Butters' Very Own Video

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who's the boy that can laugh at a storm cloud turn a frown into a smile for free who's the kid with a heart full of magic well everyone knows it's Buzz that's me after doing a thorough evolution video for both Randy Marsh and Kenny McCormick I think it's finally time that we cover my other favorite character Leopold butter stotch while Butters didn't really properly emerge as a key character until a few seasons in it's impossible to imagine South Park without him at this point outside of the main four boys and Randy I don't think there's any character more integral to the show it's rare that Butters doesn't get a speaking role in an episode these days and episodes that focus on him are often among my favorite so join me in Butter's very own video you know with how many Bullies Are out to get Butters he could probably benefit from the use of a VPN like today's video sponsor private internet access private internet access is a VPN that's been downloaded over 30 million times and can help 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free Pia works great for me and you should definitely check it out as well just click the link in the description and give private internet access a shot today [Music] Butters has technically been a part of South Park since the pilot episode though he didn't have any spoken lines of dialogue but he's always been a part of the main class of kids it's actually kind of wild how early they had all of these character designs but we wouldn't hear Butters speak at all until season two when we got a couple of instances of quick lines but these don't sound anything like the butters we all know and love pretty much just a generic kid here they hadn't really characterized Butters properly yet he's also featured pretty heavily in the background of South Park bigger longer and uncut and I guess technically he has speaking lines since he's part of a chorus of singers and multiple songs but we don't actually ever hear his voice in fact this is basically his one real moment in the entire film at the end of the La Resistance medley however eventually Matt and Trey decided that they wanted to imbue a bit of Personality into the character stemming from their now long time animation director Eric stao in fact this was even how they came up with his name and we started calling he's our buddy he's our little buddy he's our Butters who's my Butters and then he became but and they're like we're gonna put you in the show Butters yeah he's like well you better not I'll get awful mad and we wouldn't get that voice or characterization until season three's meteor shower Trilogy when Stan is forced to hang out with Butters pip and Dougie at Mr mackie's party and honestly for the most part Butters is pretty fully realized here at least on the surface he feels like the butters we've known for years well I'm sure I'm glad you're here because then we'll have even more fun than we than we was having before we we were having an awfully good time before you showed up too however there are a few pretty interesting tidbits in this first real Butters episode for one he's immediately seen hanging out with Dougie and we know they reconnect in later Seasons we'll touch on that and second when they're playing he says this hey you know we could do with these lady clothes huh why we could play Charlie's Angels We Know Butters loves to play as characters it comes up a lot later as well and this wouldn't be the last time he dresses up like a girl either this episode mostly focuses around butter Stan and Dougie trying to warn the drunken party guests that there are militarized police outside and that they're in danger of getting wacoed it's a really difficult task and it gives us our very first Butters puts his foot down moment if you don't get outside right now and tell those army guys you're not religious fantastic sir well there's gonna be hectic hey heck I tell you we'll see a handful more of these over the course of the show like I said it's pretty wild how much of Butters they had kind of worked out this early Stan even coerces him into ziplining out of the house to get the newscaster a tape that stops the waco-like disaster Butters is always getting coerced into things he doesn't want to do by people and he really helps save the day and proves himself to stand here but it's Butters and as we'll learn over the course of this entire series he almost never gets a win had a bad night I had to hang out all night with these freaking melbins oh dude weak super weak truly so many aspects of what make Butters such a funny character in South Park are here and he would start to play a more prominent side character role in the show very regularly after this though his next major side appearance is the one instance I feel he was a bit mischaracterized and hooked on monkey phonics they make him kind of a bully and if you don't follow our rules well well we're gonna duct tape you to the bench pretty much the entire episode Butters hangs with Craig and these other kids and they just find new ways to bully the homeschooled kid which while kind of funny because it's Butters feels very unbutters-like but the show was still easing into using butter so I cut him some slack here with his characterization and especially because after this they really start to flesh out Butters as a side character and we start to see smaller traits emerge that would go on to make Butters such a fun and beloved character and Cartman joins NAMBLA we start to see the ways he's easily coerced by Cartman into stuff he doesn't want to do Cartman gets all the kids trapped with the North American man boy love Association and convinces butters that he's the one one who needs to take one for the team well sure I'm a team player I guess an early example of how people Cartman especially take advantage of Butter's kind-hearted nature in season 4 when the kids start a boy band Butters auditions [Music] Butters is undoubtedly a huge dork and this is one of the early examples of him proudly displaying his dorkiness to the other kids particularly something dorky that's art related Butters in general cares a lot for others as well and he's one of the first people that showed sincere concern for Timmy when they all learned about hell and confession is gonna go to hell he can't confess his sins because all I can say is his name the season 4 episode wacky molestation Adventure once again shows Butter's penchant for taking on character roles mechanic I guess most of the Town devolves into absolute chaos but Butters just kind of decides to be the town mechanic though later we see once again how much of a pushover he can be when it comes to the other kids telling him what to do he just fully accepts that he's going to be the next child to be sacrificed [Music] in a very crappy Christmas the boys hire Butters to make them cardboard cutouts for their Christmas animation another example of his interest and talent for weird art forms the boys are actually super impressed with him here too but despite how impressed they are and how much Butters saved their asses they of course won't include him any further cut out version of me too in case you need it for your animated film no that's okay see ya and they couldn't round out the early stages of Butter's development without establishing one of the most important aspects of his life his parents never stopped grounding him often for no real reason and we get the first instance of Butters being grounded in season 5's how to eat with your butt my mom said to make sure I look good this time in the school pictures okay smile unfortunately when the photos come back he gets in trouble from the school and his parents for making a stupid face this kid cannot catch a break he ends up grounded the entire episode and though the kids try to come and get him to tell him about all the crazy stuff that's going on in South Park he can't leave the house because his parents seemingly just hate his face it just happened you made a goofy face no that's just what I look like his parents even make him wear a bag over his head so they don't have to see the stupid faces he's supposedly making I'm not wearing makeup daddy put that bag back on yes sir dude that poor kid so while they didn't really quite have a unique voice for the character in the first couple Seasons or movies over Seasons three four and five they pretty quickly built up a ton of traits and lore surrounding Butters that created a super strong foundation for the character moving forward and after this he basically becomes the next leading character in the show behind the four main boys with an immediate and conscious effort to bring him to the Forefront more often in fact when they decided to actually kill off Kenny in season 5's episode Kenny dies leaving a spot open in the group they close out the season with a story called Butters very own episode [Music] very own episode is such a perfect escalation of everything the show built around him over the first five seasons showcasing his trademark naivete and the absolutely depraved reality of his home life and it all starts with Butter's unmatched excitement about going to Bennigan's for his parents anniversary [Music] when Butter's mom asks him to spy on his dad to find out what he's getting her for their anniversary Butters accidentally discovers that his dad has been exploring his Curiosities you know down at the stud cat theater for fisting fireman nine and you know hanging out at the all-male bath house this episode does such a great job embracing how innocent Butters is South Park is pretty selective about when the kids do or don't understand more adult Concepts but Butters he's almost always fully unaware of these kinds of things his mind is just too pure so when he tells his mom all of this information he has no idea that it's going to completely shatter her world and send her into a complete mental breakdown Butters even catches his dad at the spa again after this and as obvious as it is he's just too innocent to understand it hey hold it there dad this leads to Butter's mom trying to drown him in the river during her breakdown and despite the fact that he is actively being murdered Butters is just Butters [Music] the entire episode is filled with examples of Butter's upbeat attitude shining through when things just fly over his head I need some yeah that could use some goddamn poontang myself right now but what I love best about this episode is that it establishes one more thing that makes Butters so great we get another one of those Butters puts his foot down moments when his parents want him to lie about where he's been so that they don't get in trouble with the police and when you start covering up one line with another one that's when you get into real trouble but I've just about had it up to here with you too over the course of the show one thing that really shines through with Butters is that even though he's completely naive and innocent and he doesn't really understand everything he's experiencing even when his life is absolutely miserable he almost always has a very substantial understanding of the larger picture his perspective on his parents lying here is a perfect example of this and we're going to get even better examples as we go through his journey even further after Butter's very own episode they really start to embrace Butters as a main character in fact season 6 is largely a Butters season at least for a substantial portion of it but they put an even deeper spin on the way Butters is treated poorly and manipulated by the other kids through his role as Kenny's replacement the boys even just call him Kenny but now the boys tend to rope Butters into doing the least desirable parts of all their schemes by guilting him about Kenny in this one they want Butters to gain and then lose a bunch of weight so that they can make money on an advertising campaign just like Jared from Subway after Butters gains the weight and then can't lose it they make him have liposuction which of course gets him grounded what I told him my parents will be sure and they suffer and even after Butters gets grounded they still manipulate him into going through with more of their plan by using their dead friend as a guilt-tripping device Kenny wouldn't [Music] ever we see this multiple times through the season as well the boys really treat Butters horribly in the episode freak strike they even make him dress up like Kenny in this one you guys friends without wearing Granny's old coat they get Butters to put fake balls on his chin so that he can go on the Mori Povich Show and of course they use those exact same tactics that we just saw to get him to commit to it Kenny would have done it so I told you guys before I'm not kidding we know believe me we know it's such a bummer to see how taken advantage of Butters is they literally send him to New York on a plane all by himself to be on the show and they nearly get him in deep trouble with the other freaks who boiled alive the previous person that faked having an abnormality and then they blame butters for it oh this entire chunk of the season is really just the boys treating Butters terribly when they all go to Aspen together Cartman just keeps giving him a Hitler which I'm pretty sure you can figure out what that means if you just look at this image there's a great moment where Butters actually lets loose and expresses himself by dancing and of course this is Cartman's reaction as far as I hate you with every inch of my body eventually this all reaches a big boiling point a turning point for the boys and for Butters himself and while Butters should have been the one to walk away that's not exactly what happened the boys eventually decide that their friendship with Butters isn't working and they basically fire him incredibly formally yes what Butters and this come breaks Butters we actually finally see him acknowledge and embrace how sad and broken his life is Butters changes no longer his happy-go-lucky optimistic kind-hearted self I'm an outcast a shadow of a man who can find a companionship no love from others Butters adopts a new persona one that Embraces a life of crime and villainy and what I love about this is that Butters truly cannot even begin to imagine himself doing bad things he literally has to create an entirely new personality a whole new identity in order to live out his dark and twisted fantasies prepare for the greatest super villain you've ever seen Professor Chaos of course this is still Butters so the absolute worst things he can imagine doing are actually pretty adorable he swaps two people's soup orders at Bennigan's he steals the class a racer and buries it in his backyard and after Dougie figures out his identity and the two team up and reunite for the first time since the meteor shower party they attempt to flood the world but the only way he can think to do this is just by turning on the hose in his backyard he even spends an entire episode trying to up his game and craft more evil and villainous plans only to discover the sad truth about every single one of them Memphis did it I really love this sequence Butters lifts off ideas from a ton of Simpsons episodes including who shot Mr Burns The Telltale head March vs the monorail the computer wore Menace shoes Lisa the skeptic love to see South Park given the Simpsons props and it's also funny that they were talking about how The Simpsons had done everything back then I've watched all 132 episodes of The Simpsons twice we are currently at 700 150 episodes nearly six times as many as there were when this episode aired wild but after the emergence of Professor Chaos the show did start to give Butters a little bit more of a Wild Streak not simply relegating him to the most pure and innocent Kid Possible in small doses at least and this emerges a bit more further down the line in the series but later this season Butters accidentally watches a porn tape instead of Lord of the Rings corrupting him into this gollum-like existence you're a freak Butters you can't play with us we even start to see Butters get really uncomfortable with Cartman when they form a Christian band together in Christian rock hard Butters is so pure and innocent he really struggles to maintain this deceit if I'm lying to the Lord strike me down right now [Music] and the episode ends with Butter's unambiguously telling Cartman off in one of the only times we ever hear Butters say the f word it's just a shame that he didn't maintain that attitude because for most of the rest of the series Cartman really starts to take advantage of Butters in crazy ways [Music] obviously one of the biggest through lines in Butter's life is that it is deeply sad and unfortunate and this manifests itself in a lot of different ways one of the absolute most common types of butter stories in South Park are of the Cartman messes with Butters horribly variety we've obviously seen hints of it already like the NAMBLA episode and an aspen but this is where it really starts to become a recurring Focus the first major instance is the episode Casa Bonita where Kyle decides to take Butters to Casa Bonita for his birthday instead of Cartman this leads Cartman to lie to Butters about an incoming meteor and convince him to stay in a bomb shelter so that he doesn't show up for the birthday dinner Butters is such a sweet little guy that he is so grateful to Cartman for saving him wow lyric well I can never thank you enough for everything you've done for me Hartman goes to extreme length to make sure Butters isn't found before the Casa Bonita trip and butters ends up living in the literal garbage dump for a week in season 8 carbon pretends to be a robot called Asimo that's programmed to be Butter's best friend also he can learn new things about Butters to rip on him for it's so sad how much Butters loved that robot too he's my best friend in the whole world [Music] though fortunately this is a time where Cartman gets more than he bargained for he stays in the Asimo suit way longer than he intended because Butters has a video of him dressed up as Britney Spears dancing with a cardboard cutout of Justin Timberlake that's a long sentence when Butters eventually discovers the truth about Asimo he shows everyone the video occasionally Butters comes out on top in these conflicts but not often Cartman really makes Butters go along with a lot of his [ __ ] in go God go Butters is the one to help Cartman freeze himself so that he doesn't have to wait any longer for the Nintendo Wii in super fun time Butters gets paired with Cartman on a field trip and Garrison tells him they cannot stop holding hands until they're back on the bus Which Butters takes very seriously you can let go now Butters no Butters come hang no Cartman ends up dragging Butters to the nearby Super Fun Time arcade and they have a rough time trying to sneak back in later not realizing that there's an active hostage situation a really rough day for Butters eh teacher my partner is back on the bus another time Cartman manipulates Butters into thinking they need to do something to stop the Chinese government from taking over so they hold a PF Chang's hostage in very racist outfits might I add Cartman forces a gun on Butters and he ends up shooting a bunch of people in the dick Carmen also convinces Butters and a few other classmates to fly to Somalia to become Pirates which goes shockingly smoothly All Things Considered he also once convinced Butters that he was in virtual reality when he actually wasn't and butters took the opportunity to punch his dad in the nuts and then he goes out into the world and gets stabbed oof once Cartman made Butters fake his own death so that he could pose as the new girl in school margarine and infiltrate the girl group to steal their future predicting device pretty messed up also I can't believe it took me this long to realize that margarine is a play on margarine AKA fake butter I feel very stupid but even the girls rip on margarine Butters just has the worst luck though they do eventually come around and he actually has a really fun time as margarine but this one ends on a dark note when he returns home his parents think he's resurrected from the dead and chain him up in the basement killing people to feed him I'm sorry son but you're a demon spawn now often times Cartman and the starch's parents cruelty are intertwined a couple other episodes highlight this really well in the death of Eric Cartman all the boys at school start ignoring Eric because he ate the skid off of all of their KFC Cartman assumes this means he's dead so when Butters actually acknowledges him they think that he's the only one who can see or hear him Cartman drags Butters along to help make amends to everyone he's wrong but unfortunately this also leads the starches to believe that Butters is having a mental breakdown and they take him to the hospital where they well I don't think I can actually show this but uh it looked traumatizing similarly in the episode Cartman sucks Cartman continually pranks Butters by doing things to him while he's sleeping and he takes a photo of him in a compromising position another thing I probably can't show or even talk about explicitly but it leads to Butter's dad believing that Butters is bi-curious and sending him to a gay conversion Camp Butters is too innocent to even understand what's happening here he has no idea what the camp even is he just goes along with it but it's a pretty horrendous thing for parents to put their kid through Butters account to billabuddy nearly tries to jump off of a bridge which leads to another one of Butter's greatest end of episode speeches telling off the people who run the camp and saving Bradley in the process I wasn't confused until other people started telling me I was and these weren't even the only times the stock is unnecessarily sought professional help for Butters at one point they sent him to a psychiatrist who claims he has multiple personalities even though they just seem to be the characters Butters like to play as Postman Butters and yet another is fireman Butters and then there's even inspector Butters and a Professor Chaos I do love that they included inspector Butters and Professor Chaos two characters we've seen him play in previous episodes here and unfortunately the doctor they send him to turns out to be mentally unstable himself he does some really [ __ ] up stuff to Butters and manipulates him into putting himself into worse and worse situations getting him into even more trouble another time the starches tried to sell their son to Paris Hilton I love you please don't sell me yeah that's real they had to at least think about it for a bit but is anyone surprised where they landed on this one I'm afraid we just can't sell you our son for 200 million dollars foreign cash up front it's hard to understand why Butter's parents treat them this way especially because he's actually got unrelated trauma in his past as well and this is something they seem to have empathy for in season 8 Stan tries to recruit Butters to his dance troupe since he was a state tap Champion but they reveal that in the national championship Butters accidentally flung his tap shoe off making lights fall killing eight people the biggest tap tragedy since 1954 and on top of this when Butters overcomes that trauma and decides to dance with Stan's troop he immediately does it again killing his opponents tragedy seems to follow Butters wherever he goes and Butter's parents aren't even the only ones in his family to abuse him we eventually learn that his grandma also straight up bullies and beats him do something you little [ __ ] your grandma's [ __ ] the ways his nana bullies him in this episode are so dark she tries to force him to eat a urinal cake she continually hits him and makes fun of him Butters is such a sweet and innocent boy that the only way he could think to stop her was to be Professor chaos and when he finally makes that move she's waiting ready in her own villain costume even more diabolical than before but this episode is actually a really great example of Butter's ability to overcome adversity because though he realizes that there's nothing he can do to stop his grandma's bullying he also knows that in the end he will be the one to win Butters can endure and his grandma will get old and she'll get frail I'll come just to show you that then I'm still alive and I'm still happy and you'll die but not everything in Butter's life are things that just happen to him while he has all of these tragic aspects of his life and he seems to endure and overcome so much he has some pretty massive wins sometimes and he also has some pretty massive failures that are actually entirely his own fault [Music] one thing we see a surprising amount of from Butters is a little bit of business Acumen when he sees an opportunity for his own success he often will take that opportunity one of the first instances of this was in the tale of scrotum mcbooger balls upset about The Catcher in the Rye being disappointing for a Banned Book the boys write a disgusting manuscript called The Tale of scrotie mcbooger balls but when Sharon discovers it she is both wildly impressed by the writing and also cannot stop vomiting avoiding trouble the boy's Gaslight Butters into saying he wrote it only to realize that the parents think the book is a masterpiece Butters fully takes advantage of this opportunity when the boys try to retake credit [Music] and honestly this was great to see the boys have been so mean to Butters through the show I love to see him Uno reverse card them and just tell them off here and after reading Catcher in the Rye absolutely do nothing but phonies unfortunately Butters ends up writing a second book called the poop that took a pee and that book somehow inspires somebody to murder Butter's biggest crush in the world Kim Kardashian of course Butters was devastated truly an episode of highs and lows for Butters and that's not the only business venture that takes Butters to some rough places after Butters pays a girl named Sally for his first kiss he gets to thinking about starting a career I gotta start thinking about a career he decides to start working with Sally to start a kissing company what started his Butters trying to start a business and be responsible turns into him straight up becoming a pimp of course Butters is so innocent he has no real idea that this is what he's done but after taking advice from some other pimps he really starts to change for the worse hell Dad I got lots of girlfriends Sally's just my bottom [ __ ] by the end of this one Butters does give the entire company to the girls which was the right thing to do but sometimes we see Butter's business Ambitions really conflict with his usual sense of morality a great example of this is when he started selling Vapes to kindergartners at school I mean what can we even say to begin to justify this it feels very out of character for Butters of course you won't be surprised to learn that Cartman was the one who coerced Butters into this one the pair of them even plant a dead body on their Vape connect this is probably one of the worst things butter has ever done sometimes Butter's business abilities combine with his other personality quirks too in franchise prequel Butters uses his Professor Chaos Persona to basically run a misinformation Corporation out of the old Circuit City training people to post falsehoods on Facebook slandering the other boy's superhero personas this was one of the most effective business operations we ever saw him run though he did of course eventually get super grounded though one time Butters was actually able to stop himself from being grounded by becoming one of the the vamp kids though he seemed to think he was an actual vampire and yeah even though he looked like a huge dork he actually ended up helping the goth kids destroy the source of the vamp's power the Hot Topic so even though he got grounded in the end I'm calling this one a win for Butters ditto for imagination land which I have an entire separate video about if you're interested in a deeper dive Butters Is tragically left behind in imagination land during a terrorist attack and even though all he wants to do is go home he's needed in imagination land because he has a nation Butters is basically the chosen one in this fantasy epic the kid taken from his home because he has a special power even though he does not want to have that power ah I'm the key could I not be the key Morpheus I don't want to be the key Butters eventually reimagines all of imagination land after it gets nuked saving everybody one of his biggest wins though again still grounded afterwards High highs low lows butter is shown to be an impressive leader in general like when he got lost in Mexico and became known as Montague his followers would definitely go to the end of the Earth for him [Applause] or when he and the kids started playing sarcastic ball this was a sport that perfectly fit Butter's personality and skill set it's about sportsmanship and compassion Butters hyped up the entire team by complimenting every single person and it actually worked and when they needed a new coach they went straight to Butters this one ends not so great for Butters though and I'm pretty sure I cannot say why it's gross check that one out for yourself one of Butter's biggest ever wins actually came in one of the most recent episodes of the show dickenbau's hot dogs and it showcased so many of the things we've learned about Butters over the series Butters gets a job at an ice cream parlor as we know he's very hard working and business-minded but classic Cartman convinces Butters to get him a job there which he obviously does poorly eventually Cartman instead decides to open his own restaurant at the hot dog stand that he and his mom have lived in since season 25 by using the money Butters earns as their startup costs Cartman builds the most incredible restaurant all through Butter's hard work and then fails entirely to run it but you know who runs it perfectly Butters no surprise there and to get back at Cartman he sells the restaurant and carbon has to move back into his old house the moment the hot dog stand becomes a place he actually wants to live He's forced to go back this in my opinion is one of Butter's biggest wins and also an episode that showcases so many of his strengths kind of a perfect butter story but there are actually two butter stories that parallel each other and showcase the opposite ends of the spectrum for Butter's possibilities as a person and they both involve his love life in season 19 butter starts dating a Canadian girl named Charlotte who is tragically deported back to Canada that's a pretty typical sad butter storyline they continue long distance dating but then in season 20 in solidarity with the other South Park girls who break up with all of the South Park Boys Charlotte breaks up with Butters and honestly this sends Butters down probably the darkest and least butters-like road we've ever seen him on he basically becomes a men's rights in cell type the truth is girls hate us Eric they're sick of our [ __ ] and one day they plan to make us obsolete butter is basically rallies all of the boys in these little men's rights protests by taking his wiener out during the national anthem he gets them all to March down the hall hang in the hammer but the interesting thing is the Deep juxtaposition to the last time we saw Butter's heart get broken in the episode raisins in that episode Butter's mistakes a waitresses flirtations with him as genuine interest and he thinks that they start dating when he learns the harsh truth that she never actually cared about him he's absolutely heartbroken straight up just sobbing in the rain but when Stan and The Goth kids try to commiserate about how awful life is Butters rejects the idea claiming he actually just still loves life despite the Heartbreak at the same time I'm really happy that something can make [Music] me this might be my favorite Butters quote in the entire history of the show and it's one of the reasons that I just love Butter's usual perspective on life despite the awful stuff that happens to him usually not at any fault of his own he still finds reasons to be his kind optimistic self and I think that these two stories of Butter's very different reactions to heartbreak are actually a great example of the two potential paths his future could take and they're actually two paths that we have seen play out [Music] in the South Park post covid specials we get a full-on look at Butters in two entirely separate Futures the primary one being this horribly depressing dystopian locked down society and in this future Butters is known by the name Vic chaos and he's locked up in an asylum because he is simply too dangerous to be let out Butters seems to have entirely adopted a new personality to cope with some of the trauma in his life I think Butters was a chirpy little loser kid whose fans didn't love him my name's Vic Vic chaos but his personality seems to Encompass so many of the things we've learned about Butters his ability to convince people to do business with him is a full-on super villain power I'm going to let you in on a little secret nfts are gonna blow up you should really get in now because they're really the future he basically gets people to give up their entire life savings for nfts bankrupting people and leaving a literal trail of death and destruction in his path it stems from things Butters has a knack for business and Leadership and of course his Professor Chaos Tendencies but it's focused in a completely unethical selfish way that is completely antithetical to the butters we love but when the kids manage to change that dystopian future and stop it from happening Butter's future changes too now he's working at the Applebee's Denny's Max baby Butters you're still working here huh yep I just made manager I love doing actual [ __ ] that pays actual money not only does this attitude just feel more like the butters we know but it also connects to his history in the show Butters literally serving people just feels right but also he's made manager he's showing his leadership skills in action plus he's working at a restaurant that isn't all that far off from his absolute favorite place in the world Bennigan's it's so fascinating to see the different places a character like Butters could go and while there's always the possibility that he could go down those darker paths we've seen before I like to think that Butters will have a happy and optimistic ending Butters is a weird quirky little kid he has endured some of the harshest bullying from his classmates and from his family he's been through some of the toughest tragedies of any character in the show and no matter how good of a person he is it seems like those wins are just so few and far between but that's what makes Butters unending optimism so inspiring because if somebody who is constantly beaten down by the world so thoroughly can be this hopeful the only way I could feel this show now is if I felt something really good before so I have to take the bed with the good like a beautiful sadness what's stopping you [Music] he talks cartoons he's a really cool fellow he keeps you posted on adult cartoons if that's what you're into then grab a spoon and a very big bowl of your favorite cereal feels like Saturday morning cartoon material Johnny two chose watch him on YouTube now enjoy this groove and Bust the Move
Channel: Johnny 2 Cellos
Views: 1,458,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Butters, South Park Butters, Butters Stotch, Evolution of Butters, Butters Episodes, Butters Very Own Episode, Professor Chaos, Imaginationland, Butters Parents, Butters Dad, Butters Mom, Casa Bonita, Marjorine, Butters Vampire, Butters Grounded, Butters Timeline, Inspector butters, Butters multiple personality, Butters Grandma, Butters Girlfriend, Butters Raisins, Victor Chaos, Future Butters, Butters Vapes, Dikinbaus Hot Dogs, Butters Jobs, Butters Cartman, Awesom-o
Id: YsA46Knl0K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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