The 2024 Election Will Be Rigged | Joe Rogan & Mike Baker

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how much when you you hear about Shenanigans when it comes to voting when it hear when you hear about like particularly corruption involved with mailing ballots it seems to be a sticking issue with people how much of a security issue is that like the mail and ballot thing yeah look if there's an opportunity for fraud or chaos some people somewhere you know whether Democrats or Republicans or whatever if there's if there's a fraud opportunity there will be an element that will try to play off of that right that's especially if they think that it's imperative that this happen for this future of democracy future of democracy oh my God I'm saving the country despite what I'm doing soite what you're doing being very unamerican right exactly you're engaging in voter corruption so I don't I don't have any insight or Insight information about you know to what degree there's a a problem with with uh with uh mail in ballots and voter fraud but to me I I tend to be a little more simplistic I remember a lot of elections where you just show up you show your ID you fill out the form and then by that evening you found out who won right it didn't seem to be that complicated and now and nobody seemed really disenfranchised right so I I would like to see us just go back to the normal way of voting right and do we vote on it like how do you how does people how do people decide whether or not mailing ballots are appropriate because the reason why they were there in the first place was Co right but now that it's there and it's set up now there's this resistance to get rid of mail and ballots but if if that is the thing that keeps us closer to corruption and it seems to be that's the thing that's an element that you can [ __ ] with right and you and you do this all the time in in uh in the business environment or whatever you you look at your protocols in place you remove you know lack of controls where you know fraud could seep in right it's it's a common thing you don't it it's it shouldn't be shouldn't be difficult but so then you have to look at it with some skepticism right are you genuinely concerned that you know somehow there were vast swaths of the the population that were disenfranchised and not able to vote right or just can't get themselves an ID right which I think is an insulting stance to take for a lot of people but you're not you're not I'm sorry you're not smart enough to get yourself an ID but you need one if you have a vaccine yeah but you need one if you have a vaccine or you yeah or or from s feed yourself you need one but one to vote cuz that's you know that's racist so yeah exactly something so I think you know to me it just seems like we should look at it from from a perspective of the way that you would do it if you were running a business which is I want to minimize the potential opportunities for fraud how do I do that it's very [ __ ] simple seems [ __ ] simple you phrase it that way yeah so but they that's not how it's not how they're how they're doing it right now and is that something that can be voted on that's the question uh I like who who decides leave it up to the people you mean well who decides that mail in ballots are still legitimate well I I guess that was that a a federal or a state decision I think is I I don't know that's a very good question um yeah I who knows cuz I have friends that believe there was no voter fraud at all and I have friends that believe that 100% Trump won yeah yeah I'm the same way I've got both sides and you think okay well look someone's going to be wrong well and and usually the answer is somewhere in in you know in that range in the middle there's some fraud was it enough to like [ __ ] things over I who knows I don't know it's it's but again I keep going back to the operational concerns which is just just minimize the potential for fraud mail in ballots have always been mail in bats have been a thing right you're you're serving overseas or or whatever uh but there was a protocol for it and it was very straightforward and and very clear and now you know the the the concern over ballot harvesting and and mailin ballots and having you know months to get your having you know uh weeks pass before you know who won right yeah talk about uh instilling you know skepticism Over The credibility of your voting system take take weeks to figure out who won a [ __ ] election [Music]
Channel: University Of JRE
Views: 50,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRE, Clips, Podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience
Id: 71uGUuNf8dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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