How To Decipher Her Blueprint Fast And Effectively Manifesto / REACTION

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hey what's up todd here and today i'm giving you the blueprint manifesto and i'm basically going to do this in three parts first of all i'm going to give you a general idea of what a blueprint is second i'm going to refer to you as to some great resources within the day game program that actually have great blueprint material and thirdly i'm going to go really really deep with question and answer from three of my closest associates actually the assistants who are traveling the world with me who have heard me speak about blueprint who've heard a lot of my concepts and they're gonna ask the in-depth questions that have never been asked before and i'll take those questions as a way to go really deep on the concept of blueprint because those of you who are with us for the the launch for day game know that in the day game webinars there was a one hour webinar entirely on blueprint and those of you who have watched the basic digging curriculum know that there is a coverage of the concept of blueprint definitely in the day game program so what i want to do here is take it to the next level i want to take it really deep and get out all those questions that a lot of you definitely have but first what is blueprint well to start off let's start with the concept that all women are kind of the same and all women are kind of different okay all women have a lot of the same genetic motivations they want to well like any human being or actually any animal the standard for genetic success is how many grandchildren do you have how many kids you get in the next generation how many kids you get in the generation beyond that and so for that women are looking for the same standard characteristics across the board and men they're looking for men who are confident and show competence in life they're looking for men who are well received socially and seem to have that type of abundance they're looking for decisiveness they're looking for strength they're looking for genetic indicators of good health all those different kinds of things however beyond that very cursory level every woman has had a different experience take two examples say that girl a is a middle class girl from an immigrant family who's worked really hard her whole life and is the first person in her family to go to college girl b is from an affluent white family is very very attractive and is kind of grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth those two girls are going to have very different value systems very different life experiences for example if you were to say to both those girls something like i'm an entrepreneur the girl who grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth will probably recognize that she's been around successful entrepreneurs her whole life she might view that as a high value guy the girl who is first generation immigrant first person to go to you know college and her family and wants to work and get a solid job but she hears entrepreneur what she's going to hear is unemployed or possibly drug dealer if she came from like a low-income neighborhood okay so that word has a very different meaning to the two of them and it's very important that you understand what that word means to one versus means to the other if you want to communicate and these kind of things are coming up over and over again when a girl asks what do you do for a living not only are there obviously a million different jobs you could have but within any particular job there are different ways you can convey it you can convey your job in a way that focuses on the experience of doing the job what you're passionate about why you got into it what your dreams are or you could focus on how it's solid and stable and rigid and regimented right or you could focus on how much money you make or you could focus on how safe it is and depending on the girl's value system that's all going to make a really huge difference all right so every time when you meet a girl you basically can assess this value system or her blueprint on many many different levels first and foremost when you walk in you should be assuming that she probably is like a typical girl so she probably is going to respond to a lot of those same characteristics that we tell you over and over again in rsd to do right assuming value having confidence self-amusing leading controlling the frame all those sort of alpha male characteristics are good general guidelines for the general girl blueprint however as soon as you're seeing a girl when you're seeing how she's dressed that tells you about her life experience what her circle of friends are that type of stuff the words she uses tell you a lot about her circle of friends how she grew up her level of education those kind of things let me actually give you an example of that one i had an interaction this is actually in boston which is a fairly you know potentially a fairly educated city but also a city where um it's kind of in some ways like a working-class city in some ways there's there's a lot of like corporate industry and not maybe as much entrepreneurship as say maybe a place like san francisco so anyway i was talking to a girl and i kind of made fun of her being made fun of her for being short and she said no no i'm 5'4 that's average height for an american woman let's just look at that phrase and take it apart for a second she says i'm five foot four that's average height for an american woman okay well average height for american woman is this very sort of long-winded way of expressing it it's a very educated full sentence kind of thesis way of explaining things so to me that says she's educated right also she's saying that average height is a good thing so she's indicating that fitting in is a good thing right but this combination of being smart being educated she looked successful and saying this thing it says to me this it says she grew up in an academic situation where she did well she got good grades and she stood out by fitting in now that phrase makes not a lot of sense she stood out by fitting in basically she did the things that were expected of her scholastically and probably the things that were expected of her in terms of work and she was smarter than average more organized than average and got a better than average result from it and she probably derives a lot of her self-esteem and a lot of her self-concept from that life experience okay so my immediate response to this was if you're average in any way we're not going to get along right which is is basically hitting on that blueprint like showing a level of sort of elitism and a level of i want to be above average i expect people around me to strive which is hitting on her blueprint but at the same time it's undermining parts of her blueprint because part of her blueprint is that she follows the rules and in order to have a when i stand with this girl or for an interaction to go really well with this girl i don't want her to be following rules so in that context i understood her blueprint i communicated with her in a way which was related to her blueprint and then i also started moving her blueprints or changing her understanding the situation based on that blueprint in such a way that would be useful to me and those are really the steps to understanding the blueprint okay um so again going back to developing or discovering the girl's blueprint first you assume she's just like a typical girl then you take whatever cues you're given by the situation her carriage her look her demeanor etc and then finally the third level you're gonna go to is what she actually says her tone of voice the way she interacts with you okay and then once you understand that blueprints what i do personally is i kind of have categories in my head so i've interacted with thousands and thousands of girls in my lifetime and i've interacted with girls who are bankers girls who are lawyers girls who are models girls who are strippers and so when i find out a particular fact about someone i kind of start to categorize them right and now everybody's a little bit different but if you know that somebody's a banker she probably has characteristics similar to other bankers if you know she grew up playing soccer she probably has characteristics similar to other soccer players so as i'm meeting this person as i'm you know finding out the facts about them what i'm actually doing is i'm categorizing their likely values their likely life experiences and then when i'm asked a question i can map it onto their reality so i'm going to give you some examples of this before i get into examples i want to point out one other thing which is that a girl's blueprint is a fluid concept so a girl who is very uptight and very like business oriented when she's at home doing her job might act very differently when she's at vegas partying or when she's at burning man so understand that's part of the blueprint as well is that there's the inherent blueprint of the girl but then there's also the situational blueprint so i'll give you a couple quick obvious examples obvious example number one is the shy asian girl right that's a stereotype that exists because it's it's very legitimate a lot of times if i'm approaching a girl who's asian dressed in muted colors that sort of thing i would inherently maybe use a slightly softer tone of voice remember you still have to do the normal attractive male characters you still have to get her attention but maybe soften the voice ever so slightly in terms of being like very harsh with what you say or very complimentary with what you say i would shade it slightly towards being complementary i might speak slower because i would expect that sometimes their grasp of english will be less good than someone who is white because you know more often than not or not more from that but more often a girl who's asian will be an immigrant than a white girl would be so all these are little variables i would take into account however if the girl immediately came back with some witty quip in perfect english and like presented like a harsh front to me i would immediately snap back and i would then treat her like a much more americanized girl so you're going first off your stereotype but then secondly and more deeply off of the information she gives you all right another example of stereotype is um when i meet girls in vegas one of the first questions i will ask them or one of the first things i will sort of insinuate is i'll say something about like oh we're not going to do anything serious this is vegas and i'll gauge her reaction to that right and the girls who are like yeah [ __ ] yeah vegas that that kind of girl that's a girl that's more in party mode so hey i'm screaming i'm thinking okay that's a girl that's more likely to have a one-night stand secondly i'm thinking the way that i'm probably going to have a when i stand with her if it's going to go down is to party with her it's not going to be a situation where we make this deep intimate like soul connection and i take her home and you know we we exchange like heartfelt stories from our childhood it's going to be more we party together maybe when we drink together i may bounce them to different places within the club even a different club on the way to taking them home so i found out hey i've screened for does she have the right blueprint for a one-night stand in general and then secondly what is the more fine tuning that i can do within that screening to cater to her immediate blueprint now the idea of blueprint i look at it kind of as if there was a river you can swim upstream or you can swim downstream and if you're a strong enough swimmer you could make either one work so can you get laid without knowing girls blueprints absolutely if you're an attractive enough guy and you do a lot of things right you absolutely can but you're working a lot harder than you need to it's much easier to swim with the current than against it so blueprint isn't everything but it will make you much much more efficient and much more effective all right so now that you have a general idea of blueprint i'm going to refer you again to two other places you get more information after this which is look at the core curriculum and then look at the webinar i did on blueprint and that will give you even more information but what i'm gonna do right now is i'm gonna go really deep on the topic by taking questions from my three assistants who probably have heard me talk about blueprint more than anyone so here are the questions they have which likely are the questions you'll have as well so the question is once you have discovered the girl's blueprint how do you actually use it to game more effectively and there are a variety of ways that you can do this first is whenever she asks a question of you you can convey yourself in a slightly different way for example if you know that this girl values friendship more than anything else well when she talks about what you love about your job you could talk about all the great co-workers and friends that you have at your work and how it's a really inspiring environment for you that sort of thing if that's something you actually believe if the girl seems to value money very highly you can talk about the ambitious aspects of your job or you can talk about how you plan on climbing the corporate ladder or how you got into it because you want a certain lifestyle etc etc etc so that's one thing is that it helps you with how to answer questions secondly when you know what the girl's value system is you probably can get a decent road map of the type of things that she'll be okay with and the type of things she'll object to and so it will tell you um how far you can probably escalate how quickly like kind of what her timeline is for escalation it'll also tell you what types of escalation she's likely to be likely to go along with it will also tell you certain words that very much might be like trigger words for her to get very angry and certain words that might be trigger words for her to view you as part of her crew a good example of this last one actually is um i i did a model in la for a while and she hated these particular types of auditions she would call cattle calls and a cattle call basically is where they get like a thousand women that all fit like the same description to all line up take a couple photos and maybe cast for this thing and as a woman who generally views herself as very attractive when she sees a room full of girls that all fit her exact same description are all basically equally hot to her it made her feel very sort of unattractive and very unspecial and so relating to that experience helps but even knowing just the word cattle call tells her you've had experience with people like her you know her world you're in that sort of like inner circle so because of that she's automatically gonna like know and trust you more than she would have otherwise and this is just one example another would be someone's education if you can tell by someone's blueprint they're very very educated well then you can use bigger words you can use bigger concepts you don't have to explain yourself and backtrack when telling stories if you can tell someone's not very educated then you may want to slow things down explain things more simply use generalizations more because they're unlikely to understand some of the more advanced concepts that they might have been exposed to had they had a higher level of education so again all of this stuff is just making you communicate more efficiently with them in terms of your getting more and better information across more quickly but also in a way that they're relating to better emotionally which is really the crux of the matter so the question is what are some of the most common hot girl blueprints and how do you want to adjust to them well first would be uh hot girls work in a variety of different jobs okay so one type of hot girl would be model another type would be like stripper or escort even but stripper let's just go with for now um another or within that stripper archetype but less so would be something like shop girl waitress other type of hired gun where they're being paid for appearance but not quite as directly and explicitly and then another one which is maybe a very opposite one would be the girl who considers herself like a serious career girl a serious you know she has a serious job and she maybe like had opportunities to do some of those other things but she explicitly didn't want to do those things and so she's kind of actively um working against that those would be a few different archetypes off the top of my head within the archetype of let's go model first the model knows she's attractive she knows it um and so on a certain level you need to be not super fussed by the fact that she's attractive you can't be too overwhelmed by and so like oh my god you're beautiful but at the same time if you're too overtly dismissive of it if you like act like she's not or if like if she brings up the fact that she is attractive and you try and deny it well on a way you're in a certain way you're undermining her whole career ambition which is pretty strong and on another level you're just blatantly wrong because she does know she's attractive to a certain point so you shouldn't be denying the fact that she's attractive ever and you should never be reactive to the fact that she's attractive but you should be not over awed by it you need to convey in that case that you have dated and been with attractive women before and while you appreciate that that's not the whole package you're really looking for more and you can even sort of screen or challenge that girl um by by comparing her to the the hot career girl types because a lot of times they're very jealous of those girls you may not know this but a lot of times girls who are in that model category they date the hot high demands like have their lives together guys but those guys don't end up marrying them they end up settling down with a girl who is more that career type a lot of times um and so a lot of times they can have some jealousy towards that and if you can sort of like um screen them that direction and especially if you can find it may be hard with some models but if you can find reasons why they're more they're interesting beyond their looks or that they're actually smart or more than just a little plastic figure um that can be very very effective with those type of girls um so you want to get them qualifying to you but if you try and qualify them on appearance it's just not going to work because they know they're hot they get paid every single week to be hot now that said and here's here's a weird little twist on it which is they do know they're hot but they actually are self-conscious about particular features or particular little things within being hot because they are being compared to other hot girls so i would never overtly insult them on their looks but i might be like oh you have such cute little ears or something like that right that's that's a little bit diminutive and a little bit not just giving them full sexual power but it's not overtly negative and it's not confrontational anyway and that actually could work as well um to get through they're sort of like i'm a hot girl screen um other thing with this type of hot girl and with all the types of hot girls that is a general across the board thing is you'll sometimes get a bit of what we call the hot girl blase which is them basically having had the world handed to them over and over again throughout their lives and because they've had that they sort of are not all that reactive to the next guy that's going to come talk to them so you need to kind of keep talking and self-amusing and be entitled and not emotionally affected by it because most guys immediately wilt under the hot girl blase and that's kind of their screening mechanism if you can stay in and not wilt you're going to do very very well next type what we'll get into is sort of more the stripper archetype this is this sort of stripper escort higher gun and it's all various levels of the same but let's just deal with it as like hot hired gun okay they're working they're hot you could do like waitresses bottle service girls bartenders you could break these down into my new detail and everyone's going to have its own little variations but if we look at the overall category okay these are girls who again know they're hot and they are explicitly using their looks as a way to make money very explicitly and very um a model also uses her looks to make money but she's not being paid necessarily by the person that's right in her face every moment of the of the day the stripper or the the cocktail waitress they're being paid or tipped by the person that's right there and so there is this very direct exchange of money for looks or in the case of an escort like money for sex um and so what you want to do here is you want to avoid the frame of just being the next customer okay you need to set yourself apart or stand out in a particular way one because they're getting hit on by customers over and over and when you're putting that category it'll just immediately kind of like blank to you and just categorize you as as that instead of looking at you as an individual so you want to avoid that for that reason secondly a lot of these girls have explicit rules for themselves that they won't date any customers they won't date anyone they meet while they're working just because they do get hit on so much during work they'll be judged for it possibly there'll be consequences for them if they do date people in that context so given all that you do want to set yourself apart and what i recommend in these cases is um i've spoken to the hired gun thing a lot one thing is time constraint understand they do have a time constraint during their work they are going to get in trouble if they talk to you for too long it is going to be a problem for them if um they're seen fraternizing instead of making money so that's something to be aware of and that's going to affect the nature of your set you're going to have to run usually quicker sets rather than longer sets and you're going to have to get them to buy in very quickly so what you want to do a lot of times with these girls is possibly even overtly push them away a little bit disqualify more than you normally would and the fact of the matter is some of these girls are in super professional mode and if you disqualify they'll just be done and you kind of have to accept that but the ones that you respond in a particular way and when you disqualify say you know what if you need to go run along and make money for your boss that type of a thing or you know if you have other tables i understand it's totally cool i mean i think you're fun but you can go and they're like no no i'll stay for a minute or no no i'm my own boss when they've made that overt commitment to you that's the type of qualification and stepping up that you want so you want to reward that and then you want to probably close quickly and then you're probably gonna have to follow up via the phone in a lot of cases unless you have some kind of um specific way or means where you you're able to see them later or able to continue with them but that's kind of a different context where the frame of their job becomes part of their blueprint you need to get past the frame of their job in order to be treated like a normal human being and ideally if you can frame it really properly um you may even be able to be treated in a high value way another part of the blueprint of dealing with hired guns by the way is that a lot of times you don't have to approach them they will approach you so you can use that to your advantage as well particularly with like waitresses um if you have a hot girl as a waitress she's gonna have to come back a few times during the meal she has to come back to come back to greet you to take your order to bring your food in to bring the checks you know you're gonna have probably four discreet interactions with her so you can kind of like build the interaction over those four little interludes so that's another part of that one lastly if you deal with the hot career girl the hot career girl i would treat more like a normal girl than i would these others but the hot career girl probably has had her ass kissed her entire life from everyone always she's probably been noted on by her teacher she's probably been doted on by guys she's probably like she probably is more high on herself than just about any girl and so on one hand you need to bust through that frame and just let her know that you're on that same level as her or at least you you know it's an interaction among equals but at the same time it can be a very difficult frame to deal with so this is a girl that you may need to kind of work a slower game with okay you may need to sort of chip away at it little by little through subtle frame control rather than over blatant frame control because if you try something really blatant that can be perceived as confrontational and also because she's likely to have inherently either natively high self-esteem or she's been doted on and given so much positive feedback throughout her life if you give a really harsh negative she might be like oh [ __ ] you i don't need you anyway but if you can do um sort of like push pull when you're doing negative statements or if you can um frame things as very positive and then just include within it little qualifiers and get her to qualify in order to get the compliment that's a great way to get her into your frame and get her falling falling for you and falling along the um there's a great way to get her falling into your frame and proceeding through the interaction in the way that you'd like it to go as opposed to the cold i'm better than you sort of blase away that you sometimes will um also with these girls um try and figure out whether they consider themselves more of a hot girl or more of a business person and give them some credit for that and compliment them along the way of the the persona they're trying to become as opposed to the persona they're trying to avoid certain ones are very much in the business frame but feel they're too frumpy and so you want to compliment them kind of on you know being stylish or being elegant or something like that certain ones are very much in the hogging frame and want to be taken seriously and so you can subtly take them seriously without kissing their ass the key thing there though is you can never kiss their ass these things have to be subtle and there should be a lot of push-pull going on in these cases so the question is how do you follow the girl's blueprints or caters to the girls blueprints but still stay congruent to yourself or another way of thinking this is how do you follow the blueprint or use the blueprint without pandering or without becoming an inherently unattractive man this is an absolutely great question and this is one of the questions i get asked so much as i travel around and talk about this stuff and the key thing is to understand that the different levels of communication first is you're going in being an inherently attractive man and then you're catering to her sort of situational vibe and then you're catering to the specific feedback you're getting from her but remember that um these blueprint adjustments should should be small adjustments not big adjustments okay so you have the characteristics of an attractive man and you can't very you can't veer too far away from them you also have the things that are true about you and your life what you actually do for a living what you're actually passionate about what your actual hobbies are and you can't veer too far away from that either because either you'll be caught in a lie or you'll end up in a relationship where you have to start being something you're not right and lastly if you start pandering too much inherently on a psychological level you're going to get in this frame that you weren't enough for the girl you had to prove yourself so what i suggest is this if it's ever a question of this is who i am or this is an attractive man and then this is the blueprint keep this is who i am and this is an attractive man as your primary focus and make your adjustments to the blueprint small okay these are just small minor adjustments within an overall good scope of how you're conveying yourself it should never become your primary thing you never want to give up who you fundamentally are to cater to a girl or to be something you're not in order to cater to girl however if you do have a variety of different aspects of your personality for example you act differently among your parents than you do among your peers than you do among people you're giving orders to if you have at work versus like if you play on a sports team you act differently in all these different contexts and so you have these different facets of your personality and what i'm suggesting in the blueprint concept is that you can access the proper facets of your personality with any one particular girl to cater to her so she's very sporty you might bring out the parts of you that go to the gym and focus on that if she's very already you might focus on your photography hobby right but you're still staying congruently and uniquely you throughout it all so the question is what are some specific behaviors or words or lines that you can use to overtly screen for a blueprint and this is actually a really difficult question to answer because there are so many different blueprints but what i would say is that even though i can't give you the specific words for 20 different blueprints or 100 different blueprints or a million different blueprints which is probably what there are out there what i will say is that um the way that i do it personally is i do guess and check okay so what i do is when i look at a girl i'm assessing what her likely blueprint is and then i know within that there's a few sub blueprints that it might be um so for example if i see the sporty girl i see a girl like you know wearing sports stuff it could be that she works out because she wants to be hot it could be because she's very competitive and she likes playing sports it could be because she likes the social aspect of the gym these are various things it could be because she was told by her parents and teachers at a young age to do things this way get straight a's be responsible um and so what i would do is maybe i think maybe it's one of those four i would screen for one of those four by telling something about myself that indicates one of those four categories and i'd start out subtly and as i'm speaking on that i'll notice her reaction i'll look her in the eyes and maybe even speak slowly and if she seems to light up and respond very positively i'll know that's maybe one but then say that i was gonna say say that i was going the the hardcore athlete would be like you know what i played sports i played soccer since i was like this big and i actually want to be a professional soccer player and i see her sort of shut down i go but the funny thing is like nowadays i just go to the gym because like i want to be fit and and look good and i think that's that's kind of funny in a way but in another way i kind of almost respect and i see her light up like okay cool she's the girl that's in the gym because she wants to look good she's there for social feedback now i found out more about her blueprint so what i would suggest is take a guess based on the information available to you what her blueprint is lead in a particular direction and see if she follows the other thing i will tell you with respect to this is when you are leading um there are some blueprints that you want to know about and certain ones you almost don't want to know about so a girl may have her outgoing crazy side and may have her conservative side and she actually may be more conservative than outgoing and crazy however finding her conservative blueprint is not going to help you have a one-night stand so even if she's more of that you may not want to try and lead her in that direction you may want to just like cut that thread and not bother with it and then if she has maybe that outgoingness then you would try and lead that one so be careful about what you're leading because you're finding out our blueprint but it's um it's like the heisenberg uncertainty principle you can't measure something without altering it right so you can't measure her blueprint without kind of changing her blueprint based on the interaction so be very very careful what blueprints you're screening for and ideally what you'll be screening for is um the specific blueprints that make it likely for things to go down for you so here's another approach which is rather than guess and check the types of things that are likely for her guess and check the type of things you wish were true and let her fall into those categories and my actual approach is a little combination of the two which is i guess and check what's likely for her and then of those options i will guess the ones that lead down the path of her being the type of person i want her to be and if she falls into that great she'll light up if not i kind of cut that conversational thread and i don't go down the negative blueprints and then maybe i'll check i'll take another conversational topic find her blueprint in that other direction okay so um you want to find the blueprint but you also want to find the useful parts of the blueprint so you guess and check and guess and check with intelligence so the question basically is there's this concept that one way to do pickup is to basically just put yourself out on blast and there's a certain like percentage of the girls are going to like you inherently for who you are and what game should be is just screening out who are those girls and that kind of flies in the face of the blueprint concept because the blueprint you're talking about catering to the particular girl and and you know you know how she thinks who she is that kind of stuff and so it seemed that there's a paradox between the two and first of let me say that i actually agree to an extent with putting yourself on blast and saying there will be some people that like you and some people that don't and i actually agree with that literally but more so i agree with that as a philosophical idea i agree with that because if you sort of think that way it will make you more congruent your behavior it will make you convey yourself as a more attractive person right i don't think it's ever a good idea to just say like there are certain girls that i can't get but the fact of the matter of being okay with not getting certain girls definitely will help your inner game and will help you to be more congruent with the girls that do relate to you um a huge flaw in that like i'm just looking for the girls that are into me model though is that you're assuming that girls are inherently always the same okay i talked a little bit about how a girl may be different in her job versus how she is in vegas or she may be one way you know at one period of her life in another way in another period of her life um take for example a girl that's with two different type of boyfriends if she's with a very like type a successful like by the book type of boyfriend she may look at um guys who are you know waking up at noon have kind of a more lazy feel to their life be like loser scrub whatever i'm above that then she may break up with him she'd go dates you know maybe like say a yoga instructor who's very present in the moment very charismatic but doesn't have such a like regimented schedule and doesn't do everything like buy the book and then she may look back especially even if she she broke up badly with the previous guy she may look back oh my god stick up his ass so boring whatever and so people are very very malleable and what somebody's particular attitude is uh one particular night or one particular hour of the night when you happen to meet her may not be who she inherently is also if you convey to a girl what your what your sort of beliefs are and what you want in a relationship she may go along with it and she's going to be much more likely to go along with it if you've already had a very positive history with her if she's already decided she likes you for example a lot of girls won't change for a guy at all pre-sex but after sex will change tremendously for a guy will mold their life for him we'll we'll do all kinds of things for him so to say that just because she's not super into you right now doesn't mean that she can't be into you later or wouldn't be into you in a different mindset a different environment etc etc i think is a very short-sighted view now philosophically i do like the idea of going in and putting your personality on blast and especially the idea of not caring if certain people don't like you because it helps you to be polarizing it helps you can to convey a lot of positive qualities but think of that as an approximate model it's not a precise model and what you're going to do with this blueprint model is you're going to add precision to it and add effectiveness to kind of layer on top of that model now you should never look at blueprint as you're bending over backwards for every girl that comes along and trying to get every girl and trying to change who you are but within the scope of you have different personalities that are part of your personality she has different personalities that are part of hers and also in different moments you're going to change and you can grow together there is a lot more flexibility than that rigid model would indicate so i think that's where blueprint kind of fits into the whole scenario okay so now you've learned a lot more about blueprint and you have an idea of just how powerful the tool it can be so definitely go out and use it but i want to give you a few cautions first caution is knowing the blueprint catering to the girl will never support bad game you have to still be a fundamentally attractive person you have to still convey your personality self-amuse hold the frame all those fundamental concepts in game blueprint is not a magic pill it is not something that will in and of itself make your game if you inherently suck at game become good in fact it's a pretty advanced topic it's a pretty advanced tactic and you probably shouldn't even be thinking about it much if you're a beginner at game if you're getting to an intermediate advanced level that's when you really want to start you know thinking about it having it kick in but even then you don't want to get in your head about it remember good game comes first blueprint comes second and this is something that you are going to learn over time the more women you interact with the more you gain reference experiences and have had lots of just general um information and data gathered through game the more you're going to naturally start to form your blueprints so the point of this video is not for you to get in your head and try and figure out everything about the blueprints before you do a cold approach the point of the video is that you're going to enhance that process and make it happen more rapidly now and when you do find those blueprints you're going to recognize their value and start acting on them but do not let this be something that gets you in your head okay make this a positive not a negative let it be the seasoning on already good game rather than an obsession and something that massively detracts from you just being a generally attractive man alright so with that said go use it but use it intelligently
Channel: Sergio Sorokin
Views: 15,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reaction
Id: VCB0CC7_Cus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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