The 4 Elements Fight On The AVATAR Map For 200 Years! - WorldBox Battle Royale

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long ago the four nations lived together in harmony then everything changed when the fire nation attacked welcome back as you can see we're doing the avatar map again but this time better stronger faster and most importantly more accurate we did this concept a long time ago and since then there's been lots of updates to the game and a lot of changes that allow us to make this a little more accurate this time you'll notice i'm using a different map as well i found this one off the steam workshop and honestly it's pretty accurate as is i just made a few little changes removed a couple things made sure kiyoshi island was there that sort of stuff because a lot of people were asking about kyoshi island last time and it wasn't there hey look there's kiyoshi also i think i left out the northern air temple last time where i left out one of the air temples i don't know how i made that mistake but this time we're doing it proper so we've got the four air temples and i'll show you what traits i give everyone to all four air temples have the same traits i gave these guys the most traits out of everyone nothing too crazy but they've got regeneration strong-minded tough genius fast content and weightless i figure since there are four of them but they're all kind of weak they're all low population kind of in the corners bad starting areas i wanted to give them a little extra traits plus all of those traits kind of make sense for them right you know regeneration strong-minded because they're like monks tough because they're tough genius because i feel like they're very smart fast because they're fast content because they're just sort of peaceful and happy with what they have weightless because you know next up we have the fire nation i made the main fire nation out here and then i also put the fire nation colonies which i don't think i did last time and i think that will help them a bit because without them being on the mainland here it's a huge disadvantage plus they do have a bunch of colonies up here so they're up here so i only gave them three traits but they're pretty strong they have pyromaniac fire blood and fireproof so pretty much they're gonna be lighting people on fire whenever they get in combat but they themselves won't be catching on fire you see how that happens i thought about giving a few of them energized but since i have that mod on that makes the traits always pass down that means eventually they would all have energized and then they would all just blow up so ah okay there's air temple and then water tribe up here we have a northern and southern i gave them strong because they're strong regeneration because their whole thing is like healing ambitious because i feel like they're very like active they're very ambitious against the fire nation even though they're kind of like weak compared to them and then put honest i feel like they're generally pretty good people i could have given this to the air nomads as well but they already had like seven traits so i gave this one to the water tribe and then lastly we have the earth kingdom with the biggest starting kingdom with 112 and they have bossing say here as you can see and lake lao guy i get them tough strong veteran and slow i give them three really strong combat ones that just make them beefy but then slow to kind of balance it out because i feel like they're more like they're like the tank characters you know they're just super strong earth is such a strong element but they're also not known for being like super agile they're much more like feet planted on the ground throwing rocks at people you know so that's how i put them and that's everyone so before we begin actually let's go ahead and begin we got rebellions off because that would make it too complicated um everything else looks good and boom let's go so while they get started let's talk about the map a little bit here because i know you want a little tour don't you so we got obviously southern water tribe down here where uh aang is initially found or the iceberg rather qatar's village will be over here so i put them kind of here because it's better land mass but i think they'll eventually spread over here we got southern air temple of course kiyoshi island of course important we got the swamp the foggy swamp right here omashu is in here the sea wong desert and that big rock thing is right here so i just put a pile of rocks that's the best i can do the library would be over here the mining village i put a bunch of adamantine and other rocks out here uh we got the merchant's pier and trading village there's nothing here but a couple extra rocks i'm kind of vaguely swampy amber island is one of these i think it's this one or this one we got crescent allen will be here these are all so tiny no one's going to live here but just just for the geography i know the people like this kind of stuff um we got fire nation capital would be here and we got boiling rock we got sun warrior island right here we got northern water capitals kind of right where they put the bonfire which is perfect we got the northern air temple living up in the mountains bossing save course like loud guy like i said their nice wall we got west lake east lake full moon bay this would be serpent's pass right here not very serpent looking but you know what let's put a snake nope they killed the snake um chameleon bay eastern sea this actually shouldn't technically be connected i don't think although some maps i looked at had it connected and some didn't so i genuinely don't know if it's connected or not but eastern air temple would be right about here i think these gold rocks are where the mine town is or the quarry is i mean yeah and then the cave of two lovers with the secret tunnel is right here i forgot the next couple lines but uh there it goes [Applause] and this is whale tail island just in case there's a fire nation base here but i didn't put it because that island is just too dang small okay so now that we got that out of the way hopefully i didn't miss anything obvious i know last time i was kicking myself because i was like how did i forget to put kyoshi island you know and a couple other big ones so this is a very detailed map and also you'll notice it's like kind of stretched vertically the actual world is a little more squished down so it's not quite like one to one accurate but as far as everything being there it is and it being stretched makes it a little more playable too so anyway let's jump into the fun shall we northern air temple is at 150 in the lead they managed to scoop around here and grab this although who just declared war on who earth just declared war on eastern air okay cool i actually kind of want earth kingdom to take over all this because this is kind of their land and in fact i kind of want them to take this whole thing and then have it be like the show where the people from outside have to like come in here this is obviously not going to be anything like the show because this war does not happen but it's kind of fun to think about what would happen you know we might have air temples fighting against air temples ooh northern air temple just declared war on earth kingdom so now they're sandwiched between two air temples will they be strong enough to defend oh also angry villagers turning that on i want everyone to be fighting in this thing otherwise this goes way too quick okay fire nation just declared war on northern air temple and then northern air temple just declared war on fire nation colonies okay so pretty much everyone in the middle here is at war both water tribes are not at war with anyone and then southern and western air temple are also being peaceful but everyone in this main area is just going to town no way northern air temple took over bossing say already yikes okay who's this oh whoa this northern air what on earth northern air temple is just slaying out right now okay fire nation look at them go yeah they're gonna be strong in a fight they might not have the numbers but i feel like they're gonna destroy people in most fights okay southern air temple just declared war on eastern air temple that would never happen did someone get eliminated okay wait earth kingdom earth kingdom's gone already well that's not like the show at all now is it guys but i guess that makes sense they were kind of in the middle of two air temples and that is what would happen if the air temples were this aggressive in the show and now we've got air temple versus air temple look at them go weirdly enough i'm kind of rooting for either air or fire honestly earth kingdom i don't know they're cool but i definitely wasn't like a big earth kingdom fan um toff is like probably my favorite character of the show but that's pretty much the only earth character i like maybe jet you know what jet but other than that not really um fire nation they're just cool as hell man let's give them a w we can just pretend they're not evil you know okay wait a minute it looked like a bunch of them just burned to death wait a minute what happened to fireproof you stopped fireproof right okay okay northern and southern air are at war dude water tribe is still just sitting out man they're gonna take someone by storm although they're kind of falling behind population i feel like they've maxed out their land here they're gonna have to hit the mainland soon i love the idea that eastern air temple is doing so well they like own this whole section of the desert here like that makes no sense that's why this is fun gosh darn it so they're at 260 northern air is at 300 so this could technically still go either way it's just air versus air although there's a couple fire dudes in here look at this these are fire nation colony guys you can tell because everything's on fire north air and fire nation made peace but eastern air and fire nation just declared war oh they made it to the mainland okay cool all right i'm down with that oh no fire nation colonies oh they just made peace okay i don't want the fire nation to get eliminated so quickly it'd be good if we can keep both these in for a while because i me personally i'm rooting for fire nation probably mostly they're kind of the underdogs right now honestly there's pretty much no one in here that could win that i'd be disappointed if either water tribe steps up to the plate and wins then i also will be happy i'll be happy whatever happens you know but all we know for sure so far is that earth kingdom is not going to win because they already lost okay southern air temple didn't even notice this was them oh wait just kidding they just lost that whole section what's this look at this it's going back and forth northern air temple at 400 southern air at 300 eastern air at 140. they just dropped a ton western air temple stuck at 40. i don't think they're at war with anyone oh fire nation taking it over nice okay let's see it dudes wait is this this is water water tribes up here this is water tribe are they at where was someone there we're with northern air temple now okay we need to get oh there it is okay i was gonna say oh they're about to lose it i was gonna say they need to get onto the main continent because otherwise they're gonna get stuck out there but it looks like they're trying i have not seen northern water try anything yet fire nation going strong they've got this kind of water defending them on this side they can only be attacked from over here and it looks like they're defending as best they can i want them to take over this area because this is so much land that it feels like whoever holds this is gonna have the most population oh someone's taking it oh northern air just took it from southern air rip dude yeah northern air has some huge armies southern and northern air just made peace for now northern air is still at war with southern water i feel like northern air could just drop a boat full of an army and just wipe this out pretty quick so let's hope that they don't because i want these guys to oh just like that actually yeah just like that i would really like it if that doesn't happen oh no we're gonna lose them that's it boys wow i had a feeling that was about to happen i just didn't think it would happen quite so quickly southern water tribe is destroyed just like that which makes northern air that much stronger looks like someone's pushing these guys back but they are not letting it happen oh they let it happen eastern air 270 yeah northern air 600 dude we still have fire nation colonies in here but when you're trapped in the corner like this there's almost nothing you can do because like where are they gonna go they could take this little patch of land but that's what what's that gonna do i keep thinking eastern air is like losing by a lot but they're actually at 300 they're just kind of on the edge here but they have these two big oh fire nation fair nation is out here just chilling are they not at war with them yeah they're not at war they're just hanging out here okay they're like defending someone else's land oh whoa look at this eastern air making some big moves oh northern air also making some big moves dang okay uh northern air just declared war on fire nation colonies crap that's probably gonna do it for them huh they got nowhere to go have we oh whoa i didn't even notice northern water tribe got eliminated already that must have happened quick dang okay so both water tribes are out i mean it kind of makes sense because they do just have like kind of awkward islands right on the edges of the map so they they do have like the worst spot in this world but it works for them because they're water people but as far as an actual world war goes that does make sense you know everything that's happened so far makes sense everyone on this main continent is doing really well um everyone on these small islands there's not a lot you can do on this small island you know fire nation colony has been really trying hard out here they like keep taking over this region and losing it again and i'm pretty impressed by that because of how small their kingdom is but they keep grabbing more population we've got southern air currently at war with no one and then eastern air just at war with northern air i feel like these two kingdoms just hate each other they've been constantly back and forth like this whole time there we go dang they captured it but they went down they must have lost something oh look at this fara nation took this whole section they're up to 200. we need both of them to kind of team up you know we got a fire nation boat coming in where you going nowhere never mind oh we got fire nation right here i love watching them fight because it just everything bursts into flames it's perfect oh no fire nation oh dude look at this oh wait oh but wait can they take them can they burn them you know they're quite effective in a fight but i think they're going to lose it again no way dude southern air temple has this whole area look at them they're up to 400 they're taking over the southern water tribe island wow look at that 400 which puts northern air temple down to 800 which is still really good we've got fire nation up to 300 oh fire nation colonies is gone see what's deceptive though is that a lot of the northern air temples population is actually spread to these islands so their actual population on the main continent is not that high and well now it is because they just took over this whole area and they're gonna take over this area too dang well i think we're gonna get a northern air temple wind probably it really was up to northern air temple or earth kingdom or maybe eastern air temple it was basically whoever gets this main area which in the show showed up in earth kingdom because this is all earth kingdom land but they like just got killed so quickly it's like just just the fact that they declared war on each other so quickly was kind of shocking and then the fact that earthquake just got wiped out because they have such strong traits i was expecting them to be too strong because i gave them extra population and extra strong traits but bro the air temple made such quick work of them it was kind of scary it could have been earth kingdom could have been north air temple but since north air temple was so much quicker they are probably going to get this one and uh it's just a matter of time before they get these colonies kind of hanging out on the edges look at this they're taking over southern air temple way out here those poor people leave them alone it is kind of funny to think of the air like the northern air temple to be like the most aggressive like the rest of the world is afraid of them you know like the fire nation's been pretty like tame they've just been kind of trying to take over the edges here and that's about it getting whooped no one would be afraid of the fire nation in this world but everyone on these islands would be so terrified of the northern air nomads like oh no they're gonna glide in here and they're gliders and they're gonna whack us with sticks and that's what they've done and it's surprisingly effective okay so every other kingdom is below 100 population except for fire nation who's just barely above 100 population yikes dudes well what have we learned honestly i think giving the air nomads it was necessary to give them the genius trait but i think that's probably their strongest trait they had the rest of their traits didn't really do that much but giving them genius that is a really strong trait but honestly i feel like air is just kind of op i mean honestly each element kind of feels op the thing about air i always thought watching this show is like water there needs to be water nearby you know minus blood bending if you can do that which uh gross am i right fire you know like you can do it without fire you can make fire or whatever but air is everywhere you know you can always use air you can always blast someone with air you know how ang gets around that like air ball thing and he like zooms around on like that super op being super fast and being able to like blast people with air if you're good at air you're unstoppable so air should be a little low p but it just goes to show that it's more about location because the other air temples did not do very well at all in fact all three of them did pretty bad eastern kind of held on for a little while but southern and western just got whooped so it really wasn't about the traits it was just about the land they got and how quickly they made use of it like i said they were super fast about that good for them you know be a go-getter follow your dreams do what you need to do don't listen to the haters man in this instance the haters were the earth kingdom and they needed to be taught a lesson although it kind of makes sense in a show way you know how the whole thing with earth kingdom is they're like oh there's no war there's no war going on and they just got wiped out because they didn't like do anything about the war kind of relevant also what is air temple going easy on everyone now oh they're at peace everyone let's change that shall we these four kingdoms have been stuck at their populations there's just no way they can get more land at this point wait a minute they're getting more land at this point just kidding oh whoa whoa whoa southern air making a move down here can they take it no way oh they're losing their home while they're out wait wait who is this is this okay yeah this is northern air they survived and they got this they're still in it okay eastern air is gone yeah eastern air is gone officially northern air is gone so it's just southern air and fire nation and look at that the absolute audacity fire nation to attack the mainland right now they're bold people i'll give them that also you know kind of bad starting land i mean they have fire immune so them living in infernal is not like a bad thing but rough place to be born okay fire nation's gone and something tells me southern air does not have that much time left oh there it is dang northern air temple absolutely vicious absolutely vicious there they go official winners northern air temple ggs all around my friends can't be mad about air temple winning they needed a win you know their role in this show is kind of like sad so few of them left you guys hear about that movie they're making though with the the grown-up um aang gang pretty hyped about that hopefully it's not absolute garbage uh i feel like we're gonna enter into a new age of avatar stuff because of the whole avatar studios things that nickelodeon set up if you're not in the know they basically set up a whole team that's just working on more avatar shows and spin-offs and movies so we're gonna like get more avatar like relatively soon so yeah this might seem like i'm doing a video about a really old show but buckle up guys it's about to be relevant again i mean it never stopped being relevant in my opinion it's such an amazing show but uh dude we're gonna have our day in the sun once more i really hope anyway thanks for watching guys if you're rooted for northern air temple congratulations you're smarter than me i really hoped that fire nation would come through but they didn't really have much of a chance sorry if you're a earth kingdom fan because they died like the first minute of the video and if you're a water tribe fan um you know what they were there and they tried and they died northern water tribe didn't even leave their island they just got wiped out like off-screen it feels kind of bad southern water do you know they gave some moves they were on the mainland at one point they just you know didn't quite have it in them but yeah thanks for watching maybe i'll do this again someday if we come up with more ideas if i can find a mod that lets me add items to people i would love to do one where we put in like characters from the show where we give like you know we place zuko down and give them like a fire staff put like actual benders out there like that could be really cool so hopefully i'll be able to figure that out eventually but for now thanks for watching like the video if you enjoyed it subscribe if you haven't and i will see you guys next time bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Gorg
Views: 152,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox, worldbox fire, worldbox fantasy, worldbox update, worldbox new game, god simulator, super worldbox war, world box game, new sandbox game, life simulator game, worldbox god simulator, tabs, mellon worldbox, avatar, the last airbender
Id: vH8EfIMhsIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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