4 Kingdoms Fight With Only Naval Invasions! - Worldbox

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today we're doing a battle with only ship invasions so how this video is going to work is we have four kingdoms on each edge of the map and two rivers connecting all of them with an enchanted island in the middle and we're gonna let these kingdoms fight it out until one remains and they'll be the winner all right so we'll go ahead and hit play I'm gonna go ahead and put this in five times speed just because I want them to get to the point where they're building boats as quick as possible all right so let's see how the humans are doing uh so they're starting to oh dang that was quick I guess they already built houses probably start to get their population up pretty quick this built a new Colony shy shy minson and I think everyone else just built new colonies as well for the elves a bam oh Harem for the dwarves and pee pee peeping top Pepe on top uh however you say that what's gonna be interesting though is whoever can claim the Middle Island first is Enchanted Island I think it's gonna get a pretty big advantage over everyone else because for those of you that don't know um the Enchanted Island gives a special per work let's see if we put like a cat on there um if he's in here for a little bit he gets the Blessed perk which gives him like some more health and more damage so if humans are elves or Orcs or dwarves land on here they'll get a boost to health and damage and I believe it gives them like 50 more health so if they have like 200 they'll get uh 300 health and then a few extra damage I'm not really sure how much um okay dwarves are starting to go up in population up to 106. are they building so many like colonies on this small little island that's super funny one elves are still at a hundred humans at 100 works at a hundred doors are just shooting up I'm happy to see them actually doing well I feel like they never do this well yeah they already have an army of 16. let's see what the cultures are at the elves are in the lead with level seven they got Hammers and swords humans level five house tier 2 weapon production uh dwarves about the same and then Orcs I guess they're kind of in last place they still have house tier one um but they are producing weapons so they should start to develop an army pretty soon wait what the heck okay humans apparently lost two guys I don't know how I feel like this is like the most peaceful world ever but I guess not they found a way um they're starting to get an army they got an army of 13 uh elves having an army of 14. um I think it's gonna come down to whoever can get boats first um I think that's just what we're waiting on so whoever can develop boats first can come claim this uh Middle Island and that'll kind of help them both like boost their health and damage but also is gonna help them get a little more population than the other nations because they'll have a little bit more land but dwarves already are building docks um so I think they can only build fishing boats right now but that probably means they're gonna start building a transport boats pretty soon yeah I'm really curious I feel like it's gonna be the humans that are going to get boats first it seems like they're developing a lot quicker than everyone else they got 6.3 knowledge gain whereas Orcs have like two um oh elves level nine what how did they pass up everyone else they got house tier three huh well I'm surprised that their population is not going up quicker because I would think that they would have like a lot more room for population with how good their housing is okay transfer boats are the next thing for the elves um at level 11 I think that humans are Level 10. oh it's a race it's a race to see who between elves and humans can build boats first okay elves just got to level 11 us they can build transport boats and they just built one oh they're heading off they're gonna get the Middle Island all right well out of everyone it's I'm really happy it's the elves that managed to get the Middle Island because they're definitely the people that are doing the worst I mean they are the first ones to get boats but they're definitely kind of lacking as far as like population and army goes all right nice so they did build a new Colony on the middle e e a or humans do have the technology for boats so we're just waiting on them to actually make them I guess there's not really a huge need for boats right now for the humans um until a war gets declared um because the obviously they can't take the like Middle Island here all right we just got our first war humans versus Orcs okay I guess humans and Orcs have boats now the humans are sending over 19 and then Orcs have I can't even see how many people are on this boat a lot though humans are coming down why are they only send like 20 guys they're just gonna get destroyed like super quick oh yeah humans just landed okay they're they're actually doing some pretty good damage yeah it works down to 160. they just destroyed one of the worst colonies saying okay they're doing a lot better than I thought they would let's go see how the Orcs are doing yes the Orcs just got dropped off and oh the humans still have an Army in here um also the elves I guess just declared war on the Orcs uh so that's definitely gonna be a problem yeah humans down to 150. yeah here comes more humans let's go boys oh wait the Orcs are retreating oh I wonder if they're attacked under attack by the elves or they might just be retreating to go like fend the humans off oh no that was the humans army yes the humans Army is just like they're just getting out of here they don't want to get killed by the Orcs yeah I think it's safe to say humans are pretty done for um we just got two new Wars though um we got dwarves versus elves and elves versus Humans um dang so was everyone at war with elves you know like the entire world is at war with the elves um humans ah dang humans have to fend off The Elves and the Orcs but I think the humans are pretty much done for anyways um they have what 52 population versus like 60 Army and all okay dwarves are sending out an army I'm wondering if they're gonna try and Target the Middle Island or if they're gonna go like straight for the elves base okay yeah uh dwarves are gonna try and take the Middle Island down to 22 19 18 17 okay five four three two one yeah they just like absolutely demolished it hey they're getting back on their boat I wonder if they're gonna okay I guess they're just going home they just left this one guy there like please come back all right Orcs are heading out once again zeppo just have one guy on it one guy is gonna go single-handedly go kill the humans off oh no I guess he's going for the Middle Island he just got dropped off just to kill that crab what did that crab ever do to you uh oh dwarves they're going for the elves base okay elves have about a 70 Army in here they should be able to thin them off but we'll see the dwarves are absolutely decimating the elves how the mighty elves have fallen their population drops so quick they're not gonna be able to beat this Army there's no way you know what it is though it's because the dwarves yeah the dwarves all got blessed because they land it on the Middle Island yes they got like a bunch more health and a lot of more damage that's the power of the enchanted island is the dwarves are just so op now the elephant Army is just straight up running away oh dwarves to clear Warren Orcs so I guess they're kind of done with the elves they're gonna try and move on to the Orcs now all right elves still have three guys left uh I assume they're on this island somewhere oh it's this guy up here here's one of them oh no way was that it yeah Santa elves okay so elves are officially out so now it's just dwarves Orcs And humans all right well I guess dwarves if they really wanted to they could technically claim the elves Island because that would give them a huge like a land Advantage they'd be able to get so much more population than everyone else and Orcs are gonna finish off the humans uh they have a little Army in there already but it looks like they're dropping off some more guys I'm surprised humans actually have like an 18 in here yep there goes one of the humans colonies they're down to uh 48. oh the Orcs just made peace of the humans okay well this is kind of random but I guess the humans are gonna live to fight another day okay Dwarfs as humans all right this will be a little bit spicy because uh humans and Orcs could probably beat the dwarves if they both like team up together I feel like they probably could but we'll see I mean the doors do have the advantage of the Middle Island but uh between humans and Orcs they do have about the same population to rival the dwarves okay Orcs are sending a little boat into the human's base I wonder what they're doing it'd be kind of funny if they drop some guys off to like build a new Colony or they just dropped off a bunch of citizens you know they just built a new Colony like right on the humans Island that's super funny I don't even I don't know why they didn't just claim this one up here like way more land up there but uh oh well oh but the dwarves are loading up some armies uh over here I wonder where they're going oh Orcs claim the Middle Island all right so now their army is all blessed they get a little bit extra Health a little bit of extra damage man that that Army's gonna be so op okay dwarves just dropped some guys off in the orc space and that 50 is going straight for the Orcs uh home base man this this Army scares me so much yeah look at the dwarves numbers just dropped so quick down to 190 they haven't lost a single guy yet okay or dwarves Army is coming back so maybe they'll be able to get these guys off we'll see come on boys you got this uh dwarves do have a pretty big army though so I think they will be able to defend these guys off yeah they got 30 left 30 Army left 29 24. okay I think they defeated all them nice so doors are down to 145. um Orcs are down to 140. wait what just happened humans aren't at war with the Orcs but the Orcs Colony just got destroyed I don't know what that was I guess maybe like part of this fire I'm not really sure and then orbs I think lost like all their army in that fight um they got 46 Army left wolves have 102 like two-thirds of their population is Army and then humans have 30. all right then humans just declared war in the Orcs uh so I guess everyone's just at war with each other now uh so we'll just have to see humans have made quite the recovery though they're back up to a hundred the dwarves are sending their army in but they didn't drop off too much I think the humans should be able to defend them off uh yeah humans down to a hundred wait is this is this the humans Army why are they just swimming I guess maybe that one of their boats got destroyed so like the guys just ended up having to swim to shore I don't think this guy knows what he wants I guess he's going he's like swimming down to the Orcs I don't know what he's doing okay humans are down to 40 and then Orcs just dropped off a huge Army in uh dwarf space which is unfortunate because I don't think the dwarves have any army in here so the the Orcs are just like straight up just walking through them and the humans are down to 12. yeah there goes one of their colonies um I don't see any of their guys yeah I guess all their guys are just like swimming away okay dwarves doors are down to 107. oh huge Dwarven Army just got dropped off in the orc space the numbers are dropping pretty quickly 117 yeah down to a hundred so I think they have about the same as the dwarves have dwarves have 95 uh orc 707 all right Orcs down to 50 dwarves down to 80. I think what's going on is I think the Orcs don't really have any population at least not a lot of population in their base anymore I think all of their population is all like over here at least a lot of it is over here um so I think that dwarves actually have to like kill these guys in order to like take over the Orcs okay dwarves just retreated um they're trying to reclaim the middle I guess um I guess they're sending some guys back into their base to try and kill off this Army George has dropped off another Army in the orc space that works down to 1918. all right four things this Farmer's like one of the last guys three two one oh yep he's the last guy he's still just farming like it's just a regular day he's like completely unaware that everyone he knows and loves is dead all right yeah so Orcs are officially destroyed and so we just have the humans left um I think that's where the dwarves are heading next I think they're loading up their boat going to attack the humans oh yep they just dropped their guys off um humans down to 57 and the dwarves I didn't realize how advanced their weapons are yeah if you look at their culture it looks like oh yeah so they did make it to Silver uh so they got some really Advanced weapons oh man yeah I think it was the end of the humans you got 13 left yeah I think the rest of them are up here see nine eight seven yeah five four oh okay they just got destroyed okay so humans have officially been destroyed and dwarves win ending with 193 population and 92 Army
Channel: Mellon
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Id: SnbV23jzK-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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