The 5 Best Deaths Of The Joker

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Smart-Independent-26 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
Joker death awaits The Joker is undoubtedly an iconic character who will be present in media for as long as there are comics superhero animation video games and films which is to say he'll be here forever but on several occasions he has actually died and we're going to go through the list of his five best deaths mask of the phantasm in mask of the phantasm the Joker is portrayed as having been a goon for the mob much different to his backstory in The Killing Joke The Killing Joke is of course was generally accepted to be his true origin now in last the phantasm he's done many many bad things but the one thing that finally got him killed was executing the lead female protagonists father you what he paid you dad after this happened she hunted down all the members of the mob who responsible for killing her father that includes him and all the ones who gave the hit in the first place the Joker was actually the last one she attacked and he was prepared with her he had rigged his hideout with explosives and when Batman showed up as well he ended up triggering the explosives he was probably planning to escape at this point for Andrea Beaumont the woman whose file he had killed grabbed ahold of him and the two were buried by the building and killed with Joker laughing his mad laugh all the while and little did he know that he was actually Robin Batman of one of his greatest loves as well injustice the joke is definitely justice is great for one reason it's not Batman who finally snaps and kills him the years fans have been saying the Batman should kill the Joker because he always escapes from wherever he is incarcerated no matter what even in the Lego Batman he was able to escape from the Phantom Zone and come back stronger than ever and when he does come back he kills more people and ruins more lives and with each escape and stunt he is done these stunts become larger and larger in this ever building Escalade of danger and damage that he has to create but Batman has always refused to give in and break his moral code no matter what the Joker does to him he would never kill him but when Joker sets off a new can metropolis killing five million people which is undoubtedly the worst thing the Joker's ever done Batman has control but Mikkeli is measured the nuke where'd you get it what you want one can't leave it but it's super mad you can't handle it everyone thinks Batman is the dark one who interrogate some torturous ways just stop remember something else and it's the one who's most likely to snap a Superman as the Boy Scout goody-two-shoes but in this we see the Batman is actually the more morally corrected the two as he's been able to resist giving in killing the Joker for years but if I do that if I allow myself to go down into that place I'll never come back but Superman cannot deal with someone as insane and evil as the Joker and kills him in an instant now run along so I can break out of here I've got lots of planning to do to top this yeah that's enough I know it's soon think you'll ever love again and that's what makes this such a great death the fact that it was Superman and I'm not Batman who broke first and took a life it's interesting to see the Batman the only one of the main 7 Justice League members who doesn't have any powers is the one strong enough to resist killing the Joker whereas Superman the strongest the most powerful being on the planet is not strong enough to stop himself that being said I do completely understand why Superman killed the Joker he killed his wife and unborn child and I don't honestly think any man worth her down would be able to stop themselves from killing the Joker if that had happened to them not straight away when the pain and the loss was still fresh which is why Superman shouldn't have been anywhere near the Joker at that point but they couldn't exactly keep him away as I said he is the most powerful being on the planet and killing the Joker is forgivable under those circumstances at least in my mind and I think that any jury would have letting go on a plea of temporary insanity but it's everything the Superman does next that's wrong and the injustice games did prove that once a life is taken it's a slippery slope to becoming a fully fledged super villain which Superman definitely became and the injustice to video game I'll have a legion whose power rivals the combined Lantern cores and I want you to leave it with me you'll either make the right choice or I'll make it for you and this is actually one of the best things about the injustice games it does show why superheroes should never kill even though we always say they should when we read the comics and watch the films they have to have a line in the sand because once they cross it they can't go back Arkham City in Arkham City the Joker is dying this is due to all the chemicals that are in his system in the first game Arkham Asylum in this first game we saw him inject himself of the formula Titan which is based on Bane's venom and trance a person into a monstrous Bane like state freaking out yes these chemicals combined with the cure to return job to normal leave his blood poisoned and toxic and he has hours to live as the game starts Mr Freeze is making a cure for the poison but it turns out to be more complicated than simply synthesizing it perhaps I should elaborate creating an antidote to the disease that afflicts the clown was easy unfortunately the Cure degrades too quickly it needs a restorative element some kind of reforming enzyme without it it breaks down before it can help its cause I've seen this before finding a suitable enzyme is not the only problem it needs to be adapted bonded to human DNA that will take decades because of this the Joker needs Batman to gain the cure so he injects Batman with the same poison Batman is fine with this as he'd rather die than save him but Joker has a back-up plan Oh didn't I say I've spent weeks shipping samples my blood to emergency rooms all over the city so Batman has to get the cure by getting Rachele ghouls blood and using it to synthesize that your being Batman he of course does this but it's not that simple ones that your synthesized the formula is complete bonding process appears to have been successful how are you feeling you look unwell give it to me I'm afraid I cannot do that Batman you have given me your last order but finally after some pretty good boss fights Batman gets the Cure and drinks enough to save himself and has enough of it left for the Joker as well every decision you've ever made ends with death and misery people die I stop you you'll just break out and do it again take a villager running now this deck is great because if the joke hadn't been so vain and had trusted Batman he would have lived it's his own nature that leads to his death and he dies with the laughter the irony on his lips do you want to know something funny even after everything you've done I would have saved you pretty funny [Laughter] the Dark Knight Returns part 2 this death is amazing simply for his brutality the movie was based on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel and saw Batman - the one thing fans that wanted him to do for years kill the Joker after all the years and the things he has done Batman has finally decided that he needs to take down the Joker once and for all are you out of your mind I'm through playing Joker it's an incredible fight and truly worthy as an ending to their lifelong feud and the film is great but in all honesty it's worth watching simply for the fight scene between Joker and Batman oh that's bad you should get that look after a violent and bloody confrontation through a theme park the two end up in the tunnel of love which is actually rather a fitting setting for the two since they have a deeper connection with one another than some lovers do the Joker is badly injured in the fight and his neck is badly damaged and he knows that he's lost but he decides that he has to have the final joke and rather than let Batman finish it The Joker breaks his own neck killing himself and causing the world to believe that Batman was the one who killed him which then leads to the famous fight between Superman and Batman this is just an incredible death the final fight between the two is something you would think could never live up to our fan boy expectations but it actually does come pretty close it's finally here isn't it the moment we've both dreamed about in great part because of this ending it shows how the Joker has no regard for human life not even his own and that he's prepared to go to any lengths to win in this feud between him and Batman not even allowing Batman to have the finishing blow plus that net breaking is just brutal it's the sound they use with it and you can actually feel it snap and it hurts see you in hell [Laughter] return of the Joker hello Gotham Joker's back in town return of the Joker was the first true death of the Joker by ever saw and I will never forget watching it for the first time the Joker's kidnapped Tim Drake in an attempt to torture and brainwash him into thinking he is his son and it works say hello JJ the joker invites Batman over to show him what is done and boast about his destruction of Tim Drake and the birth of Joker jr. and how he's basically taken yet another Robin from Batman but as with all things the Joker takes it too far he is beaten Batman and he could have ended it there but he wants Tim Drake to be the one to kill Batman to show the Batman has truly failed and the Joker was one but an incredibly emotional scene Tim Drake is able to clear his mind enough through the torture and the chemicals that joke was injected into him and instead of killing Batman he kills the Joker that's not funny that's not the Joker is once again the architect was own demise a common theme in a fitting one promo Matt the Joker and as you watch The Joker die Tim Drake starts laughing then mad laugh at the Joker which turns into tear that he is losing his mind and the full way of worry has done and they've been done to him hit since it's the same moment in feeling that Batman had when his parents died and the same feeling that Joker had when he'd lost his family and he finally gave in to the madness but unlike the Joker Tim Drake is strong enough to eventually get his nine bags we had a trusted friend dr. Leslie Thompkins it took her a year but she was able to helped him back to sanity so things were never really the same but even so it's a heartbreaking scene to watch and incredibly moving even in the face of how sadistic this part of the movie really is one thing I think it's important to note with these deaths is that in all of them Batman's there he was there when the Joker was created and he was there when the joke ended and it seems fitting that he should be and they are all the Joker's own fault the end result and comeuppance for the depraved life he has decided to lead but what do you think of these deaths and which is your favorite idols be very interested here which order you would put these deaths in yourself and which do you think is the most fitting way for the Joker to die we should let us know in the comments I would just like to give a quick thank you to those of you who made this video possible by donating to NIDA mass productions patreon page - like and comment you
Channel: NeedleMouse Productions
Views: 13,816,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, mortak kombat 11, killer croc, darkseid, dc, commissioner gordon, joker, harley quinn, penguin, two-face, catwoman, arkham asylum, bruce wayne, thomas, martha, firefly, luscious fox, amanda waller, gotham, scarecrow, mister freeze, poison ivy, black mask, robin, red hood, ra's al ghul, tim drake, nightwing, dick grayson, damian wayne, court of owls, injustice, arkham, the signal, duke, barbara gordon, batgirl, gotham city, selina kyle, harleen quinzel, hal jordan, tara strong, lobo
Id: TizEvU73ULE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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