The $180,000 BMW M760i Is the Most Expensive BMW Ever

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this is a 2018 BMW M 760i which is the new name for the flagship model in the BMW 7-series luxury sedan range the sticker price on this car is a little bit over 180 thousand dollars which makes this the most expensive BMW of all time naturally it's full of a lot of cool features and interesting quirks and today I'm gonna show them to you first a little overview now BMW has never made an m7 with the full M treatment from their high performance division like the m3 and the m5 I guess they figure it's a little too large and luxurious to become an M car but in recent years they have lent the M badge to some other models the m240 in the m5 50 for example to create sort of half M cars and that's exactly what they've done here with the M 760 I've borrowed this m7 60 from BMW of Devon here in the Philadelphia suburbs the number one BMW dealership in Pennsylvania they have a large inventory of new BMWs which includes well this car and yes it has a $180,000 sticker price or one hundred and eighty one thousand and seventy five dollars to be exact like old top-end 7-series models this car still has a v12 it's a 6.6 liter twin-turbo v12 with 601 horsepower and 590 pound-feet of torque and also like top-end 7 Series models in the past it has a lot more than that so today I'm going to show you around the M 760 and I'm going to show you all of its cool features and interesting quirks there are a lot of them then I'm going to get behind the wheel and see how it drives and then I'm gonna give it a dug score and for more of my thoughts click the link below to visit slash oversteer now this car has a lot of really cool features and quirks but by far the coolest has to do with the key now first off take a look at the size of the key it's only a little bit smaller than a cell phone and the reason for that is the key for this car has a screen on it I'm serious and if you go through the little items on the screen you can see a couple of different things for example you can see whether the car is locked and you can see whether you've left the lights on it'll also tell you if you're due for an oil change and to tell you how much range is left in your gas tank which is a really great idea because maybe you don't want to turn on the car and see if you have to get gas you just check your key and it tells you the ring the key also allows you to set a time to precondition the interior basically you choose a time using the key to your car and it will start ventilating air throughout the interior before you get in maybe to go to work in the morning but none of that stuff is the craziest thing about the key the craziest thing comes next now look at the key and you'll see the familiar buttons unlock the doors the BMW logo is the lock button open the trunk and then there's a button marked P so what exactly does P do well this is pretty much the craziest feature in the car industry right now if you hold down P it gives you the option to start the engine so then you press engine start and now the car has started you can hear it okay so you can start the engine with the key that's nothing a lot of cars can do that but not a lot of cars can do this you then press the little arrows that come up and watch this the car moves itself up no one's in the car it moves itself forward out of the parking spot that it was just in now check this out you want to stop it you want to go the other direction the car moves itself right back again that has got to be one of the coolest things now you're thinking this is stupid why would anyone want to do this well the theory is if you live in some tight building your New York City or Hong Kong or Singapore and you don't want to go to the trouble of trying to squeeze into the side of your car every morning when you're getting in you just start it up with the key and then you use the key to basically walk your car like you're walking your pet now using that parking key system you're not able to actually turn the wheels you can only move it out of a tight parking spot to get in you can't have everything although you can have a lot another interesting item in this car when you get inside is called gesture control you're tired of using buttons aren't you tired of press and stuff well in this car you don't have to press everything you're driving down the road you want to turn up the volume just do this and the volume goes up you can watch it happen you drive down the road you get a call you don't want to answer it just do this and the coal goes away the car has these sensors started in this reagent right in here and it can tell what your gestures are and then it responds in kind now obviously you can't do this for everything it's limited to only a few functions there's even one customisable gesture you point two fingers at the infotainment system and sort of do like that and you can set it to a myriad of different controls if there's something that you use frequently that you don't want to adjust using a simple old-school button but if you think gesture control is cool take a look at the camera system now on every other luxury car you put it in reverse you get a back up camera and maybe a top-down 360 camera that's pretty cool this car takes things to the next level when the 360 camera is up you tap the screen and then look at this angle it's showing the car from outside as if there's a camera like following you around then you can use the gesture control system to move that camera around like you're getting a 360 degree view on the outside of the car it does this by stitching all sorts of different camera angles together from various cameras on the outside of the car and it shows a legitimately good picture of what is outside the car including the car in it it's like a video game display except it's real life I've never seen anything like this in any other car this is the future of automotive cameras there are of course a couple of other interesting things in the cameras when you're parked the camera system actually displays where your doors will open so if you're worried that your doors gonna hit something that camera system will show you that 360 degree angle on the outside of the camera also shows green yellow red on how close you are to something but despite all of that my personal favorite camera item is still yet to come and that would be carwash mode you can select a mode inside the infotainment system to show you basically where your front wheels are in case you want to take your 180 thousand dollar M 760 into one of those automatic car washes so you can line it up perfectly with the track and then you can get in the car wash it this is the craziest camera system I've ever seen in any car now for the next crazy feature of this car we move on to the rear seat now you look at the rear seat you think it's a pretty standard rear seat right but not quite you drop this thing and out folds the most complicated and crazy rear seat controls I have ever seen in my entire life we'll start in the middle there's a tablet in here and it's not just a screen I mean it's a tablet pushy eject and a little mechanism raises the tablet forward so that you can take it out and once you take it out well first off the little plastic piece for that mechanism that raised it up it it lowers right back into its home but beyond that you can then control basically everything in this car from this tablet my favorite tablet feature comes under the sun protection icon and that's where you can control all the things that protect you from the Sun for example push a little button on the side on the window and it automatically closes the Sun shades on the window or you can press close all and all of the sun shades close on both the doors and the rear sunshade closes as well instantaneously in order to provide you the most sun protection possible now here's the crazy thing about this there are physical buttons on the doors themselves that do this you push a little button on the door the sunshade closes or you can just use your tablet and with that in mind we move on to the rear climate controls you can use the tablet to control the climate controls you can change the air temperature you can change the amount of air where it's coming out or you can just use the physical buttons in the rear seat to do the exact same thing are you noticing a pattern here let's move on to the seats maybe the craziest thing if you want you can use the tablet to move the seats look at this you go into the seats and then you just swipe your finger on the backrest of the seat and the backrest moves forward you swipe your finger on the bottom and the bottom moves forward or you can just press the physical controls right next to where the tablet comes out of and it does the exact same thing but why would you want to press physical controls and and reach your hand all the way up there when you can use the tablet of course the tablet also turns on heated and ventilated seats and it isn't just heat or cool you can also choose exactly which seat you're heating or cooling how much and where there's also a massage function where you could program the seat to choose between varying intensities of massage in four different parts of the body also Valerius is the memory settings which even allow you to control your favorite position of the front passenger seat even though you're the rear passenger but that stuff in the tablet is child's play compared to the other things it can do take a look at this you see these two screens behind the front seats yeah they're not for watching movies you can use the tablet to control the navigation map which appears on those screens those screens aren't touchscreen but you can use the tablet to move your finger around like a phone and then click on stuff and it will click on those screens as if you're actually touching them basically you can even use the tablet sitting in this seat to control the screen in that seat and vice versa and we aren't done yet how about vitality mode the BMW vitality program is maybe the craziest luxury car feature in existence it's designed to give you an exercise on long drives and keep you loose in fact read this screen it starts by saying the vitality program invigorates your body and later says you can win three stars by keeping the bar within the target area it's an exercise game you can play with your car while you're riding in the backseat the way it works is the seat pushes on your muscles and you're supposed to push back which is designed to help keep you fit and allow you to have a workout on long car rides I'm serious but who needs vitality mode you can control the fragrance yes that's right your BMW M 760 can give off a fragrance and using your tablet back here you can choose which one there is blue suite number one described as loft of pure water pearls or golden suite number two described as dusk of shimmering desert and when you select the fragrance it will sort of blow that fragrance through the climate vents to add a scent to your M 760 while you're chauffeured along in the back seat and check this out you can even adjust the level of fragrance do you want more dusk of shimmering desert just that's fine turn it up do you want less dusk of shimmering desert no problem turn it down and then the dusk is eliminated just a little bit now if you're a rear-seat passenger you also have the ability to change the lighting and I'm not just talking about turning on and off your map light or your interior dome light I mean you can use your little tablet to change the lighting colors for the entire car you want blue and white you want blue and blue green and white green and green purple white whatever you want you can change it back here and then the entire interior lighting colors change and you can change the brightness if you want those lights completely off you can do it if you want them just faintly on you can do that too and you can do that from your tablet you also have the ability from your tablet to turn on sort of this mood light that's inside the door there's no switch on the door itself to turn this light you just turn it on from your tablet and then it goes from like sort of dim to like a little less dim now aside from all the crazy quirks of that tablet imarti in the backseat so I might as well discuss a couple of other interesting rear seat features starting with the rear headrests now these aren't just standard headrests they're very soft but they also can be adjusted to contour around the back of your head so if you want to sleep you can just sort of turn them so they fit the back of your head and then you can sleep sort of like in the headrests on an airplane another cool feature in the rear seat would be the panoramic Sky Lounge which of course is a feature this car has basically this is a thousand LEDs inside the sunroof the front and rear panoramic sunroof and when you're driving at night you open the sunroof they light up to give you the panoramic Sky Lounge and you can change the of those LEDs so if you want your Sky Lounge to show purple well you can do it when you look up you see purple stars in the ceiling of your BMW next up moving on to the outside of the car and the trunk and the trunk is it particularly usual its large but of course it is this is a large car there are a couple of interesting quirks in the trunk however one of which is if you look at the very base of the rear window you look very closely there you will see it isn't just some plastic trim piece instead it's lined in this little velvet material that's to prevent trunk rattling to make the car just a little bit quieter that's the kind of thing you get when you spend a hundred and eighty thousand dollars on a luxury sedan that is impressive attention to detail something else when you get when you spend this money on a luxury sedan take a look inside that bag in the trunk and you will find pillows these aren't just any pillows rather they have little snaps and they clip on to those rear headrests I shown you before you can put them on and then you can enhance the comfort of your rear seating experience while you're sitting there changing the interior color on your tablet next up moving up to the front of the m76 do take a close look up here and you can see that the grille is closed now that's because BMW keeps the grille of this car closed in normal situations to improve aerodynamics and thus gas mileage however if the car needs extra air like if it's idling for a while or if you floor it and it needs to suck in a lot of air for the engine the grille can open automatically to give the engine the air that it needs and then when it doesn't need the air again it can close right back up again and next up we move on to the badge there on the C pillar now there are only a few ways you can tell apart the regular 7 Series and the M 760 but my favorite way is that badge it just sort of subtly says v12 it might as well say I'm richer than you another interesting badge on the outside of the car is right here it's only visible when the doors are open otherwise it's hidden on the b-pillar underneath the doors it says there in carbon core basically what that means is that the chassis this car has some carbon infused in it to make it a little bit lighter a little bit tighter of course no one who has one of these has any idea what that means carbon or the salesperson to BMW they should probably tell it to them and they forget in the following week nonetheless the badge is there and this is something that BMW is proud of next up moving on to the side of the car check this out when you approach the car at night it gives you these pathway lights that come out from the bottom of the car they're sort of flowy and cool and speaking of those little lines that light up on the pavement is your approach your 7 Series at night that exact same line design is carried over to the interior dome lights on the ceiling of the 716 next to the rear view mirror to give it sort of a more luxurious look than your typical automotive into your dome light a couple of other interesting interior quirks in here that I like one of which is the climate controls which look like they have regular buttons to increase the airflow or turn on the heated and cooled seats but actually that's a screen it's just designed to resemble buttons you press it and then it does exactly what it shows it will do but it isn't a button in fact it is a screen and one of the items on that screen is the little perfume cannister just like in the rear tablet you press that and you can increase or decrease the level of fragrance inside your n7 60 maybe more interesting than that look a little bit higher and you can see the little climate control temperature adjusters that can bring the center vents from cool to warm in every other car these would be manual sliders you just sort of slide your finger over and turn a little plastic lever but in this car it's electronic so you push exactly your desired level of cool or warm and then a little white light lights up exactly where you want your cool or warm setting to be moving on to the gauge cluster there are a couple of interesting things in the gauge cluster one item I absolutely love right next to the little fuel gauge that shows how much fuel you have left it shows your range that doesn't go away it's not configurable or changeable but it's always there which is a really good idea I generally don't really want to know how much fuel I have left I want to know how far I can go and this car just sort of keeps that there all the time so that you'll always know in addition to knowing your fuel level another thing I like to think edge cluster is that when you're revving the engine or going through the RPMs as the tachometer needle increases and goes to each additional rpm that number lights up in larger print as its reached by the needle as if to say you're at 3,000 you're at 4,000 and then as you go past it that number sort of goes back down sits quietly until it is needed again a couple of other interesting quirks in the infotainment system you can use the infotainment system to turn on and off your daytime running lights and when you do that the daytime running lights on the little M 760i graphic also turn on and off to mimic what's happening on the outside of the car which is cool I also like the control for the precondition comfort ventilation which I showed you before using the key you can also configure the infotainment system basically you can set a time when the car starts circulating air inside the cabin so it's nice and fresh when you arrive to drive it to work in the morning next up the M 760 of course has a wireless charging tray that's no surprise most luxury cars have that now basically you just put your phone on a little tray and it will charge the phone without you having to plug in a cord not that unusual the cool thing in this car it has a little reminder so if you leave your phone in that tray it will remind you before you get out and walk away that your phone has been left behind sort of like a reminder if you left on your lights or if you left your key in the car another cool infotainment system quirk you can ask the car to measure the engine oil level which is a fun little thing to watch you ask it to do the measurement and then it sort of loads on a percentage basis measuring the level and then eventually it tells you that the engine oil level is just fine another item I love inside the infotainment system would be the owner's manual which is absolutely hilarious you can use the owner's manual to find out various things about your car but you can also use it to get various animated displays showing your car doing all sorts of things take a look at one of them sensors monitor the area around the vehicle and identify fluids suitable for evasion the camera close to the interior mirror monitors the area one thing I like about those animated displays is the other vehicles included in them like if it's showing you parking or some forward collision warning they're always BMWs there's like AI eights and x5 s and every single parking lot you're m76 di happens to encounter also another infotainment system quirk this car gives you the ability to record voice memos so if you're driving along and you want to tell yourself something for later you can do that no one will ever use this feature no one has ever used this feature but some German guy in the development of this car is like I want voice memos and so well they all have them and finally one cool quirk of the navigation system I found is how it displays buildings a lot of navigation systems show 3d buildings but this thing takes it a step further this is the seven stories I was driving in San Diego this is the famous Hotel del Coronado if you look at the navigation system in the seventh series it actually shows the famous red roofs of that building from above more than just your typical 3d image of the building that is a cool little touch a lot of people won't notice it but when you do it's a nice little easter egg now moving back to the rest of the interior another interesting atom I find in the center console is the v12 edge this car reminds you that you didn't cheap out and get a 740 or even a 750 you got the v12 and anytime you want that confirmation just look down at your center console and it'll let you know one other interesting feature in this car is the dead pedal which allows you to rest your left foot to the left of the brake pedal and the drivers footwell tell you look at this thing it's like the most advanced dead pedal I've ever seen not only does it have the M logo on it which no one will ever notice but there's like a little pattern on it like an expensive sneaker just so your left foot has an appropriately nice spot to sit as you drive your M 760 down the road and speaking of appropriately nice I want to draw your attention to the interior in general in this car not only is everything really high quality but everything feels good everything is nice to touch nice to look at and look at these seats and these like little white cords in the seats everything is just it looks so expensive and of course that's because it is one more item despite all these luxuries this is still a sort of M car with a nice big engine and it sounds decent take a listen and so those are all the cool features and interesting quirks of the M 760 I told you there'd be a lot now it's time to get behind the wheel and drive the ultimate BMW driving the M 760 it's just so smooth starting off and finally forward you don't hear any engine noise the ride quality is so I've just put it in sport mode instantly you hear this like mean exhaust even though I'm driving this this luxurious BMW but at the end of the day it's still a BMW and it's still a v12 one thing I like the turn signal has gone back to normal in this car you put it down it stays down this is how it turns signals to be BMWs gotten rid of those stupid old turns and it's perfect again oh yeah it's actually kind of interesting because it's such a big car and yet because you know it has because of this giant engine and I'm in sport mode so the throttle responses tighten up because of all that it's sort of able to feel a little bit more pokey than you kind of expect from a full-size car like this Wow oh man this thing is so quick it also feels just really really stable of course the steering is very light I mean it doesn't feel like a sports car but the whole point of this thing is that it's a it's a luxury sedan if we get into sport mode you can tell that they've tightened up the steering a little bit but it still has sort of that vague luxury sedan feel BMW makes zillion other cars for people who really want you know the sort of dirty little steering feel that you'd get from an actual sports car this is good for a luxury sedan of course I don't think it's quite on panamera level but Wow it is quick quick quick it actually feels kind of like you can wink around and do your own thing and move into lanes and whatever we're just surprising because it's just massive but it's got a ton of power and BMW has created a situation where you can actually enjoy the power and use it pretty easily this isn't like one of those s classes where the power is sort of something that that comes on eventually this car kind of it's almost like a it has almost like sportscar power delivery for home and the seats are so comfortable ah the headrest is just especially comfortable it's like a pillow it's interesting cuz I just did a video with Genesis g90 the new full-size you know Genesis luxury sedan which is a deal at seventy whatever thousand dollars this cars double the price event but you can kind of tell why I mean everything is just enhanced everything is sort of on the next level and that's a very good car and a lot of people don't want to spend one hundred and eighty thousand dollars for electric car but if you do you want the stuff that is commensurate with spending one hundred eighty thousand dollars and this is that we're just like in a serene bubble away from the world I don't have to think about anybody out there in their cheap cars and the transmission although the transmission is pretty tight in sport mode in the throttle response is pretty good etc in comfort mode it's just it's dulled almost to the point where you don't really feel any shift I could just take this thing on a long trip across the country and just live like this literally just and then someone cuts me off and so that's the m76 ti the ultimate BMW the most expensive BMW ever made the luxury car world continues to get crazier and more advanced and more luxurious and this is the new king the 180 thousand dollar king and now it's time to give it a dug score starting with the weekend categories in styling the m76 Ti is fine not especially amazing and it gets a 6 out of 10 acceleration however is amazing it does 0-60 in 3.6 seconds which makes it faster than a BMW m4 and it gets an incredible 8 out of 10 scoring better than some serious sports cars I've tested like the Audi r8 and the Mercedes CLK 63 Black Series handling is good but steering is a bit light and ultimately it's a big car and it gets a 6 out of 10 cool factor is a bit above average but most people won't pay any more attention than a regular 7 Series so it gets a 6 out of 10 as for importance the top-end 7 Series models never sell incredibly well and they aren't exactly museum worthy giving it a 5 out of 10 add it up in the total weekend score is 31 out of 50 which ties the Porsche Panamera Turbo in fact they get the same score in every category and so onto the daily categories starting with features I've only done it once before but between the parking thing the camera thing the rear tablet and the eyetality program I can't avoid it this car gets a ten out of ten comfort is truly impressive not quite reaching the upper echelon rolls-royce models but it's not far off and it gets a nine out of ten quality is tremendously good the interior is fantastic and my only worry would be long-term ownership of that big v12 it gets an 8 out of 10 practicality is good typical of a full-size luxury sedan and it gets a 6 out of 10 as for value it's pretty pricey and it'll lose value quickly which means it should get a low score but if you want the best the newest the coolest and many people looking to spend this money on a car do want exactly that good luck finding anything more advanced so it gets a six out of ten bringing the total daily score to 39 out of 50 that makes it the best daily car I've ever tested falling just shy of the Lincoln Navigator SUV and the Honda Odyssey elite minivan for daily Duty add it all up and the Doug score is 70 out of 100 this car truly has it all it's fast it handles reasonably well it has more technology than you can imagine and it can carry the whole family here it is compared to rivals it beats out the Panamera Turbo by one point thanks to a better daily score it's more comfortable and it has more stuff though the Panamera's resale value will be higher it also beats out the rolls-royce Wraith and alexis Elsie is its four-door sedan body makes it more usable and it destroys the Genesis g90 no surprise of course given the huge price difference [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 4,646,294
Rating: 4.8317904 out of 5
Keywords: bmw m760i, m760i, bmw 7 series, 7 series, bmw 760i, 760i, bmw 760li, 760li, bmw 750i, 750li, bmw 740i, 740li, 2018 bmw 7 series, bmw 7, luxury sedan, mercedes s-class, mercedes s560, doug demuro, demuro
Id: fg5S3cFwzKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
Reddit Comments

I for one welcome car videos because it gives me stuff to talk about with car guys haha

Also twin turbo v12? I was saying “wut” after every stat he listed.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/YVX 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

So does that key make this the worlds most expensive RC car?

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Subearoo 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

That 1000 dollar key with a screen in it that is just an app... why.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Aiognim 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Depreciation and becoming outdated are not problems for people who will own this car for less than a year. If those thoughts even come in to your mind, you can't afford this car.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/m3ltph4ce 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

And what will be the depreciation on this barge? Especially after the warranty runs out? All this proprietary and integrated tech could, as it has done in the past, become an albatross around the neck of the owner at that time.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Spooms2010 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

All that tech garbage is going to be obsolete and clunky in 5 years.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/B_SWI 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2018 🗫︎ replies












👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Aiognim 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

But why not just use an app, instead of carrying around basically another phone to do the same thing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Utecitec 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Are there functioning turn signals?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BoneLexicalization 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
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