How Bachira overcame "The Monster" (Blue Lock)

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blue lock is a series jam-packed with memorable hype moments but somehow of the dozens you're currently thinking of which I'm gonna come back to my favor is one that you probably forgot about enter Bachelor a character that a lot of people apparently didn't initially like due to his monster dialogue but do you remember what this madman did in the true first selection in episode 1 when everyone else was petrified of the ball as The Slight attachment in the end of their whole careers he intentionally hugs himself by the time our brains a process what this guy's done he's trying to roundhouse kick someone in the head and this is where we realize that blue lock was not going to be just a football anime and it also made it clear that bastra was not going to be a typical character either amongst the hyper intense competitiveness of blue lock we're the guy who not only intentionally puts himself in a losing situation with just 10 seconds to find a way out also and trusts his fate so I need about a minute prior and that's not even mentioned in the fact that there was absolutely no logical incentive for a psyche to take that shot instead of stepping aside and guaranteeing a spinal next round so why on Earth did Basha do this well normal logical rules don't really apply to battery at times it proves itself smarter and more rational than any of us prime example being his first Awakening in episode 9. team Zed is down 3-0 in a 10 verse 11 against the unbeaten team V everyone on team C even the fiery is saggy stands around just moving the hudder so I'll match them it's hopeless and they couldn't possibly win against these guys and we've all done this at some point in our life right but bashura his response is simply well if they're playing well we need to just play better which sounds stupid and obvious but it's actually brilliant I mean no one else there managed to figure that out and neither had I or at the very least we all lose sight about a lot of points in our life so I love this guy's mindset when it comes to challenge you know as he's running towards teamview of a huge grinding faces just says to himself well if we can't beat you then we simply weren't good enough now his implication here was that if they weren't able to win this match then realistically they were going to lose at some point in Blue Rock This is actually a very similar realization to a saga had in the first episode where he realized that he wants to improve he's got to do something new he can't just carry on the way he is so he completely unnecessarily grows himself into the challenge and it's interesting that this is so similar to batch was seen here because this is the scene where he first saw a saggy as the monster he'd be looking for but anyway back to the match against team Bay batra knows this is an awful situation down three goals and a player against the top team but the important part is it doesn't waste time sitting around dwelling at her he simply goes hey a deceiver works or it doesn't he's just excited because to him this is simply an opportunity to try something new and see how good he really is I think he recognizes that it's only in these kind of situations where you don't have a choice but to push yourself that you actually see how much you can do so as proof of this if you've ever done any form of physical exercise running lifting weights whatever it might be and then had someone watch you doing that same exercise like a friend or just someone you know all of a sudden you find you had that little bit more on you than you would normally do when you're on your own you know in those kind of situations you see how much you actually can do as per to how much you can do before hitting that limit you've put on yourself and although I say it's one that you've put on yourself it's more often than not it comes from external things and that's going to be kind of a recurring theme throughout the rest of this video and you can see in the scene that battle is actually pretty surprised what it could do you know I've mentioned this idea of in some of my other videos but as soon as you said that slightly unrealistic goal you'll start to do things that you didn't think you were capable of before and I'm sure someone's come to mind for all of you watching this you know if it's an exam or job interview or some other big event you've been preparing for waiting to start for regardless of what it is stop wasting time sitting around and oh what if this happens what if I can't do this what if this happened you know as the saggy says you can leave the despair for after you've lost because all that Warren and doubting isn't gonna help you and go ambassador's point about how team Zed were just going to stand there going like oh we can't do this it's lost it's over there's a pretty unexpected point that Bashford demonstrates here that I want to talk about now I don't think there was anything he could have said to his teammates getting as fired up as he was you know he was the only one and he tried talking to a saggy about her and it's like was just like oh with freino down it's 10 v11 but as soon as faster scores that first goal all of that changes Rio comments that within the space for a minute they've gone from being down to being fired up and all of a sudden kunigami's talking about strategies and we should do this and we should do this you know he has completely changed the entire team in space of just 30 seconds with a single goal so you may have heard the saying like it's not about the destinations about the journey I think there's a bit of a caveat to that because truthfully the reason we do a lot of things is for the results you know I might enjoy going to the gym but truthfully the reason is for the result of looking bigger and so we actually get things back because a lot of time you know we're waiting for motivation to start to do something but really it comes after we start when you get that first compliment on your physique or your first thousand subscribers or your first improved grade then you get a sense of hey this actually works I want to keep doing this now we don't see much of action for a while following the same of course he makes appearance in the first shot on against Ren but doesn't really do anything too memorable and for the vast majority of the room actually doesn't really do an awful lot either he's finally found a player not just one player but two players who are completely out of reach for him and this is what he's been waiting for you know he's been wasting his whole life for this moment yet all he can do is just stand around in Despair and this actually contradicts all of the points I've made about him up until now you know Naggy and chicory both points out how differently his accent it's the complete opposite of the battle you've seen so far shortly after his psychic pulls off his first real Victory against win on their mental Battlefield to make the score for all and then in a very similar fashion to the scene with Barrow a testing almost crawl ball Forza bachelor's fate forcing him to come all these doubts he's been tackling with about how he's suddenly not good enough for his never going to enjoy soccer again and above all that he'll never manage to lose that feeling of loneliness what follows is him finally saying goodbye to the monster and this kind of confused me at first because would it actually mean for him as a character well I think in its simplest form it's him fully learning to have faith in himself he is no longer looking for this constant external validation but for his own abilities and his own happiness and I'm going to go further into that because this is a really tough one for all of us in the modern world if you spend more than an hour or two online in any shape or form you see more people and more ideas than any of your ancestors would have seen in their whole life and our brains are just not equipped to handle this any idea you have there's a dozen people on your feet only why you should do something any accomplishment you make there's a dozen people your age doing way better all people 10 years younger than you doing twice as well and this is so overwhelming for a caveman brains because it makes it impossible not to compare yourself to others and it's impossible to appreciate what you have as well but for batter it's a little different what me and you are going through his desire was to have someone on his level to play football with he was fully convinced that to enjoy football he needed someone else now this actually held him back quite a lot of ability wise too for instance we see he was fully convinced and he doesn't want to get past it's like any others but turns out I was fully capable of getting past him all by himself and although it's a little different this is something I used to really struggle with a lot myself having to constantly seek other people's opinions on any ideas or plans I had for myself I just couldn't have faith my own ability to make the right decision and to break this you really do need to take as Patrick puts a gamble to break the curse to overcome this you know just for once have one time where you stop looking for that monster that external validation or the kind of reassurance from other people and just go for it yourself but more significantly what Bachelor lost was his ability he just simply enjoy being one with the ball as a person he forgot just how much he loved playing football even by himself and again this might not be something as many of you can relate to but when I was younger I used to really struggle with this too I used to really find it difficult to just be content with doing the things I enjoy as I always felt like I should be doing something else you know if you're quite introverted you might struggle with this a lot as well but you kind of get a sense of oh I should be enjoying going out to parties or doing this or doing that but there's nothing wrong with enjoying the things you do but anyway getting back to the scene is honestly just beautiful to seem per side anything external and truly listen to his own inner voice as he puts it because as his mum says in that conversation everyone wants to believe in some but as a girl that they find they can't anymore so they pretend they can't hear that voice until one day they actually can't anymore and I imagine something's popped into your head just hearing that but you probably don't realize just how deeply ingrained you some things are that have nothing to do with what you want wanting to fit in feeling like you're not good enough putting yourself through hell just to please other people all these things slowly over time completely overwhelm that inner voice this is a journey I've gone for myself you know giving into all these external pressures going against what you want for yourself rationalizing why doing certain things that you know don't feel right for you until you look back a couple years later and wonder why you ever did any of that you know you're allowed to disagree what other people expect from you and what they say to you you are fully allowed to do that but I think there's a different character from Blue lock who shows that a lot a lot better and he will definitely be guessing his own video so I'm gonna wrap this up with what batch for said to usagi after the end of that match up until now I was afraid of playing soccer alone and was hoping you'd save me from that fate but now I fought alone I've learned the only one who can save me is me if you remember right before his final shot batter accepted possibility that he would go back to that loneliness he had before and this is a super important part of this whole thing if you want to break this curse of constantly seeking external validation are you just overly worried about something by simply accepting that that worst case scenario you have in your head might happen you'll realize it's not half as bad as you're faring you'll always find a way out of it and finally I've spoke about this in another of my blue look videos but as vatra says no one else is coming to save you you're not going to wake up with that and suddenly that thing has just happened if there's something you're wanting to change you'll be waiting forever and I should do it yourself so cheers for watching not to be cringe but I've seen quite a few comments from people saying that YouTube isn't put in my videos in a sub box so be sure to turn on notifications if you don't want to miss the next one come join us on Discord and I'll see you guys soon for more Blue Rock videos
Channel: Lessons From Anime
Views: 39,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue lock, blue lock anime, bluelock, bachira, bachira episode 1, Bachira episode 9, bachira episode 22, bachira ep1, bachira ep9, bachira ep22, bachira ep 1, bachira ep 9, bachira ep 22, bachira awakens, bachira vs isagi, bachira vs rin, bachira scores, bachira monster, bachira best scene, bachira all scenes, bachira best moments, bachira vs team v, bachira awakening, bachira bye monster, bachira i'll be the monster, bachira stop swarming around me, bachira goes berserk
Id: US_MKgvl0Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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