Ryan Giggs’ 8 Year Affair With His Brother's Wife: Rhodri Giggs

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tell me the story of your brother going with your wife all these years what's the story behind that Ryan Giggs accepts he's known around the world for two things his abilities as a footballer and his inability to remain faithful to his partners golf dudes we've had an argument she's drove on and later found that she slept with him that night she was six months pregnant we met in hotels I worked as an estate agent so I had access to property should we get keys from houses and go to houses so she was sharing a different house you couldn't write this story and later found out that he was finding out where I lived still now 10 years on every single person in my family still don't speak to me I don't speak to you [Music] Audrey welcome to the show mate I'm it right very good very good looking forward to this one let's roll all the way back where did you grow up and what was childhood like for you when was um free we moved to Swinton Salford yeah Manchester where were you before that Cardiff I was born in Cardiff okay yeah Bonnie Cardiff Army families from Wales Army family from Cardiff still living in Cardiff today um yeah moved it to Swinton Manchester three years of age and lived ever since really and what was childhood like were you your mum and dad together dad played rugby for Swinton did he uh yeah that's Reunion yeah no I would believe okay played rugby union for Cardiff for Wales and then obviously got a move to Swinton and that's how we moved up there he played Wales first team did he yeah many years ago yeah today I've got a shirt I need to get framed actually it's got It's 1980 586 I can't remember but it's Wales against England it's like knitted you're the old heavy ones are heavier what's his name Danny Wilson Danny Wilson what position do you remember standoff scrum off was it yeah so he was a player yeah a bowler yeah Happy Days and what was what was life like for you up in Manchester growing up in your teens and moving on are you all are you what age I'm 45 Ryan's 48 48 okay nine this year yeah and what was it like your teenage years up here yeah it's good um local school um a bit difficult because back in the you know in the 80s there wasn't many no people of color my dad was black yeah mum was blonde hair so we were mixed family so that was interesting but um not quite relatively sporting family yeah love the Rugby Football flat anything spot everything yeah so anything spy I mean was it how was it for you at school being mixed race was there racism back then yeah it was just just normal the the [ __ ] that you know the jam jars all them kind of stuff but it was kind of normal Buckingham music but because it was probably because it was um you'd have obviously the rougher areas that obviously had not grown up with the right ethics and right morals and not being taught properly and yeah so but you get it from our walks of life it's not just them yeah of course and were you both you and your brother uh Ryan both at school together yes I would be in my not um in secondary school I was in my first year he would have been his last year yeah what age group was that so I'd be 11 he'd be leaving school okay yeah and he'd have one year left at school and what was your football in uh what were you like a football as a kid yeah good good just um was that your sport no rugby was it was yeah I would prefer rugby I would have been my dad but as soon as my dad left everything changed yeah just everything changed what age did he leave I was about 10 11 yeah why do you not uh it's just abusive to my mum um all kinds of stuff and Mum and Dad enough and you know he'd left wow he went back to Cardiff just up and left and then probably didn't see him for about 25 years yeah why just you know what you didn't want to see him or you didn't want to see you or uh no probably I didn't want to see him at the time okay then just over the years you just you know drift yeah he obviously live he lives in Cardiff I lived in Manchester he's never had a driving license where he's got one now but he never had a dry lunch we'd always drive and get banned and you know all that kind of stuff and what was it like you're footballing with with Ryan what age did what age did Ryan you know Ryan was going to make it because he was young wasn't he when did he sign for Man United uh well he was at City first was he immense is it Manchester City first and they let him go you're joking no no I don't want to let him go but you know I think they asked him to come back but then United asked him a new United fan she was always going to go united yeah but city was at City first school visor and then he left you know about 14 15 14. yeah and you've been three years younger did you know he was special then did you or were you thinking older man I played football I play with him yeah um were you a better player than him well I I he'd beat me but you know I'll give him a little game so and he's four years three years older than me so yeah and like I say when as soon as you're 11 you know smoking yeah hang around the wrong people yeah you know so that's the route you took but he went down the clean route yeah yeah I want to be a professional did he always want to be a professional footballer yeah yeah 100 and obviously United loves United yeah yeah that's amazing and when you were when he was playing at the age of 17 what was your lifestyle like knowing your older brother is becoming going through the ranks at United and monitor he's just proud just happened you know your brother's playing for Man United you get a little bit a little bit of crap that goes with it you don't mind that it's you know it's your brother's living his dream and then yeah it was all good it was good times because they're they were close to winning the league and Leeds won it United come second but then it turned into the Premier League 92 92 93 that's right yeah and then United won it yeah so wow it was it and was he still was he still living at home with you guys when he went to United yeah yeah he was still living at home to like about 20 21 wow yeah and it was like lived on a Main Street yeah it's like you come out and it's like a Main Street yeah on the doorstep didn't have no front garden it was like an old Cottage yeah yeah it was on the Main Street and like boss had pull up and literally the boss could see him because we used to share a bedroom yeah and the bus could literally see into our bedroom quality and what was it like for you knowing that he was becoming famous were you proud to be his brother yeah yeah of course yeah um yeah it was just great so because I had a season ticket booked by them so I used to go every week I didn't really play myself so yeah it was good would you go home in a way yes yeah away probably when later on the 1990s yeah I went home and away in the 90s so the treble season I missed one game so yeah that was brombie away the rest scene into Milan everywhere Real Madrid everywhere and we didn't play Real Madrid that year but and I did go around Madrid to watch and how did you get treated knowing that people knew you were Ryan giggs's brother well I'd go with like I was going to touch myself with like the wrong crowd so I'd be so happy where they'd be like all the families and stuff so I'd go and see my mum but I would never be like in it yeah so I'd be you know in the bars or yeah yeah getting on it yeah and what was the what was the what was the age group when he really really made it you go you know what he's turned from earning not much money to actually becoming a wealthy football team was it early yeah 17 17 because he was playing like 30 games at 17 against you know keeping Internationals out the team and taking the piss based out of Internationals in training yeah so yeah and what was his relationship like was it Sir Alex Ferguson badly signed and wanted him and badly he come to come to the house and remember he come to the house and my mom had a remarried and obviously he didn't know nothing about football yeah and you know she made him a cup of tea and he'd come out of a big like roll-on mug and give him his mum's like oh my God what does sir Alex no she's like oh my god oh no get in the China oh my God but uh no that was about that was when he was 14 15 yeah but he was always like a father figure to him yeah yeah really close yeah they still probably are today yeah yeah and what was them what was your movements then as he was going through the ranks 18 19 20 21 22 what were you doing at 15 16 I got expelled from school for a load of things it was at the end I got expelled for not doing my homework I got a lot of stipulations that I had to do and that was basically I didn't do it so that was I was down the road and then um ended up the conversation with mum about three months away from the school finishing so I said what you're going to do you know you even left a skill you need to get a job you have to work in a warehouse no you have to go to college or stuff like that so I'm like what yeah and then it was in the papers that I got expelled and through that talk United got in contact with me I ended up going there for a trial which was weird in itself because I had to go but I had to go as a different person as a as a Rodney my name was Rodney Jones so I couldn't say it was Roger good because I paid the kids would be like always pestering me always mad and if I'd be a distraction yeah it was more of a distraction because Rodney Jones because the cultures were saying Jones like there's a fox Jones and he got all right yeah because your brother was so famous yeah did that cause any uh problems with you trying to keep up with your brother no no no no no it wasn't like oh my god I've got the gig's name I'm gonna everyone's gonna think I'm as good as him or better than him or no nothing like that ever no and what was your what was your sort of career in football did you carry on I went for turkey and obviously I was doing well and then obviously I'll get into trouble again moved houses and I get moved in with the Chairman's uh family the Chairman's daughter's family so husband and kids and stuff I'm used to go to the Chairman's house to um on Sundays and he used to have this big freaking massive wallet of money and I [ __ ] took a lot of money off from it and I told one of the teammates one of my teammates and he got caught nicking money who was making the tease for the the opposition players at halftime he was dipping and he got caught so then he glassed me up and yeah so they got sacked at after nine months and what age are you then 16 16 back to Manchester back to Manchester then what and it was just messing about really just what partying yeah Hacienda yeah uh Boardwalk all kinds of mad places in Munster yeah and when did you meet when did you meet from there when did you meet your ex-wife Natasha oh that wasn't until 2003. oh yeah we're talking another 10 years yeah yeah 2003 uh I'd been in jail before that I'd been in um yeah loads of stuff I've been into it obviously would you get put away for I'd come I'd gone to London yeah obviously working like I told you before I was uh was living in wapping as a estate agent best times of my life I loved it yeah loved it the office was on whopping up High Street you know because London no one really cares or you do it your own thing yeah no one really cares and you know Manchester is big but it's not London big no you can go and do it your own thing and get away with it and no one's really bothered get away with it so anyway this um this um Chic contacts me one day yeah yeah contacted me saying um you know we're looking for some apartments um relatives are coming over really what they've they're going to King's College and we need a couple of apartments for two or three years we're gonna be playing up front so it's big commission for yourself we got your card back from a taxi driver which I should have questioned at that time yeah and uh so yeah so I've gone and met him in a penthouse in Canary Wharf servant is open come in he's got the shake he's got the the shisha he's got servants all around him so I'm thinking you think do we think this is the real deal yeah yeah okay so um so basically take him to the city Apartments he says yeah no I'm interested you know we're gonna have a look around but we're definitely interested we'll come back to you um is there any anywhere that we know we can go out tonight because we can't go out in the West End someone who relatives is not very well we can't be seen out party in the West End so there's a place where um I don't know if you know it where you go over Tower if you go over Tower Bridge yeah and if you go into the world's Canary Wharf yeah on the left there there was a lap dancing place okay and we was like um what's the the membership called like a corporate membership so we could go anytime we want so yeah I'll take you there we can go there so anything we go there and uh around a couple of drinks and he says can you get any drugs that says uh nah I don't know we're in London I don't really know anyone in uh so anyway based a couple of weeks keep going keep going he keeps asking us out we keep going out and he keeps asking me for drugs I said I don't know him in London stop asking your drugs I can't get you drugs so anyway a week later I said I'm going back to man she says oh let's we'll come back to Manchester we'll be watching your brother and all that so yeah no problem met him at the Marriott in Worsley um my brother was going to a party at Pauline's house so I made him meet me at the Marriott and we met him and he had a little pictures and stuff like that and then he said where are you going tonight I said well he was going to some like bad place so I said oh yeah I might meet you there was no intention of going there she said can you get any drugs I said yeah no problem I mean Manchester no damn drug dealers anyway I get him meet him in the hotel and it's all cameras and stuff and he was the chief executive cheek Chief report for the news of world oh mate oh yeah oh so what happened then got sacked back to Manchester and within six months I was in prison got in a fight in Manchester um gone to your rhino yeah in a club called the Amber sand and there's a guy come next to me hey gigsy's brother that's a mate just can do one yeah try to have a piss here kept Anatomy kept so much so I've walked away gone off the other side of the club he's come straight over yeah yeah mate leave me alone so when you kept tired so we've gone I've gone to a mate come let's get out of here we've gone out at the club he's come out again basically kicked off we beat both of them up and you know we end up going to prison for it oh mate how long did you get uh only nine months did four and a half but I enjoyed it to be honest it was a it was a scary but exciting experience but you know what prison we are I was in strange Rays at first for a month and then just an open prison Kirkham for three and a half what did you like about it just the experience of it you know you've got so many films and read so many books about it this listen it was scary I don't know how old were you at the time when you got put away oh it was 2001 so I was inside when September 11th happened yeah 2001 yeah which was how old roughly uh 24 24 25 no 20 no no 1977 so yeah 24 25 yeah it must have been a shock to system I know you said yeah unexpected it yeah because we do you do your pre-sentence report yeah and you're not going to go you're not gonna go to prison but of the day of the day of the the track the the case the solicit is coming he's like it's not good it's his wife we've got a judge but he's a director of Liverpool Football Club and he's a bastard oh no yeah he just threw the book at us just going back to the shake there so that shake that undercover Sting from news the world their tea knew what was Ryan Giggs his brother so they can use that across the across all the Press right I was a I was a drug dealer I was a pimp all just to get him no no I've done I'm nothing I'm just working as an estate agent no drug dealer halfway through that that didn't that story we uh he said can you get any girls so we've gone back to our office before we gone back to the um to his hotel and we've gotten the Yellow Page and got an escort service and got it to the hotel so in in the in the artwork it's called pimp pimp jump dealing all kinds of stuff so they just might they could just make anything happening yeah and then what actually happened that moment then says you got done like that does your brother phone out again what are you playing at no because he kind of knew that I was speaking to him he's obviously met him he knows the story yeah that oh yeah I'm showing him apartments and I'll look after them and I get like eight seven Grand here yeah Commission so he's just yeah how does he do how would he deal with that knowing that's his reputation his surname it's not it's nothing to do with him he's like no he's a Stitcher in it yeah and then you find out that you know he's done its hundreds he's done it to Lisa recently he's been to prison for it and that's why I probably got paid out for my hacking case because he was all over it you got paid out for one hacking go ahead well what year was that last year really what from back then yeah you're joking mate how much did you get um it was good was it yeah north of 100 yeah wow wow wow and that is that case been going how long has that case been going on for three years three years but it only comes to case when any obviously he found out that he's lied so who's lied the reporter said the reporter from the news of the world is he the one got put away in prison now yeah and who's paying the name of the world the news of worlds are paying everyone off and how many people were in hundreds and the solicitor I've dealt with have never lost wow it's his name is you grant and um the guy who just died from Formula One the old guy from Formula One what's his name uh Max Mosley okay yeah so so basically this has been going on for ages and everyone's had a massive payout yeah because they're still going on what would they do on your phone they were tapping it yeah voicemails or whatever why do people not know about this like to go you know what news of the world mate Alex they're selling out of court yeah and you pushed they gave you major would they make you an offer you said no no no no my offer was that good my solicitors said it was that good from what we've dealt with hundreds but that was because of the Mahmoud the Sheikh but that's not his real name right my mood is his name that's his real name and he was getting looked it up wow yeah he done Sam Melodies he's done loads of people hundreds then gone Erickson that's right it's Finn who else did he do do you Gazza uh remember the the Beckham Story the kidnapping that was him you're joking right what happened in that story it was got someone to he just made made it all up what just completely made up there yeah and it was they were going to get kidnapped what's Becca Lost David Beckham like yeah really nice good loud yeah really good straight good family yeah really nice it's got great morals isn't it yeah bloody hell and did you ever hang around the sort of the lads that obviously your brother your scalzi your Becks um all those boys the ones his own age probably more than anyone yeah because you know you're around a bit and only when they'll be out I'd see him out I wouldn't you know never really pester him because they're always getting my over so I would leave him alone yeah but they'd already speaks X was brilliant no well you know I was friendly with Coley as well and Dwight Yorke um yeah I love the pie didn't they yeah yeah so tell me so then you you moved on you come out of prison would you have a different mindset at the age of 24 God and I've done a bit of time I don't want to get because you must get harassed like like you said a minute ago oh gigsy's brother your giggy's brother was that a nuisance to you yeah has it been a nuisance for all your life deal with it nice yeah it's like oh I don't know 14 so I've been here like 30 years yeah has it ever worked in your favor yeah how's it worked in your favor um girls are stupid Alex well some of them are stupid not all of it could you get away with saying you are your brother no I would never no no people would said but no so you've never any point in your life ever said oh yeah never no you're chatting someone up no never never [Laughter] what other plus points have there been brother of Ryan for you over the years is it just is it easy access to get tickets what other stuff has been good let's get into clubs and yeah just uh it's mostly all nice to be honest it's only if you delve into Twitter but I liked Twitter it's just you know it's some music so yeah and you know I'm mentally strong enough to go and listen to her and hear it see it or you're obviously gonna get Negative it's usually someone with not a profile picture yeah so then you come out of prison what 2001 2002 roughly around December 2001 2001. and when did you meet your wife where did you meet Natasha I met her in Sugar Lounge in Manchester yeah what club yeah it's just called the sugar Lounge yeah Dean's gate locks yeah I know there's a few there's one in the corner yeah yeah and what was that relationship like were you madly enough um yeah Madeline um let me just just got on um and then obviously she got pregnant and then um yeah just went from there we got she I was living in the flat she was living the council house I'm not showing them because she's in a two-bed house with a renting from a mum and then we both got a house and then it went from there then we bought a house about three years later yeah and yeah went and then in 2010 uh obviously between them we've split up got back got back blew up got back and then we got back and we've ended up going to Vegas and getting married 2010. well because you had one kid yeah but by then he was like five years it's six seven years of age and was it a matter of Life come on but get married with the kids yeah okay rather than oh my God I really want to get married to you well prop that was my fault but obviously not hers but yeah within a year not even a year it was all over yeah yeah and then tell me obviously your brother tell me the story of your brother going with your wife all these years what's the story behind that how long have that been going on for well probably been going on at the start probably for a year or so would you mean the start probably he was seeing it before how you even met her he was oh okay before we even got together he was saying that okay yeah and was he married yeah yeah yeah [Music] um yeah he um did you know he was seeing her before he got together yeah so did you think hold on a minute slop your seconds here or anything like that no that wasn't my fault and I was thinking you know this is getting too seriously I'm gonna stop this you were gonna stop it yeah because you're getting too serious for Natasha yeah with him that was my thought process say that again you thought your thought process was to stop going with her no for him to be stuck with her yeah because he was getting too serious and he had married with two kids you wanted to stop it What stopped them yeah I always say like okay yeah did you ever have the fear that could you obviously know do you ever the fear that Ryan's wife would find out I think she knew already they were literally half a mile that lived from each other like where they grew up grew up both from what they're not little open from all in that little radius yeah and you know what it's like in a little village no of course um did you never did was it ever a point you were like I know something's going on here with yeah what like because you got together what 2003 free yeah and then this will come out in 2011 roughly yeah probably a halfway through it and then near the end uh yeah um what halfway through that eight year period halfway through it yeah moved I moved out got myself a flat uh and my mum and no convince me otherwise don't be daft what were you what were you thinking in your head something's going on here yeah because I'd gone to a United won the league and um what year was five six yeah just another one but it would have been like two thousand I'm saying eight okay round then okay and and I wasn't really speaking to Ryan then so she she's gone to the party thinking I won't go yeah I've turned up yeah you're supposed to be meeting me and what you're doing she's not answering her phone in your ear so she went to a you're meant to meet her she went to a party Mitch and she's gone to the afterpathy so they're meeting me with Ryan yeah well with the team but Ryan's in living room do I live in yeah yeah upstairs yeah yeah so when you saw that was that the full-on confirmation that that was the first time I thought wait a minute what's going on here and then there was a phone number and then I realized it was his but I didn't know it was his yeah we had another number no I just didn't know his number why it was your brother you change it all the time really yeah why did you fall out of him before all this kicked off I would say that you still believe today that was selling stories it's just a total fabrication the age of 16 when I got to talk about turkey yeah and I said and I got um sat in the papers when I got back it was a total story that Ryan gig's brother's been sacked for Nick and kit it was a total lie so I thought all right so we can write stuff that's not true yeah all right sweet I couldn't make some money here yeah so then any if I was out in town the report would say to me you'd be like oh you know what kind of cars you got is it no certain certain I'd say no it is but it's a different color and always change the color that it was to give you 200 quid here 300 all right sweet yeah and that was it yeah that was for about two or three years from when I was like from 17 to like 20. right okay that was it so I'm still now but even you know I would speak to reporters and befriend him not give them anything but I would get information on because these know a lot of [ __ ] yeah they do didn't they so I would try and you know befriend them and if they they give me a like when about three years ago a report around me like oh have you made it up around this is what you went about he said we've seen you in neighborhood we've had four or five people ring in saying you know we've seen you out partying last night no I didn't leave my house that night so I went yeah yeah it was me yeah yeah we had a good night 500 quid all right sweet I don't care there's lots of craps yeah someone read it all right yeah yeah so fish and chips don't know yeah so surely I want to know from 2003 to 2011. those you say in the first five years you didn't really know or you didn't know that he was seeing your wife no or for three year period there was nothing there was no relationship yeah so let's say eight years but in that eight year period three years the first three years it was nothing yeah well after about six months for a three year per year and she was pregnant and obviously yeah but then I found out you know with pregnancy that it um with the Belfry and um on one of his golf dudes we've had an argument she's drove home and then later found that she'd slept with him that night she was six months pregnant oh my God yeah my whatever she was I don't know wow how'd you mentally deal with that because I know what you know that must be tough yeah it was but you know what you're gonna do you're gonna ruin your life for it oh you're gonna you know batting the gun shield and just get through it and yeah four or five years you get through it four or five years yeah five years so where would I how were they were they sleeping with each other in your bed in your house no no I'm number one hotels remember once when the first house we got I got home and he was there with his mate I'm thinking what the [ __ ] here because he never comes to my house yeah never never comes what's he doing here and then later found out that he was finding out where I lived so when it wasn't there he could come but yeah wow amazing that's like not too sure I'll deal with that from Montreal no but yeah there's a reason why they were both in Spain who when it happened when it all come out what Natasha and Ryan was playing together no no no no no no Ryan was with his family yeah and my family in Spain and she'd been Wicked off somewhere by Max Clifford in Spain somewhere so there's no no coincidence that there were no way to be seen because if they would then something would have probably would have happened but when you calm down you think about it you know how did you tell me how you reacted when you found out that Natasha your wife has gone it was more kids to go by the way I would sleep with your your older brother for the last eight years it was it was a month turned up on the morning of the story with the newspaper at my house there you go so a sister the front sister was in the car front page front page sister won't come in she was still in the car six o'clock in the morning sat me answering me on like what then my mates turned up as soon as we met it's got in there he's died dead now Gary lied um get her out of here [Music] the result that was it and then I was down here that went to London stayed at Wills just being followed everywhere white Vans you know everywhere what what is your side of the store all kind of yeah I shouldn't say anything what did you do straight away did you speak to Ryan's right away yeah um did he answer um straight away I can't remember you know the first day that day was that day you can only remember little bits because it was just a big blur I remember the start in the end in the middle I can't remember anything and when you spoke to him what did you say she denied it first think he denied it at first then then I set my lied to him said well all right well she said she's got a recording jump to play here and then he told the truth but she didn't yeah but I no a bit smart and he's okay now what did that do for his career at that time nothing just more nothing no nothing is it just like would he see it as like okay front page it's all he could actually just say it's a load of rubbish and deny that's what he did I think um now if you come out and apologize and you can just move on yeah but no he's not man enough to do anything like that so tied and you know and still now 10 years on every single person in my family still don't speak to me don't speak to you yeah yeah I don't speak they don't speak to me or whatever so this happening so this will come out in 2011 when it will come out were they all on Ryan's side to say I don't believe you're on holiday with him and he's in no nice Villa nice way in Spain so what what family members my mum mum sister her family um his wife and obviously he'll be his kids and he was saying come out come out come out what they were saying to you come here come out I might not you want me to come out are you still speaking to your family today no I don't know how do you feel about that okay but I've got three kids got a 21 year old daughter who's just graduated from Liverpool University philosophy religious studies with honors so I've got a son who's 15 just leaving school and I've got a seven-year-old takes much of a Time they're missing out not me they haven't met me seven year old they've not even met my 21 year old daughter so what Ryan hasn't none of them none of the family my mom none of them what happens if you picked up the phone today and said look there's no it's not gonna happen why it's just not so they picked up the phone and I talked to him but I'm not going to go out my way now whenever every time I would do something it'd make me grovel on no no I ain't doing that have you upset any of them probably because I'm because I speak my mind yeah are they are they protective of Ryan because he's a face yeah they also get given look they get looked afterwards and money and I assume so I don't know I don't know about that but you know what happened after 2011 when this will come out on the Press what was your next movement um we were angry just try to get through it were you angry yeah just mentally just try to get through it just just get through it get through your run and then you can get on with it so that that was going through you know nights going out addicted to sleeping pills you can't sleep but then you go back to going out and then you're getting in like going out and getting 12 1 o'clock in in the next day yeah what I'm doing yeah what am I doing and you're in your 30s then yeah and then I met a girl have you got addictive personality I don't know now I don't think so do you know when to stop partying if you had to stop partying yeah I've had enough now well Knock It On The Edge now yeah yeah you can go in and pop another pound two pounds and just walk out easily you sound like quite a mentally tough person it's over the period of 30 years of all this crap and mental stuff and you've had to deal with it basically deal with it on your own yeah no father no real no mother although she no she did well bringing us up she's two jobs it was a difficult for her but yeah are you in contact with your old man now yeah yeah how's that feeling yes right yeah he's got a son so we've got a brother yeah 10 11. speaks my sister and Cardiff who's just turned 30. we're close so but he didn't it's all them yeah okay so it's like yeah and after 2011 what what were your movements this will come out how long did it take to die down this whole story this whole thing I was for you personally yeah it was years or months no years yeah no for the story to die down it was like every day yeah a different story and I'm going this is a load of bollocks they're just making all this art now yeah it's just crap yeah and she's every day and then you know it's just too much then the following year uh give an example someone following you we went to uh like a shopping center um I've been Manchester no London no it was in uh it was in Slough okay because I was staying at Wales at Burnham Beaconsfield oh yeah so um yeah it was um you know the white Vans with the black Dart Wingers and the big foreign no raps yeah and you just end up getting in trouble with one of them and then you get done again yeah and that's what they want yeah yeah and then and then what then so when was the when was the year when padipa approached return by that story party power um 2018 uh did they approach us I've got an idea yeah yeah here's the script uh says yeah okay but I'm not doing that and what was that um slagging my own off icers do that I don't know just in the part of the script so I said that's not me yeah and that was it but the rest of it just tweaked a little bit of it yeah it was and then did you ever laugh doing it again you know what this is do you like getting your own back yeah yeah you know I have a better joke about myself but I'm gonna joke about the whole situation and to be honest it's made me move on a lot lot quicker yeah you know what life's too short yeah yeah no so he did that but you know that's my response when you've done a bit of fun about it and crack on you know I can eat as well how much do you get paid for that advert uh not remember yeah um it was okay 20s 30s no more more yeah but they've kept me a retainer and I'm still with them today I signed another six months next month is that right yeah what have you got to do for that um just pictures and stuff on the the staff and stuff I think it's a genius for a Paddy Bear doing that absolute genius it was hard work it was so I've gone to uh I wanted to say Hardware I've gone to a coach Martin Gibson Gibbons coach like an acting coach okay like a connecting culture so I did that for a few weeks and then I've met the director and one of the producers in the hotel and we've just run through it all just for for hours just rehearsing and rehearsing so when I got on there I was I was ready to go yeah and how long did it did it get banned advert yeah it did yeah go on um well there was The Paddy Power said four or five people have complained but you know high power people and he's coming from London yeah so I don't know but they were like okay it's done yeah it's out there but then they shortened it right okay it's all over YouTube the promoting asking for champagne me driving a Maserati yeah promoting Bucky bookies and you know yeah gamblins and yeah you know which is you've got a bet safely and and all that kind of stuff so yeah they've got under iOS and banned it wow but you still get your money yeah yeah still with them today yeah fair play they're good are they good to do it yeah the first people you've heard doubling the treaty really well their offices is amazing yeah um yeah they're really really good people and now look same every every year at Cheltenham yeah Cheltenham in the in the Box it's brilliant Happy Days yeah it's really good they really look after afternoon yeah just going back to Natasha did you ever say to her like how many times did you sleep with him where'd you sleep with him what did you do did you really delve into her no not really because then you've got that you know you don't want the details it's happened you really want the Gory you know the details and what's happening it's happened for eight years yeah how many times how many times a week I give her the idea yeah no no no no no no no I give her the idea where to go right because I said to her are you sure if you wanted to cheat you've got the perfect job I was an estate agent you've got a million Apartments to go to yeah so what does she didn't live in she would get keys from houses and go to houses so she was sharing a different house is she supposedly yeah and I give her the idea you couldn't write this story no no this is like News of the World story wow but I give her the idea it's like oh [Laughter] he must have lived a life of so much guilt and remorse was she did she become a really good liar to you yeah yeah yeah you're Instinct but you should never go against your instinct as you know it's the the only one thing I did when I first met the first two three years there was constant in my brain what are you doing get away from this right and I didn't yeah why are you thinking that I don't know it's just me Instinct and I've got really good Instinct was that and I've ignored it was there anything after you go for the heads up go make the best place to go with raw in his houses [Laughter] did you know was she was she a girl about town was she sleeping with other people as well yeah other footballers yeah yeah while going out of you probably yeah probably what what players what players oh so Alex Dwight York but that was before me yeah yeah he'd met her before me but yeah she was she was only about 20 21 at the time sister and a friend and the skirts okay at the time yeah wow you could you could you couldn't write this story no no oh yeah I know but uh yeah come up with everyone all right and what's what's Ryan up to you haven't spoken to him since well if you if you dropped him a WhatsApp now so hello mate how you doing sorry about the last 10 years you want to chat what do you say yeah I can think he kind of he needs me because I'd be shouting his car and I I some of the stuff that I see no I some of this stuff is doing he's still my brother and I still have feelings for him and there's stuff like a football you know this Hall of Fame stuff yeah it's not you know yeah it's just it's just annoying everyone's got a price right what price would it be for you to drop in my text [ __ ] about money so that wouldn't matter to you whatsoever you don't care about the relationship your brother anymore is done no no no not at all so you would be open to building relationship he's got something coming up soon and he's gonna need all the spot that you can get yeah and he's going to stick up for him no matter what so I hope he's got that because that's what he would have had with me so I just always got that because you know we've seen it recent days what we delve into in these court cases text messages all kinds of [ __ ] I don't think he's he's fathomed that you know this is what's going to happen yeah all the stuff it's going to be public yeah it's going to be so is it going to come out I don't know he's the world's well Wales manager and then got told you can't be the world's manager again I think it's just obviously you know you're suspended until the court case yeah and the court case is effectively still Wales manager coercive and abusive Behavior or something so it's going to trial now this has been going for like two years the trials in August I think are whenever it is has he got a tight bunch of mates around him to look after it I hope so yeah well would you be one of them if you made up you don't yeah because he's going to get a lot sticker I know all these court cases like I've had a few of them in my time it's not it's not the it's the build up it's there yeah of course it's there of course but and then obviously you see what's coming the court cases of the Rooney case now the Johnny Depp one yeah all the drama yeah this is gonna be the same crap when do you think that'll be it's August this August so just you know if he called you now and it was ringing there was your brother would you pick up crossword I haven't got issues anymore yeah he's one of the issues and then all the rest of them think I'm this bad guy you know all I do is you know bring up my three children go to work I don't even go out anymore and drink don't just don't entertain it just don't want to get put myself in a situation where you know I could do something yeah why 45 years of age yeah play me golf yeah see my kids want me dog what's the next movements for you Roger uh coaching coaching I'm coaching just uh giant Pro Elite Soccer Academy which is um helping young kids who obviously and not get professional clubs to get professional clubs who else has got that this is the next player's done there's a few that's done it but um that was in my bay was it yeah basically all the kids all the all the ones you were given you are going to make you organize all of a sudden you dropped come come to Glow noodles and then we'll get you into another club yeah is that what you're looking to do we've been doing it for a few months now yeah and this has been going for 12 months and it's just gone from strength to strength we've got an academy in Manchester Birmingham now in London and they're looking to expand they've got a game tomorrow um stalk City so yeah they're staying at a hotel tonight at Stoke and then they'll go and play yeah in the morning fair play and what about tell me about your podcast s are done with uh first Dell for about five or six years but in the last six months just started me on and Roger Giggs on football with um with Sai Willis on a Thursday it's uh yeah it's good it's got a good sponsoring football manager recently so Happy Days yeah and what's that like what's that like for you is that like a getting on the podcast talking about all the football happened on the weekend yeah anything football mostly football but any kind of football news whether it's Cardiff City because my co-host is a Cardiff Funnies from Cardiff so he likes to talk about Cardiff and numbers who are well should we talk about Wells coming up and then obviously the end of the season we did last night yeah it's an hour boom yeah Audrey I've really enjoyed this chat rule ninja thanks for your honesty yeah massive honestly do you know what there's something about you which is really endearing to knowing that you could let this go with your brother well there's so many positive messages that that have helped people have I want to say oh and there's been a lot saying you know what you've helped me you know I've been bitter I've been what's the point yeah you should move on me alive it's a nice trait to have you know because some people so you know they just wrapped her up in their own bitterness and their own you know camera will get them yeah camera will go yeah and how long how long was you well how long were you bitter for do you think well I'm never bitter just angry how long were you angry for how many years four or five years really okay yeah what things were going for your head all sorts [Music] um try to beat someone up yeah did you want to beat Ryan up hmm yeah yeah but yeah it's just not gonna get anywhere it's not as though we picture him what you could do to him just properly angry older brother massive disrespect what are you doing what are you doing yeah what are you doing you're most um decorated football in this country yeah yeah ever ever plays one of the biggest clubs from 17 to 41 you're ruining your [ __ ] Legacy what are you doing yeah for what some skirt yeah and you know in the world we live in you know people jump on negativity in a heartbeat and you know that's what he's got face now because like I say all this Hall of Premier League Hall of Fame you're telling me Alan Sharon Tierra and Ray should have been they've both got five Premiership medals between them he's got 13. he was in it from the start so and it's just but people say oh he's got a [ __ ] he's a woman beating this yeah no he's not he's not been done yet yeah but no one will say that yeah I could say that because if they say oh he's cheap well that was me I'm over it why what's gonna do with you yeah so he needs someone to jump but you know which is what it is wow Roger I've actually loved this mate I thank you uh for coming down here into the studio you have to get to one of these festivals yeah mate what's next weekend Bournemouth sevens Festival mate you're more than welcome free VIP 30 000 people partying in the field three days 12 Festival Arenas yeah chasing status headline you're more than welcome mate yeah well I've got your number I'll let you know quality cheers [Music]
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 1,534,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhodri Giggs, giggs, football, soccer, affair, news, betting, Ryan Giggs, podcast, eventful entrepreneur, Dodge Woodall, dodge, Rhodri, prison, sport, Wales
Id: 3wyBDVlQYP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 17sec (3077 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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