The 10 Most Important Lessons from Blue Lock

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starting from episode 1 this is one of the best scenes in the series is sag's willingness to turn his back on the easy victory of an injured igaguri reminded me of a simple but easily forgotten truth if you want to get better you have to do something harder this is pretty much word for word what is Sagi says at this rate I'll be the same as I was before a defeated man who could only watch others namely Kira get ahead of him it would have been all too easy for him to take in the simple route of eliminating the injured igaguri even easier still him to not take the risk of missing the shot simply stepping out of the way would have guaranteed him going through but to create a whole new version of yourself the easy route just is not sufficient words in hyping yourself up are also not sufficient that even includes my videos by the way it's built upon taking actions that you previously wouldn't actions that will always be difficult is saki's willingness to take drastic action on this instead of just being frustrated as own weakness links him really nicely to the second and third points this is a lot later in the series during the 2v2 between Nagi and a Sagi and bar and Nar I've always considered this the most important game for a Sagi it's the game where he learns to take pieces from other players with Nagi and Barrow dominating this game with four goals each is understandably very frustrating for AGI it's the kind of Despair that would be very easy to give into but instead of sitting around frustrated at as own weakness or being angry and narrow and his luck in having bar as a teammate he very calmly looks at the field and thinks okay what is everyone else doing that I'm not and this is honestly one of the most important questions you can ever ask yourself sure there's nothing wrong with having your own unique ways and strengths but honestly if someone who's got what you want to have and is where you want to be is doing something you're not you should probably try doing that because chances are it will will get you closer to that point it's the quickest way to make progress because you can take someone's years of experience in an instant for yourself and this is exactly why isagi has progressed so much since joining blue lock it's so much easier to instead just feel a bit of hatred or jealousy towards them this is something I used to be really guilty of but instead of hating those better than us we should learn from them instead see what they're doing that we can apply for ourselves and what's more is when you do start to think in this way that kind of jealousy stops being a thing when you see someone doing best than you you no longer think there's no way I can reach that level but instead I can't wait to reach that level as we see when aagi faces off against the world five here's a very different reaction to when he saw Barrow which I'm now going to speak about in the third point which is that you're probably doing a lot better than you realize and also probably aren't as far off from where you want to be as you think so remember how at the start of the series when team Z face off off against team X to a Sagi bar was this impossible Beast he even declared is it even possible to beat a player like that after B steamrolled through team Zed and I'm not going to go into the debate of which of these players is better even in the current anime or Manga because it doesn't matter for this video but regardless of who you think it is I'm sure you'd agree that it's definitely no longer the case that BS this impossible enemy instead the two are very close Rivals and to have gone from where he was in this episode to having a whole identity crisis over aagi outclassing him into 3v3 is an incredible jump when he previously thought was impossible so when he first played against Ren and saw that the gap between them is supposedly impossible to beat maybe he didn't need to think that and we do obviously see later on that whilst he hasn't exactly caught Ren yet that Gap wasn't nearly as impossible as he thought you get the idea here chances are wherever you currently are now you probably saw that as an unreachable level or at the very least somewhere you'd like to be so when you're looking ahead at the next level just remember you've made that jump before there's no reason you can't do it again something aagi seems very aware of when he faces off against the world five as we mentioned earlier it's no longer I can't be someone like this it's this is the level I could reach that's really exciting this is one of my favorite takeaways from Blue lock as it replaced a lot of negative doubtful thoughts I had about myself with much more positive optimistic ones now number four comes from a very unexpected player Al the one I've already mentioned a lot Barrow it's slightly crazy to me how often I end up talking about this guy at first glance he would have been the last player to have ever been mentioned on a channel like mine but there's so much to say about him in the free3 match with him Nagi and N Sagi against Rio chugi and kunigami we see a very different barel to what we've had so far remember how I mentioned when he was first introduced as an impossible opponent opponent despite being on the team that came last he scored 10 goals in the first selection defeat matched only by naggie in his 3v3 before this and the 2v2 we saw of him he scored four goals in both of those it seemed as though he could play literally one versus 11 and still find a way to score but in this 3v3 game nothing in fact of the six players here he's by far the weakest performer being more of a detriment than a help to his team he performed so poorly that when isagi throws his words back at him calling him a donkey and telling him to move so I can score Barrow doesn't have a response he's plunged into utter despair resulting in what is the most chilling haunting scene I've ever seen and you might say that just means I've not seen enough series but him sitting in his room depressed and watching a saggy play for Japan looking at what could have been was he just sits there I honestly felt my blood going cold at this he has a choice here does he given to the the comfort of passing to a saggy or fight to regain his place and I do actually think he's being a listal dramatic by the way like making one pass is not going to cause you to end up like this but this to me is a brutal chilling reminder of what can happen if you just allow the world to happen to you rather than doing something about your circumstances sure playing just ragi to scor this game isn't the end of his career as a striker but suppose he does that every game suppose he keeps given into the Comfort doesn't stand up for himself and do what's necessary for him to succeed eventually this could become a reality one small decision will not be the end of the world but repeatedly taking the easy route will eventually catch up to you and maybe I'm even slightly wrong about that because it's all too easy to write something off as that one small decision that doesn't matter if you do it once how many times will you do it before you stop this isn't to say if to to bend every single second of every single day just towards One Singular goal but it's worth bearing in mind that if you always take the easier route if you always gravitate towards Comfort instead of progress you will face the consequences of that one day and it will not be fun moving on to point five bar frequently throughout the series shows a lot of hard truths a lot of other series aren't willing to tackle we've obviously just covered one but here's another unlike a lot of anime block never really goes into the whole Talent vers hard work deal and I really love that because it's honestly not a debate even worth having when very very few people are likely doing everything right that might not even be possible for some Pursuits for instance what does a perfect YouTube video look like you might think you're doing everything you can but chances are you honestly aren't I had a channel before this where I posted about 80 videos over the course of a year and at the time I was fully convinced there was nothing more I could be doing it gained a grand total of 60 subscribers and if I look back at any one of those videos I could list off a dozen ways I could improve but as mentioned at the time I genuinely thought there was nothing more I could be doing but the moment you think that is the moment you've hit your ceiling Phil Barrow it happened in this 3v3 match he refused to change his ways kept doing what he had been doing because it had gotten to where he was he also has this sense of entitlement about him claiming that he should be winning because he's talented and hardworking but the thing is if you refuse to change what you're doing when it clearly isn't working if you fail to learn how to properly utilize your talent and get the most out of your hard work you will eventually hit a wall something I've very much encountered myself recently so how do you get around this you can look at other people as you mentioned before but chances are there's also probably some quite obvious things you could be doing better as obvious as passing to your teammate instead of getting tackled for me recently A big one has been that I've started using my phone in bed again obviously completely screwing up my sleep it's easy for me to give into the urge to lie down and just scroll when I've had a stressful day which has been every day for the last month or so but it's an obvious thing that once stopped helped everything I did drastically sometimes breaking a haby like that requires a whole identity shift like a saggy head against Barrel earlier in the series break your entire current normal down and rebuild it stop seeing yourself as someone who acts a certain way and instead see yourself as someone who acts in a different much healthier way once again the second you think there's nothing more you could be doing you won't go further and chances are those things lie outside of the actual Pursuit itself so improving your sleep for instance number six is going to be a quick one and it's going to come from Bacher but not his Awakening at the end of episode 22 that you're likely expecting but instead we're going back to episode 9 team V against team zad naggi R and zetu have quickly put team V fre nil ahead down a player and fre goals against The Undefeated Giants everyone on team Zed hangs their head and prepares for their Inevitable Defeat nobody believed there was any chance of them winning except batan hanging your head and defeat can honestly feel more comfortable than trying to pick yourself up and move forward but where does that get you in the time you spent Des sparing of the situation you could have probably just done something about it it's so simple it's almost laughable but team Zed just gave up in the middle of the game before it was even over you can save your despair for after you've lost but even then it's not like you only even get to play one football match or one whatever you're thinking of why even waste time lamenting what's happened when there's the excitement of that next opportunity right in front of you now I'm not going to go into any spoilers but these next couple are from the manga so if you really don't want to see any panels Jump Ahead to the time shown on screen but again there aren't going to be any spoilers here I just had to include them because of how brilliant they are number seven comes from Mark Snuffy and I have a whole video on him so I'll be quick it mostly comes from one single line before you are a footballer you are a person Mark snuff is considered the best allaround player in the world and so perfectly embodies this idea he's not dependent on any one single thing and neither should we be when you see something as life or death a relationship an achievement a career no only is it quite counterproductive as even the slightest setback can cause so much stress and you're just never seeing it level-headed but it's also just not true the world is way too big and life way too long for there to just be one thing out there for you if whatever you're aiming for doesn't work out you will find something else and it's not that you shouldn't chase after it or do everything you can to prevent those failures happening in fact it's quite the opposite that you should go all out because even if it doesn't work they'll always be something else for you there's nothing to fear so why wouldn't you go for it personally I found this a super useful reminder one that pretty drastically immediately improved my mental health and let me see the World in a much better more realistic way number eight comes from Chris Prince the world's number two Striker on which again I've made an entire video on him so I'll be as quick as I can and again this one is a single line we get a look at his thought process and he says in the moment I doubt myself what would the ideal chis Prince do it's such a simple yet effective question to ask yourself when you feel like skipping a gym blazing around or doing in what you think you shouldn't chances are that's not at all what the ideal version of yourself would do and I love this line so much both for how motivating it is but also it's just a great way to really gain some direction in life with the countless different routes we can take for what we want to be it's often far too overwhelming and also often just not as rewarding as we'd necessarily expect honestly any of my external achievements I felt utterly meaningless at times I wasn't happy with myself i. I didn't like the way I Ed and saw myself in a very negative light external achievements can be great and can really make you feel best about yourself for instance you might have disliked your ability to achieve a certain thing but beyond that they only do so much in my experience the rush of hitting a certain Target or buying a new thing doesn't last nearly as long as we'd expect however being genuinely happy with yourself is something you get to carry around pretty much all the time although of a very healthy reminder from Prince that everyone has moments where that just isn't the case Prince evidently isn't as much of a meathead as he first seems he's given us a brilliant line which I personally think will stay with me for Life welcome back if you ski the last two going back to the anime number nine comes from chiger and what is still my favorite goal in the series up until this point jiger hadn't done anything like at all and we finally found out the reason why in a flashback revealing that a while back he suffered an AC Del and although he recovered if a similar injury occurs again that'll be his career over since then he's wanted an excuse to give up football he finds himself silently wanting team Zed to lose but then asks himself what am I actually afraid of is it injuring my leg again is it not being able to play anymore there's two rots chory could have taken here each with his own sets of obstacles and fears the first of which is to try sprinting and playing the way he used to which of course carries a very potent obvious fear of injuring his knee again the second is to continue the way he is watching and wishing from the sidelines this carries its own fear but it's not as in your face obvious or easy to describe something like this which is less sudden and concrete in comparison to injuring your leg again is much easier to push to one side and forget about but it's honestly far more scary G seeing asagi desperately tried to keep a soccer career alive snaps chiger into the realization of what's about to happen if he simply lets this game end the way he's about to his biggest fear of all to never experience his love of soccer again since this scene I've repeatedly asked myself what would be worse for this to go wrong or to never even attempt it and my answer has always been the same as cheries as he blitzes past teamw seen that I've watched more times than I'd like to admit but amidst the intensity and hype of this my favorite part of it all is chory slaming back down on that right leg of his this kind of idea is something that a lot of shows tackle but I've honestly never seen it as well executed as chiger story his full acceptance that if it breaks so be it is a moment that really stuck with me as one of Blu Lock's greatest even the worst case scenario is better than a Lifetime on the sideline the last and most important one of all comes from the main man himself Jim paty ego and that is that when done correctly there is nothing wrong with ego when he was first introduced I expected him to spout some quite generic stuff about how selfishness isn't bad I thought it was quite interesting as it's the polar opposite to what a lot of series teach in fact it's pretty much the exact opposite to just about every series we would have watched growing up however despite this quite refreshing change again I just thoughted about some quite repetitive and fairly obvious stuff that I just kind of forget about after finishing the show I never expected him to convince me that there's a good amount of Truth to his whole philosophy but as the show went on I found myself not only agreeing with him more and more but also eagerly anticipating his next scene as one of my favorite characters of all time there's likely plenty of guys out there my younger self included that are just so afraid of being slightly selfish but it's fine to stand up for yourself it's fine to have confidence in yourself and above all it's perfectly fine to set some high lofty goal that many of us won't even have the courage to attempt and say I could do that I'm going to figure out how and there's people who do that who are out there achieving the things I want and there'll also be plenty of people that will try and tear them down for whatever reason often reasons that don't make sense like oh but they're actually a jerk or they got lucky or it's their whole life right that used to be me only internally in my head like some people comment this on people's post but regardless I used to be a jealous little bit but I know which group I want to be in now not the group poined their fingers and saying oh look at this guy but the group they're trying to make fun of the group that are actually doing something for some of you this probably came quite naturally to you and so I might sound a bit insane to those of you but I'm sure there's a good chunk of people out there that can really emphasize what I'm saying that have just had enough of everything that's happened to them and want to really do something about it that are realizing a lot of the things they've believed their whole life I've been told again and again just aren't true it's a bit cringe to say out loud but my favorite takeaway from Blue lock is honestly just be a bit of a crazy egoist it will do you a world of good thank you so much for watching most of these ideas I have mentioned in other videos before so I'll put in the description a list of recommended videos If one point in particular really caught your attention otherwise thank you so much for watching and have a great day
Channel: Lessons From Anime
Views: 19,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue lock, blue lock anime, blue lock manga, blue lock edit, blue lock isagi, isagi, blue lock lessons, blue lock life lessons, blue lock barou, blue lock bachira, blue lock jinpachi, blue lock nagi, blue lock best moments, blue lock analysis, blue lock essay, blue lock characters, blue lock character analysis, blue lock isagi analysis, blue lock barou analysis, blue lock jinpachi analysis, blue lock ego analysis, blue lock video essay, blue lock character essay
Id: mzAMfsiKv24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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