The 3 Useful Elytra Tips that NOBODY Tells You

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this isn't your average how to use an elytra guide I've compiled and discovered a couple more advanced tips that can save you some Rockets or even just plain save you starting with this unintuitive mechanic that you only learn after it's too late not looking down usually just helps to calm nerves but here it could save your life in Minecraft fall damage is not decided based on the speed you are falling instead it is based on how high you fell from which you might might think makes sense but it has a fatal flaw that has costed countless players their world are you serious to take fall damage while flying the game still needs a height that you started falling from so it's decided based on how high you were when you started looking downwards or descending and if you're still considered descending when you hit the ground you'll take the same amount of damage you would have if you had just Dove straight down thanks to this bug reporter we can safely estimate this angle to be anything past 38.8 de which you can see on your F3 screen and although it's possible to make a slow Landing while staying past that angle it's not the speed that matters so there's one important thing to remember in order to save yourself and potentially your world before you hit the ground don't look down now that we have made sure you won't have any surprise deaths we can move on to a very skillful technique that will allow you to fly infinitely without rockets in surviv Minecraft I've made a video before about using a bow with punch two and how you can shoot yourself to fly infinitely but it's been made super difficult and also has some other kind of obvious issues so this one is a lot more elegant as it only requires you your elytra and some precise movement now it's been around since elytra came out but they've made it tougher in recent versions so it will definitely require a bit of practice for this to work you'll have to fly at exactly 40° downward to accelerate so I'd recommend you turn on your F3 screen and it will be this number right over your head and once you've built up some speed you then look upwards to - 40° and if you timed it right by time you slow down and start stalling you can be up to two blocks higher than where you started which may not sound like a lot but even being at the same height you started at still means that you could repeat this infinitely or at least until your elytra get out we've covered that fall damage with elytra isn't based on speed but kinetic damage on the other hand is and what that means is that despite what some believe feather falling makes no difference when you slam your head into a wall however using protection four on all your armor will cushion the blow but there is a way to negate it entirely just because you can't wear a lra and a chest plate at the same time does not mean that you need to make a choice between them 1.19 .4 made a small but crucial change to that dynamic in late game it's important now that you keep an extra hot bar slot dedicated to your chest wear because you're now able to swap between them by crouching and right clicking which on top of saving you for both high damage or long Falls with some good timing it can actually save you from kinetic energy much like the last tip this one is a tough one to master you can do it fairly easily when you're anticipating it but it would take a while to train yourself to be able to do it on the Fly nope pun intended because not only do you need to crouch and switch to your chest plate you then need to crouch and switch back to your elytra and then click spacebar to activate them before you land on something and take fall damage if you learned something new do me a favor and hit that like button and if you have any other tips you think could help someone don't hesitate to share them down below either way thank you for watching
Channel: Nuts
Views: 17,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nuttist
Id: W3jzGErxT2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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