The 7 Heavenly Virtues As Rappers

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when you think of rap you probably don't imagine the selflessly giving out millions or abstinence from Material Pleasures since hip-hop has become a commercial Powerhouse in the music industry the genre has often been viewed with a thick fog of negativity looming over it in the mainstream media which means the good deeds and upstanding values that are buried within are often under publicide but today we'll uncover the stories of a handful of spitters who have exemplified some of the most important values that human beings can hold my name is Lua and these are the seven Heavenly virtues as rappers we'll start in a place where rap is most ridiculed the hypersexualized content that led parents Across the Nation to call for the iconic parental advisory labels which has now become a staple of rap album covers there's a long list of reasons that rap is often associated with a sinful lifestyle for starters it accounts for 69% of the explicit content across Billboard charts which is why our first virtue Chastity known as the act of abstaining from sexual activities is definitely not something you would typically associate with hip-hop music cuz in the world of Main rap it's common to hear lyrics about stealing someone else's partner engaging in casual relationships and in general displaying attitudes that can be seen as disrespectful towards women even female rappers tend to focus more on their image and over sexualizing their bodies more than they would on creating a good song despite all the freaky talk several rappers have pledged celibacy or voluntary abstinence from Sex in the past few years including low Uzi and 50 Cent even L yti joined the club to the point that in a recent interview he mentioned that woman might assume he's gay because of it but the crown of Chastity can never go to these rappers because despite their standout Life Choices their lyrics tend to poorly reflect their goals and most of them still continue to contribute to the over sexualized atmosphere of hip-hop only a few rappers both live and rap a Chast inous way of life but none of them stand out quite like Chance the Rapper chance has always been a musician who preached about positivity perhaps to a fault as his raps usually steer clear of lyrics that hint at sexual themes with tracks like hot shower being an anomaly throughout his discography he isn't like many rappers that sleep around or or have multiple baby mamas and is well known to be extremely dedicated to his wife Kristen so much so that it's become a meme amongst his fan base you see we have to give the Chastity title to chance because he really takes his relationship with his wife a bit more seriously than most people in general as I discussed in my documentary about chance that we dropped a few weeks ago his entire career trajectory took a huge turn in 2019 which is the exact moment that he and his wife made things official with the release of his album the big day chance has become infamous for having one of the most hardest fall-offs the genre has ever seen due to the album receiving an incredibly poor reception and everyone points to the woman he decided to dedicate the entire album to as reasons why things took a turn for the worst I'm happy for Chance the Rapper that he's happy and he's got a successful marriage but this album to me just does not hit any places creatively the amount he was ridiculed was so bad that till this day he still hasn't dropped a new album and rarely ever pops out to do a feature or anything but besides all the negativity thrown his way chance and his wife continue to raise their happy family of four in Chicago so although it was for the worst it seems there definitely isn't another rapper who upholds the ideals of Chastity like chance but instead of looking at a rapper whose strength is holding them back let's appreciate someone who's been praised for their ability to go all out for others as in this next section we're discussing the virtue of Charity now it isn't rare for rappers to act generously with their money even if you don't necessarily see them as the benevolent type over the years 21 Savage has staged a back to school drive for underprivileged kids while Kodak Black decided to give away five ,000 turkeys to families in his native Florida and in spite of being one of the biggest trolls the industry has ever encountered 50 Cent Still pledged to feed 1 billion Africans with all the money that some artists make we almost expect them to pay it forward to those in need what we usually don't see though is Hands-On action and long-term commitment to meaningful change charity the act of voluntary giving comes in many shapes and sizes but one rapper who represents the value on a multitude of levels is Aon famously recognized for his rise to Fame in the early 2000s with a blend of AR R&B and hip-hop hits including the club favorite Smack That Aon also happens to be one of the most impactful givers in the industry after growing up in senagal the convict record CEO always felt a strong connection to the people of Africa so in June of 2015 he made a promise that would completely change the quality of life of African citizens one of my biggest dreams really to you know Supply Africa with electricity and I've always felt that the need for electricity there has been the biggest problem in third world countries many people are often left without basic necessities like food water and electricity even Aon himself was raised in a home without any lights so he pledged to bring power to the homes of 600 million Africans but he didn't just fund a powerline project or buy generators for families he founded lighting Africa and organization that would plan and install solar panels across the continent and teach locals how to use and take care of the new technology central Africa gets tons of sun year round so it makes perfect sense to use this eco-friendly renewable source that will provide sustainable energy for many lifetimes times the one thing that you don't realize is Africa we'll never run out of sun right so it's it's this like energy is right in front of you so well how do we utilize that to help you know defeat that problem after receiving a whopping $1 billion in funding work began in the most remote parts of the continent and it's working its way in to this day you can be sure to find acon serving alongside these men and women to improve the lives of millions recently your fellow rapper Snoop Dog said you should be named person of the year because of all the work you're doing in Africa I mean do you feel fulfilled fulfillment won't really come until Africa's developed for me I think where we are will create the beginning of what it could become Aon doesn't do it for the accolades he does it for the love of his people and that separates him from others in his midst because for many of them they can have good intentions but their focus can be clouded by many of the destructive forces that life in the Limelight brings such as drugs and alcohol but for our next rapper this has never been a problem which is why he deserves to hold the title for temperance sub abuse has an unfortunate history in the hip-hop community in the ' 80s rappers warned audiences of the dangers of drugs in the '90s The Narrative shifted to selling drugs out of necessity But as time went on things began to swing the other way almost half of modern rap songs mention alcohol nearly 2third reference drug use and the attitude towards substance abuse is filled with glorification and encouragement as the culture surrounding drug use shifts within rap from dealers to users it has tragically claimed many victims including juiceworld Low PEEP pimpy and many more however there are still several artists who advocate for a sober lifestyle Temperance is a virtue of self-restraint especially as it pertains to drugs and alcohol in the world of hip-hop few symbolize this concept as well as Tyler the Creator Tyler has always been unapologetically vocal when it comes to his sobriety his experiences with alcohol and drugs are limited and it's safe to say that he realized straight away that it wasn't for him I just never wanted to drink is just something that didn't interest me I've been hied twice in my my life when I was 17 I smoked weed and I was like this is not fun he has also stated that after seeing the way people behave when they're drunk it simply never appealed to him and wasn't something he wanted to replicate and Tyler has shown that he also isn't afraid to hold those who are close to him accountable for example while he was in the booth with ASAP Rocky and a few other artists Tyler saw that someone was smoking a blunt and he slapped it out of their hand stating that it was a distraction and that everyone was there to work not to hang out he went on to demand that his sessions were drug-free saying [ __ ] that clear mine at least once God damn the most inspiring part of Tyler's wise choices is the intention behind them as for him it's an act of self-preservation to avoid being led into temptation I have a addicted personality like where I wear the same outfit for a month and a half type [ __ ] if I ended up liking alcohol or some [ __ ] it would be the [ __ ] downfall of me rather than finding himself alienated Tyler's strict stance on substances has received Tons of love respect and understanding from his fan base as someone with an addictive personality I totally understand where he's coming from a lot of my friends do drugs and drink the reason I haven't is my dad's side has addiction to drugs and he's an alcoholic so I don't want to take any risks this was nice to see it is purely through personal restraint that Tyler chooses Temperance and his consistency in working towards this has allowed him to achieve massive success but interestingly the man who embodies our next value may be one of Tyler's Heroes but he certainly isn't the picture of sobriety instead he's worked hard amid a fog of lean and weed that's never stifled his creativity one bit being a rapper may seem easy to some people but succeeding in such a competitive industry takes a ton of time and effort you have guys like Eminem who treat the studio like a 9 to5 putting in 40 hours a week or more and was also known to have attended hundreds of rap battles before he blew up whilst also going door too to pass out cassette tapes I remember I would just take different trips to anywhere I could just trying to make any kind of name and pass out my and how can we forget rappers like juiceworld who still has thousands of songs in the vault despite the fact he was only 21 and has been deceased for nearly 4 years while these rappers certainly grind they don't fully Encompass what it means to be a hard worker like just because currency has dropped 107 projects en counting and rappers like Gucci man dropped 80 song projects it doesn't necessarily mean that they're taking the time to put out quality work diligence requires work that is both persistent and careful producing quantity and quality many rappers have come close to to fitting this mold and you can say no one quite compared to a rapper like Tupac over the course of his career Tupac recorded over 713 songs and starred in seven films from 1991 to 1996 he sold 75 million records and nine platinum albums plus seven albums worth of Music ready to go for when he died this all happened at the age of 25 years old before he sadly lost his life after being shot in Las Vegas however when it comes to mixing being prolific with being potentially one of the all-time ghost boots no one really Stacks up to Lil Wayne it's one thing to make a lot of music but to do so while also actively Shifting the culture at the same time is another thing entirely but during the mid 2000s Lil tuni managed to do just that alongside the mainline Studio albums like the Carter series Wayne also turned in classic mixtapes like the drought No Ceilings and dedication so much so that when he started calling himself the best rapper alive in that era it was pretty much impossible to argue operating at the peak of his creativity and productivity all at once Wheezy was an Unstoppable monster back then and to him it all came down to his work ethic the genre that you're attacking even if it's hip-hop or not you have to be great in that you have to be at least good at least good only if you're willing to turn and work as hard as you can to turn that good into great and then you know come high at me and you'll be talking about the greatest still turning in records and going on feature runs to this day Wayne's methods haven't just been pivotal to his career but taught a whole gener generation How to Succeed even someone like currency who I mentioned earlier ultimately bows down to Weezy cuz not only does he put in the hours but he takes time to make his words as precise and hard-hitting as possible the volume the output of songs and uh and even if he didn't make the song in 5 minutes it might take he might he might lock in on a few hours to get this one verse down right I don't go my [ __ ] but as much a magnifying glass as bro do and I honor him for that never because you know I'm just having fun with it like I just everything you know it's a blessing you know BR a machine know he want everything out of it he have everything as well as inspiring those around him Wheezy has also handed down the teaching of diligence and the importance of honing in on your craft to those who were on his Young Money label in taiga's eyes this is what enabled him to maintain a successful career aspiring to be like Wheezy and never losing the love with the act of creating staying in the studio exactly you know what I mean like I feel like watching you that was the first time that like you said I had ever been on tour on like a tour bus or anything like that really moving around and and to have so much going on have success going on shooting videos but wherever we was at you would make sure like we going to the studio tonight all right we got a show we in Buffalo tonight we going to get off stage we going to rock 20,000 people we got the studio right after and if we can't go to the studio we got the studio bus bus yeah so it was it was just more like it was just the work ethic I feel like you know what I'm saying just staying consistent and and U staying obsessed with it and and loving it I feel like a lot of people fall out of love with it and that's why [ __ ] fall off or people just aren't as consistent or or not as tapped in like you know it ain't even about like for the money or it's just the love through remaining diligent and never taking his skills for granted Wheezy has managed to stay at the top of the rap game and is a prime example of what that can do for a rapper's longevity bearing the same surname as Mr Carter another rapper known for his incredibly great work ethic is Jay-Z who became the first billionaire rapper in 2019 through various business ventures outside of his incredible discography but honestly I believe he's a better fit for the virtue of kindness kindness is something that's not often found in hip-hop when you have rappers like Rody rich on camera kicking fans in the face while other rappers like blueface like to throw money at homeless people as if it's a strip club there's tons of instances where rappers are often making an absolute fool of thems whether it's because their ego tripping or just had terrible parents however on the contrary there's rappers who are the complete opposite of this for example we have rappers like logic who is known to be extremely in tune with his fan base he's developed one of the most tight-knit cult-like followings the genre has ever seen and there's tons of instances where he's engaging positively with his fans jcole Kendrick post Malone and Kevin Gates are a few other names who are known to be insanely wholesome and positive however what many don't consider when discussing the kindest rapper is Hove Jay-Z actually happens to be one of the kindest rappers in the industry this pig may come as a surprise especially if you seen Clips like this where Jay accidentally disses his own fan car flam however this moment hardly reflects all the ways that Jay-Z expresses kindness to people around him for starters HOV has always been an incredibly friendly guy even early on in his career when he was a young star absolutely blowing up in the rap scene this was especially clear when he shared this moment with an elderly woman on the subway in New York not very famous you don't know me now get this my name is j what's your name huh Ellen what do you do Ellen uh on my way to the performance in brookly at the new Brooklyn Arena even now we've seen plenty of times when he stops to give signatures and talks to fans even after getting off work or leaving a restaurant Jay is a busy man there's no doubt about it but at every opportunity it seems that he puts his fans first and does what he can to make their days even when he's got a busy schedule ahead of him on top of his friendly nature Jay is also super generous especially to fellow rappers not only is he always showing love and respect to the rest of the game's greats but he takes things a step further by embodying the supportive father role of rap working behind the scenes to uplift a number of other artists the number of ways he shown love is immeasurable but some stand out for sure like the time Jay bought a ton of copies of nipy hustle $100 album when he was on his independent grind Jay's always showed you love though didn't he buy like a th000 copies of your crinch Alum what was ,000 he he bought 100 copies of crunch all that was $100 $100 okay okay yeah yeah not to mention the incredible number of guys who simply cite Jay as their Mentor long before there was money at stake including Jay Cole Jay was my mentor before I have ass signed to him I study his moves that much you understand what I'm saying like or even Yo Gotti me you know J J they play like the big homie role you know Mentor role of course we Partners you know um he he part of part of my business he managed me give me advice he even helped 21 Savage get out of jail when ice decided to show up at his door in late 2022 rappers of all ages backgrounds and styles can look up to Jay for all that he's done for the game like signing a ton of upand cominging artists like Rihanna yay Big Sean and more given that he's willing to pour this much back into the game that he's already invested so much into himself it only makes sense to credit his generosity above all else though Jay is also really considerate and this trait shines in his role as a father becoming a dad completely changed Jay's outlook on life and it shows in his many wholesome interactions with his daughter Blue Ivy since she was little there have been countless clips of him being incredibly sweet gentle and fun with his daughter but what really matters is he's very understanding of her situation and how was different from his childhood as both of her parents are both Global Superstars and aist celebrities but despite the millions or even billions of eyes that have been on her family Jay worked hard to keep her early life low profile and as normal as possible acknowledging her unique circumstances Blue's been born into this world that she didn't act she's been born into a life she didn't act and his work certainly paid off proved by recounts like this one from ASAP Berg when he visited Jay's home for the first time listen I I opened the door while somebody opened the door for me with white gloves I walk in blue you only see blue and Google pictures I'm saying oh she's a real baby in real life between his kindness to fans generosity in the rap game and considerate nature as a father where others try to Prime their kids to be Stars there's no doubt that Jay has cemented himself as one of rap's kindest figures as Jay-Z knows all of this comes in time and good things come to those who wait and our next rapper on this list who represents the value of patience knows a lot more than most and in today's world everything moves so fast I mean we go from bumping uzi's pink tape to Travis Scott's long- awaited Utopia in a matter of weeks the point is today's pace of change is like nothing we've ever seen especially within the music industry this is why patience the ability to preserve in the face of delay is so rare especially among the successful you've got rappers like young boy who has released 11 albums in the past 2 years with guys like Snoop Dogg and Gucci Man pioneering the record dumping side of rap years prior and with the way that some guys rise to the top out of nowhere it's no wonder why they fall right back off when they don't take the time to improve their craft like little pump however there's one rapper who has been praised and appreciated for his ability to remain patient and that's Kendrick Lamar realistically kada is a standout rapper who could fall under several of these categories but his patience may secretly be his greatest attribute that separates him from him and his peers Kendrick has always played the long game with each of his Works spaced out with plenty of time to perfect and fine-tune what he had created and he's even on record saying that he can literally take up to 6 months writing one song such as he did for his track titled all right but I had that record I was sitting on that record for about 6 months you know and I knew it was a great record I just was trying to find the space and and to approach it what what's what's the approach you know his most recent album Mr morale and the big steppers came after an extensive 5-year Hiatus despite fans begging him to drop more frequently he took his time to make the album the best it could possibly be and it paid off as most people agreed that it was worth the waight OR at the very least will admit that he hasn't fallen off at all Kung Fu Kenny certainly doesn't slack off though it takes him years to bring a project together he started working on Mr morale as early as 2019 and even recorded these insane visuals in 2020 but even when he's grinding he stays true to his patient Nature by taking time away from his craft to experience the beauty of life such as with this trip to Ghana I could even tell you what Dad is that been in a moment it's life [ __ ] it's all about an experience and everybody got their own different experience Kendrick makes patience look Easy by staying in his own lane and remaining true to himself however a close second would have come to the next rapper who represents the next value so well that he's practically become a meme for it it seems like every rapper has a song about being on the top of the world and the dangers that comes with ego Kendrick Kevin Gates moneybag yo and many other rappers straight up Nam songs after the sinful habit rap is one of the most competitive genres of music and we constantly see it artists claiming that they're the best and that nobody compares to their ability is a key element of the style that bold confidence which helps them stay on top in a really competitive World while this applies to most rappers one man stands out for his ability to keep his ego at Bay and that's none other than J.Cole humility is defined as a modest opinion of one's importance and is embodied by J.Cole in many ways but most notably his lifestyle While most people's goal is to live live within their means jako has shown that it's possible to live well below them and continue thriving this isn't to say that he doesn't have a huge house with lavish amenities Drive nice cars or go on extravagant vacations he's worth millions of dollars after all it's more about the areas of his life that he chooses to live simply he's been spotted biking around the city taking public transportation and even just chilling at his food truck he's even gone viral for candidly showing the fact that he had a shattered iPhone screen while buying a Fan's meal for him which prompted response is like man is worth a million dollars and can't replace a screen protector in an interview with Kevin Hart he even admits that he doesn't really have a Splurge that he spends Millions on do you spend it on what's the Splurge I I can't really sit here and and bro I like that that makes sense from the space of uh I wish I had something for you though I wish I had something dope like I don't I like that you don't though I like I like that you are you his most humble moment however definitely has to be before he was famous as one of j.cole's most famous stories is how he waited for hours in the rain just to give a beat CD to Jay-Z that he rejected taking but he still managed to become the first rapper he ever signed just a year after taking the rejection as motivation to do better is that true story about you waiting outside 2 hours [ __ ] it was longer than that talking about for Jay-Z back in the days yeah that's a real story me and E waited hours [ __ ] started raining we had a little personal bottle ianj sharing the [ __ ] he pulled up hopped out the car I had a CD a beat CD I had made and I tried to like hand him the CD I had put it in volume 3 his album volume 3 I had put the CD inside of that so I handed him the CD and he looked at it he's seeing his cover of an album that did not come out yet by the way he's like yo what the [ __ ] is this hey bro no [ __ ] [ __ ] looked at it he was like I don't want that [ __ ] man get that [ __ ] like man and I was just crushed like we was like [ __ ] Jay like we walked around the corner to the McDonald's for like 15 minutes we was like man [ __ ] this [ __ ] bro we was like man he on some [ __ ] [ __ ] bro that's [ __ ] up like boom bo boom no [ __ ] a year later I got a call that Jay-Z wanted to meet me cuz he heard a few of my songs from Mark pittz and he wanted me to come to his office and of course I ended up getting signed another thing jcole is often idolized for is how he chooses to dress as he's been photographed many times wearing clothes that make him look extremely bumy and in the eyes of his dreamville s jid he looks like he's about to borrow somebody's charger or something and this isn't one of those separate the art from the artist moments either just by taking a look at some of his performances we see moments of humility scattered all over for example he isn't afraid to honor his roots and perform at his old college or perform records by other great artists like Biggy Smalls to pay [Applause] respect he doesn't even feel that he's above performing in the rain just so his fans can hear his music they love something an artist have chose to pass on in the past there are plenty of other things I can mention without a doubt but J.Cole represents humility on a level that simply can't be matched cementing himself amongst the rest of these artists who characterize the seven Heavenly virtues like no one else in the genre
Channel: Louaista
Views: 652,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hip hop, canvas, canvas man, louaista
Id: TKyExoa_iII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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