5 TIPS FOR NEW BLOGGERS: What you need to do your first month blogging | THECONTENTBUG

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hello guys what's up welcome back to my channel so I was brainstorming content the other day and I was trying to think of how I could share more beginner blogging tips with you guys because sometimes I feel like I share some of the advanced stuff and I don't take it back to the basics and that's exactly why I launched a video about how to write a blog post and I thought I outline a blog post so today I figured it would be fun if I talked about some simple things that you can do your first month blogging because when you first start your blog there is so much information out there and so much stuff that you have to do or that other people are telling you that you have to do if you want to grow your blog so what are just some things that you can do from the beginning to set up your blog for success so I'm going to be sharing five things with you guys that I think you should be doing at your first month of blogging I'm gonna start with the basics because I don't want to overwhelm you so the first thing I think you should do is set up your social media presence so once you have your blog your domain your website it's going to take you a while to actually design that website and get it ready for launch but while you are doing that you need to make sure that you are setting up your social media presence on a Facebook Twitter Instagram and Pinterest but we'll talk about Pinterest in a little bit so when you are setting up your social media accounts you want to make sure that it accurately reflects your brand and what you are trying to create with your blog so if you are talking about one specific topic on your blog you should be talking about that topic as well across your social media platforms and one important thing to remember is when you are setting up those accounts you want your handle to match your blog so if your blog name is something unique and something you came up with and then your social media handle is just your personal name it's gonna be a little bit harder for people to find you so everything for me is the content but if you go on Instagram it's the content bug if you search on YouTube it's the content bug and if you type in the content bug com you're going to find my website so it makes it a little bit easier for your audience to find you if they just have one specific name so you definitely want to make sure that you are setting up your social media presence next you want to create and build out your content calendar now if you have no idea what a Content calendar is it's very very simple it's basically just your schedule that tells you what blog posts are going out on what days and within my content calendar I also like to have a section that includes all of my ideas so when I have to write a blog post I have an idea right there ready for me so I can just sit down and write and this is something that is really going to hold you accountable and help you say can assistant as a blogger from the very beginning now I have to tell you a new YouTube video is coming out in 3 days talking about how to remain consistent as a blogger so there's gonna be a lot of tips in that video so make sure you subscribe to my channel so you don't miss that now since you're a website owner there are a few technical things that you need to do to set up your website and to kind of manage your website I would say manage your website is probably the right term so you want to set up your Google Analytics as well as your Google Search councils let's start with Google Analytics Google Analytics is going to be your place where you can tell how many people are visiting your website where those people are coming from how long they're spending on your website and so much more information so Google Analytics is really going to become your friend and I do have a few resources talking about how you can better use Google Analytics so I will include them in the description bar down below setting up your Google Analytics isn't that complicated honestly Google will walk you through the steps on how to do it but I want to talk a bit more about Google search console because I feel like not a lot of people know about Google search council and it is the foundation for your SEO success so SEO stands for search engine optimization and that's basically how you get found on Google Google has an algorithm just like YouTube just like Instagram just like Facebook everything has an algorithm and you want to make sure that you are working with Google's algorithms that you can appear higher in search a lot of people want to appear first in search and one of the steps that you have to do is get set up with Google search council what Google search council does it lets you verify your website with Google so Google knows that your website exists they know what pages to go through as well as what pages their robot is allowed to crawl and allow to rank within their search engine so let me jump to my computer and I'm going to show you exactly how you can set up Google search console with a wordpress website so you're gonna want to go to Google and just simply search for a Google search council this should be the first search result that appears you will also notice that Google search councils also refer to as a webmaster tool so if you ever hear either name just know that it is the exact same platform so you're gonna click on the first search result it should be search Google com backslash search council look backslash about this is going to just show you a little overview of what Google search console can do but what you want on easy start now button it will then write into this page where it's going to tell you that you need to verify your website and this is the exact sex that I want to walk you guys through but it is so important to note before you start typing in your domain here you need to understand if your domain is a www or non W domain now y-you may think that that is confusing because you may think that all websites start with W W but that's just not the case so I'm going to go to my website right now and I'm going to show you how you can tell if yours is a w w or not so this is my website and if you click up top it will include WWD for hand if it is a WWE website mine is not I have it registered as the content bug comm without the WWE head of it so let me show you I'm gonna jump to a Pinterest just to show you one that does have W W in front of it so once I am here if I click on the URL you can see that this includes w w ahead of it so you want to make sure you check your website right now to see if it does have www or no W W in front of it I just said W W so many times then you're not going to do this domain new option I would go to this URL option over here and you're going to type in you your route and you want to also make sure if your website is an HTTP or an HTTP web site but I'm going to type in my website right here no www in front of it and I'm going to click continue then you should see a box like this appear you're going to want to click on the HTML tag option when you click on this there is going to be a specific piece of code for your website that appears in this general section right here once you see that piece of code you are going to select it and copy it then you're gonna jump to your WordPress dashboard and you are going to need a plug-in call it a tracking code manager so under plugins and new I will show you guys what this looks like so this is a plug-in right here that you are going to once you need to install it and then activate it once it is activated it is going to appear in your settings down here under tracking code manager so going to jump to mine right and now once you are within a tracking code manager you are going to want to add a new code so once you click on that add new code you will be brought to a page that looks exactly like this you're going to want to add a name so I would do Google search council verification just you know not to delete this in the future in this big black box area right here you are going to paste your code that you just took from the other page then you want to make sure that this position before the head you shouldn't change this you want it to be shown on all devices so do not change that as well you are going to want to select standard code tracking and your WordPress as well as in the whole web sites you do not want to exclude any pages do not select anything else you want those two selected make sure your code is here and then you're going to click Save once that is saved you can go back to Google search console and you can click verify and your website should be verified immediately now if you do not have a WordPress website or maybe you don't feel comfortable walking through those steps you can actually go through your hosting provider and Google search console shows you some other options that you can do to get your website verified so I would follow the steps given you by Google search console but for me I like using the HTML tag it's just personal preference I think it's easy and gets it done fast and if you want to learn more about Google search councils such as how to upload your sitemaps and your robots.txt file I do have other resources on that and I will include them in the description bar down below then I would recommend that you apply it for google adsense when you are a beginner blogger one of the easiest ways for you to make pennies I'm talking two pennies if they're at you are not going to be making very much money with ads from the very beginning but I do think it is important that you include ads on your website from the starts and your audience gets used to seeing ads compared to if you don't have any ads on your website for months or maybe even a year and then you randomly start including ads on your website your audience may get confused or they may not like the format or the flow of your website anymore so I would recommend putting ads on your website from the very beginning so your audience is used to it and so you can start making money as soon as possible so with Google Adsense you do not need a certain number of page views to apply you can simply apply to Google Adsense and start adding ads to your website and then once you do hit a certain number of page views and you want to move up to maybe a more advanced and network you can go ahead and do that and then of course if you are serious about growing your blog from the very beginning you need it to learn about Pinterest guys I'm going to talk about Pinterest all the freaking time because it truly is a powerhouse especially for bloggers to drive traffic to your website so if you want more traffic more eyeballs on your website and you want to start growing from the very beginning from your first month you need to learn as much as you can about Pinterest now I do have a ton of resources talking about how to grow how to create pins my exact Pinterest strategy all of that information so I will include those resources in the description bar down below for you guys but some of the things that I would recommend that you guys really pay attention to and you research about Pinterest is how to set up your Pinterest account for a success as well as how to SEO your Pinterest account how many times to pin and re search tailwind I'm telling you a tailwind will really help you to grow on the Pinterest platform with tailwind tribes oh and don't forget about grip boards because group words are very important as well so I would highly highly recommend you learn as much about Pinterest as possible so you can start driving that traffic and if you're just looking for an easy Pinterest resource where you can find all the information you need in one spot I do have a section within the TCB vault that is sold separately called the Pinterest pro and a ton of resources and tutorials and stuff that you are looking for it's going to be included in that so I will include that in the description bar down below for you guys in case you are interested in getting access to the Pinterest pro and those are my 5 things that I think you need to do your first month after starting your blog so if you have any other questions about how to set up your blog for success or how to grow your blog from the very beginning please let me know in the comment section down below and I will create more videos for you guys otherwise if you like this video please give it a thumbs up so let's subscribe to my channel while you were down there I do upload new videos every three days and the next video don't forget is about how to create content consistently as a blogger I'm sharing my tips with you guys my strategies and everything you need to know to continue to create content every single week so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that and I'll see you guys back here really soon bye guys [Music]
Channel: Cathrin Manning
Views: 178,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thecontentbug, grow your blog, blogging tips, started a blog, set up your blog for success, grow your blog from the beginning, tips for new bloggers, your first month blogging, what to do your first month blogging, blogging tips for beginners, new blogger, blogging tips 2019, blogging tips from a full time blogger, make money blogging for beginners, after you start a blog, grow your blog from 0, set up google search console, starting a blog for beginners, beginner blog, blogger
Id: ofVXzHwx6Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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