not blogging is not something that you just go pick oh today I'm gonna write about blah blah blah because I love blah blah blah like no like every single blog post is super strategic and there's a lot of research behind it so you need to know how to do that research what to be writing about because the faster you can figure that out the faster you'll get views the faster you can get ads on your website and the faster you'll be making money next tip is to find a niche that you actually like you are going to get so burned out if you start a blog on something that you think will just you just started because you think you're gonna make money from it you have to be super knowledgeable about about what you are talking about and you have to enjoy talking about it because you will be writing so many different things on it your brain is going to be constantly thinking about it so you want to make sure that it is something that you enjoy thinking about 24 7 because you will be thinking about it 24 7 and also think about like the future of it if you are a winning if you want to start a mom blog on toddlers okay that's like great and there's such a market for that but are you gonna be wanting to write about toddlers for the next 15 20 years and if you don't then you're gonna have like kind of a path like for me I knew that I wanted to have a design blog so I started it talking about college dorm room decor but I was like I'm not going to want to write about college dorm room decor forever so then I was able I was like okay then I'll write about apartment decor and then I'll write about home decor and so it was like that natural path so for the taller example you could start with babies and then go to Toddlers and then so it's like a parenting blog that goes through it but you want to choose something that you care about next tip treat it like your full-time job from the very very beginning when I started my website I was so gung-ho about it like my friends I was a college student I was a sophomore so my friends would be like I'm we're going out and I'd be like sorry gotta work and they'd be like what are you working on I don't have to be like my blog and they'd like roll their eyes they're not rolling their eyes anymore but like in the beginning they were because they were like what like why are you you know and so you have to be super again you have to be so disciplined and treat it like your job you know like it is work so whenever I would be working on my website I would be like Oh I'm working like sorry I can't do this I'm working because if you start using that like mentality one you take it a lot more seriously and so will like the people around you start taking it more seriously eventually um instead of just being like Oh yeah I'm doing my blog no it's like no you're not well you are but like you're you're working and so that's what that's one of my top advice is is like treat it like a full-time job from the very beginning take it really seriously because if you do then you can make it your full-time job Roi okay Roi is something that I still think about every single day and so roi's return on investment this is another thing that I talk about all the time in my videos because it is so important in but it's especially important those first years so like the first month you know get it into your head you are only going to want to do things in that first month the first year that will make money for you in the future at least that's how I looked at it is I and and that made me like really help on what was important to do and what was not important to do so I was like a broke college student like I said and so if I was and I was also I was a college student so I was so so busy and so I had to be really strategic with what I was spending time in and I only wanted to spend time on things that would actually pay off in the future so for me the most the absolute most important thing was to write blog posts and to get them on Pinterest because if I could get them on Pinterest then I could get people reading the blog and I needed views because then as when you get a certain amount of views you can then apply to an ad Network and you can start making money so that was like my Roi were like spending three days on your about page is not a good use of Roi because one you're gonna make no income from that and two no one really cares about you you know like that's that's this is a separate thing that I should have added into my list here to say get into your head no one cares about you they only care about themselves no one really cares about your about page like let's be real they don't but they do care about what's in it for them and so these blog posts you should be like thinking about every single time you're writing it every single time we do anything at BSL we always think are we being the most helpful as possible to our reader to our customers and to our clients and if you can be like I will be the most helpful website out there for dorm room decor that's what I always think about or how can I be the most helpful website out there for dorm room decor how can I make this blog post the most absolutely helpful thing out there that will really help you um it'll give you like a leg up and also like that's what the readers care about so you'll be having more and more readers you will not see momentum on your blog for months and this is so hard I think that a lot of people go into blogging thinking that it's a fast game and that you are going to see results really quickly you will not you absolutely will not usually it takes like an entire year to see results and when you say a year out loud it's not that long but when you're actually grinding it out and spending so much time and treating it like your full-time job a year is a really really long time to not see results so get it into your head that it's probably gonna take that long to see them um and that this initial leg work when you're again like grinding it out hardcore is the most important part and you will see results later on I feel like I keep trying to give examples from like my experience like the work that I put in that first year is still earning me income and still earning the business income today blogging is great because it's such passive income that it lasts for a really long time but there's so much initial work that's involved in it so yeah I think you just need to be realistic like it drives me crazy I don't know why I'll let this drive me crazy so much but when like people will comment or whatever I see something where it's like I've been blogging for two months and I've only I've seen nothing like what am I doing wrong it's like knowing it's gonna take you a lot longer than that to get started because Google has the scan you'll make sure they trust you Pinterest has to make sure you they trust you um so it's a process do not do too much at once like this is why Roi is so important because it can be super overwhelming and so many people will be telling you folks on this focus on that focus on this you're going to figure it out pretty fast what to focus on but definitely don't do too much where you get so overwhelmed that then you want to quit four photos you have to get permission unless you take the photo every single thing that you use on your website that's not yours you need written permission from because you can get into trouble for copyright so even if you take a picture from Instagram and then credit the person on the bottom that is not enough you need to have written permission of them telling you that you can use that photo and lastly set specific goals I'm a huge goal person and they really help me stay motivated and also like know what I'm working towards so I highly recommend you setting those short-term goals and then also the long-term goals for me and my goal in the beginning was to get into an ad agency within the first year um so that was kind of like my more shirt short well I mean there's like that's like I say that's a medium ankle like my short-term goal was to get two blog posts posted a week more medium goal was to get into an ad agency that first year and then my long-term goal back then when I was a college student was to make it my full-time job after I graduated and so those goals really gave me something to work with and I think goals are just a great motivator so I would highly recommend that that wraps up this video on my first month's blogging tips I hope you enjoyed I hope it was helpful I have so many videos we do a video every single week on my top vlogging tips blogging hacks different programs that I'm using How I Do Stuff Etc so I highly recommend checking those out check out the courses we have perfecting blogging which I talked about perfecting Pinterest which is my exact Pinterest strategy Pinterest can be a and so I really go over exactly how we get like over like 400 000 Pages a month from Pinterest and we have a very specific system so I highly recommend checking out that course and then we also have our perfecting email course which goes over our email strategy um so I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you at next week's vlogging video
Channel: Perfecting Blogging | By Sophia Lee Blogging
Views: 41,073
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Keywords: blogging tips, how to start a blog, tips for new bloggers, blogging tips for beginners, blogging for beginners, blogging advice, how to start a blog and make money, start a blog, blogging tips for new bloggers, your first month blogging, new blogger, blogging tips 2022, blogging tips 2023, first month blogging, first month blogging tips, by sophia lee blogging, sophia lee blogging, blogging tips and tricks, beginner blog, blogging tips from a full time blogger
Id: Db1bH7_ovWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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