INJUSTICE 2 Both Endings (Good Ending/Bad Ending) - Batman vs Superman SIDE ENDINGS

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that was for Krypton the attacks on the fleet are weakening him I could feel him losing steam as we fought good should make it easier to cut him off from the beta's [Music] this is Batman Brainiac is down I just love to work all the Vedas are shutting down we did it now we find Cara what's happening brainiacs mind is the ship's CPU apparently he doesn't know the backup system [Music] if we crash all the cities preserved on board destroyed Clark wait you said yourself the that's controlled by pure thought this could kill you sounds like a job for me [Music] [Music] created by pastor put the ship on autopilot trying my ship you will not destroy my Jewish worship [Music] you will regret that you are persistent but primitive theatrics cannot save you [Music] like you said I'm persistent we need to get you out of there not yet the city's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're okay I thought it was too late but I can feel the heartbeat of Atlantis brainiacs work is undone not all odd I couldn't save everyone some cities are still trapped in the collection others were lost wiped from the ship's memory metropolis Coast City but we can still save them right Carol my family I'm sorry how first Krypton now earth no other world should suffer this Clark no even if I agreed that he should die you can't we need him alive to save the rest of our cities no we don't with more time and cyborgs help the ship will obey me or we could lose more cities Bruce is right we can't be sure what we can be sure of is that Brainiac puts everyone else at risk this is no different than Joker if you'd killed him we might get was never that simple Diana yes it is Bruce metropolis and Coast city are gone how many more innocent people die before you accept that some lives need to be taken my powers how did you gold kryptonite courtesy of firestorm get up cow stay down enough exposure and you'll be deep powered permanently this madness has to end Bruce [Applause] you don't want to do this stop Clark this is over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Arthur don't do this you don't want to follow Clarke I'm not following anyone you've never understood Atlantis Bruce we are an ancient people with an old-fashioned sense of justice seas conspire against you [Music] Atlantis needs to get with the times I'm tired of fighting you Arthur Batman knew they'd double-cross him we have to move [Music] how can you be against me on this he took Coast City think about Carol how Brainiac asked to pay no Clark my rage won't bring Carol back just like yours couldn't bring back Lois [Applause] cow stop these are your friends my friends should be helping me instead of standing in my way [Music] this is on you Barry when you defected the regime fell you left us vulnerable to Brainiac you shouldn't have lost your nerve I lost my nerve when I didn't stand up to you the first time Clark [Music] [Music] to slow Barry stand up to that cow I can't forgive you so easily this time Cara there's still hope Cal I know you're afraid for everybody ever since you lost Louis I used to be afraid afraid my powers would make people fear me afraid who I'd hurt if I wasn't careful every second of every day I spent my whole life holding back my fear cost me Louis that's why I don't hold back anymore [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's no escape you wish to fall so be it [Music] I'll back to conduct Adam stay here and you'll be prosecuted you'd have to capture me Batman the last time [Music] all that ancient wisdom waste Supergirl where are you they're following me lead them to the cave [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] she led us right to him it's no accident you brought us here of course it isn't I warned him about Diana but I didn't believe you'd turn on me [Music] you should want Brainiac dead more than anyone instead you're undermining me I think Rao your father can't see you when General Zod tried to take over Krypton jor-el led the fight against him that's who you come from that's who you are Cal not this if jor-el had been more like Zod he might have saved Krypton I will save the earth I'm sorry this is the last time Bruce no more secrets no more schemes schemes I'm not the one who stoked Clark's worst fears to pacify man's world pal needed steel not compassion but you didn't bring peace you started a war you're getting shut down don't be so sure your war is over fighting on the same side it felt like old times but I guess we both knew it would end this way do you remember that night when you told me Lois was pregnant you knew even before I said anything that was a good memory from another lifetime I miss the people we were then me too wit Bruce you can't win you of all people know Clark I never quit I'm sorry Bruce I'm not dead yet is he he'll be out for a while I'm sorry Cara for what I couldn't save him [Music] Cara it's safe now even without my powers the Phantom Zone can't hold me I'll be back we'll be ready [Music] I don't I wish we were family Cara we still are I hope someday you'll see that [Music] are you alright no this symbol should give people hope he made them fear it that symbols meaning is up to the person who wears it when Clark and I founded the Justice League we didn't govern people we protected them plain and simple maybe the world could use a team like that again welcome to the circle of trust [Music] it's over Bruce [Music] you don't have to do this I'm not letting Brainiac live to put the earth at risk again den what I'm your next victim I could have killed you years ago it would have been so easy so go ahead Clark do it show me what a villain looks like is that what you want to see he's still breathing if he dies he dies a martyr I want him kept alive we need to deal with Karl she's young give her time she'll come around and if she doesn't she will this time everyone will [Music] you bought it Brainiac Brainiac is dead the remaining cities have been restored and just like I told you Earth is at peace under your heel I wish you'd come around Cara I'm building a new army to protect the earth there are billions of warriors trapped in brainiacs collection Ravana's daksa miles zarnian I'll have a legion whose power rivals the combined Lantern cores and I want you to lead it with me you'll either make the right choice or I'll make it for you what's it going to be you you
Channel: NRMgamingHD
Views: 8,604,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INJUSTICE 2, All Endings, BATMAN vs SUPERMAN fight scene, Injustice 2 Story Mode
Id: B330gS0ck7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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