The 5 WORST WARDS That EVERY Player Uses! - League of Legends

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warding and vision control may not be the most exciting of topics to cover in league of legends but it's by far one of the easiest and most rewarding skills to learn there are some really silly errors that players make when it comes to warding leading to more deaths and lost objectives constantly so in this guide we're going to cover five ways you can immediately improve your vision game to gain an edge over your opponents to kick things off we're going to criticize a ward that you probably wouldn't think is bad to begin with this blue buff war deep into the enemy's jungle is generally seen as pretty good and we're not going to disagree we always commend deep vision from players as it gives you much more information on the whereabouts of the enemy jungler and more time to react to anything they might be scheming so why would we say that this specific ward is bad then well simply because it can be better what we'd suggest you begin using instead is the ward right behind the wolf pit which scouts not one but two jungle paths and it should go without saying that it works on both sides of the map take this lee sin game for reference he's clearing his blue side jungle and if there was a war here he would immediately be spotted doing so that's really valuable information but what happens after well as lee paths do around here that previous ward would no longer be arranged to spot him anymore he could be pathing into the river or he could be going towards his raptors but there's no way for his opponents to know anymore but with the ward behind wolves we can clearly see both of lee sin's potential paths are obvious the enemy lucian unaware of lee's exact location goes for a bit of an aggressive trade only to be punished by the lee who decided to go into the river to do scuttle and thus we can see the small weakness of that deep ward between the blue and gromp which is why you should be warding in the middle behind the wolf pit this ward gives you so much better information as to where the enemy jungler is headed since you can see both ways that they are going we do have to make you aware of something though this ward isn't strictly better but it will be in 99 of cases the one weakness it has is that players could hug the wall on both sides to avoid it as you can see it can't cover this area perfectly that being said this requires your opponents to be playing around this specific ward and since most players don't know about it and players tend to play on autopilot then yeah it's not really a concern most of the time therefore it's almost always better to place this one over the previous one the next ward we're going to cover is this river brush ward near mid lane this ward is misplaced by a majority of players and there's multiple reasons why first up is the actual placement within the brush one of the biggest mistakes players make in general with warts is not placing them at the edge of brushes there's a bunch of cases where this can actually cause you to not spot enemy players as they might just walk outside of the vision of your ward most players wouldn't realize this about the riverbrush ward but you will actually not spot enemy players hugging the wall if you don't place it at the edge of the brush again junglers or maybe roaming supports you should take advantage of people's laziness and hug this wall each time you're pathing towards mid for everyone else you really need a normal cast keybind for your wards so you can place it correctly riot also makes this easier as the indicator changes color whether your ward is going to be in the brush or not so you normal cast get as close to the edge as possible and place down your ward keep in mind that although he said that these ward placements will be mirrored for both sides it's not actually true for the bottom river brush as you can see the ward indicator barely reaches the wall when placed at the edge of the brush in the top river but in the bottom river the brush is actually a bit closer to the edge of the wall all this means is that technically the correct ward placement is somewhere around here for the bottom river for all the min maxers out there this will grant you all the vision of the ramp you need while giving you the most vision of the river as possible as well besides just placement in the brush there are also cases where the ward in general won't give you the protection you need versus champions with wall hopping capabilities you won't notice them coming into gank you before it's way too late which is why we often recommend the ramp ward as your go-to autopilot ward for mid laners it spots ganks from the jungle in advance while also giving you good coverage of the river unless of course you're placing a control ward in which case it should obviously be in the brush not out in the open moving on to the third ward work critiquing it's going to be this very common tri-brush ward that players tend to place when they plan on playing aggressively this is relevant for both the blue side top lane player and the red side bot lane but it will be slightly more relevant for top lane as this leads to more deaths for them than the bot duo so why is this one bad well it's not that the ward itself isn't great it's that it requires other awards to actually be fully effective the problem is that if you only have this ward then you're completely susceptible to plays from the river you're basically gambling on the fact that the enemy jungler will come from the tri-brush and if they don't you're dead so the tri-brush ward needs to be paired with other wards in order to be effective for starters if your mid lane or jungle is warding your side of the river as well then it's completely fine to place this ward as you now have complete coverage of whenever the enemy jungler enters the river you can also double up on your wards as well just like this camille did this is totally acceptable and great coverage if you plan to be playing aggressively and that's the only reason for why we mentioned that this is slightly more relevant for top lane it's obviously harder to cover multiple awards when you only have access to one trinket or one control ward whereas bot lane has double the amount of warts so this is generally less of a problem for them there is one small concern to this which we'll address though if you're warding the river and playing very aggressively then by the time you see the enemy jungler it'll be too late anyways in a lot of cases yes but with this ward you can at the very least waste a ton of the enemy jungler's time due to the vision it provides you all you have to do is walk back and forth and react to which way the enemy jungler tries to commit for you it may just be delaying the inevitable but in a lot of cases you could potentially juke your way to surviving a gank not only that but it may provide your teammates the necessary time needed to score across map play such as dragon or the rift herald if you pulled this off as a bot laner the fourth ward we're going to advise you against is the lazy anti-tower dive ward this has got to be one of the most useless wards in the game that players consistently place it does absolutely nothing to prevent you from being killed since by the time you see the dive coming it's already way too late to back off for such a weak ward it's placed way too often and very rarely actually saves someone from death which is surprising considering there's a much better ward able to be placed by taking just two steps further into the jungle and we mean this ward of course if you're solely looking to defend yourself from tower dives then this ward would give you a lot more time to see your opponents coming and to back off not only does it serve as an anti-dive ward but at the same time gives you critical information of whether your jungle is being invaded or not as we see from this particular example volley bear's correct ward placement spotted shinzo's invade his allies then use that information to collapse on the enemy team which eventually nets them a favorable two-for-one trade all because he placed the proper ward of the two and for our final ward criticism it has to go to the sub-optimal dragon and baron pitt wards that we still see for some reason we find these particularly crazy since this should probably be the most autopilot ward in the game by now and yet we still see players with incorrect placements all the time here's a couple reasons why these random wards are not ideal one if you place it near the back of the pit then a ranged auto attacker could just clear your vision denial from over the wall that is obviously not ideal if you're trying to deny vision to prevent your objective from being stolen secondly depending on where you place it your control ward may not deny all enemy wards from the pit if your opponent spots a bad control ward on your part then they could adapt and place one just outside of your ward's range which means that the correct placement for both objectives is just slightly inside the pit right in the middle of the walls just make sure that it's not outside of the pit as that won't spot wards in the back if you didn't know this placement then congrats as you can now autopilot place this ward for the rest of your life you really don't have to think much about this one and it's going to make taking objectives much easier for you all right guys before we wrap this up let's tell you a little more about skill cap so we offer a five division rank up guarantee and think that's a pretty crazy thing to offer it's kind of like a gym membership guaranteeing you'll get ripped your local gym would go bust if they offered that right not us we've offered this for years because our service really does work it works so well in fact that we're able to produce by far the largest catalog of premium lead guides on the internet we add over 20 videos a week with over 1600 guides curated into over 100 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Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 314,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to ward, ward guide, best wards, worst wards, secret warding spots, vision game, vision guide, how to ward lol, league of legends, league of legends warding, vision guide lol, league vision guide, best wards lol, bad wards, how to ward in league of legends, how to control vision, vision control, skillcapped, skill capped, lol guides, league guide, support guide, mid guide, top, top guide, adc guide, bot guide
Id: 10G7l6axbsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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