South Park Just Declared WAR On Kanye...

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South Park is officially back 26 is in full swing and I could not be happier historically season premieres for South Park are super hit or miss because they plan the episodes out much further in advance than their usual Six-Day schedule this has led to some incredible episodes that took full advantage of the extra time like season 8's good times with weapons but it has also resulted in some of the worst episodes in the series like season 9's Mr Garrison's fancy new Vagina knowing this pattern I was definitely a little nervous for the season premiere I think one of the biggest complaints that I along with many others have about modern South Park is that they struggle to capture the same feeling that the golden age did everything just feels slightly off and it's even more noticeable if you watch the older Seasons as often as I do with that being said I am happy to report that I was pleasantly surprised by this episode it was funny relevant and full of commentary on current events it kind of felt like what Matt and Trey would have made if these events had happened back in 2006 and that is a major compliment it brought back some classic characters introduced some new ones parodied current events and remained hilarious through all of it now you may be asking do we pick up where the streaming Wars left off did they make Tick Tock look as cringy as it is did Cartman move out of the hot dog and where would I place this in my South Park ranking list the answer to those questions will be revealed right now kind of yes no a tier [Music] begins with Kyle and Tolkien hanging out talking about all the tick tocks they've been making oh so we're doing this huh everyone at school is talking about their tick tocks and they're essentially viral Superstars garnering a whopping 17 likes on their most recent Tick Tock the rest of the boys are pretty confused about the whole thing mirroring the reaction I had when watching this scene what the is this you know I'm surprised at how long it took them to include Tick Tock in the show but they really did a great job at capturing the feeling of your average Tick Tock since I was cringing so hard I had to avert my eyes from the screen they really made you feel like you were watching a tick tock the boys find it kind of strange that Kyle is hanging out with Tolkien so much and it really affects Stan Kyle has been Stan's best friend throughout the entirety of the show so for Kyle to seemingly move on to a new friend really gets to Stan he is visually upset about it and Cartman decides that he needs to make it right I'm gonna go be a good Christian [Music] Cartman's idea of helping is to get Tolkien to hate Kyle by trying to convince him that Kyle runs Hollywood and controls all of our media honestly one of the more rational Cartman ideas when discussing it with Tolkien the rest of the class overhears Cartman's conspiracy though it doesn't seem to be a big deal it subtly plants the seeds of conspiracy into the minds of the class also real quick I thought that this music teacher was a new character but as it turns out he's appeared in two episodes before in season 2 and in season 4 meaning that the last time we saw this dude was over 22 years ago that's just insane honestly when Cartman is at lunch we get reintroduced to one of our old friends Cupid me Cartman's little Cupid version of himself that he used to set up token in Nicole in season 16 and tweaking Craig in season 19. next up Cupid me has changed he's the one telling Cartman all of these anti-semitic conspiracies he also has become a devout Christian and decided to change his name to Cupid ye you know that's really weird he changed his name became super religious wears a black hoodie and a chain and is spreading insane anti-semitic conspiracy theories hmm how strange this all feels really familiar it's kind of like he's supposed to be representing someone huh oh I know Kyrie Irving oh it's it's Kanye well that was my second guess you know if I had a nickel for every time a black celebrity got really into a religion and began spreading anti-semitic conspiracy theories I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it is weird that it's happened twice so now we're back to me wanting to claw my eyes out watching these tick tocks myself when Clyde and Scott confront Kyle in the hallway after they overheard Cartman's conspiracy they are now questioning whether Kyle actually does run Hollywood they even go as far as to pitch their new movie idea just in case Scott and I do have the sweet movie idea about a dude who has Guns For Hands and we have the first 20 Pages written so Kyle isn't even willing to respond to the accusations since even mentioning it will cause more people to believe it however this just causes the rest of the school to believe it even more holy Kyle runs Hollywood continuing Cartman's quest to get Tolkien to buy into these conspiracies Cupid ye heads over to his house and begins Whispering them into his ear while he sleeps something that's interesting about this is that when token's dad comes in we see Cartman in the Room Escape through the window this is interesting because it seems to confirm that Cartman performs all of Cupid's actions in the past we've seen him do this kind of stuff but there's never been any indication that Cartman himself was there and as we'll see the end of the episode makes this whole thing a lot more confusing during school the next day Kyle notices that he seems to be the target of more attention than usual Jimmy even comes up to Kyle and gives him his headshot for no particular reason of course this makes Kyle very upset and when Tolkien says it's not that big of a deal it introduces a new dynamic between the two characters it's a huge deal it's an attack on [Music] the rumors of Kyle running Hollywood get around quickly and this leads to Randy having a conversation with Gerald he goes on a rant about the amount of wokeness we see in Hollywood and even gives his opinions on some new movies and just as a side note I'm gonna say it out loud Avatar 2 sucked it just sucked Gerald someone had to be brave enough to say it quick side note Randy is wearing his Classic Blue scientist shirt which is some continuity from the end of the streaming War special maybe this means the end of Tegrity farms for real probably not but I guess we'll see in the rest of the season but of course Randy didn't hear these rumors from Cartman he heard them from a well-respected artist on TV we then see Cartman wearing a very distinct outfit on a very distinct set of a talk show spewing more of his conspiracy theories encouraged by Cupid ye Cupid ye even mentions how a certain German dictator wasn't actually a bad guy quick side note I've said the phrase German dictator before and got a bunch of comments saying um actually he was Austrian yeah I know that but he was the dictator of Germany making him a German dictator sorry back to the video now this is obviously a reference to Kanye going on Infowars and saying some absolutely insane things spreading this anti-semitic narrative now when I saw the teasers for this episode about about Kyle running Hollywood I was pumped because Kanye in South Park is one of my favorite celebrity characters but Kanye himself never actually appears in this episode which at first was a little disappointing to me but as I thought about it more it seemed like the right move as my boy Johnny 2cello said in his video the whole appeal of Kanye in South Park is that they could take his insane actions and push them to the extreme cranking up the absurdity for comedy but with this situation there is no room to hyperbolize when the dude you're trying to make fun of is literally saying that Hitler wasn't a bad guy where do you even go from there that's about as absurd as it gets and because of this creating a separate character to represent him makes a lot more sense this is the same reason that their episodes making fun of trump never quite landed for me because his actions were already so absurd that there was no effective way to parody them they tried to do the same thing with those episodes by using Garrison to represent Trump but the character really just devolved into Trump without anything distinct enough to make it funny parody anyways Tolkien was one of the people watching Carmen's interview and during the next Tick-Tock shoot we begin to see that perhaps the seeds planted by all of this anti-semitic media coverage have begun to sprout within Tolkien as he makes some subtle remarks about Kyle's role in their tick tocks nah you do the kid part it's funnier okay yeah I guess you call the shots what's that supposed to mean just means you're in charge this escalates to both of them making arguments related to their ethnicity and it ends with them breaking up their tick-tocks with you [Music] after realizing how effectively this message has been spreading Cupid ye goes off the rails and goes quote full Defcon 1. Cartman then goes to stands and explains that they have to get Cupid Yi back on his meds before it's too late it's Valentine's day at school which is when Cupid Yi is most powerful everyone is celebrating in the hallway where we also get to see what appears to be a new character that works at the school meanwhile Cupid Yi is in the bathroom plotting the rampage that he's about to go on when Kenny and Craig break in Cupid Yee begins to shoot his arrows at everyone turning them anti-Semitic this episode as a whole and this scene in particular are a perfect representation of how hate can be spread cheerlead through exposure throughout the episode as the conspiracies are talked about more and more more people start believing that there may be some truth to them a perfect example is Tolkien who at first completely denies Cartman's conspiracies but as the episode goes on and he keeps hearing about it over and over he begins to have second thoughts about the truth behind these statements even if it's just a subtle shift from not believing it at all to believing that it could be possible that's enough for the message to spread and infect more people ye's arrows are a more on the nose example of this idea the more arrows he shoots the more people get stuck with them it doesn't even matter if he misses the majority of the Arrows with enough of them people are bound to get hit this leads to a group of the infected kids ganging up on Kyle and laying out all of their biggest complaints about Hollywood how many more superheroes do you think we need Mario Brothers count you seriously can't do better than Mario Brothers another quick side note this whole part shows that Cupid Yi is in fact real and independent of Cartman so I don't really know what to believe anymore considering the whole stuff that happened earlier anyways eventually Stan and Tolkien defend Kyle against the mob with Stan admitting that he was jealous of their tick tocks then Cartman busts in and Chase down Cupid ye force-feeding him his meds and bringing back Cupid me with the old Cupid me back he begins shooting his love arrows reversing the effects of the anti-semitic arrows the episode finishes with Kyle on a talk show discussing the truth behind these Jewish conspiracies and why they spread in the first place one of South Park's strongest traits is the amount of research that the writers do for whatever topics they discuss and this is a perfect example because Kyle then systematically deconstructs and destroys the conspiracy theory through facts and logic this whole part was super interesting because they give a complete history about why it seems like there are so many Jews in Hollywood discussing how Jews weren't allowed in most professions so they began doing Vaudeville acts which were frowned upon by the Christians these same Jews would move west and start the first movie studios when movies were considered to be lower class work and that's why there seems to be a lot of Jews in Hollywood because they basically founded the movie industry back in the day and finally the crowd loves Kyle's speech so much that they decide to give Kyle a very special privilege you know what I think [Applause] thank you thank you honestly this episode was awesome I love how they recaptured that vintage South Park feel while tackling current events so effectively in my opinion this episode was probably better than any from the last season it had plenty of clever and relevant satire and comedy while remaining hilarious all the way till the end in fact probably the funniest joke of the whole episode wasn't even in the episode as when the credits begin to roll basically the entire episode is credited to Matt Stone who is Jewish they even added that Trey Parker was quote the assistant to Mr Stone this episode really felt like a return to form for South Park being one of the best episodes in the last three years excluding the specials putting it into my episode ranking list I would give it a solid a tier placing it in the 70th spot oh another quick update to the ranking pip is still last just thought I'd remind you guys [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Blooms
Views: 1,776,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: South Park, Season 26, Cartman, Randy, Kanye, Cupid Ye
Id: E9gt6jKTQZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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