Ranking Every Professional Player In Blue Lock

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the blue lock project was created to enable Japan to capture its first World Cup win in essence this program aims to elevate the Japanese football to World Class by creating exceptional players that can take on the world and still Excel as ego stated the weapons and abilities Japanese players have are very exceptional locally however the moment they are exposed to world class they become mediocre and second tier with this in mind ego made sure to introduce the blue lockers to High Caliber worldclass players in fact the best of the best first the world five who are professional players and top Strikers representing the five strongest national teams France Spain England Argentina and Brazil and then the five Masters who actually Mark the highest level of professional football so in today's video we are going to take a deep look into the playing style of each professional player and drag them from the weakest to the strongest but before we do however if you enjoy this type of videos and content please consider subscribing and hitting the notification Bell for more amazing blue loock theories and reviews and now without any further Ado on with the video coming up at number nine as any ranking list we got to start somewhere and despite being very impressive I think Dada Silva takes the ninth and last place on our list daada is known as the tank and seems to be a very strong and muscular guy which makes makes his ability and weapon all the more impressive despite being a very heavy player daada still jumps like a karoo and that strong physique enables him to dominate his aerial battles now I know it's not a point of comparison but he completely overpowered Ario in their aerial battles both in terms of physicality and even jumping ability and he completely blew him off the water to put this into perspective we have seen in chapter 235 and 236 how despite them being even matched on the ground iiko still boasts Superior aerial ability to Kaiser the New Gen 11 Striker and iiko isn't even close to Ario in this regard hell even the PowerHouse kunigami can't even beat him in an aerial confrontation now I understand the aru is an under 20 player but this serves as the perfect indicator to the gap between the blue Locker's current level and world class and unfortunately this is the extent of what we know about Dada Silva add to that the unlik like the other world five tokitsu did not give any comment on D's achievements except being one of the best strikers in the world which really applies to every player on this list so let's just move on next Mr Number Eight Pablo cavos or the baby faed best free kicker in the world in complete contrast to Dada Silva Pablo is a small guy not that muscular he actually resembles naraya with added cuteness something he takes pride in on the pitch however he nothing but deadly his first showing was actually a defensive feat as despite B's insane dribbling technique he wasn't able to really get past him and he stayed on him this is Bacha post Awakening mind you and in their second encounter he stopped Bacha dead very easily and told him that he likes Variety in his dribble patterns and he has a limited imagination which was the thing that bacho worked on and lavinho in the NL on offense however the baby face is rather scary first he seems to have meta Vision as he did what Sai was doing in the u20 game which is passing the ball immediately after getting it and leaving no room for isan Bacha to press him this alone takes his Stakes high as we have seen how much op metav Vision can be in the manine city game another thing that caught my eye and a theory sprouted in my mind that if it is true Pablo would be higher on this list which is his shot here where he seems to have covered his shot behind B and hunted for that shot course course kind of like B did in chapter 228 this coupled with the fact that he is the best free kicker in the world he could have predator eyes or even a third form of it that allows him to input the goalkeeper individualities and thus determine the best way to shoot the free kick obviously all of this is speculative and please take it with a grain of salt also if you are wondering about predator eyes and metav vision and how can they be detected I have a full video exploring and explaining every ey type in lock so make sure to check it out in any case for number seven we have Julian Loki I know I know a shock in ranking considering he is one of the five Masters and is actually the fastest player we have seen so far even beating Noah and Prince but before you write your raging comments hear me out the more I looked into the world five players the more I realized how they were relaxed and at ease with his speed and talent this obviously does not mean that they can catch up to him speed-wise but at least they either know how to deal with it or present Talent of their own that can be matched if not more effective than his speed this made me want to reconsider placing him above the four of them automatically our first showing of Loki was in the second selection in the world five versus RN Team game where he completely obliterated them with his speed and actually flexed a little by running purposely around them in straight lines ring caught this and went to meet him but Loki tapped into a faster gear and smoked him but Pablo and daugh responded in this way that if he keeps running it would be way too boring meaning they are well aware of his level and where he stands obviously this isn't Loki's best feat as team Ren at this point was far too weak in fact him being chosen one of the five Master is the most impressive thing which at first glance put him at the door of being at the level of Noah and Snuffy but I honestly think there are different reasons for him to be chosen first the fact that he is only 17 his talent and speed go far far in him going professional at a young age but we have seen throughout the series so far how Talent without the right mindset is not enough and so EO has an incentive into choosing Loki to show the blue lockers exactly this second the master Strikers are chosen as the best player in their respective leagues and Loki is the best player in the French league while being very impressive La League a is not the most competitive league out there and thus players who dominate other more difficult leagues have be showing speaking of which for number six we have the top scorer of the Premier League the womanizer and my favorite world five player Adam Blake Blake's playing style seems to be a refined and a more focused playing style of kunigami and tokimitsu he boasts in insane physique which he uses to force his way through and score goals which while being very basic it is very effective style and oddly flexy but I know you might be wondering how does a muscle head get a higher ranking than a metav vision user or even lowkey well the answer is twofold First metav Vision is as strong as the information you input and depending on the player its Effectiveness varies like we've seen with Nico and Kaiser having a slightly limited Vision compared to isigi and we really have no clue of the level of Pablo's metav Vision as his description statement has nothing to do with it second reason and more importantly Blake is the English league top scorer as eigi stated football exists for the strikers and being the top scorer of your league the the most competitive league in the world at that means the player is a force to be reckoned with this actually gives me hope for kunigami I'm not going to lie as Blake's accomplishments speak for the effectiveness of his playing style that is physique oriented one final thought Blake being the top scorer of the English league made it really hard for me to rank him in comparison of the two player ranked above him and Loki so please know that this is my personal take right now based on the information we have but these four players are interchanged able and are very close in level all right for number five we have the dirty Fox Leonardo Luna the prince of Real Madrid Luna actually was the guy who made me notice that the world five aren't intimidated by Loki's speed as he told Ren when he hesitated are you that afraid of Loki's speed you've got tunnel vision from lack of experience this pushed me to believe that Loki actually doesn't scale above some of these world five especially this guy who responded immediately to the situation he then goes and gives the ball to Pablo so he can forward it to the front line with his insane kicking ability this proves Luna's insane reading ability the moment Ren stopped Luna was there and immediately after taking the ball he moved it to the front line for a quick counter he didn't even stop to read the field which makes me believe much like Pablo he possesses metav Vision but this is not all from the little information we've got we can see that he presents a very deadly technique which is actually similar to that of Sai and Ren where he dribbles reactively to what his opponents does however I think it is a bit deadlier because against Ren the moment he moved his leg just a tiny bit Luna was already on the move and flicked the ball there by the time Ren realized the ball has already passed between his legs honestly this reminded me of Akashi from kuruk noas where with his Emperor eye he sees the future and the moment his opponent moves Akashi is already responding obviously Akashi is more broken as I don't think blue lock has any supernatural abilities all Luna did was react fast enough to rin's leg movement but also I speculate that he has an eye ability that enables him to read body language and that might help him in reacting that fast another point I want to talk about is this poster the cover of chapter 182 this is some serious foreshadowing from the writer to when Japan will face Germany and Spain in the World Cup represented by Kaiser and Luna respectively I believe this means Kaiser will be be the biggest threat in the u20 World Cup after getting an Awakening in the N probably in the pxg game but obviously Luna is a pro and so this could be referring to him actually being one of the biggest threats to Japan in the actual World Cup well in addition to the master Strikers if some of them don't retire by the time isig is representing Japan's national team I might be highballing him but of the five wormed class player this to me makes Luna the guy we need to watch out for the most now I want to end Luna section with the fact that he is labeled the prince of Real Madrid the greatest Club in history which is rather impressive but also much like Cristiano and Messi this puts him in direct rivalry with one of the five Masters levinho the Ace of FC Bara Real Madrid's arch rival speaking of which at number four we have the butterfly guy levino the dancer in design levie resembles real life Neymar and with a skill set similar to that as well Levy is a very egoistic player player who lives for those moments where he shines like a star he also think he is the best Striker and player in the world even though he is obviously not but with a childish personality he doesn't care and says he is number one in his mind currently he is La Liga top scorer a feat comparable to that of Blakes but when we get to his skill set things really get interesting known as the dancer ly possesses the deadliest dribbling technique in the world where by moving the ball around his opponents he forces them to fall in different forms like they are actually dancing which is kind of ironic they call him the dancer but he makes people dance he also boasts insane speed as we saw that Noah couldn't follow him up after he passed him due to isi's mistake which is rather interesting as well but this marks the end of what we know about Levy yes little information but insane Feats nonetheless coming up at number three we have the perfect hero Chris Prince the player currently ranked by FIFA as the world's second best player and I honestly have a little to say about Prince he boasts one of the strongest physicality if not the strongest currently but not just that his speed shooting agility are all top tier and honestly the label perfect hero is just fitting as his stats are just perfect and well-rounded funny enough despite his age Prince is a very passionate athlete with a playful and a very dreamy personality but don't let that fool you much like Levy Chris has one of the biggest egos and always aims to be the hero of the game above anything else in fact the kid in him was aiming to prove himself versus 17-year-olds where obviously there was no one even close to him which prompted one of the funniest responses from Noah and highlighted the difference in their philosophies now I would like to State the only reason Chris isn't number one or even number two with his perfect soccer body is his philosophy much like Noah said in chapter 185 you should never have irrational mental blocks when it comes to football or you will never be on top of this highly competitive world and unfortunately Prince despite being a big egoist he is held back by his irrational approach to football something the next two players on our list don't share so at number two we have the man currently ranked as the world's best but more fittingly the best striker in the world right now Noah Noah the Terminator of blue loock and the idol of many of our beloved characters now much like the case with Chris Prince and due to their dominant attributes and performances explaining the top tier players is rather easy for Noah he is a player with a unique weapon and the dexterity there is he can utilize his right and left side with 100% efficiency and even though this might not seem that impressive of an ability at firsthand it is actually broken as we have seen with isigi and kunigami who by just having a secondary weapon their options increase exponentially and become more dangerous stopping Noah means that you have to kill his options on both sides something easier said than done as Noah boasts a physicality very close to that of Cris Prince but due to him being able to use it on both sides with 100% efficiency that physicality becomes rather scary first his dribbling is open and is not reliant on his dominant leg as he has none this allows Noah to pick the best route to the goal with no limitations in what we call the machine dribbling second his insane shooting ability with both legs allows him to snatch goal in almost any situation but I'm going to say it straight up the biggest reason why Noah is the best striker in the world is his philosophy Noah spends every second of every day in his life on the road to be the best he rationally and meticulously think of the best route for him to reach and maintain his position on top whether be it on the field with his machine likee dribling or outside of the field with his training thinking and overall lifestyle as you all know know blue lock is filled with valuable life lessons and I believe Noah's rational approach to success is one of the most admirable lessons one can learn from this show in fact the disparity between Prince and Noah is meant to exemplify their rationality as king all right we reached the number one spot on our list and I'm sure this comes to no one's surprise that the man himself the goat the out is taken this ranking the Phoenix Man Mark Snuffy with what's probably the saddest backstory in blue loock Mark Reigns on the throne of football with Terror even being labeled the overall best player in the world by the manh himself s Noel Noah Snuffy is a tall player with great physique not as powerful as Prince Noah but he holds his own very well however he compensates for this with what's probably the biggest mind in football right now his big brain enables him to read the situation faster than anyone employ tactics and Designs depending on the situations he read for both attack and defense to fully dominate the field in designing these patterns he takes his teammates weapons strong points and overall playing Styles literally there is no end to the number of strategies he employs this earned him the nickname of the master strategist remember when I said Snuffy's physicality is a bit lacking compared to Noah and Prince well what if I tell you that this man's genius enables him to dominate most if not all of his physical DS by employing Jiu-Jitsu techniques he turns into a feale when it comes to ball keeping and retention beating even Noah and isigi in a 2V1 duel something not many players can boast about this incorporation of a martial art technique into football serves as the perfect example of his philosophy much like Noah Snuffy doesn't have any irrational mental blocks when it comes to being the best his physicality is not number one well he carved a rational path to overcoming this by learning one of the best martial arts for close confrontations what can I say great minds think alike for Noah and Snuffy rationality is again King but if you thought this is all well no to better dominate the field Snuffy also has metav Vision in fact his metav vision is like isigi a subtype that I call adaptive metav Vision where dependent on the region of the field they adapt different strategies and utilize different players but due to the Gap in experience Snuffy's metav vision is far superior to that of eiges kers and everyone else we've seen so far overall with the biggest brain in this series the strongest metav vision and the best dueling ability Snuffy really Reigns on the throne of football with Terror with no one even coming close and with him recently regaining his passion for football thanks to borrow we might see him deth throw Noah in the FIFA annual ranking but that's a discussion for another video and another day so this wraps it up for Mark Snuffy and for the video guys I hope you enjoyed and please let me know if you agree or disagree with my ranking as well as telling me who is your favorite professional athlete until next time thank you for watching
Channel: ACE lock
Views: 76,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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