That time South Park took down an ENTIRE RELIGION...

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in Hollywood at that time Scientology was just simply a nogo the no I the lawyers would just say no and whether they said look you're right you have a this should be completely up for parody uh we don't want to risk it and we don't want to go to court and they sue everybody our number one story in the countdown tonight Cru Scientology and South Park we were told that the people involved in Mission Apostle 3 demanded that show be pulled off the air and it was one of the touchiest episodes was about scientology a notoriously litigious group Isaac Hay's recently with his job as the voice of the character Chef goodbye but half the battle was just getting it out once it had gone on the air you couldn't put it back hay said he left because of quote inappropriate ridicule of religious community so Scientology you may have won this battle but the million-year war for Earth has just begun all right class I hope you enjoyed that little intro I made as you can see today we're talking about one of South Park's most controversial episodes now if You' have attended any of my lectures in the past you're probably well aware of the fact that South Park is pretty controversial in fact you probably have at least some knowledge on the controversy will be talking about today considering its large section in my most popular lecture and the large scale news coverage it received at the time but even if you watch that lecture you probably don't know the details of the situation and through my research I discovered that this rabbit ho goes so much deeper than I ever thought possible today we're talking about that time that South Park took on one of the scariest looming threats in all of Hollywood an organization that struck fear into the hearts of anyone who considered speaking out against them considered for many years to be completely off limits to criticism we're talking about scientology well you see all of that scary and threatening stuff I just said used to be true uh that is until South Park made this episode and proved that they were significantly more bark than bite in fact it's very likely that this single episode of South Park not only exposed the true nature of Scientology to the general public for the very first time but started a chain reaction of events that caused such immense irreversible damage to the group that their continuing descent Into Obscurity can be directly traced back to the release of this episode to put it simply this cartoon directly led to the downfall of the world's most successful cult it also might have caused some more minor effects outside of science ology for example it led to threats of legal action from one of the most famous people in the world it nearly canel the media tour for Mission Impossible 3 it led to an incredibly invasive private investigation that included attempted Espionage it caused one of the main voice actors from the show to quit after 10 years and it might have even been the inciting incident that would lead to that same actor's untimely death just a few years later you know just minor stuff now that might sound like a lot but I promise you all will be explained in time and trust me we haven't even scratched the surface yet because this is that time South Park took down an entire religion you know what else Tom Cruz is often associated with fighter jets and you know who else loves fighter jets everyone so that's why you should go and check out today's sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever made you can take command of over 2500 different Vehicles including tanks planes helic Ops and ships War Thunder also has one of the most sophisticated vehicle damage models in all of gaming every vehicle is intricately modeled down to its individual components like engines fuel tanks weapons and crew all susceptible to damage or disabling from enemy fire the game also offers an insanely comprehensive customization system with countless different camos historical markings decorations and all types of stuff for all different types of vehicles thanks to all these small little details it is incredibly easy to become immersed in the intense combat of War Thunder my favorite part of War Thunder is just how how intense the combat gets when you're fully immersed in this game it really is a feeling that's hard to find in many other games and the best part is this game is totally free you can play War Thunder for free on PC PlayStation and Xbox just use my link in the video description or pinned comment to sign up and if you're a new player or you haven't played in over 6 months you get a massive bonus pack that includes multiple premium vehicles and an exclusive vehicle decorator 100,000 silver lions and 7 Days of premium account and this is only for limited time so that's why you need to go click the link in the description or pin comment and come join a worldwide community of over 70 million players by downloading War Thunder and thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring this [Music] video now I'm going to assume that you all know what Scientology is by now but I think it's important to give some general information about the religion and I use that word very lightly as well as get an idea of what the general Public's knowledge of Scientology was like before the release of this episode in short they didn't know much in 2005 Scientology had already been around for decades with many sources claiming the church reached its peak anywhere from the late '70s to the early '90s in terms of how many scientologists there were at their Peak it's pretty ambiguous with some people claiming they never broke 30,000 and others claiming upwards of 700,000 as you'll see the church tends to be pretty unreliable when releasing any information about themselves so it seems like the true scale of Scientology will never really be known at this time in the mid 2000s the general public had heard of Scientology like I said it had been around for decades and over that time it had picked up some rather well-known people such as Tom Cruz who had become a public advocate for the group as early as the 1990s and quickly became the face of the church this meant that knowledge of Scientology was very surface level in the mainstream people had heard of it but no one really knew anything about it as the church liked to keep a rather low profile so when the face of Scientology went on Oprah in May of 2005 acting like he had been hitting the slopes in the Green Room people started to wonder just what the hell did Scientology do to this man I'm not going to pretend I can see her not you know Katie once to 17 magazine yes though he didn't directly speak on Scientology in the interview he would later make some statements that directly Echo the beliefs of Scientology going after Brook Shields for her anti-depressant use you see Scientology doesn't really like the idea of psychiatry in fact dianic which is one of the core principles of Scientology was created as essentially a replacement for psychiatric care a month later in an interview with Matt low Cruz would expand on these views calling Psychiatry of pseudo science in condemning any use of psychiatric drugs interestingly enough he actually made some points about the overprescription of these medications that are reasonable and make sense the problem was his insistence that there are absolutely no cases where they should be used and his refusal to accept Psychiatry as a legitimate Medical Practice also the fact that as the interview went on it seems like he's getting increasingly angrier starkly contrasting the light-hearted joking attitude he shared literally moments ago to the point where he's essentially yelling at Matt low and you should do that also because just knowing people who are on Ridin isn't enough you should be a little bit more responsible in knowing prescribing rlin Tom so for the first time the general public gets a small glimpse into the beliefs of this group and their first impression is that Scientology despite the name seemed to be rather far removed from any form of Science and the main spokesperson for the group seems like he himself might benefit from some psychiatric care based on how incredibly unstable he was in his last two interviews so now all the general public knows about scientology is that they don't believe in Psychiatry and their main spokesman might be clinically insane and with that the two creators of an adult animated TV show decided it was time to do some digging and what they found would shock them so much that they knew they had to share it with the public and this would be the beginning of the end Stan do you want to hear hear the great secret doctrine of life behind Scientology sure all right go ahead and tell [Music] him on November 16th 2005 episode 12 of the 9th season of South Park would air on Comedy Central simply titled Trapped in the Closet the episode opens with the boys looking for something fun to do on a Saturday with Stan insisting that they do something that's free since he's saving up for a new bike Cartman being annoyed by this reminds Stan of the first law of physics anything that's fun costs at least $8 the rest of the boys then go to play laser tag side note you know you're broke when even Kenny can afford to do something that you can so while Stan is out looking for some fun free activities he just so happens to pass by some friendly folks offering free personality test and talking about something called Scientology apparently it's a cool new thing as celebrities like Tom Cruz and John Travolta are Scientologist themselves Stan begins to notice that all of this is very religion like so he asked about it and their resp response isn't very reassuring then how come that sign says Church of Scientology oh that's just his thing what's the Denver Broncos record now 6 and two one of the scientologists then begins asking Stan some questions and by the time he's done he comes to the conclusion that Stan is horribly miserable and depressed in his mind there is only one solution to this what do I do it's very simple we just need $40 Stan then heads home to discuss his depression with his parents asking them to pay for the $200 Stanley I didn't know you were miserable neither did I they say that if he really wants it he should spend the money he's been saving for his bike and even though he's a bit more hesitant he decides that it's worth it yeah well just like the rest of us you have to make choices with your money you want to bike or do you want to not be depressed upon paying the fee they begin to explain the history of Scientology to Stan the founder and profit goes by the name of elron hubard now elron has his own extensive history that the episode episode doesn't dive into in detail however they do mention the fact that he was a science fiction writer during his life he built up a rather large resume as a serial scammer and is known for some absolutely incredible quotes such as you don't get rich writing science fiction if you want to get rich you start a religion bit on the nose there elron they continued to explain that he discovered that the body has thetans that cause negative emotions which can be read by a device called an eer now at this point you may notice that it seems like they really did a lot of research into how Scientology recruits people and according to ex scientologists their portrayal is very accurate so these are actual questions on scientology's personality test we just need $240 I mean that's exactly how that goes the the the standard response to every item on the test evaluation they go um Scientology can help you with that and then they sell you an introductory course well there's a reason for that first of all I want to give a huge shout out to Andrew gold enough he's the same guy who interviewed Jesse Morton the man who made the threats towards South Park after episode 200 made a whole video about that if you want to check it out but Andrew also interviewed mark heedley an ex-scientologist who now Advocates against Scientology this interview provided me with tons of information about how exactly South Park impacted Scientology and I highly recommend you go listen to it if you have the time as I will be referencing it throughout this video in this interview Mark mentions that one of the reasons South Park was so knowledgeable on Scientology is because they consulted with a man named Mark Ebner a journalist who had been researching Scientology for decades going as far as to go undercover as a potential recruit for Scientology he's essentially an expert in Scientology and Matt and Trey work directly with him while making this episode so while Stan gets his theen levels read they quickly realized that Stan is a very special boy there was only one person who ever registered ot9 in the history of our church our Prophet has turned word spreads fast and before he knows it Stan's house is swarmed by scientologists hoping to get a look at The Reincarnation of their Prophet one of the more excited followers even found their way into Stan's room of course it's Tom Cruz who seeks approval in his acting abilities from Stan Stan's answer isn't exactly what Tom was looking for and he heads to the only place he knows well I mean you're not like as good as Leonardo DiCaprio but you're okay I guess you're not Jee Hackman or that guy that played Napoleon Dynamite but you're okay hey Dad Tom Cruz won't come out of the closet try as they might they cannot manage to get Tom Cruz to leave the closet even when R Kelly shows up to give us two cents well I was just standing here and Tom Cruz locked himself in the closet so I pull out my gun the current leader of Scientology decides that Stan needs to know all of the secrets of Scientology so he sits him down to explain the actual beliefs of scientologists I'm not going to explain the whole clip I'll link it in the description if you want to watch it but the story is incredibly Fantastical it includes Tales of Lord zenu aliens Intergalactic airplanes Soul catchers brainwashing and alien Souls possessing mankind completely unrelated but remember how they mentioned elron Hub was a science fiction writer anyways throughout the entire 2-minute scene a text box appears at the bottom of the screen reading this is what science ologists actually believe in all caps and as it turns out yeah this is what scientologists actually believe but actually the vast majority of scientologists don't know this story as it's kept very secret now you may be thinking why would a religion that's trying to convert people want to keep their beliefs secret isn't that kind of like the opposite of what you would want to do and that's correct in fact if I didn't know any better I might say that this Behavior seems to be more in line with what a cult would do but as we'll talk about in a little little bit there's a good reason why they don't want this information out there so after Stan is educated on the full truth of Scientology he's asked to continue where he left off and add to the sacred Doctrine meanwhile Tom Cruz is still in the closet refusing to leave in fact he's denying that he's even in the closet to begin with it's time for you to come out of the closet I'm not I'm not in the closet so while Stan is writing his new sacred Doctrine the rest of the boys tell him that they're concerned about his involvement in this cult to which Stan denies that it even is a cult and claims that he found meaning in it I didn't know you were depressed neither did I but now if you guys can't accept this great thing I belong to then I suppose we're no longer friends back with Tom Cruz he is still in the closet so they try to use fellow Scientologist John Travolta to get him out this of course just leads to John Travolta going into the closet as well now also refusing to come out and of course R Kelly just gets angrier and I pull out my gun oh Jesus here we go with the gun again when Stan shares his new writings with the leader of Scientology he's very excited about about them until Stan reveals the most dramatic change that he's added and best of all I wrote that all the Scientologist should no longer have to pay money to belong what he then goes on to reveal his true intentions with Scientology you don't actually believe this crap do you those people out there buy that crap and I thought you were smart enough to see what was really going on what's better than telling people a stupid story and having them believe you having them pay you for it stupid that's how a scam works but this is a scam on a global scale Stan is rather caught off guard at first but when he starts talking about making millions of dollars he remembers how he needs a new bike and he's a lot more receptive to it yeah yeah I get you then keep riding elron your people are waiting meanwhile Tom Cruz and John Travolta are still in the closet and they still refuse to come out even after AR Kelly is sent up there to get them out R Kelly then gets curious and who would have thought he ends up in the closet as well now I'm in the closet now I'm in in the closet to in the morning Stan is ready to share his new doctrine with the world he begins to read but as he looks out across the sea of people and recognizes just how much this means to so many of them he knows that he can't do it he decides that it's best for these people to know the real truth we're all looking for answers you know sometimes we want to know the anwers so badly that we believe just about anything I'm Not The Reincarnation of Elon hubard and Scientology is just a big fat Global scam this does not go over very well and all of the scientologists begin to threaten to sue Stan this includes Tom Cruz who finally made it out of the closet as Stan adamantly defends himself against the threats this is referencing the fact that Scientology has a very long history of taking legal action against those who have come out against them starting lawsuits in several different countries over the course of many many years the episode comes to an end with stan making a final Proclamation against the group and it's pretty clearly meant to be the creators themselves speaking directly to Scientology okay good do it I'm not scared of you sue me and as the credits roll they play into the joke even further by refusing to show any of the actual names of the staff who worked on the episode instead they replace every name with Jane or John Smith and that's where the episode ends it's one of my favorites it has Hilarious Moments and some scathing commentary but all around it's a pretty typical episode of South Park and I got to say I'm absolutely certain that all parties being ref refed acted completely reasonably after this episode I really doubt that there was any sort of extreme backlash yeah we probably should have seen this coming especially since this is the second time I made that joke as you might imagine Scientology wasn't exactly happy about their portrayal in this episode I didn't really get into it in the intro but I mentioned that before this Scientology was seen as off limits in the media people were scared to talk about them at all the reason for that is that they have a long history of doing things that are best described as batshit crazy they're kind of known for going to the most extreme lengths if it ensured that they would get their way especially if it meant protecting their image for example in the podcast Mark mentions that the group perpetrated the largest infiltration of the US government in history as thousands of scientologists were hired into positions in various government organizations and offices in an effort to dispose of unfavorable records about scientology yes that is real you can Google it it's called operation Snow White so if they were willing to go that far with the US government you would assume they definitely weren't about to sit by and watch as a cartoon exposed their best kept secret to the entire world so they started digging you see Scientologist has a branch known as the office of special Affairs or the Osa whose job it is to essentially investigate and harass grass anyone that they deem to be enemies of Scientology not only that according to Mark they have people whose full-time job it is to scrub through every video about scientology that exists on the internet and transcribe and summarize them and they're printing out and making copies of and transcribing every single video that gets done about scientology on the internet everything which means they are definitely doing that to this video right now so uh hello Scientologist watching this hope you're doing good I'm sure that's a very ing job so best of luck to you so in 2011 former Scientologist Mark Rathburn who was the third Mark connected to Scientology that we've talked about in this video uploaded some documents to his blog about scientology's look into South Park these documents detailed how the Osa had been in the process of conducting a full-blown investigation into Trey Parker and Matt Stone discussing potential quote direct lines to Matt and Trey through connections such as friends quote one is Matthew PR frager who has been a friend since 1991 another is John Stamos who is best friends with Matt Stone apparently his ex-wife Rebecca Roman is also good friends with stone these documents also detail what they call special collections or the methods they would use to gather information on Matt and Trey this included things like going through their trash purchasing their phone records hacking Airline reservations and purchasing bank records according to Mark Headley they would also do things like get information on the company's catering to South Park Studios just in case they eventually wanted to get someone to work for those companies to get inside the offices and they would also do things like write down every license plate in the parking lot and run them to identify the owners of every car they even went as far as to attempt to hire a film student to act as a spy and get a job at South Park Studios I'm just going to go ahead and read the whole document for this one because it's short and it is unbelievably funny a pi met with a young filmmaker who recently graduated college who was a student of Eric Sherman the filmmaker recently did an interview with Lloyd Kaufman a friend of Trey Parker and Matt Stone he has agreed to assist to establish some calm lines in the South Park Studios and to try and get Intelligence on their plans with regard to Scientology he is going to approach Kaufman to see if Kaufman can get him an introduction to Parker in stone and either possibly get a job as an intern there or as a writer parentheses he has seen every episode of South Park like if that's all it takes Scientology hook me up dude like I think I even have a better resume than that guy so Scientology quite literally did everything that they could in a massive coordinated effort to dig up something negative about Matt or Trey that they could hurt them with so what did this meticulous and exhaustive investigation reveal about Matt Stone Trey Parker and anyone else at South Park Studios absolutely nothing scient ology has never released a single piece of information that was negative or embarrassing about any employees of South Park Studios so unless this investigation was even more extensive than we thought and it's still going on nearly 20 years later it's safe to assume that they just didn't find anything of interest but why were they so mad in the first place why is it so important to keep their belief secret and why would they go to such extreme lengths to get revenge on two dudes who made a cartoon about them well there's a few reasons for that firstly because their religion commands them to you see our old friend elron created a policy for Scientology long ago that he dubbed fair game law which identified that quote any action taken against a suppressive person or group is quote fair game that pretty much means if someone is talking bad about scientology it's your job to make sure that they stop I don't care how you do it make sure they stop and despite the fact that scientologists claim this practice was discontinued decades ago their actions speak a lot like louder than their words so that explains a lot of their history of aggressively trying to silence their opposition with lawsuits and threats for example Mark mentioned a case where they tried to sue a whistleblower of the church but ended up having to pay her millions of dollars as he said their strategy is always to either threaten you or to bribe you and let me be clear in saying that Scientology I'm sure you're not too happy about this video being up and reminding everyone of all the bad stuff you do but I do have some great news for you my journalistic Integrity can be bought for a lot less than a million I mean you could just slide me 50K and this video will seize to exist no questions asked I'm just saying but that still doesn't explain why they insisted that their beliefs remain a secret you know the whole Lord zenu and alien Souls watching movies or whatever why does it matter that South Park talked about all of that well you see South Park talking about these confidential beliefs was the single action that would seal scientology's fate for good allow me to explain as I mentioned earlier the general public knew very very little about scientology at the time just like the Scientologist wanted all the alien stuff had been leaked onto the internet at this point but only the most Niche corners of the internet were aware and Scientology had done a really good job of silencing anyone who dared to share this information through essentially abusing copyright laws so basically no one knew about any of this at the time and it had received no widespread media coverage at the same time 90% of scientologists knew very little about scientology the stuff about Lord zenu and Souls only a tiny tiny number of scientologists actually knew about any of that stuff Mark Headley says that he was at the international headquarters of Scientology for 15 years and he never learned about any of that stuff he first learned all of that stuff from the South Park episode and he didn't even believe it at first he had to confirm it with his wife who was previously a higher ranking official in Scientology and she told him that yeah that's exactly what they believe and the reason that no Scientologist know about this stuff is because in order to learn about it you have to make it to operating theet in level three OT levels in Scientology function essentially as a video game ranking system that determines how enlightened you are but unfortunately you can't climb this ranked ladder by grinding out MMR over time this game is pay to win because the only way you're moving up the ladder is with money and while ot3 may not seem very high Mark estimates that by the time a Scientologist has reached OT level three they have spent upwards of $200,000 on Scientology now you may be starting to see why Scientology was pretty upset about this for the first time ever the true beliefs of Scientology were shared with the entire world even Jenna miscavage the niece of David miscavage who's the dude who's been the leader of Scientology since the 80s has talked about how she learned about the zenu stuff from South Park but but it did get out I mean it yeah from South Park from South Park that's where I learned about it wow wow this story that was previously only accessible behind a $200,000 pay wall was now completely free public information that everyone knew about as you would imagine this would essentially destroy scientology's entire business model since they profited off of people who were seeking the truth what's better than telling people a stupid story and having them believe you having them pay you for it stupid combine that with the fact that the story itself sounds like well a poorly written science fiction novel and you can pretty much guarantee that anyone that hears about this will never be joining your religion however the release of the episode didn't immediately Scientology you see they had their own unique form of contingency according to Mark in the church scientologists were taught that you could not hear anything about higher OT levels until you made it to those levels yourself if you did have happen to learn about levels that you haven't reached yet you would get pneumonia and die so luckily for Scientology if any of their members saw any of the stuff in this episode if they didn't die of pneumonia the next day then it couldn't be true because of this a lot of the members at the time just thought that it wasn't what scientologists actually believe and because the vast majority of these people would never reach OT level 3 it didn't even matter since they'd never really even know so while in the short term it wasn't a massive blow to scient ology the real way that South Park took down Scientology was by opening the door for others after South Park ruthlessly went after Scientology and came out completely unscathed everyone else saw that and thought huh I guess Scientology isn't all that scary there's nothing they can really do and from that moment on Scientology was the laughing stock of religions no one is afraid to make fun of them anymore now that they realize that the worst they can do is send some vaguely threatening letters and dig through your trash now everyone knows about scientology's weird beliefs about Lord zenu and his army of alien ghosts and we can all point and laugh at them because of how stupid that is most importantly no one who knows anything about them will join their scam ever again they have to rely solely on people who live under a rock because the vast majority of the public knows what Scientology is really about and despite the church's claims of continued growth some estimates place the total number of scientologists at less than 10,000 in 2023 a far cry from their numbers long ago and all of this is the case because South Park wasn't afraid to go after the boogeyman nearly 20 years ago even their biggest spokesperson our boy Tom Cruz seems to be moving away from the church as rumors spread about him distancing himself you know speaking of Tom Cruz did he ever make it out of that closet I totally forgot to check up on him go away no it doesn't seem like he came out of the closet yet but it does seem like he threatened to sue South Park Reports say that Tom wasn't too happy about his portrayal in this episode with matent tree wanting to joke about the rumors that Tom Cruz might be secretly gay when they discussed this idea with their lawyers they pointed out that Cruz has a history of suing people who had spoken about his sexuality so because this is South Park their loophole was to place Mr Cruz in an actual closet sources close to Tom Cruz claimed that he was not happy about this which is completely shocking because he seemed so convincing when he said this I I have never worried Matt about what other people think and what other people say there were rumors that crew still threatened to sue South Park but these were never confirmed however it seemed like Tom might be the one to get the last laugh because only a few months later came the legendary closet gate you see they had planned to rebroadcast the episode on comed Central in March but suddenly and without any explanation the episode was cancelled and replaced with another immediately speculation about Tom Cruz's involvement in the pulling of the episode was seen all over with Anonymous sources claiming that Tom himself had the episode pulled the narrative was that during his Mission Impossible 3 publicity tour Cruz had caught wind of the re broadcast and he told Paramount the studio behind mission impossible that he would boycott his own publicity tour if the episode was aired on Comedy Central Comedy Central was also owned by Paramount so it made sense that Cruz could do something like this 2 Days Later Matt and Trey would release their own official statements on the matter which went exactly as you would expect it to so Scientology you may have won this battle but the million-year war for Earth has just begun you have obstructed us for now but your feeble bid to save Humanity will fail fans of the show were not very happy about the situation as they rushed to spread pirated copies of the episode online to ensure that it wasn't censored the full episode was even uploaded on YouTube where it would amass over 700,000 views when asked about this Comedy Central even said that they didn't even ask to have it removed pretty much confirming that that they didn't seem to mind this kind of piracy a couple months later matent Trey even hosted a public screening of the episode in a London theater handing out free copies of the episode to attendees afterwards they wanted as many people as possible to see this episode and more importantly they didn't want to be defeated by Tom Cruz it would be months before the episode would be rebroadcasted but eventually in June of 2006 it was broadcasted for the first time since the initial airing now during all of this Tom Cruz remained adamant that he had absolutely nothing to do with the pulling of the episode he would discuss it in an interview on ABC and even though I couldn't find the video of it I'm going to read the quote here and you can tell me whether you believe it or not first of all could you ever imagine sitting down with anyone I would never sit down with someone and question them on their beliefs here's the thing I'm really not even going to dignify this I honestly didn't even really know about it I'm working making my movie I've got my family I'm busy I don't spend my days going going what are people saying about me yeah whatever you say Tom but that pretty much rounds out the Tom Cruz era of South par controversy leaving us with only one more thing to talk about following the Airing of this episode Isaac Hayes the voice actor for Chef would quit from the show Hayes was a Scientologist and shortly after he published a statement berating the show for being intolerant and bigoted towards religious beliefs Matt Stone would release his own statement clapping back at Hayes calling out the hypoc Y in profiting off of making fun of every other religion but not being able to take it when it's his turn the very first episode of The Following Season saw a plot in which chef would be brainwashed by a cult leaving all of his friends in South Park behind despite their best attempts the boys are unable to rescue him from the CT where he suffers an absolutely horrific death this would be the last of Chef that we would see in South Park then 2 years after his departure from the show Hayes would pass away from a stroke at the age of 65 the circumstances surrounding his death were rather odd but we'll come back to that in a second years later Isaac Hayes's son would come out and state that his father had suffered from a stroke in January of 2006 which left him unable to speak or comprehend much of anything during this time everyone around him was involved in Scientology so while suffering from obvious brain damage Scientology quit on his behalf and as it turns out Hayes's son wasn't the first to make this accusation as journalist Roger fredman who was a close friend of Hayes wrote an article the day after Hayes's death that essentially makes the same claims as well as some shocking ones that I had somehow never heard of until I started researching for this video he describes an interaction with Matt Stone shortly after the release of the episode in which he details Hayes coming to him in tears stating that he was under pressure from Scientology and that he would be forced to quit if they didn't stop making fun of it a week later he was performing Chef song songs at a ball indicating that his relationship with South Park was as strong as ever but after a stroke he had been severely mentally and physically impaired barely recognizing Roger at one of his disastrous shows and then just a couple years later came his untimely death on August 10th 2008 Isaac Hayes was found unresponsive in his home on the ground next to a running treadmill the cause of death for Hayes was determined to be another stroke however an autopsy was never done this l a lot more questions than answers why would someone who's recovering from a stroke be on a treadmill alone in their house why didn't they do an autopsy the potential answers all seem to point exactly where we expect them to as Roger fredman mentions in his article and as we talked about earlier Scientology is very much against any kind of psychiatric care or psychotropic drugs which just so happened to be precisely the kind of drugs that would be routine in helping someone recover from a stroke scientologists also believe in a very specific detox treatment that is used to clear any of these potentially dangerous drugs out of your system this treatment is known as purification rundown and it consists of spending hours a day in a sauna alongside consistent exercise and a diet that consists of a bunch of different vitamins including over 300 times the recommended dose of niin so running back through all this information we know that Isaac Hayes was recovering from a stroke likely taking some form of psychotropic meds as part of his treatment we know that everyone that was consistently present in his life at this time was a Scientologist we know that Scientology hates psychotropic medication and avoids them at all costs we know their treatment to flush these terrible drugs out of your system involves lots of time spent in a sauna and exercise and we know that Isaac Hayes was found dead next to a running treadmill now some may look look at this information and put pieces of this puzzle together and say things like Scientology killed Isaac Hayes or their monsters who tarnished his legacy and took advantage of him at his lowest moment because they couldn't stand the fact that he was friends with the people who had criticized them or even they did all of this while actively forcing him to take part in a dangerous pseudoscience treatment that would eventually be the cause of his untimely death you know I personally wouldn't make any accusations like that but some might You know despite all the darkness we've talked about today I think we can all rest assured that the only trajectory for Scientology from here is down and if it weren't for South Park back in 2005 that might not be the case so now hopefully you all have a better understanding of that time that South Park took down an entire religion oh yeah and don't forget to to check out our wonderful sponsor War Thunder you can check them out on PC Playstation or Xbox use my link in the pinned comment or the video description to register remember if you're new or you haven't played in 6 months you'll get that massive bonus pack that includes premium vehicles and a bunch of other cool stuff so go click my link in the description and get started [Music] now [Music]
Channel: Blooms
Views: 3,437,014
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Id: GMrN5nWuh_s
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Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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