The 7 Heavenly Virtues As YouTubers

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these are seven specific YouTubers who perfectly represent the seven Heavenly virtues and we're going to start off with the virtue of Charity charity is described as a willingness to help others EMB better the world no matter the cost of one's personal self Jack septia is a perfect example of Charity especially when taking into account his annual thank Miss streams inspired by Markiplier's charitable acts Jack decided to follow him and join his friends fundraising streams for charity in 2016 and 2017 Jack organized events like his crisis Texline fundraisers eventually making charity work a significant part of his own content his first ever holiday charity stream started in December 2017 where he organized two charity streams for Save the Children which managed to collect over $260,000 although these were some of jack's first ever charity streams they quickly gain traction and virality throughout the next year Jack continued his charity work by hosting a stream for the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention in this stream through the viewers and other content creators generosity Jack was able to reach their goal of 50,000 only 40 minutes into the Stream are we seriously going to hit the 50k goal in the first in the first hour his audience loved his charity streams with many people leaving comments sharing stories about how thankful they were how proud they were of Jack's charity work and that his positive outlook on the world had ended up changing their lives Jack would go to run another charity stream that same year for the depression and bipolar support Alliance and for the year 2018 he raised over $1 million with one of the highlights being the thank Miss campaign he ran for crisis tax line in 2022 Jack was able to reach the goal of $10 million in only 10 hours and was able to collab with the world Central Kitchen allowing them to prepare over 3.5 million meals for people in crises all over the world every year not just 2023 Jack would significantly stop with the quality of his streams in only 7 hours Jack was able to raise over $6 million unlike some influencers who openly boast about their charity work online for the sake of publicity accepted guy chooses to keep his acts of kindness humbled because he never advertises himself as a perfect person or a savior his work shows us the importance of kindness for its own sake rather than for the sake of social media and validation by focusing on the needs of others without seeking recognition he shows a deep sense of integrity and authenticity in his philanthropic efforts what Jack's fans have also noticed about these charity streams is how truly thankful he is for the donations his viewers have made with him allness and genuine kindness is what makes Jack a perfect example of the virtue of Charity Jack down to earth nature and authenticity making very similar to Visos who is our YouTuber that best represents humility humility is described as being modest and free of Pride or arrogance it means that one doesn't need to prove their greatness to the outside world to actually be great this is what best describes a science YouTuber vau he's best known for his viral mathematical scientific or philosophical videos one of the ways Vsauce best showcases humility is how he presents complex Topics in a manner that's easy for viewers to understand regardless of their educational background despite his deep knowledge for various subjects he never comes across his condescending or Superior to his audience he invites vs to explore ideas with him creating a sense of shared Discovery rather than lecturing like a college professor in the video titled the science of awkwardness Vsauce incorporates research from various Fields such as psychology sociology and Neuroscience to explore the concept of awkwardness despite the complexity of the subject he covers Visos communicates with his audience in a downto earth manner he uses relatable examples analogies and humor to make his content and engaging and accessible to viewers of all ages this approach shows how he prioritizes connection and understanding over showing how smart he really is vau is one of the oldest creators on YouTube with him having started his channel back in 2010 until this day vau still continues to post videos with the same quality all while showing the same humility he had at the beginning of his career in a similar vein matpat also has a channel focused on sharing knowledge in an easily understandable manner however he best fits in the virtue of diligence diligence is described as being determined in work no matter what tries to stop you and if there's work to be done you'll do your best to get it finished properly known for his YouTube channels like the game theorist and film Theory mpad embodies the Heavenly virtue of diligence through his dedication to in-depth analysis meticulous research and consistent content creation matpat's videos dive deep into various aspects of gaming film and pop culture he applies his critical thinking and analytical skills to dissect complex narratives game mechanics and cinematic universes his thorough analysis often uncovers hidden details and theories that that enrich the audience's understanding of the subject matter his most popular video is an FNAF Theory video which has garnered over 30 million views since it was posted 9 years ago in this video he examines various aspects of the game including its storyline character motivations and underlying themes of fear and survival before presenting his theories and Analysis matpat conducts extensive research to gather relevant information and evidence he explores Source materials interviews developers or creators and consults academic sources to support his arguments and theories Matt pad pays close attention to detail in his videos carefully examining Clues Easter eggs and subtle references within Games movies and TV shows he investigates almost every aspect of the content he analyzes often uncovering connections that may go unnoticed by casual viewers let's go back to this FNAF video throughout it matpat conducts a thorough analysis of fnaf's gameplay mechanics drawing connections between in-game events and psychological theories of fear and anxiety he explores the game's narrative elements piecing together Clues and hidden details to construct the comp theory about the true nature of the game's horror despite the time and effort required to produce high quality videos mpad maintains a consistent upload schedule or at least he did across his channels he releases new episodes regularly demonstrating his dedication to his audience and his commitment to delivering engaging and informative content on a timely basis overall Matt Pat's unwavering commitment to thorough analysis extensive research and consistent content creation exemplify the virtue of diligence in his work as a content creator and theorist on YouTube which is a bit like PewDiePie who has consistently been posting content on YouTube since the early 2010s however PewDiePie also fits a Heavenly virtue of Chastity Chastity also known as Purity most commonly refers to the quality of refraining from sexual activity that's considered immoral or any sexual activity altogether it also means complete Fidelity to a husband or wife during marriage or to have a partner that would always find a way to support you PewDiePie also known as Felix shellberg and his wife Martia shellberg are a perfect example of Chastity martio and Pewdiepie first crossed passed in 2011 when marti's close friend recommended watching PewDiePie's videos Marti immediately fell in love with PewDiePie's personality and humor which made her want to connect with him on Facebook with their online chats quickly leading to a meaningful long-distance relationship living in different countries caused many challenges with Pewdiepie Sweden and Maria and Italy despite the distance they maintained their bond through daily phone calls and video chats after a year PewDiePie managed to gather up enough money to visit Marti in Italy their chemistry was instant and they've remained Inseparable ever since it was also during this time that PewDiePie would get caught in some of the worst controversies of his career with Martia always remaining by his side on January 11 2017 PewDiePie posted a video featuring two individuals from Fiverr holding a sign with an offensive message reading to all Jews as a social experiment to test their boundaries for money subscribe to Keem star this spread widespread backlash leading PewDiePie to post an apology however he also downplayed the the outrage framing the stunt to shock humor rather than malicious intent I want to address the biggest issue first which I think is the whole uh guys holding up the sign thing uh I'm sure you've seen it it's been everywhere A lot of people love the video and a lot of people didn't and it's almost like two generations of people arguing whether this is okay or not but regardless of that I just wanted to reiterate that my intention was to just to show how stupid the website is and how far you can push it by paying $5 I'm sorry for the words that I use uh as I know they offended people and I admit that the joke itself went too far a month later the Wall Street Journal accused PewDiePie of anti-Semitism and Maker Studios which was PewDiePie's Network responded to this news by breaking their contract PewDiePie would also fall into a subscriber war with a massive Indian YouTube channel called T-Series and while this started out lighthearted he would soon fall into another controversy on the 15th of March 2019 a PewDiePie fan would live stream himself in the Christ Church mosque in New Zealand said member Lads subscribed to PewDiePie before carrying out a deadly attack that took the lives of 49 people in response PewDiePie tweeted his discuss after having his name associated with the attack and offered condolences to those affected by the tragedy throughout all of this martio remained by his side despite all the controversy he was a part of in fact the both of them would continue to date for 2 more years before they would eventually marry in 2019 even PewDiePie fans have noticed how strong the two's relationship have been over the past few years from thousands upon thousands of fan art featuring the two to Reddit submissions in PewDiePie subreddit praising their relationship it was always obvious to the internet that the both of them have a very healthy relationship it was only this year that PewDiePie announced that he and martio were having a son and PewDiePie's audience quickly celebrated this making plenty of posts congratulating them I've been keeping a secret from you guys and that is I'm going to be a dad we found out that Maria is pregnant first in November and I'm just so thankful however there was also a very loud minority on Twitter making offensive tweets about PewDiePie's son some even going as far as to wish Maria would have a miscarriage though most of these tweets have been deleted this caused some drama on Twitter with PewDiePie's fans hopping onto the platform to defend him PewDiePie never saw nor acknowledged all of this drama because he had stopped using Twitter years ago his son was delivered safely and he and Marcy are having the time with their lives living together in Japan with her son and enjoying Pew's retirement kindness is the act of being helpful to others without expecting anything in return not for personal gain but purely for the benefit of the person being helped Cory Kenshin is an incredible example of this who's known for his Let's Play videos charity work and down toe nature Cory Kenshin exemplifies kindness in various ways through his YouTube content and interactions with his audience one way he demonstrates kindness is through his positive demeanor and uplifting messages in his videos he often spreads positivity encouragement and kindness to his viewers creating a welcoming and supportive community in the often turbulent landscape of online platforms he's carved out a safe space where viewers feel valued accepted and understood he's also acting activ ly engaged in Charities using his platform to raise awareness and support for various causes whether it's organizing fundraisers for humanitarian aid advocating for mental health awareness or promoting social justice initiatives he uses his influence to affect positive change in the world because of this one of Cory kenshin's only flaws has to be the fact that he goes on breaks very often since 2011 he's had a total of 13 hiatuses each on and off with Cory always returning after breaks that can span from 2 months to his most recent Hiatus lasting up to 7 months now Cory has also played a major part in calling out YouTube for unfair video or monetization removals which he explains in his video YouTube racism and favoritism in this video he talks about his experiences with YouTube age restricting a horror Let's Play video he posted while the platform allowed other creators to post them you guys either play favorites you are racist or it's a mix of the two these are the three options YouTube this would lead to plenty of other commentary YouTubers and let's players speaking in Cory's fense now before getting into the specifics of the situation I'd like to say I think most people have been aware of favoritism on YouTube for quite a while you know it's not exactly like the Krabby Patty secret formula it's not Hush Hush I think everyone has recognized that there is some level of favoritism on the platform I mean there's even that viral video from a few years ago where the CEO of YouTube said to juice world that they need to pump his numbers up which indicates artificial growth it means that they have at least some capability of boosting channels whether that's through the algorithm and pushing it to more people or just inflating it themselves for channels they deem worthwhile and good for business and the inverse is likely true where they can hide channels they think are problematic and bad for business this lack of controversy has meant that corya had no drama featuring him he's never been cancelled and he holds a clean track record on YouTube due to this there are often plenty of YouTubers always trying to start drama or attempting to cancel him just for a few views diverse groups cuz you're too much of a [ __ ] prick you you think that it's all guys of being fake nice and that they're really racist and they're they wear their Klux Clan hoods on the on the inside and that they do all this just for a facade I don't get it man but despite this Cory doesn't respond to any of these videos he even tells his fans not to send any hate or to fight on his behalf in fact Cory Kenshin calls his fan base the samurai because he wants his fans to always get kind Noble and courageous additionally Cory kenshin's kindness shines through his humility and authenticity despite his popularity and influence he remains grounded and approachable never losing sight of the values that Define him his willingness to share personal struggles and vulnerabilities Fosters a sense of solidarity among his audience reinforcing the notion that kindness Knows No Boundaries kindness and Patience are often correlated to one another but there is a small difference between them especially when George jenko comes into the picture George jenko's experience with the impulsive podcast particularity his departure reflects his embodiment of the Heavenly virtue of patience patience involves steadfastly working towards goals enduring trials and calmly awaiting results without frustration or anger despite facing challenges and discomfort within the podcast environment George's departure was not sudden but marked by subtle Clues over her time initially George's relationship with the podcast hosts Logan Paul and Mike MAAC seemed to be going smoothly however as episodes progressed tensions arose creating moments where George felt isolated and sidelined during discussions his attempts at humor and contributions often felt flat or were met with dismissive reactions from Logan and Mike even though George was often made the punching bag of these jokes or was ridiculed he always tried to keep things lighthearted and tried to hide how these comments were actually affecting him again showcasing his incredible amount of patience for his co-hosts and guests a great example of this was when George shared a long monologue with her guest Dane cck the response from the viewers were pretty negative with many stating that George talked too much about himself to the point where the guests seemed bored another episode that featured this was the one with comedian Sebastian Maniscalco George attempts to make jokes multiple times but most of them would fall flat however the Tipping Point of the entire situation came during episode 351 of impulsive in this episode Logan welcomed Comedian Bobby Lee as a guest and as a podcast progressed it became very obvious that George was being ignored by everyone later on George would share a deeply personal story about his religious beliefs well yeah actually uh I don't really talk about it cuz I I don't I don't like to waste people's times I'm very Collective so if I have an issue that's deep in my soul or whatever I'm dealing with I'll go to people like my mom and dad honestly cuz you know they knew my whole life life they know my decision- making if I I'll go to my friends if I know I could get a good answer out of them but if I know it's just going to be like oh no I just made the room uncomfortable but for two years of my life recently was the hardest years of my life I gained 40 PBS of weight I uh I was really honestly if I was not Christian I'd probably be suicidal and it was really really bad I never told anybody about it and it was pissing me off because it was the most exciting years of my life I was getting everything I've ever dreamt about money was no longer an issue uh not that it ever was even like I would just couldn't understand why I got everything that I've ever prayed for but yet I was so unbelievably depressed and I never let anybody knew because I was always the guy who try to make people laugh but once I fixed my focus everything changed yeah when I was at Five Guys I make that reference because I remember I I do evaluate a lot of things and reflect and when I was at Five Guys it was simpler it was uh uh me with my friends it was with Bobby responding with a pretty offensive joke effectively shutting down any attempts at a proper combin from George I was just a long monologue he was just waai I was let me just say something I loved what you were saying it was just very long gradually George receded into silence allowing his fellow co-host to manage the conversation with Bobby but it was only when Logan pointed out how quiet George was that he finally walked off the set um there are C he he is clocked out yeah I I know George has been under a tremendous amount of ab no no stop George I want you over here with me George I want you over here with chase him down I have a question for you you find him George no go get him go get him he I try I said this he walked and that's a first and now we're going to have to deal with the Fallout of this episode for the next two [ __ ] months I swear to God Bobby Lee you [ __ ] pissed off by co-host he's probably crying in the driveway ultimately George chose to part ways with the podcast a decision that was met with mixed reactions from fans and hostes alike while some criticize his departure as unprofessional others recognize the underlying issues of disrespect that led to his exit through it all George exhibited Patience by remaining steadfast in his values and integrity even in the face of adversity and criticism George's Journey underscores the importance of patience in maintaining dignity seeking resolution and ultimately choosing the path that aligns with one's values and well-being Temperance is often characterized as emotional restraint or self-discipline which is the skill of modering desires emotions and attitudes Ali abdal really shines through is someone with an incredibly mature and balanced outlook on life work and personal growth making him the perfect example of the virtue of temperance in his video Day in the Life as a Doctor Ali provides viewers with a glimpse into his daily routine as a doctor YouTuber and entrepreneur throughout the video Ali demonstrates how he manages his time effectively to accommodate various commitments while also prioritizing self-care he emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy work life balance by integrating breaks exercise and social interactions into a schedule Ali's videos often focus on productivity techniques and study methods he practices self-discipline by setting clear goals managing his time effectively and avoiding distractions by adhering to productive habits he maximizes his efficiency without succumbing to procrastination or burnout which is made most evident in his viral videos like how I manage my time 10 time management tips Ali abdel's commitment to balance self discipline and emotional moderation makes him another great example of the virtue of temperance he strives to lead a harmonious and fulfilling life while inspiring others to do the same through its thoughtful content and personal Journey
Channel: Ryan Pictures
Views: 662,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 heavenly virtues as youtubers, 7 deadly sins as youtubers, 7 heavenly virtues, 7 heavenly virtues vs 7 deadly sins, mr beast
Id: VhFUtmrtUOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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