What If Luffy Was Actually A Celestial Dragon?

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Who rules the one piece world? Is it the  legendary pirates who sail the seas? Or the   world government's marine fleet, a literal army  that defends the islands of the planet? Or maybe   even god-like characters like Enel or Shirahoshi.  Well, the truth is NONE of these people even come   close. And that’s because the true rulers  of this world are the Celestial Dragons,   the world nobles who live on top of the  red line in the Holy Land, Marygeoise. And   while we normally think these bubble headed  weirdos are just evil people that are slobs,   some of them are THE MOST powerful warriors in  all of one piece. The Gorosei, The Holy knights,   and Imu are just some of the absolute units among  the celestial dragons. But what if there was one   more? I’m talking about Monkey D. Luffy. Or should  I say, Saint Monkey D. Luffy, because I’m about to   tell you what absolute world breaking things would  happen if Luffy was born as a celestial dragon. Now the insane thing is- this might actually  be the truth. We know that at some point,   Luffy’s father was a high ranking member  of the marines- something that’s finally   been confirmed in chapter 1097. And we also  know that high ranking members of the world   government like the admirals and Garp are allowed  inside the Holy Land- interacting with characters   like the celestial dragons and the  gorosei on a number of occasions. Based on Akainu’s anger towards Dragon,  and Garp’s immense power and status- I   think its safe to say Dragon could have been  a vice admiral or an admiral at some point,   and possibly have met a love interest up on the  redline as well. And it may sound crazy since   he’s so against the World nobles in the story,  but we do know that not all celestial dragons   are evil. Characters like Donquixote homing  and rosinante are perfect examples of this. With all this considered, if Dragon did fall  in love and have a child with a world noble,   it could explain why Luffy had to be raised by  Garp in the east blue. He could have known that   once he turned on them: they would either hunt  Luffy down for being only half of a celestial   dragon, or keep and use him as a weapon  for their evil plans. Afterall he IS the   grandchild of the strongest marine, and would  be the son of an absolute force of nature,   so keeping luffy down in the east  blue would be his safest bet. So while all of that could still be the case, for  this video we are going to go with the idea that   instead of betraying the government, Dragon  instead decided to stick things out with his wife,   and raise his son in the Holy Land- trying  to fix the government from the inside. And well I should actually call him  by his NEW marine admiral title,   the Emerald Dragon, Monkey D. Dragon.  Afterall, many important marines have   animal and color titles- like Akainu, The  Red Dog, and Kizaru, the Yellow Monkey. And obviously, Luffy’s being a world noble,   Luffy’s training and childhood are going to  be WILDLY different growing up in the holy   land. He’d have training from top Marines  like his father and grandfather- but also   some lessons from the Holy Knights- a group  of characters I’ll touch a bit more on later. And with all that covered, we can really get  into all of the world shifting changes for   Luffy and the ENTIRE one piece world. Because  as you can imagine- Luffy not sailing the seas   totally flips MAJOR plot points. Like for example,  Luffy loses his signature powers! That’s right,   since Luffy isn’t in the east blue with Shanks,  not only will he never get his straw hat,   but he’ll lose his chance at becoming  the warrior of liberation, Nika! Which   leaves room for another young man in the east  blue to take up that title. Portgas D. Ace! Afterall, nothing drastically change to stop Garp  protecting Ace! And thanks to an awesome theory   with solid evidence, there is reason to believe  that Shanks was actually bringing the Nika fruit   to the east blue FOR Ace. In chapter 968, we learn  that Roger intended for HIS son to be Joyboy.   And Shanks really had NO reason to be going to  East Blue right after stealing this legendary   fruit from the clutches of the navy: except for  seeing a young Ace possibly? Regardless of that,   this is how the story would unfold! So  now we have Joyboy Ace roaming the seas,   and a haki beast on top of the redline, Luffy.  Because you just know that having legendary   fighters like Garp AND Dragon training him,  Luffy would master the basics of Haki early on. Now it does open up room for something  else to change- because now that Luffy   doesn’t have a devil fruit- he could  definitely get a new one! And while   we know that the celestial dragons seem to  shame those with fruits- we also found out   in the god valley flashback that they use  rare ones as incredible prizes. Such was   the case with the Paw-Paw fruit and Kaido’s  Azure Dragon fruit. With all of this known,   it begs the question if Luffy would ALSO  get a hold of an incredibly powerful fruit. And I think the most important thing that would  determine that would be who ends up being his   role model! Afterall, Luffy’s whole devil  fruit origin story revolves around impressing   Shanks. So who exactly would Luffy be trying to  impress, and why would a fruit help him do that? Well I think the answer is pretty clear. There is  one incredibly powerful group among the celestial   dragons that would be the perfect role models for  our young Saint Luffy: The Holy Knights. These   incredible figures were introduced in chapter  1054, and act as the elite forces of the Holy   land. And the absolutely craziest connection  here is that the Holy Knights have a deep link   to Luffy’s original mentor, Shanks. Because the  supreme leader of the Holy Knights is one Saint   Figarland Garling, a character we were introduced  to in chapter 1086. And thanks to Film Red,   discovered that Shanks is ALSO a Figarland- which  will lead to some crazy results down the road. For now though, having a powerful warrior like  Garling right in front of Luffy would inspire   him to join the holy knights, much like Shanks and  the red-haired pirates do in the normal timeline.   Which funnily enough would drive his family nuts,  because Garp and Dragon would 100% want him to be   a marine. No matter what timeline, it just seems  like this kid will NOT join in the military:   But that's okay! Because trying to  impress the supreme leader Garling,   Luffy would end up making one of the most  reckless choices possible. He decides the   best way to win over Garling, proving  he could be a warrior of the holy land,   would be by stealing one of their secret prized  possessions: a rare and mythical devil fruit. We know the world government and the holy land  keep some of the most impressive ones locked away,   so sneaking around either Marineford or Mary  Geoise, Luffy would find himself in an oddly   familiar situation. He’d hear a faint voice  calling to him, drawing him closer and closer to   a locked box: sealed with the world government’s  emblem. After breaking it open, he’d find a fruit   that called to him. In this moment Luffy would  realize that he has the voice of all things, and   it guided him to the mythical zoan devil fruit,  the Hito Hito no Mi- Model : Susanoo-no-Mikoto. He’d take a bite of this bizarre fruit, and  suddenly burst with lightning energy: as a   great storm gathered around the Holy Land. Alarmed  by this, and realizing what would be occurring-   Figarland Garling, Dragon, and The Holy  Knights would rush to the room where this   fruit was held. Seeing a Young Luffy laughing  and zapping things with his new storm god powers! You heard me- I said storm GOD! as in Susanoo, the  legendary god from japanese mythology. For those   of you who don’t know- Susanoo is the younger  brother of Amaterasu, who is the goddess of the   sun, and is often depicted as a wild and rowdy  god governing over the sea and storms. Afterall,   in the normal timeline Luffy became the SUN god,  and we know from Skypiea that there are apparently   4 gods, the Sun God, Earth God, Forest God, and  most importantly for us now, The Rain God. Since   the Nika fruit is connected to being the Sun God,  I think it’s safe to assume that the other gods of   the past were also devil fruit users- or at least  their powers inspired the devil fruits that are   modeled after them. Like possibly Green Bull’s  forest logia fruit, and now Luffy’s Storm God   fruit. Plus the fact that Susanoo is the younger  brother of the Sun Goddess is a nice call out to   Luffy’s original place as Ace’s younger brother:  Since Ace IS the new Sun God in this timeline.   It’s also on brand for Luffy to get the Storm  God fruit, as his father, The Emerald Dragon,   clearly uses storm powers with either his  immense haki or a storm logia devil fruit. But most importantyl, thanks to this rare  fruit, The Gorosei are forced to take action   and figure out what to do with Luffy. He is now  an incredibly valuable weapon for them to use,   Something that the secret ruler of the world, Imu,   would also notice. And after having  heard whispers of Shanks stealing the   Sun God fruit and giving it to Roger’s son, Imu  decides to let the Rain God… Block out the sun. That’s right, Luffy is now being set up to defeat  Ace, which is going to lead to a GODLIKE battle.   But to get him up to speed, the smartest course  of action is to have Luffy join the Holy Knights,   and have the great swordsman Garling be his  master. And as part of this intense training,   Luffy is going to become a master of not  only his haki, but also swordsmanship. This   is because as we learned early on, the gum-gum  fruit's weakness was swords. Kaido theorized   this would also be the case for gear 5, which  is why he used air slashes against luffy in   their battle- something backed up in chapter  1093 when Kizaru forms a laser sword to cut   luffy and leaves a bloody mark. Imu clearly  having some history with Joyboy leads me to   think that Imu knows this as well, and would  want Luffy, the rain god of the holy land,   to be a master swordsman able to cut down  the rubbery Joyboy Ace. Which means Luffy   is going to need a sword to match this divine  title. So how about a couple of supreme blades,   named after the legendary Susanoo’s actual  swords: Kusanagi and Orochi-no-Aramasa-   the blade he used to defeat the 8 headed serpent  Orochi- who the vile shogun of Wano is based on! So to summarize things, we’ve got a storm  god luffy that’s become a holy knight,   and is training to slay Ace- Garp’s OTHER child.  This story is getting absolutely nuts. And what’s   even crazier is what happens when Luffy finds  out that there are fallen world nobles among the   Warlords of the seas! You see, doflamingo’s  story plays out very similarly- however the   revolutionaries who are now led by Ivankov, are  forced to take the charge liberating Dressrosa.    So when word comes out that a warlord is out  there causing trouble in a world government   kingdom- leading to a revolutionary presence-  Luffy’s role as a holy knight kicks into action. He is sent out by Garling to issue some  divine punishment on the fallen angel,   Doflamingo- and in the process shows the world  his OVERWHELMING power. Afterall in a fight   against the master of strings, a dual wielding  swordsman with the powers of a storm god would   SHRED Doflamingo into tiny pieces. With blades  of lightning, Luffy would fly along the wind,   slicing Doffy down. Even with the  overwhelming power of the bird cage,   Storm God Luffy would be a force that just could  not be handled- especially by Doflamingo. He   could hardly handle gear 4th Luffy, and we are  talking about a power that can rival gear 5th! And with the trash taken out, Luffy would  finally have a moment to reflect on things.   He’s finally left the holy land to see the true  world, Luffy wouldn’t simply be satisfied: he’d   be eager to fix the broken world himself. After  all, even in this slightly more evil setting,   Luffy’s still Luffy. He’s a good person trying  to make things better, and this wouldn’t cut it. So with his new found purpose, Luffy would  set out to make sure that none of the other   kingdoms under the world government’s  rule would be threatened. A decision   that would lead him to come face to face with  the man he’s fated to destroy- Portgas D. Ace. Since Ace has been busy fulfilling his purpose  as Joyboy- liberating the kingdoms and the   world at large. By this point, he’s scoured the  world to find his fathers treasure, and with   Shank’s help, has nearly found the One Piece. In  doing so, Ace has been rallying the support of the   kingdoms that hold the Poneglyphs, the map to the  one piece, something that Imu cannot have happen.   Which is why Luffy, The Holy Knights, and  the remaining Warlords are sent to defeat   his fleet once and for all. And in case things  don’t go well, the world government also sent   along The Admirals Dragon, Akainu and Kuzan, and  Ace’s secret Guardian Garp to assist in them. And I think this battle could only  take place in one place: The Kingdom   of Alabasta. After all it’s the home of the  Nefertari clan, a group who have deep ties to   the world government with Lily and Imu having some  ancient past- but it’s also the place we are first   introduced to Luffy and Ace as brothers. It’s only  fitting that their final match would happen here! The full might of the world government squares  off against Joyboy, Red Hair Shanks, and their   allies the giants, the skypieans, and the fishmen.  This battle would be insane, even surpassing the   legendary battle of God Valley. We could see  matchups like Shanks VS Garling, The Admirals   VS The Giants, and possibly even DRAGON fighting  the Revolutionary army! If they knew what was at   stake, they’d absolutely step up to assist the  sun god- especially if Kuma and Ginny are still   commanders! However all of those wild and twisted  battles couldn’t hold a candle to the climax of   this war. The most important fight is literally  a battle of gods : Sun God Ace Vs Rain God Luffy. Their clash shakes the heavens, as their  conqueror’s Haki erupts across the battlefield,   pirates and marines alike would fall to the  overwhelming will of their leaders. The earth   would wobble and shake as Ace bounced around,  using his rubbery body to unleash blow after   blow onto Luffy. Grabbing his lightning  out of the sky and using it back at him-   much like Luffy did in this clash with Kaido.  But in response, Luffy would let his blades do   the talking. Raining slashes upon Ace as he flies  around the battlefield at speeds rivaling Kizaru. And this is the key difference. Unlike  everyone else we’ve seen attempt to take   down the Nika transformation, Luffy would  be hard countering it. Using his swords,   Ace just would not be able to hold his  own. Eventually leading to a moment where   Luffy would raise his swords up, and go to  cut Ace down- much like his father Roger. However it’s in this fateful  moment, at the end of their fight,   that Luffy is shown the truth of the world.  Before cutting his long lost brother down,   he see’s Ace’s crew fighting their hearts out. He  notices that all of the kingdoms Ace has saved are   thriving because of his actions. And he is shown  the true struggle and despair of the marines,   as his own troops are miserable. Everything that  Luffy has known to be true is actually a lie. And it’s here that Luffy would put down his  blades. He is not like his Grandfather: He’s   not going to cut down someone who simply wanted  to change the world. Afterall, it’s the whole   reason Luffy is fighting! So he’d extend his hand  out to Ace, and help him up. Stopping their clash   and accepting that he has to change- and that the  Sun god’s goal is something he can get behind. From here though, the world would be flipped  upside down! Who knows how Garling and Shanks   would react? Would Garp and Dragon finally  switch sides? Or would Imu use the mother   flame to destroy Alabasta and the two gods?  All I know is that the rain clouds have parted,   and the sun is shining through, and a rainbow  of hope is all that’s left. And if you thought   this was crazy- just imagine what would happen  if we flipped Luffy and Ace’s lives? Oh well you   don’t actually have to imagine, because  you can check this video out here where   I break down what might have happened if  Luffy was Roger’s son- and it’s a doozy.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 221,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter, one piece what if, what if luffy, one piece chapter
Id: ElNqbfIano8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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