The Evolution Of The Straw Hats

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The Straw Hats have changed. A LOT.  We’ve had Usopp on his journey to   become a brave Warrior of the Sea,  Chopper embracing his inner monster,   and even Robin finding a family with her  new nakama. But while these are more well   known pieces of character development, some  of the Straw Hats’ growth has been SO SUBTLE   that many fans don’t even fully understand the  MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTERS in all of One Piece. And the perfect example here is our favorite  swordsman, Zoro. On the surface, you might think   he hasn’t changed much, but you’d be dead wrong.  I mean, ever since he and his childhood friend,   Kuina, promised to become the world’s strongest  swordsman/woman, he’s been dead set on achieving   that goal HIS ENTIRE LIFE. So, yeah, that goal  hasn’t changed at all. But what you may not know   is that since the first time we met him until  now, Zoro has almost completely changed his   inner motivations. Don’t believe me? Well, let’s  start at the beginning because when we first meet   Zoro back in chapter 3, he is basically the  stereotypical swordsman type character. He’s   powerful, confident, and basically a loner.  He loves nothing more than fighting, drinking,   sleeping, and working out, and he really only  joins Luffy’s crew so that he can progress his own   dream of becoming the World’s Strongest Swordsman.  And honestly, Zoro is one of a few Straw Hats who   represent more of a perfect “Ideal” than an actual  real person or character. He’s a macho man who   is also extremely cool, and this is reflected in  his early designs with his intimidating bandana,   memorable sash, plus his unique three-sword  style of fighting. Without a doubt, Zoro is   AND remains to this day, one of the coolest  characters in all of anime. We can also say   that Zoro is basically the only straw hat who  didn’t need to make some life-changing decision   or be metaphorically “saved” to join the crew.  All he needed was for Luffy to literally untie   him from this post. Which was the start of  the greatest partnership the world has ever   seen since the former pirate king, Roger, set  out with his right hand man, Silvers Rayleigh. So yeah, that’s all the basics and probably  what you already knew about Zoro. But what   you may not realize is that while he didn’t need  to change to join the crew, Zoro’s adventure with   the straw hats actually changed him THE MOST out  of almost ANY. OTHER. CREWMATE. And his journey   to change kicked off when he was EMBARRASSED  by the World’s ACTUAL strongest swordsman,   Dracule Mihawk during the Baratie arc. And up to  this point, Luffy and Zoro had seemed basically   unbeatable as they took down small time pirates  left and right. Zoro even believed he did stand a   chance against Mihawk - which is just so hilarious  looking back on it - so being humbled like he was   truly showed Zoro EXACTLY how far he had to  go to become the world’s strongest swordsman. Now, I said before that Zoro really only  joined Luffy to pursue his own goals,   but that all started to change during the Arlong  Park arc when Zoro saw Luffy’s willingness   to die for his friends. Because in the end  Luffy didn’t NEED to go save Nami. In fact,   there was plenty of reason to just leave  her alone since they betrayed the crew   and everything, but because Luffy  tried so hard to save his friend,   Zoro actually started to believe that  Luffy was a captain worthy of following. Of course, these were very important  character moments for Zoro, but you   might be surprised to hear that out of all  the crew, it is Zoro who first shows signs of   unlocking the secret power of the one piece  world. That is of course haki. For example,   during his fight with this Blade man, Zoro  is able to hear the “breath of all things”,   which might have been his first step in awakening  Observation Haki. And what’s even crazier is that   this was basically confirmed later in the skypeia  arc when he took down this winged swordsman by   sensing him through a solid wall. So yeah, even  though Luffy is supposed to be the haki prodigy,   it was actually Zoro showing us  the first signs of haki all along. But of course, that’s not his only development  because the next MAJOR character moment for Zoro   came during the heartbreaking Water 7 duel  between Luffy and Usopp. Because throughout   all the tension between the beloved  captain and sniper, Zoro was one of   the few who put his foot down and said that  if Usopp was going to disrespect the crew,   then he needed to leave. In fact, he delivered  one of the most impactful lines of all when he   said that Luffy protecting the honor of the crew  is the “Burden of being the captain.” This moment   also showed us that Zoro now felt that his own  personal honor was tied to that of the crew,   which demonstrates that he sees himself as less  of an individual and more a part of the group. And this idea was fully cemented in the next  arc, when we had ONE OF THE. GREATESTS. MOMENTS.   in all of One Piece. Because first, he got a  RIDICULOUS katana upgrade when he was given the   sword of the legendary Wano Samurai, Ryuma.  But on top of that, we had THIS! And damn,   if you thought Zoro was only living for  himself, then this moment grabbed that idea,   crushed it into a tiny ball, lit it on fire,  and then blasted it into space. Seriously,   this famous moment truly proved that Zoro 100% put  Luffy’s life above his own. But more than that, he   believed so strongly in Luffy’s dream that he was  willing to give up his own dream in order to help   Luffy achieve his. Which is an UNTHINKABLE CHANGE  from Zoro’s mindset when he first joined Luffy. And to cap it all off, Zoro doubled down  on this idea by begging Mihawk to train   him during the timeskip, which is another  HUGE moment of humility from Zoro. And if   you don’t quite understand why, it is simply  because once again he is showing that he is   willing to lay down his own pride in order  to get stronger for his crew. And honestly,   Zoro changing from being an individual chasing  his dream to someone that will put the dreams   of the crew before his own is one of the most  profound character arcs in the entire story. After the timeskip though, Zoro’s development has  been more on the power side as he’s continued to   learn the different forms of haki. Design wise he  somehow lost or chose to close one of his eyes,   which we still don’t know much about.  On top of that though, his growth came   to a massive climax during Wano when  he gained the legendary sword Enma,   which helped him master the  ultimate haki, Advanced Conquerors. Which all that combined, leaves Zoro  as one of the most powerful characters   in the entire story, and certainly one  of coolest characters in all of anime. And on the same level as Zoro, when our next  straw hat was introduced she was IMMEDIATELY   an ABSOLUTE 10 out of 10 in terms of awesome  characters. Because with her sick western,   cowgirl outfits and terrifying devil fruit  powers Nico Robin instantly became one   of the most exciting characters in the  entire story during the Alabasta saga. However, we soon learned the heartbreaking  truth that beneath her harsh exterior was a   girl who had been abused and abandoned her  entire life. Because as we later learned,   Nico Robin was left behind by her  parents, neglected by her relatives,   and then later LOST EVERYONE that she loved  during the tragedy of Ohara. Which led her   to a SOUL-CRUSHING twenty years of survival on  the run from the government. Which brings us to   the Straw Hats meeting her in Alabasta, where she  was already a master of her Hana Hana devil fruit   that allows her to sprout extra body parts and  use them in combat. And honestly, it still gives   me chills every time Robin literally SNAPS  someone's back using her Clutch technique. But her devil fruit is not even her most  important ability because while in Alabasta   we learned that Robin could read the legendary  Poneglyphs, which are these giant stones that   tell the history of the Void Century. And  this ties into her true dream to learn the   true history that she inherited from her  mom and the beloved scholars at Ohara. And   that’s exactly why she snuck onto the Straw  Hats ship at the end of the Alabasta arc. Now, even though Luffy let her join the Straw  Hats, Robin had a long way to go before she   fully embraced being part of the crew. Part  of that was because after her traumatic   childhood she didn’t see herself as worthy  of friends. In fact, during the Skypiea arc,   she basically only referred to the crew by  their titles, such as calling Luffy simply   the “Captain” or Nami as the “Navigator”. And  this showed us she didn’t really see herself   as part of the group yet, but that all changed in  a MASSIVE WAY during the Water 7 and Enies Lobby   arcs. Because as we saw first hand, Robin is STILL  being hunted by the World Government. In fact,   this admiral almost took out the entire crew  because she was traveling with them. Then she   was kidnapped by the World Government Secret  agents, CP9. And as we later learned, she was   willing to sacrifice herself so the rest of the  crew could go free. Which, on the surface, at   least shows that she cares about the others, but  deep down it highlights an even bigger problem. Because let’s go back to this moment in Alabasta.  Because here, Luffy had just been THRASHED by   the Warlord Crocodile and had to be saved by  Robin. And even though Luffy eventually defeated   Crocodile, I think Robin still didn’t truly  believe and trust in the abilities of the Straw   Hats. She felt that in the end they would abandon  her just like everyone else in her life did. Which is why THIS MOMENT was SO POWERFUL and  remains many fans' ABSOLUTE FAVORITE moments in   the entire story. Here, Robin finally accepted  that the crew would never abandon her. And she   embraced their will to save her for the first  time. And wow, what a change! Because while Robin   had gone along quietly with the government  agents up to this point, NOW she fought and   clawed the whole way, even literally biting the  ground to keep from being taken away. And man,   how awesome was this? She was fighting for her  friends, just like they were fighting for her. Which takes us to Post-Enies Lobby,  and really the rest of the story,   where Robin finally believes in her own  self-worth and that of the crew. We can   even see this reflected in the way she dresses as  before this point she mostly wore pretty sharp,   intimidating clothing and after this she  is much more relaxed and casual and we   even see her enjoying her coffee and  reading while traveling with the crew. Unfortunately, though there hasn’t been A TON of  development for Robin since then. She got to train   with the Revolutionary Army during the time skip  and learned Fish Man Karate along with improved   control of her devil fruit. In fact, after the  time-skip she can now make giant versions of her   limbs to stomp opponents, grow wings to fly, and  even create full body clones to use for spying. But believe me when I say that Robin has THE  MOST MOUTHWATERING FUTURE of any character   in the story. Because with her knowledge of the  poneglyphs, she is basically the most important   person in order to find the One Piece. So she  is sure to play a major role in the final saga.   And if that wasn’t enough, we might even get to  learn the secrets her parents died protecting,   see her prove her worth to this  guy, and at the very end of the   story witness her final confrontation  with taking down the world government. And wow, that was a lot of discussion  about two of the most in-depth straw hats,   so let’s move on to a crewmate who is a little  more straight forward. That’s because Franky was,   is, and will always be SUUUUPPPEERRR!  That’s right, our favorite cyborg is a   man who hasn’t changed a whole lot since  we first met him back on Water 7. Sure,   I mean he’s gone from a mostly-human cyborg to a  mostly-cyborg human, but he can still shoot fire,   launch missiles, blast bullets, and most  importantly change his hair. The only major   difference from when we first met him to now is  that now everything is just stronger. Oh yeah,   and he’s got this super cool mech and  some other cool toys like this motorcycle. Just because he hasn’t changed much doesn’t mean  he isn’t awesome though. Because one of Franky’s   greatest character traits is that he breaks the  stereotype of a typical macho man. I mean sure,   he’s loud, buff, and loves building weapons, but  we’ve also seen him cry, embrace his weird side,   and most importantly, Franky openly shows  affection for his friends and family. And   most of these traits were already part of  his character when we met him, but the one   thing Franky is still chasing is to have one  of his own ships and travel the entire world. You see this all ties back to his tragic past.  Because as a child, Franky’s inventions were part   of the reason his father-figure was killed.  That’s because a young Franky used to just   build the biggest, most destructive weapons  that he could just because he thought it was   cool. But he learned the hard way that those  weapons can be used against innocent people,   and since then he has learned to take  responsibility for the things that he creates. Which is why Franky’s future character arc  involves possibly the most dangerous weapon   on the planet. That’s because Franky  was entrusted with the blue-prints for   a weapon that could counter one of the all  powerful Ancient Weapons. And while we now   know that particular ancient weapon is hiding  underneath Wano, someday Franky may have to   decide whether it is right or not to build a  weapon capable of destroying entire islands. But while Franky is going to have to face that  major decision someday, Usopp started out with   a much scarier decision. Because as we all know,  Usopp was a MASSIVE scaredy cat, so his decision   to leave his home island after the Straw Hats  helped save his village is already a HUGE step   on his character journey. And out of all the Straw  Hats, Usopp is easily THE MOST RELATABLE. That’s   because he isn’t a super human fighter with  devil fruit or other crazy abilities. Nope,   he is just a boy with a slingshot who dreams  of becoming a brave warrior of the sea. Just   like many of us, I might add. And it is his  progress towards this goal that makes Usopp   one of the Straw Hats with the most noticeable  character development in the entire story. Because Usopp went from this to this.  And this moment after the timeskip is   super important because his visual  changes really highlight his growth   as a character. Early in the story  he always wore these large overalls,   but post-timeskip he is much more confident  in showing off his new manly buffness. On top of the visual changes, we saw time  and time again that Usopp had to confront   his crippling fears and overcome his weaknesses to  help the crew. For example, he sacrificed himself   for the crew during his fight on Alabasta. In  fact, in each and every arc it seemed like Usopp   got beaten up so badly, yet he continued  to do his best to keep up with the crew. However, beneath the surface,  Usopp was about to break. Because for the entire pre-timeskip journey, Usopp  was not only fighting to keep up with the crew,   but also fighting to convince himself he  deserved to EVEN BE A PART of the crew. And   this all came to a head during the Water 7 arc  because when Luffy decided to get a new ship,   Usopp’s heart broke. Because to him Luffy’s  choice to move on to a better ship was also a   stab in his own heart because he thought maybe  Luffy would get rid of him someday as well. So of course, Usopp and Luffy had their fateful  duel, and Usopp left the crew. Which was just SO,   SO heartbreaking on so many levels and the first   real moment in the entire story where  the crew was on the verge of breaking. However, Usopp’s departure cleared the way  for Sogeking, also known as King of Snipers,   to join the crew during their attempts to rescue  Robin. And while using this alter ego character,   Usopp showed everyone EXACTLY why he is  such an important part of the crew. First,   with his upgraded Kabuto slingshot, he landed  the MOST EPIC SNIPE in the entire story,   when he saved Robin from being dragged  across the bridge AND THEN just when   Luffy was about to be defeated  by this government secret agent,   Usopp’s inspiring speech gave Luffy the  final push he needed to finish the fight. So yeah, in many ways Usopp is irreplaceable  because of his unshakeable desire to help the   crew and his unique skills that literally  no one else in the crew can provide. And   speaking of those skills, we have not  yet mentioned Usopp’s other main ability   which is his skills as a tinkerer. You see,  because Usopp is SO CLEVER at making things,   he has upgraded his own slingshot many times,  going from launching rocks and eggs with this   to shooting off fire balls, plant-based  projectiles, and even terror-inducing   special bullets. On top of that, he has also  upgraded Nami’s Clima-Tact multiple times   taking it from a basic staff with a few tricks  to a full on weather controlling superstaff. And for Usopp there is a clear path ahead in  the story. Clearly, he’s already become a brave   warrior of the seas, but deep down I think Usopp  still needs to convince himself that he is truly   brave. And there is no more perfect place to do  that than the island of Elbaf, home of the giants,   where Usopp is sure to play a large role  due to his former interactions with giants. Now, while Usopp may one day lie his  way to be the king of the giants,   there is one straw hat who can literally become  a giant. That is of course, Tony Tony Chopper,   whose early struggles with accepting  his complicated identity are a vital   part of his character development. Because  when we first meet Chopper on Drum Island,   he has gone through an incredibly tragic past.  First, he was cast out by his herd of reindeer   because he ate a devil fruit that turned him  into a human. Then he was thrown out by the   humans like he was some kind of monster. But after  befriending this quack doctor, Chopper then went   on to accidentally poison the only friend he ever  had, leaving him alone and isolated once again. And while he was eventually  taken in by another old doctor,   his whole past has understandably left  Chopper with conflicted feelings about   himself. But that’s of course  when the Straw Hats come along,   and Luffy basically drags Chopper out of his  hole so he can join the crew. However, Chopper’s   character arc isn’t done yet because deep inside  he still views himself as some kind of monster. I mean, sure, he’s got some weird forms  such as his human form which looks like   an oddly shaped human and this form called,  Guard Point, in which Chopper becomes a big   fluffy ball. But underneath all  of his other pre-timeskip forms,   Chopper is hiding a dark secret. Because with  his medical skills, Chopper invented a drug that   boosts his own power. The danger is that if he  takes too many of these bite-sized drugs though,   Chopper becomes a nearly unstoppable,  mindless giant. And in this form, he gains   incredible size and power, but the downside  is that he literally cannot control himself. And honestly, from a character perspective,  this is just the perfect embodiment of   Chopper’s inner conflict. Deep  down there was a monster hiding,   and Chopper could not control it  when his friends needed him most. That’s not to say Chopper has a sad ending  though because after the time skip Chopper has   both learned to control his monster point AND most  importantly he has accepted who he is. In his own   mind, he IS A MONSTER, but one that he will gladly  embrace as long as he can protect his friends. And whew, that was a deep dive into Chopper’s  inner psyche, but it is honestly one of the   most powerful character arcs from the early parts  of the story. That’s not the only change Chopper   went through though because this adorable reindeer  had many other negative traits that he has since   grown out of. For example, Chopper has always been  a bit of a coward - which makes sense since he is   the youngest straw hat - but he was also easily  tricked and incredibly naive to the point that   he would basically believe anything that people  would tell him. After the timeskip though, Chopper   has gotten a bit wiser, and while he can still be  fooled, he is much harsher with people who do bad   things. For example, when this evil scientist  used drugs to run experiments on children,   Chopper went ballistic and wanted to curse the  gassy scientist with the worst fate imaginable. However, that brings us to the next  part of Chopper’s character which   is his incredible skills as a doctor. And  while he’s always been a top tier healer,   Chopper has gotten much closer to his dream  of being able to cure any disease thanks to   his new experiences traveling with the  crew. This includes visiting isolated   islands to learn herbal healing, working with  scientists to invent new types of medicine,   and of course spending countless hours  healing the crew from their injuries. Of course, he’s also gotten much stronger because  in addition to learning to control Monster Point,   Chopper can now combine forms like Arms  and Jump point to create Kung-Fu Point. And while we saw another side to Chopper  when he met the animal minks on Zou,   and he flexed his doctor magic by  healing the ice-oni plague in Wano,   the only thing that’s really left to see with  Chopper’s story is what kinds of conditions   he will need to heal in the future. For  example, many people expect Luffy to come   down with a life-threatening illness  much like the former Pirate King did,   so we’ll have to see if Chopper can cure  something like that before the end of the story. His whole character arc started back  when Luffy saved Chopper though,   but there has been no clearer moment of Luffy  saving someone than when he freed Nami from her   slavery during the Arlong Park arc. And those two  major themes are what Nami’s story is all about:   Slavery and Freedom. She was locked into slavery  as a child and forced to draw maps for Arlong,   yet at the same time she embodies freedom  because the navigational maps allowed her   to freely sail the seas. So by the time Luffy  came around and literally freed her from Arlong,   she was all set and ready to bring  her maps - and freedom - to the world. However, Nami has faced many obstacles along the  way. With the first and most noticeable being that   she is a weak fighter. And sure, she is clever,  and can trick people better than almost anyone,   but when it comes down to a straight up fight, she  is almost always at a disadvantage. Which is why   the development of her Clima Tact weapon is so, so  crucial to her story. Because with its evolution   from basically no more than a party trick to a  full fledged weapon of destruction, Nami can now   utilize her knowledge of weather science to defeat  enemies that are way, way stronger than herself.   Which is exactly what we’ve seen in Alabasta,  then Enies Lobby, and all the way up through   Wano where she has come through in the clutch  to defeat strong opponents and save her friends. Speaking of saving people though, Nami had  a similar major character arc during the   adventure in Fishman Island. That’s because it  was here that she came face to face with the   exact opposite of the slavery she experienced  growing up. Instead of a group of evil fishman   enslaving a group of humans, here we got  to see just that humans have forced the   entire fishmen race to live under the ocean.  But during this arc we could see that Nami   eventually made complete peace with the fishmen  people for what was done to her in the past. And honestly, that’s been most of her  character development so far. Obviously,   there have been other things such as design  changes, but you might actually be surprised   to hear that there may be more in store for  Nami’s future than you might think. Because   similar to Nami, Sanji had a pretty straight  forward character arc during the East Blue,   and we all thought that was his one Sanji-centric  arc. But fast forward to post-timeskip and Sanji   got ANOTHER focused arc during Whole Cake  Island. And Nami’s past is just as hidden   as Sanji’s was. For example, we don’t know  basically anything about Nami’s biological   parents or the island where she was born. So it  is still possible Nami’s secret past plays more   of a role in the future as she continues her  dream of drawing a map of the entire world. And Similar to Nami, our favorite musical  skeleton’s dream also involves sailing all the   way around the world. Because when we first met  Brook in the spooky fog of the Florian Triangle,   we soon learned that he was a long lost friend  of this giant whale who the Straw Hats met right   at the start of the Grand Line. And Brook wants  nothing more than to be reunited with Laboon,   which will likely only happen once the Straw  Hats make it all the way around the world. Let’s start at the beginning though because  when the Straw Hats first encountered Brook   he was trapped in more ways than one. Obviously,  he was physically trapped because his shadow had   been stolen by a nearby Warlord, but he was also  mentally and emotionally trapped by the death of   his beloved crew and his isolation for the past  fifty years. So when the Straw Hats arrived and   brought some much needed light to this skeleton’s  depressing life, it freed Brook in more ways than   one. And he was literally the perfect addition to  the crew because of his musical talents because in   case you forgot, a musician was one of the very  first things Luffy wanted as part of his crew However, Brook isn’t JUST carried by the crew  because he is actually a strong sword fighter. Of   course we simply must talk about his devil fruit  which allowed his soul to return to his body,   but after the timeskip he even learned  how to master his full devil fruit’s   capabilities. In fact, he can now let his  soul roam freely to do some secret scouting,   and his devil fruit also adds an icy  chill that can coat his sword or the   environment. That’s not all though because  he can even use his tremendous soul powers   to overwhelm the souls of weaker beings,  such as the Homies from Whole Cake Island. Just like many of the other older  characters on the crew though,   he hasn’t needed a ton of personal development.  He was already a soldier and a pirate in the past,   so he knows how to be part of a team, and his goal  simply involves seeing an old friend again. That’s   not to say he won’t play a big role in the future  though since music and whales have significant   ties to the One Piece treasure. There’s also the  legitimate question of if Brook can ever die, so   we have to ask how he might feel if he ever  faces the reality of losing a crew for the second   time - whether from battle, disease, or old age.  Plus let me just throw out I would love to see   some adventure in an underworld type location,  where Brooks’ devil fruit could truly shine. On the downside though, one of Brook’s  least appealing traits is his pervertedness,   which is shared by this next Straw Hat. That  is of course, Vinsmoke Sanji, whose growth in   this particular area still leaves a lot to be  desired. At least he’s not nearly dying from   blood loss at the sight of a pretty girl like  he used to, but still, Sanji is still way over   the top in his obsession with pretty women for  many fans. That is basically the one downside   to Sanji’s character though because starting  when we first meet him, the Straw Hat’s chef   is EXTREMELY kind towards anyone who deserves  it, and oftentimes even those who don’t. He is   willing to sacrifice himself for others, and  besides the lewdness, he is a mature person.   That’s not even considering his exceptional  fighting and tactical abilities. In fact,   one of the best things about his addition to the  crew is that he will do things that no other straw   hat would even think of, such as sneak off to  fulfill some secret mission while the rest of the   crew is in danger. And this can be both good and  bad, but on the whole, it has helped the crew out   of many impossible situations such as when they  needed to escape the buster call on Enies Lobby. But of course we do have to talk about Sanji’s  OTHER. MAJOR. FLAW. Which is of course his   twisted sense of chivalry. Specifically, I’m  talking about his refusal to hit a woman, which,   while that is admirable on the surface, really  just puts the rest of his friends in danger,   like we saw perfectly illustrated during  the fight against the government secret   agents in Enies Lobby. Instead of fighting this  bubbly woman and getting the key to save Robin,   Sanji instead let himself be defeated which  meant Nami had to step up and take his place.   So to summarize, Sanji was not willing to fight  one, clearly evil woman, but he would instead put   his own female friend in even bigger danger…  So yeah, there’s a lot of positives about his   attitude towards women, but early in the  story it really did more harm than good. Of course that CHANGES in a big way later  on, but before we get to that we have to   recognize that over time Sanji has had to  let go of his need to always be the hero.   This characteristic has been a part of his  character FOREVER as he even stayed to help   his mentor Zeff because he felt he owed  a debt to the old pirate cook. However,   things started to change when Luffy took down  the pirate threatening his floating restaurant   home and Sanji joined the crew, but as we’ll  see, it wasn’t fully resolved until WAY LATER.   I’m talking like 800 chapters later because  when Sanji left the crew during the Zou arc,   he was doing so out of a twisted sense of  responsibility and personal conflict. First,   the Emperor Big Mom was threatening Zeff, and  Sanji felt responsible to save the old cook.   Which is great, but Sanji still showed his fatal  flaw because he felt that he needed to do this on   his own. He even went so far as to crush Luffy  to try to get Luffy to give up on rescuing him.   Eventually though, that all changed when Sanji  accepted that he didn’t have to do it on his own,   and - just like Nami and Robin - he realized that  Luffy would never give up on trying to help him. Now, we haven’t even mentioned his  traumatic childhood at all. But, whew,   talk about family drama. Because after the only  person who cared about him died, he was abused,   bullied, and abandoned because he had too much  human emotion. Even after all that though, when   Sanji finally came face to face with his family  as an adult, he showed them that he was proud of   who he was and despite EVERYTHING they did to him  - beating him up, locking him in a dungeon with   this horrific mask, and even disowning him - that  he still wouldn’t let them be killed. This was a   HUGE moment for Sanji, and it showed them just how  strong, mature, AND HUMAN that he truly was. Just   kinda throw that point back in their faces. But at  this point he recognized that he could fully rely   on his crew, and that showed up in an even BIGGER  way during the climactic battles of the Wano arc. Because just like in Enies Lobby, Sanji came  face to face with a woman that he simply   refused to kick. However, instead of breaking his  personal code or allowing himself to be defeated,   Sanji called out to Robin for help because he  trusted she could do what he cannot. And man,   that was a powerful moment for Sanji fans, but it  was actually not the only important development   that Straw Hat’s chef got in Wano. That’s because  we haven’t even mentioned Sanji’s powers yet, but   by this point you should know that Sanji fights  with his legs only. And throughout the story,   he’s learned powers to enhance this fighting style  such as Diable Jambe - which literally sets his   leg on fire - and haki to improve his fighting.  But it wasn’t until Wano that we learned the true   secret to Sanji’s strength. You see, Sanji and his  siblings were genetically modified to be stronger,   but what we didn’t know was that Sanji’s DNA was  mixed with a special race known as the Lunarians.   These Lunarians are basically gods, with extremely  powerful bodies as well as access to fire powers.   So that explains the fiery kicks, but on top of  the genetic modifications Sanji’s technologically   advanced family also developed the Raid Suits  to further enhance these powers. And for a while   Sanji did use his raid suit to increase his speed,  strength, and gain invisibility but by the end of   the arc Sanji rejected the technology and decided  to fight just using his own personal strength. What’s funny about all this development though is  that the more Sanji learns to rely on his friends   and not just himself, the more success he tends  to have with women. In fact, both of these women   had basically fallen in love with him by the  end of the Whole Cake Island and Wano arcs. And while Sanji has had the most development of  any Straw Hat, that doesn’t mean there isn’t more   to come. Of course he needs to fulfill his dream  by finding the mythical All Blue, but there may   also be a situation where he needs to question his  chivalry once again. For example, what if he is in   a scenario where refusing to fight one woman  will result in another woman’s death? I don’t   know yet what he would do, and that’s a bit of  development that could still happen in the future. Which now brings us to the most recent  Straw Hat member, the Knight of the Sea,   Jinbe. And while Jinbe basically has the least  evolution among the straw hats, that doesn’t   mean he didn’t change dramatically in order to  join the crew. Because when we first met Jinbe,   he was a former Warlord who was locked up  with Luffy’s childhood friend, Ace. And   throughout this introduction, his jailbreak  with Luffy, and all the events at Marineford,   we got to see first hand just how AWESOME Jinbe  is as a person and as a character. He is powerful,   loyal, extremely brave, and willing to lay  everything on the line to help his friends. But while we all wanted Jinbe to join, and  Luffy even officially asked him at the end   of the fishman island arc, the former captain  of the Sun Pirates didn’t join the crew until   halfway through Wano. So very much a long coming  addition, but since Jinbe is already so powerful,   mature, and skilled, the only thing  he really needed from Luffy was for   the straw hat captain to save his people from  themselves. And that’s exactly what happened,   as Luffy defeated the New Fishman Pirates,  and the arc ended with this hugely symbolic   scene of Jinbe offering his blood to help save  Luffy’s life. And Jinbe throughout all of this,   Jinbe is basically a parallel to Nami because  whereas Nami was enslaved by Fishmen growing up,   Jinbe’s entire people have been forced  to live at the bottom of the ocean so   that they aren’t subject to racism and  persecution by humans on the surface. Now, while Jinbe has tirelessly worked  to improve human-fishmen relations,   his life with humans has been stained with blood.  In fact, during his time with the Sun pirates,   Jinbe followed the legendary fish  man, Fisher Tiger. During this time,   he witnessed firsthand the cruelty of humans,  who eventually killed his captain. Yet,   instead of wanting revenge, Jinbe just wanted  to save his people. And this loyalty was so   great that he eventually joined the world  government as a warlord so that they would   offer some protection for the entire fishman  Kingdom. Some serious sacrifice right there. But once Luffy saved his kingdom, and  Jinbe took care of his obligations,   the expert helmsman finally joined up with  the crew. And at this point, I don’t think   anyone would argue that there is a more loyal  member of the crew than he is. Of course,   he is working towards the day when his  people can once again live on the surface,   and he will be a big part of bringing  that symbolic dawn to the world. Which brings us to Luffy, and if you listen to  some internet trolls, you may have heard that   Luffy has ABSOLUTELY ZERO character development  all throughout the story. And in some ways they   are right. Luffy has always represented freedom.  He’s fearless, trustworthy, and will ALWAYS Try to   help his friends, so he hasn’t needed to change in  those areas at all. Similar to Zoro, he is kind of   this unrealistic ideal in that sense. However,  Luffy has had to grow A TON in other areas. With the most clear area for growth being  “HOW TO BE A BETTER CAPTAIN”. Because as   we’ve seen countless times throughout the  story, Luffy’s first instinct is to solve   most problems with his fists, but that has  gotten the crew into trouble more times than   not. Even in the recent arcs, Luffy will still  cause MASSIVE PROBLEMS by barging into a fight   instead of stopping to think through a  situation. A perfect example is Luffy’s   first clash with Kaido in Wano. Because after  the blue dragon blasted through a mountain,   Luffy assumed that his friends had been killed  and charged right in to challenge the Emperor.   This of course led to a MASSIVE DEFEAT and  Luffy was then thrown in jail. However, if he   had instead just gone to check on his friends  he would have seen they were perfectly okay. So even in these later parts of the story,  Luffy has some growing to do. That’s not   to say he hasn’t grown through because there  have been moments throughout the story where   he’s had to learn a harsh lesson in leadership.  The earliest of these being this scene from Drum   Island. Because here the crew is just arriving  on the island with Nami suffering from a deadly   illness. And when the island’s citizens  start shooting at the crew, Luffy wants to   jump straight into a fight. However, the Alabasta  princess Vivi makes him stop because she realizes   that if they fight then they probably won’t get  Nami the help she needs. Luffy of course quickly   understands this as well, and bows his head to  ask for help for his navigator. And this is the   first clear example of Luffy having a LONG WAY  to go in terms of effectively leading his crew. And yet another example of his developing  leadership is this bar scene in Jaya when   Luffy, Zoro, and Nami were mocked and had food  thrown all over them. Now, LET ME TELL YOU,   child Luffy, or heck, even East Blue Luffy,  would have jumped straight into a fight and   wiped out all these weak pirates. But with his  growth in maturity, Luffy now understands what   Shanks tried to teach him back in chapter one,  which is that some fights are just not worth it. Which Luffy makes it even more difficult when  their was one fight that he just couldn’t avoid.   And this was without a doubt the HARDEST CHOICE  he’s EVER HAD TO MAKE. And that is when Usopp   disrespect him and the crew, Luffy understood  that he simply MUST stick up for himself, which   ends up in one of the most heartbreaking scenes  in all of One Piece. Because as we all know,   Luffy beat down Usopp and then the crew left their  friend behind. This moment certainly wasn’t easy   for Luffy. In fact, it was ridiculously  painful, as we see in this moment here,   but as Zoro points out, making these  kinds of difficult choices are the   burden of the captain and he can never doubt  himself or the crew will fall behind him. Now of course, Usopp would later rejoin the crew,  but at this point we simply have to mention how   ridiculously powerful Luffy has become after  all this time. But it wasn’t until Enies Lobby   and the fight against the World Government that  Luffy unveiled his first major power up with his   Gear 2 technique. Now of course this ability  vastly increases Luffy’s speed and strength,   but as we’ll see later on it is also the  first step in making his powers more serious   and deadly. And to cap it all off, he shows  this serious side of his nature right after   the Gear 2 moment by declaring war on the world  government, which was the first major step as a   player on the world’s political stage. And this  conflict ended with another major step as he   unleashed his giant-sized Gear 3 attacks to help  take down his first major world government foe. However, there was no greater world stage than  Marineford, and it was during this epic conflict,   and the chapters leading up to it, that  Luffy fully realized that he was helplessly   overmatched when it came to fighting against the  world’s strongest foes. I mean he was literally   powerless in Sabaody, nearly died in Impel  Down, and then, the most agonizing moment,   he lost his childhood friend at  the hands of the marine admiral. Man, such a cruel series of lessons to learn,   but ones that were definitely necessary  for Luffy to achieve his dreams. Which brings us to the time skip, where Luffy  truly evolved into a powerhouse fighter. Of   course, he learned haki and developed his Gear 4  forms, but he also gained the confidence to truly   declare himself as a force in the New World. First  he claimed Fishman Island as his territory. Then   he continued to take down Warlord in Dressrosa,  which was just the first step in challenging   the Emperors of the Sea. He also learned the true  path to finding the One Piece was to collect the   Road Poneglyphs, so that became a priority for  all future arcs. We also saw the evolution of   his Gear 4 forms with Bound man, Tank man, and  Snake man. And this continued his trend of his   forms getting more and more serious looking.  I mean seriously, if you compare this to how   his fights looked early in the series, there  is no doubt that Luffy looks more hard core. But Whole Cake Island also showed us  the power of advanced forms of haki   with Advanced Observation. But that was  just the first step because in Wano he   took that to a whole new level with Advanced  Armament and Advanced Conquerors. However,   nothing quite compares to Luffy awakening his  devil fruit with his Gear 5 transformation.   And if you remember how I mentioned Luffy’s  forms getting more and more serious. Well,   this is a 100% complete reversal because with Gear  5, Luffy unlocked the most wacky fighting style   anime has ever seen. And while we don’t fully  understand the limits of this power quite yet,   it essentially is pure freedom for Luffy  to fight however his imagination allows. Which brings us to Luffy taking down the Emperor  Kaido and becoming a fully acknowledged Yonk in   his own right. However, Luffy’s still not done  growing yet because with all of the power ups,   growth as a captain, and his presence on the  world stage, he still needs to learn how to   can defeat the world government and free the  world from their evil rule. And to do that   he is surely going to need to take down the  evil ruler, Imu, whose name will certainly be   added to the LONG LIST of characters Luffy has  defeated. And if you want to see EXACTLY all   of the characters that the Straw Hat captain has  taken down, from his clashes with Emperors all the   way to characters you forgot even existed,  then you can watch this video right here. Shanks for watching and I’ll  see you in the next one.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 146,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter, one piece what if, what if luffy, one piece chapter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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