The 21 Swordsman that Are Stronger than Devil Fruit Users

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With the possible exception of devil fruits,   swords are just about the most powerful  things in all of One Piece! So today I’m   counting down the Top 20 most powerful swords  users from those who follow the honorable code   of swordsman to those who earned their  spot by…*checks notes*…owning a sword. Starting at #20 with Trafalgar  D. Law. He’s been a supernova,   a warlord, but most importantly,  one hell of a swordsman. Now,   most fans underrate Law’s actual swordsmanship  because Law typically fights with his super OP   devil fruit. A lot of the time, his sword is like  a glorified scalpel within Law’s operating room. But let’s give credit where credit is due: Law’s  sword is named Kikoku and even though it hasn’t   played into the story, it’s actually a cursed  blade. So what sword feats let Law into the   Top 20? Well, it’s debatable how much of this  is his sword and how much is his devil fruit,   but he did cut an entire mountain in half in Punk  Hazard. You could definitely chalk this solely up   to his devil fruit, but don’t forget that  he also cut Vergo in half. Vergo - whose   full body armament haki made short work of  Smoker and Sanji and should have been able   to block both the effects of Law’s devil fruit  powers and his sword strike. This means he has   enough haki behind his sword strikes to have  serious cutting power, devil fruit or not. #19 is a Yonkou Commander, in fact, he’s one of  the strongest Yonkou Commanders out there: King.   It might seem like King ranks a bit low here,  but that’s because he’s not a proper swordsman.   At least, he definitely doesn’t follow the same  honorable Bushido code that Zoro does. Instead   of relying fully on swordplay, King resorts to  dirty tricks. Instead of a traditional blade,   he uses a sword that has several notches, similar  to a “swordbreaker” dagger. Instead of meeting   a fellow swordsman in an honorable duel, he  uses this weapon to disarm his opponents and   twist their swords right from his opponent’s  hands. All’s fair in love and war, right? Beneath his leather daddy exterior, King  is secretly a member of the Lunarian race,   whose superior speed and strength enhance his  sword fighting abilities. His natural ability to   harness fire doesn’t hurt either - not only can  his sword knock his opponent’s sword away - it   also coats it on fire. He’s a pirate at his  core and will use any trick in the book to   try and get the advantage over his opponents.  Unlike Zoro, honor isn’t in his vocabulary. At number 18, is the captain of the  Beautiful pirates and member of the   Grand Fleet - Cavendish. Now, King could totally  stomp Cavendish in a fight, I know, I know - but   remember that this is a ranking of sword skills  and Cavendish has some serious finesse with his   blade. Cavendish wields a cursed blade named  Durandal. As a named blade, Durandal belongs   to a class of swords called the “Meito” -  however, the grade of his sword is unknown. Durandal is a rapier, which  is a rarity in One Piece,   but it perfectly fits Cavendish’s  elegant and graceful fighting style. Fitting for someone who uses a European fencing  technique, Cavendish’s attack names are actually   based on pieces of European literature. There’s  Swan Lake, named for a Russian Ballet, and Round   Table based on King Arthur and the Knights  of the Round Table, among others. However,   what really earns Cavendish a spot in the Top 20  is the “curse” part of his blade. When Cavendish   falls unconscious, his body is occupied by  the demonic entity called Hakuba, which cuts   his opponents down with lightning fast speed and  insatiable bloodlust. It was thanks to his Hakuba   form that he was able to take out almost an entire  block of the Corrida Colosseum in an instant. It’s   not actually confirmed that the Hakuba form  comes from his sword, but…I mean, it would   be kind of weird if Cavendish just has a second,  unrelated curse in addition to his cursed blade. However, this captain of the Grand Fleet  can’t quite keep up with a member of the   actual Straw Hat crew: Coming in at #17,  it’s Brook. Before Brook ever gained his   soul powers and became the Soul King, he  was known as the Humming Swordsman.  He’s   an elegant fencing type just like Cavendish and  is able to use his sword with such finesse that   he can actually play his violin with  the blade…which for all my musicians   out there…is just not how strings  work, so it’s seriously impressive. Brook wields a type of blade called a Shikomizue,  which means a “prepared cane” in Japanese. This   isn’t the last hidden cane sword on this list,  either! After the time skip, once Brook gained   greater mastery over his devil fruit powers,  he renamed his blade “Soul Solid” because he   can imbue it with the power of the underworld  to freeze his opponents.  One of his signature   moves is the Three-Pace Hum-Notch Slash, which  replicates an attack from classic samurai films,   where he walks past an opponent and sheathes  his blade. Just as he closes it on the hilt,   the opponents’ wound erupts, having cut  them without them even realizing it. While   he doesn’t stack up to the later swordsman on  this list, you can’t sleep on Brook - especially   considering he’s had feats such as actually  being able to wound one of Big Mom’s homies. But, if you’re worried that Law’s devil  fruit throws off the ranking too much, you   definitely don’t need to worry about that with  #16 - Kinemon. The power to magically conjure   any outfit has nothing to do with Kinemon’s  swordsmanship. And really, when I say Kinemon,   I have to give an honorable mention to all  of the nine Red Scabbards because samurai   like Denjiro and Ashura Doji have similar levels  of strength, but this would be a pretty boring   list if so many spots were occupied by  these former retainers of Kozuki Oden. Kinemon and the others learned their  skill in swordsmanship from Oden,   with many of them replicating his signature  two-sword style. However, Kinemon’s other special   technique is what earns him a spot on this list:  Kinemon’s epithet is “Fox-Fire Kinemon” because   his katana allow him to both cut flames and  generate flames, giving him the bad ass fire   sword of Zoro’s dreams. He was even able to cut  Kaidou’s blast breath in half - sadly, though,   none of the 9 Red Scabbards could cut Kaidou which  means this is as high on the list as they can go. Up next at #15 is Vista of the Flower  Swords, a man with a mustache to rival   Gol D. Roger. We don’t really know much  about Vista outside of his skirmishes   in the Marineford War - however, it’s  not just anybody who can serve as a   division commander on Whitebeard’s  ship. As the 5th division commander,   I can only assume that his power is on par  with that of characters like Marco and Ace. What we do know about Vista, though, is  that he was actually able to deflect a   slash from Mihawk and his strength as a  swordsman was acknowledged by Mihawk as   well. And that’s a high compliment from  a character of Mihawk’s caliber. However,   it’s currently unknown what Vista is up to  after the dissolution of the Whitebeard Pirates,   so who knows if we’ll get to see  this swordsman in action again? Charlotte Cracker is #14. As a Yonkou Commander,  he has enough power to have a drawn out battle   with Gear 4th Luffy, which even Doflamingo  wasn’t able to manage. Cracker uses a named   blade called Pretzel because the Charlotte family  really just goes all in with the food theme. At first, Cracker appeared to be primarily  a defensive character, hiding behind (or   inside) his army of biscuit soldiers. But when his  true body and terrible hairstyle were revealed,   he showed himself to be a fast and powerful  attacker with a sword. However, his defense   stats were lacking which lead to him being blasted  into the troposphere by Luffy’s Gear 4th Tank Man. For #13, I’m going into pure speculation  territory because it’s Garp’s right-hand man,   Bogard. Oda still hasn’t shown us what  this man can do, but I have to put some   respect on Bogard’s name because you don’t  get to be the right-hand man of the marines’   greatest hero by being a pushover. This 1940s  detective trained Koby, Garp’s successor for   the Hero of the Marines title, in swordplay.  And on top of that this Humphrey Bogart look   alike pulled up with Garp to God Valley, where  he was sharing a battlefield with the likes of   Roger and all of the Rocks Pirates. I can’t put  him any higher until Oda actually shows us what   he can do for real, but I just know Bogard has  got some serious swordsmanship in store for us. #12 is S. Hawk, one of the Seraphim,  Dr. Vegapunk’s newest iteration of the   Pacifista. Instead of being super-soldiers that  look like Kuma, the Seraphim are recreations of   all of the former Shichibukai, mixed with Lunarian  DNA and sometimes even given synthetic devil fruit   abilities. That means that S. Hawk is a clone of  Dracule Mihawk, the world’s strongest swordsman. S. Hawk’s Lunarian bloodline elements give  him super durable skin and enhanced speed and   strength compared to a human. However, due to  the clone’s aging process, all of the Seraphim   still have children’s bodies. And, even though  his sword is styled after Mihawk’s blade, Yoru,   it’s no replacement for one of the 12 supreme  grade blades. S. Hawk can cut mountains clean   in half, but he’s got a lot of growing up to  do before he can climb to the top of this list. #11 brings us to one of the strongest  characters in One Piece, period. Big   Mom. You may be asking yourself? Big Mom?  A swordsman? Well, yes, she’s got a sword,   so she’s got just as much of a right to be here  as non-traditional swordsmen like King and Law,   who use swords but don’t follow an samurai-like  code of honor. But Big Mom deserves a higher   spot on this list for her sword alone: it’s  literally sentient: Honorable mention to   Spandam - sorry you were too weak for us to  talk about best boy Funkfreed on this list. But Big Mom’s sword is stronger than  any elephant around - it’s Napoleon,   the living bicorne hat, who can become  a deadly sharp cutlass. As a homie,   this means it can stab and slash independently  of its user. It can also work in sync with Big   Mom’s other homies like Prometheus to become  a flaming blade as well. Sure, Big Mom doesn’t   have the artful grace of Cavendish, but  when you can one shot 90% of the verse,   you don’t need tact, you can just hack  and slash your way to certain victory. But one swordsman with incredibly skilled  technique is the OG himself, Ryuma,   coming in at #10. And I should note that this is a  One Piece Top 20 list, not a Monsters Top 20 list.   For those who don’t know, the Ryuma that appears  in Oda’s one shot Monsters that he created before   One Piece is actually the same Ryuma that appears  on Thriller Bark. However, he’s hard to place on   this list because the only Ryuma we actually  see in One Piece is the weaker zombie version   on Thriller Bark. In honor of his legendary status  as a Wano samurai, he still earns the #10 spot. Shimotsuki Ryuma is actually Zoro’s distant  ancestor and the most famed swordsman in the   entire history of Wano. He wields Wano’s national  treasure, Shusui, which is one of the 21 Great   Grade swords and is also a Black Blade, which  likely means Ryuma’s haki was so strong that   it permanently enhanced the blade’s strength  and power. Once upon a time, he beheaded a   powerful dragon that threatened Wano Country,  making him a legendary figure for centuries. For #9, I have to go into  pure speculation territory,   so I’m going to have two characters sharing  this spot. Neither of these characters have   actually demonstrated their power in the series,  but based on their positions and vibes alone,   we can all but guarantee they’re top tier  characters. They are two power houses of the   Celestial Dragons, Saint Figarland Garling and  Saint Ethan Baron V. Nusjuro. For all we know,   both of these characters are actually much higher  on the list, but until I see their sword skills,   they’re just going to have to  settle for being in the top 10. Garling is the Supreme Commander of the  God’s Knights, the law enforcement branch   of Marie Jois, who even have the authority  to dish out justice to the Celestial Dragons.   Figarland Garling was the champion of God  Valley, the world nobles’ sick manhunt of   non government-affiliated people. This means  he also survived the God Valley incident with   combatants like Roger and Rocks. On top of that,  he’s almost certainly Shanks’ father, and since   Shanks is another one of the series’ strongest  characters, he had to get it from somewhere. There’s also not a lot known about Ethan Baron  V. Nusjuro, but thanks to Saturn’s activities on   Egghead, it’s clear that all of the Gorosei are  super powerful and probably all have mythical   zoans. But more importantly, Nusjuro wields a  sword that looks suspiciously like a Kitetsu   blade. It could be the fabled Shodai Kitetsu,  a Supreme Grade Cursed Blade which was the   strongest sword forged by Kotetsu, Wano’s greatest  swordsmith. The “juro” suffix on Nusjuro’s name   also adds to the suspicion that this swordsman  could have a connection to Wano somehow. But for #8, it’s time to come back to characters  that we’ve seen in action plenty of times. Dark   King Rayleigh was Roger’s right hand man and  Luffy’s mentor during the time skip. Even though   he’s older now, Rayleigh can still go toe-to-toe  with an admiral like when he clashed against   Kizaru during the Sabaody Archipelago arc. And  his haki is strong enough that he made the logia   user draw blood, being able to cut through  the intangibility of his devil fruit power. If he was in his prime, he’d be near the  very top of the list, but as he stated,   in his older age, he probably wouldn’t be a  match for powerful combatants like Marshall   D. Teach AKA Blackbeard. His speed and strength  make Silvers Rayleigh an unbelievable swordsman,   but alas, his era seems to have come to an end. At #7 is the second cane sword user on the list  - Fujitora. Except while Brook uses his cane for   vibes alone, Fujitora actually does use his  cane for a functional purpose. Wait a minute,   does Brook use a cane because he doesn’t have  eyes? I’m not even setting up for a Yohoho joke,   I’m actually just curious now.  That’s a theory for another video,   though - right now it’s all about Fujitora. Fujitora, or Issho if I’m using his real  name, is based on the Blind Swordsman,   Zatoichi, a famous character from samurai  films and novels. This continues the trend   of every Marine Admiral being based on a famous  Japanese actor. Even without his sense of sight,   Fujitora’s observation haki allows him to duel  with the best of them. Of course, he also has   the power to use his gravity fruit to summon  meteors to rain down on the battlefield, but   that seems almost like an after thought because  his skills with a sword speak for themselves. #6 seems to never get mentioned in these  discussions of the top swordsmen in One   Piece. It’s like he’s invisible. Wait - actually,  no - he is just literally invisible. Shiryu of   the Rain is the former head jailer of Impel Down  and currently the Titanic Captain of Blackbeard’s   second ship. There’s not an actual confirmation  of Blackbeard’s ships being ranked to power level,   as Kuzan is the tenth and there’s no way he’s  the weakest of the Blackbeard pirates. However,   Shiryu being the second captain and being a  sword wielder seems to set him up perfectly   as an end game boss for Zoro. And if Zoro  is getting closer and closer to the title   of World’s Strongest Swordsman, then  Shiryu must not be too far away, either. Unlike the honorable Zoro, Shiryu is more in  line with the rest of his crew. He doesn’t   play by the rules and prefers to use whatever  tricks or schemes he can to get the upper hand   on his opponent. Therefore, his ability to  turn invisible is the perfect match for him.   He can sneak up on unsuspecting opponents and  slice them up before they even know he’s there. This is the complete opposite of my #5  pick, Roronoa Zoro. As he said to Mihawk,   “scars on the back are a swordsman’s shame” -  and he wouldn’t disgrace his status as a warrior   by attacking unwitting or unarmed opponents,  either. He wants to truly be the World’s Greatest   Swordsman and that means facing his opponents  with honor in a contest of head-to-head strength. His signature three-sword style means that Zoro  wields three different named blades. His first   sword is the Wado Ichimonji, a Great Grade  sword that he uses in honor of his childhood   friend Kuina. The Sandai Kitetsu is one of the  cursed blades made by the swordsmith Kotetsu.   And his most recent katana is Enma, which is a  Great Grade Black Blade that once belonged to   Kozuki Oden, the former shogun of Wano. Both  of Zoro’s Great Grade blades were forged by   Shimotsuki Kozaburo, Kuina’s grandfather  and a distant realative of Zoro himself. By tapping into his armament and conqueror’s  haki, Zoro has managed such feats as cutting   through sheer steel, dicing up entire  ships, and even scarring Kaidou. However,   no technique is more deadly than his Asura  ability, which turns his three-sword style   into nine-sword style for an extremely powerful  cutting attack. He’s Luffy’s right hand man and   by the end of the series, he’ll surely  become the World’s Greatest Swordsman. But to reach the pinnacle of sword  users, there are still 4 swordsmen,   past and present that Zoro needs  to overcome. And #4 is no big deal,   you know, it’s only the former shogun of Wano,  Kozuki Oden. Oden was powerful enough to fight   against Kaidou and possibly would have won if it  wasn’t for outside interference in the battle.   He taught masterful samurai like Kinemon and  Denjiro, but his power eclipsed their own. His two-sword style is formidable, wielding  both Enma which is now possessed by Zoro and   the Ame no Habakiri, which has been passed on  to his son, Momonosuke. Both of Oden’s swords   were Great Grade blades, of which only 21 exist.  Both were forged by master swordsmiths of Wano,   with Ame no Habakiri being made by Oden’s father,  Kozuki Sukiyaki in order to cut through the   heavens and Enma being made by Shimotsuki Kozaburo  to cut through the bottom of hell.  It’s unclear   if Oden actually ever cut through heaven and  hell, but he sure did cut through Kaidou. He could not, though, manage to cut the #3 best  swordsman in One Piece: The King of the pirates,   Gol D. Roger. Roger isn’t known as a swordsman  per se, but like so many other combatants   on this list, the dude does use a sword. And  not just any sword, one of the 12 Supreme   Grade swords that have the status as the very  strongest weapons in the world. The name of that   sword? Ace. Yes, that’s right, dear viewer.  Gol D. Roger named his son after his sword. Even though Oden was a powerful master  samurai, when he tried to block Roger’s   “Divine Departure” attack, it sent him flying.  Roger and Whitebeard’s haki was so powerful,   their blades wouldn’t even touch  when they clashed - they hung in   mid-air blocked by the haki as if they  were two magnets repelling one another.   Roger became the King of the Pirates for a  reason: he had the strength to back it up. But, in a speculation that is sure to make  some of you rush to the comment section,   I think that his apprentice has actually surpassed  him. That’s right - Buggy D. Clown is actually the   #2 swordsman in One Piece. Just kidding, of  course - it’s Shanks. Nothing is known so far   about Shanks’ saber, Gryphon, and whether it is  a graded blade. However, it is strong enough to   clash with his fellow emperors of the sea. As a  Yonkou and the likely son of Figarland Garling,   the commander of the God’s Knights, he has both  the blood and the life experience to create one   of the One Piece world’s strongest  warriors - if not, THE strongest. Shanks’ sword skills are powerful enough to  have defeated Eustass Kid with just one Divine   Departure attack, using the same technique that  his mentor Roger used to use. Before Shanks lost   his arm, he regularly dueled with Mihawk, which  means that the arm Shanks lost was likely his   dominant arm. However, this doesn’t seem to  have affected his overall ability too much,   as he can still clash blades with the likes  of Whitebeard or block Akainu’s magma fist.   But even Shanks can’t quite match up  to the World’s Greatest Swordsman. At #1, it’s the character everyone saw  coming: Dracule “Hawk Eyes” Mihawk. I mean,   there’s not much argument to be made against  him when his title is literally “The World’s   Greatest Swordsman.” He’s a man capable  of being a warlord without a crew, just   going for solo pleasure cruises on his raft and  dicing up fleets of ships just to pass the time. He’s capable of dispatching most opponents  with little more than a butter knife,   but when he’s serious he uses one of the 12  Supreme Grade blades: Yoru, a black blade   permanently imbued with Mihawk’s will.  He can use Yoru to send dangerous,   flying slashes across a battlefield and was  once formidable enough to earn the nickname,   “Marine Hunter.” However, it won’t be  until the end of the series that we’ll   see if Mihawk can hang on to this title  once Zoro challenges him to a final duel. But by the time Zoro faces down his mentor and  his greatest challenge yet, will he even still   have the same swords or is he due for an upgrade?  It’s hard to imagine a sword that would beat Enma,   which literally sucked all the life out  of his arm the first time he wielded it.   And that katana is pretty tiny compared  to Mihawk’s massive black blade, Yoru. So, it makes sense that Zoro might need  a sword that’s even MORE broken than   Enma. So it sure is a lucky break that my  viewers sent in over 1,000 possible swords   that would absolutely break One Piece  if they were real. I picked the top 21   of these ingenious creations that would  make the perfect upgrade for Zoro when   he finally faces down Mihawk for the  title of World’s Greatest Swordsman.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 176,741
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Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter, one piece what if, what if luffy, one piece chapter
Id: Jb2rAReHn4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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