How Nagi Seishiro became a MAN (and you can too)

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have a look at the comments on this video from people who've watched it all the way through I guarantee they're saying that what I'm about to tell you will help you a hundred times more than anything else you watch today or even this mum and you'll see why I can say that such confidence because I'm going to break down every single wall you have in your life but before that let me ask you something bro are you in Naggy or Rio that's a really strange question that like What on earth does that mean so I'll explain a bit more let's recap episode 16 or chapter 59 of Bullock following a saggy and nagus victory in a 2-2 match this new Duo has added Barrel to alignment to make a seriously scary looking team meanwhile Rio is feeling very frustrated and I believe in him has teamed up with chicory and kunigami to make an equally strong team and the two sides have agreed to face off against each other this is Rio and naggy's first time going against each other and it is an incredible match from the Trio's ever-changing attacks to bowel's struggle and Awakening to her asaki becoming a major threat a lot happens it's a neck and neck battle for out and the score eventually ties up at four we're in a psychic plan out the final attacks on their mental Battlefield and the final kickoff begins following some intense Wonder Woman battling Rio opens just enough space to thread a bull through to it forcing Nagi who would be unable to match his speed to gamble on trying to reach that ball first and by his breath he manages to pull it off causing the ball to fall to Barrow whose internal crisis finally explodes as it charges through to score the winning goal in spectacular fashion after a bit of disagreement on her lineup they decide on the Speedster triggery humor Nagi then goes over to speak to Rio telling him ORS an incredibly close game which is true and also that his face that rear is more than capable of clearing for the next stages to see nag again which once again is definitely true you know Bria is a very strong player one who I think is very underestimated in the blue look Community but all of that is besides the point of this video because Rio gives and this sounds a bit harsh but it's honestly a pathetic response you know he starts talking about you've changed you've forgotten I promise you should have picked me and Maggie points out and I'll come back to this nothing Brio says makes a shred of sense Naggy then walks away saying I don't care anymore you've become a pain now I'm aware the following isn't a 100 to the exact comparison of what Rio's thinking and saying but when I re-watched the scene so so many thoughts flooded into my head and what I'm about to say is probably the best advice I've given on this channel this right here that scene we just saw is a scene between The Watcher and the achiever you know a man who's out there getting what he wants making progress who's living life and the man who's watching others get what he wants who's convinced himself of nonsense who's full of resentment and I don't even need to ask which one you want to be do I ever which one are you you know truthfully honestly which one are you and it's probably neither you know you're probably somewhere in the middle and so am I but if you're being completely honest here you know no one's got to know this other than me and you but you're probably much closer towards the rear end of the spectrum than you'd like so younger me was right over here and so I know exactly what's holding you back and how to fix it so the reason you're closer to descended to Spectrum is because you don't realize how easy it is to be at the other end all those things you want you wish you had you wish you were you don't realize that they're all within your grasp and you definitely don't realize how close they are it's so much easier to get these things than you realize and I'll explain how and why in a moment though I need to tell you something that's going to change your life fast provide that you have the character to you know actually sit and listen to something slightly uncomfortable you're likely really not even aware of how often this happens but I bet when you see someone either online or in person with some level of success in anything your brain's first reaction is to come up with something negative about them so for example you see someone with big muscles on it oh well I bet they're a real jerk and I bet it's not actually happening looks funny and he's this or is that or you see someone making money and something just has to be wrong with how they're doing it or they're lying or be boring to live that way and this next part is going to make a lot of people click off because they can't stand to hear something five percent uncomfortable even that'll improve their life by planetary 800 in every single way the reason why you do this and come up with all these negative assumptions is because you don't believe you can do that and you're completely wrong and I'll come back to that but if you're being completely honest with yourself and again remember no one's got to know this other than you deep down you probably want what they have and so your brain subconsciously hates the fact that it doesn't have what is currently saying so it has to come up with all sorts of justifications for why it doesn't have that and again this really used to be me in fact truthfully sometimes I still catch myself doing this where so if I go back a couple years ago I remember whenever I'd be scrolling from my phone and I'd see someone the things I wanted I'd always open up the comments and find the ones where people were hating and if you do this too you know it's not actually that hard to find them you know most of the comments will be like that and it's usually one of three things either oh he's lying he's this bad thing or I don't want it and those kind of period because or starting with that first one his life that immediately justifies in your brain because well the reason we didn't have it is because it's impossible and honestly this one is sometimes a gem that people do like a lot online but more so about how they got what they have rather than what they have so they're not lying about if there's equal or income but they're lying about not being on the juice or their line of how they're getting so a lot of things you think are impossible honestly are possible and it's a similar story of the second or third one so well because he's this bad thing you know he's a joker he's got a weird nose or whatever it may be that kind of justifies it in your brain as well because well you might have the physique you want or the money you want or the girls you want but at least she'll know something like that guys so it's silly really but that last one especially no I don't want it well of course you do you know if you could have that thing you would if you could have more money you absolutely would if you could have a best physics you absolutely would so how's what I've told you going to change your life well you've just shown you're the type of person who will actually listen to someone giving you information that will benefit you instead of clicking away because it's a little bit uncomfortable so with that level of character you have which is honestly quite rare nowadays I guarantee those thing you want are within your grass so using myself an example I've just turned 24 but if I go back six years to another just turned 18 and I'm starting at University I wasn't even really aware of this at the time but I was quite well I was very jealous of these other guys who are in shape picking up girls and were just generally quite confident with good people skills and I noticed looking back because I've always come up with these negative assumptions as I just said and so I spent so long just being miserable about it and I fully convinced myself that I was just something wrong with me and I couldn't have any of those things but here's the thing I noticed it was a completely different series but bear with me so when I watched my hair Academia I saw a lot of myself at a time in deck so before I even got any powers or anything it just started going to gym and training the Walmart and I don't really have an all might to show me how to do any of these things I started going to gym anyway and even it was far from perfect and I made so many mistakes as soon as I did it didn't actually take that long before I started getting compliments almost physique from both guys and girls really imagine you know within six months you could go from well if you like me having never even held hand to a girl and being kind of the weird nerdy guy to I'm not going to go into too much detail but the complete opposite experience you know and that doesn't even mention just how much more happy and how much more confident I was in myself because of all the probes I've made I'm not saying any of this to break the point is if you saw how I was before you would realize that if I can do it anyone can you can it only takes like 6 to 12 months of hard work and if that sounds like a lot then that's the problem you're expecting it too fast and because of that you're going infinitely slower than the people willing to go slow because you're going nowhere so when I say you're closer than you think I'm not necessarily talking about time although sometimes it can be a very quick fix as I'll come to but it's more that I'm talking about the difference in what you're doing all you have to do is just start doing the thing and within six to 12 months you'll beat that so let's say you want to get in shape just buy some home dumbbells and start following a home dumbbell routine it doesn't matter which one you don't have to be perfect to get the things you want so stop stressing about oh is it optimal is it perfect just pick a routine you enjoy do it few times a week for six months and you'll see the difference it's the best money you'll ever spend I promise you and just as a side note if improving your looks and getting orgasm goals I promise you for my own experience obviously as well as going to the gym just trimming your beard again a haircut instantly drastically improve how you look so having done this myself I now see so many guys wear if they just bought a beard trimmer and got a haircut it would literally change their life you know it's such a simple cheap change but it makes a real noticeable difference anyway going back to Rio he was so so close to it in this game you know literally a few milliseconds faster and Naggy wouldn't have intercepted his pass and they would have won he's so close to being a lovely once you know he's honestly got the potential to be one of the biggest threats in blue lock but instead of looking at what he needs to do to get that extra step he's just coming up with all sorts of nonsense it was so frustrating seeing him say oh Naggy you've forgotten or promise to be the best no he hasn't the whole reason he joined up with Sega team was to learn more about soccer you know it looks back to earlier about what I was saying about how we come up with all sorts of negative things to say without any actual reasoning behind it you know if you've read episode Naga you know this was the first time ever of these two had lost you know it was clear to nag of that to become the best he had so much more to let but Rio just seemed to kind of expect to be the best anyway you know he was the one not taking it seriously and then there's the whole oh but you should have picked me well as Naga says that would not have actually made Rio happy you know and I think Rio probably knows this is just very very fast frustrated to have never lost before and into have lost twice firstly to a team that should never have really been a threat to him then to Knack and then to not even be considered the best player in the losing team suddenly it seems like that dream of winning the World Cup is Way Out Of Reach for him so he's coming up with all sorts of nonsense trying to ease his growing discomfort with him but where is this getting him as Nagi says no one cares you know you can sit down and come up with all these reasons why other people shouldn't have that thing you want or why you can't do that or you can just do the thing and you'll be there much quicker than you're expecting to be so I'm gonna finish this off with what a saggy says rather than aiming to be the one who's being chosen be the one who chooses rather than sitting there and hoping things will happen to you watching on as a spectator be the one doing well enough to choose so let me rephrase our art shows are you the one who achieves rather than just watches and that applies to everything you know even that in fact especially that because that is a prime example or something that you say you don't really mind or it's not that bad but in reality if you could be of a real girl instead of a screen you would be so as kunigami says if you're gonna drop your head and pretend all I've said doesn't apply to you then you're not gonna go any further you know instead of hating and quietly resenting the people who have what you want see what you can learn from them see what they're doing that you can do and I won't go to any manga spoilers but if you have read the Manga you'll know exactly what this man has been doing or rather has the abilities to do in relation to what I've just said so now you've watched this you can go and do whatever you want but just ask yourself what are you even doing check out these videos here if you enjoyed this because you'll love those too drop us someone like this helped start taking action by clicking the links in the pinned comment and there's another Nike video on the way so I'll see you soon for that
Channel: Lessons From Anime
Views: 70,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nagi, nagi, nagi blue lock, seishiro nagi, blue lock nagi, blue lock manga, blue lock, anime life lessons, blue lock motivation, blue lock motivational, blue lock ego, anime self improvement, blue lock analysis, nagi analysis, nagi awakens, nagi vs reo, blue lock advice, nagi motivation, nagi seishiro, nagi ego, nagi best goals, how to be like Nagi, nagi character analysis, blue lock inspirational, blue lock awakening, nagi awakening, nagi best scenes, nagi best moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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