Former neighbor disputes Alito's explanation of upside-down U.S. flag flying at his home

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geoff: A fororr neighbor of suprememcourt justice Samuel alalo said that, in her wowos, worst, he's juststutright lying,g,bout his account of aa neigigorhood dispute that leleto hoisting an N side-down American flag at hihivirginia home. Ththinverted flag is assococted with T T effort to overturn president Biden's 2020 election win. Justice Alito has S en in the spotlight over flyingg contntversial flags at his homes, as fifit revealed by reportininfrom the New York Times. Our Lisa Desjardins S ins us now. Lisa, what's S W here in this accocot? Sa: Importata details about E timeline is new butut I also want T talk about why this matters. Justice Alito is cururntly sittininon two cases about January 6, one abououformer presesent trump's involvement. These cases C cld determine a lot about oururuture here. And alsls justice Alito has defended himselflfs saying hiss wife H hsted T T flag. He saiai he will not recusus himself. Itit is solely up T Thim by the Y. And he has said that under the supreme court'ethics code, at matters ishat I someone ISIS impartial and a ae to look at all the circumstancece involved, if thehethink H could be E ir than he E could not recuse pretty so the circumsmsnces matter because justice alili himself sasa they would. Here's how he desesibed what happened in a leleer to did bin. He wrote, a house on thth strtrt displayeye a sign attacking my wife personally and a man prprated her in myy presence using foul lalauage including what I R rard as a vilest epithet that C C be addrereed to a wowon. Now, a couplpldetails in this. He said that is why his wife flew this flag,g,hich could be a sign of distress.. We know now F fm the neighbor who was involved D at it was tually a woman who used thaha word about other womenen and she S ss that the timeline was completete wrong. I want to take us through that timeline nowowecause that is important. It stated January 6. That ISS when we saw upside dodo flagslying as the stop thee steal movememe attacked the cacatol and movedednside to trtr and stop P E presidential election count.. Soon after T tt Alito's neighbors put Upp a sign thatat said you are complicic. They saiai it was not just abobo him but a AUT people in general.. Alito's fafaly took that as out being about them.. Janunuy 17 is when we knowow upside down flfl was flying at the Alito home. The importata piece here is alitit said that was flying because of T T confrontation. But now we know thehe is evidenen that February 15 5 actualal when that confrontatiti happpped, after the upspse down flagagad been flying. Here'what that neighbor saiai to CNN. >> At T St he is mistaken, butut at worst he is J jt outright lying.g. The interaction thatatappened on February 15 is T T one that they''re using as an excususfor why theyeylew the flag. And I really want to H hmer home the fact that that H hpened on februaryry5, and their flag wentnt up two or three weekekbefore thatat Lili: So ththquestion is, this sounds like a minor thing B B it is a V vy big deal over exactlyly why this flalathat was about something that T tacked our democrcry was flying over a supreme court T stice'some. Geoff:f: What role does congrgrs have in N L this? There are questiononover whether or how congress could impmpe a tougugr code of ethics on thth supreme C crt. Ere are questions abobo the senateteudiciary committee. Will they hold a hearing, will they call justice Alito or justice Roberts to theheill to accocot for all of this? Walk us S rough all of that. Lisa: There are very loud calls from Democrats, nototust to call the justicece but to subpoena him. I spspe to the head of that committee, D dk Durbin, and he said the problem I is they don't have that power.r. Under the ruleleof the U.S. Senate R rhtow that was agreed to it is closely D dided senate, in order to issue E subpoenen, it commitite can do it by majoritit vote they cannot takakany action unless at least two republilins come to O at meeting. Soso the thinkinin I is republicaca could simpmp boycott that meeting. Would notappen, they cannot enenrce it on the floor, whichh would alsoake 60 votes. It is important bececse cocotitutional checks andnd balances is S T the balance hehe. Is senate rulul. They could have a H ring and caca other people. Dick Durbin hasasaid he does not think there woululbe mucuc reason do that at this poioi. But he has S sd he thinks a ato shshld R ruse and H he is what Durbin S sd this week on the senate floor. >> Disisaying the upside-downn American flag and appepe to even flag creates thee appearance that jujuice Alito S already aligned himsmsf with the E op the steal campaign.n. Cannot credibly claimimo be umpire calling balls S D striris in these cases. Lisa: Durbin's S mmittee is working on an investitition of alalsupreme court justicece I amamold they had hoped too release it soon bututll O of this with Alito means T TRE is new uff to investigate. Geoff: Lisa Desjardins, T tnk you so M mh. Lisa: You are welcoco.
Channel: PBS NewsHour
Views: 192,841
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Id: Z7tHca-G7hc
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Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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