The 2018 BMW M5 Is a $120,000 Super Sedan

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At the LA Autoshow some German guys showed how the car would be used most often (on the Autobahn) haha

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/CanUCorrectMyGrammar 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

Im confused, is this a review of the new M5 or is it a smartphone/ tablet review?

Edit: spelling.

👍︎︎ 257 👤︎︎ u/hakuna_ma-ta 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

/u/Doug-DeMuro you should do a Europe tour for few weeks and review cars you can't get in USA, liek Renault, Skoda, Seat, Peugeot etc.

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/ibumetiins 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oh no...the speeding line in the speedometer.....I'd take that thing as a challenge to get as much red as possible on my speedo.

Edit: This is the third BMW video with the camera and gesture system and Doug is fascinated by it each time.

And I'm totally onboard with him. No matter how many times I see that shit it blows my fucking mind.

But I know as an Italian I'd send the car all kinds of wacky gestures and probably tell the car to Kill All Humans or some shit.

👍︎︎ 173 👤︎︎ u/Michelanvalo 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 166 👤︎︎ u/Chlastusiek 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

This car really serves to show how far traditional Torque Converter autos have come.

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/Cheehos 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 290 👤︎︎ u/Cheehos 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

i bet this car gets better real world MPG's than my car.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

Is it just me or did the driving part of this video seem unusually short?

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
this is a 2018 BMW m5 the sticker price on this car is a hundred and twenty thousand dollars it does zero to 60 in three seconds or less and it has 600 horsepower that sounds like a supercar but actually it's a luxury family sedan that's also a supercar today I'm going to show you around it I've borrowed this m5 from Crevier BMW here in Orange County California this is the number one BMW dealership in the country by sales they have seemingly every BMW you could possibly imagine including the new m5 which is just coming out for the 2018 model year in its sixth generation enthusiasts call this the F 90 model and today I'm going to show you around it and show you all of the quirks and features of the new m5 but before I do that a little overview now like I mentioned this car has 600 horsepower that's 40 more than the old one and that's courtesy of a 4.4 liter twin-turbo v8 that also makes 553 pound-feet of torque 0 to 60 in 3 seconds and that's achieved in part thanks to a new all-wheel-drive system yes that's right the m5 is now all-wheel-drive it has to be to get that much power to the ground but it's not a regular all-wheel-drive system it's a special M all-wheel-drive system that can switch between all-wheel drive and full rear-wheel drive when the situation calls for it the latest m5 is also the first m5 generation to be offered solely with an automatic transmission with no manual option available it's an 8-speed unit with a traditional torque converter rather than a dual clutch like the last model which is a surprising decision anyway today I'm going to take you on a tour of the new m5 and I'm going to show you all of its interesting quirks and features then I'm going to get behind the wheel and drive it and then I'm gonna give it a dug score and for more of my thoughts on the m5 click the link below to visit slash oversteer where I've ranked all six m5 generations in my opinion from best to worst first off take a look at this this is the 4.4 liter twin-turbo v8 that's bringing us all 600 horsepower next up we move on to the front bumper and if you look down there you can see the adaptive cruise control sensor that's not particularly unusual most luxury cars have that the cool thing about this cars is it's heated so if you're driving in a snowy climbing and snow and ice builds up on that it will heat itself to clear those things off it so it can still provide adaptive cruise control even in the snow next up we move on to the headlights now this car has BMWs the latest round of crazy futuristic headlight technology and they look really cool when you look at them but the coolest part is when the running lights are on check this out you look at them from the side and you don't really see any light so you go around to the front and you can see it has these little rings of LED that appear to be like floating in the headlight housing it is one of the coolest headlights I've seen and probably also like eight grand to replace when you break it in an accident also interesting with the lights this car has parking lights and I don't mean like little tiny lights to help you park I mean once you've parked there's a set of lights you can turn on older European cars had this I'm surprised to see it in this car the way it works is you park the car you turn it off then you press a little button next to the steering wheel to turn on the lights on one side both the taillight and the headlight the theory is you turn it on on a narrow street on the side closest to traffic so they'll see you better at night and they won't hit you so interesting is the design of the mirrors on this car which are kind of unusual they almost look like they intersect the a pillar twice but they don't next we move on to the trunk where there are a couple of interesting items worth discussing one is this little pamphlet mounted on the inside of the trunk it shows how to open the trunk automatically it also demonstrates how you can waive your foot under the bumper and open the trunk and it does that by showing a little image of a key fob with human legs which is kind of an interesting visual now next up moving inside the car I want to go back to the steering wheel for a second and specifically these little red switches on the top of the steering wheel these are the M modes and they are fully customizable driving mode the reason there are two of these switches is you're able to set up the two separate driving modes based on how you like it if for example you have one mode for your commute you want quick throttle response but you want sort of soft suspension then you have another mode for the track where you want everything to be at its maximum sportiness well then you don't have to go through and adjust each thing you can just tap the thumb button and you're in your track end mode or your street and mode next up I want to mention this is just about the most configurable heads-up display I'd ever seen in addition to regular and M there's also an individual heads-up display setting that allows you to customize exactly what items you want to see or don't want to see on the heads-up display it is also full color and of course it can be raised or lowered and rotated from side to side at your heads-up display when mixed up moving on to the gauge cluster there is one especially unusual thing about the gauge cluster it's a screen completely and fully like in most luxury cars but it still has these little silver rims on the outside of the gauges take a look at the gauge cluster when it is off and you'll see what I mean all you see are the silver rims but when you turn it on then the screen comes on and each of the gauges fit neatly within their silver rims the rims actually come out from the gauge cluster they're not part of the screen they're just always fixed in place there and frankly I think it gives it kind of a cool and unusual look there is one very odd option in the speedometer of this car like many modern luxury cars this one automatically detects the speed limit of the road that you're on and if you want there is a setting you can turn on that will make a little red area appear between the speed limit and the speed you're traveling if you're speeding so basically a little red area can come on in the speedometer and show you by how much you're speeding which is actually kind of a cool feature if you think about it the next we move on to the gear lever which is sort of unusual weirdest thing about it is there's a button on top and it isn't a button you have to press to put it in gear or to put it in park instead that button controls how fast it shifts from one which is the slowest all the way to three which is the fastest the park button is actually on the bottom now a couple of other interesting items worth mentioning in the center console and start with those dynamic selector buttons to the left the shift lever they let you easily switch between sport and comfort and whatever for your steering your acceleration and your suspension also interesting in the center console you have the exhaust button you can make the exhaust sound nice and meaty or you can make it sound boring you take a listen to the exhaust button with the exhaust off and now take a listen with it on as you can tell there's a pretty substantial difference and one kind of cool thing about this car it defaults to on so even if you turn it off you walk away you want it to be quiet you get back in it's back on because this is an M car and not some boring quiet luxury car one other interesting item in the center here worth mentioning is the storage bin you can see it has sort of two lids and they open individually the theory here is that if the driver wants to access the center storage bin but the passenger is being annoying and wants to use it as an armrest you can do that because you can keep the armrest on one side and open it on the other a lot of BMWs have this but it's worth mentioning because it is pretty good thinking now next we move on to the camera system in this car which is just about the craziest I've seen I only showed you this in the BMW M 760 and the rolls-royce phantom which uses BMW technology but it's worth looking at again because it is just so cool first off take a look around the car you can see their various BMWs and there's like a building over here and now take a look at the camera system you can see it's showing the car with those items around it as if there's a camera mounted on the outside of the car that is looking at the car here's the craziest thing in order to move the camera around all you have to do is sort of move your fingers in any direction and the camera will follow them using something BMW calls gesture control I'll get to that more in a second isn't this just the coolest camera system you've seen like I said I know I've showed it to you a couple times before but it's just incredible to behold another cool thing about the camera system if you're in the top down of you which is one of the many angles that you can get it shows exactly where the doors will open so that you can be sure if you get onto the car and you open your door you won't hit something which is a really good idea also back to gesture control for a second BMW has like sensors or a camera or something right here and if you make various gestures it will do various things for example you can see right now I'm turning up and down the stereo without actually turning up and down the stern just moving my finger in a circular motion and it knows that that has been closed volume up or volume down and it responds in kind next we move on to the button next to the hazard lights that shows a car with like a force field around it that button controls all of your safety technology you press it and it pulls up an immense amount of safety features nearly all of which are configurable we've already moved on from cars just having a safety feature now you can configure it in many different ways for example in the frontal collision warning system you can configure it to be early medium or late lane departure warning always reduced or off you can configure all of the different safety features a couple of interesting items here what is the pedestrian warning feature that shows up like something configurable but if you click on it you'll see that it says cannot be configured BMW does not let you turn off the pedestrian warning feature which is probably a good idea another cool thing if you turn off all the safety features you go on a menu just turn them off then the little button that lit up with the force field around the car suddenly the force field no longer lights up signifying that you are no longer protected by your force field of BMW safety equipment the next step we move on to the seats where there are a couple of interesting items worth noting when you reach over to the left of the seat in order to move it forward or backward remove the backrest it moves just like a normal seat but then it also shows in the infotainment screen exactly what it's doing it's like isn't the movement enough I already know the backrest is moving forward because I'm feeling the backrest move forward but for some reason they also want to show you that the backrest is moving forward but when one other amazing thing about those seat controls when you move the seats it appears on the screen letting you know what direction you're moving it but you don't actually have to move it instead take a look at this I place my finger on the control for the backrest and the backrest control pops up on the screen I place my finger on the control for the bottom part and that also shows up on screen I guess the theory here is people get mad they touch something down there you can't see those controls and they move the seat in a direction they don't want to so now if you simply put your finger on one of those controls it lets you know what you're touching so you don't accidentally move the seat in a direction you weren't expecting let's talk about the speakers this car has the optional Bowers and Wilkins sound system the speakers look very cool they have this metal look but more interesting than how they look on the outside is how they look on the inside there's a little light inside the speakers that sort of looks like a cyclo and it has a very cool look especially in the dark now the interesting thing is you can turn off that light if you want to be a grumpy sourpuss and you don't want to see the cool cyclone late in your speaker's speaking of interior lighting check this out when you approach the car at night the m5 logo in the seats lights up to greet you in to remind you what you're driving next up we move on to the climate controls and the climate controls although they look like buttons in this car it's actually a touchscreen you just tap it and then it does whatever you tell it to next up here is a really cool climate control feature in this car obviously that's heated seats cooled seats it has heated rear seats and it has a heated steering wheel and you can manually turn all those things on or you can go into the infotainment system and check this out you can actually set a temperature at which they automatically come on so if you want your heated rear seats to automatically come on when it reaches 52 degrees you can set them to do that in the moment it goes up to 53 they will turn off it's the same with the heated steering wheel the cooled seats you can have all those things automatically come on so you don't have to waste your precious time pushing a button when you feel cold the car will simply warm up your butt for you also cool in this car is the preset buttons now in your car you have regular radio presets this car takes things a step further it allows you to configure the buttons one through seven to do basically anything you want so for example there's a little icon in the infotainment system called the sport displays that show your current horsepower and torque at any given moment now I've just programmed the sport display to appear when I press the 1 preset in the center control stack you can do that by just holding down the preset when you have the sport displays up and it programs it and then check this out no matter what screen I'm on I press 1 and the sport displays appear the cool thing is you can still use those presets for radio stations so maybe you want your favorite radio station program to button one and your seat heating menu program to button 2 and another radio station on 3 your sport displays on four you can use them for a lot of different functions inside the car next up it's almost incredible the lengths this car goes to to make you feel connected while you're on the move for example this car will display whether and it won't just display whether in your local community although that's what it defaults to when you initially go into the Weathermen you in fact you can choose anywhere my favorites is that you can have the car tell you the weather in your destination so if you have a destination plugged into the navigation system you can tell the car to tell you what the weather will be when you arrive wherever you're going but forget about weather all cars tell you the weather this one also tells you the news there's a little news app you click on it and you can read various news stories but why read when you can listen that's right this car will literally tell you the news and more than that look at the picture over there for this news story it's this ultra high-resolution graphic of whatever is being described to you so you can look at the news while it's being told to you which is just sort of the ultimate luxury when you're in a car like this but forget about the news for a second check this out we can go on Yelp and I mean we can really go on Yelp I'm browsing pet stores in the area and has all of them listed let's see what's going on at Blue Ribbon Pet Grooming click on it and it gives the address the phone number but it also gives specific Yelp ratings from people Jocelin loved it Magdalena loved it Nicole not quite so happy I bet they trimmed her kakapo too short and Yelp is nothing take a look at this there's something called wiki local and it tells you various interesting facts and information presumably from Wikipedia about nearby points of interest for example here's the entry for nearby century high school did you know century high was built in 1989 the school colors are blue silver and green which sound like they don't really go together that well and the principal is Jonathan Swanson hey Johnnie head down to Crevier BMW that gets a good lease deal on an X 4 and once you don't have to busy yourself with reading it will read the Wikipedia article to you and tell you about whatever local point of interest that you're interested in so if you're in your m5 and you're bored well you can just have your car read Wikipedia to you and if all that wasn't crazy enough you can go into Flickr in the infotainment system the online photo-sharing and uploading service and you couldn't browse photos and I guess it uses your location to show you photos that were related to your nearby area and you can just kind of check out see what people are uploading to flickr about Orange County which is where I am right now that's a nice image right there I'm not really sure what it is but look there's some pictures on Flickr next step moving on from all the connected stuff there are a few other interesting infotainment system items one is the speed warning you can go in and set a speed warning to let you know if you're going over a certain speed if you don't exceed the speed limit for instance or go too fast on your winter tires the weird thing about the speed warning in this car is you can select any speed from four all the way to 200 I find it odd that they chose four and not three to start this yy4 when at six I also find it out that it goes all the way to 200 considering this car can't go 200 the next step I want to talk about time zones this car allows you to pick the precise time zone that you're in right down to the city and that brings up some interesting information that perhaps you didn't know for one thing it has time zone settings for basically every city imaginable including some I've never heard of what exactly is Yekaterinburg and forget about that for a second what exactly are all these cities that are 30 minutes separate from other time zones and then Katmandu is 45 minutes so the difference between Katmandu in the next city is 15 minutes you set your watch back 15 minutes at the border it's six o'clock in one place and 5:45 and Katmandu come on people pick a time zone another item I like in the infotainment system is the Bowers & Wilkins tone profiles you can choose between five different tone profiles depending on how you like your music delivered to you for example there's movie theater optimized for movie playback similar to the in a movie theater there's also concert amazing tone settings like the acoustic experience in a large concert hall my personal favorite is onstage extended surround sound like that heard on a stage right in the middle of the music so this is how it would sound if you were standing in the middle of a concert performance except you don't have to stand in the middle of a concert performance you can just sit near in five next up here's something really interesting if you go into the EM setup mode in the infotainment system for the performance stuff and you click on em X Drive that's the name of the all-wheel drive system for this car you can see that you can actually change it between all-wheel drive and two-wheel drive so even though the car will automatically switch between all-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive depending on the exact situation you can do it yourself if you're one of these purists who insist that you're m5 is rear-wheel drive you can make it so manually and you can drive around with your m5 and rear-wheel drive all the time the problem is you have to turn off traction control in order to activate this choice so if you switch it to rear-wheel drive you'll be driving around in rear-wheel drive with the traction control off which is not something I advise that you do most of the time next up two interesting items in the navigation system settings menu one is the fact that you can configure the navigation system to show you all the traffic lights along your route which is just something that I can't imagine anybody would ever possibly want but you can do it because in this car everything is configurable further proof of that is this incredible feature you can configure whether or not you have a toll pass it is incredible to me that that exists and the reason it exists is if you tell the car you have a toll pass and you have the navigation system guiding you on a route it will tell you which lanes you need to be in in order to go through the toll plaza and the toll pass lanes of course it also works in another way if you tell the car that you only have cash and you're coming up on maybe a highway exit that only takes a toll pass it will reroute you so you don't go down that exit which is just incredible one other interesting infotainment system item you can see if you click on the little orange car that appears that this car is due for a service even though it's a brand new car that's the break in service once you buy one of these you're supposed to bring it back to the within 1,200 miles to get the break-in service and only then is launch control activated that way BMW makes sure that you don't do anything stupid with the engine during the break-in period before the car is ready for serious acceleration runs so that's a tour of the 2018 BMW m5 the F 90 now it's time to get behind the wheel and drive it alright here goes for driving the m5 oh man it's quick oh wow even just a little bit of throttle it's quick and it is smooth power incredible how quiet it is I mean I don't have the music on obviously most people who are driving is it a music or talk radio or whatever but it just strikes me that it's so quiet not in the sense that like oh the exhaust could be better I'm sure if I put in sport and plus and whatever and I guy I could hear the exhaust but I'm just I'm impressed by how luxuriously quiet it is in here if I want it to be the luxury car it's a high-end luxury car and then you start driving you know yeah it's a 600 horsepower the steering is real quick I put the steering into sport motor and you can just tell from even just little movements that the steering is really quick the thing that BMW has kind of been able to do people complain BMWs have light steering modern luxury cars all kind of do but the thing that BMW is been able to do is make the steering very fast the moment you start to turn the wheel the car starts to change direction and that's not true for a lot of sedans man it's just really really quick I'm surprised how quick the shifts are given that this is a torque converter auto and not a dual clutch just tapping the gear lever to downshift manually now you see on the technology can here it looks and sounds about as quick as a dual clutch maybe just as quick alright flora new man that is just insane that is crazy crazy fast the thing is it's it's not you know 911 turbos are this fast that's not that crazy however the quick you're in a four-door luxury car you're in a car that can massage you and turn on automatic heated seats for your rear passengers when it gets to 46 degrees the shifts are really quick actually in fact if I didn't know it wasn't a dual clutch I would just assume it was the shifts are really really quick man it's really really quick there's no question about it feels tremendously stable just really really stable on their own it feels like you can do 150 the steering feel is like a coupe or a sports car you would have no idea that you're driving a car that weighs 4,400 pounds based on the incredible quickness of the steering rack I honestly can't believe it like I love sports cars who doesn't and if you have the ability to get a sports car and an SUV and a family car whatever then that's great do that but if you want one car that can kind of do it all how do you argue that this is not that car and so that's the 2018 BMW m5 this is the fastest and most powerful sedan in BMWs history or at least it will be until the m5 competition comes out soon with a few extra horsepower but right now this is the top dog and it's assuring in a new era for the m5 with all-wheel-drive and no manual transmission I'll miss the manual for sure but doing zero to 60 in 3 seconds makes it a lot easier to forget about it and now it's time to give the m5 a dug score starting with the weekend categories and styling the m5 is handsome return to form for BMW and it gets a 7 out of 10 acceleration is absolutely amazing it does 0-60 in under 3 seconds and it gets a 10 of ten handling is very sharp near the best among sedans and it gets a seven out of ten fun factor is very strong they're not quite as strong as a true sports car and it gets a seven out of ten finally cool factor is high though it's still just another version of the m5 rather than some bespoke supercar and it gets a six out of ten for a total weekend score of 37 out of 50 next up for the daily category starting with features it's loaded with a truly amazing level of amenities stopping just short of something groundbreaking and it gets a nine out of ten comfort is surprisingly good for a sporty car like this and it gets a seven out of ten quality is very strong the interiors nice but I worry what's gonna happen all this stuff when it breaks and it gets a seven out of ten practicality is decent with eighteen point seven cubic feet of cargo space and it gets a five out of ten finally there's value this is a car that could do it all and for a surprisingly reasonable price it only loses a few points because depreciation will be significant and it gets a six out of ten for a total daily score of 34 out of 50 add it up in the dug score is 71 out of 100 which places it just shy of the very best which makes sense because it does everything well here's a comparison next to other similar cars it's more fun than the e63 wagon but the m5 loses on practicality BMW if you're listening make an m5 touring and I suspect you'll win the all-important Doug's score [Music]
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 2,724,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018 bmw m5, f90 bmw m5, f90 m5, 2018 m5, 2018 m5 review, 2018 bmw m5 review, f90 m5 review, f90 bmw m5 review, bmw m5 review, bmw m5, new m5, new bmw m5, m5 review, bmw f90, f90, doug demuro, demuro
Id: xGBqwZ9iBOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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