Here's Why the 2020 BMW M8 Competition Is the Ultimate M Car

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accelerates in a BMW M8 Competition

Doug: "wow.. its surprisingly sporty"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 144 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MRR1987 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The adjustable brakes are so fucking cool. I have never seen that on any car that isn't an EV.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/madevilfish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have to say... its a small detail but getting in my M3 with the glowing "M3" lights on the seats is a small but cool touch... it surprises so many people. BMW is killing it with the seat designs lately.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nickl630 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Little bit surprised it has both the same fun as the same cool factor as the M850i, why is that u/Doug-demuro? I would imagine this, being a real M car, warrants a higher cool factor, and stuff like the 2wd mode sounds like it should be more fun as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ABelgianTifosi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just get a mustang and rebadge it./S

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/johnzischeme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was surprised when Doug said that people thought that this car looked like a Mustang because just 30 seconds earlier I thought to myself, β€œThat kinda looks like a Mustang.” Either way, the car looks really nice. My favorite part of its appearance is that vent behind the front wheels. It looks so clean.

I find that Doug’s videos struggle showing off just how fast some the cars he reviews are, but in this video he leaves that van behind him and that Mercedes beside him in the dust. I mean, those aren’t particularly fast cars, especially the van, but he puts at least 100 feet between them in 2 seconds.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnnoyingRingtone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

two quick nitpicks from the intro portion of the video:

1) base 8 series is the 840i, uses the turbo six, not the M850

2) Base (non-Competition) M8 is 600 hp, not 590

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/abyl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I guess I'll have to watch to hear his argument, but it seems he doesn't really drive things hard enough to make such a claim. That needs to be tracked, among other things, to know. And as cool/badass as I'm sure it is, I'd sooner think 1-Series M, E46 M3 CSL, or E34/E39 M5. Maybe he meant current M.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/K3R3G3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve seen 2 of these at cars and coffee in miami, they look and sound sick. I can’t wait for the comparisons with the new AMG’s.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/A_sexy_black_man πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is the 2020 BMW m8 competition and it is the ultimate BMW M car I say this not because it has 617 horsepower and 553 pound-feet of torque which are huge numbers but because this one costs almost a hundred and sixty thousand dollars which makes this the most expensive BMW M car on sale today and today I'm going to show you what that money buys you I've borrowed this m8 competition from Crevier BMW which is here in Orange County in Southern California Crevier sells more BMWs than any other BMW dealership in North America and they just got the m8 competition which has just started to go on sale so what exactly is the m8 competition well about a year ago I reviewed the new BMW 8 series which is BMWs new big coupe or convertible that replaces the 6 Series in BMWs growing lineup the base level 8 Series is called the m855 hundred and 20 horsepower turbocharged v8 and it does 0-60 in 3.7 seconds it's a pretty special car but this is a step above that actually this is two steps above there's a standard m8 with 590 horsepower and then there's this the m8 competition with an amazing 617 horsepower and 553 pound-feet of torque it lose 0 to 60 in three point two seconds and yes the sticker on this car is just below 160 thousand dollars which makes it about $40,000 more expensive than a well-equipped BMW m5 competition so is it worth it today I'm gonna try to find out first I'm going to take you on a tour of the m8 competition and I'm going to show you all the interesting quirks and features of the to MIT BMW M car then I'm going to get it out on the road and drive it and then I'm going to give it a dug score alright I'm gonna start the quicksand features of the m8 competition with a few interesting lighting related items and I'm going to start with the seats now usually seats don't have any lighting but in this car they do you open the door and an m8 logo on the seats lights up which i think is a cool little touch it's a very small thing but it's a nice piece of attention to detail reminding you that you have a special car and next up speaking of lighting and opening the doors if you look around this interior you will see this nice blue ambient light everywhere that gives a certain mood inside this car but when you open up the doors you can see the blue lighting on the door panel goes from blue to flashing red the theory here is the flashing red is supposed to alert oncoming traffic pedestrians or cyclists that your door is open so they don't accidentally run into you so this red flashing light is a safety feature but then when you close the door again it stops flashing and it goes back to whatever ambient lighting color you have the interior set for an next step we move on to another cool lighting feature in this car and that would be the speakers this car has a very high-end expensive Bowers & Wilkins sound system and you can see the speakers are backlit with this very interesting glow I love how this looks especially the upper one with this like cyclone pattern it's a very very cool look now one interesting thing is that when you turn off the stereo in this car those lights go away they dim and they turn off going dark until they're needed again when you turn the stereo back on and next up another interesting lighting related item comes on the spokes of the steering wheel there are little lights here they're not on right now so they're not doing anything but they light up to communicate various items to the driver you can see what I'm driving they will light up and they'll show you for example that the automated steering system has met its conditions and it's ready to turn on or that it's time for you to take over or various other things so you have these flashing lights in the steering wheel that can alert you if necessary and next up we move on to some of this cars interesting and notable performance details since this is the m8 compact after all now the first item worth noting is a button in the center console marked M mode if you press that it will switch the car from normal Street mode to sport mode nothing particularly interesting about that but there are several rather unusual items related to this cars sport modes for example you can configure your own sport modes so instead of just putting it at sport mode and letting the computer do it for you you can configure how you want the engine the suspension the chassis to feel now there are two different configurable settings M one and M two and the cool thing is how you activate them with these little red buttons on the steering wheel so for example if you have one setting for canyon roads and you get on a canyon road you don't have to go and find it in the infotainment screen you just press this little steering wheel thumb button and boom you're in your m1 Canyon setting if you have a different setting for the racetrack and you get on the track just press your little thumb button for m2 and it automatically goes into it it's a really cool idea now next up another interesting M mode item with this car like I mentioned you can use that M mode button in the middle to switch between normal and sport but there's also a third setting called track now if you hold down the M mode button for like three seconds the car will ask you if you are sure you want to go into track mode so then you press to confirm and the center screen goes dark that's because when you're in track mode the car figures you only want to focus on your racetrack driving so the games cluster stays on and shows you what you need to know but all of the rest of the infotainment stuff that you don't need like your navigation system or your radio that's gone unless you press the screen or a center console button to turn it back on manually AM next up another interesting item with M mode if you want to adjust your performance settings you can configure your chassis settings your suspension your steering most cars allow you to mess with that stuff but this car also lets you configure your brakes this is something I've never seen before if you go into the configuring on M mode you can choose the brakes between normal and sport and this adjusts like their bite point how Abey they are essentially how sporty they are of course you'll want them in sport on the track usually there's not configurable brakes but this car has but probably the most impressive configurable item in this car is the drive train all right check this out in normal mode the m8 competition is an all-wheel drive car which makes sense because it's really powerful and so you want four wheels to get that power to the ground but if you press this little button in the center console to turn off stability control and you hold it down you can then configure whether you want to be an all wheel drive or rear-wheel drive so this car allows you to electronically select if you want to be an all or rear-wheel drive it's amazing of course in some track setups you may prefer rear-wheel drive it might be better around a race track or on certain curvy roads so you can do that there's also an all-wheel drive sport setting as you can see that kind of splits the difference between the two but by far the most interesting thing here is the ability to choose with the literal push of a button whether you want to be all-wheel drive or rear wheel drive and next up another cool thing that happens when you put this car in sport mode is that the gauge cluster changes this doesn't happen on a lot of newer BMW models but it does happen here you can see it switches from kind of a normal gauge cluster to a sporty er one which looks cool and the sporty one has the tachometer on like both sides which looks really cool when you're revving it I love the look of the sporty gauge cluster in this car although it's also worth noting that I like the look of the tachometer in the regular gauge cluster too you can see it kind of revs in this like 3d trapezoid shape and I think it's a neat look both of them are cool but I like the fact that it adjusts when you go into sport mode but this car isn't all about performance being a modern BMW and an expensive one it's also packed with luxury and technology and there are quite a few quirks and features in that arena I'm going to start with gesture control let's pretend you want more stereo volume you could do the boring thing and just turn the volume knob or you could do this with your finger and as you can see the volume is going up I'm not touching but the car is sensing my fingers presence and this motion I'm making and that will turn the volume up or down there are many different types of gesture controls here's another one if you gesture with your thumb in a certain direction it will change the radio station that you're listening to this also applies to the stereo track that you have on if you want to move on to the next track instead of just pressing the boring next track button gesture with your thumb like this and it will change tracks which is a pretty impressive idea gesture control and the luxury and technology in this car continues with something called tearing car and caring car has two different modes vitalize and relaxed if you select vitalize it says that this feature will activate the driver with a blend of ambient lighting climate control and music it will actually adjust all those things including the music to a vitalizing eco system in here to make you feel vitalized amazingly if you go into caring car and select relaxed it says that the relaxed system D stresses the driver with a combination of ambient lighting climate control and music and if you turn that on it will play distressing music to again kind of emphasize your relaxing experience take a listen to me the most amazing thing about caring car is that it just kind of does it for you so if you feel like you want to relax you don't have to set the seat ventilation the climate control the ambient lighting the music you just press relax and the car takes care of it that's what you get when you spend a hundred and sixty thousand dollars more amazing though is what happens to the climate control if I go in to vitalize I thought it would just blow cold air at you but check this out vitalize mode is on and you can see it's actually increasing and decreasing the fan speed constantly so it's blowing like a puff of air at you and then going back down then it raises the fan speed air puffs at you and then it goes back down again it's trying to vitalize you by basically blowing spurts of air on you and the car is automatically increasing and decreasing the amount of air to get those spurts to come out instead of one steady stream very unusual and mixed up another impressive technology feature in this car is that it has something called side collision warning with steering intervention to explain that in more reasonable terms a lot of cars will automatically brake if they sense you're about to hit something in the front this car will automatically steer if it senses you're about to get hit on the side which is insane that is impressive modern technology and speaking of impressive modern technology this car also features an automated driving system which is pretty advanced for today's cars you can see there's a little camera inside the gauge cluster area that camera monitors your eyes to make sure that you're looking forward as long as you're looking forward and going under forty miles an hour the car will basically drive itself BMW calls this traffic jam assistant and it's basically intended to allow the car to take over if you're in bumper-to-bumper traffic if you don't want to steer work the gas then the brake then the gas and the brake the car will do it all for you and that little camera monitors your eyes to make sure you're paying attention to the road as long as you are it will keep driving for you at speeds under forty miles an hour now when you go above forty miles an hour this just has a typical adaptive cruise control system with steering assist it's not quite as comprehensive as below 40 and next up another excellent technology feature in this car is that it has something called the drive recorder go into BMW apps you can select the drive recorder and this is a dashcam basically you could manually turn it on or have it automatically turn on and it will record you driving that way if you get into an accident you can go into your footage and prove hey I wasn't at fault this person hit me whatever that's built in in this car Tesla also has this but many other automakers have been very slow to adapt to adding dash cams I think all cars should have this feature and I'm happy to see other brands are starting to add it as well AM next up also under BMW apps you have something called climate control rules this is not merely a statement climate control rules it's set it's rules that you can use for the climate control you go in there and you can configure that anytime the temperature is under a certain degree the cars heated seats will automatically turn on same deal anytime the temperature is over a certain degree the cooled seats will automatically turn on that way you don't have to merely press buttons you get in the car on a cold day your heated seats will automatically already be heating and finally our last interesting BMW app is the personal assistant which is basically just voice control it's like Siri if you're an Apple user you can talk to it and it will do things for you the thing I find most interesting in here though is you can configure relationships so if you upload your contact list to the car you can tell it who's your brother or your mother or your father and that way if you want to call your father you can just tell your assistant call father and you don't have to actually say the person's name the interesting thing to me though is you can delete these relationships so if you decide that your father is no longer your father you can just go into that screen and remove him and then your relationship is gone at least as far as your car is concerned and next we move on to the backseat of the m8 competition getting back here is pretty simple you just pull on a little latch on the side of the seat push the seat back forward and that it automatically were forward so you can climb into the back now once it is all the way forward you just can it twist yourself back here not a whole lot of room and you're in the back seat once you get in the back seat you discover three things one it is not very large back here especially when you put the front seat back and then it starts to crowd me at hah okay I guess it says that I was here and it spared me but there's really not all that much room back here the back seats in this car kind of like a 911 little bigger than that but they're more for children or for short trips the next thing you notice back here is there's nothing really interesting or exciting nothing really special back here BMW knows these back seats aren't going to be used all that often so they don't cram it full of tech and cool features and next up we move on to the back of the m8 competition specifically the trunk you pop open the trunk and you discover well nothing particularly interesting there's nothing weird or special back here although I will say the trunk is unusually deep even though the opening is not really all that large it goes really far back here presumably so you can easily fit a set of golf clubs the usual trunk standard but because of that it's quite deep back here in the back of your m8 and next up we move around to the front of the m8 and into the engine compartment and you can see the engine you have a twin-turbo v8 in here I've shown you around a lot of modern BMW engine compartments there something new or particularly interesting to see but it is worth noting this is a very powerful engine 617 horsepower it's the same engine that's in the new BMW m5 competition and it really makes this into the ultimate BMW M car and next up we move on to some other interesting exterior items with the m8 competition starting with these wheels it's a very distinctive wheel design and it is unique to the competition version of the m8 the regular m8 has different wheels so this is one way you can tell apart the competition same deal on the back you can see on the trunk it doesn't just say m8 it says m8 competition to let those who know really know what other exterior item worth noting you also have a cool carbon-fiber roof now this is a very luxurious technic ecology infused car I'm not sure if it's really worth saving product six pounds for a carbon-fiber roof but it certainly looks cool up there the other interesting item on the outside of this car is the window sticker and if you look at it you can see that the base price for the m8 competition is a hundred and forty six thousand dollars this car has about ten thousand dollars worth of options on it including that Bowers & Wilkins sound system I mentioned earlier you also have a thousand dollar destination charge and a thousand dollar gas guzzler tax bringing the total price to just under a hundred and sixty thousand dollars which is big money and so those are the quirks and features of the BMW m8 competition now it's time to get it out on the road and see how it drives alright driving the m8 competition Wow car surprisingly sporting I enjoy driving the m8 58 but you could tell that it was it was a luxury car that had some like sporty pretensions it was smaller than I expected it to be but this this just fast finca 0-60 in three two at 620 horsepower basically unbelievable and this sound is fantastic now don't let that dissuade if you're looking for kind of a luxury car I think one of the benefits of this car is it's the luxury antidote for people who are are thinking about an AMG GT and they will say a little bit less crazy a little bit less restrictive and bouncy and that's kind of this and yet this isn't quite on the level of the s63 coupe which i think is too luxurious this is sort of in that in-between stage now how many buyers live in that in-between state probably not that many but if that's you this is kind of the perfect car to me I think probably the biggest competitor of this car will be the 911 and this is a rare instance in which BMW is cheaper than the competition I just did a review of a 99 the new 992 great car but $150,000 sticker for a pretty sparsely medium equipped 4s which was about as quick as this obviously this doesn't handle like a 992 but in terms of technology and equipment it's on a totally different level than the one that I drove and it's only about 8,000 words and it has a much better sound and this thing really really comes a lot of I'm really surprised by this too big car and you know you see the numbers 600 plus horsepower 0 to 60 and 3 to this thing really translates that into the road you really feel like you're that quick it is interesting to me that BMW is nonetheless trying they haven't competed that world this is a segment that the NW has not been tremendously successful in the original six series was canceled the original 8 series was canceled the newest sixers was canceled now they're trying again but BMW kind of wants to have a fire in every pot and this is a great car in this segment if you're interested in a car in this segment surprisingly precise stable steering is shockingly quick for a car this big some really really great big qu probably the best big coupe it's just that there's not that much of a market anymore for a big coupe but if you're in the 1 BMW set on a tremendous job of neutrons in this cars size it feels more nimble than it is when you're accelerating it it feels lighter on its feet that it obviously has given its weight it's a tremendous car they've done great job line that is you can expect for a hundred and sixteen thousand now and so that's the BMW m8 competition this is an amazing car impressive to drive seriously fast and quite luxurious it has a small demographic people who want a fast but very luxurious big BMW for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars plus but it's still an excellent car and now it's time to give the m8 competition a dug score starting with the weekend categories and styling the m8 competition is a nice looking car even though everyone seems to think it looks like a Mustang and it gets a 7 out of 10 acceleration does 0-60 in 3.2 seconds and it gets a 9 out of 10 handling is sharp they're not quite on the level of the 911 and it gets a 7 out of 10 fun factor is good the car is fast and enjoyable but it's just a bit too luxury car to get a really excellent score here and it earns a 6 out of 10 cool factor is decent the new 8 Series has been pretty rare so these are still turning heads and it gets a 6 out of 10 for a total weekend score of 35 out of 50 next up are the daily categories and features this car is loaded with a lot of great tech not quite everything but a lot and it gets an 8 out of 10 comfort is good especially for a car like this and it gets a 7 out of 10 quality is excellent and it gets a 7 out of 10 practicality is normal for a car in this segment and it gets a 4 out of 10 finally value and these are really expensive and they're poised to depreciate heavily this is a desirable car but for a very small niche of wealthy buyers and it gets a 5 out of 10 for a total daily score of 31 out of 50 added up and the dug score is 66 out of 100 which places it here against other pricey luxury coupes the m8 competition actually ties the m8 52 cards only differ in acceleration and value the competition handles better sure but not better enough for a higher score and their acceleration is surprisingly similar both cars lose to the Porsche 911 though it's worth noting that the m8 is an especially good all-around car as it beats out basically everything on this list in the daily categories but it still manages a very respectable weekend score [Music]
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 2,598,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw m8, bmw m8 competition, bmw m8 review, bmw m8 competition review, m8, m8 review, m8 competition review, 8 series, bmw 8 series, bmw 8 series review, 2020 bmw review, new bmw, new bmw review, 2020 bmw m8, bmw m, doug demuro, demuro, doug de muro
Id: fFfXIAcqhLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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