Why BAD Champions are OP in LOW ELO! - Top Guide

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in gold darius has a 28 band ray right now which places him as the second most band top laner the most band is mundo because he was just reworked and he's overtuned last patch before the moon to rework darius was the most banned top laner at 31 that's an insane band rate for champion that it really isn't that good as you get higher in rank darius ban rate goes down more and more so why is this well that's we're going to go over today why these two champions stop lowy though while being pretty bad overall and how you can beat them very easily we're gonna be going over two champions darius and elowe when you're finished with this video you should have a much better idea on how to play against these champions and can stop wasting a ban on them so let's start with the worst one darius like i said he had a 30 band ring gold last patch and has been a staple low elo stomper forever now it's not that darius is a terrible champion depending on the patch sometimes he's pretty good even at higher elos but most of the time he doesn't warrant a 30 band rate so the first thing we're going to do is look at a low elo example of someone losing to darius then watch a highly low example of the same exact matchup where they win the match up here is oren verstaryous orton is not a good champion right now by any means so let's see how both of these games go we're going to jump into the gold gameplay now at the start of the lane orton comes from try brush and darius gets very aggressive at level 1 looking to just straight up fight the orn let's see what happens and then we'll talk about it alright so orn is screwed now and that looked pretty op from darius right he just ran in and killed him what is orange supposed to do about this darius just wins well what if i told you orn actually wins this level 1 fight there are multiple reasons why he lost the first and most important is that he started the wrong ability orange would start q for two reasons first it has a lower cooldown than w and second it slows it has a nine second cooldown which is the same cooldown as darius q and by using the slow he can easily get close to darius when he tries to use q so the outer edge doesn't hit if you don't know darius q does nearly triple the damage when the edge of the q hits at level 1 derry's q does 53 damage if he doesn't hit the edge of the q and 151 if he does hit the edge and on top of that he heals for 15 percent of his missing health if the edge hits that's why in high reloads darius will have to chain his e with his q since they will be basically stunned so he can land the edge of the queue now on top of this orn didn't fight in his minion wave at all so he had no minion damage to help him so he didn't start q he got hit by two outer edge darius cues and didn't fight in the wave if he did those things he just straight up wins level one he didn't die yet though so let's keep going he's gonna play really safe now while darius slow pushes the wave in so we're gonna speed through this little bit now the wave is about to crash and orn makes a huge mistake here that goes unpunished that i really wanted to point out to you guys darius is going to be finishing up clearing this wave in his level 3. orange should not walk anywhere near the wave and just let it crash but he walks up like this into darius e range and i literally have no idea it's just it's just sickening to watch it looks like autopilot but you have to understand that if darus uses e here orton loses almost all of his health since he doesn't have e to get away then he just gets dove under tower and the lane is done but anyways now the wave is going to crash and oren is going to make another huge mistake when a big wave crashes like this you can't hit the enemy top laner just because the wave is on the tower it doesn't mean the minion wave won't aggro you so when orange tries to hit darius here watch the wave just shred him like paper darius even took a tower shot here but it doesn't matter now this is another point where a lot of the top laners mess up you trade a bunch with the darius you both lose a lot of health but since he normally brings flash ghost or flash ignite you die to him having a summoner advantage just recall and tp back in with full health if he doesn't snowball the lane you can out scale him through team fights easily it should be very obvious what the stereos we'll try to do next though and as expected yeah i'm sure you all saw it coming so this orn lost from a mixture of matchup knowledge and game fundamentals now let's see what the high yellow player does differently this horn has to lease blue buff then when he gets to lane notice how darius isn't trying to just all in at level one if you were the orn from loyola that we were just watching and you were vaude reviewing higher elo or players to figure out what to do at level one you would find yourself thinking well this darius didn't go in level one like the darius i went against and that's because the darius knows he won't win if he just runs in and fights in the minions against an orn who started q like he should and he won't get hit by the edge of the darius q every time but anyways now oren is playing a bit safe he knows since darius didn't have to leash darius white level 2 first he just sits back and grabs some last hits with q staying out of danger he even gives off some last hits because he knows he'll walk up to auto them and darius would just hit level 2 and run him down the wave is slowly pushing in now though and when darius approaches orrin uses q for some poke but make sure not to get in melee distance of course then this next last hit horn goes for darius contests him and lands the outer edge of his q but warren makes sure to trade back with w in a grasp auto proc darius isn't level 3 yet and is trading into a cannon wave this should show you that darius doesn't ignore the fundamentals of top lane a big minion wave damages him just like other champions now darius hits all three so it's back to playing safe until oren can also hit level three with a level disadvantage it's impossible to win trades wig's gonna crash now and darius isn't gonna try to hit the tower like the dares from before but if he did trust me orn wouldn't hit him with such a huge wave under tower he would just focus on last hitting one thing you need to understand here though is that in top lane matchups this is a very common dynamic whoever gets to push early will have the advantage for the first three levels or first three waves the wave will crash on the tower and start pushing back the opposite way this is when the other champion in this case orn will start building a slow push and can look for trades with their minion advantage so just staying healthy and alive up until this point is a good start notice the low elo gameplay he didn't even make it here anyways getting back to the gameplay all lauren has to do now is wait for the next wave to arrive and stack up with his wave then he'll hit level 4 and he can look to trade with his stacked wave all right now the wave is stacked and darius missed his q so oren walks up with his wave and starts to trade with the w and auto attacks to proc the w mark then we're gonna slow this part down watch how after he autos he kites back into the wave and darius chases him in the wave beats on him the whole time then owen uses q to slow and eat and knock up the darius then flashes in to make sure darius can't heal from the outer edge of his q then finishes him off with one more auto so you should have noticed a pretty big difference in the two gameplays one made darius look extremely broken and one made him look pretty weak it's just matchup knowledge with fundamentals alright the next champion we're going to talk about has a special place in my heart as i like to play her mid although she is literally the worst champion in the game no matter what champ you think is the worst nobody is worse than a lowie alawi has no hard cc so she's useless if she's behind and she can't build tank three out of her four abilities cc herself and take a super long time to cast and she has plenty more issues that we're about to go over trust me after we're done here you will never ban a lowie again it should stomp her every time anyways just like before let's look at low elo allow a game first to see what they are doing wrong the match up here is wukong vs laowi and right off the bat we have a problem wukong is one of the strongest level ones in the game and allows one of the weakest so wukong should just jump in with e right off the bat and just run a laoyi down if she doesn't respect it this alawi isn't respecting it at all but wukong doesn't go in and just lets lowy hit the way for free then when he has to grab a last hit allow hits him with q so he jumps in with e finally even with all these minions hitting him he still wins this fight and could have just kept going alawi really can't do much to him here and he has ignite but he backs off early and the trade is about even then he gets hit with another q and doesn't trade back with his e when he should so he took some free damage now this was all a big deal because now ally will hit level 2 first which should never happen here also if allow is pushing you in that's when she can fish for ease while you try to last hit but we'll get more into that in a little bit either way the big mistake from wukong here was not using a strong level one to bully a laoyi and get control of the lane early anyways wukong's gonna try and trade with laowi even though she has the wave advantage so he should have been punished harder but then again allow he doesn't really have much else to work with then he takes a free w here for no reason which just more free damage then allow he crashes the wave now this is what i was just talking about where laurie can fish for ease while you see us under tower this is where she excels the problem is she's a melee minion with summoner spells before level 6. so not only is she very very easy to gank but wukong can easily kill her still all he needs to do is not get hit by her e alawi is pretty short range and is blocked by minions and is the most important ability in her kit wukong hard counters allowing because he can use w to block or dodge allow his e but this wukong uses w too late and doesn't dodge it so he takes some poke luckily for him alau is such a bad champion that she couldn't even kill the spirit to put the curse on the wukong wukong goes in here with his jungler coming around the corner and yeah alawi has literally no way of surviving or turning this honestly wukong could get this kill alone if he dodges allow his e that's coming up but either way allow he dies so this is basically how it continues to go for the rest of the lane allowing pushes wukong in wukong doesn't dodge allow e or go in when allowing misses e and wastes his w all the time this clip is a perfect example the wave is coming in but wukong runs very close to lao here making an e really easy to hit especially since it's obvious he's going for this last hit if he just fakes this and let's allow he missed the e then goes in she can't do anything to him she's absolutely useless without her e wukong uses w to block the e though but he shouldn't have to then here he runs up in her face and gets hit by e then uses w to dash away which also doesn't make sense it's obvious he doesn't know how to play against allowing so he just gets smashed like this but let's watch someone who kind of knows how to play against salary now this game is from grand masters and like i said this wukong also doesn't know exactly how to play against allowing but at least he knows more than the previous player but that's the whole reason why lao's winner is even above 40 or even that she's playable at all she literally wouldn't be viable if people actually understood how bad she was or how to play against her you'll see why i'm saying this from these clips coming up though so right at the start we can already see a big difference in what's happening just like the darius clips allow is standing way back not even walking up to the wave because she knows she loses hard to wukong level one she grabbed some cs with q and to be honest wukon could have punished here if he just went in with e but either way he's going to have the push advantage and that's what should happen then when allah walks out for this last hit wukong jumps in and punishes very hard since he was level 2. this actually wasn't even allowed being weak this was just allowing miss playing and being greedy for a last hit she should never walk up at level 1 when wukong's level 2. but the next wave comes now and wukong's trying to clear it as fast as possible to put the wave on the tower and while he's doing that allow tries to w like this so the tentacle hits wukong but it's very very slow and easy to dodge so he just moves out of the way then he finishes clearing the wave and knows that i would use e here as it was very obvious but that ability is also very slow and blocked by minions so he just moves back into the wave after using e wukong should have reset here but he stays and tries to push again larry lands a nice e on him though which was very unfortunate timing because he was getting ganked at the same time now allow he has almost no gank set up for her junglers i don't even want my jungler to gank my lane when i play her but all she has is her e and even that isn't even enough a lot of the time but since wukong didn't use his w properly here he dies he would survive if he used it before heck hit him with e anyways wukong deep is back into lane but allow he's shoving him in and like i said this is where allah excels if she lands her ease but this book going dodges most of them so she doesn't really do anything now we're going to get into the good stuff so liar walks up to try and land an e here and misses when this happens all you need to do is go in no matter what champ you're playing just go in she's useless if you're darius with flash ghost just press ghost and go in if she doesn't have flash he's dead wukong goes in here and wins the trade but he could have went even further but now allow you hit level 6. so she gets upgraded from canon minion to super minion with summoner spells so wukong will play back for a little until this gank is about to happen now when ganking allow it's the same concept if you dodge e she's useless if you get hit just back away after she uses all so morg walks up like this ally misses her e so she's dead she can't survive she can't trade kills she can't flash away nothing she's just dead they didn't even need to use wukong alt to be honest but yeah even with alao using all and flash morgan wukong barely took any damage then as she respawns and is walking back to lane she doesn't have alt or flash and the champion is beyond useless without alt so she just dies again but now let's look at a clip from a little bit later when allowing wukong are both heading into a fighting river wukong jumps in on allowing and fails to use w to dodge her e even though it was extremely obvious it would be coming right there now alawi has to alt right now if she doesn't wukong can just kill her so she uses all but here's the funny part if this happens look what you have to do simply run away allow he has no chase whatsoever now all wukong has to do is wait for allow to use e again and miss then all in she still doesn't have flash from before elia walks up and goes for an e here and after missing she should stand way back out of wukong e range because she'll just die but she doesn't respect it and all wukong had to do was roll his face on the keyboard and press all of his buttons and just like that allow his dead yet again alright guys i hope we get the point by now as you can see these champions that are considered really open low elo are not that op and in allowie's case she's actually the worst champion of the game so you should really never be banning her all right guys before we wrap this up let's tell you a little more about skill cap so we offer a five division rank up guarantee and think that's a pretty crazy thing to offer it's like a gym membership guaranteeing you'll get ripped your local gym would go bust if they offered that right not us we've offered this for years because our service really does work it works so well in fact that we're able to produce by far the largest catalog of premium lead guides on the internet we add over 20 videos a week with over 1600 guides curated into over a hundred courses no one can compare we've also sent challenger players into elo hell 629 times and counting where they commentate on how to carry live they also respond to all questions asked sign up today for as little as 4.99 a month if you're serious about improving thanks for watching everyone we'll catch you back soon
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 1,052,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top guide, how to top, top lane guide, darius counter, darius ban, top bans, top picks, top lane picks, how to carry top, top lane guide lol, illaoi counter guide, skillcapped, skill capped, lol guides, how to top lane, top lane lol, lol tips, low elo mistakes, how to get better at league of legends, lol guide, league of legends tips, how to climb
Id: K31eB7eCchU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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