South Park just EMBARRASSED OnlyFans, Logan Paul, and Prime...

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hey did you guys know that Paramount plus actually released a new South Park special a week ago I'm going to assume the answer to that question is no considering it quite literally received no advertising aside from some posters and billboards in New York a day before it was released and even for me the guy whose like entire job it is to know about South Park I didn't even hear about this until the day before it was released apparently there was also a trailer for the special that was being run as an ad on YouTube videos like a few days before it happened but it got unlisted did pretty quickly after it went up so I don't know what ever happened with that and I'm pretty sure that they never actually formally announced this special before it was released it was definitely a pretty weird situation but luckily there was one good thing that came out of it and that's that we got a new South Park special it was released on the 20th of December which means that once again I am almost 2 weeks late to releasing a video about the new South Park but at this point I think I've lowered your expectations enough that you aren't really surprised although I will say I really did take it to the next level with this one I mean I haven't made a video since last year thank you thank you I appreciate it I'll be here all night okay all right happy New Year everyone this special seems like it's all over the place with its targets from Logan Paul to sports drinks to only fans models but despite the seemingly unrelated topics they made it very clear that there was an underlying theme connecting all of them kids so how exactly are kids The Binding factor between all of these different topics well with the intro out of the way let's get into it this is how South Park humiliat Logan Paul Prime and only [Music] fans now instead of jumping straight into the episode like I normally would I think it would be best to quickly give some context for a lot of the references being made since I know a lot of my audience is a bit too old to stay up to date with what the kids are into I mean YouTube tells me that over 50% of my audience is 25 or older and those statistics are always accurate but fear not as a cool hip jenzy kid I I know all about what the kids are into I know about sus Ohio meing to looksmax with kais sonat level five Gat skibby toilet Phantom tax NPC Vibes and liby Dunn raising up baby groon so first Logan Paul the man that you may know for his basic understanding of human empathy I think there's someone hanging right there or you may know him for his large wealth that came about through ethical business practices a scam created by Logan Paul and a team of criminals which ultimately resulted in millions of dollars being stolen from fans basically he started a sports drink company alongside far less annoying influencer KSI 2 years ago called Prime in that time the company has grown to be worth billions of dollars impressively holding its own against giants like Gatorade and power raade and though you may be asking how it could be so popular despite never seeing anyone actually drinking it in real life well as is the case with everything that seems inexplicably popular the answer is kids kids absolutely love anything that their favorite influencer promotes and of course Prime is no exception now for the only fans thing I don't think that really needs any EXP explaining if you somehow don't know what it is it's a subscription site for influencers kind of like patreon but it allows explicit content and that is what it's most often used for all right so with that much needed context we can finally talk about the actual special we first see Cartman waking up and getting ready for school preparing all of his Necessities including of course his favorite hydration drink cred as he walks down the hall at school a song plays in which he sings about the fact that he has cred I got cred [ __ ] I got which may seem kind of dumb and on the nose but it's actually a direct parody of a real life song that one of the child fans of prime made we got Prime boys we got Prime which Logan Paul embraced and used as a marketing tool and this will be far from the last time that he will do this at school it's clear that Cartman isn't alone in his love for cred as literally everyone has at least one bottle with token going as far as to even dip a fry in it what the the only person who doesn't have cred is Clyde but but luckily no one suspects anything at the moment see that's what I'm talking about Clyde likes cred so much that he drank all his before noon that's a real cred Drinker Cartman is quick to call out all of the cred posers including Spencer Hollis who's a completely new character that has an actual child as his voice actor [ __ ] you this is kind of a tangent but I've noticed that within the last few seasons they've had a tendency to introduce new child characters with actual child voice actors and I don't really know how to feel about it I mean in the past it's mostly been characters voiced by Trey's daughter so I could at least understand wanting to find a way to include her in the show but with this kid it's seemingly totally random I did some digging into the voice actor and apparently he's the 11-year-old son of a pretty well-known author and producer but I couldn't find any connections with this guy in South Park or Matt and Trey so if they were doing it as like a favor for this guy I would kind of understand but other than that I don't really like it that much I don't think it just seems a little jarring in comparison with all the other voices but maybe it'll grow on me so then we see strong woman in PE DC principal discussing the cred craze with strong woman making the point that these drinks are not actually meant for kids and yet they are clearly being advertised to then she mentions something that will become a very common theme throughout the rest of the special I don't know what kind of scumbags would push adult things on something they know kids will watch all of a sudden Mr Mackey busts in and he lets them know that the art teacher has been caught with an only fans page and their shock quickly transitions into a title card and with that I just realized I never actually said the title of the special but the title is South Park not suitable for children and the title card itself contains a bunch of imagery that is well not suitable for children I can't show any of it here of course but it definitely is a funny way to open the special oh yeah and you might want to get used to me saying I'm not going to be able to show something because that's going to happen many times throughout this special the principls then hold a meeting with all the parents which leads to a lot of outraged rabing side note I wish they still did the rabble bit every now and then because I always thought that was just the funniest thing ever but standing out here yelling rabble rabble rabble isn't going to help anything the argument of the parents is that even though the website is technically for adults the kids are going to see it no matter what to which the principal is counter by saying that the parents should be monitoring what their children are doing well the problem is you guys buy your kids bones okay just like you buy them all these unhealthy hydration drinks I found this scene to be particularly funny mainly because it impresses me how this show is able to still find creative and interesting ways to make make the exact same argument that they've been making for almost 30 years at this point well the film is all and it's not intended for children but of course children are going to see it now Randy is on the side of the parents throughout this debate but when strong woman mentions just how much money the teacher was making through only fans his interest in the topic becomes much greater but on only fans she makes an extra $10,000 a week did she say $10,000 a week yep we're going there interestingly enough the main character of this special is none of the main boys or even Randy But Clyde who struggles with feeling left out since his parents won't let him drink cred when they try to talk to him about his teacher on only fans he doesn't really care and instead argues with them about cred Oh yeah and when I say his parents I mean his dad and his dad's girlfriend because if you remember back in season 16 Clyde accidentally killed his mom by leaving the toilet seat up which she blamed him for as she died and when she was a ghost it's it's a whole thing I don't want to explain it right now Clyde then goes to sulk in his room watching his favorite YouTuber Logan louche who of course devotes a good portion of his video to advertising cred to his child audience quick side note I noticed that nowadays South Park almost never uses the real name of celebrities they make fun of and I wonder why that is I always like that they would just straight up call them out in the old episodes and now they always do like these weird parody names for some reason but this fake commercial from Logan Paul is hilarious because it's just a great way to make fun of the way he advertises this stuff but surely Logan wouldn't think that this parody pointing out his unethical business practices would actually be a good advertisement for Prime is what I would have said if he hadn't already used the South Park parody to legitimately advertise Prime yes he made a one toone Recreation of this fake ad and posted it on his Twitter you know what really makes me upset about this is just the absolute shamelessness in it the G to take something that is clearly criticizing you for a relatively serious issue and lean into it to further promote the same unethical business practices just cements the total lack of moral compass that this guy has he knows that by leaning into the joke and embracing the parody he's basically saying look kids I'm self-aware about my scummy unethical business practices isn't that funny I sure do have a sense of humor now go buy my drink and all the kids who don't understand they're being manipulated think wow props to him he really knows how to take a joke you know he doesn't seem like such a bad guy after all maybe I will will try his drink and that's exactly what he knew would happen the entire time but he's not cool he doesn't deserve props for taking the joke he's just doing what he knows is best for business if it were better for business to throw a fit and get all mad about it he would have done that because he's a sociopath who lacks any form of emotional response his feelings are entirely fabricated around whatever will make him the most money he's a businessman through and through and I can say what I want about this guy but I can't deny that he knows how to Market and another thing the other response that I've seen to this is people saying man this is such a genius marketing tactic but is it really I don't know I feel like literally anyone would respond the same way if they only looked at the world from the view of what would make them the most money the difference is most people would feel shame if they were rightfully called out for their unethical practices maybe even feel empathy for doing these things in the first place but if you don't have those pesky little feelings to make you think twice about siphoning money out of the pocket of 13-year-olds across the planet then this probably would have been your first thought but maybe that's just just me I don't know you know actually on second thought I thought that this was totally genius and Logan should recreate more of the special in real life specifically this part later in the special I think that would be great for business okay I might have gotten a little carried away I didn't mean that I'm sorry that was that was too far I'm sorry anyways we then see Randy creating a video for his new only fans and it quickly becomes clear that Matt and Trey plan to take full advantage of the fact that this special isn't being aired on TV from this point on essentially every shot that Randy is in includes him naked from the waist down which may seem kind of dumb and pointless however when discussing it with Sharon it becomes clear what the purpose of all this is children aren't allowed on only fans Sharon it's totally safe kids aren't going to see this this idea kind of functions as the glue that holds together all of these different plot points throughout the special you know Logan Paul Prime only fans all these things claim to be against children using their products or services and yet they benefit greatly from exactly that as for Randy he's used to represent the self-awareness from Matt and Trey on this issue since South Park has received the same criticism literally since it was created it's a show made for adults and yet there is clearly a large portion of the fan base that are kids this is especially clear nowadays after South Park blew up on Tik Tok leading to a massive influx of young fans but it's always been the case and Matt and Trey have always been aware of it even leaning into it back in the day we used to say when South Park first came out that we don't want kids watching we don't intend it for kids but I think we kind of did we intended for think we intended it for everybody so having Randy naked the entire episode is kind of their way of calling themselves out they're basically saying yeah we titled it not suitable for children and have constant nudity but of course kids are still going to watch it back at school Cartman tells Clyde that he should have a water bottle holder on his backpack so that he can show off his cred oh yeah in case you haven't figured it out yet making the name of the drink cred is a pretty on theose way to represent how having these drinks makes you cool because having the drink literally means that they have cred now because Clyde isn't actually allowed to have cred when he sees a note in the bathroom advertising it he decides to go check it out and would you look at that it's Nathan as soon as I read the sketchy note on the bathroom wall I knew it would be him and man am I glad it was Nathan is always funny and he is always perfect for the illicit dealer role unfortunately no Mimsy though but hey I'll take what I can get he's reselling Ked at insane prices and because of that the only thing Clyde can afford is an empty bottle you just fill your empty bottle with water and a little food coloring everyone thinks you got cred when you actually have no cred I find this part really interesting because it's kind of showing how shallow this whole trend is because what's really the difference between a bottle filled with water and food coloring and the real drink especially since it seems like they don't even drink it most of the time we then cut back to Randy who is really throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks this time he's creating a cooking tutorial for authentic pad tie which of course includes some rather unorthodox ingredients top that all off with some fresh nuts Sharon is absolutely fed up with him and offers Randy a challenge maybe I should go and do my own only fans what meanwhile Clyde is feeling confident with his new cred bottle on display until he finds out that the flavor he bought is apparently a very rare one which Cartman gets super excited about and decides to give it a taste that's when Cartman notices that it's apple juice and it does not go over very well yeah it's apple juice you guys are posers we're not posers hey guys cred affinity group is fake [Music] CED back with Randy he learns that Sharon not only actually started an only fans but immediately gained more subscribers than him he realizes that the only way to grow is to include things that are trending but what could be trending right now H he then meets up with Nathan to try to get his hands on some cred where Nathan suggests some of the cred flavors that are marketed towards adults like maybe Peppa Pig peppermint that doesn't sound like it's marketed for adults I'm a big boy blueberry Randy buys out his entire stock and he begins to integrate cred into his only fans videos in a very interesting way hey future editing blooms here uh I just wanted to mention real quick that while I was researching this on Twitter I found a video of a dude that actually recreated this scene in real life so I guess probably don't go look for that because I cannot unsee that and with this new strategy Randy is is finally able to get a successful video when he tells Sharon she informs him that by using cred he's pretty obviously marketing his video towards kids but Randy doesn't think so that's not what the data shows Sharon according to meta and Tik Tok Their audience is predominantly people over the age of 22 meanwhile Cartman Clyde Butters and tweak traveled to a limited edition cred drop in an effort to restore their reputation it quickly devolves into absolute chaos in an action sequence that reminds me a lot of the end of the Black Friday Trilogy the the only person who's actually able to get any of the cred is notorious poser Spencer Hollis in the aftermath Clyde begins to realize that they've been manipulated by their favorite influencer and he decides that they need to get some answers from him in person meanwhile because Randy has one single Successful video he decides to visit an influencer talent agency in hopes of getting signed when the employee mentions getting kids to watch Randy reminds him that his content isn't suitable for kids which leads to a rather Shady answer I mean the data shows kids aren't the main audience for any of this stuff right he gets put into an auction where corporations organizations and countries all bid on an influencer in an effort to influence their child fan base tell toys now the highest better at 2525 who's going to go for 30 100 100 from the Chinese government can we go 150 stoy vodka at 150 150 the current bit from stoy vodo what about you Builder bear 160 from the NRA out bidding stoy vodka who wants to influence the Young more big Pharma at 60 60 Kellogg cereal Ravenclaw casinos influence the children 170 from voices for Ukraine don't let them out bid you Russia no however the auction is interrupted when Randy is arrested by the FBI exposing children to pornography soliciting nude images to a minor child endangerment come on like it's just me they're accusing him of so many crimes that for a second I forgot he was supposed to be an only fans model and not a Minecraft Youtuber now this leads into a joke that was so incredibly dumb I could not help but smile graphic images of [Music] miners the FBI realizes that Randy could be useful to them and Randy decides to cooperate meanwhile the boys visit their favorite influencer who is incredibly paranoid they discuss how cred isn't even his real sponsor and it's just being used to attract kids to his videos in order to influence them it's a grand conspiracy and when they finally convince him to reveal who's at the top of it all we get the least surprising assassination ever the FBI quickly arrives at the scene after Randy provided all the information that they needed and the lead agent gets into a back and forth with the sniper that is clearly being used to explain this concept to the audience the data shows that consumers of social media platforms are predominantly adults over 21 within tech companies it's an Open Secret that millions of users are actually under the age of 13 tech companies are working diligently to find ways to make the internet safer for children but these methods are often criticized for violating free speech and Tu companies use those assertions and their endless cash to keep regulations tied up in court so they can continue to profit off of our kids okay well you'll never take me alive copper after the mask is removed from the sniper we realized that it was the guy running the auction that Randy was a part of meaning that this guy is just another middleman in the whole conspiracy the boys head home home incredibly dejected knowing that they got absolutely no cred and that their group is going to be super lame however Butters offers a quick suggestion how about we just keep our affinity group but instead of it being about cred it's just about how proud We Are of who we are white people can't be in groups talking about how proud they are doesn't flag dang it they stop in their tracks when they look over and see Randy throwing away tons of cred when they ask him why he discusses how he's realized that being a social media influencer is dangerous and that there's more to life than just money he's moved on from trying to influence kids and getting rid of all of this cred is symbolic of that upon hearing this Clyde is able to put all the pieces together in his mind and realizes who is behind all of this in a shocking twist it turns out Clyde's stepmom was the one behind all of it in an effort to influence Clyde you want to try and teach your kids but they don't listen because you're not their real parent I just wanted to be a good influence on you Clyde clearly her methods work to some degree since even though Clyde hates her he's at least talking to her honestly I wasn't a huge fan of this reveal I get why they did it I just thought they could have done it a lot better and in a way that didn't feel as abrupt as this did back at school the boys decideed to make an announcement to everyone in the hallways making you think that maybe they'll change their ways and not be so quick to follow Trends but of course that's not exactly what happens you see we talked to Mr Marsh and he gave us four bottles of jelly roll midnight Waffle House forgot your super special jelly roll r at the group meeting [Music] remember it tastes amazing yeah got credit [Applause] here you know what my favorite aspect of this special was the fact that despite the name of the episode and the underlying message throughout I think this might be the first South Park episode that is ironically targeted at kids this is made especially clear at the end when Randy talks to the boys about the dangers of influencers he's essentially talking to the audience here and his message is clearly targeted and if you're a kid on social media you have to know that someone is always trying to get to you to do is ask yourself who is it that wants to influence me the most and honestly using more nudity than ever before in the one episode of your show where the message is clearly specifically targeted at kids is the most South Park thing I've ever seen like I said earlier this show never fails to impress me with their creativity even when discussing the same topics they've discussed for years I thought the special was an a tier South Park episode and I will most definitely be revisiting it in the near future I know all about how kisat level how sus Ohio is meu to looksmax with kais sonat level five gat skib toilet what the how sus Ohio is me the look Max with kisat level five Gat skibby toilet Phantom tax mpz Vibes Jesus you know how sus Ohio is mewing Delux Max with kaat level five gas skib toilet Phantom tax NPC Vibes and liby dun rising up baby COC and Lizzy dun bing up baby God damn it and liby dun rising up baby groon oh my God I cannot believe I got through that Jesus [Music] Christ
Channel: Blooms
Views: 1,457,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9eZmoBC5hBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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