How Isagi KEEPS winning (and you can too)

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sake goes for a free stage Evolution to become one of the scariest players in blue lock now I feel pretty free stage myself to become unrecognizable from a few years ago and you guys will be able to do the same by the end of this video covering all of season one this is the story of the main character of one of the greatest animes of all time isagi Yoshi the heart you've probably forgotten by now but as saggy started off at the very very bottom shortly after arriving at Blue lock we find out that of the 300 players gathered there he's ranked 299 and just take a moment to really imagine how awful that fell to be in a room with 300 people and we told you're the second worst there this feeling doesn't really go away over the next episode of processes everyone else showing off their Specialties whilst he just kind of there not really capable of doing anything that stands out and that is exactly what makes Cena follows so so good the clock counter down inside his whole career about to slip away from him his fear and Desperation very quickly grows but when the golden opportunity had been waiting for Falls in front of him he has the realization that defines his character from this point onwards if I don't beat someone stronger than me nothing will change and this is the first stage of this growth I've mentioned this in other videos but for the same reason you always have your homework for the day before it's due when you set low goals you only end up reaching a logo even if you're capable of more for instance if you only aim to run three kilometers even if you're capable of running seven you'll only end up running free rather than seven because you have that look goal likewise if the saggy Zam had only just been to be the best phone as Sunday leaked him he wouldn't have gone any further down that even though he's capable becoming a national level player but it's even more to it than that it's actually the more important side of this is a saggy realizing that if he wants to change he can't stick to his old ways as he says at this rate I'll be the same as I was before it sounds so obvious that if you want to change something you have to change some but we do it all the time we fantasize about getting in better shape but don't ghosts the gym already better we wish you a lot more sleep but don't go to bed any earlier a psychi turning his back on a golden opportunity of an injured player before him it's him fully accepting challenge is necessary for change he keeps taking the easy route is not going to improve and is not gonna survive but a lot this realization is the first stage of his Evolution resulting in the scene that's skyrocketed my expectations for this show and the saggy rather than stepping aside and safely throwing around chooses to swing of volley but who you might consider his very first rival and as the ball connects his saggy moves through to the next stage but more importantly proves to himself that he's not as weak had he thought however before we move on to bulok's first selection where saki really demonstrates him against his second stage I just want to briefly touch on his other realization that he can't keep being this goody two shoes if he wants to get anywhere because there's a huge number of people out there who simply won't ever put themselves before anyone else and asagi seems like this would have been him before coming to murloc whilst being selfless is of course a great great thing there's times for yourself first as well be as kind to yourself as you are to everyone else anyway despite his earlier moments of Courage asagi leaves his match still feeling doubtful of himself and I like that they show this because if you're actually serious about making exchange then this is something you have to accept we all have this impression and we can just flick a mental switch and suddenly our whole self-image can change overnight or whatever we want to change about ourselves will just happen but in my experience whilst this can work for a bit it's a very short-term fix it won't take too long for you to go back to healing or being the way you were our brains are just too clever for their own Goods sometimes and will quickly realize that not a lot has changed simply think it has the only way to truly change something in particular something like confidence it's through consistent long-term action resulting in real progress and this reality hits us actually hard during the match against TMX this is the most one-sided game in the whole series barrels single-handedly decimates team then as we see the size of the gap between the saggy and the top he leaves the match short of that awful feeling of uselessness and in the following days he's continuing to doubt himself claiming he doesn't know anything he's good at as we soon find out this couldn't be more wrong we often just don't notice these sort of things about ourselves even with the things we get told we're good at we seem to have such difficulty accepting that because we fixate on those better than us no matter how good we are and this happens with everything the gym money any of your hobbies we say to ourselves well I'm clean not good because that person over there is Best in Me meanwhile 99.9 population are way behind you like you're doing way better than than you think trust me and it's the match against team Y where isagi realizes this and we get our first glimpse of his second stage in comparison to the last match this one is actually very close Nico guesses him to lead with some brilliant passes they're saggy realizing his strength lies in the ability to read the field detect the goal ahead of time shuts down Nico and sets up team's ad for an equalizer and so the minutes on the clock the score is tied up at 1-1 Team y completely break through teams as defense as Nico's face with the same situation he saggy had in episode one and he also makes the exact same decision except this time a saggy Interceptor before launching a brilliant counter and selling everyone on the pitch as he shows up at the exact right place in the exact right time to score his first blue or goal in Team Zed three vital points and right before the countertop begins a saggy sister lion I don't need that version of myself anymore and this really stuck with me it just puts you in the right mindset when you're trying to make progress or change something it's as though you can see that past version itself is a different person and it makes it so much easier to visualize how this bad habits can affect you anyway as team said celebrate at first when the only other thing I want you guys to know is what a saggy says to Nico you and I have the same eyes I'm gonna come back to the point for stagger's second stage team says the next match against team W which finishes four all to give team Zed a draw there's not too much talk about in this match for this video that was more jiggery's time shining one of the most hype scenes I've ever seen But the match against the unbeaten Team B is definitely a saga show this game was never going to be easy because not only are teams are down a player they also need a win to survive bluelock's first election things initially seem hopeless as they go three nil down but after some intense battling and multiple awakens from Team Zed they bring the score back to Friel here Naggy goes for the same go for saki has he too is now aiming higher and immediately starts performing better as a result because he's no longer in a subconscious cap on his own ability following Maggie's ridiculous goal kunigam is equalizer and kuan's redeeming sacrifice the score ties up at floral with just minutes remaining but drought isn't enough asagi needs to go and just as he thinks he's about to get it Nagi shows up behind him to stop him and directly challenge other side they telling them you can't beat him and this following scene encompasses everything I've set up until if Nagi wasn't behind him it's that could have done his usual routine controlled the ball then try mud shoot it was the challenge of having to score with Nagi right behind him that causes zaggy to push himself and whereas what he actually can do as he risks it all on a direct shot which landed beautifully in the goal as teams elegant All Odds pull off an insane comeback against the Giants of Team V who suffered their first loss and a build of frustration despite clearing the first selection alongside teamset concluding one of my favorite arts in all of that the second selection begins with free V3 matches as a saggy and Patra team up Nagi joins them as their third player and a very interesting scene which I want to save talking about for my Naggy video having all seen the benefits to themselves of Aiming High they walk straight up to the top three and immediately challenge them this doesn't end well if Saga says strong opponents before but this time it feels different grin is on another level entirely and there's this air of invincibility about him or do I sag his team scores a couple goals the outcome was never really in doubt as Rin defeats them without even trying we don't even know what his specialty is by then this game he just seems way too good at everything batra has chosen to join the winners and asagias once again one defeat away from being kicked out of blue log it's a real 180 from his victory over TV and no doubt something we can all relate to where things are finally going well only to turn on a bit worse than ever but as a psychedelic Maggie sitting around isn't going to change that they have to take action on it just as he says that another player I always seemed completely outreached wasagi Barrow walks through the door and it's decided that him and noahia will be their next opponent this is where I say it goes for a serious crisis as his confidence gets completely shattered but also where he begins his second most important stage in the following 2v2 there's a very clear Dynamic from the get-go two teams of one genius and one Average Joe is clear exactly what category sagith falls into as nagit completely outshines him filled with desperation is saggy repeats his earlier phrase in order to change I have to discard how I was so far the score ends up at four all and attention is higher than ever as its next goal wins with psyche is still struggling to make him up but it's here with his Bat against the wall that has his most important revelation of them all remember what I said earlier about how asagi realized Niko was doing the same thing as him asagi realizes he's not special except unlike you and me he takes this in exactly the right way for a whole lives we've been told we're all so special you know every other film's revolved around the chosen one and we're told over and over again by teachers music shows that we're in some way shape or form special now this is true to an extent but it's taken the complete wrong way rather than the sin as I can do this and no one else can quite often we see it as I can't do this but everyone else can but truthfully most things most other people can do you can do too you're not that special and this is a brilliant thing because every time you say oh I can't do that I'm too this or I'm to that you're completely wrong not only is there someone else in the same situation as you do in that but there's someone in the worst situation than you who's at the level you want to be at and this realization that we're not actually that special is a saggy second most important stage going back to the match about he's looking at the other players for inspiration because he realizes there's no reason he can't do anything Day Camp now of course with a minute or two left in the match he can't just suddenly become as physically strong as Barrow or as brilliant in his first touches Naggy those things would require a lot of training so by process of Illumination he instead looks to know a higher recognizing that his trick to sneak behind people is something he could quickly learn to do and this realization is without a doubt the biggest Factor behind his same growth because as narahaya puts it isagi is a genius of adaptability with his new trick he finally beats Barrel 1v1 something he previously thought impossible to secure his place in a network and we immediately see the impact in the following game as a saggy constantly learns from everyone else around him he goes from the impossibly the weakest player of the four in the previous match to the MVP of this one he is an absolute monster in this freely free he plays so well that Barrow who asagi once feared and saw us completely out of his reach ends up having an internal cry crisis as a result of psychic just completely outclassing him saggy is no longer just trying to survive blue he's a clear Contender for it all because he realized I'm not special and the extension of that his psychic's third stage after winning this match in an in chicory to the lineup it's finally time with a long-awaited rematch with rent and with all the saga's team has learned things are very different this timer whilst there's no doubting he's the best player to pitch Rin no longer seems this invincible Untouchable God they can actually fight back against him this time around they start to get some small wins Naggy pulls off a beautiful bit of skill to get past him to score Bowers new villainous playstyle breaks his control over the game to get another and most importantly even though they couldn't stop rin's solo attack saggy realized that this time he understood everything Rin was doing Ren who has saggy saws unbeatable could be beaten the score goes to 4-3 and one more goal once again losing to rent but of course you know what happens next using his second stage saggy realizes when is every bit as human as him and so if anything Rin can do a saggy can do charts are anything a saggy is doing Ren is also doing with this in mind he uses rin's own thought process against him and to rinse utter dismay isang is his first major victory over him now of course we know how this match ends but despite the result Brynn openly admits that asagi had him beat in that last player and so stage three is one of his entering Adam season one rather one that he's completed a son and that's give yourself some damn credit if I'm not only doing much best than you think but are also fully capable as going as far as you're hoping and more let's look at how far a saggy's comp he's come from being the second worst player to beating progressively stronger and stronger opponents Each of which seemed well to reach from at first to now being one of the best players at Blue love so whilst him on it quite big on Bryn's level just yet he used to think Barrow was completely out of breech for him so if he caught him up why can't you do the same with Ren and this happens to a lot of people we completely lose sight of just how much progress we've made and as a result doubt our ability to keep making progress so if you're ever doubtful that you can reach a certain level just take a moment to look back because charts are used to think the same about where you are now yet you made it to where you are so what's stopping you from doing that again and season actually ends on this exact note as eager tells them that spot on the national team which once would have seemed miles up is not fully Within Reach but until season 2 comes out this is where the saggy story stays if you enjoyed this video check out my Barrel video cheers for watching and I'll see you for the next one [Music]
Channel: Lessons From Anime
Views: 334,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue lock, blue lock anime, blue lock manga, isagi yoichi, isagi first goal, isagi direct shot, isagi devours rin, isagi devours naruhaya, isagi devours barou, isagi beat rin, isagi beats barou, isagi vs rin, isagi vs barou, isagi best moments, isagi all goals, isagi hits kira, isagi yoichi ego, isagi yoichi egoist, how to be like isagi, isagi analysis, isagi character analysis, blue lock analysis, isagi video essay, isagi motivation, blue lock motivation, isagi ego
Id: OAQOLvhR2v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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