Footballer Ryan Giggs and the 8 Year Affair with Brothers Wife - Rhodri Giggs tells all

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ten footballers that she'd been with did you know what i said the team i was after no i was after one of them and i'm with after it all happened i went to portugal and i'm with two naughty lads and as i've walked in one of the bars one of the guys is stood right behind the door with his mate i've walked to the bar and as i've walked the bar turned and i could see the door there's a gun that's nuts that was phil badly was that so that was yeah it was it was what would dwight york for basler i was nicking kit but that wasn't the story the story was um and today's guest we've got rodriguez how are you brother how are you good to see you yeah good to see you thanks for coming now happy to be here yeah good man you've got your own podcast as well which we'll plug straight away yeah well it's been doing it for now about four or five years shoot the defense me stella and uh steve just joined a well-known coach and managed rochdale a well-known coach with manchester city for a long time yeah enjoying it it's brilliant love it yeah you're looking real yeah i'm looking around there a nice shave here yeah try to look apart for once yeah so obviously your brother superstar ryan giggs for your life as well you've also been in prison and all the [ __ ] that was always in the press 10 years ago with their fears and [ __ ] but i want to get a bit about you and we'll go right back to the start where you grew up how it all began i was born in cardiff uh 1977 and then 1998 we moved to salford my dad played rugby moved to uh swinton played for swinton and uh just went from there really how was that how old was your brother anya three and a half years three three and a half years what was the schooling like schooling yeah yeah school was good it was hard because you know i look at the streets now around south and and there's black faces everywhere but when we was there no my dad was black and was a mixed race family so it was tough at the start but you know it was back in them days it's it's changed a lot now you know it was gollywood jam jarrett it was all them kinds of stuff that you had to put with you just fight your way through it a lot of racism back there didn't yes just because there wasn't a lot of black people around in salford like i was at a school with 1200 people and probably two black people in there and i was one of them so and that's what you were putting that race as coloured coloured half cast back then it was so yeah but you just it weaned itself out as i got older you just fight away from it like i said and people if you fight and they won't defensively wouldn't say it won't go up you've got very defensive then just trying to stick up for yourself yeah did you brother stick up for you a lot not really no no i didn't really tell him really i just dealt with him on my own didn't really tell me mom didn't tell me dad just dealt with my own really who was that young talking like 10 11 12. so you're young but it just strengthens your mentality i suppose crucial years though but it was because my dad left as well so and that's when it all come tumbling down because you know that was me discipline and once he went and then my mum kind of got in a new relationship and that really didn't work out with me so it was and then that's the down start the downfall of just doing what i wanted and just being naughty really do you feel as if the shackles come off that your mum could control you so you kind of had a free-for-all not necessarily i think it was just missing my dad and you know didn't really although my stepfathers it was was good to my mum i i didn't really get on with him you know it wasn't his fault he was a good man but it was just he wasn't my father and yeah you know back then it was it was it was accepted but used to take a few beatings off him and i would you know i'll start right word um oh all right word is yeah i don't like him for it yes dad just to do that yeah not you know even when i was annoyed not much not every week it was just you know when i was naughty you get a beating but i i didn't like it because he wasn't my father my mum would just stand there and watch why did your dad leave did you ever speak to him he was he was abusive drunk my mom mum took a load of abuse used to beat her up and when i was 10 11 i think they'd just split up and he was taking me out for my birthday and he picked me up and we're driving down the street and he seen my mum going to work he's pulled in the bus stop he just said give me one minute he's gone out i've seen him like tussling and then he's come back took my birthday money off me gone say go and see your mum i've gone and seen my mum and she's broken nose and he's give her a dig and so yeah and then i didn't see him for a few years after that did you eventually see him though did you reach out to him probably about five six years ago just recently yeah the first time yeah how was that yeah it was all right weird strange it was spoke to him little bits but not massively sent me a letter when i was in prison which was a bit too late but um no he's uh yeah he's like apologized you know like 25 years i didn't speak to him how was it for you then being 14 15 when your brother then was playing for man united did that become a lot more pressure on you being you felt as if you you wanted to achieve yeah your name doesn't become roger then it becomes ryan giggs's brother yeah and that just went on for years so you just come to deal with it but at the start of it you're excited you're happy for him you're buzzing you know it's more of a dream for me to see him play football and is that it was for me to play football because you look at the old photos man every photo you're in you look so happy when you're together you look the happiest as if you're proud you're the proud big brother yeah i always have been that's why i've followed him and stuck up for him the whole whole life is that's what you did and that's what you did did you ever feel like the outsider from a young age um yeah a little bit a little bit was that what made you rebel um kind of like i was made my dad's child and ryan was my mum's child i think that's the way it was and you know that's the way it carried on and yeah difficult then yeah it was difficult but because i heard ruben i played back in the day is that correct i hear what's this story here that you could have been better than your brother if you're stuck in that that was a story yeah but i never really was into it like he was i was a my dad stuck around i would have played rugby i was about a rugby player and was football but i just love sports and didn't really think that i could do it as a living just played it and then that's when i got expelled from school what for just a number of things really it was just an accumulation of things in the end and then i was about 15 coming up to 16 and talky got in contact saying were you on trial so but before i went my mom says well what are you going to do and says i don't know she's gonna have to get a job she's what do you mean he says well you're not in school you're gonna have to get a job [ __ ] you know [ __ ] that so i entered turkey for some lovely yeah beach beautiful it's hot and yeah just ended up playing there and they signed me for a two-year contract well apprenticeship how was that yeah i loved it i loved it what happened well the story was that was nick and kit i was nicking kit but that wasn't the story the story was um i was at diggs first of all and obviously i was coming in late and stuff like that so they moved me to the chairman's daughter and husband and their family so we used to go to the chairman's uh houses house for sunday dinner and stuff like that and i've ended up going there and he used to have a big [ __ ] wallet you should have loads of money in it so i tend to take 500 pound down and i'll give it my roommate and i've told a couple of lads and then that lad got caught dipping when we was at when there's first team matches the apprentices had to give the cups t's for the the half time so they go into the away change rooms one of the players was dipping in the players in pockets and he got caught so to to get him off that he told what i'd done and then i was the same up when i played with him at 60 we used to sell happy happies i think they were called at halftime but me and another boy used to get another book so when people are buying another ticket we used to take the tickets out they love it and put them in a bucket but they would never win so i'm making maybe 30 40 quid then i get it but someday i think the other boy stuck me in i think he was caught and stuck me in because i ended up getting loaned out straight away and then end up getting released but that it's funny that though that always try to cut corners always try to cut corners but i was i was coming on because i all between like 12 from 11 to 15. i probably haven't played a lot of football where i was playing every day and by the time i was 16 i was playing the first team matches so i was coming on 16 16 and then i started coming on and then all that happened and then that was it didn't kick a butt football for two years career ended well supposedly they asked me back but i never got told that i got told that a few years later but my mum didn't tell me or she obviously didn't want me to go back but if i did go back there they would have eaten a lot of money because i wouldn't have let them down again like that i would have made sure that was did you feel that i feel like failure at a very young age after that i just felt that like they'd let me i'd let them down because they was good to me turkey mike bates and the chairman and paul crompton donald reading they were all good to me there and it was just it was one of the fewer things that i regret you know i don't regret many things but that's one of the top of the list but you're on that kid as well like let's let's do a die back in that age when i come back it's front page manchester united front page and everything sounds like to deal with all that crap as well so you have to deal with that every time i got in trouble i'd put step by online it was front page i have to turn up and call it to be cameras now i'm not going to put my head down they'd go roger i go [ __ ] off and just be in the papers and i look like all right seen it and i were like what the [ __ ] is that because all the pressure as well because your brother was flying high are you just thinking [ __ ] it i just didn't give a [ __ ] yeah do you regret that then yeah yeah what would what happened with your life after football well after i come back then i was messing about and then you're drinking drugs no not really they'd want i want to read like the same before i'm not really a big drink i don't really like it i don't need to do it because it's sociable but i don't really like it so then just messing about odd jobs and then i went to livingston stayed there for about six or seven months and after that come back and that's when i ended up in london working in the state age in london how was that yeah it was good it's good and then that come all crashing down with a fake shake why you not there i don't know there's um the fake shape the only we got put in prison no chalisa yeah you did the exact same to me i've got crown court here so i'm as a state agent yeah and uh mazzy and my moody's called so fake name then fake shake yeah well that's his name but he was like a fake shake so he he's contacting me saying his his family are in town is his nephews so he's like a saudi prince or some kind of high saudi prince so he's got servants i meet him at a penthouse and canary wharf servants opening the door people giving him tea easy got all the cloak on with a shisha tells me the story that his nephews have got in college and he was looking for apartments for him but we can't be seen in the west end because you know one of the family members is not very well can we do you know anywhere where we can go out so i said yeah we was a corporate member of a lap dancing place literally around the corner from the office so you should take him there but he's in the meantime i'm taking him to flats and he's saying yeah i'll have them free flats and i'll pay you a year money up front so i'm thinking [ __ ] this is good this is all the commission when i get here and i've got to keep this guy sweet so when we're going into his lap dancing every night he keeps asking me for drugs i'm saying i'm not from not from around here i don't know you know anyone if i really wanted to but it probably could have been going out my way drugs i don't really know anyone and he kept on bad dreaming and badgering this is like going on for like three or four weeks he said i don't know anyone anyway i'm going back to manchester so i tell him i'm going back to manchester he he says oh we'll come up and we'll come see you can meet your brother blah blah blah said okay no problem so i'm trying to keep them sweet so because this deal that is always commissioned if we get to manchester me meets our kid outside the marriott then he says right where are we going tonight i said i'm going there i'm not i'm saying i'm not going where you're going but can you get us some drugs yeah no problem ring my maybe a pillow or ring someone who knew he's come to the marriott i've gone out and got it brought it in [ __ ] cameras everywhere in the room next minute halfway through it he's made us get some escorts and bring him back to his hotel but why he's he's obviously cambered up the whole the room but i've took the bird in the bathroom and then my mates come in and gone in the bathroom not my bathroom in the bedroom so you couldn't you'd probably have that all set up in the bedroom but i took her in the bathroom so all the bags set up for what just to [ __ ] you over i was just working as a state agent it wasn't a drug deal anything it was just and that was it i love that job so he was just what just uh just working in the place he was he's done it hundreds of times what has gone back into court and then the judge threw it out saying he needs to be investigated because entrapment kind of i don't know about yeah but it's like you're he's it's not as if you're bringing them it's not as if you're [ __ ] trafficking ghettos and selling kilos i caught you just want what how much drugs was they wanting grams what made it more what made it what's the word is um the police were after dying to get me because they'd added police surveillance on me for like two or three weeks and they pulled me outside uh dean's gate lock show i've been out in dean's game yes well there was a place called loaf when it first opened and they pulled me out then like an august night it was like nine o'clock at night it was [ __ ] rammed all the way down queuing up and they pulled me out about 10 of them strip searched me telling me boxer shorts outside because they thought he had drugs on me but i didn't so you're just trying to do hamathan because you think you're going to get commission not realizing it's just a big scam just to [ __ ] you over and get you in the press was that another front page again and no it wasn't because it was gonna and then the brixton bombing in london said it went to like 12 or 13. but it just goes to show you the lens that people go i had that jaws lambo on last week who was charles bronson's son he used to get a gas van caught a hole outside a gas van and all the big like with prince harry prince william used to drive in and people the security guards used to fall for it and they're just snapping away but back in the day you're talking what 50 grand hundred grand for major stories major headlines so people they proper actually go to some lengths to to [ __ ] you over how how did you deal with all that then all the stresses and pressures how did you trust our shows then that was the worst one because out of playing football of all the jobs i did i love that job because i was 19 when it was rent in 14 15 apartments a week i was like 19 years 20 years of age on two and a half three grand a week back in them days i loved it company car it was great and then it was and i got sacked straight away on the spot back home and then six months later a year later i was in prison so what happened tonight when you got to jail was it a bottle over someone's head we'd we'd gone into a place called amazon meet me pal and i'm at your urinal and this guy's come next to me say you gives his brother that i've asked me i'm on the piss do me a favor leave me alone anyways baba so i've worked out gone to the other side of the club i'm in palace he's come over again we need to get out of here to me mate so we walked out down the stairs i'm waiting for a cab but what i'd done is they didn't serve budweiser in the pub so when i've walked from the pub where we've just come from i had a budweiser but i had it only had a half left so i put it behind the bin and when i come out waiting for the tax i remembered it was there and went and grabbed it drinking he's come out again started blah blah blah and his mates grabbed him it's all kicked off his mate grabbed him i just got [ __ ] off and my mates hits him once and he's just hit his head on the curb two's come through his mouth and he nearly [ __ ] died would you get seven months and nine and how was that then again front pages [Laughter] people saying that but i loved it when i was in there yeah strange ways it was um yeah they tried [ __ ] over there and as well they like clowns if it must have felt like or some first day i've got there they've put me in with the scrawniest smackhead you could ever think and the first night they've spun me cell and strip searched me they tried and then me cody after a week he's gone to kirken and i'm still there after four weeks and i had a friend who was a screw in strange raise and i said what's going on so he's got in contact with him two screws in there would try to send me to birmingham just to [ __ ] him out in a [ __ ] [ __ ] hole so you got worse treatment and no special treatment because obviously but obviously new people in there and they've got in them yeah he's [ __ ] buzzing about it what's he going on they always thought i was going to come in and be [ __ ] like the fat guy from shawshank redemption and protection so how was that experience for you to be did was it more rougher than more worst treatment because of who you were and who you were who your family member was than no that was the kind of stuff they were trying to stop playing mentally but yeah do you feel as if you're always getting [ __ ] over through your life when you look back at it oh you feel it i probably don't look at it like that but probably yeah don't really go deep into it like that but if you think about it probably yeah so how does that affect you mentally what makes you stronger what about friends in that did you have the same friends going through life or were you constantly chopping and changing um well since uh that the effect that all come out there's many people i'm not even probably speaking spoken to associated with just because not trustworthy just don't trust him were you very trustworthy back in the day like going gone i'm very wary what i tell people anyway so will you obviously people get me dead trained when they've got like high club yeah did you not have any of that [ __ ] any family members ever say look man reign it in or the judges constantly think it's not that you're a bad guy it's just you do that [ __ ] like his old league myself but it's like the the deaf stuff that i was it's like when i was in london [Music] the daft stuff i got arrested for was like a girl uh when i broke up with she'd been she'd bring me ryan once so it was that was a story in the sun i bedded the two giggsys so i've gone up to her house and threw her hammer through a window no [ __ ] stuff like that uh pissed one night and in my mate's car and i've heard blue sirens i've jumped out the car i can't remember this i've broke into the house gone upstairs fell asleep the police have come in arrested me and i've got done for criminal damage you know all stuff all stuff when i'm drinking and stuff like that so just so this was another girl so then i went to lund and i went like i said i went to london i hadn't been in trouble for two years and i'm driving my friend home and the police pull me and i jump out the car what the [ __ ] you're pulling me for cause i think i'm a league i'm in a company car but i had outstanding warrants from the community service and probation i just [ __ ] off so the copper never forget his face he comes back he comes out the car he's like laughing shaking his head i said what he says you're gonna wish you didn't [ __ ] do that says why you see you've got an arrest warrant with a no bail so what the [ __ ] does that mean he says you're getting arrested no then you're getting up to manchester in the morning so we get to take to manchester to get to sulphur court's half one get to the courts the the van pulls in the goggles what are you doing he says we've got a done for the day you have to bring him back tomorrow what he's got no bail it's not my problem take the soul for crescent went to seoul for crescent and ended up staying there 24 hours as well the back midfield yeah saturday morning i got out and they squashed the community service crossed her base and gave me a 500 pound fine well what was the leaflet then were you working or were you just lost as a state agent at the time yeah and like because i just moved away and just kept my head down and securing a real proper job did you think a life would be easier going to london away from manchester united yeah it was mild that's why i loved it so much because no one really cared and it was so big no one could give a crap who he was and that's why i enjoyed it i think how were you treated in manchester before you went then people just always want a piece of you no no you are you always going to get that whenever you're going out i don't know what the fascination is with it i never could understand it with because i'm not a celebrity i'm not famous i'm still even though i've done a a good advert it's not a celebrity i'm just not i was class but we'll touch on that later on i'm just just not because you've done acting as well what is did you do i start acting no i did a bit with with will yeah actually like a film kingdom thing like adverts and stuff you've been an advocate but what was the other thing wait wait something what was it called the white van man yeah yeah yeah what was that just turned out to be an extra minute end up starting doing doing a bit more than they wanted it was it was someone who didn't turn up because my friend will um someone had turned up so he said do you want to play the role yeah right and just kind of doing it it was brilliant did you enjoy it it was really good yeah so after london then when you got when you lost your job present again what what what was the life like then what when they got out yeah uh what did you do when i got out you just knuckle down and try and get to work and get a job and what did i do i got my class 2 license so i got me lorry license truck license and just settled that trying to settle down met natasha had a baby and just that was it for me i was just like i was happy i was settled down i parted myself out didn't really enjoy it anymore i would just stay home with family on the weekends how old do you think she would always go out and i was gonna go out i'll mine the kids did you have a question that then no not really because i was happy just not do what you want with the kids yeah did you ever get handouts for your brother so everything that i'm doing in my life know that i'm doing it to try and build that platform so big that i can now then look after my family this is this is what you i think you're supposed to do that like was saying before we start you know this makes business who started from his from his from scratch on his own he struggled and struggled and no problem where you you're top it's what you do you help people out and not really he give me a car that he won and then i got put into prison and i got him put into prison because i was riding his brother and he wasn't speaking to me didn't come and see him he didn't give me a letter didn't nothing and then when i got out he bought me a car is that disheartening for you or not but you can understand from you're looking for a [ __ ] that man united players actually done ferguson must have been that good that he was that good that manager that everything was hush-hush it's only now that certain things come in the paper and you go wait a minute they ain't all [ __ ] just like they they ain't all just squeaky clean there's more [ __ ] happens in the big teams than they do anywhere else it just gets had better did you think that did you think well he was pretty you know ferguson was like a father figure to him he was his substitute father and you know he was scared of him and never let him down but he protected him a lot because a lot of the press were scared of ferguson they were yeah he's proper yeah so he was no messing about do you think if you had somebody like ferguson's status as a manager you could have potentially went yeah he was a great person he wasn't only just a manager you know he knew everyone's names not the young kids he was a good he was a great but still is a great man but yeah he was and that to be skilled and to be you know to him to take you under the wind wing it must have been a big help for him yeah but can you understand as well that your brother might not have he may have been told like stay back from the prisons uh don't do that because if yeah i understand that but if that was me i'd be saying [ __ ] off he's my brother yeah it's straight up so would i be well maybe that's why we've done it this is this this is where no meaning different because you know even when he'd done his book he rings me up and on that one of the headlines of the sun paper was my jailbird brother and he brings me up saying i apologize you if you're telling them to write a story you have it specifically what you what they put in if they put anything then they pay you but he didn't they just let him run right you know you can't speak to the press you can't do that but it's all right for you to promote your book through the sun using your name did you go to many games i used to go home away for years for years so the amount of scraps have nearly got in in games as well because he wasn't always great used to have some bad times and the fans we used to be giving him and i used him um teen times i don't know any scraps he's used to getting [ __ ] you know this guy don't shut up i'd always get them behind me that's that taste for you though because i know you're easy lid shut after about 60 minutes like shut the [ __ ] up how was family life in that then at the start with the messi's and the kids was it great i was did you know something was a mess or other young denial probably probably yeah because you know means things good i mean instinct says this isn't right from the start but just went against it why i don't know i don't know maybe because she looked good do you think it's cause you were broken when you're bad leaving as well the pain of accepting that there's going to be another broken relationship because it's if [ __ ] goes oh yeah that was that was that was that's why i tried to keep it together because i wanted to but it just was untenable just in my head i'm thinking i can't do this was that telltale signs though yeah yeah like what oh there was there was times when she years before there was she was in my bear and uh john oyster play played for reading another guy was filming her while he was while i was doing something you know there was loads and there was murmurs about that but you just put it back to back of your mind just ignore it and it doesn't help that she only did it because um i'd been in my bear a couple months before and a bird had been telling oh your boyfriend's been out here doing this and that so she just went [ __ ] it would you no no you see me as i feel like oh i was listening to this stuff yesterday and obviously i knew you were coming on and it's [ __ ] sad mate that what you've actually went through i don't think you get the credit for actually pushing through and actually still being here because it's not just listen we all [ __ ] up i've made many mistakes i've [ __ ] married women i've [ __ ] friends girlfriends once drunken [ __ ] partying whatever but to carry something on for eight years is as [ __ ] terrible as barbaric basically to do it and not just doing it with having an affair but doing it to your brother you know what i mean when somebody's trying to act squeaky clean so i ca it can be difficult so i don't know how what you actually what you've actually went through to still be here telling the tale it must be [ __ ] difficult never really that stuff like that has never really crossed my mind because of my journey of my life it's it's it's it's strengthened me mentally as i've gone on yes it was difficult times but you know you have people you probably couldn't have done it without will miller my friend daniel without them especially when it first happened when i went to wills and with his wife michelle and his family it was such like a sanctuary for me and it was just yeah will's been like a brother for me for like 20 25 years now so and i've got a good friend daniel who's a strong friend you need them strong people but wise there was nothing so when that came out you messi's [ __ ] off to my bear yeah matt swiffered she sold the story that's cliff so she never even gave you a heads up the woman's been [ __ ] you around for eight years with your brother she sold the story [ __ ] off to spain and you have to read that in the paper a mum brought the paper six o'clock in the morning what was going through your mind just shocked you shot what couldn't you just shock it took probably about four or five years to properly get over this is why i couldn't i wouldn't talk about all but now i don't i talk about it probably mostly to annoy people because it so it keeps on coming up keeps on coming up this kit they had eight years to think about the consequences and repercussions well he's [ __ ] awake and some woken someone up they didn't wanna wake up because i was quiet i was settled down and yeah i'll just do things now just to piss people off and there's nothing you can do about it but to do that it's like to have all that money to have all that fame you could [ __ ] you could be getting any bud you could be doing what the [ __ ] you're doing you could get hookers up to your room and turning up my [ __ ] off but to do that to your [ __ ] blood to do that to your brother and i'm sorry it disrespects your kid's mum but both of them are wrongings for doing that brother do you know six months pregnant and while still sleeping with him and then the weekend after we come back and get married is my yeah so it just went on and on if you spoke to ryan's misses because she must have been through her tough time as well yeah yeah she probably no she stuck it out as long as she could let's let's be right she she stuck it as long as she could because the amount of [ __ ] she had to part with and i don't really didn't really get on with her didn't really dislike i just didn't really get on with i didn't really but you know no one's deserved to be put through [ __ ] like that no one so she stuck it as long as you could and i'm glad she's happy now you know max i don't really know max too well but he's a really nice lady comes from good stock so i'm glad she's happy yeah that's the main thing so what was your life like once it all broke out how was it to be to get be around the kids and stuff and and try and keep the pieces together and try and keep them that's the only thing i concentrate on that's the only thing i concentrate on now it's the only thing that's some of mine is you've got three children that's the only thing that i worry about and the sad thing and he's never apologized not really that's [ __ ] sad i'm not really seeing any of them you know was like probably see them twice in 10 years but that would still break your heart because what i can see with you is the sensitivity as well there's no no matter what's happened i believe that you would try and put all the pieces together just to have a family home but they obviously think i'm that bad i'm not that bad don't beat up women don't cheat on people don't do that [ __ ] anymore i'm a grown man because your brother was in the papers again was it last year for i don't know if he was faint with his message but you called him o.j simpson yeah that was just i think you know what it was it was it was it was tongue-in-cheek but when i thought about it i thought you know what listen to the subject you should be [ __ ] joking about messing about with so i've deleted it anyway i wish i'd never done it but that was only because we said well he's murdered someone oh i'm dealing with facts he didn't get done for murder he got off of it but he's a football player he'd be women do you think there's a lot of more stuff get swept under the carpet no comment so again three alright then i'll walk him out because obviously we are missy's prancing about big brother and stuff and it must be so difficult because it's not just a normal affair for someone your stuff is worldwide press so every time you walk along the street i go to the boozers do you feel as if people were looking at you talking about you yes but you've got to realize i've been dealing with this now for 30 years so it's just like water for ducks back and what would you have done if you'd seen them a couple of weeks after it don't know i don't know difficult one on that yeah and now your mum your mum's still not supposed to see him walking on the street i would have run him over no doubt about it and your mum's still not spoke to you since no no so why are you getting the blame as if you've done something wrong supposedly talk to the press i do this i tell stories it's all crap it's all crap the amount of people that i know it's just crap just crap so they believe whatever they want to believe you know it i think it really goes deeper deeper from you know i'm a dad's kid and she is who's it looking back and all bringing back is does it not feel as if it was still yesterday for you of your kingdom because it's the same [ __ ] no matter if you're doing it because people are always still going to talk about that do you know what you're going to be in here how does that yeah how do you think about it like think i don't really anymore if i don't really think about it other than think about it now because we're having a chat about it but i'll go out i can put things in a box and just leave it there obviously people think well yeah you have to deal with stuff i have dealt with it but now it's in the box and i can put it away the older family it's been that long now no we've changed our block yeah got three kids got three kids to worry about they've not even met me six-year-old son and yeah not seeing me 14 year old son for you know he's gonna have to put up this same [ __ ] because he has a surname same as me that's all it is they see giggs because there's no giggs is about it's only our name so you're obviously related to him and he's gonna put gonna have to put with the same [ __ ] how many kids have you got three how do you protect your kids from this because when they go you just gotta school them as best you can you're gonna get idiots trying to wind you up if you let them wind you up then that's what they want and they've won you've just got to keep on drilling that down to them my daughter she's 20 21 she's got a different name so she's kind of gets away with it so but the two boys they're they're gonna have to deal with it yeah at natasha she was in the papers four years ago saying that she would have your back or she's working to get you back was that [ __ ] yeah no she's she's we have a good relationship now good have a good relationship with no she's got a 14 year old son who plays off each other so we can't can mess and well we've got to be in sync and yeah that's most important thing i put everything else decide because you know it's you've got to try and stop it affecting as them as much as possible do you think she was manipulated and kinda groomed to because a ryan's stature no then no she she i could name ten footballers that she'd been with did you know that's at the time i was at afternoon one of them and i'm with after it all happened i went to portugal and i'm with two naughty lads and as i've walked in one of the bars one of the guys is stood right behind the door with his mate and i've walked to the bar and as i've walked the bar turned and all you can see is the door shutting that's nuts that was filled badly what was that so that was yeah that was it was what would dwight york fold barsley knew about dwight phil but phil basley danny said you go on and on how the [ __ ] did you did you know this then no but after that no was it kind of relief that even though it's sick what was it yeah you know what well i've kind of [ __ ] up but the end of the day you can see beautiful ironic bit was is she's turned into what i was she was just cheating lying and that was me so it's kind of calm in a way you can't believe in something not expected to hit you so that's the kind of way i look at it you can't treat the word women you can't treat the way women the way you have and not expect it to come back and bite you in the ass yes it was a big [ __ ] bite in the ass but that's not just that big bite fox no no no no no no no no no taking your whole ass off that's the way i look to it and it's made me a better person for it and you get three beautiful kids yeah ryan had that pregnant as well was that correct and had that got an abortion is that true and it was in the papers yeah i don't know yeah yeah what about all the kids and stuff like dnas and that is no that was that was that was the first thing i did was that in the week yeah how hard was that then waiting for your results yeah no because i just you just you know my instincts is really good you just know and then that would have been really that would have been probably more mentally damaging push over there do you think yeah yeah you've been through some [ __ ] that is some heavy stuff it is like people don't realize that some men can't look taking no psychiatrist no help no nothing just friends just talking it through so maybe it would have i would have healed quicker if i did talk to professional people but yeah was that a lonely time for you parts yeah when did she come back from spain when was the first time you spoke after it came out probably about 10 days because they're all scared to come they're all scared because they all thought that i'm a mad man i'm crazy i'm going to kill them all oh it's quite calm very calm because if you lose your temper then no you could have it on a calendar yeah numb to it yeah how much did she get paid for the story do you know i don't know so she's made money from oh yeah you're on a 100 grand anyway yeah but the main objective is these are building bridges now which is how we're going to [ __ ] make mistakes people do grow up listen i can switch and i'll i can say what i want to say but yeah in the most we're fine how long were you seeing each other for uh eight years so just from the start 2003 to 2011. like what about like christmas parties parties stuff like that was a never any thing in your mind you think he's [ __ ] up to something did you know he cheated before about other women yeah who's doing it together or anything um well this is what i used to thought that he had good friends but yeah not not really now because the amount of stuff that then the ironic thing is about that is all his friends would do it as well but the most ironic thing about that their girlfriends would do it as well because i went out with one of their girlfriends who was in their crowd so i know what both sides do so they were all at it that's [ __ ] nuts remember the whole program footballers wives they were all all laughing just [ __ ] each other this place in worcester this is why i don't uh drink now socialize anymore everyone's shagging everyone and you could be your mate but you don't tell him because it's [ __ ] it's as well do you know what i mean it's it's sad it's a sad state i feel that that can happen but it just shows you actually what goes on behind closed doors i got one of his mates saying ryan what are you doing this is your kid's wife what are you doing no come in my house yeah i'll have a nails for you to do whatever you want to do that's [ __ ] sad that the fact that she was pregnant and how the [ __ ] can you do that to your brother i i don't care listen i was a bit of a boy back in the day but i had some [ __ ] morals i'd like to think like this i've done a lot of bad [ __ ] but degrading it's just a very very selfish selfish person is he a lonely man well he must be must be i'm quite comfortable in my own skin in my own company it's just this this is why it's been no problem in lockdown for me but yeah people like that have always need to have people around him and pamper him and yeah it's always stuff like that it's never been for me to get put up i paid they're still like people maybe he deserves to be in a pedestal because it's crazy speaks for itself but no one gives a [ __ ] about that anymore if we live in a negative world know what people talk about is a negative [ __ ] so he's done that not me he's ruined his legacy not me by [ __ ] doing what he did he's got the best career in the world absolute world-class footballer but no one will remember that unfortunately what hurt you the most oh that um all of it yeah yeah you have a cersei though no no too strong for that it's just you've got kids stuff yeah yeah yeah that's what oh think about any any negative thing oh wait a minute why would i put more [ __ ] on my kids oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] from my childhood all the [ __ ] they've been through and then that it'd just be so why did your mum just own you what what was it you've done to that everybody's told you neglect i tell stories i do this i do that can't be trusted it's all craps all lies prove it how would you feel if your mum fought you just now great see my kids if you want i'm not interested in you i'm really interested they're not interested those are open for yeah i'm not really thinking about it i've got three children to concentrate on yeah and you've done that which is amazing to keep your [ __ ] together honestly i'm not like fair play fair play it must be difficult to even bring it back up bring back a lot of emotions and memories so this is what i mean it doesn't anymore because after about took five years five years to get over what did you do in that five years did you ever get back with natasha the jibber we tried we went to cyprus to puff us but it was just bentley i was like nah i can't do this too many thoughts going through your hair did she ever get help i'm not sure do you know what i mean she must have to do all that [ __ ] as well man she's that must be difficult but that will play back one minute she gets older i know she probably regrets it now because she was young and deaf and people make daft mistakes but how old was she when she was when he was happening probably 21. so he's a very young girl 22. seeing someone playing for manchester united that is a massive tunnel no matter who it is no matter who you're married to but you've still got to have more respect and more morals for yourself especially your young man were you married engaged married in 2010 the year before it came out yeah yeah who was you said to me well bill miller so she said uh when she got married she went to see her clairvoya and she said you'd be you'd be divorced within the year [Laughter] why didn't you see that clairvoyance that's [ __ ] up rodriguez [ __ ] up me i don't know how you've managed to pull it all together and on it i i genuinely don't make that to have that all over the press and world news and it's [ __ ] nuts mate well the paddy power stuff helped the advert listen we'll touch on the advert because that adverts funny as [ __ ] that that's not even revenge it's not even it's a dig but it's like itself because it's funny as funny as [ __ ] how did that idea come about you know what they asked me in 2000 late 2018 and i'm thinking i don't know i've seen the interview of ricky gervais he said lit and it was this afterlife was coming up he said literally you can you know make comedy into anything you know what he's right if it's a spoke to will and he said if it's decent if it's written well if it's done and then yeah that was written i was talking about the director was brilliant everyone was brilliant on it i couldn't have done it without him and yet you get more [ __ ] for doing that as if you're doing something wrong people need to wake and they [ __ ] up and realize when it come out there was very very little negative negativity i got some big on twitter and instagram very very little negative you're gonna get one or two but that was it i was really surprised when you seen like on youtube it's like five million six million on it you know and it's banned and then paddy power like banned great they don't give a [ __ ] they do not care so was it a good reaction then at the start yeah when did how did it start but i've only seen positive messages from it yeah how was it sitting on like gm tv and all the breakfast shows do you feel as if they don't like stuff yes yeah it's just picking ploddies as you get uncomfortable it's just live it's just not for me stuff like that yeah it's just not you do it because you you know it's part of the gig but yeah i don't really when did you get your story across the first time straight away i was like years later no it was um i spoke to my family and they said no don't do anything we'll we'll build bridges we'll sort out blah blah blah blah blah and for a year i didn't hear nothing and then she went in celebrity big brother and then just went how was that for you weird do you think that's what she created so i said don't you open yourself up here don't but she wanted the money and then yeah junk partnership claimed they wanted fame yes but then when she's seen it and thought um do you think you could have been a stepping stone you're getting used to then get in to other circles well i've always been wary of that all through my life and then i'll obviously get with her and probably probably got the worst person i could ever get with why the [ __ ] were you so blinded even though you're sawing the ball as well no it was means my instinct was telling me this is wrong this is wrong get out of it for years and i just ignored it my friends like even though it's sad you still give someone their heads up like everybody knows something there's always secrets secrets never get held for very long there's always somebody slips up maybe drunk i tells a loved one and then it's like chinese whispers well about four years in i had a conversation with mum saying you sleep and she assured me that it wasn't what gave you the inkling that it was we split up and it was a um we was out in manchester and i was supposed to uh meet her and united just won the league and she went turning up but i wasn't speaking to our kid at the time so what she thinks i wouldn't turn up to her because every time they won the lead they'd have a party in the living room it's your living room dean's gate yeah yeah so they'd have a party in there so she thought because i'm not speaking to him he won't come here i just [ __ ] turned up straight in and when she turned around like and then do you think i i smashed the phone when i seen messages but the messages were off him but i didn't know they were off him i just seen the messages and smashed the phone what were they saying i can't remember saying i'll meet you somewhere on me or where yeah i can't really remember the details but even though this was going on for that eight years was he still looking you in the eye you're still having like a brotherhood and still doing stuff on and off yeah but playing golf don't tell a few he's like yeah i've heard you guys in the buggy together you've heard you've got a new bird uh banged last week yeah sleek it though berries like it do you think he was maybe telling her stuff that you were doing even though you weren't as well to [ __ ] with her and she was he was saying so what is he doing where is he getting this money from why is he doing this and they all think i'm a drug dealer and telling drugs there's all drugs in my life just he was jealous when she was pregnant with your kid pardon your messy said that ryan was pretty jealous that she was pregnant with your kid probably why man [ __ ] wife [ __ ] weird that's nuts that's [ __ ] annoying me i was watching but it was man because it's [ __ ] sad like that ain't normal that ain't normal for a man to be doing that for so [ __ ] when you've got with people like this when from a young age given everything and no one really says no to him and so they get pampered they get spoiled so spoiled kids they think they can just have everything without any consequences they get too big for the station i think they can do whatever they want mm-hmm not realizing who they're being destroyed you always come down yeah because it's just the ripple effect then it's that listen it takes 20 tango both to blame but to run it over eight years and then misery that's caused even 10 years later that there's got to be some remorse it's really a [ __ ] letter to say look i'd [ __ ] up i'm a bit older now we've got kids we're going to have grandkids in the future that family is everything to me everything i do is to get my family out and make better life for them like i'm not making much just now but i know i will and but i know when i do i'll look after the people who worked with me like if you're in then i see all the time like footballers and our dads are [ __ ] homeless and the brothers are struggling and her sisters are penniless i'm thinking why [ __ ] lend a hand no matter what they've done man where's your [ __ ] soul you know what i mean it's [ __ ] up man that maybe that's why we haven't got why we haven't got because we're so [ __ ] soft do you know what i mean like you said before when we before we come on there you know even though the money and i've got money now and you're in a little bit money still doesn't make you still searching for stuff to make you really really happy you know that money is for your kids and for you to build a house for them and so they don't have to struggle they go and get thrown out when they're young if they do get thrown out they've got their own house so yes so how have you bought your life then the last 10 years do you feel as if when it was totally destroyed how have you managed to try and put some pieces together the struggle at the first i moved away and know got a house with a friend and then and then i ended up getting a house with simon say heaton he was friends with ricky and and they go out every night drinking because they were like drinkers they would go out and i'd be like oh come on then but it wasn't for me they go out they have a good drink and they have a good time i can't do it night and night day after day so it was getting too much and then you know going out on a thursday night it's like friday one o'clock afternoon and i'm like [ __ ] you know what am i doing what am i doing that was it did you the drink make you worse problems 100 times worse well i've never been arrested so that tells you something then donna that's right yeah just tell it a lie i got a caution from when all that [ __ ] come out and she was opening a mail and she won't let me in the house and a car was parked outside so i just [ __ ] walked a car and she went [ __ ] off with one of my wing mirrors what's the other one and then [ __ ] off the other one i still think bluff about it today because they just [ __ ] went [Music] and every time i used to see you i'll pick the kids up [ __ ] the wing middle of the day why would she open your mail and she was winding me up like like and it's the ones that are always up to no good the ones that are always most paranoid as well as which can be difficult so over the last 10 years we've tried what about what wise and just how have you been getting over that well i'm coach football but i thought like i said before come on class 2 license i mean a truck driver for 2001 i got it i loved it i loved it worked for northwest paper the paper company for like five or six years and yeah just done that and then i've got prop i've got a flattened i bought a flat in london a studio flat in 1999 90 92 grand in 1999 and the mortgage ended in 2019 so got that obviously paddy power stuff and then the obviously ngn son for um how can i say i don't know if i can speak about it actually so we can take it out if we can they have my phone and it's been settled so they hacked the sun hatcher phone yeah they've done that but they had gaza on a few weeks ago they've done that with gaza internet um was i speaking to the attacker phone yeah so slick it bastards how they would go and that's how people end up paranoid and turn into drinking drugs but i would never because i was like on the ball me i would never let i'll be on the phone because always doing stuff that you know wasn't always legal so you'd never be talking on the phone or leaving messages on the phone so yeah money for nothing cheers what about relationships you've been in a serious relationship since the last 10 years yeah i've got a six-year-old with i was living with ashley for about when it started ashley it was probably around about 2006 2014 15 and most probably the most trustworthy girl i've ever met just really could rely on and trust her which is which was massive you know for what he would have got with another girl he was not like her it would have been could have been nasty but yeah she's a really good mom and a really good person trust really trust me over there really like ride and die with her so to go from the kinda toxic relationship you're into that relationship was it hard to start to learn how to trust no because i i kind of knew what kind of person she was straight from the back that proper salford no really could rely on her really honest person did she know your whole story and what you'd went through as well yeah you kinda need someone who's kinda good heart good soul too yeah stick by you through anything just whatever even if it's not in your favor she'd still stick by her because it's a lot of baggage as well yeah you bring it to the table as well do you know what i mean so she would need to be [ __ ] strong because no she is yeah if you're putting the papers then you know yourself the gaffer your loved ones as well when that can be difficult especially if somebody's not being brought up in that life yeah yeah and if any one contacted her she would just say [ __ ] off straight away yeah and tell pick up the phone and bring me straight away no one ever bothered on my over there so you've never had a book out with anything no documentary no but but we're just starting the book this week actually have you heard that in october no people have always asked me to do a book for that last ten years and thinking like i need to do a book for but why the [ __ ] not why not make some money from your misery why not because a lot of people who i've had on the show who write books it's their therapy that's your chapter they say i'm closing this [ __ ] chapter no paddy powers that it was a good therapy thing it was but doing doing it all and it was brilliant it was such a good experience what were you doing when you were making it what are you thinking because you're taking a piss out yourself you people need to understand you're the one who get [ __ ] over so you're taking the piss out yourself obviously you'd have ruffled a few feathers but that's okay you [ __ ] deserved it you didn't go on a killing spree you done an advert you take your piss out yourself when you're getting [ __ ] over for eight years straight do you know what i mean people [ __ ] [ __ ] you over laughing behind your back and doing what they did so i think it's only fair that you go you know what wait a minute i ain't [ __ ] taking this lying down here's a joke now i'm going to write a book and [ __ ] expose the rest of your mugs just [ __ ] do it you've got the right you have got the free pass to stand your ground and put your whole life as therapy into a book and just becoming clean and this would have never ever happened i would never have done anything like this if if it wasn't so severe or yeah it's just a bad thing to happen so i'm just going all guns blazing now i think really so i think go for it man get the face paint on get the grenades in the pocket and just go [ __ ] it let me turn that on and go for it why not are you excited for a book for the future um do you think a lot of people behind them for cover probably mm-hmm probably no no no not not really no should just say people don't promote the book that i'll just say i'm [ __ ] wrong they'll have to read it and find out if y'all i'm sorry if i keep touching no one else but if your brother phoned you would you would you put it all together would you accept his apology yes he's gone now you need to move on from it this is why i think he dropped a clanger because if he would have done what he would have said and then just get pictures of us wherever doing what whatever and just being brothers then people think oh he's gone with it but no he chose to ignore me chose to go the way he went it was a wrong one frankie's assumed would you yeah any normal person would be and any mother would be but you know i'm still the bad one i hope it all gets put together for you you can still see that you're still battling with it no matter what and i can tell that you still love your family no matter how much what they've done who's [ __ ] over listen you're no [ __ ] saint but who else can listen to their stories what people have done to you do you know what i mean so it's funny it's the ones who are the black sheep they get their fingers pointed but it's the ones who are hiding in the proper white sheep's will that go under the radar because everybody thinks that they're golden and this would be this could be taboo this oh you can't say anything you can't talk you can't do anything your brother can do what the [ __ ] he wants and you've you've got to suffer through it with all the crap that you've got to put with but you can't say anything you can't do anything you can't just stay there and shut up if you feel as if you've been getting talked about your whole life no i'm as happy to do that but you can't do what you've done and expect me to [ __ ] lie down and be quiet about it i'm going to piss people off even when people don't are here i'm just going to keep on banging it down the [ __ ] throat because they did this not me i was happy i was happy with quiet still quiet no trouble going to work five to nine nine to five job happy as larry did natasha say sorry to you yeah yeah yeah yeah she seemed to have been like i say young girl man made their mistakes it [ __ ] knows what it is than that you don't mean but at the end of the day she still moves from a child exactly so you've got to kind of respect her for that way your kid lover so ezra as you just kind of got to move on we had cheerleaders son to a previous relationship too and i had a good relationship with him and that was just ruined you know come into his life when he was like two and then he was like 10 11 when all this [ __ ] happened so i built a quite a good relationship with him and that was just totally gone and then you know he goes to school and he gets him bits of mind he's come out the other end now he's got a good plumbing japanese doing well for himself but yeah so it doesn't just this is what people need to understand that ain't just affecting you it affects a whole [ __ ] line of people through for years to come because people are always going to talk about it now 20 years very as you will get i'm into it you will get stronger too you know just water off a duck's back but i still think people still feel the wrath of you what you can bring to the table to really put it in here everybody else has made money from it so why the [ __ ] can't you you know i mean you're the one that had to suffer yeah you know what i mean so going forward for the future brother what's the plans we get positive we've got the book and and production just now what else we've got just getting back to coaching really you know because it's been locked down and stuff just get back out there and yeah coaching doing stuff like that you love to do and do the properties as well and hang me bitcoin in a minute and stuff like that me my cryptic say so yeah that's quite good and yeah just see what see what happens are you excited for the future uh yeah yeah i'm like you've got a new dog i've gotta go like a [ __ ] every time i'm finished it's a nightmare absolutely i've got a beagle here's a nightmare just choose yeah there's [ __ ] that's every little noise he's like [ __ ] like i've got water i don't know yeah is that your first dog yeah yeah that they put a smell in your face like if i could have just a dog a house full of dogs and no [ __ ] humans may i'd be happy because every everybody's got problems everybody's got issues no matter who you are no matter what football team you play for no matter if you're no money well i say it all the time but everybody's battling at some degree your brother will be battling natasha will be battling you're battling your messages will be but everybody's battling some sort of we deal with her problems and worries through external things whether that's sex whether it's drugs or alcohol or violence we deal with stuff we're all [ __ ] we're all [ __ ] confused nobody knows what the [ __ ] going on on this planet like i question that like later says then i'm doing a six week documentary just now i've created one of the biggest podcasts on the planet i traveled the world making my own documentaries but i wasn't happy everything that i created over the last few years i thought i'd be fulfilled i thought this is what make me happy but looking at always all [ __ ] [ __ ] like it's not really as irrelevant when you're not really working with friends so in your six week documentary no social media which i found a massive i do that every i do that anyway come off it boxing day i come off at three weeks new years all that crap just just come off just come off it yeah because it affects twitter i don't so much because twitter is just full of weirdos anyway but instagram is just fake fake fake and it's just too much sometimes it's like [ __ ] off yeah to look at that is um difficult because as soon as you wake up you're looking at other people's lives you're looking at a fake screen you're looking at an illusion so you're not in reality anymore i want to come back i want to take a couple of steps back and and really getting a program where i'm doing everything within so no social media i'm doing meditation every day yoga every day exercise every day cold water exposed everything i went vegan there's like there's there's two flaps of the coin with that but i just want to try it and see how it is and if i can vegan that's not fresh enough nothing so but in manchester the dinners when are we shopping bean rice and a lot of chickpeas yeah so listen i'm struggling but i'm doing it next is checking curry and he's i'm just not rubbing it in but you know what i'm feeling good from it i think people need a lot of people are struggling my platform has grown and i don't want to become a fraud i don't want to become a fake i felt as if i was slipping into that posting [ __ ] and gave me attention tell me how great i'm doing but it wasn't making me happy so i identify with this straight away i'll make the changes i want to make a documentary to show people what can be done physically mentally emotionally with doing things more naturally it's good you've seen that now we're not ten years down the line but you're still relatively young and you can do all that stuff so i don't want to come across as sitting in big cars and big watches and pretending that i'm [ __ ] life's great it's all [ __ ] yeah that's fair pretentious crap who cares what car you drive do you get wealth health is well first million percent do you get you still kept lean you still kept fresh why is that you still exercising yeah do exercise i just don't post it i just do it excited everyone's posting it i run must probably run five 10k a day yeah just don't post this don't it's not really a workout though unless you've not posted that i don't know it's not but no but it's just like 5k it's like 20 minutes tops that's a good time and with the dog now it's just energetic just just go out bike ride with him running with him bring a lot of life into you yeah i've got punching bag in my garden i've got weight bed in my garden i've got skipping ropes i'll do all the stuff so yeah do you get a lot of trolling still do you ever get trolled she'll show me that no no no not really twitter if you're taking twitter you're [ __ ] yeah you would be so sad [ __ ] two rod james giggs yeah what was all your social media oh yeah james giggs um and twitter me instagram's private so i'm instagram's rodri 2477 that's it so no trolling just people just getting around about having a back yeah you get trolls it's always usually football i'm a wind-up merchandise i'm always winding football fans up so yeah you got to take it as well what team do you support see growing up it was it was never like right ryan was always manchester united where i was like i'd follow players so because john barnes was black and i kind of gravitated to him so i was a john barnes fan a loofah blisset fan so watford in the early days and then when john barnes went to liverpool i kind of supported liverpool and obviously when ryan started playing united playing with united and you learned the history and and all the things that go around with it you just can't help but fall in love with it because you know even though it's probably the biggest club in the world it still is a massive family club yeah you know within the training ground and the club the people you know it still is a family club and yeah learning the history and obviously that the rides of the the cups that they win and you know being at barcelona the 99 year probably missed one or two games i went every single game getting all the tickets for nothing how was that then at that either when you had gigs when you had the nevilles and beckhams and scrozies and bucks how how did we have a star struck as well to become the norm i was never starship because of an early age and i used to see him always get my vids so i would think so i'd never like kind of pester him on my room you'd see him about and say hello and be nice to him like david beckham really nice skulls but who else levels but mostly them like andy cole dwight york paul lintz so you kind of get friendly with them but you never really pester them because you always they always get pestered and admired but really nice lads david beckham was you know the [ __ ] that he put up with and he was just didn't change he's always stayed the same such a nice lad great family you know and the same with the others as well you had great families how was it did you ever become very very close with any other players no no not like i said i was told to keep back from that good luck why would you just look out for him because i was always with naughty people so when they was there we'd always like look out for more make sure if anyone's mine every room trying to do one but yeah and never really pissed him at all oh good lads what was ferguson lake i only really spoke to him he intimidates now i only really spoke to him when i was in when i was younger so he was nice to me then i was like 14 15 so he was playful yeah either probably thought though stay back from him if you're causing it getting expelled from school but you'll actually break it all down because when i had gas on i says to him do you think you could have had a better career working under alex ferguson and he says no he says look what the [ __ ] trouble with other players i've got cantha i kicked a fan and beckham but he treated cantona differently if anyone else did that they'd have been at the club because he did it he was it was eccentric he was eric's he got away with it it was like the story is the story of like the they've been playing crap or something in the game and bruce young someone else thought you know we're in the clear because eric's just two-footed someone so he's come in the changing we started breaking the players and then turned to eric said harry you can't do that son so he treated people nuts can you imagine our player doing that now so he treated people to eric [ __ ] eric it was a cup final because say this new book the cup final but i can't remember how old i was 40 and 15 and everyone was with the wives and we went on the train but eric was with two blondes my knees married and got kids i don't know if there was with friends or just i don't know but yeah i remember paulin's clap clarion's going mad what the [ __ ] it here you is can going mad and that's all i can remember but i don't know what he was doing star team filler girls can you break it i don't know if he was shaggy i've never been having two blondes but what was roy keane like my king was uh i never really met ricky on it interacting with roy keane he nearly got lee sharp killed why we're in a nightclub in kel's it's not that not anymore near the airport and lee shah was going out with a scouse girl a mixed raised scouse girl and i'm stood at the bar next to her and roy keane's pinched her ass and then [ __ ] turned away and she started going sick at me so after about two minutes i went [ __ ] this you better shut the [ __ ] get you to shut up or you're getting a dick to sharpen and then that's when keenan's going oh psycho calm down calm down [ __ ] you're getting me in trouble you mate but he's ruthless as they say but he was he was a drinker but he doesn't drink anymore he was it was a he was a heavy drinker but yeah he didn't drink anymore was that much drinking going on formerly professionals of the ferguson really put a stop to that because everybody seemed so clean cut back then they were not but they were drinking but ryan was uh he would drink on a saturday but if they had like a champions league game or a midweek game yeah they wouldn't yeah the sacrifices that the players must put in as well even though they do what they do but to get to that elite level the [ __ ] sacrifices that they do yeah it's massively believable i remember the premiership being from then when it was manu on top i remember those days like i missed that premiership was even arsenal had on b and you had vieira and it was great it was great matches because they were real tough yeah aston villa the semi-final uh when he scored that goal i was you could see me on the treble video i stiff armor stewie and just run straight into the pitch and then one of the first ones to jump on top of him you can actually see it in the treble video stone island kaplan you must don't even know the [ __ ] that you you went through the last 10 years you must have had a lot of great memories though oh yeah brilliant do you know what i mean then the 90s and even the first time when they won the the premier league the blackburn game when he scored a free kick from 25 25 yards did not win it for 20 odd years old trafford was buzzing but yeah it was some great great memories but they're holding away the european cup were you there they buy a munich game every single game by munich game i was on the floor we scored the first goal we're still celebrating we're on the floor we've got a corn and we're trying to get up and it's gone in it's going everyone's going [ __ ] mad that's going to be one of the best games ever but then the pool game as well was good the juventus one european cup final that's the two best cup finals i've ever seen when liverpool came back and then what was the we'd celebrate and then realize because the italians were pissing in bottles rocks and just throwing them at us and everything people coming up the [ __ ] stairs with blood and everything it was crazy the italian family they were pissing in bottles and just [ __ ] throwing them down because we were at the bottom tier it was a nightmare the jews get any private treatment family members friends not abroad foreign police italy portugal spain really bad who's the best player you've ever seen what's or the brazilian yeah fat ronaldo yeah it's time to score that trick united where foreign had ferdinand vidic who's a banner says himself who's the best player you've ever seen at united states of course what that player ryan's close though right he's a lot of class players a flying winger to a make a controller midfield you don't know how difficult that is to do so yeah but skulls it's just the way it doesn't look like a player well i played against him a couple of years ago i was surprised how fast he was just a couple of yards but yeah just the way he controlled games just his mentality yeah what about when ryan's called the semi-final the fa cup i was at the semi-finals it was that was straight on the pitch as soon as the whistle went steward was that 40 the best goal of them or one of the best schools like i said the memories you must have had that anybody would die for those sort of memories to be so close to those world stars that it just so happens that you would throw about a misery but premier league titles song yeah yeah how was that then being on top and just kind of it was brilliant it was brilliant the away games were so so so good such a good atmosphere and they were they were a tidy firm back in them days and i was mixing with him which was not a great idea they used to be on the coach yeah we'll meet you here [ __ ] crazy what about the ronaldo portugal did you ever meet him no no what was he like player oh brilliant brilliant when he first come remember when he played a pre-season game and he toured john o'shea a new [ __ ] and then they just got it from that yeah the was there any grievances in the place because i had andy gordon who played with rangers and he came to mind you and roy keane did not speak a word to him for three months because obviously was there any like that mixed with with the manual does anybody hate each other right kane terry's showing him hey he said he's showing andy call didn't talk that's mad though when you think about terence sharon roman soldier how the when they used to come on his subs that's what i know man you're from has been getting beat one know when they never die he'd done something when they call and then he could never forget him and yeah coley just didn't nothing still could play with him though didn't affect him smart doing it no bonds no you get that sometimes with football i'm not going really played football for 20 years i've got really many friends you're just there to i'm just there to play football and win football matches and i made me friends did you get any medals yourself have you got any yeah we played for fc united played for uh yeah you want cups and stuff but i can't tell you where they are how far do you want to go with the coaching staff do you think you can take it to a higher level yeah well i think i'd rather work with 16 18 year olds that's the best yeah yeah because it's you know that's what i've done before identifying you know if they're good enough to move on or is someone holding them back just yeah i'd just feel comfortable and i think it could help young lads try and not make the same mistakes you have an early age 16 17 18 yeah what do you want to be you messing about are you actually really concentrating and focusing on football i think that's good for people who's lived up to had the world at their feet too then could have went professional at a higher level but to then [ __ ] it and going because it's scary any sort of sacrifice and consistency is very hard in life because to give up drinking to give up your friends to give up everything to them build a care is difficult no matter what it is in life it is difficult but if you have lived it if you've made the mistakes you know what needs to be done to stay in the straight and narrow you've surrounded yourself with winners as well plus you've been close to probably one of the best youth teams that's ever come through and you know what they went through what took to get to that level and what you've got to sacrifice to get to that level you can't be messing about if you if you're what did your dad never pop up when rhyme was going through yeah so if i start them yeah you did but just kind of brushed off do you ever think how hard that was for ryan as well i know give him a hard time about here but how hard it was for him to get put into that spotlight when you see all these young kids singers actors they're getting superstardom and the pressure that just changes them that he changes an individual at 17 18. no no he might change when he was 35 36 more confident because he was not a confident person like um um testimonial against celtic he didn't think anyone's going to turn up that's which is meant oh i don't know if he's gonna sixty seven thousand people there but that was his mentality oh don't your fame was gonna turn up uh sad to think that the legend man for what he's done at the game to still be playing it's like an older age as well 20 odd years to doing his craft at the top level is unbelievable to stay with the one team as well and to go on and kick on it wales like life is life mate we all [ __ ] up i really do hope that you can put the pieces together with the family in the future you're a good guy man i genuinely mean that and i look forward to your book once it's out we'll get you back on again would you like to finish up on anything no no your friends club he started two three years ago but now he's he's going from strength to strength so yeah good luck man so we'll put the link in the description for people who want to buy the clothing brand but for coming on today brother tell me your story no i thoroughly enjoyed it i genuinely mean that for anybody watching maybe a young age 14 15 16 let's maybe want to get my head down about football player what advice would you give for them work hard and concentrate eat well sleep well it's everything all the details you know if you really really want to sacrifice and really want to be a footballer you know it's it's not an easy job but you've got a you've got to sacrifice some stuff yeah rodriguez okay thank you god bless cheers check out more of my podcasts on the right and be sure to like share and comment your thoughts on this week's podcast thank you
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 808,058
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Length: 86min 4sec (5164 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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