The 1% DO THIS To Get Rich! (The Easy Steps To BUILD WEALTH) | Wallstreet Trapper

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/phlporter 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/G0OSEHOWERD 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] some people actually fear success success comes with a lot right but until you can overcome that average reality that you're living it no matter what you're on once you become comfortable there it becomes average anyone can live in average everyone can live in mediocrity right then there's those outliers who consistently push themselves to go to the next level and the thing about the human mind and the human body it will go as far as you push it everybody welcome to another episode of impact theory today we are going to melt your brain we are here with the one and only the wall street trapper what's goes good what's up dude i'm good man i appreciate you letting me come man i could not be more excited so we were talking before we started rolling so you are not a financial advisor nobody should take this as advice i don't want you to have to caveat that over and over um but you understand the stock market and you are bringing sound investment principles to people that typically thought that this [ __ ] was either beyond them uninteresting and cool whatever and i think you are changing lives in a way that few people are and throughout the course of this interview i have no doubt i'm going to heap you with praise because i am so blown away by what you're doing and how good you are at it and i think that's really the important part but let's first go into the story so that people understand your bona fides how you came up start with prison how would change your life what you learned that would be super helpful though so even before prison at about 9 or 10 i saw my moms get shot in front of my face so immediately my mindset on violence was it's a necessary evil right because i was surrounded around it right so my early years were surrounded with violence i saw my mama selling drugs i saw my mama robbing i saw my mom's get robbed i saw her get shot and then she later on went to prison right so i saw that early at 14 um my mom was in prison and i lost my grandmother which was who i was living with at the time and my mom and my grandmother always had this conflict where my grandmother was like listen he doesn't need to be exposed to that my my grandmother was an entrepreneur so i saw entrepreneurship from two different um spectrums my mama as a hustler and the streets teach you so much about investing in business right and we never can connect the two because we aren't exposed to that yet this is all we know so we live in this dome and then what happens is we start to adjust to house around us just like in investing in entrepreneurship you have to understand your competitors in the street you got to not only understand your competitors which is the people who are hustling against you you also got to understand the predators right and so you understand all of that so uh mom's goes to jail grandmother's entrepreneur she has a fruit company and so she's telling my mom like yo like you can't just expose him to this and so my mom is like rogue but she's like listen the streets is all around us we talking like 1989 1990 92 new orleans murder capital of the year back to back to back like that's all it's known for at this time um and my mom says listen he has to know this it's the only way he's going to survive in new orleans so if anybody has to teach it to him i'm a teacher to him i'm not going to hide it i'm not going to sugarcoat it some people like she was a tyrant but i understood it because it helped me survive in those tough years of my life um 14 i'm homeless because my mom's in prison my grandmother's dies i go to delaware for about 60 days at 14 yeah i go to because my uncle lives out there and nobody wanted to take me in it's kind of like taking and i don't use a bed like taking a wild animal and trying to domesticate him it's extremely hard and nobody has the patience for it right yeah so i go to delaware and i just get in trouble like back to back to back to the point where the police comes to my uncle's house like three times my uncle is just like bro like i can't do it right you affecting my family right now i'm like i get it i go home so now i'm like homeless for a minute sleeping in a banner house sleeping in abandoned cars but it don't bother me like i'm like alright cool that's what we're doing uh i moved with my aunt who at the time was on drugs so i'm like okay i got a roof over my head but we live in a duplex so that's a house you know it's two houses and i turned the the landlord was uh on drugs so i created a deal with her to let me get this side of the crib and i would pay her in drugs every month and let me just make this my trap house at the time so i'm 14 years old i got my own crack house i'm living on this side i'm paying my 18 crack she's taking all of my clothes and my shoes and cracking whatever the case may be but at 14 this is what i'm doing right um i'm only really going to school at this time to just like fraternize i wasn't really tripping on learning but i was kind of smart like i'm still passing but school was just a way for me to not be on the street all day every day um i wind up saying you know what this this this makes no sense for me what did you think about learning at that point survival that's that was the only thing you're not reading yet though no i'm not i'm just on survival mode like the world i just want to get to the next day i want to make as much money as i can selling crack i got to send my mama money in jail right i got to go to jail i got to switch shoes out so she can still be fly like i'm going through that process so survival is the only thing that makes sense at this time the game is the only thing that makes sense at this time right it's no what are your future what do you want to be in the future i don't know i'll be the biggest dope deal i can be i don't know right that's it so uh i go to prison at 16 for attempt murder arms right as an adult yep tried as adult uh so i got robbed i got set up um the female i was dealing with at the time and that's part of the game uh so i was just too open with her in a situation and it happened so i wound up getting set up a dude kicks in the door uh putting mac 11 on my face and he was like yo like give it here so me i'm like man i don't got nothing she was like you playing me sweet [ __ ] it back and i guess she don't want to see me get killed because in my mind i'm like yo i ain't gonna let you just rob me like this because there's no mass on in the streets it's the difference between robbing me and jagging me robbing me is when you still have a mass on jack it means when you have no mass on and you like yo you know who i am get it in blood come see me he had no masks nah that's so that's a bold statement in the streets right so i'm like man i don't got nothing bruh so she wanted like yo give it to him he's right here so she tell him where's that or whatever and so i figure out who he is the streets always tell you who he is so i went to prison for shooting him six times oh god yes so i would have prisoned for a tent murder so not in that moment you basically find him not find him yeah not late maybe like three days later three four days later so at 16 i go to prison for a 10 murder on a robbery i could have got more but my auntie at the time knew the judge and you know she kind of like told him my story crazy thing is i met him about two before three years ago and i told him thank you the judge yes whoa i told him thank you i got presented with an award in new orleans for being an outstanding father whoa and i had no speech yeah i had no speech i got a picture in my phone i'll show it to you um and he wound up passing like two years ago but i got that moment because in that moment when he gave me the 10 years he said i'm saving your life young man by getting you off the street by giving you these 10 years because they could have given me 25 30 again attempt on robbery with the dude coming to court it doesn't matter that we was in the streets or not right all they knew is he got shot right so i couldn't even say oh he ride me out of some drugs the hell it's not gonna go it's not gonna go for it right so uh i saw him and he was like uh maybe 2020 right before the pandemic matter of fact and i told him thank you because that changed my life um but in prison uh i had a fight with two of my homies in prison um we fight for like four hours back to back i'm just fighting one after another one like we just fighting um and i go to solitary confinement and at this time all this parish prison is considered like one of the worst parish prisons in the united states of america right and i go to the cell and i meet this white guy that was the turning point of my life i give him a cell with him and i'm frustrated like i'm kind of busted up um and he sees me and i guess he's in awe of the idea of so many black people are in this position he says something to me he says man y'all playing the wrong game and so in my mind like i'm fresh i'm like man what the [ __ ] are you talking about like bro like don't make me whip your ass in here right now like he's like no no no he's like listen bro i don't mean no harm no disrespect but y'all like why so i guess he's like perplexed by this whole dynamic of all of these black men in here and i'm like man what are you talking about man like this this this ain't no game like this it's real and so he says something he said that's the problem y'all don't even know it's a game [ __ ] and so when he told me i'm like like it's something about when you mad and you in the moment but like something when it makes sense it hits you like a ton of bricks so i'm like what he was like man listen man there's a game that's being played and you're playing a game that you can't win for a minute i just start thinking about the people who i knew that was in the streets everybody lost everybody suffered the same fate there was nobody in the street that i knew at 16 at one everybody i knew had either been to prison been shot got killed their father like everybody suffered the same fate so my rebuttal to him is this well if it's such a game you know the rules why are you here with me it's a good question right he says i'm in here 2.8 million dollars embezzlement i paid 800 000 restitution i kept 2 million have you ever seen two million i'm like man get the [ __ ] out of here you [ __ ] lying so one thing about prison in jail you can show your paperwork like you can lie all you want but your paperwork tells me so i said let me see your paperwork day so in in new orleans i had a red bastard red band means attempt murder on robbery kidnapping carjacking violent offense he has on a red and white man at the time the red and white band means you're in federal custody and it's crazy because in prison or in jail like if you get a federal ban that's like a hierarchy it's like you know something that we don't know you next level right so um he showed me his paperwork his right damn black and white and immediately he got my attention because the red and white man makes me respect you a different level at 16 but then when i see it in your paperwork i had never seen 2.8 million dollars written down nowhere right right so that changes my idea like damn so tell me how do i do what you do so how do i do that he was like nah it's not even about that so he tells me these the first three things he said listen man wealthy people do three things man they stop trading time for money they make their money work for them and they give as much value to people as they can i want to stop you there for a second i know where you're going with this we're going to go there but one thing i love about your [ __ ] story dude you don't say one thing that white people do is no one thing that wealthy people getting people to see that to me that's the game is recognizing that this isn't it doesn't break along uh racial lines the way people think it does and my time working in the inner city showed me this is not about that but this is about class for sure and getting people to understand that they can move between classes that's the [ __ ] game sorry i just had to say that's so important there is a shift but and there's the exposure part so like just coming up in the streets you only see the game from the lowest level and you look at everybody else in part admiration and part like jealousy cause you see it and you like damn i will never get there right and so the only way that i think i can get that is through sports or hustling that's it that's the only uh wrapping those are the only three options that you have and so you you make a decision on which way you want to go right and so you look at it from like damn and so me i'm at the time like man i can't rap i think i'm sure i can't play sports so hustling is what i got you limit yourself and nobody comes along and teaches you anything different so giving us three things again the wealthy people so you say wealthy people stop trading time for money they start making their money work for them and they give value to as much value to people as they can the caveat i mean we got a little deep into that he said the reason why you give people so much value is because if you give them so much value they'll never leave you they'll always be fit up there for you and you will never need for anything as long as you give well the value to people and so i learned that as i got older that part really didn't make sense to me at the time but the money working for you part and i was like what the how do you make your money work for you again all i know is how to go get money that's all i know so later on in that he says wealthy people do three things so this we in the cell for about 45 days so all of his conversations now that you said it's never was black or white every conversation with him about money and transition was always wealthy people do it was always it wasn't white people do it wasn't black people it was always wealthy people do this right wealthy people do this and i was like damn and now that you said that this now makes sense to me again so he says wealthy people first they get into stocks then they start a business and then they get real estate so if when people ask me how do i get into stocks is because i followed that rule or like first let me if he would say real estate business i would have been i'd have been the real estate trainer but he said stocks first and i was like damn and so i just my my rest of my time in prison i wanted to be that i wanted to be a part of that wealthy conversation so in prison it's easy to get you know i took my time i researched the warren buffets and the peter lynches and i'm not going to lie in the beginning that [ __ ] was like chinese to me right right this is a foreign language and so what happened to me was it started reminding me of being in the streets everything about it and i heard this term one time that said the real gangsters are on wall street the real gangsters are in the government and i was like damn and so once i started getting into the stock market i want to [ __ ] with that idea for a second i'm thinking through this in in real time so forgive me if i'm not good but this is one of the things about you that i think is so interesting when i hear so i'm good at making money i'm not good at investing money so when i hear you talk about stocks you make it sound [ __ ] edgy and cool and makes me want to like learn about it and get into it and there is this idea of um making something cool that i think people try to uh wash it away but when you think about the phrase the real gangsters are in wall street it hopefully it helps people break through some idea of like oh well they were born into that and that's why they have it that isn't true they were taught something which they happened to be taught because they were born into it but once you latch on to they were born into it you think then it's not for me once you realize no no it doesn't matter how or why they got taught they got taught and that's what allows them to move like a gangster to give that word a you know yeah there is definitely some negativity and there are people in the the financial system that really are like [ __ ] gangsters and they're [ __ ] sinister but if people can let go of that idea not everybody with money is sinister and getting money doesn't make you sinister and that's why one thing that i think is important and i know we talked about before we started rolling you're a little bit conflicted how much do i show my growing wealth and i think that i normally hate when people flex and i i i won't say that i never flex but i never go out of my way to flex but it's important for people to see that you by living the way that you live you don't just get a talk cool you actually live in a different way which is really [ __ ] interesting anyway so the real gangsters are on wall street yes yes and so and what happens is and just let me say this right quick the reason why people think wealthy people are people with money or sinister is because that's what you kind of taught in the hood like you kind of talk like the people who really have money like they did some wicked [ __ ] to get it they did some backstabbing cut those [ __ ] to get it and you'll never get that right and so that same mentality now happens on a lower level right the hustling the dope dealing so now you think like yo i gotta just do sinister [ __ ] to get money and then the people who are successful in the drug game they're looking at the people at the top like damn i want to be that but the people at the bottom will never get a taste of that and so now we just kind of living off ambition and so now the people who in the middle who work in they're like all them people with money they all crooks they all because being at the bottom teaches you to envy people at the top right it just happens it's a it's something that brews down there right it's kind of like you cook i don't know if you had gumbo before right but it's kind of when you cook food right the base goes to the bottom and so most people live in that bottom never knowing how they'll get up there right i remember so when i was working in the inner cities i remember having this moment where i was like wait a second this is not an intelligence problem intelligence is evenly distributed like in i remember saying to my wife the next [ __ ] elon musk is going to be found somewhere in compton the problem is he doesn't believe in himself and so he's not going to do anything and so i became obsessed with this idea that generational poverty is not about money it's about mindset now it will manifest as money but it is that so i remember i had one kid come to me and and i was the first person that told him you can be successful like what the [ __ ] why do you not think you can be successful it didn't even make sense to me and he was like well my mom always told me that the world didn't want to see people that look like me succeed i was like i'm sorry what i'm like even if your mom had good intentions that is the worst [ __ ] advice ever because if you think you can't be successful that will govern the way that you move right so kobe bryant people that have listened to me for a while have heard this quote a thousand times but booze don't block dunks the world the world can hate you all they want but if you're good enough think about this the best basketball players in the world were paid millions of dollars to stop kobe bryant from scoring and the [ __ ] scored 81 points in a single game 81 points when you've got five people paid millions of dollars actively trying to stop you and they can't because you've gotten that good that to me is the game of money people can not want you to succeed all they want but if you out invest them they can't stop you they can't stop you they can't stop you and so getting people to break through that so that was the first time i realized whoa wait a second we've got people thinking in a way that governs their behavior such that and now i'm going to quote you which i had never heard this before but this scares the [ __ ] out of me if you want to hide something from a black person put it in a book [ __ ] so that's heinous in ways i can't even explain and i'll say that it really again doesn't break along racial lines it breaks along economic lines so if people are not encouraging you to read you're not going to read it's [ __ ] hard in the beginning it feels like you're learning chinese how do you how did you break through that so there's a few things where we can get into that so there's this economic thread that weaves itself through the hood and one of the things we do have to understand is that there has been intentionality when it comes to preventing black culture from thriving economically so we look at like black wall street we look at durham north carolina we look at rosewood every time an affluent black neighborhood gets in that level we're like yo we about to do it and they set the tone for the rest of them that get bombed it get pillaged it gets that happens and so now that becomes discouraging right it's like yo like every time we try yo like [ __ ] man right and so now what happens with that is that mindsets get that mindset gets impregnated in the next generation for fear of survival right like yo don't try to become this as a collective because they're gonna bomb this and i don't want to see you dead so we'll low level think now that is intentional what happens is now no one now believes that it's possible once you keep passing that down you start accepting the lower level and then there's a few of us or a few people who said no i'ma i'll leave you like i'm about to go for it and then whatever happens i'm with that [ __ ] you feel me so for me again one of the greatest things that happened to me was my mother telling me like the world is raw and you got to get this [ __ ] how you live but i also saw my grandmother be a legal entrepreneur so i saw it from both worlds the greatest thing that ever happened to me was going to prison because i was able to sit down and mature in that environment whereas had i been in the world i'm not saying i wouldn't still be this but the path would have been completely different did you do all 10 years i did eight years and nine months god damn 85 of it and so had i still been on the street i would have now been struggling with survival one of the things that happens often in the culture of black people is survival mode you never get a chance to play offense you're always on defense one because of mindset because you don't see it again the duke dealer and the rapper everybody who's working is struggling and so you never want to be that you never want to be that you're like damn like why have everybody struggling i need to do something different so while i'm in prison i i pick up a habit of reading that was the game changer for me on the streets i never had the opportunity to just sit down and read because i'm always trying to survive in prison there was no longer a survivor mode there when we look at it from when we break everything down we break everything down and we look at it from a skeleton i have a roof over my head i have a bed it's not the most comfortable bed i have a bed i get three meals a day whether i like it or not i have the essentials right um i started hustling in prison so i was working in the laundry and so uh your clothes don't really get clean so i found a hustle like yo i'll wash your clothes when we do it but it's five dollars or 25 a month so that gave me a whole another set of money and then i started being like a numbers dude how vegas have the numbers the bet and i became a numbers guy so i had to talk that's it self talk i used to get the usa today i used to look at this guy danny sheridan he used to put out the line and then i would take his numbers and put those numbers on my ticket and my ticket was called braveheart so now i did college football nfl football and laundry i had a whole thing going i checked this out there's five units in prison i had people in each unit selling tickets for me as in distributors so the streets was the same in there right and so in each unit there are six eight domes so one person responding he had runners and everybody worked for me and so that's how i survived but i had time now to just sit down and read and i would read one my first book ever reading was sister soldier coldest winter ever changed i was like dan this is dope so i went through the reading the hood classics and then i jumped into like let me understand assistant soldier like the hip-hop artist yeah she had a book the chorus went to eva [ __ ] phenomenal book i read it and i was like damn like this [ __ ] it's dope so i went through a phase where i was reading like the hood books and then i was like man i live this [ __ ] already no matter how many times you tell a hood story it's still the same i've lived this [ __ ] for real i don't keep need to read this and so i used to get up in the mornings and watch cnbc so why are you people in prison they love to watch the young and the wrestlers and so i would have to get up before them to watch like squawk box jim cramer and i had to be like damn these [ __ ] making all this money and they not risking their life something got to change for me like something got to change and so i just started listening to them every day and i started comparing it to the streets a good business is just like a good hustler a good business has great product they have great clientele a great hustler has a great product he has consistent clientele a good business on the stock market has what's called a moat a competitive edge that keeps his competitors away a good hustler on the street is going to have that competitive edge where they'd be like nah yo i ain't rocking you i'ma just waste a trap come back right so there's the competitive edge a good business has a good brand emote me my name is good right so a good hustler on the street yo trap got that blue magic i'm good on you like if i can't get trapped i'm gonna just go try but trap got that blue magic that's what i'm rocking with brandon mo right that's it a great business on the stock market has more assets more liquidity than debt a good hustler on the street is if you don't learn how to fund your business if you're operating well all you have is re-up money you're not going to last long so those components reminded me the same in the on the stock market uh in the world if a company's paying terrors that's equivalent to a bus a dude on the street going paid draft to go hustling somebody huh like you can't hustle over here unless you pay me draft it's the same as a terror it's the same thing yeah so once i understand i broke the game down to a way that i can understand it wasn't about me just being brilliant it was like yo how do i make the game winnable for me this is a really important idea this is what i talk about with business and mindset i always tell people you have to understand how the game works and what i mean by that is there's a physics to everything so there's a physics of business so thinking from first principles how how these things are actually structured and i think the big breakthrough and i've heard you say this i think this is really smart there's a difference between the basics and the fundamentals yes the basics is just one-on-one yeah so here are the sort of words and phrases you're going to need the fundamentals are the physics this this is how it works and once you know how something works then you can get good at it but if you and and i really think the vast majority of humanity and i don't care what class you're in the vast majority of humanity does not understand how the world works yep therefore they are at the mercy of the world and the people that figure out how it works can change things you know i mean we'd use a negative word say manipulate but it really isn't that like this is power close your eyes imagine a world better than this one open your eyes get the skills to make that world come true and go actually make it come true that's [ __ ] power and that imagine being able to close your eyes imagine something open your eyes and actually be able to create it that's [ __ ] power so to whether that's to change you know people growing up in the inner cities whether that's to create generational wealth in your own family whether that's to learn architecture and build a bridge or a house whatever like that is the point but to be able to do that you have to understand how things work and like yeah that's that is to me what is so powerful about you you understand a game that a lot of people that are disenfranchised understand the streets and you're saying [ __ ] this is just physics let me show you the correlate over here it's all the same [ __ ] that's it and so that's that's important for me the understanding the basics and the fundamentals like once you start understanding the fundamentals you give yourself power because you now understand like you said you see how the machine works right and so most people look at the machine and marvel and say either i'm like most people look at the stock market most 98 of the people who i know look at the stock market say yo that's not a game i can play i'm staying away from it and so the ways the way it's set up is the world is set up well listen cool i don't even want you to play just give me your money i'll play it for you so we look at like banks like we understand that banks don't necessarily work in our favor right so banks only give us 0.05 percent interest on the money we have there well we can get eight percent just by putting our money in the index fund so why would i just sit my money in the bank and let the bank make all the money because all they gonna do is invest the money for you so they now operating as the plug they operate now as the man who i'm gonna front you this i'm gonna make my money i'm gonna take the cut i'm gonna give you just enough to keep coming back i'm gonna go to the plug who's the plug the stock market right and so once i understood the fundamentals of like the most important thing too is we don't understand how money works that's a whole different language in its own the relationship with money in my community is you make money just enough to pay bills and so once you get tired of paying bills you say you know what i need to treat myself to something right no matter if i got to go in debt no matter if i i need to treat myself to something to take this misery away so you treat yourself to something that you can't afford at the time right but it makes you feel good in the moment and so because it makes you feel good you say you know what i'm living this is a reprieve from everyday struggle let me get back on the hamster wheel and so the sacrifice now becomes hard because now you're saying i gotta work work work and never get that reprieve i'm not willing to do that right and so that's the mindset comes in and say everybody around me had the same problem no one represented the solution so if i don't change something i'm only going to end up like everybody else i know somebody has the solution somewhere there's too many people out here living the life of their dreams that i'm watching they know something i don't know and the only thing that they had was access to a different type of information so once i went got the information i now wanted to sing from the mountains i was like yo look at this dope thing i found everybody gonna be a part of it and then when i showed it to people it was like that ain't it bro i'm not about to do that and so i realized how powerful it was for me to one become economically like powerful in my mind because the thing about investing especially in stocks is that piece of ownership of everything that i use now makes me say well if i own that apple god i don't care about buying an apple phone if i'm gonna wear levi's and i'm gonna wear timberlands if i can own vfc corp then i own the stuff that i'm buying i'm okay with that like that subtle shift in my mindset changed everything for me because now i was after just owning everything that i consumed in the beginning that was my introduction to the game let me just own everything i consume and then i'll feel okay and then one dupe thing happened to me in 2010 just after i'm home from prison on right i'm home from prison um i'm back in the streets hustling because even though i have the information i don't have the money right and i'm like well [ __ ] i got to get the money my dog gets kicked in in 2010 they get uh eight pounds a week ten thousand eight pounds a week ten thousand dollars a 223 a 40 with extended clip and a beam and a hundred x pills so the cop tells me you ain't heard your lesson and i was like damn that was some dumb [ __ ] right like i got knowledge i got information but i still fell victim to the same [ __ ] that everybody around me knew so therefore the knowledge that i had wasn't powerful because it wasn't applied so i was fortunate god bless me um i wind up getting found not guilty because it's called fruit of a poisonous treat so they kicked in my door but they didn't have probable cause because they stopped me and my truck didn't find nothing on me so they went to my house kicked the door and with no search warrant so now everything you find is null and void that's purpose man cause that's not supposed to happen right i'm thinking for that all the time and then um but that put me in a situation because now even though it costs it cost me 60 to beat that charge i don't have no money so now i get into the robbing game so now i start robbing doe dealers right because og told me that a person who works a job every day they're not a part of this game so they not fair game they you don't mess with them but somebody who sells a nickel bag he fell again a shark don't care if it's a tuna or whatever if you're in the ocean swimming you fail game and so i started arriving dope dealers at the times i was like yo if you want you can't call the police if you want to see me see me i'm with it and i got in a situation where i was good at it me and my partner god bless it so and then one day i almost got killed and i go to my pot and i say brown like i said done deal but when they kicked my door in something happened so they took my truck they took my money but they didn't mess with my stock account it didn't freeze it didn't i said hold up they don't think i'm smart enough for this the book 48 laws of power it says uh never underestimate your opponent and at that point i realized that america underestimates us and it's not it's from a class issue because we've never said we're capable of doing this it's a game we just didn't play so i said okay god what do you want me to do all i know how to do is be a hustler and the voice from 1999 comes in my head and says you're just playing the wrong game i said oh okay start working as an iron worker building stadiums building power plants it's crazy because i was making good money two thousand dollars a week that's good money that's not like yo two thousand dollars a week yo that's it two thousand twenty five hundred like it was amazing i started saving and investing seventy percent of my money ah damn i was living bare minimum i was like if i'm a change i gotta make like the hard choices it's hard for people to make sacrifices because you got to now go go against and do without some of the things that gives you that momentary gratification that simple that ah that's what keeps you alive that's what keeps you going just to go on vacation one time a year to get these pair of shoes that may cost me a thousand dollars i know i can't afford them but i've worked so hard i need that just to keep giving me something and so i was like okay and once i started doing it man i started showing my homies in the street that it was a game changer it changed my life you showing him your portfolio no i was showing it yeah i was like yo look i'm about to end this before robin hood even existed right so i'm on e-trade at the time and i'm like bro check this out and we go get we go to the club bruh and we buy bottles hennessy we buy wet we buy louis vuitton we buy fendi yo we can own that it was like what like yo there's a stock called lvmh louis vuitton wet hennessy but you can get it on the market it's lvmu why because it's in france and it was like what i'm like man look i'm like listen bro we upgrade our iphone every year we can own apple and so now we own app we own ipod probably we have timberlands every day and so that was like they got it but it was like i see it but i don't know and i was like all right and so then i had an idea i said check this out we know the end result of being in prison i've been shot you've been shot you've been shot we've did some shooting we've all been to jail who suffers like your kids your moms your girl i said at least what we got to do is if we going to play the game we got at least reward them for us playing the game i was like so what we got to do is invest our money for them so we making ten five thousand dollars a week if we can do that if we can make twenty thousand dollars but we gotta give them something if it ain't cash we gotta at least put something up for them because if we go on for ten years what they gonna do we can at least have that fun and then i was telling one of my problems i was like listen bro you need to invest the money cause he was making more money than me i said what happens when you get knocked off because one thing you know your time is coming so you lift the game until it's your time you understand that what happens when you go do a 5-10 year bed and you come home and nobody can't give you money at least if you got it in the stock market when you come home you up your money been working for you for 10 years five years you gotta ask nobody for nothing you go to the real man what you got he was like damn that's smart right and so my idea was like how do we get how do we start changing the mindset and some people might be like why would you tell them that because what happens is you got to start somewhere you got to make the game winnable in the language that we can understand and so once you learn english now you say you know i want to learn spanish i want to learn french i want to learn that because now you understand the power of words and so once they started understanding the power of the game it was like okay i can play this game and so it was powerful for me when my home was in the street started investing in money that was a game changer for me when my home is in the street who didn't finish school who didn't go to college started telling me man i bought some apple bruh i bought some microsoft bro i bought some nike brokers i'm about to get the new js so i might like that was powerful for me yeah we made the game winnable dude you have a phrase wall street looks like us oh she looks like us now there's another phrase you say but you should like put that same like [ __ ] stamp on it is i own that i own that because you talk about stocks in a way that sounds so rad where it's like you refer to yourself as an owner of the company yes and and the thing is it actually is true like you're not playing a linguistic game it is true but people don't think about it like that but it's so much more powerful than having a cool pair of kicks is to say i own the company that makes those kicks or i own the company that makes that phone or you know tim cook the ceo of apple works for me i'm a shareholder right it's uh it's really really powerful explain that basic idea of ownership for people that might not quite put it together that stocks really are owning that company so i actually got that term from warren buffett um in one of his meetings want to say it was a 1995 shareholder meeting and he said that um he owned great owning a stock is like is owning a percentage of a great business and so once i understood that concept i understood that the key to wealth is through ownership like that's what that was one of the things that made it click because i studied the wealthy people like i studied them um and i was like damn even when you go back to black wall street o.w gurley the reason why he bought he has the 40 acres and those acreages one of the things he did was he said i'm going to sell these pieces to my people so they can have ownership i was like damn when you studied reginald white one of the first black man to make a billion dollars on wall street it was about he wanted it to have ownership so i said the key to building wealth is not how much you can work you can't work your way to wealth you got to investigator and all wealthy people black white asian chinese they own a whole bunch of [ __ ] the people who aren't wealthy is because they don't own nothing you only have your money sitting in cash if your money is just sitting in cash realistically you're becoming poorer every day right or they own depreciating assets and that's what cash is it's a depreciating asset because the more money they print the more money that money loses value so if it's just sitting it's the reason why the bank wants you to have your money there so they can take it and use it and invest it so much and be like hey this is sitting i'm gonna give you 50 cents on whatever you had in it and so the idea of ownership was you know we can just start owning everything that we no matter if it just a stock like that's powerful because if you can start owning the businesses that you now consume every day you turn a one-time transaction to a lifetime of profit and that was major for me because if i go to the store and buy a pair of nikes that's a one-time transaction in order for me to get something from them again i got to come back and buy another pair of nikes but if i own the nike stock long as i own it it's a profitable um vehicle for me so that one time transaction can become a lifetime of profit if i own that business if i'm gonna buy apple if i know i'm an apple user if i know i got the phone i got the error pods i got the macbook i got the pc i got i excited when apple's about to drop something why wouldn't i own it as much of it as i can right like if i if i understand that concept if i know people gonna america has one of the biggest trash problems in the world right so if i know that waste management is a company that's going to be here forever because we aren't going to stop throwing things away why don't i own that company because i know everybody throws things away and so now instead of me getting excited about apple lime being around the corner because it's a new phone i'm like yo y'all have to make me some money right so when i hear something like waste management has bought 40 acres of disposable land for another landfill i'm excited about that and another great thing about the stock market is for me it now makes me pay attention to the world and so now i understand what's going on in the world i started learning business cycles market cycles you know i'm like because now i can understand yo this is okay things are going out of business it's okay we're in this cycle okay people are hiring okay we're an expansion cycle and so now i started to take i took an economic class on my own without just understanding the world and so you start understanding when something is happening in china okay something happening in china so i own apple apple has 20 revenue in china okay they might take a little hit right now you know what i'm saying so the stock market helped me start understanding how the world moves the fundamentals right right and so that's important i really hope people i don't know i really hope people pay close attention to you because even in this interview they're not going to understand how much you know and i've listened to hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of your footage and i'm just like [ __ ] so one thing i want to i want to be on record is saying and you can play this on a loop on your [ __ ] website whatever is that i can afford any money manager i want and you are as knowledgeable as the money manager that i have i'm very impressed with your ability to explain these concepts and so that's important to me for a couple of reasons one there's there are certain people that are only going to listen to you so it's great so they now have access to i'm telling you world-class information and then number two is the journey that you've been on you started on the streets were homeless in prison like really caught up in the lifestyle and through knowledge you have transformed your life and your family's life and if they can believe that you can do it they have what i call the only belief that matters the only belief that matters is this if you put time and energy into getting better at something you will actually get better at that and that is true for every human now why is that the only belief that matters because your behaviors follow your beliefs and only behaviors matter so if you invest in the stock market even if you don't believe in it your investment could still go up if you believe in the stock market and know it's the surest path to wealth but don't invest in the stock market you'll never reap the games so getting people to believe that they can get better because what you've done is just read and study and research and spend time watching cnbc and then you look like i heard you once explained oh i'll see a ticker symbol go by that i don't know it i don't sit there and waste time that i don't know it i just go look it up yeah and so now that's another ticker symbol and for anybody that just heard ticker symbols like what the [ __ ] is the ticker symbol go look it up yeah right so you're such a powerful example of the power of knowledge i think that's really really interesting so yeah i i hope that this is for people that didn't know you before coming into this interview hopefully they'll spend more time because they'll see just how much you know man thank you for that and that's i understand that uh knowledge is what gives us leverage in life it's not about how strong you are it's about what you can learn and then how can you actively apply that i have this acronym called fear um finally exiting average reality right and what happens is until we can overcome the fear some people actually fear success success comes with a lot right but until you can overcome that average reality that you're living it no matter what you're on once you become comfortable there it becomes average anyone can live in average everyone can live in mediocrity right then there's those outliers who consistently push themselves to go to the next level lebron spends one million dollars on his body working out eating right agility mobility because he will never be average and the thing about the human mind in the human body it will go as far as you push it right there is there's science that says that gandhi levitated before the power of the mind so you may look at it like nobody can't levitate out of your mind but there's a level of meditation concentration that you can lock into that can take you there as long as you believe in it like you said the only belief that matters is what do you believe you can do i personally believe that there is nothing i cannot do and for me it's all about impact purpose fulfillment like the money is a byproduct of everything else that isn't my focus my focus is i have a knowledge and information that i know that can change lives not just one life not just like lives and so the way that you change lives is by consistently learning finding new ways to put that information out there being able to open up being able to be vulnerable because people need to connect people connect to knowledge in the way that they can see two things that help people imagery and vocabulary what they see and what they hear right so most people won't connect to a certain knowledge because the people who speak it don't relate into can't speak the knowledge in the way that they can eat it so for me it's always about how do i attain as much it's always a challenge for me how can i attain as much knowledge as i can because i love learning like i love learning but then how do i take that and be able to now reciprocate it or give it to somebody who may not understand calculus a trigonometry but if i can give it to them in this way they can say oh yeah i got it and there's more people that struggled in the world that has become successful so struggle has to become a language that i'm i struggle so that's the language i'm great at so if i can break down things into a struggle language now i make it the game winnable for everybody and that's the goal to make the game winnable for everybody who's bold enough to step into the batting cage if you bold enough to do that i was bold enough to jump in a goddamn 152 foot tank with sharks in dubai if you're bold enough to do it there's an experience that comes from that and that experience is so exhilarating it will take you to the next level because now you keep chasing the next level of you and that is when you start understanding life at a whole other concept when you start understanding that yo for the longest i was just low level living i was low level thinking now that i've been exposed to something and i say this often whatever you haven't been exposed to isn't your fault once you get exposed to it you now are accountable for it and so once i've become exposed to so much knowledge and information once i expose you to it you accountable because now you can no longer say i didn't know what do you say to people that don't think they have enough money to invest so the important thing for me to tell them is start where you are you build a house break by brick i mean of course you can get a house put together all at once we live in there i get the idea right but you build a mansion you build an empire you build it brick by brick like you start with 25 dollars if and we have to understand think uh r.i.p to nip man that great he says something that's phenomenal he said we own a marathon we didn't get into our situation overnight right we looking back at our situation you see that was you inherited that whatever it is that poverty you inherited that that mindset that idea scarcity that idea that you don't have enough money you inherited that building well becomes a revolutionary act because now you start saying i'm going to go against what i was taught right and so i said by starting with 25 if you can do 25 a month that's cool if you can do 25 hours a week that's cool because what happens is once you start understanding the power of how your money works you'll start saying yo i don't need to do that because that's taken away from this let me that 25 will now become 50 dollars guaranteed that 50 will not become 100 because you're going to start doing more with less the person who works out and sees that they drop 10 pounds in two weeks says you know what i'm gonna go a little harder because i know if i can drop 10 i can drop 20. right i know if i can get if i see one muscle shape up i know it's possible the word possible is so powerful possible changes the game instead of it being impossible we now say i am possible i i'm possible that changes the dynamic so the first mindset is saying invest in your first stop it don't have to be a winner it doesn't have to be a home run it can be an atm t stock that costs 26 right now it may not be the best investment in the world but you started right and the great thing about anything is you can't be great if you never go to practice you can't hit 81 if you never get in the gym yeah so just get in the gym and then find somebody who can teach you be dedicated to understanding the process warren buffett said he reached 500 pages a day that lets me know i got a whole lot more reading to do that i'm an audible book junkie right now because i'm trying to because i can if he's the greatest investor and if he's reading 500 pages a day i don't know how he does it but in my mind if he's still learning i got a whole lot of learning to do it's somebody like monet pride and guy spivey can pay warren buffett a million dollars to have lunch with him and these are already great investors who i look up to if they can pay him a million dollars to go have lunch with him that means there's trying to learn their learning has to go to the next level so if learning is the catalyst to everybody who's wealthy and successful i can never be sufficient with what i know and i think that has to happen too we have to understand the power and learning and being educated man no doubt yeah man where can people find out more because i intentionally did not spend a lot of time on the actual financial part of it but you have so much good information where can people connect with you and learn more so on instagram is wall underscore street underscore trapper and on youtube it's just wall street trapper um on twitter it's wall street 504 all right cause somebody stole my wall street traveling man [Laughter] but that's where i'm at right now all right what about your classes i'll have those i have those on um the travel university man i have a vision man i'll talk to you about it um so the trap university um is where you can get all the courses all the ebooks i appreciate that man for sure i mean we and i teach just investing on so many different levels for us and i also have a a group called travelers anonymous [Laughter] but we teach a lot of stuff i'm a lot of engaged in that so definitely man but just check them out on social media you don't even have to get nothing from me just check me out on there and then that information will change your life for sure man thank you for that for sure for sure boys and girls this one was important i knew that this was going to be a lot of fun and i didn't know just how meaningful it was going to be i'm meeting him today for the first time obviously like anybody i researched the life out of them but uh yeah i would be very surprised if uh we don't do more uh i i think what you're doing is is the tip of a revolutionary spear so i hope that you guys follow him what you can find for free will already change your life and i'm telling you right now that i have access to anybody about money and i found his information really useful and usability is the highest amp i can put on something so i hope you guys will dive in make use of the information that he has it really is uh the ability to build wealth is available for anybody that can avoid eating marshmallow for today and can play the long game as he said i think that's very wise speaking of things that are very wise if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care salute now i always cut losses quickly i only invest small amounts that i am willing to lose if the stock starts to go against me for whatever reason i don't care how good my analysis was if it goes against me by five percent i'm out
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 1,680,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wallstreet Trapper, Impact Theory, interview show, Tom Bilyeu, Tom Bilyou, motivation, homeless teens, how to survive, survival mode, make money, how to make money, hood rich, hustling, wallstreet, finance, street smart, book smart, growing up poor, prison, overcoming
Id: TXNFLgl3Y1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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