The 7 Heavenly Virtues as Minecraft YouTubers

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chassity Temperance charity diligence patience humility and kindness the seven Heavenly virtues and there are seven Minecraft youtubers that represent them starting with chassity which is described as abstracting from sexual activity or refraining from sexual activity that's is considered a moral and it's shown by Stampy lad Stampy lad is one of the most well-known Minecraft youtubers known for his lovey world series on YouTube that was over 10 years long but why does s represent the virtue of chassity to understand why we have to go back around nine years ago when the audience of s lovely world would first hear about a YouTuber and friend of sampy named squashy quack in this episode she was added to love garden where he would say this I'm going to be adding to my love garden squishy who's a friend of mine and uh is going to be one of my Minecraft helper soon and I'm actually doing a series with her called skyen which has just started which you might have seen some of and I just wanted to say thank you Squishy uh for doing the uh the videos with me and all of the the fun times and welcome to my love guard just one episode later we would see squishy and the L World they would continue making videos for a while and they would become really good friends even meeting each other in real life and appearing in Vlogs of each other they would become so close that eventually they would start dating on the 28th of July 2018 they would announce that they were engaged and just a year later they got married and ever since they got together you almost always see them having fun together and supporting each other on their channels and their videos Etc and their audiences love their bond which grows their fan bases and if it's in the public are behind the scenes they are a perfect representation for chassity dream is an next YouTuber who represents the virtue of temperance which is described as moderation and self-control and action thought or feeling and dream represents his virtue most perfectly shown in his countless amounts of drama dream is one of the most well-known Minecraft youtubers blowing up during the pandemic go to his Manhunt series which gamed him a large fan base and what came with that was hate and fake accusations there's multiple ways that dream represents his virtue in the most recent example is whenever multiple people came out with fake accusations about dream being a pedophile and talking to underage girls dream didn't response to these allegations at first but whenever he did he did the right way dream did not get mad at these people over the internet but instead quietly made short responses on Twitter while keeping his self-control unlike most other creators who do in the situation and even while everyone's accusing J of these acts and hating on him and believing the missinfo dream would keep calm and not being rude to anyone involved or going out of his way to do something bad and after all of weeks of this happening dream would release an hourong video of proof that he didn't commit the heinous crimes that he was accused of and did in a friendly and controlled manner even due to all of the things that happened to him due to the fake accusations which is why dream is the perfect example of temperance BR is the next YouTuber who represents the virtue of Charity which is described as a willingness or even desire to help others in better the world and Bry perfectly represents this due to the thousands of dollars he has ra for charity helped his friends live in the torments he's created for other YouTubers to compete in Bry is a Minecraft Youtuber who is well known for his unique style of S&P content on his channel and there's multiple examples of him representing charity but the most recent instances when Brandy's friend was hosting at charity for his 15-year-old daughter's cancer treatment and whenever Bry and some other YouTubers heard about this they decided to host a tournament and if his friend won he would get $1,000 to the charity but his friend sadly lost the tournament but what bry's friend didn't know was that Bry had fully rigged this tournament for him to win no matter what all right but there is more and it's kind of a surprise from all of us here at noname because although each of us were competing for our individual Charities what we didn't tell our very special guest contestant soy is that we all chose the same charity no way meaning your charity just won not one but $22,000 that's right the entire event had been rigged from the start start to send all of our winnings to so's fundraiser because I love my friends and I would do just about anything for them including rigging a charity event in their favor Bry you know what I'll double the pot again I'll double the pot again that'll be $4,000 going to your charity and this is just one instance of Bary helping others and trying to better the world shown he's the perfect representative for charity mumbo jumbo is a YouTuber who represents the virtue of diligence which is described as hard work Pres assistance and dedications to task and responsibilities mumo jbo represents his virtue it was perfectly you to understand how let's go to the start on March 30th 2012 mumo jumbo would create his channel and he would upload the first video just a day later mumo jumbo would quickly gain a large fan base due to his Redstone videos and these videos showed the passion he had for Redstone for over 12 years and he has continued uploading videos about Redstone for just as long get millions of views while doing so and even though the journey started off tough and he has got tired of it at times and had burnouts he always kept uploading for his fan because he knew at times his fan base needed him so he would push through even when he didn't want to where he was burned out showing that he's a hard worker and has dedication which is why he has been and still is a perfect representation of this virtue Woo is a YouTuber who represents patience which described as endurance in the face of challenges tolerance and and understanding wo was a YouTuber who had his R to f whenever he started creating bedwar content and after a while of doing bedwar content he would switch to S&P content which helped him gain over 600,000 subscribers but then randomly this would happen woo has purposely deleted his own YouTube channel this has caused a lot of fans to worry and wonder as to why he did this today I saw this tweet and remember would delete his YouTube channel with no given reason as to why he' also delete all of his other social medias and the only information we had was from wbo's friends like Sky boy and WBO said to his friends that he was just a con flict with his parents that made him delete his channel and so for several months the Minecraft Community waited for a response from WBU that would say when he would be back or what happened and then we would get what we were waiting for on October 12 2023 but why does he represent patience wo would create a new channel a couple months after he left and upload a video where he explained why he had to leave his channel in the first place and I'm not going to beat around the bush and stall out why I did it the reason was basically I got my transcript at the end of the school year and my grades were well so after a lot of discussion and reflecting on just life in general I ultimately decided to both delete my channel and all of my socials not only so that it wouldn't distract me in school but also just for some personal reasons that I don't really want to get into publicly a lot of people probably think that's a really strange decision but that is ultimately what it is and in my opinion wo represents patience because he had the patience to wait for his school grades to get better and had the patience to fully go away from content which is his passion that he loved just he had his grades up at school so he could make his parents proud even if it wasn't what he wanted to fully do do but before I continue I now have Channel memberships for just a dollar and I also have a Discord server to join LD shadow lady is a YouTuber who represents the virtue of kindness which is described as consideration friendliness and compassion towards others she represents this almost perfect Le in her content and her interactions with fans online almost anytime a fan asks her something or reaches out to her she almost always respond with a kind message back she has also been involved in multiple charity events raising thousands of dollars and years on the platform and her kindness to her audience and her videos have been shown to make her audience happy it's sh the comments on her videos meaning is working and this is why she's an almost perfect representation to kindness recre is a YouTuber who represents humility which is described as acknowledging limitations modesty and recognizing the worth of others and rra is a perfect representation of this due to his down toe personality that he shows online in his videos there's a lot of instances of recp representing humility but the the best one I could find is in his 10,000 subscriber video anytime he reaches a milestone he never says I did it he addresses the viewers and his fan base as a help say during these things a lot of thank you so I will say thank you for uh joining me it's a little bit crazy so I'm glad all of you have joined and I wasn't really in the video thank you so much for joining me on this uh crazy ride over the past couple of weeks I mean I had my 1,000 subscriber video and then a week later I had my 10 th000 subscriber play not play button video like a week later so yeah we've been going
Channel: lucass+
Views: 27,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seven deadly sins, the seven deadly sins, 7 deadly sins, minecraft, the 7 deadly sins as youtubers..., the 14 deadly sins as youtubers..., minecraft seven deadly sins, minecraft but, minecraft 100 days, minecraft manhunt, seven deadly sins grand cross, minecraft challenge, seven deadly sins: grand cross, youtubers, minecraft best players, seven deadly sins as rappers, 7 deadly sins as rappers, 7 heavenly virtues, heavenly virtues, 7 heavenly virtues as youtubers
Id: TEs-tpOucpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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