The 10 Saddest Deaths in Gaming

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one thing about a good story mode game people are going to die unlike movies where you're watching everyone interact in a story mode game you are the main character you're the one interacting with the characters and the world that's why it feels so satisfying when a character we hate dies and why it's so heartbreaking when a beloved character gets cooked at this point I've cried over more video game stories than I have movies or TV shows That's How deep the character development in games goes dog that being said these are the top 10 saddest deaths in all of Gaming [Applause] I bet none of you thought Call of Duty would make the cut but here we are but the old Cod campaigns were actually made with love with MW2 being regarded as one of the best Call of Duties of all time roaches and ghost deaths are some of the most unexpected in all of gaming seeing the memes for ghost pop up again during the reboot of Modern Warfare 2 was so devastating I couldn't even enjoy it bro after spending the whole game with these two Shephard has to come through and do you dirty in the most unexpected way possible we have the DSM we got it sir good that's one less loose out no do you guys know what this did to 10-year-old me bro it broke me the way ghost instantly tried to shoot at Shephard but just wasn't fast enough roach reaching out and grabbing Shephard's wrist and then him just shaking it off down to Captain Price we got to work on that timing price you just had to call them like 5 minutes earlier dog desperately trying to warn them both not to trust Shephard as they both burned F shepher I say again do not fast shepher get [Music] [Music] down I swear Reggie was put in this game just to die I swear he's here just to make the character have a moral dilemma and you know what it worked from the start of the game we see Reggie and Delson are Polar Opposites Delson is a bit of a delinquent who has a hobby spraying graffiti and just generally getting into trouble meanwhile his brother's an actual cop who has literally arrested Delson multiple times so yeah Brotherly Love arresting your own brother is so crazy though talk about bootlicking he's boot chomping but Reggie's not all the way a [ __ ] though see people with superpowers in this game's Universe aren't really looked at too fondly them boys are treated as second class citizens people are either afraid of them or just don't really like being around them but when Delson gets his powers Reggie doesn't abandon him or even try to turn him in like in the past he sticks by his brother and Promises him that they'll figure it out throughout the story Reggie consistently uses whatever resources he has to help Delson with his powers and his fight against the dup even saving delson's life my brother finds out what you did he is going to he's going to what bro pulled up with a [ __ ] RPG where did you get that you're not even in your jurisdiction but in Saving his brother's life he ended up giving up his own he put a Target on his back that Augustine was happy to hunt leave my brother alone you [ __ ] oh dear God reie [ __ ] where dson dson look at me you got to let me go no I can do this listen we can't let this stuff get to you too D I'm so proud of you always have been no don't I love you [Applause] [Music] bro Jesus bro this hurts so bad cuz it felt like at any moment bro could have been saved there was no real need for Augustine to murk him all she wanted was Delson she was trying to break Delson but in doing this she simply sealed her own fate and you really feel the effects of it too you go straight from losing Reggie to a boss battle with Augustine and the whole time Delson is just screaming in pain and anger let it out Delson uses his signature orbital drop to end the fight and instead of smiling in excitement per usual we see something else from him look at my guy face the way he goes from sad and hurt then back to bloodthirsty anger is literally insane cyberpunk 2077 is a game that changed my life in a way I never expected when I first met Jackie he put a gun to my head and got both of our asses kicked safe to say I didn't really rock with Jackie too much at that point even though he kept insisting we were friends now I wasn't buying it but have you all heard the phrase you never know how much you love something until it's gone through the first chapter of the game you see a montage of what you and Jackie get up to over the next few months y'all become more than best friends Brothers for real doing jobs and robberies sometimes successful and sometimes not you get beat up together you party together you get paid Together For Better or For Worse you guys are in it together and and whing boa boa the greater the risk the bigger the bout kids or so they say but you can only be a major league player for so long the faster you live the faster you burn so one day the two of you bite off a bit more than you can chew with dreams of building a legacy and becoming night City Legends you and Jackie take up a job that goes horribly wrong and leads to Jackie getting shot by arisaka security Jackie dies so suddenly that you didn't even realize how much you were warming up to bro in such a short amount of time his death is so abrupt that it leaves you with an emptiness that you kind of carry with you for the rest of the game see playing as V you choose how he responds to people so his personality can be inconsistent depending on your choices but Jackie there's no question about who he was bro loved life you got to love life to walk around with this ye ass haircut bro brother the game shows you how many people he's touched and how many people really care for him he wanted to be a night City Legend but if you ask me bro already was one he's that best friend that's always talking about something he annoys you sometimes but you can't really imagine life without him until you're already living it luckily if you chose to attend his funeral in the game you see how many people are there to carry on his memory [Music] [Music] if the last of us has taught us one thing whatever character the game starts you playing as when the game starts don't get too attached to them bro you start the game off as Joel's daughter Sarah you're home alone at night as the initial zombie outbreak begins Joel gets home and you Joel and his brother Tommy attempt to escape the city as it descends into chaos before long they get into an accident that injures Sarah's leg look out of course it does it couldn't have been an arm it couldn't have been anything else it had to be her leg the game then gives you control of Joel for the first time as you pick up Sarah and try to outrun the infected chasing you you come across a military man who saves you from the infected and you breathe a sigh of relief as he contacts the military however the military is no longer rescuing civilians somebody we've just been through hell okay we just need [ __ ] please don't oh no Sarah move your hands babe I know baby I know listen to me I know this hurts you're going to be okay baby stay with me I'm want to pick you up I know baby I know it hurts come on baby please I know baby I know Sarah this scene is still one of the most brutal scenes in all of gaming and it perfectly illustrates one of the biggest fears for all parents Joel is doing everything he possibly can in a hopeless situation the world around him crumbles and burns and his one goal is to keep his daughter safe and how ironic is it that a beacon of safety is the one to take her away please please please don't [Music] remember what I said about starting characters in The Last of Us well you start the second game as Joel really at the end of the first game we see Joel go on a rampage through a hospital to save Ellie's life and escape with her Ellie is immune to the zombie virus Joel traveled across the country with Ellie to get her to this Hospital the group here was hoping to operate on Ellie and create a cure through her immunity what they didn't tell Joel was that the procedure would kill Ellie as they would basically have to dissect her brain upon learning this he killed the doctor that was in charge of operating on Ellie and everybody else in the hospital that doctor was this girl's father Abby Anderson in the second game we meet Abby we learned that in the year since the first game she's planned her revenge against Joel for murdering her father she traveled across States just to get to this very moment where she would find Joel and she put Ellie through exactly what Joel put her through when he killed aby's father except it's much worse because Ellie is forced to watch helplessly this is my brother Joe they act like you heard of us or something cuz they have no the other [Music] one Nora all clear he's out put him against the wall you stupid old man you don't get to rush this get her down get off me get her hand get the [ __ ] off me [ __ ] you got herur look you got herur okay [Music] you're going to [ __ ] die what's going on let him go who is that let him go she in why aren't you post it up outside we didn't think anyone was going to show up what the hell did you expect we got to get out of here before The Whole Town's on top of us you're done you want what I want right end it now Joel get up Joel [ __ ] get up please stop please don't Joel please get up the death itself is horrifying and gruesome Joel looks like a pile of meat at this point and all he can do is look at Ellie in pain however the real sadness of Joel's death lies within its effects on Ellie Ellie basically turns into the god of war after this and hunts down Abby for the rest of the game she first finds all of her friends one by one murdering and even torturing them for information on aby's whereabouts driven by anger and hurt we see her go down a road that she almost can't come back from we even see the toll it's taking on her after she kills a pregnant Mel point to where she is [ __ ] point [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me where Abby is where the [ __ ] is she [Applause] she gets PTSD as a result of witnessing Joel's death feeling like it's her fault her dealing with that guilt is probably the worst part of it all for me we see her replaying the details of Joel's death in her head but if you watch her PTSD version of the events you find that her guilt has subconsciously changed some of what she remembers about Joel's death for example the staircase leading down to the room Joel was in in her PTSD nightmare is twice as long as the actual staircase this symbolizes how she felt she wasn't fast enough and how she feels directly responsible for not being able to save Joel this as well as her hearing him desperately scream out for her in pain this again is Ellie's guilt Playing Tricks on her as Joel never actually actually screamed her [Music] [Music] namee Ellie it's a heartbreaking sequence and I absolutely hated watching Ellie get broken down by her guilt that hurt much more to me than Joel's actual death okay I'm going to take him okay [Music] Brock's death and God of War Ragnarok is one of the most tragic parts of the entire game it's completely unexpected Brock and cindry are two dwarf brothers who are experts at crafting weapons Kratos and atraeus regularly stopped by them to upgrade their gear and in the second game they even house us and we all basically become roommates for a bit now Brock he's the blue one and he's also a bit of a [ __ ] hey all right let's gear you [ __ ] up the [ __ ] you want but we start to see a different side of Brock in this game a side that isn't all jokes and Dick Hy we first see this when he accompanies Kratos to have his new spear made when Brock tries to communicate with the magical entitiy that makes these weapons it ignores him this proves something to Brock that he had hoped was never true Brock died in the past his brother cindry found pieces of his soul and brought him back to life but he couldn't find every piece cindry chose to keep this a secret from Brock man Maids don't speak to our Corporal bodies they speak to a part of our soul a pop specifically you might be missing [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it cindry you liing C strubber I knew it I died this is why Brock doesn't seem all the way there this is the real reason Brock skin is blue cindry always told people it was because he would touch Enchanted Metals with no gloves and that turned to skin blue but he was always lying later in the game everyone is together again after atraeus gets back from Asgard with the mask that Odin wants it's at this point that tier the old God of War who we found and had been living with us like the bum he is he decided he will lead us to Asgard and that the mask is the key which is pretty weird since he's been pretty lazy this whole time and the mask is exactly what Odin wanted this whole game this all makes Brock pretty suspicious as well slow down you damn Spruce I still want to hear the details on this uh new way that Asgard you got spill it it's an ancient path we can't reach it from here where then let me collect my things and I'll show you you ain't got no things and where you going with that MK rock that belongs to the kid he earned it all you done was make passible dirt suit Brock it's okay no it ain't this ain't right all the pieces ain't welding together true like what's with him calling you Loki anyway you know that ain't his name hey I'm talking to you you never shut up all the things Odin Odin knew we were looking for tier so he disguised himself as tier and was hiding amongst us the whole game what an unexpected twist Odin you old conniving backstabbing seile grandpa with his dying breath Brock confesses he learned that cindry brought him back to life before and he forgives him for not telling him but now it's time to really let him go maybe if I go back to the lake stop [Music] it I know what you done and I forgive you see his job we've never seen Brock in this way before and his death has lasting effects cindry normally the happy go-lucky one go straight demon mode bro does not rock with us anymore and it's pretty hard to blame him I gave you everything my skills my friendship my home my secrets my treasures and you just kept taking and now what have I got not even my family you want sorry this is what sorry looks like there isn't a sadder death in the entirety of The Walking Dead than Lee Everett's death spending the whole game attempting to protect Clementine Lee finds himself bitten and on the brink of death barely able to keep himself standing Clementine desperately tries to do anything she can to help it all comes to a head when Lee sits and can no longer stand back up tells Clementine that this is it for him and she needs to find a way to prevent him from turning into a zombie Clementine has no choice but to shoot the man that's done everything to keep her safe one of the saddest deaths in gaming period bro this sequence really takes its time playing out and you really feel the effects as Clementine you know what bad when people were coping talking about he's still alive he's coming back in season 3 it's over my brother Let It Go [Music] [Music] it doesn't matter what Spider-Man story it is bro video game movie comic book Aunt May cannot catch a break but Deliver us but nothing comes close to the death of Aunt May in Spider-Man PS4 they wanted to make this hurt and hurt it did bro hurt it did Aunt May gets infected with a toxin known as devil's breath that was released by Doc O her and many other citizens of New York fall extremely ill and she becomes bedridden the disease is so widespread that sick camps have to be set up to treat the infected civilians after an absolutely heartbreaking fight with do where he reveals he knew Peter was Spider-Man the whole time which sends Peter into straight feral mode by the way you knew Peter is able to obtain the cure for devil's breath there's only one problem Aunt May's illness has progressed too much and she has no more time Peter could give her the pure cure right now and save her life but this means there will be none left to use to make a widespread cure for the rest of New York Peter is forced to choose between saving the life of his aunt and saving the lives of hundreds to thousands of innocent people Aunt May knowing her nephew and what he will choose has the most heartbreaking line in any Spider-Man story take off your mask I want to see my [Music] nephew you knew I've known for a while I never wanted you to worry I did and I am so proud of you and and Ben whaty too all the people you've saved I don't know what to do yes you do [Music] I got to go have a little chat before I get much sicker Arthur Morgan's death might be the saddest but most beautifully executed deaths in all of gaming history if you're anything like me when you started Red Dead Redemption 2 all you wanted to do was be the baddest Outlaw in the land I was just feing to Rob some stage coaches and trains bro I was ready to be a modern-day Rufus buck and for a while I did exactly that you play as Arthur Morgan one of the leading and founding members of The vanderlin Outlaw gang and right-hand man to Dutch vanderlin himself it's 1899 and society's becoming civilized towns and even major cities are being built and popping up the time of the outlaw is over which means the way of life for you and your gang was also coming to an end the days of robbing banks and trains and riding off into the sunset were over we watch and play as Arthur and the Gang move from state to state robbing threatening stealing and blackmailing whoever they come across to make money and keep their way of life Arthur himself is no stranger to beating someone half to death just for money but his actions soon catch up to him as blood from one of his victims gets into his system and he contracts tuberculosis a disease easily treatable now but in 1899 when the game takes place fatal bro fatal keep in mind these boys ain't have Tylenol back then as the game progresses we see our character get more and more sick weaker and weaker he will have random coughing fits even coughing up blood his face becomes worn and sickly he's just not as strong as he once was I'm not really sure what's worse having a beloved character die suddenly or watching a beloved character suffer as an inevitable death approaches I guess I'm afraid through his sickness we see a change in Arthur he feels remorse for the life he's lived and the lives he's destroyed he begins seeking out people he's wronged before and attempting to make amends this game is so insane because this even changed how I interacted with the world I began to change right alongside Arthur it no longer satisfied me or brought me any joy to senselessly beat Rob or kill people I spent the remainder of the game helping whoever I could as Arthur changes his leader Dutch begins to become unhinged the walls around them are closing fast Arthur tells those who have been loyal to him to leave while they can as he takes his last ride during Arthur's Last Ride he reflects over his life and his decisions the lives he's changed and even the ones he's ended it's clear to him and the player the end is coming soon when the United States government finally catches up with the gang Arthur's Last Wish was for JN to get his wife and son to safety and to live a good life Dutch when faced with a dying Arthur is unable to cope with the situation he simply walks away as Arthur tells him I gave you all I had that's tried in the end I'm dead come on let's go we can make it come on Dutch come on Arthur takes his last dying breaths looking at the sunset over the mountains [Music] John Maron a sad death in and of itself but made even more heartbreaking through the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 Red Dead 2 was a prequel to Red Dead 1 so everything in Red Dead 2 happens before the events of Red Dead Redemption 1 John Marson is another member of the vanderin gang alongside Arthur Morgan in fact both Arthur and JN were rescued and raised together by Dutch vanderland and other members of the gang when they were both kids JN had abandoned the gang for some time but eventually came back and had a wife and son Abigail and Jack at the the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 Jon is able to escape with Abigail and Jack they live on the run for a few years before Jon is able to secure them a house and a barn it wasn't easy though JN had to hunt bounties kill psychos and even get a loan from the bank which funnily enough was the hardest part for him what property an Old Ranch beater hope that old dump but he did it and they lived together peacefully for years unfortunately for Jon and his family his past would eventually catch up with him as the same government officials who were ATT in the gang in Red Dead Redemption 2 have now found Jon instead of taking Jon in or killing him right then and there they put him to work they forced Jon to hunt down the remainders of his old gang including the infamous leader himself Dutch vanderlind hello again John hello Dutch we got to stop meeting like this sure John completed all of these tasks with the promise of being left alone after to live his life in peace however they lied after finishing the government's job for them they then came to J's home to really finish the job Jon is able to get his wife and child on a horse before facing over 20 members of the United States government and he goes out in an absolute blaze of glory one last Dead Eye taking down multiple government officials with him this Death Becomes infinitely worse when remembering how Arthur's dying wish was for Jon to get away and live a safe and happy life at least JN got to experience that for a couple of short years it all comes full circle when Jack marsten John's son is all grown up at the very end of rdr1 he finds the government official that was in charge of taking down his father and they have one last duel you sent him to do your dirty work then you shot him like a dog and I'll shoot you like one too you little piece of trash now get out of here before I kill you as well I ain't going nowhere old man [Applause] thank you all so much for watching this is my first time ever making a more in-depth video like this I plan on doing a lot more long form and deep dive content kind of like this I've got an invincible breakdown coming soon and More Hell diverse content coming of course please like And subscribe if you guys enjoyed the video and I hope to catch you all on the next one steady
Channel: TonyCeno
Views: 716,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bOiLZ_yvpQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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