All 7 Admirals In One Piece Explained! (stronger than gods)

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these seven Admirals are the world government's greatest military power considered to be some of the strongest fighters in the entire series and today we will explain and rank all of them starting with aokiji the blue pheasant kuzan is the first Admiral we were introduced to in the anime after the straw hat crew encountered him during the long-ring long land Arc there he easily outclassed the whole crew and made Luffy realize just how powerful the animals really are although kuzan tries to follow the world government orders he occasionally disreguids them which was best shown in alhara when he lets young Robin Escape he was also shocked by sakazuki's decision to blow up a ship full of civilians which he thought was completely unnecessary kuzan ate the hiah no me a lokia type devil fruit that allows him to create control and transform his body into ice since ice is a solid element kuzan can be hit easily even with the attacks not being fused with hockey however these attacks cannot harm him in any way instead his body would just shatter apart when struck only to effortlessly be formed seconds later kuzan is also able to form constructs out of ice for example in combat you can create Weaponry primarily forming swords and Spears but he can also make more advanced things like a giant pheasant to send flying at enemies an interesting thing about kusan is that he's one of the few devil fruit users who can bypass the weakness of falling into the sea he can achieve this by freezing the sea before you can sink below the surface not only does this keep him from drowning but it also lets him prevent enemies from escaping by sea by freezing their ships in place or rendering the sea a solid Battleground for entire armies to fight on during the summit war kuzan's power was well exemplified with him engaging Whitebeard the strongest man in the world head to head in holding his own he also battled zozu one of the whitebeard's most formidable men and defeated him with relative ease completely incapacitating him for the rest of the war ultimately kuzano emerged from the war almost entirely unscathed with nothing but a small bruise which when you think about the scale of this war it's pretty impressive after the Marine fordward he was nominated for the position of Fleet Admiral but lost it in combat against takaini after akanye was appointed aokiji resigned from his position refusing to serve under a kind due to his cruelty following his departure from the Marines he became part of the Blackbeard Pirates one of the most feared crews in the world based on all of this aokiji should easily be in the a tier ryokugyu the green bull ryokugu attained his Admiral status off screen during the two-year time skin killing one of the two free Admiral spots left by aokijianakaini during the latest level ryokukyu and fujitora engaged in battle with the flame member Sabo and a few revolutionary Army commanders he also effortlessly defeated king and queen two All-Stars of the Beast pirates with bounties of over 1 billion bellies ryokukyu ate the morimorino me a lokia type devil fruit that allows him to create control and transform his body into plants notably as plants are a solid element He cannot turn intangible however non-hockey attacks are still harmless to him and he'll easily heal from any damage the way he regenerates is also pretty interesting as he regenerates by sprouting out of the ground and growing back into his normal self when attacking the Beast Pirates he turned his fingers into sharpened tree branches and freely grew them to inhale dozens of enemies over a large share you with ease additionally his plants can rapidly absorb any liquid they touch which includes dehydrating leaving creatures after impaling them leading them as shriveled husks furthermore he appears to be able to taste the liquid he absorbs as shown when he impaled a barrel of alcohol with a branch and remarked on its flavor he can also perform really unusual Feats with the plants that he generates such as growing a giant flower on his backing using it to fly it has also been shown that ordinary grass and flowers grow on any surface he touches resulting in him leaving behind a trail of plants wherever he walks this was shown when udon which is known to be a Barren in desolate area was shown with Greenery for the first time in many years it's unknown if this is passively active or something he does on purpose but it's cool nonetheless although ryokuyu is obviously a very strong fighter I don't really think he's on the same level as aokiji so I'll have to put him in beat here the yellow monkey kizaru is the only remaining Admiral from the previous Trio without kiji leaving in a kainu being promoted as with other Admirals hisar's mere presence is enough to cause mass panic and scare many weaker Pirates this this was perfectly showcased on the celebrity archipelago where most of the supernovas fled upon seeing him while on the island kizaru was able to overwhelm four of said supernovas Hawkins uroge X Drake and Oppo with no effort defeating each of them in a single attack gizotto also engaged in a one-on-one battle against Silver's Rayleigh the former right hand of the pirate king and one of the strongest Swordsmen in the world during their short battle while Rayleigh looked very tired kizaru seemed calm implying that if their fight continued he would easily be able to defeat him during the summit War he once again showcased his strength by battling several of whitebeard's division commanders on equal footing and later Whitebeard himself Lulu was able to seriously injured without a doubt his greatest strength lies in his devil fruit the Pika pikanomi which allows him to turn his body into light with it he can move at light speed allowing him to maneuver around the battlefield without his enemies being able to keep up unless they have sufficiently developed observation hockey gizotto also uses his light speed to repeatedly smash the Subscribe button alright that's just it's a stupid joke but you should seriously press it if you like the content thanks thanks anyway you can also kind of teleport himself using the devil fruit transforming his body into light and appearing in another location his physical attacks can be strengthened as well by moving his leg at the speed of light the Admiral's kicks can be given massive weight and momentum greatly increasing their power and allowing kizado to deal tremendous damage to opponents with individual blows now kizado is a very tricky Admiral to ring as he's always very confident and thinks he can easily defeat anyone for now I'll have to put him in the AIDS here but he definitely has the potential to be an S tier in the future if he proves himself black arm Zephyr Zephyr also known as Z was a former Marine Admiral and the commander-in-chief of the neo-marines he served as the main antagonist of one Piece Film Z where he and his forces clashed with the straw hat Pirates as they were caught in the midst of his grand plan to destroy the new world after he resigned from the millions he was requested to stay in the military as an instructor and he trained many powerful Cadets who had become the high-ranking officers of their generation including kizaru aokiji and akaini even after he completely abandoned the world government many of his former students showed genuine remorse having to fight their instructor indicating that he was an excellent and charismatic teacher alongside GARP sangoku and suru Z was one of the most powerful Marines of his generation another interesting thing about him is that he's the only no Marine Admiral that doesn't possess the devil food Powers despite his old age Zephyr had tremendous physical prowess he was easily able to counter Luffy Zoro and Sanji despite fighting them inside of a small cabin with none of the three strongest straw hats able to land her Direct Hit since he didn't eat a devil fruit he mostly relied on his hand-to-hand combat skills using his physical strength and hockey to fight he could Clash evenly against Luffy while in his Gear 2 form and keep up with kizaru for some time he was aware of his age though and after his final battle against Luffy he admitted that he had grown old and weak since ephra is considered non-canon and there isn't much information about his Feats as an admiral I'll unfortunately have to put him in seat here fujitora the Wisteria tiger same as green bull fujitora attained his rank off-screen during the time skip his Justice motto as a marine is Humane just and his primary goal is to protect as many people as possible he tries to never put innocent civilians In Harm's Way during conflicts and avoids causing collateral damage with his attacks overall he's a pretty good guy he's also really strong as well as he was able to fight Sabo to more or less of a standstill emerging from a battle without a scratch it was also evident that he didn't go all out in this battle and merely stalled for time which means that his actual power is way higher another one of fujitora's Feats is defeating Jax kaido's top commander in a naval battle despite being blind due to his other acute senses and observation hockey fujitora can handle himself perfectly well in combat even against very powerful enemies notably he has excellent hearing having heard nami's lightning from kilometers away when neither doflamingo nor La next to him did he also stated that he's able to sense the movement of clouds which doesn't seem very useful but it's cool I guess fujitana ate the Sushi Zushi Nomi a paramisia type devil fruit that allows him to manipulate gravitational forces fujitora can drastically increase the gravity around others keep them on the ground and making it difficult for them to move you can also further increase the gravity and press down opponents under immense pressure even going as far as to create large craters deep into the ground moreover the Admiral can also use these Powers defensively by making fields of reverse gravity to repel attacks you can also use gravity to pull objects directly towards himself which fujitotah has used multiple times to summon meteorites to strike his opponents despite his incredibly powerful devil fruit abilities ishel is also a master swordsman which he showed when he easily deflected Soto's attack and sent him underground although he saw fujitotify several times it was never again seriously strong opponents therefore for now I'll have to put him in the B tier with green bull akinu the red dog akinu is the current Fleet admiral of the Rings and is believed by fans to be the strongest current Admiral in the story sakazuki has command over the entire Marine organization from ordering all soldiers and officers as he sees fit to issuing a buster call on any Island he deems to be a threat his only superiors are the world government's commander-in-chief Kong and the five Elders Akino is an Adam believer in absolute Justice and he believes that all evil should be eradicated even if it requires sacrificing innocent Minds in the process he is incredibly rigid and absolute in his beliefs showing little compassion for anyone or anything and is ruthlessly willing to do whatever it takes to serve his own goals no matter the cost because of this akinu is by far the most ruthless out of the three pre-time skip Admirals during the Buster call attack on Ohara sakazuki's beliefs led him to go as far as destroying a refugee ship full of innocent people and Marines simply because of the slight possibility that a scholar could be hiding on board sakazuki's logic was that if even one of the scholars of Ohara had escaped the entire Mission would have been a failure during the summit War sakazuki's fighting prowess was well established against Whitebeard whom the Admiral matched up to in a head-to-head confrontation while Whitebeard managed to gain the upper hand and deliver a serious blow to Akainu the Admiral managed to melt off half of whitebeard's face in the exchange further during the war sakazuki proved himself firmly Superior to Ace effortlessly overpowering him in a clash and killing him afterwards ultimate currently sakazuki proved to be unstoppable and not even the combined efforts of jinbei Marco and Vista could do anything more than slowing down it was only when Shanks arrived and personally engaged to kainu that he finally stopped fighting we didn't see much of a kainu post time skip but it is believed that he got even more powerful and will probably be one of the final obstacles on Luffy's Journey after he managed to defeat aokiji and build some serious damage to White Beard I believe that Akainu is the first Admiral that deserves to be placed in the S tier sengoku the Buddha sengoku was the fleet admiral of the Marines during the first half of the series he was one of the major figures in the world along with Whitebeard cheeky and GARP during the times when Goldie Roger was still alive sometime during the time skip he became a general inspector and his position was taken by akinu although not much is known about sengoku's past we know that he joined the Marines at the age of 23 and eventually rose up through the Rings achieving Admiral status he was also powerful enough to stop and capture the Legendary Pirate Golden Lion Shiki in a battle that destroyed half the Marine for him during the summit War he mainly stayed on the sidelines and was responsible for commanding the Marine forces he ultimately did a pretty good job and with the kainu's help he managed to turn one of whitebeard's allies against him sengoku ate the hitohito Nomi model daibutsu a mythical Zone type devil fruit that allows him to transform into a large Golden Buddha boosting his powers and overall strength massively this form also allows him to launch golden shock Waves by striking his hands forward and was strong enough to injure even the Blackbeard Pirates when sengoku first used his fruits powers in an attempt to execute both Luffy and Ace nearby Marines noted that they had never seen him use it before suggesting that he rarely transforms okay so where should sengoku be in the rankings well we need to take into account that he's very old and before marineford he probably didn't fight anyone for a long time honestly I don't think he could take on any of the younger animals in his current state and therefore I'll have to place him in the sea tier click on this video where we explained 52 secrets about one piece that you definitely didn't know
Channel: Yeagerists
Views: 1,141,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, luffy, all bounties revealed, strongest one piece characters, all admirals explained, aokiji, kuzan, akainu, sakazuki, kizaru, borsalino, strongest admiral in one piece
Id: eeEyvkMvx7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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