Warcraft [Shadows Rising] - SuperCut

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right mates how's it going is the super cut of the shadows rising series based on the book by madeline rue link in the description for people that want to buy the book and check out the story proper because i add a little bit of humor and stuff just to make sure i'm not stealing other people's hard work but yeah grab some popcorn put on your movie watching pants and enjoy let's get anduin rin was currently riding reverence through the wounded planes of westfall as if his life depended on it and his loyal friend and spymaster matthias shaw was having a crap time trying to keep up ziya slow down damn it my horse is gonna throw a shoe but i'm doing didn't care in fact he just spurred reverence even faster he couldn't slow down not for anything sire okay maybe he should slow down anduin finally relented pulling gently on his horse's reins allowing the spymaster to catch up my apologies that must have been a taxi ride for you old fart you didn't tell me this was a race with fair warning i would have left you crying in the dust your majesty oh yeah we'll have to put that to the test maybe but first you're going to tell me why you're riding like an absolute maniac last thing we need is you getting thrown and snapping your royal neck sure had a rough way about him but anduin actually kind of appreciated his harsh forward manner most people bowed and walked on eggshells in the king's presence but not this [ __ ] you know when i was very young and learning to ride my father took me to the stables and gave me my first pony dappled gentle thirteen hands i asked my father why horses were measured in hands he just grinned at me and said he didn't know and then yelled at a stable hand asking if he knew he didn't either poor lad was barely older than i was looked like he was going to poo himself marvin i think his name was i didn't know i knew he knew shaw was holding something back he almost certainly knew marvin and marvin had probably died somehow in one war or another or maybe his house had collapsed in the cataclysm when the ground had swallowed him whole but i knew him pushed that bitter thought aside i was shocked my father the king of stormwind had just admitted his own ignorance in front of a servant i even told him as much do you know what he said no he said only an absolute [ __ ] thinks himself an expert in everything the wise man admits his limitations and endeavors to know more both sure and anduin then fell silent for a moment thinking about that little nugget of wisdom he wasn't an easy king to serve but there was satisfaction in the challenge same can't be said for all rulers you want me oh there's satisfaction in service to your crown too it's just a bit more of a challenge case in point you're avoiding my question no sure i was answering your question i'm acknowledging my limitations today was today was anduin desperately tried to find the right word to describe today difficult no disheartening no that's not it [ __ ] nope crushing that was it tyrande and malfurion had buggered off to nordrassil and were ignoring any missive under incent no matter how much anduin told himself that the rift between humans and night elves could be bridged the fact that there was a rift at all kind of upset him he couldn't blame them though their home had burned down under his watch suddenly a plume of smoke shot up just west of sardines farm accompanied by a loud boom and a scream what was that caution it could be an ambush these are my people my lands and your enemies would use that against you but anduin could hear the anguished cry coming from the barn and wasn't going to just stand by helplessly so he charged off sure once again chasing after him but as they entered the barn they just saw three men having a heated argument jago you bloody [ __ ] who said you could show her in my bar and not use it for your mad experiments the older farmer then lunged at jego but stopped when he heard the unmistakable sound of steel being unsheathed gentlemen is there a problem here he's no gentleman he's a lousy drunk using my barn to brew his bedevilled moonshine look at my roof how am i supposed to afford repairs at that point the farmer must have realized who it was he was actually talking to because he made a meager attempt to bow his head i would have his side of the story too but as he turned to jago the man just splattered his feet and almost fell over there that's your massage as a story is worth that's all i've left in the world nothing of nothing nothing jago then fell forwards towards the king but was intercepted by shaw i wouldn't if i were you do it use that sword of yours i was there i saw when the forsaken queen turned on her own i knew him froze as jaco fell on his ass arathi i was there my wilmer he was there when he was changed one of them oh rotten and strange but still wilmer still the best man i ever knew and loved jojo's rage then took over again and he thrust a finger out towards anduin you could have stopped her you could have saved them that is not how you address your king my king nah king of fools maybe it's all right sure i'm sorry jacob i'm troop shut shadow i beg your pardon jogger then picked himself up and started to walk off but as the fresh air outside the barn hit him he faceplanted the ground falling inches from the pointed leather boots of valyria windrunner he's still breathing fantastic elmo's supposed to pay for this jago doesn't have a copper to his name speak to captain donovan he can lend you some of the garrison boys to see to the damage yeah bunch of bollocks anduin then approached illyria you're early is really a good sign no it's not good news i'm afraid my sister is not stupid she's using all of her dark power to conceal herself you're the finest hunter i know illyria not one i expected to fail we'll keep trying she can't hide forever soon enough she'll have to show herself and when she does she'll have the full might of her enemies bearing down upon her anduin stared at the blonde elf and suddenly felt an unpleasant whisper from the dark recesses of his memory once illyria had suggested to him that sylvanas faced n'zoth she and vereesa had been convinced it was the wisest course of action why not let their most pressing threat fight yet another pressing threat but anduin had refused because that request seemed absolutely mental why had alleria asked him such a thing how could she be so blind as to extend a chance to someone as treacherous as sylvanas windrunner and now she'd failed in her one explicit task to track her sister down and bring it to justice was she hiding something was he being a dumbass by keeping this void elf at his side no illyria had proven herself many times and she spoke true sylvanas was no simple quarry the hunt would continue and anduin as king would find a way to keep faith in their odds that was his duty come let us return to stormwind and decide our next approach sylvanas will not rest and so neither will we thrall son of durotan and former war chief had expected the dry heat and hustle and bustle of orgrimmar to be slightly overwhelming considering he'd been living the quiet life recently in a field of wheat or something but it wasn't the case he'd managed to slip back into the horde city's rhythm with surprising ease and in a way that actually kind of scared him things had changed of course the hoarder changed it had become pretty clear that they could no longer be ruled by a single warchief for example which was exactly why this council existed and we're currently sat in grommash hold having a little brain trust meeting two young taurens stood at the center giving their report they'd captured two dark ranger spies in the northern barrens but the buggers swallowed some foul concoction and died before they could be questioned at least they could no longer act as the dark lady's eyes in durotar though so it hadn't been a complete waste of time and that news was good enough so everyone around the room clapped and cheered whilst the two braves stood tall looking really proud of themselves thrall however couldn't help but wonder how much longer these two would live how long before they got themselves killed in another pointless war no no they were putting a stop to that that was the purpose of this council to put a bit of bureaucracy in place and stop one person from being able to push the big red button on a whim well done bravely done the toast to these fine soldiers of the horde lokhtar thrall raised his cup but his eyes fell on an empty seat beside lotham it seemed almost too ironic here they were a council set up in response to sylvanas's controversial leadership and yet nobody was sat in her place to speak for the forsaken talanji had made it all the way from zandalar the newly risen trade prince of the bilgewater cartel gazlowe was in attendance so whether bloody hell was the forsaken leader but as gazlowe poured himself more ale two figures burst into the room and made him spill half his drink down his front he mumbled to himself but at least it appeared that their conspicuously missing council member had arrived lilian vos interim leader of the forsaken as well as carlia menethil who seemed to be watching lilian voss's every move as if she would be tested on it later and then there was awkward silence because nobody seemed to know what to say until thrall stood up and opened his arms wide your absence was keenly felt the horde is not the horde without the forsaken join us please as they move to sit down the volpirin representative kiro piped up it will find orgrimmar's finest foods and all the wine or mead you can oh um you know you know what never mind kiro looked pretty embarrassed but his little goof actually managed to break the tension somewhat gazlowe in particular thought it was bloody hilarious the undead have no need for food or drink everybody knows that you furry little knob maybe ask what detained you things are a little less heated with the armistice but alliance ships still aren't very happy to see our flag at sea across from them the darkspear troll rakan hissed and leapt to his feet they give you trouble no we just took the long way round added a few days to our journey better to be careful in these tense times don't want to cause a diplomatic incident although i'm sure if we were intercepted derek proudmoore would the proud moors can do nothing for us oh great now it was awkward again the young zandalari queen rose to her feet and looked extremely rigid at the mention of the name proudmoore the horde could not stop the attack on zandalar a failure i took in stride believing that when we had recovered we could take the fight to the alliance to the proudmoores peace with the alliance means peace with the proud moors with jaina i was foolish to believe my people would have their revenge balls and it had all been going so smoothly but perhaps thrall should have expected this they were all so different these assembled leaders with conflicting ideas on what it meant to be part of the horde and different visions of its future but before he could say anything to try and defuse the situation lilian voss just kind of made it worse derek is one of us now you will have to accept that i have to accept nothing you need me and i had thought my people had need of the horde now i see you will not help us seek justice for the siege of zoldazar zandalari justice is not the only justice that matters the forsaken have been cast aside spat on and ignored for long enough derek is forsaken and the forsaken are the horde others under larry not the horde tilanji then moved to the centre of the room apparently she was now in charge of this meeting where is the horde response where is the support for my people when will you acknowledge our wounds if we act rationally then we endanger the armistice our resources are stretched thin as it is we must be thoughtful if we are to commit our navy to your struggles perhaps diplomacy is the answer here and a delegation could be dispatched to kul tiras to delegation diplomacy my ancestors be weeping to hear this cowardly talking grommash hold well at least there's still one amongst you who hasn't lost his balls we all have our grievances but those must be weighed against the interests of the horde it is not easy your highness nobody thought it would be in time we can seek to write the wrong stone to the zandalari in time it was at this point that thrall realized he was one of the only peeps still sat down pretty much everyone else had got up and started arguing over their own little petty grievances like g fireport for example it was just like i don't know why i even bother coming to these to be honest unfortunately it seems the unpleasant task of restoring order felt to thrall despite him really not wanting to be in charge anymore so he stood up the rest of the council took notice and the arguing voices around the room began to die down but before thrall could actually say anything talanji stormed out of the assembly perfect meeting adjourned we will eat and drink and come together again the rest of the council all looked to the floor sheepishly as he cut his way through the crowd and made his way to the door what the bloody led agreed to the only thing this was achieving was giving him a massive headache as he exited grommash hold the scent of prairie grass and churned earth flooded him with memories specifically a moment not long ago where he'd stood perched on the cliffs of thunderbluff with talanji's nemesis jaina proudmoore standing beside him we've come to this crossroad again and again gina it always falls apart what's different this time we are what a load of old [ __ ] the streets outside the hold were full of feasting tables and curious onlookers there was a festive spirit in the air and as thrall smiled at the sight of young orcs hoisted on their parents shoulders zakhan otherwise known as zappy boy ambled up to his side what is it there's a messenger from the earthen ring here i said it was feast time if we wanted to hear this throw aside to himself during his time as warchief what now was a question he found himself asking almost all day every day he'd only been back five minutes and he was already starting to feel like that again but he turned to face the earthen ring messenger this was no mere messenger anything that might drive this particular shaman from his post at the maelstrom was dire indeed from car old friend what brings you to orgrimmar the spirits thrall they're in disarray they're not their usual peaceful selves they're kind of pissed off and lashing out something is terribly wrong meanwhile in nazmir some nasty [ __ ] called apari was currently standing over another troll as they lay dying he chose death sashi when you chose her which the troll's eyes then flashed bright one last time before going blank because he was dead and the hungry dread tick that hunched on a parry's shoulders started to get a little bit excited not now death one sip of his blood and you'll be flat as a coin all your insides on your outside the body emanated a foul odor as the skin shriveled the muscles contorted and the strange black bile flowed from several orifices another troll taiyo aparri's most trusted general then approached this is how it will be this is how the traitor queen will die retweet and river bud route my own creation a purge to remove the rot at the heart of this great land sister aparri knew a great deal about herbs and weeds mostly through personal experience after receiving a nasty injury to her leg she tried pretty much everything to relieve the pain and although nothing worked she gained quite a bit of insight for example in the right quantity retweet could be used to purge someone's system of some bad food or a bit of poison or something but when dried powdered and mixed with riverbud it was lethal and the death wasn't exactly a barrel of laugh she deserves to suffer where will it be done before the whole of her precious horde she has chosen them over her own people now let her die among them ancestors be willing ancestors be willing there is more the pale rider is here he arrived with an unliving elf they be anxious to speak with you so they had come things truly were in motion aparri had never felt so alive so she limped her way out of the cave to greet their guests pale ryder you are welcome here but in two hours we depart we do not stay long and the sun never sets twice on our camps a wise precaution we've come to discuss our arrangement might we speak elsewhere or is this what passes for courtesy in your swamp no not courtesy but a promise nathanos raised an eyebrow whilst a mysterious armored lady sighed impatiently aparri could tell that she was extremely dangerous so she continued a promise a vow to my mother who drank the venom of shadra and to all of zandalar who deserve better than a crown and gods who care not for them shatter is gone yasmir is gone too but poisoned lingers poison in my heart and soon poison in the traitor queen's veins meanwhile back in orgrimmar zakhan who had decided not to rudely listen in on thrall and yucca's conversation had casually fallen in to step behind the leader of the dark spear trolls rokhan instead and he was kind of using rokhan's shadow as a concealment of thoughts he'd always been a shadow really first his father's then sarfangs and as rokan shadow he crept along looking for something interesting to occupy his time he passed by a drum circle with the trio of dancers he watched as gazlowe joined that drum circle and did a little dance of his own and noted how many of the other mighty horde members were starting to bust some shapes as well everybody seemed to be having a whale of a time except talanji she and her zandalari contingent stood apart from the rest looking like a right miserable bunch zakam wasn't exactly surprised by that though the horde council had welcomed her warmly and yet so far her response had been a bit shitty she was pretty though so khan couldn't deny that with her sexy tusks it was at that moment that zakah noticed that her contingent seemed to be one servant lighter than it was earlier and sensed an opportunity may i be of service your majesty how could you possibly be of service your entourage be looking a little light if you need an errand run or a fresh cup of wine you are spying on me now ah balls this had backfired the khan could already hear the lecture thrall was inevitably going to give him so he threw his arms up in surrender but as he did he suddenly lost his balance and fell backwards into talanji's missing servant who had returned with a goblet of wine and that goblet of wine went flying through the air hit the ground and splashed over the hem of the zandalari queen's gown clumsy knob that was the queen's wine just a mistake he meant no harm but zakah had stopped listening to the queen because the ugly splotch of spilled wine on her dress was turning black and the puddle left behind on the ground smelled distinctly of death whatever it was it wasn't wine would you be serving her wine just whine what's the matter you never seen black wine the smells of death before the servant who now looked extremely sweaty then yanked a dagger from under his tunic queen talanji behind me suddenly the throwing axe whizzed past the khan's face and although that narrowly missed the servant thrall then whizzed passed shortly afterwards however the former war chief reached the assassin a moment too late because they'd already put their dagger to use jamming it into their own stomach who sent you speak she will know our bite and then he was dead he's under lorry one of my own but how all your people must be held in question there is never just one assassin question your own people i assure you you can assure me nothing not ships not soldiers not even my own personal safety you do not need me here zandalar my home will always need me so that is where i will be all eyes followed as the zandalari queen and her peeps stormed off again all eyes zakah noted except rules and zakah himself was a little bit bothered by something everything had happened so quickly but he couldn't help but fixate on the moment when he knocked the wine over he felt certain his feet had been planted firmly on the ground and he was pretty sure something or someone had shoved him rakan then appeared by his side smirking you did good boy those be the reflexes of kimball ragan's sentiments were then echoed by even more people in the surrounding crowd yelling words like hero but zakah didn't like that at all he wasn't a hero just a boy from the jungles whatever the hell just happened he sure as hell couldn't take credit for it talanji stood atop the great seal and admired the view of her home on a clear night such as this one she could see all the way to the tops of the mountains to the west while she took it all in and felt a sense of pride for the achievements of her ancestors ziki a servant removed each of her ceremonial bracelets and rings one by one with each piece removed talanji felt lighter but also vulnerable go i must be alone now but my queen your gown has stained later you're dismissed ziki so the young servant nodded and then left through a hidden servant's passage and talanji retreated towards her throne sometimes when she glanced in its direction she could still see the outline of her father rastakhan sitting there but he was gone dead murdered by that jaina [ __ ] talanji had departed orgrimmar before anyone could convince her to stay and although she was happy to be home she couldn't help but feel like leaving the summit so soon had been a bit of a mistake if she'd remained and pressed her case the horde council probably would have granted reparations for zandalar's people that's all she could expect from them though their precious armistice meant too much to them justice for rastakhan would have to be found a different way but none of that mattered because instead she'd left orgrimmar with absolutely jack [ __ ] except fear in her heart and a black stain on her dress had that young redhead troll not blunded into the assassin and spilled the cup she'd likely be dead one sandy a grey curling fog then drifted over her feet filled the throne room and then boof there he was the lower of death oh the queen is in distress why not unload your problems on your old friend one sandy i'm not in the mood for you crap one of my own people tried to poison me in front of the horde council in broad daylight my enemies are getting bold i nearly had your soul then is that why you summoned me thoughts of death made you think of your old friend on the other side how flattering your majesty what no i want to speak to my father you are the keeper of souls the lord of death surely you must know where his soul resides can you not arrange an audience what am i some servant to do whatever you bid think i keep your father in my back pocket the spirit of a king is no trifle girl everything is a trifle to you everything is a game one sandy's grin then faded and he sniffed the air you reek of death it came close to you didn't it real close maybe you'd be wanting to ask your father what it's like on the other side talanji stood up waved a hand and marched forward towards the balcony again no i will find that out on my own terms and no time soon i ask as a queen who needs the council of her elder nothing more bring me the king bring me a spirit so i might know his wisdom i can do no such thing girl you don't control me and i don't control you not according to my enemies half of zandalar thinks i answer to you if they keep thinking that way i'll never keep control no wonder that assassin came for me today i have my father's blood my father's crown his lower and now his rebels if i can't be rid of them my reign is as good as over look at you all dooming and glooming who do you think protected you today you might show a little gratitude to your savior you cannot take credit for one troll's clumsiness i gave him a little shove just a teensy one that assassin wanted you death but i wouldn't give it to him and i won't give you your father either unless unless what unless you'd be wanted to make a deal seems fair no i save your life you make a deal with your powerboard sandy to land you then scoffed and will you be there to give a little shove the next time and the time after that there is unrest in my city and the horde will do nothing to stop it the fate of zandalar is in my hands but how can i bring prosperity and peace to people who do not trust me my father would know what to do he always knew or perhaps his lower razan would have known even better and then there was silence the city and one sandy suddenly seemed ominously quiet she'd expected a bit of sass back from him but instead he just stared at him what nothing to say not a single sly word one sandy that's not like you our bond is strong little queen but that does not make me your servant i will not summon your father's spirit you're on your own back in nazmir nathano's blightcaller was currently cheesing it at the top of pterodactyl he wasn't ashamed to be cheesing it retreat prevented outright failure sylvanas had taught him that one the only thing that annoyed him about this situation was that apari the rebel leader had been sloppy enough to miss the zandalari patrol that had approached their position and also the fact that there were birds up here and he bloody hates birds that's not a joke he genuinely hates birds for some strange reason use only their own arrows the wind carried his orders to the dark rangers flying in a v pattern behind him so they went ahead and did that and managed to take out two of their pursuers on the ground below the remaining trolls grew wise pretty quick though and rode their mounts beneath some dense tree cover we cannot allow them to reach the banshee's whale we'll head south the mountains are impassable on foot the dark rangers then broke formation and dive down towards the canopy but a beast much like the one nathanos was riding then burst through to greet them balls we've got druids although the dark rangers made quick work of him if there were any more druids down there chasing them then flying south wasn't going to make much of a difference it's no use they're going to discover us never the queen's will must be done fly ahead alert the crew bring the ship into the bay take the ship to shore are you mad just do as i say even though she was wearing a helmet nathanos could still detect that cyra was glaring at him she never really enjoyed taking his barked orders but then again she never really enjoyed anything all she ever did was moan and rage at everything him elune the world that left her in isolating darkness he knew how she felt somewhat but jeez get over it but sarah went ahead and did as commanded and nathanos focus his attention back down below their assailants were running out of jungle but fighting out in the open could be a mistake if any of them escaped the plan would be ruined so they'd just have to make sure no one escaped he pressed two fingers to his lips and gave three sharp whistles and the dark rangers returned to him back in formation we take them out in the open no survivors the trolls prove no match for the dark rangers waiting for them as they came bounding out of the jungle it was a bit messy though tell me warden of our victory here and have the ship ready to sail one of the dark rangers leliath gave a sharp nod and took off and nathano's turn to address the rest of his peeps loot the bodies and put them into the sea make sure they're not found remember we were never here the ranger lord then took off as well following after leliath and soon enough he arrived on the deck of the banshee's whale that was close too close i'm beginning to think this a parry [ __ ] is not that reliable that might have been a trap i don't think so i looked in her eyes the hatred i saw there is real she wants to be rid of talanji and the horde as much as we do and we can't succeed without her people we do not need a bunch of unorganized desperate rebels one squadron of dark rangers is worth 200 farmers with pitchforks and i alone am worth twice that your enthusiasm is appreciated sir and noted however our task here does not just require precision but utmost secrecy i still say my talents are better used elsewhere like a windrunner's side where the most killing is to be done i have no taste for discretion it's boring sarah you are greedy indeed if you consider the death of a god unsatisfying one sandy is the last aching thorn in our queen's side and it is our job to pluck him out our queen is determined that you will serve her best here and it is not our place to ponder such decisions are you questioning my judgment no you are here and in being here you have not chosen an easy path but the right one we must save this world from itself and that might require us to swallow the bitter with the sweet i know you crave death sarah but you must deliver it here if this was not suited to your talents sylvanas would not have chosen you fine i will try to consider this mission as the opportunity for mayhem that it is but still do you not think we should be at her side both the alliance and horde hunt her and if they should succeed in learning her whereabouts they won't she will triumph over them both and you know why cyrus stared at nathanos silently finally she was listening instead of talking to moaning and [ __ ] because the alliance leaders do not trust each other and the horde they will prove even less competent so many voices each with their own agenda impossible they will accomplish nothing we are most useful here that is sylvanas determination and so we will carry out her will fine like caller i am convinced good see that you remain so bonsandi is a menace and knows too much once he's dead and the dark lady's plans are in motion there will be no more pain we will be free of the cruelties of this world this is an honour syrup the queen has so few loyal servants remaining we who still stand must not disappoint her my goddess abandoned me sylvanas provides the sucker of flesh and blood that will suffice for the moment and then she buggered off leaving the thanos alone with his thoughts and as usual all he was thinking about was sylvanas a counter-i dart ranger called vithrin then approached ah there you are were you spotted i believe i traversed the highlands unseen there can be no mistakes fizzrin and how exactly were you injured i ran afoul of some beasts in the highlands nothing serious i beseech you ranger lord there are more pressing matters lelias tells me word has come from the rebels get to the point apari's plan has failed aspires report queen talanji has returned to her palace with nothing but a stain on her gown she may have been injured in the assassination attempt but nathanos somewhat managed to hide his disappointment although his jaw did twitch a little bit then we have much to do gather the rangers visrin contact our eyes in the city have them spread rumors that the horde has lost faith in the queen perhaps they're even seeking to usurp the kingdom for themselves but we're not here to spread a campaign of truth we are here to create a campaign of fear let them doubt argue panic we will make this girl regret ever turning her back on the banshee queen zakan had hoped to spend the afternoon chillaxing at the western earth shrine but he currently found himself face to face with an extremely demanding audience was she really gonna die i bet she's the most beautifulest troll ever zucchine could not stop sweating this interrogation was fierce indeed oh yeah you got stabbed show us where you got stabbed children children so khan will tell you the tale but we might be too shocking for your young ears piss off we can handle it except maybe yuyi she's a big stupid baby i'm not r2 zukan took a piece of linen cloth from his pocket and wiped his extremely sweaty brow i won't be telling you nothing if this bickering keeps up the group of children then fell silent although zakhan couldn't help but feel like he was probably gonna fall victim to a few pranks from the little [ __ ] at some point in the near future however before he could wow them with the tale of how he'd saved the queen of zandalar a portal opened in a nearby bush and through it popped a nightborne elf zagan recognized him immediately he often ran errands or delivered messages for solicero whatever he had to say must have been urgent otherwise he probably would have just walked the short distance from grommash hold to here sorry to interrupt the council requires your presence account now i want him to finish the story the count has more pressing matters to attend to than the whims of children i suggest you all return to your studies and stop this foolishness the kind then hurried over to the elf me they're just kids there's no need to yell at them but the nightborne said nothing and just stepped back through his portal and zikan who knew better than to keep the council waiting squared his chest and stepped through as well and when he arrived in grommash hold a second or two later gazlowe bane the licera lillian voss g fireport thrall lothamer and rokhan all just kind of stared at him and he was ever so slightly intimidating thank you loladrum efficient as ever welcome to cam you performed a great service yesterday by protecting the zandalari queen but now i'm afraid we must ask even more of you i only did what felt right and i told you already it was mostly an accident perhaps but when that troll drew a knife you didn't hesitate to put yourself between that blade and the queen an honorable instinct an honorable act sakaian could feel himself relaxed a bit it seemed as if he wasn't in trouble so maybe everything was gonna be fine but no good deed goes unpunished ah balls everything was not going to be fine punished don't terrorize the boy we're extending a great honor an opportunity to prove yourself to the council and to serve the hoarders ambassador zandalar oh wait you're serious sirius is an assassination attempt yeah kid we're serious pack your bags you're going as aldazar zakah immediately looked at thrall and then at rokhan the two council members he knew best rakan just kind of held his gaze for a moment and then gave him one single nod of confidence i've never been an ambassador before we need talanji in this accord she has lost faith in us but you you risked your life to protect her your youth and inexperience will be an asset zakah she will most likely underestimate you use that to your advantage be our eyes and ears report to us as often as you can any information at all you can gather on her is useful we cannot lose her as an ally the room then fell silent again for a moment well do you accept we would know your answer time is of the essence did he have a choice the gun didn't ask mainly because he didn't have the balls but also because it was probably a pointless question what would saofang say if he could see the khan now struggling to accept an honour he might have earned but was not sure he deserved is is this all right talanji's our friend no but now we're spying on it we do not send you to do harm we cannot help her if we do not know her mind rakan looked so confident so calm not a glimmer of mischief anywhere in his eyes then i accept the council is dismissed we wish you all haste and good fortune to come we know you will not fail us before zakah could say anything else everyone stood up and started to walk out with grommash hold each nodding or gently nudging the young troll reassuringly as they passed gaslow even winked at him thrall and rakan were the last in line and stayed as the rest exited you think you can do it i think the young queen will find his presence less revolting than mine or yours why why can't you go i'm nobody zalfang didn't think so i don't think so either there are things i must do places i must go yucca brought dire news from the earthen ring so whilst you take your place in zandalar i will be taking my own journey to nordrassil to better understand the unrest in the spirit realm take this rakan then produced a dagger from his belt it was light and well balanced as all things should be we'd be sending you into a pit of vipers boy there will be more assassins more danger you might have a shaman's power but a blade on your belt means you're never unarmed even when your strength is spent cheers although i don't exactly know how to fight well with it it's instinct all instinct think like a shaman boy fight like a soldier and for your sakes blend like a shadow meanwhile with the alliance how many underwent written was currently hanging about in the cathedral of light within stormwind city patiently waiting for bishop arthur to unlock the door leading to the crypts below yeah let's see is it this key six or rather their size seven discovered six no one can say for sure how many were washed away by the tides maybe it's this key more could be in hiding shaw send at least a dozen to monitor the waters between the zandalari coast and the eastern kingdoms why does this cathedral have so many keys let's continue this where there are no curious ears the old bishop finally managed to unlock the door so turalyon and gen greymane followed anduin down into the crypts to continue their conversation anduin wasn't exactly excited to see what awaited him down there but he knew it was his duty as king to see what had befallen troops dispatched in his name soon enough they arrived at the very bottom of the crypts where several bodies had been laid out with skin discolored and lips twisted in agony look at the precision one shot directly to the heart mark the fletching on the arrows here and here it's been shaved down that was why shaw ordered them brought here what am i not seeing zandalari arrows but these are not zandalari tactics i should think not this is some mischief some dark mischief i do not yet understand there are a few archers in the world that could make these shots my king the only sort i know other allied with the infernal banshee queen dark rangers can we be certain certain no i've seen a damned mess of their arrows in my time the style matches as does the accuracy again then started pacing backwards and forwards whilst huffing and puffing looked like someone was in dire need of a good walkies what would the dark rangers be doing in zandalar the zandalari are allies of the horde which wouldn't exactly make them friends with sylvanas it could be a warning perhaps she sent her rangers to punish the new queen the dark lady was still warchief when they made their alliance we all know how else sylvanas takes betrayal this is an opportunity anduin don't you see it where sylvanas goes her dark ranges are sure to follow she may well have revealed herself in committing these murders we should gather what forces we can spare and sell west whether she's in league with the zandalari or moving against them doesn't matter this is our chance to finish this anduin looked towards turalyon the paladin did not seem quite as convinced as the king of gilneth now is the time to think my king not the time to react there are still spies unaccounted for in the field and we must not forget the armistice zandalar is a big place but the eyes there are friendly to the horde not sylvanas and the horde want her dead just as much as we do the armistice you signed is meaningless if we cannot rely on them to share intelligence of this nature bollocks we can rely on the horde for nothing how many times must you learn this anduin i know you know better now anduin did not necessarily trust the horde but they could have easily assassinated him outside the gates of orgrimmar when sylvanas killed sarfang and they didn't so that had to count for something anduin then decided to wait a moment hoping greymane would calm down but he remained a very angry doggy again rash action has harmed us far more often than care and caution i'm not going to overcommit to what could be a diversion duralian seem to agree with that we must ask ourselves why would sylvanas go to zandalar what would she want there what does it matter he said it yourself to rally him the zandalari queen pledged herself to sylvanas first perhaps that vowel remains true perhaps she's turned her back on the horde and even now shelters the traitor and her soldiers perhaps these brave few were killed for discovering the truth hmm what to do what to do i am reminded my noble friends of a day not so long ago and not so far from here barathe highlands a gathering meant to be peaceful meant to reunite families torn asunder by forces they could never have anticipated human and forsaken families met in good faith trying to find common ground and common love and many of them did and for their trust their grace they received only slaughter i give both of your recommendations equal weight my friends turalyon take illyria and investigate these deaths i name you lord commander of the alliance forces your task your only task is to find sylvanas windrunner so we might bring her to proper justice hunter day and night use whatever means you must deralum bowed his head accepting the honor my heart and my sword to the cause and then the kings of gilneas in stormwind watched as the old hero paladin buggered off a wise choice your majesty who knows what devil's tricks queen talanji learned from sylvanas there are insects under every rock in every kingdom even your own i pray you're wrong anduin then looked back towards the bodies on the floor by the light again i will see them given all due honor but how do i ensure they're never forgotten they knew what it was to serve anduin they were not expecting the life of a baker or tailor they knew now again i don't think they did none of us do none of us know what awaits us in death what awaits us in the dark without a dawn the petitioner's request is hereby the crowd gathered near the throne stared in anticipation and talanji kind of loved it holding court was probably one of her favorite things to do as queen granted the audience erupted in cheers and the petitioner in question a young girl no more than 17 years old called navre blushed and breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled from ear to ear navre belonged to one of the struggling noble houses that had been tied to the traitor yasma and although her family had been cleared of any wrongdoing in a legal sense they were still kind of suffering from a severe lack of gold and a stain on their family name which in turn was preventing navre from being able to honorably marry her love kila but not anymore now that queen talanji had granted her petition there was nothing stopping the two young girls from marrying so that's lovely fortune and health to them both happy small things good to see boring but good the majority of the crowd then started to disperse from the council chambers it'd have been a long day a grueling day but talanji didn't mind the fact that a queen's time was never truly her own it was a sacrifice she made gladly her people were her greatest pride the light of the lower shine on us i think that was the last one oh spoke too soon the troll then shoved their way through waving their arms about gonk carry me away it never ends is it true is it true what they say did the horde really try to kill the queen they want to take the city for themselves the crowd members that had not quite left the council chambers yet gasped they were going to stick around for this justif or defilers traitors silence please these rumors are just that rumors but we are part of the horde who tried to kill our queen talanji was kind of tired but she knew she needed to find the exact right words for this situation these people could smell a scandal and they've bloody loved scandals yes we are part of the horde but only if they support us as we deserve they will meet our demands the demands of zandalar we will not serve them unless they serve us too look one of them an assassin the crowd shifted and formed a sort of barrier around a new arrival to the council chamber talanji squinted trying to make out who it was but there were people in the way he's from the horde get him the crowd then quickly started turning into a mob as people started throwing things and trying to shove the new arrival and talanji knew she couldn't afford to have the death of a horde ambassador on her hands so she put on a big strong queen's voice stop let him pass everyone in the room then froze before stepping aside allowing the horde troll to move forward and it was at that point that talanji finally realized who it was remove the petitioners this meeting of the council is at an end i will meet with this this traveller talanji had left orgrimmar in such a hurry that she'd never actually learned this troll's name and it suddenly dawned on her that that had been a bit harsh considering he'd saved her life come stake your business i'm here to serve as ambassador to the ward my name is zukan ambassador zakan ambassador try spy yes spy ambassador spy eyes ears um the horde is worried about you queen talanji more than that they want your friendship and they won't be given up well they could have sent worths and by that talanji meant they could have sent for all the guy who remained stubbornly loyal to jaina proudmoore what a prick you want joe not smash him no jonah he is under my protection talanji then stared at this new ambassador and studied him for a bit and as he fidgeted nervous and young she thought huh his inexperience is going to come in pretty handy ambassadors he can if you are going to serve in this place then you must know its many twisting halls come i will be your guide i thought orgrimmar was impressive but this this is delengji smirked the young forest troll looked as if his mind was being absolutely blown by the wonder of this great city and it was kind of nice to see nothing like this in the echo isles just be like something from a dream the palace has always been my home i forget what it must look like to outsiders well my palace was sand and shrub my whole village could probably fit in your royal closet valanji grinned but as they turned a corner her smile faded she'd been too distracted to realize they were approaching the heart of the pyramid she'd avoided this part of the palace ever since something the matter i remember loving this place i played here as a kid with my friend parry we chase each other for hours and hours play hide and seek i think i was that little girl again when my father died here made me feel small just a child taking a crown and pretending to be queen this is where i learned the true cruelty of the alliance and their cursed witch jane a proudmoore i spit on this armistice your council has negotiated it ignores the pain of my people but proudmoore helped us free pain and she was there to stand with us against the shara you said you felt like a little girl when you took up your father's crown but you changed you'd be a real queen now i saw it with my own eyes the way you speak your people listen the lord be listening to so you're gonna tell them about this then no your majesty your grief is your own i lost people too one father then another another our high overlord fell to the banshee queen's magic he he wasn't perfect he was a killer what he did to the elves to that tree that's something too big for me to judge but he taught me how to be a soldier how to stand tall but xiaofeng's gone nothing will change that i only hope one sandy helped him to his rest hey maybe you could ask he is close to you after all not that close no his throne is tied to the lower of graves well that's what they say and who is they everyone your majesty everyone well you're smarter than you look ambassador before zakan could respond or even blush at the compliment dilanji noticed a bit of a ruckus behind him and as she approached some guards to ask what the matter was a spear flew through the air and struck one of the guards right in the face the queen's first thought was how the bloody hell of rebels made it so deep into the palace and her second thought was i'm not gonna die here not in the same place as my father get behind me zlangie sprang forward and did what she was told and the khan followed close to her heels outside the room the corridor was filled with blood thirsty whoops hunt the queen the queen is there another way out of here no we stand and we fight as the queen commands zaghan unsheathed the dagger that rokhan had given him and ignited it with his zappyboy powers they're coming at least a dozen trolls then barreled into the chamber but because they were kind of bottlenecked the guard managed to take out two of them in one strike almost immediately and thanks to talanji's protective shield zakah's skills with the elements and the fact that several royal guard reinforcements arrived pretty quickly the rebels ended up kind of just embarrassing themselves really i want them alive unfortunately the rebels did not plan to surrender instead they hurtled towards the guards and impaled themselves on the sharp and ready halberds aimed in their direction except for one donning a curious black mask he sprinted directly at the queen and pressed a knife to her throat the widows might be here traitor queen they'd be all around you a plume of smoke then rose from behind him and one bony finger tapped on the mask to assassin's shoulder boop once andy then vanished as quickly as he'd appeared but before the assassin could turn back to talanji and be all like what was all that about zukan stuck his dagger right in the asshole's neck so he died talanji meanwhile was fixated on what the assassin had just said the widow's bite impossible both shadra and yazma were dead so why would they still be a thing are you all right i'm fine tell me there are survivors none your majesty they all killed themselves zlanjian then glanced around and saw the blood and death once again heaped on the floor in this part of the palace and it was at this point that she realized that both thrall and one sandy had been right these assassins were not gonna stop coming double the patrols seal the palace zakah i wish to speak to the horde council we have some things to discuss we make quite a team little zappy boy talanji had commanded zakah to wait outside while she addressed his unchuli council's concerns about the recent attack but she'd failed to mention that the lower of graves would be keeping him company you're you'll want sandy what could you want with me ah so your mouth does work and your eyes i could want one thing from you and that's to give them a thanks thank me for what protecting my investment so khan had grown up with tales of the tricks to god and yet that still hadn't exactly prepared him to deal with the real thing what if he said something stupid or did something inappropriate your lives are all so adorably fleet you come and go but some of you'll be coming and going in more interesting ways i don't know if that's true feels like i'm just in the right place at the right time and how do you think the powerful become that way it ain't always the smarts let me assure you the voices from within the council chamber grew louder more agitated i don't want power i just want to make the horde council happy they sent me to watch the queen that's all i am to do once amd then stroked his chin thoughtfully and leaned in closer so what do you think of her then our queen i think she's in trouble you see clearly boy there is trouble everywhere the sickness festers here with your horde and in my own domain zakah swallowed but his throat felt like razor blades one family drew closer still sizing him up and chuckled at the fear deep within the young jungle troll's eyes your eyes show me everything boy this time i showed you my gratitude you help me save the queen twice now and that deserves a gift will you accept zukan could practically hear his wise granny screaming at him from beyond the grave there's a reason they call him the trickster god what's the gift can't tell you that but i can't tell you this there's a vision of death a vision you'll be wanting to see how about a gift for a gift take this vision of death from me in return you make sure one thing happens if i have to give you something in return then it's not a gift do you want it or not boy just the second time in as many days that zakan felt like he wasn't really being given a choice here what do i have to do zandalari must remain with the horde she must sit on the council use all your considerable charms boy and make us see that this is the only way it'd be best for zandalar and even better best for me huh maybe it wasn't a trick the khan was in zoldazar for exactly that reason anyway why can't you convince her the queen doesn't like to take advice from one sandy but she might just listen to you okay show me the vision and then the world went dark and for a long moment all was quiet zakah couldn't help but think he'd made a massive mistake and one sandy had just killed him but a different world then appeared around him with mountains and a sea of grass and a bunch of talbot running around zukan reached out to touch the long grass only to find it wasn't actually his hand at all it was a much larger stronger hand scarred from war father that was an easy shot don't tell me ages made you soft an orc then approached with a familiar face wake up another herd approaches mother ava hides if we return empty-handed memories flooded zakhan but they were not his own memories of a wife named remda and a son named dranosh his chest flooded with pain before turning sweet varrock sarfang had come home and was finally reunited with his family in death father yes i'm ready dranosh lead on and then the world went black again reeling zakah touched his own face to find it was troll shaped again and could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks and as the world he knew reappeared and one sammy stared at him he sank back gratefully against the chamber door would it be like that for me would my father be waiting for me now that would ruin the surprise did you see what you needed to see i think so little zakah walking in the footsteps of giants but keep your eyes up eh even giants trip i know it's you sister do not try to escape me illyria windrunner was currently wandering through a sickly forest and although she had thought herself the huntress she was slowly starting to realize that it was in fact her that was being hunted but she wasn't going to cheese it sylvanas needed to be brought to justice close now so very close sister i will not stop hunting you i will never stop then what are you waiting for suddenly sylvanas was no longer racing ahead of illyria through the forest but instead appeared directly behind her and as alleria turned her forsaken sister did her re scream and shadows poured from her mouth and alleria suddenly found herself smothered with an icy grip the whispers were right the void they told me to kill you i should have listened you could never best me sister the end will come quickly now you'll see as death crept nearer the void cried out to illyria begging her to give over her soul entirely and become a manifestation of power and it was bloody tempting illyria gasped for air running out of time to make a decision when two figures suddenly emerged a half elf with golden hair and a human man broad and bronzed erato turalyon but the half elf and man didn't seem to notice her at all they just stared forward with eyes glazed over in terror and then their eyes exploded their skin went gray and they turned to ash no did the whispers tell you this would happen illyria did they warn you that this would be the cost of standing against me alleria suddenly awoke from her nightmare and very nearly fell off her horse only for a strong hand to steady her turalyon his touch was soothing and for an instant the terror from her dream dissipated you fell asleep in the saddle eliri it was so quiet i didn't even notice until now that must have been some nightmare you have no idea we should stop soon turalyon's skin seemed to absorb the moonlight that felted through the midnight clouds of the arathi highlands the fact that turalyon was a paladin of the light forged by zira and illyria was now void touched and dark thanks to laura understandably caused a bit of a rift between the two of them hell they even slept in separate tents but despite the fact that it seemed almost impossible for their relationship to work anymore illyria could see the poetry in it there is no light without shadow after all men are exhausted a brief rust will lift their spirits i could use a moment's stillness myself no they can rest after we find these refugees illyria we ride on dragon must have seen something in her gaze because he left it at that although they were kind of interrupted anyway my lady my lord celestial nightgiver arrived through a spatial rift accompanied by a lightforged draenei called sen sen didn't look particularly happy about traveling through a void portal but whatever what have you found zelusel then pointed towards a rise north of thandel span and as illyria squinted she noticed a thin ribbon of smoke just as trollman instructed are they on the move no they look entrenched mostly women and children these are not soldiers my lady then we take them now before they can scuttle into the hills should we not be careful if there truly is a dark ranger among them a dark ranger would know to hide better and if by some chance they are among them then we must strike and strike hard before he can run and so they moved swiftly and stormed north until they came upon a ramshackled encampment of tents and dugouts none of you will be harmed so long as you remain calm and answer our questions a robed forsaken man stood guard in front of a family of frightened orcs a mother a baby and a little toddler boy this may be a dead end danish trollbane assured me his outriders spotted a cloaked man red eyes armed with a group of civilians the alliance spies washed up not far from here well it would be one hell of a coincidence one of them knows something one of them will talk alliance dogs where is your compassion these are innocents homeless and starving just pawns in your ender's war you speak for all then valyria noted flecks of herbs sticking to the forsaken man's collar plus his fingers were stained green and then the whispers began as they always did twist his brittle bones [Music] we have no intention of spilling blood here give us the information we seek and we'll send you on your way we'll even throw in some blankets and stuff some of the assembled civilians exchanged looks and seemed a little bit more hopeful at the promise of blankets and stuff but illyria's gaze then fell again on the mother orc and her children drawn there by some tendril of curiosity at first she'd only seen the woman's hunger but now she was noticing something else the orc was rocking backwards and forwards and not daring to glance at any of the soldiers she was nervous about something however alleria didn't notice the young orc boy rushed forward turalyon stepped forward and intercepted the boy lifted him in the air and did a little twist and then plopped the kid back on the ground again not today boy lyria then crouched down and placed both hands on the orc boy's shoulders i will tell you what i told my own son when he picked up his first blade and played at being a soldier whatever your elders have told you war is not glory war is seeing people at their very worst and choosing to protect them anyway now go back to your mother as the boy raced back into the arms of his grateful mother the whispers and illyria's mind grew louder and more insistent she's the one i will speak with her privately alleria wait turalyon then turned to celestial and motioned to the captive refugees see that everyone remains calm give them food and drink i must speak to a lady ship briefly captain the void elf captain saluted and moved to organize the rest of the men and get those things done while sterelion and illyria retreated down the hill away from everyone else how do you think we should proceed however we must the mother knows something we were too quick to offer them food turalyon we could have bartered for information the king was clear our orders defined sylvanas at any cost the light compels me to have mercy alleria but i hear you i do i also heard what you said to that boy is this us at our very worst i see visions turalyon so many visions a thousand futures in which we failed to stop sylvanas each one more monstrous than the last and i would become more than my worst self to stop it yet the void often lies of course it does i don't blindly believe a question and i wonder what the void seeks to tell me what wisdom is buried in the deceit and after peeling away the layers of horror and destruction there is only one conclusion complacency and inaction will be our doom we have our orders it gives me no pleasure to interrogate civilians but what choice do we have let me talk with her please give me a chance to pursue this the right way let's not forget who we are what separates us from sylvanas and her ilk turalyon reached out towards illyria closing the distance between them in word and in bond and she relented what a [ __ ] fine speak with the mother and so they head back up the hill tell me your name please you may have mine first turalyon lord commander of the alliance we need not fear me or any of us we have no desire for bloodshed only information now please madam your name the orc hesitated for a bit and then muttered something that illyrio couldn't quite hear thank you may i ask you some questions ask socharelian did ask several times first nicely then more directly then was growing impatience he tried bribing her nothing worked the ark refused to talk and after about 50 minutes he gave up her mouth clamped shut tighter than a dark water clam i noticed what do we do alleria knew what she wanted to do but she needed to hear it from turalyon it's easy to say what we must i don't particularly want to turalyon how many more hours should we waste she knows something a stubbornness only proves it she refuses to speak because she knows she will incriminate herself or the others then we should question the others or or take the information we need take it now this is who we've become under different circumstances those words might have wounded illyria but right now she didn't give a [ __ ] my sister has not known a worthy adversary for a time now she has outsmarted outplayed and outwitted us because she is not shackled by good or evil she is freed by her own willingness to pursue the mission no matter the cost is that admiration i hear there is nothing left of my sister to admire was she here now i would fill ahead with visions of terror until it exploded right okay then whatever the cost let's do it round two what is your name her name is galsus tell me what you know about the dark ranger that traveled with you recently what would a dark ranger want with us an excellent question what did he want with you where is he gauss's growled and spat on the ground narrowly missing illyria's boot wrong answer the void invaded the orcs mind easily commanded by illyria's experienced hands the old ones could use the smallest thought to drive a person mad and to wretch any information they wanted from an unwilling subject hold her thuralian did as he was told grabbing hold of the orc and securing her to the ground and illyria continued to sift through the orcs memories and thoughts each second that passed plunging the mother into greater agony deep within the orcs mind a pair of red eyes caught illyrio's attention a clear vision of a cowdery man twisted by her sister's undead touch meanwhile the orc woman shrieked even louder her back bending at strange angles as she fought the pain tunneling through her mind stop for pity's sake let her go i will tell you with the dark ranger i swore an oath of silence we all did the ranger demanded it but i'll tell you whatever you want to know valyria stumbled backward ripped away from her work by the forsaken man's sudden outburst but the comforting hand of turalyon grazed her lower back he was with us a week ago what do you want to know just the truth where did he happen upon you off the road near stromgarde he was coming from hillsbrad had some trouble with his horse it threw him he got injured and then some raptors tried to have a nibble or something i'm a healer you see an apothecary apothecary cutley i look after these people and i looked after him go on what happened next what did he say not a law it was headed south found his cove it was charter in a boat did you catch their name this vizrin i think thank you the forsaken man then rushed over to attend to the old woman who was groaning and babbling incoherently alleria knew what she'd done the orcs body was fine and her mind would mend in time although there will be scars your orders give them more food and blankets whatever we can spare and urge them to find somewhere else to go the witherbark will raid them otherwise and the apothecary take him to stormwind he may know more and we can't afford to miss a single detail back in nazmir hapari lit the final stick of incense and gave the fragrant smoke a big whiff it kind of hurt her lungs as she inhaled but it was all part of the ritual so what else plus she was used to pain nowadays anyway her injured leg ached constantly her lieutenant tayo had mentioned that she knew a volpira that was talented enough to amputate it cleanly at the knee but aparri had refused it was a reminder that time was short that not a single moment could be wasted i mean she totally could just write that on the back of her hand or something but okay is everything ready i stand ready our assassination failed teo the horde will come looking for answers we attack the queen on their soil but we cannot allow them on ours their numbers are too great and they will overwhelm us and the pale rider before our justices had the storm will keep them at bay apart this magic is old how does the empire itself we will not fail all is not lost aparri snorted when the pale rider sees this it will not doubt us again he thinks he is powerful he knows nothing of our real power this will stop all of his complaining and show the reach of the widow's bite aparri then gazed around at her resembled rebels they'd gained quite a few new followers recently more and more zandalari had left their homes in desira lore to join their ranks the widow's bite and obviously gained quite an aim for itself which was a bit of a double-edged sword really new followers meant they would only get stronger but talanji and her army would also start to take them much more seriously now it will take all of our power all of our considerable might to shake the seas and command the clouds chant with me now brothers and sisters i need your voices let the heavens hear you let your well be known those gathered around a parry did as they were told and started to chant slowly and the gagdon-bound nobleman from the palace started to moan and groan because he knew a sacrificial ritual when he saw one aparri then limped towards the soon to be sacrificed man she couldn't help but wonder what he must have thought of her she knew him knew his family because she'd been just as rich and noble too once just as beautiful and sought after as talanji herself even general jack rosette had often been like homonymous whenever she'd walk by but all that was in the past she wasn't rich anymore and she was kind of ugly her leg was all infected and smelly no more frivolities no more games the widow's bike was her purpose now her mother's legacy was her only concern abari then removed the gag from the old nobleman you won't be needing this anymore you don't need to do this you want gold i'll give you gold please please parry i know you it's me bazine there's no need for all of this i'll give you anything my daughter is to be married soon let me live to see it ah you gave your daughter away and this be a mercy keep your gold and your promises sacrifice but don't be stingy with your screams a barry then raised a sacrificial knife and immediately brought it down again and stabbed bazine afraid forgive me bazine's eyes then rolled back and his blood the fuel for the storm began to flow through the channels carved into the stone by flowing foam in blood we call the sea to rise blood blood blood the blood flowing from the sacrifice ignited and the ground beneath the parry began to hum and glow by wind from dead lungs we call the clouds to seethe wind wind wind blood we fire fire burn bright light the skies and show us your might apart of yourself then started to glow with flames dancing around her form whilst the chanting crowd kind of lost their [ __ ] a bit and started dancing and laughing and having a whale of a time the flames then abruptly snuffed themselves out and the wind died down but a distant rumble to the east then confirmed their success soon the skies above the zandalari coast would thicken with black clouds with waves below towering taller than ships and departing closed our hands together feeling really smug about it for that brief moment where power had flowed through her veins and her followers were happy she felt a release from all of her suffering all of her pain tayo then walked over and smiled the asthma would be proud alleria doraleon you found anything jaina proudmoore appeared through her portal to check on the pair's progress or lack thereof she'd been sent by anduin because he was getting a bit impatient days had passed with no word from them and no indication as to whether their lead in the highlands had borne any fruit but jaina was a little bit surprised at what she saw when she arrived a human man sprawled on the ground as aleria void banged his mind and turalyon used his light powers to hold the man in place turalyon was the first to turn and face her his glittering chains holding the man down vanishing in a poof this man and his family sheltered one of the banshee queen's dark rangers but illyria didn't acknowledge jaina at all apparently she was too busy making the man on the ground scream in agony you know this how did he resist the father refused to answer our questions but he possessed a suspicious dagger the dagger that would look more fitting in a forsaken scabbard don't you agree jaina took hold of the evidence and examined it she couldn't deny it did bear a resemblance to those used by sylvanas and her chosen guards but sometimes people do just have weird transmogs a group of refugees led us here their apothecary treated the ranger for wounds and then he left for the coast this rin do you know him jaime considered the name but also couldn't help but think about how disgusting illyria's current actions were never heard of him no matter we'll find him soon enough the man on the ground went silent and limp possibly dead and illyria inhaled deeply her eyes lighting up as if she was almost excited and then turned to address them yes we will find him soon enough they provided a skiff sturdy enough to sail deep water the idiot ranger was quite specific needed to sail west only thing worth sailing to directly west of here is the zandalari coast although she was unhappy with their method jaina couldn't argue with the result of their combined light void coercion techniques hopefully it was just a desperate measure taken in response to limited time not their new favorite thing that they'll be doing all day every day does the king know you're employing these tactics the man on the ground then moved a bit at least he wasn't dead the king was quite clear we are to use whatever means necessary to extract information now we know sylvanas has her sights on zandalar our scope is narrowed and i can only imagine king anduin will be pleased if this is how we must behave to achieve victory then he is not pleased nor am i i assure you jaina all will make sense in time alleria didn't harm him that much and the light will soothe whatever now ails him i'll make sure of it i'd never let the void within her rage out of control and i would never need him to control me right jaina then pushed past the two and kneeled beside the trembling smuggler carefully she rolled him onto his back cradling his head and quickly observed his face to see if she knew him he's told me everything the doordale here with him is to waste precious time i'm sorry my family i couldn't feed them the storm it's it's kept the fish away and a dagger that fine would fetch a tempting price when it comes to those we love we always do what we must your honesty is your penance sir so i will tell you now if you have anything more to say alleria sighed impatiently but the smuggler started to nod the ranger he must reach his destination before the white lady is full after no ships will pass you what mate what do you say what about what jaina frowned no ships will path eh when is the next full moon um six days i think and we have put six days to reach zandalar safely i will return to stormwind at once and relay all of this to the king not missing the subtle emphasis on the all of this part illyria shifted to the right and stood exactly where jaina had planned to pop her portal the two women then locked eyes and jaina felt a chill prickle in her palms a warning from her own instincts is this truly our highest priority jaina tattling all will make sense in time illyria i go only to apprise king anduin of your progress and to tattle jaina thorpe anduin could not possibly know the extent of what illyria and turalyon were doing in his name and he sure as hell wouldn't condone it they were setting a dangerous precedent so as soon as illyria got out of the bloody way jaina ported back to stormwind with a great haste she stormed into the throne room of stormwind keep only to find the king wasn't there but two sentinels then pointed over to the map room so she stormed into the map room of stormwind keep anduin unsurprisingly was hunched over a bunch of maps and books and charts like a nerd whilst again greymane stood by his side janet didn't particularly want to tell both of them what she'd witnessed ken did have a bit of a temper please please tell me you bring good news we have six days to catch a fishing boat headed to eastern zandalar when the full moon comes the waters will become impossible to sail a dark ranger called vitrine told all of this to a smuggler at last we'll summon matthias sure he'll be the best choice to give chase his sea legs are quite strong since our campaign in kul tiras i have no objections but should we not send a larger force we can't risk alerting the horde of our presence there sandalar is under their protection our ships in the area is one thing but making landfall could be seen as an act of aggression jaina was right the armistice is too fragile we can't survive another war right now precautions must be taken and matthias can be but a shadow when he desires go again go find him where's my thighs where's my thighs again who's a good boy genn bowed to jaina on his way out but he was pretty bloody excited about where matthias was but now it was just jaina and anduin and the lord admiral decided to pick her next words very carefully anduin i i have concerns we all do these are concerning times oh jaina what is it he looked truly troubled illyrio and turalyon tortured that smuggler in front of me she used the void to infiltrate his mind whilst he held him prisoner with chains of light it looked unspeakably painful i worry that their tactics represent you poorly my king every one of us every soldier is in service to your crown we stand under your banner and if their actions are sanctioned by your rule what does that say about us anduin didn't speak for a very long time he shook his head turned away from jaina paced backwards and forwards for a bit got distracted by a large brazier in the corner until finally what does it say it says we will do whatever we must to bring murderers to justice it says we will not forget those lost in war it says we will not forget teldrassil or lordaeron not forget the flames blazing over the veiled sea or the fires reflected in the eyes of a thousand mourning children there was a time not so long ago when you were not above swinging the harsh hammer of retribution i have not forgotten jaina have you oh great lion your heart is becoming steel jaina's heart had once done the same hardened by the bomb that destroyed theramore vividly and sadly she remembered telling varian in no uncertain terms that the horde must be utterly annihilated it had taken a long time for her to thaw and remnants of that icy hatred still lingered i have not forgotten but i also remember your father once warned vol'jin to uphold honor or be ended i wish more than anything my king to see your reign enjoy and be remembered fondly for you to be remembered in the same breath as your father difficult decisions have to be made i trust turalyon andaleria to know where the line of decency is not to cross it would their statues preside in our city if they were without honor people change people do change but i trust illyria in turalyon stormwind wouldn't even exist without them they're woven into the very fabric of our kingdom's tales seemed like there was no swaying anduin that much was clear so jaina turned to go leaving him with one last murmured plea clarity and time of the final editors of that story anduin i would know what do you think of her the bold other say it with me the bold arva has a certain ring doesn't it christendom itself the old name was well let's face it it was crap the prows can you believe it i'm sorry pardon me the prows matthias sure stared straight ahead convinced that if he said nothing and just stayed still then flynn fairwind would leave him alone but he was wrong what even is a prowse sounds like something you'd pick out of your teeth now i like this new name better can you believe i want her in a dice game who would be stupid enough to wager this gorgeous girl you and you'd be pissed yep absolutely hammered well well well you know me well sure do a bit of digging before you came aboard what does the dossier me say by the way devilishly handsome irresistible in every conceivable way deadly with a blunderbuss we should have another day survival weather grigsby to the helm keep speed my lads and ladies aim for the flats ring out the storm cells and watch the decks nobody overboard on my watch tides be kind i hope they're quick enough honestly this is pretty bad if the storm cell isn't up soon then we're all well and truly the wave knocked both men right across the ship below deck now you don't have to see lex for this and i am entirely too drunk it wasn't the most dignified retreat they basically had to crawl on all fours to reach the safety of the steps leading below but they made it eventually are we to survive this huh oh yeah it's fine completely fine we live for storms like this keeps us all on our toes my crew will bring us through you'll see fairing then predictably moved to a nearby liquor cabinet and grabbed a bottle just something to settle my gut sure we should have had more time maybe your source lied maybe or maybe this is just the opening act and the real show hasn't even begun considered that well if your source was right then this is indeed just a taste the seeds were meant to be impassable yes and ta-da we've passed oh spoke too soon the sailor then burst through the door his clothes wet but also somehow burnt fire how can there be fire lightning captain and ah never mind the captain pushed past the sailor and head back upstairs with matthias shaw chasing after him the spymaster was also curious as to how there were fires and when they arrived back above deck they saw the rain and the waves had seemingly calmed down but a whole bunch of flames were spreading from the main mass to a bunch of barrels full of gunpowder well that's a bit of a ball egg a woman then slid past them quickly arms raised and with curious tied sage magic brought water streaming up the size of the hull before it cascaded gently across the deck putting the fires out one by one and the ship erupted with cheers from the rest of the crew the words of it seemed to be behind them well done melly well done but matthias wasn't exactly in a celebratory mood the main mass was damaged the sails were burned and the provisions and you still couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't over yet message for you sir i mean a shark a thing for you sir the sailor that had been wet but also burned handed short a wind-up shark gnome technology specifically designed to carry covert messages at sea much trickier to spot than a pigeon apparently is it always like this with you these are fraught times i don't cease being spymaster simply because i'm on a boat shaw trusted the seafaring folks to see to the damaged parts of the ship so he retreated back below deck to see what his spies had uncovered but flynn fairwind just went ahead and followed him bit paranoid are we mathias sat down and started to unroll the messages whilst flynn also made himself comfortable not for your girlfriend hardly intelligence reports from my agents within the horde oh very spicy very paranoid just because we signed an armistice with the horde doesn't mean we aren't watching them only a four mistakes peace time for complacency so what's new with the horde then any betrayals are brewing matthias skimmed the messages quickly they were written in code but basically only matthias and people trained in his specific style of shorthand could read narcilla keensight codenamed lanza had been keeping an eye on lotham she had no loyalties to the horde or the alliance only to gold but her intelligence reports were usually worth the price mathias went ahead and read the message allowed from her lauthormar spends his days at study though i often observe him gazing listlessly at nothing and scribbling something in the margin of his book i managed to access one of his tomes when he left to dine it appears he's either composing poetry or notes of a more intimate nature beside a passage about holy energy he writes my dust clearly bends more each day towards the sun just clearly not about the flower sadly but she does describe an incident at the horde council meeting with the zandalari queen something of real substance an assassination attempt by a troll somebody within the horde wishes harm against talanji could explain the storm how so well if somebody wants her dead maybe she put the whole continent on lockdown that is annoyingly reasonable why thank you this next one's from crazy the bishop crazy i know krasit spooky little fella liked to gamble in freehold called himself the bishop because he'd get absolutely shit-faced and say lads i'm a bit slopped but it would sound like lads i'll revision i miss that guy lost my old parrot bong bong to him in a card game i always wondered what happened to that bird great well crowds thinks the assassination attempt really gummed things up for the ward the queen left in a huff and sent their own spies after her a troll called the khan interesting they must not be as solidly loyal to the horde as we thought how did you get crazy to turn and snitch for you parrots a weird amount of parrots classic crazy hang on so the queen nearly dies and now the horde don't trust her they probably just sent the spy as a precaution a soft nervous tap at the door interrupted their conversation and then the tide sage melly poked her head in beg your pardon there's another storm coming on i wanted to talk to you about it this weather ain't random and there ain't no magic i know of it's like they know where we are but they've sent these rages just for us sarah moon warden was currently wading her way through mud and stuff in nasmir and she wasn't enjoying it very much what a pit a blessing that this post is only temporary beside her was nathano's blight caller standing very still and ignoring the cloud of flies gathering around his head where are they patience warden patience even on a good day sarah didn't have a lot of patience life roared at her from every direction here in the frog marsh crabs clicking frogs riveting and insects buzzing and [ __ ] was bloody audacious it was bloody loathsome will be eaten alive there i thought i was pointed towards some trees do you see them sarah squinted but to be honest she couldn't see [ __ ] they move like shadows along the forest floor and being shadows they will continue being very useful to us sarah then noticed movement among the roots of the trees trolls cleverly smeared in mud moving towards them like arnold schwarzenegger in predator they were nearly invisible in the jumble of bushes and fallen logs well they can come out of hiding they called this meeting i happen to agree thanos then let out a sharp whittle alerting the zandalari rebels that he'd marked their presence so they stood up and their leader went ahead and limped the rest of the way with a small entourage sarah actually didn't mind depary after all they'd both been betrayed by the one thing that had always defined their lives for sera it was her worship of the goddess alone and for rapari it was her loyalty to the zandalari crown greetings pal ryder i realize it must have been difficult given your limitations but next time i expect promptness i have no limitations you need to worry about indeed at least you've understood our need for secrecy this time the witch waved away his words impatiently have you bought our payment you are hardly in a position to make demands but i am eager to be out of this swamp nathanos then turned around and gestured vizrin forward and the dark rangers stepped towards them with a small chest silently placing it on the ground sarah had seen what was inside the chest gems jewellery posh cutlery flagons of rare booze and daggers it had seemed a bit excessive to the warden but nathanos had told her that where they were going none of these trifles would matter at all abari's bodyguard then knelt down and checked the contents of the chest but she didn't smile didn't say thanks or anything she didn't seem to show any reaction at all this is not what we want this is not what we agreed upon the thanos then cleared his throat prompting viscerin to step forward again grab the chest and take it away bit rude aparri immediately fixed her piercing eyes upon sira and the warden then suddenly felt the sensation of a thousand spiders skittering down her back which did make her shiver a bit but she refused to break eye contact with the witch because she ain't no coward now now this is a simple misunderstanding what would you have from us instead the pirate then smiled and hobbled forward your messenger said you want to kill a lower you want to kill one sandy but you can't not without us there's no easy thing what you ask you must be weakened first believers in tribute keep him strong but without faithful followers he'll be vulnerable his shrines be protected by powerful magic the tribute i need from you will dispel that magic get to the point it will require something precious aparri then pointed towards visrin and the chest of gems and posh cutlery that might be precious to some but not to you you must give up something painful something irreplaceable you are not in a position to bargain with a theatrical sigh aparri turned around and began rounding up the members of the widow's bite but first sarah was pretty sure it was just a bluff but the trolls genuinely regrouped and started to disappear back into the dense foliage of the swamp a moment the trolls paused and apparently waited offering only a glance over her right shoulder but before nathanos could relent and submit to them sarah grabbed him by the elbow wait but nathanos had already started to pull a chain out from under his heavy black coat a necklace with a green and gold badge an officer's badge a remnant from a war long since forgotten what are you doing we can't simply give in to every demand and roll over like trained dogs they'll think you're weak you will learn the value of silence or i will teach it to you so sarah stewed in indignant silence and the thanos removed the chain from his neck and walked over to a parry this is no trinket witch if you fail to destroy the lowest shrines as promised then there will be severe consequences you may have conjured a few clouds off the coast but payment this dear demands results aparri threw her head back and laughed and as she did sarah noticed a shadow moving behind her that always been there so the warden moved her hands to her side tucked her fingers around her dagger and prepared to strike ruby oh false alarm this this is what the spell requires there'll be the power of longing in it of pain we insult the first shrine tonight once andy's effigies will burn and every loss hastens his final hour and so the meeting ended and both parties went their separate ways what was that it doesn't matter now it belonged to her didn't it remind me when this is over to drown the witch in this bog a rustling in the undergrowth made them both freeze and then suddenly a spear soared past them and into a bush abari's bodyguard teo then appeared casually walked over and tore the spear out of the undergrowth to reveal a fat wet toad impaled at the end qragua the huge inhabits these swamps and he'd be sympathetic to the traitor queen his little spies are everywhere could be this one is just a toad or he might be hopping about making mischief for us either way lunch anyone back in orgrimmar thrall was hanging about within his modest dwellings located in the valley of spirits the other council members had chosen much more luxurious accommodations but not this humble guy there was a buttload of food on the table near thrall but he'd kind of lost his appetite mainly because he'd received a message from zakah the assassins that had come after queen talanji at the council feast and struck again and they were organized enough to have taken a name the widows bite so that wasn't good the shaman from the maelstrom yucca then entered and joined him are you gonna eat that did you come to steal my supper or do your job yucca old friend your missive reached nordrassil and i carry your reply the night warrior bids you come on one condition and spit it out she says you must bring what is owed through frowned the bloody hell was that supposed to mean what else did she say nothing she claimed you would know what that meant i see and how did she see the rage hasn't lessened if that's what you mean of course it hadn't if someone had come along and burned his home down thrall would probably be pissed off for a while as well very well i can linger here no longer waiting for messengers and quelling council squabbles thrall then abruptly yelled the word boy towards the door and a skinny orc page quickly appeared run to the hole quick as you can summon khali amanda phil and bane bloodhoof we depart for nordrassil before sundown run away the boy vanished and thrawn walked over to a chest to collect his belongings sure it's wise to take the undead woman in high chieftain with you will they not remind the render of the banshee queen in their own ways bane despises sylvanas the feeling is mutual it was true it was well known that sylvanas considered bane as soft liability a snowflake even before he tried to overthrow her through then stepped out of his little hut with yucca in tow it was too bloody hot in the city and the former war chief couldn't help but find himself wishing he was back in the grand chilling out in one of the many cool shaded pools near his farm and carlier kalia menethil wishes to bridge the divide between the forsaken and the undead calderai i see no harm in it look a cringed and thrall noticed you disagree it would be better if you came alone half the council is already convinced i'm going to get ambushed in nordrassil some concessions have to be made go back inside and finish my supper if it bothers you so much earthbinder to go without me would indeed be your downfall i've negotiated safe passage with the druids protecting the world tree i'm to escort you and your chosen companions well i feel safer already tiala assured me that passage of the world tree would remain safely open for us and to guide you there and then to tyrande's location after that you're on your own through then considered terrendus demand you must bring what is owed no doubt tyrande whisperwind and malfurion stormrage desired some gesture some remuneration for the war crimes committed at teldrassil even in negrand even cut off from his connection to the powers of a shaman thrall had felt the moment the world shifted it was quiet distant but he heard the collective cry tasted the smoke in the air but what did he owe he wasn't even there although innocence in one specific crime did feel like a bit of a weak shield so thrall gazed all around at the great city of orgrimmar and imagined it aflame imagined it reduced to smoldering rubble what would he need if such a thing were to happen what possible gift could soothe the wound so impossibly deep sometime later thrall bane kalia and yucca arrived in mount hyjal and observed the great world tree nordrassil oh it's beautiful the crown of the heavens what a gift to walk in the shade of a world tree the light here is so different the way it strikes the leaves and the flowers you ever seen blossoms of true or blue it is truly a blessing from the earth although kylie and bane were obviously having a whale of a time acting like a bunch of hippies drawl did not feel quite so at ease there is a paul over this place we should move quickly come you can then started to lead the way down the slope and as the rest followed thrall had a brief word with his companions take care with your words perhaps it is better now to listen chatter will not help heal all wounds do you sense the darkness that hangs over this place it's morning i didn't realize it first bit distracted by the beauty of the world tree but the darkness it's mourning we're trespassing on their grief thrall nodded and was pleased that they both understood the gravity of the situation looked like he'd chosen his companions wisely i would not have come at all but the spirit realm is fractured and our shamans cannot find a course some more time later the group reached the top of a hill and found four figures waiting for them two of which seemed very regal indeed one of them was pretty obviously malfurion considering he had antlers and [ __ ] the other regal figure being tyrande and the remaining two were maiev shadowsong and chandras feathermoon yucca then raised a hand signaling the group to stop their advance putting several feet between them and the night elves as promised thrall son of durotan being bloodhoof by chieftain of the tauren and carlia menethil princess of lordaeron and councillor of the horde forsaken they have come to discuss the disturbances noted by the earthen ring and the moonlight druids thank you for agreeing to this meeting yoko and the others feel a sinister interference in the spirit realm are dead are not passing on as they should and they are heedless of the shaman attempting to guide them and then there was awkward silence the night elves didn't even blink yucca tells me your priestesses have made similar discoveries we have come seeking answers will you speak with us more silence at his side thrall could sense carly is shuffling nervously but through collected himself before saying anything rash this was slightly insulting but it was important to remember what had happened through them looked into tyrande's eyes into the hypnotizing aura of darkness and saw pain constant and potent i brought what you wanted what is odd i bring in the sincere apology of the horde we are no longer a single voice spoken through the mouth of a warchief but a whole host of voices we formed a council so that never again will one take power and abuse it as sylvanas did as the sylvanas used that power to slaughter your people through could have sworn the moon above them glowed even brighter at the mention of the banshee queen's name as if saying her name out loud had ignited its anger carlia menethil has come she stands as an example of how we hope to change lillian boss now speaks for the forsaken both women seek to reforge themselves anew free of sylvanas's poisonous influence those who are sympathetic to the traitor have been exiled main bloodhoof even sought to overthrow sylvanas a remover's warchief it is only a shame that he did not do so sooner and the more did not listen and silence it was like talking to a wall a really angry wall but to his surprise chandra's feather moon then broke the silence you will understand our hesitation thrall even promises made by our own allies have been broken i would hear more of what you have to say but only because i crave justice as dearly as i crave healing for our people other care chandras listen to his honeyed words at your peril believe him at your peril join the horde to hunt sylvanas at your peril for once the deed is done you will again find their daggers at your back i believe justice is action maiev i've told you as much before whose action the hordes whose action what justice don't know about you but i would not be content with only sylvanas windrunner receiving her jew she was not alone when teldrassil burned not all of the horde stood with her that day and yet she spoke for your side acted for your side but now you've scattered yourselves to a council dispersing the blame hiding behind cowardly revisions of a history that will not be forgotten i doubt you would like to be held accountable for every mistaken crime committed by the alliance khali menethil then piped up his disagreements are distraction our divided sides only keep us from apprehending the one who gave the order my head swiveled waiting for tyrande and malfurion's reaction but yet again silence so chandras threw her two cents instead if we agree to to a temporary understanding then we do so not to exonerate the horde entirely i see no reason why this cannot be i see many reasons duranda then showed visible signs of frustration and thrall couldn't help but feel like the moon had just grown slightly bigger but malfurion leaned over and placed a hand on his wife's shoulder it was not your time this was folly let them go when you have washed the bodies of thousands when you fall into your knees and kiss the feet of a thousand mourning souls when you look into their eyes and tell them our horde has changed and they believe you only then will i accept your apology and treat you as my equal my brethren here may be willing to entertain your empty pledges of justice and aid but i know better i have learned better elune's fury grew colder and brighter in terranda's skin with each word and through was genuinely worried the moon was about to fall out of the sky and crushed them any minute how many orphans did your horde create that day those children will grow they will wake each morning tasting ash and one day they will come for you and they will make you taste that same ash and then you will know their justice yucca nudged thrall and started muttering this was a mistake i should not have brought you here we should go and so bane kalia and yucca started to exit but thrill remained for a moment causing tyrande to direct her final words to him and only him you will find that justice less sweet than the sorry excuse for punishment you faced and when this justice comes there will be no armistice to save you yucca grabbed thrall's arm and yanked but through disagreed with the shaman's assessment it was right that they'd come it was important thraller believed that what tyrande wanted was the horde's remorse but now he'd realized his error i will bring what is old then i will not bring words or promises i will bring you the head of sylvanas winrar to under then smile the faintest of smiles do it then or never seek to speak with me again as venom dripped from fangs as thick and white as riverbeast tusks onto talanji's shoulder she screamed helplessly she knew this was a nightmare it was the same nightmare she'd had quite a few times recently but knowing it wasn't real didn't make escaping it any easier the creature looked an awful lot like chadra they had her pinned down with its eight legs and there was nothing she could do about it and then it opened its mouth wide and inside the beast talanji could see the face of another person the father of the girl that had petitioned her not so long ago bazine news had reached the tsar allure of his demise to the widow's bite talanji's patrols had found his corpse at the edge of nazmir charred almost beyond recognition help me my queen help me i can't but despite not being able to do anything for bazine talanji decided she wasn't going to simply lie down and die without a fight so she scratched and clawed at the creature and then remembered there was something much more useful she could do to bring an end to all this bon sandy the image of shadra faded as did the nightmare around it and talanji woke up gasping for air and immediately leaping out of bed you called it was it was only a nightmare shadrach wanted me dead and the poor father they stole from the palace was insider it felt so real because your guilt is real take a look outside mcqueen your nightmare is not over something must be done and soon talanji hissed and walked off to the balcony's edge she knew the lower of graves spoke true but he didn't have to be a dick about it my soldiers patrol the jungle tirelessly yet somehow they slipped by they raid my city attacked my palace attacked me how did they grow so strong so quickly once amd floated beside her and looked out over the jungle talanji had not been idle she'd met with her council each day to discuss new approaches new tactics they had superior resources and the superior force but it was their own land that worked against them the widow's bite used the jungle to stay hidden their scattered numbers were an advantage against an army spread thin and there were many out there that remained suspicious of her rule what do we do how do i stop what i cannot see they have no fortress not even camps they attack you because of the pact your father made they think i control you and they fear what my queen the queen of death might become i am not your queen tell them that they'd be burning my shrines breaking the magic that protects them killing my priests where they stand if they burn many more i won't be much help to you a lower is nothing without believers and prayers it's harming you you're growing weaker and you me talanji had noticed wrinkles where wrinkles had not previously been her hands looked particularly withered or pruning like she'd been in the bath too long what's happening to me one sandy we share a bond little queen we share a fate if i have no followers then i'll be all but gone my strength weakens yours weakens with it then these shivers this pain in my chest will only get worse talanji unless you protect me you must protect me talanji could hear actual fear in one sandy's voice and she couldn't help but wonder how she was supposed to stand tall and courageous when even a god was afraid i i can't accept this accept it or not it is the truth if true then how do i fight these rebels can you not help me you have soldiers talanji and you could have many more i think you already know how to fight these rebels the horde of course the ambassadors of khan hadn't stopped pressing her to return to orgrimmar and accepted place on the new horde council but what would that achieve she needed soldiers not empty promises but talanji knew her stubbornness wouldn't put out fires either and her own zanchuli council weren't exactly offering up any real solutions i will never accept peace with the alliance but i will ask for the lord's help this is this is growing beyond us good good an attack against me is an attack against you if they destroy us both who's going to protect zandalar this is no small thing you want from me the horde is working with the witch that killed my father they are content to ignore the crimes of jaina proudmoore but i will never be so if you get what you want lower i will not go empty-handed empty-handed you get a kingdom in your life i'd say that's more than fair and i am rid of this bond between the spawn sandy rastakhan's deal i want it no longer if i'm to abandon my pride to the horde then you will abandon this pact it wasn't often that talanji gave an ultimatum like this and her heart was kind of racing a little bit especially at the sight of the grimace forming on one sandy's face but she wasn't gonna back down from him if there was ever a moment for her to be free from him this was it i don't think so little queen why can it not be undone now pact will it kill me to break it no talanji but you would regret it you have the lower of graves on your side the loyalty of a god did you really think there would be no drawbacks the room then grew frosty and fogged and a blast of energy then sent talanji toppling into a wall as one sandy gathered what little strength he had but talanji looked him dead in the eyes she didn't cower and she remained silent let him have his tantrum she had the high ground reckless child of a reckless king consider yourself lucky you'd be working with me and not another lower mu zhala would eat you alive i would tell him the same thing you will regret this i consider the deal struck gil protect my shrines when i'm strong again i'll pack to be no more you'll have your life back all your own but you may not like what it means to be all alone the following morning zukan was feeling pretty anxious as he stood in front of the zanchuli council they'd called an emergency meeting to address the growing threat of the widow's bite and sakam was feeling the pressure because these were all really important people and he was just a random bloke the solution was pretty simple though as far as he was concerned talanji needed help from the horde and the horde wanted to give it all zakah had to do was convince her that the safety and security of zandalar was much more important than her personal vendettas although that might be easier said than done or it might not be considering what happened in the last chapter the widow's bite would have us believe they are everywhere and nowhere but this is not true now we know what they want to weaken one sandy because they believe it will weaken me they will continue to target places with one sandy's power the shrines of course and more importantly the necropolis it must not fall but knowing where the rebels will strike means we can put a stop to this now we protect the schwarz we protect the necropolis and the widow's bike will be forced into open conflict zakharon started to clap but then realized he was the only one doing so andy realized he wasn't actually supposed to be supporting her plan but convincing her of his own so he cleared his throat and then took a step back further into the shadows because he was bloody terrified rokhan the chieftain of the darkspear tribe had arrived in tesara lord just before dawn the brutal storm off the coast had forced him to use one of gaslow's flying machines to make the journey but even that had been dangerous the contraption had literally exploded and crashed into the sea a few seconds after dropping him off i agree with your assessment queen talanji but we best send those patrols now sentiment in the city is not good these attacks make her look incompetent and weak due to angie's credit she didn't flinch at that even when ward druid lottie grunted her agreement the rebel threat ends today then let a force be assembled the necropolis is vast with many tunnels where little spiders might hide will take a great deal of resources to secure it it was time zakar wasn't technically scheduled to speak until after zalani but he knew this was his one opportunity to convince before they all got too enthusiastic and certain about this plan if if i may and then there was silence zukhan could have sworn he could hear a parrot flap its wings six miles away ah zakah come forward boy what do you have to say do we really have time for this i can be brief don't send your soldiers to the necropolis i mean the queen is right when somebody must be protected and all the people of zandalar but you can't do it alone this is a zandalari problem i'm not unreasonable i can bend the ward may send their soldiers if and when they agree to lend me those same troops against the proud wars they'll never agree to that and what then you people think you're weak now what would they think when you can't protect your own shrines and temples against the banter rebels the atmosphere shifted in the room suddenly the council seemed very interested in what secant had to say you get one chance to write the ending of this story so far your people have only witnessed defeat can you stand to show them one more why take that chance the horde is willing to stand with you with their strength we can write a victorious ending right now talanji looked like she was about to punch the khan right in the face but she kept her temper this is propaganda the boy has a point the only propaganda i'd be seeing is what the widow's bite spreads against us by queen that tide is turning and without a decisive victory those rebels could raise the whole city against you if the queen's role is truly threatened then inviting the horde force back here could be a mistake i mean no insult to you rekhan but one of your generals see an opportunity to invade lush speaks wisdom there are already rumors of such in the city if the horde is to come then we must have certain promises in return justice for our city revenge for the alliance siege these rumors i have my doubts about these rebels they'd be too fast too smart maybe a lower be helping or maybe something else like what i don't know yet boy but i intend to find out you won't have much support either way until we know more queen talanji the ambassador he'd be right we only get one chance rakan then walked out with the council chamber and talanji followed him and then the rest of the council members guess the meeting was over then zakaran stared speechless as arguments erupted and everything fell into uproar he tried to get a word in edgeways but there was no use and then they were all gone and the khan stood on his lonesome scratching his head trying to figure out what the bloody hell just happened thanks for listening ah they heard you boy you did well no i didn't delaney doesn't trust me she won't trust the horde and we're running out of time yeah you're new at this don't be so hard on yourself boy some of the council will be listening to you and that's no small feat they see something powerful in it and see what i see takaran kind of poked up a little bit at that aloha a god thought he was doing a good job and then he was powerful that was nice what do they see besides a failure someone they want on their side okay then maybe you're right if the council can listen to me then so can the queen i won't give up there you go zakarian could hear a hint of sadness in 170's voice but that only strengthened his resolve below it needed protecting and the khan would see it done meanwhile in the seas somewhere mathias shaw was currently hanging about reading a book below deck with his bezzy flynn fair wind sat across the table from him the sound of a flute was in the air as well as a party atmosphere the rest of the crew up above were having a whale of a time you can join them you know despite the not so subtle hint flynn remained where he was crew has less fun when captain chaperones they need time to relax and just be themselves don't you need that also everyone does except you do you ever stop working not really or maybe you should try it fine matthias closed his book and stretched his arms over his head i stopped working what now i don't know what do you want to talk about this was your idea over the course of the journey to zandalar mathias had attempted to keep himself to himself in the captain's quarters but flynn had often joined him ever inebriated but first the constant company had kind of annoyed the spymaster but gradually as he was prone to do he wrote a profile of the strange and fascinating flynn fairwind there was something about this man that was bloody intriguing my mother was a thief you know i did not know she was she was always insisted she was a barmaid but one night i hid under the bed and waited for it she must have thought i was out back playing but no i was watching she went to a loose brick by the hearth and pried it up and stuffed a few necklaces and brooches in there did she catch you no i waited till she went back out looking for me and popped up pulled out the window scrambled round a bush to make it seem like i'd been out there all along for a while i was i don't know angry or sad i wanted her to trust me but then i realized any mother willing to do that for a son risk her life and her liberty must be full of love flynn grabbed his bottle and started to chug so where is she now your mother she's dead hanged for being a thief i think that was the day i've stopped being a stupid little boy i made myself go and watch i remember the sound most of all everyone but me seemed to know it was coming there was a breath in everyone all together and then and then a crunch i thought i'd hear a scream or cry out for me but no that was it no little boy should know that sound you've heard it before i gather yeah many times and does it always make you feel sick always mathias knew they both possibly just killed the conversation but he didn't want it to end my grandmother was a thief too pardon suddenly there was a frantic pounding at the door before it burst open captain you need to see this new plan we land and we land fast if we can land it all another unnatural storm had risen the rain poured whilst the wind tore at the boulders sail viciously mellie if you're still aboard and alive get us to shore flynn then crashed across the main deck using anything he could to stay upright hoping to find the tide sage who was their only hope of surviving the storm it was pointless yelling out to her the wind was catching any voice and carrying it away a seagull came out of nowhere and whipped him right in the face before rocketing out to sea but eventually finally a door so the captain threw himself through it sure the spymaster emerged shouting something but the sound was lost they were basically standing nose to nose but it was bloody impossible to make out a single word what i can't what are you saying the wind then changed direction leaving a brief swirling vortex of quiet land flynn then felt his ship lurch and make a sound no captain ever wishes to hear an ear-ending crunch land yeah we noticed as the captain crawled slowly to his feet a little bit wobbly the storm moved off as quickly as it come on and melee stumbled down towards them dazed and wide-eyed melly you're fired wait now we still need a way off this damn island all right be back on the crew for now that storm was chasing us specifically i'm no expert sure but i think it's safe to assume we're not dealing with ordinary weather phenomena if we don't find a way to stop whatever magic is causing this we'll be stuck here forever that won't happen let's get to shore find a secluded spot to make camp what about the footholds you lot put down here fought victory or whatever abandoned once the armistice was signed we ceded control of those incumbents any sign of us here will be taken as an act of aggression oh brilliant then i'm glad we shipwrecked with such cat-like subtlety marshlands to the north river to the west as mathias looked at his map flynn simply observed his surroundings there's a village to the south that must be zabbahari [ __ ] we should be much deeper into nazmir i wanted to avoid veering this close to the troll city but pardon me i thought we had until the white lady was full to get there silly me don't get defensive once the crew are back on their feet we can follow the shore north and stay close to land to avoid the storms a short sharp whistle came from behind them and flynn glanced back to see one of the sailors hanging over a railing looking glass in hand pointing frantically towards the dense jungle sure looked lively flynn then drew his sword but sure calmly stuck his arm out preventing the captain from charging into the jungle they've spotted us what are you waiting for spilling blood will only cause more attention they aren't dressed in royal colours and they're moving off probably just foragers the spymaster they mumbled the words white and black to himself you what mate did you get a look at that garb white and black with some sort of design on it looked like a lot of arms and legs like a spider yeah exactly like a spider let's have a look at this camp of this maybe they left something behind upon entering the camp shaw immediately noticed that they had indeed left some things behind this is worrisome why it's just arrows completely normal arrows this fletching i've seen modified fletching like this before we're on the right track sure then fished out some pieces of parchment that have been covered by the sand it's pretty fortunate that these trolls have just left clues lying around on the ground take these put them in your pouch what why me yours is drier just do it fairway i need to look around more get those back to ship and be careful all right but only because you asked so sweetly flynn then left shaw playing in the sand and made his way back over to the ship our cheerful master of ceremonies wants us back in the water quick as he please a general groan came from the crew now now we won't weigh anchor far from here and then you can eat as much cod and chug as much grog as you like we've survived the worst bits lads and ladies so pull up your bloomers and let's hop to it melly can you i don't know todd's sages out of here i sir todd's going out and the waves are nice and gentle excellent see good news fortune doesn't favor the bold it favours the patient now finally flynn could try and grab some much-needed shut-eye considering he hadn't slept for several days captain in the trees oh balls naylor immediately tried to yell a warning towards matthias but it was too late the man appeared to be facing impossible odds nobody could stand alone against that many enemies and the trolls charging him were not the white and black glad ones they'd seen before these ones were shrouded in intricate golden armor royal guards bollocks they'd been made flynn watched heart pounding as sure lifted his daggers and then carefully placed them down in the sand surrendering this wasn't right that was their man down there and flynn didn't care how many trolls he had to fire on to save him so he lifted his hand ready to give the order but sure then abruptly turned towards the ship and mouthed something towards them run do we fire sir no get us out of here melly but sure knows what he's doing we have to trust him on that we have to trust our own zandalaria then struck the deck with more falling immediately after so melly closed her eyes thrust her hands out and use their tidesage magic and the boldar went bloody wash or something the fairwind felt awful the only man he'd ever told about his mother who glistened and knew exactly when to give that little wince of solidarity a man that flynn had grown to trust completely and they were leaving him behind meanwhile in tirigarde sound jaina had hosted some pretty [ __ ] dinner parties in her day but this one was swiftly becoming the worst the servants had brought out course after course blood sausage roasted peppers on toast wild boar pie probably some pellet cleansing sorbets maybe a bit of pheasant cooked insider a ferrero rocher champagne and caviar lobster beesk should i just do this for five minutes list posh things that'll make the video longer although lord commander turalyon was wolfing it all down like he hadn't eaten in weeks alleria wasn't touching her food at all i hear hackney has whipped up a scrumptious ravenberry tart for dessert jenny couldn't help but admire her mother's tenacity she had the most uncanny ability to weather even the most awkward supper like an absolute champ that's very thoughtful but i fear it would be impossible for me to partake i couldn't possibly eat another bite janey caught herself glaring at alleria windrunner bloody liar she hadn't eaten anything the grand admiral had once held nothing but pure admiration for this elven ranger but now infested with the void jaina held her actions and her words to a much higher level of scrutiny was it even alleria who had just spoken or some twisted monstrosity from the void one that's first step towards world domination was to not eat the food at a dinner party or something oh i think more wine would suit us all wouldn't it yes much more wine suddenly the double doors leading into the dining room flew open and a guard barged in panting accompanied by none other than flynn fairwind who was also panting oh [Music] by winding my seat speak cormory what's the matter with you they took him they took who we sailed as fast as we could back through the storm mellie down near killed herself she said this was the best port to take us what is going on calm down catch your breath and tell us exactly what happened who is gone it's sure as under lorry trolls caught us flynn then pulled at a satchel on his belt unhooked it and spilled the contents across the dinner table and turalyon picked up one of the items immediately this arrow i've seen these before these are the arrows we found in shaw's spies it's okay flynn mathias shaw is a high-ranking member of the alliance forces queen talanji will not execute him without cause o'leary then picked up some interesting looking bits of parchment from the table i somewhat doubt the trolls would communicate with one another in thalassian this is valuable evidence proof that the dark ranges are indeed infiltrating zandalar there's troop movements patrol routes nothing that might tell us what they want on the island but still proof enough that the dark ranges are there we should have acted sooner sylvanas could be in zoldazar right now conspiring with the trolls jaina sensed that this conversation was escalating quickly yes she wanted to find sylvanas yes these clues should be taken into consideration but she could hear the far-off drums of war echoing in turalyon's voice and it would be quite nice if just once there wasn't a bloody war anduin had already sent valeera sanguinar to bane bloodhoof to ask whether sylvanas may have been spotted in zandalari lands and the response had been swift and certain nope perhaps it had been naive of anduin to believe that but jaina knew bane well too there was no reason for him to lie he wanted sylvanas captured and tried as much as they did i will take these missives to the king he must be informed at once and a new strategy approved if the horde is harboring sylvanas on zandalar then we must be quick and quiet a cunning blade never seen and only later felt no even fair wind fell silent at jaina's abrupt no the whole room stilled as illyria gazed into jaina's eyes with what can only be described as disdain you disagree the time is of the essence the time for action is now jaina alleria then began to glow that purply voidy glow and catherine brown more audibly gasped causing jaina to very nearly lose her temper she wanted nothing more than to teleport alleria to the very top of mount neverest but she did not i disagree with your conclusion think illyria shaw and fairwind were already seen by the zandalari so we can assume they were also identified zandalar will be expecting more alliance soldiers on their doorstep do not reward their paranoia do not add fuel to an already kindling fire i beg of you do not risk the treaty we worked so hard to achieve then what do you suggest as you said it turalyon did place a hand over his wife's and give it a tight squeeze just in case anyone thinks he's been a bit of a [ __ ] husband at the moment that we put our trust in the very same treaty all i beg of you is time time to let me try this one last thing if this fails then perhaps you're right illyria perhaps then we must become the blade the moment thrall stepped foot back in orgrimmar g firepore excitedly ran up to him and handed him a message the pandaren looked genuinely pleased that he actually got to do something in his story rather than just stand in the background i was only gone for two days clearly i missed something forgive me for ambushing you this early after your return thrall but i believe the urgency demanded your attention they both then stepped on the elevator that would take them down to ground level and only a hop skip and a jump away from bromash hold well what do you make of it i can't say it's surprising the message was an invitation to meet with the king of stormwind but written in jaina's distinctive handwriting seemed like a pretty brazen attempt to manipulate him but thrall didn't hold that against them or her if he needed a favor from the alliance he would probably have done exactly the same thing got bane to put a hoof print on a piece of paper or something jaina had started the message appropriately polite greetings to the council as a whole but one section in particular was just for thrall and was a little bit emotional blackmail if you ever valued our friendship please meet with king anduin and myself i share with you now alliance intelligence in the hope that you will see it not only as a gesture of good will but as a call to action i had hoped to resolve the unrest in zandalar before the alliance could learn of it but this this can't be ignored can i come you this letter was addressed to us all besides when lightning strikes the wrong tree the whole forest burns zandalar is the tree these dark rumors are the lightning perhaps amongst wisdom might stem the blaze these negotiations will require a delicate touch g and your wisdom generally involves acting as swiftly as possible but then i suppose going at all would be action you know agreeing to this might be unpopular with the rest of the council yeah but popular or not the horde's previous rogue warchief almost cost my people the soul of their homeland so you will of course forgive my insistence the veil of eternal blossoms is nearly healed but the pandarum will forever wear the scars of hellscream's cruelty thrall glams down at the pandaren monk and found a familiar tenacity in his eyes it was the very same pain and determination he'd observed in the eyes of tyrande whisperwind woes upon woes trouble heaped upon trouble you want me the reports from our ambassador in zandalar are bleak gee the queen is being overrun by rebels now the alliance wishes to confer with us i can't help but think all these things are connected the two then arrived outside grommash hold and heard the raised voices drifting out from within we should go in well yeah otherwise we just walked here for no reason at last there you are where are bane and carly what do you make of this request from the alliance and kalia will be here soon to describe our meeting with the night elves throw them tug tugged the alliance message from his belt and mentally prepared himself for the inevitable argument that was about to ensue but g fire poor then piped up as for the message we will go the word from zandalar is dire we know this and now the alliance knows it it's our duty to act if we ignore their summons then why do we sign a treaty in the first place thank god for that through was pretty grateful to g for taking the arrow the last thing thrall wanted was to appear more like a warchief and less like a single equal member of the council but that didn't stop solider from immediately making him feel like a war chief rather than a single equal member of the council thrall what are your thoughts g is right i had hoped to put out the fires in zandalar before the alliance noticed but it appears the conflict has grown too obvious to hide but dark ranges sounds far-fetched is it not sounds to me like they got their man arrested for trespassing and now they want our help freeing him they're abusing our civility through hadn't actually considered that i have no intention of freeing their spy i go to protect zandalar if the alliance decides dark rangers are working with queen talanji then they will start another war but how could they think that we've not been kind to sylvanas loyalists we know that but the alliance doesn't what must our turmoil look like to them so i will go and i will listen listen sounds boring how about you tell him to stay off our lands last time i checked a treaty isn't just a bunch of gentle suggestions better yet tell them they can have their spy back if they give us something first they will give us something knowledge whatever we learn we can use to protect zandalar in truth i do want to know more of these dark ranges if by chance sylvanas truly is in zandalar then we could have her in our snare tomorrow do it any chance we get to capture the banshee queen cannot be wasted while many of us left zandalar it is still our home if it is stick with treachery i would see it healed seemed like only gazlowe remained unsure and although his single nay couldn't overrule a decision thrall still felt it important to reach a consensus so he just kind of stared at the goblin ah fine what the hell just captured sylvanas so we can all shut up about her already so silicera opened a portal she wasn't wasting any time but it seemed like the alliance were wasting some time thrall didn't like being kept waiting and gee liked it even less it felt like they'd been stood on this bobbing wreck floating in the waters between the eastern kingdoms and zandalar for bloody ages quite the storm yet it isn't moving hmm storms move that looks more like a wall to me perhaps we should be glad this old hulk wouldn't survive a sun shower let alone whatever that is just add it to the list the list of curiosities and coincidences that must be explained links that make up a chain we cannot yet see the end of a mage's portal then pulled at the air around them before splitting open with a crack gee immediately entered his fighting stance but thrall remained calm just as jaina had promised only two had come no ambush shame it's a damn good place for one i'm full of surprises today thrall but not that kind thank you for coming after all examine the king of stormwind he noted a few things firstly anduin did not seem quite so at ease on the ship as jaina did his initial steps out of the portal were a bit wobbly secondly he had that tired sleepless look to him the ravages of leadership thrall knew that all too well g fire poor lord admiral your majesty disappointing that we meet under such unhappy circumstances unhappy isn't the half of it there is something you should know if there were to be no great secrets between us then i should tell you that i met with durander and malfurion oh it uh didn't go so well i tried to put forward an apology from the horde but they didn't accept it they're only interested in revenge against windrunner that is also foremost on our minds let's go to the chase shall we jaina then reached into a leather satchel and pulled out an arrow that looked to be of zandalari make in colour as well as several scraps of parchment we intercepted members of the hoard aiding a dark ranger called vizrin he took passage from fourier's cove to zandalar warning of the storms you now see on the horizon which speaks to organization a plan my spymaster and lord commander turalyon are also confident the arrow you hold was fletched by dark rangers it appears quite different from the fletching you see on the average zandalari arrow we have many left over from the war for comparison sassy [ __ ] thrall had been perusing the notes but shifted his gaze to the king at that last bit the messages say i can read them but reading them filled thrall's heart with dread this was bad bad for the horde but was for talanji there was no mistaking the script the language the content dark rangers had definitely written these notes are you betraying us the words lingered in the air for an agonizing moment before the king went ahead and doubled down with sylvanas windrun are seeking refuge on zandalar i've come france's thrall and i will have them g fire poor straightened and looked a little bit outraged there's no love left for sylvanas windrunner among our horde only hatred no conspiracy exists to shelter her vain bloodhoof would not abide such a gutless plot and neither would i rebels have been assaulting the palace into zara law attempting to assassinate the queen and are now burning down lower shrines all over zoldazar and nazmir a council does nothing and the queen refuses to set aside old fenders to ask for our help the briefest flicker of relief passed across anduin's face why why what why won't she ask for your help she agreed to join the horde ages ago you know why oh i see anduin then turned to jaina and started acting like thrall and g weren't right in front of them anymore are we to believe them yes yeah i think we are what he says is true bane would rather die than be a part of some plan to hide and help sylvanas we must find these dark ranges and make sense of their being on zandalar whatever the reason it can't be good it appears the lightning is already struck through shut his eyes tight the pandaren's metaphor was pretty accurate but all was not lost yet they still had zakhan embedded with the queen and they now knew better what they were facing but what did talanji possess that the dark rangers or sylvanas might want thrall then stuffed the evidence into his own pack without asking anduin raised an eyebrow but said nothing the alliance had no doubt already made copies anyway i will go to desirable myself we've tried the careful approach now it's time for the hammered fist there is also the matter of our spymaster although he did trespass on zandalari's shores he was not there without cause his mission brought us these clues we are of course willing to use all accepted diplomatic channels to recover him we only ask that he is not harmed until order is restored to the throne of zandalar the alliance recognizes this was badly done we should have brought our suspicions to you directly and not sought to position our spies in your territory that is well spoken your majesty and the horde council can assure you that we do not execute prisoners without a trial i knew him then narrowed his eyes we would like to have him returned soon give me two days i will see about your spy and i will take these matters to the queen herself just as you said king anduin there will be answers um if we survived to see the next two days gee had turned back towards zandalar and noticed that the storm shrouding it had now decided it would move angry clouds raced towards them and through couldn't quite believe the size of the waves gathering but storm nearly killed fairwin three times a portal jaina quickly two days do not invade before then you'll have your two days thrall but we cannot afford to lose the banshee queen's trail jaina had already begun channeling her magic to whisk herself and the king away to safety but luckily she turned back to see thrall and g looking at her like are you seriously just gonna piss off and leave us here where the shore the zara law so she opened another portal for them and thrall grabbed g and immediately jumped through it apari was currently sat on the cliffs of zebba hari thinking about and remembering all sorts of stuff mainly the fact that she hated kids she never wanted children so she wasn't that bothered about the fact that she couldn't have children not since the accident not since a pillar felon crushed the lower half of her body pulverizing the bones in her leg because that's where babies come from legs aparri then recalled a conversation she'd had with her childhood friend many years ago she and talanji were only eight years old watching as new mothers brought their babies to the gardens of the great seal to bless them in the pools that were said to be formed from rosanne's own tears all they do is cry and [ __ ] themselves but father says it's a queen's duty to continue the line when you are queen you can make your own rules and you will be there with me nobody will tell us what to do and abari had believed her she'd always believed talanji she believed that when rastakhan's own advisors turned on him she believed her when she'd said the horde could be trusted even believed her over her own mother yazma lower are meant to be used to parry manipulated they care not for our lives just as rastakhan cares nothing for his subjects but chadra has never hurt us can't we trust her you've been her priestess all these years we trust poison my daughter we trust information and cunning shadra may possess these things but she is a lower when given the opportunity shadra will always choose what serves her best and i will do the same put your faith in your own hands aparri the god is nothing without believers and we do not have to submit to them just as we will not submit to a crown that enslaves us to allow his whims the very next day after that conversation yazma had helped set in motion a coup that nearly toppled the king's rule and then fallen in battle if only apari had listened to her mother if only she'd seen talanji and her father for who they truly were if only she'd gone with her mother that day things might have turned out differently and that regret festered as viciously as the wounds in her leg apari's lieutenant tayo then approached looking a bit sheepish they they disappeared how the they the teo was referring to were an orc a panda some human bloke and a woman that most zandalari people would recognize immediately jaina proudmoore the lady that killed king rastakhan taya had spotted them completely by chance hanging about on an abandoned ship safely beyond the school that raged off the zandalari coast napari had then commanded said school in an attempt to engulf them and bloody murder the jerks now you'd think that apari would actually kind of appreciate jaina promo after all she'd succeeded where yazma had failed but there was another interesting connection between them the maid aparri absolutely bloody hate the [ __ ] it was during an attack from kul tiran ships on zoldazar many years ago that had caused the pillar to collapse on her leg and cause all of these bloody problems for her so basically aparri wanted jane a dead just as much as talanji did aparri more shrines remain we told the pale rider they'd all be burned by sundown you'll have another chance to kill the proudmoore woman one day no teo i won't i don't have much longer to live only enough time to see the traitor queen brought low that vulpira still be willing to take the leg and save you aparri glared at tayo but stopped herself from full full-on lashing out and slapping her in the face no and we won't speak of it again one more word and i'll toss you off this cliff a slight flicker of anger or resentment crossed the troll's face pateo said nothing simply bowed her head and walked off back towards the rest of the widow's bike followers aparri did have every intention of finishing the task the pale rider had set them though she wrapped her hand around the badge hanging from her neck the old tarnished trinket that nathano's blightcaller had offered as his sacrifice it thrummed with a strange cold power and then she turned to face her followers widow's bite hear me now the evening comes our swiftest runners to the city our fiercest warriors with me to the northern shrine no rest and no hesitation samdu's pain will be ours tonight take it and let it sustain you it'll be a long climb i should get started the great city of the zandalar trolls rose like a golden promise before thrall and g fireball just gonna be a right ball leg climbing all those stairs she could have dropped us closer any competent queen would have spies littered all over her city she will know of our coming before we even reach the terrace of the speakers then she will be warned through didn't exactly feel confident that the upcoming conversation was going to make any difference whatsoever if this story has taught us anything it's that talanji is proud too proud but they went ahead and began the long long journey up the steps towards the palace anyway might as well when we reach the bazaar we can hire a beast to make our journey shorter if we reach the bazaar we're being followed trolls six of them through took his time certainly picking out the trolls g had described in the crowd and considered their odds their pursuers looked thin underfed but there was an intensity in their eyes sometimes the starved and the desperate are the most difficult opponents as the two proceeded further up the steps the crowds grew thinner until eventually they reached an immense gilded pterodactyx perched atop an archway thingamabob only a few stragglers were hanging about in her shadow but thrall figured that as long as they remained out in the open they would be okay and he was wrong suddenly a lanky troll darted towards him thrall anticipated the blow grabbed the attacker's spear and used his own momentum against him and g did a bunch of kung fu or something death to the traitor queen and her horde allies a few more attackers appeared but thrall and g made quick work of him but despite being over pretty quickly the fight had drawn a bit of an audience step aside step aside i said dark spear chieftain rokhan pushed his way through the crowd for all didn't expect to see you here and certainly not starting a fight ambushers rebels we've come to speak with the queen take the pterodacts i'll deal with this rabble so draw nodded grabbed g and hoisted them both onto the beast's back and off they went soaring towards the great seal who has come why was i not warned of visitors to my throne green talanji had been somewhat ready for them word had carried of the ambush and bloodshed in the grand bazaar obviously arriving quicker than even thrall and g could she hid it well but her body growing weaker by the moment just as one sandy was did you know of this well no majesty no i would have told you i apologize for the intrusion you will explain the intrusion now a new threat rises queen talanji we've come to offer our guidance and our aid the rebels yeah just like i said your majesty the more would be willing to help i am the queen and i speak for the golden throne so the khan shut the [ __ ] up this is not my first brush with insurrection the rastari honor guards protecting the chamber inched closer to thrall as if sensing talanji's growing irritation like the traitors yazma and zul this rebellion will be crushed an order returned to zoldazar this is zandalari business and it will be handled the zandalari way g then plucks a stray poisoned dart that had managed to get stuck in thrall's fury shoulder thing indeed it looks very handled how dare you we don't have time for this we work together all these rebels win the day and topple your rule your majesty listen and listen well our shamans sense terrible unrest in the spirit ground these rebels attacking you grow stronger bolted by the dark ranges of sylvanas windrunner and then there was silence delangey's heart clenched in her chest dark ranges here that's not possible i i would know of this no you wouldn't sylvanas works in the shadows her forces are minimal i'll use whatever resources they can whatever reinforcements they can even though it was a frightening revelation it did explain some things the widow's bite seemed to be everywhere in nowhere and they'd somehow managed to get hold of new weapons new tactics a blight that landed on these shores and begun to infect the most persuadable sylvanas windrunner was a name synonymous with chaos and death and what was it the widow's bite were attacking shrines belonging to the lower of graves oh there is proof of this i assume your reaction is proof enough there is more my sources tell me that you have taken an alliance spy into custody he was investigating these exact suspicions talanji really wanted to grab the throne for support but instead forced herself to remain standing they had indeed discovered an alliance dog sniffing about and her jailers had reported that he'd insisted on meeting with her but she hadn't bothered these grave tidings indeed these signs i should have seen them this is how sylvanas works they would have infiltrated carefully they would have used all possible means to stay hidden we're not blaming you for their presence queen talanji only demanding that you take it seriously i will i do we can delay no longer dispatch our forces to the remaining shrines the people of zandalar cannot accuse us of turning on our own not when the rebels have chosen such vile traitors for friends right away my queen i can go too lead some soldiers i mean i serve the horde my queen but i serve you too you should wait for our forces to support your own dark ranges are formidable my soldiers are formidable too summon your horde forces through bring them to our aid but zandalar can wait no longer zandalar acts now mathias sure looked around at the walls of his cell he had to hand it to the zandalari even the dungeons in the city of gold lived up to the name but a golden prison was still a prison it was still bloody boring no matter how shiny and valuable the walls were all shaw had been able to do during his captivity was lie back on the rock-hard bench they'd given him for a bed and stare up at the cracks in the ceiling and count them over and over again at least fairwind and his crew had managed to escape so that was cool it was still the matter of whether or not they'd managed to make it back through the deadly impassable storm with a notoriously unreliable pirate at the helm but it was not the worst odds shaw had ever seen now it was just a matter of getting out of here zandalari had treated him well enough giving him a bench for rest slot for food a bucket for toilet they'd very wisely put him in a cell at the very end of the prison meaning there were 24 cells in total between him and an exit plus two centuries were always posted outside his tiny golden room however the current guards watching him looked a little bit wet behind the ears inexperienced which was a bit weird you'd think a spymaster would warrant the best of the best of the best was your first stint guarding the prison the younger of the two trolls shifted from foot to foot and glanced to his mate don't look at him look at me the troll then muttered something but matthias didn't quite catch it you two not even a little bit curious about me i don't bite you know we're not to talk to you says who oversee him everyone just just shut up sure was pretty accustomed to this sort of thing and he knew that any further probing for the time being would do more harm than good so we left it at that but a few days later those same green guards returned for another shift a bit boring down here in it i was gonna take a vacation soon guess this is it now not really what i had in mind still silence from the guards thought i might disappear into the highlands got a cabin out there small what you might call cozy yeah just get up when i wake up go to bed when i feel like it work on my bird calls it's nice whole thing sounds a bit lonely though doesn't it the younger of the two trolls nodded forgetting himself yep i'm good at that being alone comes natural to me i was never that personable i like watching people observing but i don't like being part of it you know well i suppose i should find a friend sure then stopped realizing he'd accidentally stumbled into a truth without meaning to and it was at that moment that he decided if or when he got out of here one of the first things he was going to do was have a very private and personal conversation with a recently made acquaintance and tell him how he really felt he could just imagine it conditions would be perfect they'd be on a mountain or something and he'd start by being all like i never got to finish telling you about my grandmother and flynn would say something flippant like i thought you just wanted to watch the sunset and shaw would sigh and snap off a piece of grass and play with it not nervously though in a sexy way but only ashore pathonia what a name full apologies to your granny she's long dead and it would take more than a cheap insult to bring on her fury she was made of iron caught three times for stealing and given the choice by the guard of stormwind work for them or hang safe to assume she chose stormwind yep she chose stormwind she chose to assassinate whomever they told her to and make it look like an accident she taught my mother the same trade and when my mother died sonia taught me you see she didn't just choose stormwind for herself she chose stormwind for me too bitterness broke the scene for sure and he opened his eyes to see no sunset no green grass no flynn beside him how different would shaw's life have been had he been given the choice to choose for himself did flynn fairwind feel the same doomed to a life of piracy and theft because his mother had put him on that path shaw then leaned against the cold gold wall and thought some more about freedom about how much he'd felt it aboard the bold oven and alongside the man that was there with him a man that smelled like whiskey and salt and soap the very next day the smaller of the two troll guards slipped something under the cell door a long wide piece of grass confused with eyes picked it up and studied it it wasn't much of a digging instrument or a shiv but then he remembered all that junkie spilled to the guards the previous day and smiled it was for his vacation for the bird calls so that was nice looked like shaw had indeed made a friend but screw that guy he ain't no flynn fairwind meanwhile in nazmir zakah a lieutenant called the juho and a whole bunch of soldiers were crouching all stealthy like observing the rebels that had unfortunately already reached bon sandy's next shrine too many with those torches they can control the tar pits we can't get near them we have to try queen needs a stuhoo zandalar needs us this is just for one sandy no juho it's more than that these rebels are stealing trolls from their beds sacrificing them for dark magics do you not want to stop that zagan's words seem to somewhat embolden juho to the west then fewer rebels that way and so zakah juho and the soldiers began their approach but as they drew nearer to their destination zakah noticed a large group of rebels clustered on the other side of the tar lakes with dark rangers among them and nathano's blightcaller himself before zappyboy could even register what he was seeing the thanos the dark rangers and the rebels knocked lit fire arrows ready to set the tower and one sandy's shrine to flame and if that wasn't bad enough something then squirmed on top of the shrine something alive ancestors have mercy children zandalari now the order was given and the soldiers rushed forward with spears raised the soldiers did manage to cut through some rebels with relative ease but the dark rangers proved much more formidable just as thrall and warned it didn't take long at all before it looked very much like talanji's troops were going to have to cheese it but zakam wasn't going to just leave those poor defenseless kids to die a small gust of wind might push them to safety or accidentally pushed them into the tower but whatevs so the young shaman closed his eyes and started to channel his energy into a vortex however an arrow then landed right next to his feet which kind of disrupted the spell it was nathano's blight caller that had fired it and although he was pretty far away and zakah couldn't quite see his facial expression he could absolutely guarantee that it was a smug grin it was always a smug grin the prick more dark ranges then suddenly emerged from the shadows next to zakah which spooked him a little bit so much so that he ended up falling into the tar the dark rangers then hosted their daggers and drew bows instead forcing zakah to push himself further into the tower and away from them didn't really have a choice but as you can imagine movement became harder and slower with every push and the tar itself was desperately trying to drag the khan down not to mention the fact that tar is also extremely flammable turn back leave the children they're lost bunch of jerks the dark rangers continued to fire and the thanos blight caller turned and walked off at the languid pace of a completely unbothered man but zakah wasn't going to give up he wasn't going to leave a bunch of stranded frightened children to be shot down by heartless [ __ ] or burned alive so he continued to push his way through the tower towards the shrine and the kids despite the fact that it actually quite hurt to move as soon as he was close enough zakan began to summon his power again hoping the gust would be strong enough to hoist the children over to him and it was the children screamed like maniacs but they were now safely atop his shoulders stop squirming i'll get you to safety but it wasn't over yet the rebels were finally putting their torches to use and fire was now raging towards the khan and the children the young shaman attempted to summon his wind spell for a third time but nothing ancestors what do i do much to zakah's surprise a voice actually responded to his semi-desperate call but it definitely wasn't one of his ancestors you know what to do so thank the bloody hell but scan then realized he did indeed know what to do now that he'd received validation from a dead person so he went ahead and concentrated really hard put all of his remaining might into another attempt at some magic wind and sent the children flying off to safety talanji's soldiers rushed in to grab the little ones and two of them stayed behind grabbing a large dinosaur bone conveniently lying around on the ground and thrusting it out across the tower towards the khan towards a lifeline but moving in the tower was almost impossible at this point but like hell and just as he can't reach the tip of the bone he saw talanji's soldier's mouth drop in horror felt the vicious kiss of the flames and smelled his own hair burning the pain was excruciating he spasmed and saw his own skin blister as the trolls desperately tried to pull him to safety and then the world fell away and takan found himself plunging down he'd expected death to be different slower perhaps more peaceful but it had come on as quickly as one of his conjured whirlwinds as he looked around he saw other pale souls and chains snaking up from the pit below and those same chains then clamped over his shoulders and wrists and dragged him down further the void below him growled shaking and rumbling like a ravenous belly whatever was down there zukan definitely did not want to find out felt like something was watching him an evil too terrible to name this was nothing like the sun drenched reunion he'd witnessed through sarfang's eyes this was almost the exact opposite of that voice rippled on the fringes of zakah's consciousness and then more voices joined familiar voices [Music] zakah then felt something reach around his ankle and pull hard dragging him down further towards the nameless evil but another force then started yanking him upwards not yet my boy neither forces wanted to let go and for a moment zakah felt like he was going to get ripped in half however he then started rocketing upward at dizzying speed before he could say bob's my uncle he was inhaling breath on azeroth once more ow he's alive you did it zukan could see one samdi hovering behind talanji and although it seemed like the lower of graves had just saved him from eternal torment he still wasn't very happy with the guy that was terrible you lied one sandy what did you see tell me i saw a pit a place i would never escape torment suffering what else spirits chains darkness everything felt so cruel a place where only evil belongs it's the place for the unredeemable but what did i do to deserve that abyss the lord then glanced down and heaved a weary sigh you saw them all boy a hopeless place that holds the darkest spirits but now it'd be consuming every soul no matter their deeds in life good or evil thief or prince they all go to the mall nothing is as it should be maybe keeping as many trolls away from there as i can and at no small cost either it's taken all i have just to keep them safe which is why you must stop these rebels and blightcall if they have their way nothing will stop all souls from entering mall for good and then there was silence neither khan or the queen knew how to process that bombshell how long how long has this been happening i saved your father from this fate if that's what you're asking the spirit realm it's all the shaman told him it was broken yeah you said as much in the throne room in the lower of graves once sandy you must know what's going wrong sylvanas in the forsaken are here for you tell me why they'd be working with forces i cannot see but whoever be given the orders wants me gone and once all obstacles gone i'll tell you more talanji but not here not like this the boy needs rest he's earned that much back in stormwind who the bloody house this guy well anduin was sneaking around in a disguise made up of clothing he'd stolen from lost property and boot polish in his hair so it was black and smelled like gas he was currently on his way to the gold shire inn it was kind of exhilarating leaving his chambers and having the anonymity of a homeless person especially since life was extremely stressful recently nothing but problems and so the king thought sod it got char in that place never ceases to amaze me he knew he was acting out he knew it was stupid but it was what he needed two girls rushed past one of which made eye contact and showed a slight hint of recognition which made anduin almost fall flat on his face but they ignored him and carried on thank god for that the last thing endured needed was to have to explain to his advisers and jaina why he was skulking around just like a homeless person near goldsharron might as well draw a sign on his forehead saying i'm a pervert anduin then came across two men outside the inn arguing and drawing a crowd about complete nonsense apparently they were trying to best each other in some kind of edgiest [ __ ] competition but anduin went ahead and used the distraction to duck inside he found a table in the corner and soon enough a barmaid approached she was nice looking and apparently she likes the cut of his jib too because when she came back with his beer she lingered what's your name jerick uh what do i call you amalia that's a lovely name amalia then curtseyed and went to see to another table and anduin felt incredible almost as if that was the first time he'd spoken to a girl in his life but that feeling of joy was soon replaced with a feeling of guilt because he'd bloody lied to her his name wasn't jerick no one's name is jerick so he grabbed his beer and started chugging and as he wiped the remnants of the ale from his lips he felt guilty again the door then burst open and three soldiers rushed in they'd obviously already hit some other pub beforehand because they looked pretty merry plus they were in the middle of a song and were muddling up the words a fair bit [Music] before anduin had a chance to look away all three of them rolled in his direction ah another stalwart recruit join us in the song brother i'd uh prefer to drink alone nonsense amalia another for our nervous nelly friend here we'll have him singing and dancing in no time you're here to be a soldier you know i can tell i can spot a fighter at 20 paces she can she can shut up brother there's all to be had glory to save him glory in the name of our king my father died fighting forth died fighting the zoth's fiends in the shadow of a great temple or um i don't know norblarisk something i vowed to take up his sword and carry it myself i'm sorry to hear that i'm sure your father was a brave man the bar made amalia then returned setting down four fresh tankants which concerned anduin a little bit as he told himself he was only gonna have one drink the field of battle that's where i belong where we all belong well we are the schnampens champions you drunk knob as anduin studied each of their faces he wondered how long it would be before they too turned up on a cold slab beneath the cathedral of light they wanted glory hungered for it but they had no idea of the cost a fiddler then started up by the counter and the three soldiers scattered taking their drinks and leaving and anduin decided that he'd had enough he felt kind of sick and he felt like someone was watching him so he got up and walked outside hello jerick ugh i can explain you're the king you don't have to explain although what exactly did you do to your hair boot polish and i suppose jerick is kind of a dumb name nah it's a great name suits you it's all right underwent your secret's safe with me jaina listen i know we don't always see eye to eye but you understand right sometimes i need this sometimes i need to be a boy again i think of all those brave soldiers ready to give their lives for the alliance and i think how how can they be so young those three inside they think they're ready to die ready to die for me it isn't fair you're young too anduin and if you need jerick to help you remember that then yes i understand i mean hey i was here too tonight so at least you can show your face i just can't part of why i need this is because it means i'm not me for a while i'm dumb sloppy probably a [ __ ] shovel of jerick well why don't you go back inside then jerick you've had a long day shoveling [ __ ] meanwhile in dazara lore talanji was currently racing back to her chambers atop her raversore zena and the beast was moving so quickly that it made speedy gonzales look like regular gong salas although knight would soon move closer to dawn talanji still felt no closer to victory in fact she only felt closer to the opposite of that death and based on the lower of graves recent reveal the more once amd had mentioned it cost him dearly to keep troll souls from the moor and it cost talanji dearly just to walk now payne surged through her whole body and if that wasn't bad enough one of the surviving rastari guards from the shrines had informed her of even more bad news we saw a witch with the rebels she was misshapen with injury and wore strange garb but i've seen her face in the palace countless times before my queen who's aparri i'm sure of it balls her old dear friend and apparently she wasn't just among the widows bite she was leading them talanji arrived at her chambers and decreed to the guards that she was not to be disturbed no visitors she knew one visitor would arrive but he probably wouldn't be entering via the door but while she waited for one sandy to appear every cell in her weary body was telling her to just lie down so she climbed into bed all she wanted to do was sleep and forget the horrors that seemed to multiply by the hour apari how could you as girls they'd been a couple of pests causing trouble whenever and wherever they wanted they played pranks in the gardens splashed in the pools stayed up late every night didn't even get into trouble for it either thanks to diplomatic immunity as they grew older apari's loyalty never wavered but the last time talanji had seen her old friend was not a pleasant memory it was the day her father died at the hands of the alliance gnomish siege weapons assaulted the great seal and as talanji raced to aid her father she came across a parry pinned down by a fallen pillar help me tally i can't move in that moment talanji had had to weigh impossible scales her best friend or her father but as princess her first duty was to a family and their rule i'll send someone for you a parry hold on the rest of that particular memory was a muddled distorted mess mainly because talanji discovered her father's lifeless husk shortly after that exchange had she sent someone to help aparri or had she completely forgotten about it i've failed so many there's still time to protect me in your kingdom talanji lifted her head slowly to see one sandy all but a ghost his power was definitely fading fading in part because she'd rushly sent her troops to defend the shrines without a plan please i feel so lost please let me see my father you know what to do promise to protect you but i can't do it alone summon his spirit once handy he floated closer with a grim frown etched across his face and talanji dreaded his refusal so she picked herself up and shuffled over to the balcony where was thrall perhaps word had reached him that his ambassador had nearly died at the shrine assault so he'd reconsidered his offer of support and if that was so then zandalari we truly lost you need to find your own strength your own way it might sound strange coming from the lower of graves but there's always hope your majesty death brings life a great wheel turns all things that seem eternal end and then rise to find new purpose and my father shut your mouth you're not listening child you're only hearing what you want to hear there is a harmony to things a way in a flow ancient ones spirits lower and time even we must embrace the end and without us our followers find strength in other things in themselves or new beliefs they grieve they grow and when the veil of dreaming lifts the eternal and great beings climb on the wheel once more and slowly the wheel spins what i'm weak but not gone they will try and take the necropolis now my place of power stop them there and i will help you rebuild this land talanji looked across her lands and saw them burning and struggling she still kind of felt like she couldn't do this alone but once amd's words had helped to remind her that the ancient and powerful things of this world were eternal and so was hope i once left my home desperate to save this place i risked my pride in my life but i turned to the horde and they answered my call they did not let zandalar stand alone tonight the horde ambassador did not let standalone stand alone he nearly gave his life just to save our children i have to risk my pride in my life once more i have to believe the horde will stand with us again to fight this darkness did you have your fun sarah moon warden scoffed at blight caller's words fun she didn't know the meaning of the word anymore not since she'd rose and knew in undeath although she couldn't deny that she was a little bit excited the shrines had fallen the widow's bites numbers had grown even larger and their spirit was at an all-time high all that remained was the final assault on the necropolis and then their task would be complete and sarah could finally leave wretched zandalar and never look back i was theatrics with the children i trust that sated your bloodlust for the moment i never took you for a man with a weak stomach blackhole nathanos then rolled his eyes you risk galvanizing the zandalari to greater purpose our plans have proceeded nicely because the queen is isolated grant her a few orc battalions and our odds change significantly they have lost the storms will cut off any reinforcements by sea and our traps will slow any soldiers arriving by land is this not the hell our queen seeks to correct as it's not the hell she will save us from teldrassil burned dark shore burned i assure you far more than two screaming brats were killed on those occasions yes sira you've made your point ah here comes this rin dark rangers visrin and leliath then approached they'd gone ahead to scouting stuff there's a small standing force the queen must have sent them but we have the greater number they don't stand a chance sir the camp is largely pilgrims we could take prisoners and forego bloodshed sarah then fidgeted and looked a bit displeased you had thoughts sir i should suffer as we suffer on life's only pleasure is to spill blood before a loon the goddess did not save me i wonder will anyone come to save this lower nathanos then removed his glove and gave a short whistle causing a parry and taiyo to approach the distinct odor of infection came with them and sarah could see the other widow's bite followers visibly keeping their distance from aparri and trying desperately not to hold their noses the ruins are ours to take prepare yourselves i shall tolerate a short rest after we secure the ruins and so this rin lily ice and a whole bunch of rebels swarmed to the east you do not look well elias is a skilled healer she could ease the pain in your leg no that will not be necessary teo flinch did that why the bloody hell was a pari being so goddamned proud and stubborn about her [ __ ] monkey leg we need you to survive until the lower is no more that is all i live to see one sandy's end and the traitor queen powerless startled shouts then rose from the ruins as the ambush started the rebels and dark rangers overran the small encampment pretty quickly since they were mostly civilians not much of a prize for your mistress but then everything in this jungle is pathetic every victory we hand her matters i claim this one with pride just as i will claim the necropolis and destroy one sandy he will no longer be a threat to sylvanas little stands in her way now and soon nothing will nothing ever stands in her way for long a short time later the rebels aparri and teo included had found some corner within the ruins and were catching some much-needed the thanos in the dark rangers however had no use for sleep as blake caller observed to parry he could see the tarnished badge he'd given her glinting around her neck many times he'd considered taking it back either sneaky like or by force but each time he'd heard the lovely voice of the banshee queen at the back of his mind urging him to let go of such things trinkets and trifles the unimportant relics of life his loyalty to sylvanas did not hinge on such things so he just sort of wandered off towards the broken bridge that once joined the ruins to the necropolis he always felt restless on the eve of battle but this time felt a bit different some nagging feeling in the back of his mind like a faint memory was trying to claw its way out of his subconscious he had things to do a letter to write to sylvanas to let her know of their progress but something was drawing him forward into the mist and then a gold coin appeared out of nowhere and splashed into a puddle near his feet hello nathanos i thought i was bent down and picked up the gold coin and felt the familiar emblem etched into it with his thumb you're not real he died a long time ago before him stood his cousin stefan marath who had indeed died a long time ago ending up as nothing more than a pile of goo on a table after his body became the raw materials used to build nathanos anu why did you let her do it i was your cousin nathanos i looked up to you i wanted to be you but not like this i had no choice the thanos couldn't even look his cousin in the eyes but continued i needed a new body so you stole mine that was sylvanas decision i could not be made whole without the sacrifice of a family member and yet still you serve her after what she did to me after what she did to our family i'm the only ghost that moves you but how many ghosts have you given others how many men now live tormented by the loved ones you murdered in service to your vicious queen stefan's expression then changed no longer friendly and an odd blue light started to suffuse his skin your queen has made some nasty friends on the other side the power she's been granted can be taken away the lords of death will never let her win her power is nothing next to theirs as she is chained to one death she's chained to the forces of the shallow lands you know nothing of it you don't know her as i do stefan's face then dissolved completely into a hideous grinning skull and it was at that point that nathanos realized this was nothing more than trickery and magic one sandy of course you're in my world now boy this be my game and you'll be playing it by my rules you're finished spawn sandy yeah we'll be seeing about that and with that one sandy or the vision he'd sent vanished and thanos who had absolutely been triggered by that whole exchange stomped his way back to the ruins they've taken zobal my queen like caller and his rangers have been sighted moving on the necropolis what are your orders we've run out of time we march on the necropolis all on our lonesome dalanji thought thrall had not returned with his horde reinforcements leaving the zandalari with an army of only about 40 soldiers probably wasn't going to be enough against the sly skilled rangers of sylvanas but talanji still had hope thanks to one samdi's weird speech in the last chapter we should go now before it gets too hot for marching rakhan give the signal so rakan went ahead and did that he pulled out a war horn and gave it a big blow and the soldiers shouted their response and then the marching began i will keep my promise to you once amd though it may mean the end of us both however the small zandalari army hadn't been marching very long at all before a second war horn sounded from back within the city did you hear that talanji immediately turned cena around and made her way back past her very confused small army and as she crossed the bridge she saw a wardrobe with loti racing towards her the horde that just started appearing your majesty as the queen looked down towards the bazaar and port she could see quite a few horde banners flying and was definitely pleased to see them but there's more the people in the markets that go in a bit mad they think it's an invasion the queen had feared as much thanks to the storms preventing anyone from traveling to the continent thrall must have used portals to transfer its troops which meant there were challenging times ahead even if they did somehow succeed in defeating the widow's bite it was going to take time to undo a party in blightcaller's meddling and false rumors but the priority right now is to protect one sandy find lashk go with him to the bazaar quell whatever fears you find there and then join us at the necropolis zoloty went off to do that while stalangie rode quickly back to the vanguard and soon enough the horde caught up forgive the lateness this was all that could be gathered without leaving orgrimmar and defend it it be enough it will have to be it is far more than we had thank you zandalar will not forget this in truth the amount of horde soldiers that had arrived was around 40 as well so basically the army was now twice as big will ride to join us when my people have been assured this is not an invasion perhaps with our forces divided we can attack from two sides send the cavalry up the center try to trap light caller in the middle that would be difficult the necropolis is surrounded by swamp the safest approach is from the zobal ruins which blightcaller now holds i will pose no challenge [Music] and with some recovery i can teleport a number of us wherever you desire gives us the element of surprise at least nope i'm surprised i'm afraid there's a clear view in every direction from the necropolis then speed is our greatest asset how long do you need felicera could you send some of our warriors ahead i'll give it a go the army then began their advance again for reals this time and as they moved through the jungle a million thoughts assaulted talanji's brain mainly that she should have believed in and trusted thrall and the horde once sandy had been right and she'd been unreasonably proud and a bit of an idiot and that's ignoring the fact that about halfway through this book she was like okay i'll do it and then she just didn't do it but her mind then drifted to zakah and she suddenly realized she should probably inform the horde that their ambassador nearly died the khan was badly wounded the shrines my healers have seen to him and sail live but he is a strong boy and he understood the risks how many of us can you safely bring to the the first alchemist reached into her pocket pulled out a flask and took a long swig from it and her eyes brightened as if she'd just taken a drink of pure light give me a moment and i can teleport the entire host you want me well that settles it then we divide into three forces and give them no chance to retreat the sea the necropolis lies along our northern border they could escape by sea the storms are under their control after all that is why we target the mages first and why lothomar and gaslow are sailing with all speed once the storms break they'll cut off any retreat telegi couldn't help but gaze in admiration her companions they'd literally thought of everything almost as if they'd been involved in a few battles before or something okay then let's do this for the safety of my people and for the horde but the bloody hell is he why does he not appear zero moon warden was currently pacing around in a circle very impatiently whilst the thanos was being a bit calmer and not pacing around in a circle there was an eerie silence persisting within the necropolis but the ranger general is determined to see this whole thing through to the end you must know born sandy as a trickster where is he which i honor our friendship i honor our bargain we're not friends do not waste our time with flattery we desire only the lower how do we summon him cyril stepped towards aparri and loomed over her all intimidating like but aparri didn't shrink away and her bodyguard tayo beared her teeth like this a bunch of widows bite rebels then approached dragging bound and squirming hostages behind them the thanos had assumed that apari's followers had entered the temple simply to scavenge for stuff but now he was starting to understand supplicants north these are born sandy's faithful worshipers darkness take you the old troll spat towards nathanos and his spittle landed right on his target's face but the ranger general just sighed and wiped it off i see in that case i too shall dispense with the pleasantries there is no need to torture and kill the child you're born sandy's faithful are you not prove your faith sufficient summon the lower here and all of you will live nathano shot sarah a quick glance after her scoff as if to reassure her that he was in fact lying and of course these trolls were not going to live what is your name very well tezzy let us be reasonable help us reach one sandy and you will all be spared we worship the lore of death strange one we come here every day you don't scare us nothing scares us do not break desi they're scum 170 will protect us make your offering old man well this goes in the child's mouth barry reached inside her pouch and pulled out a pinch of black powder and the child on the ground gave it yelp retreat and riverbud root her insides will be coming out of her eyeballs is that what you want however teo then dived toward aparri she's just a child but apari immediately struck teo across the face and the slap left her absolutely stunned i am on the very precipice of death zagota i will live just to see one sandy and talanji fall nothing not this girl not you will stop me nathanos didn't exactly know what sagota meant but he understood that it probably wasn't that friendly and tayo then marched off back towards the zobal ruins in a strop she'll come crawling back she always does we have no need of her anyway now where were we ah of course tezi my new friend he will cooperate or the child will be harmed do it well the thanos couldn't help but admire the child's spirit but also felt like this was the weirdest most mature child he'd ever seen but he went ahead and pulled a dagger from his belt for example i will take her brash little tongue i'll do what you ask but i've no more power over a lower than a mouse over a snake scamper over to the altar then mouse and be quick about it so the old troll went ahead and did that he dropped to his knees picked up one of the ancient drums lying around on the ground and began to thump it with the heels of his hands he then started to chant in a low haunting rasp and this went on for bloody ages we know you're watching born sandy appear to us lower or your followers will soon be walking your spirit realm and no response balls the girl start with her fingers flay them first remove them slowly nathanos took no delight in this it was just what needed to be done the bungee queen wanted one sandy gone nothing else mattered wait like caller then turned to see sir appearing down into the court and as he followed her line of sight he saw the mists and fog below had begun to spin creating a vortex and then poof or one sandy is here friends will be all this racket about rangers at the ready at last you think you have me surrounded i have my own army little dead thing soon my queen will be here you've been sneaky so far can't deny it but you won't stand a chance against her armies arms he's bluffing by the time she arrives you will be destroyed sir give the command fire arrows began to fall screaming towards bonsamdi from dark rangers surrounding the court however a massive spirit suddenly flooded out of the ground beneath one sandy and started to charge you'd be in my world now my house talanji and the horde leadership arrived at the outskirts of the zobal ruins just in time to see a crack of lightning ripple down from the sky and hit somewhere inside the necropolis they're already attacking him we have to move thrall bane and talanji then raced forward with 20 orc soldiers and the vanguard of rastarian forces marching behind bain shaman carried on to the east with the intention of crossing the swamp using their power to walk across water and salicera's nightborne archers were to take the western approach attacked from three sides as per thrall's recommendation a few chapters ago however as the main force passed through zobal a troll popped up out of nowhere my name is teo i serve the witcher party give us one good reason not to take your head i serve her no longer she is not the leader i knew the leader i admired his cruelty is not her i hate for you your majesty it's all she has and fight with us hope will stop her taylor looked at each of them a little bit wary i will all i ask is that you give her a merciful end death is already about to claim her just make it swift talanji bit her tongue she wasn't overly happy about trusting tayo and she wasn't entirely sure aparri deserved mercy the bridge is riddled with traps and mines they knew you might come so don't go that way throw them reached into his pack and pulled out a few silver orbs what are those a gift from our clever trade prince goblin seeker bots be ready to charge the orbs made their way across the bridge and cracked open producing six mini contraptions that looked like tiny little men and the tiny little men bounced their way this way in that until they collided with a trap and exploded r.i.p tiny little men thrall without any hesitation then started making his own way across the bridge and talanji bain and tayo followed as the smoke from the exploded mines cleared they saw the chaos one sandy gritting his teeth as he summoned spirit after spirit rebels who had already suffered several losses with bodies littering the ground and the dark rangers with a parry the thanos and some armored elf [ __ ] stood among them is this all you can muster pathetic do not let them reach the lower don't underestimate her wardens are formidable throw then started to swing his axe and windmill a whole bunch of troll rebels trying to swarm him and bane joined the fight too initially talanji looked desperately to the east and west wondering what the bloody hour was taking the shaman and archers so long but now is not the time for complaining and feeling sorry for yourself now is the time for fighting so she went ahead and started blasting death magic and casting protective barriers and stuff however a blinding spear of lightning struck the barrier she'd conjured around bane towards a pari the queen quickly refocused giving bane another barrier and then started making her way through the chaos towards her former bezzy but as she drew closer a weird shape zipped towards the queen and smacked right into her face and it took a few moments of severe pain before talanji realized there was a bloody dread tick on her head however as she lost her balance and fell to the ground the creature became dislodged and bounced away and two massive totems then came smashing down and smushed the little [ __ ] but there was no time to stop and thank bane talanji picked herself up and pressed forward the next thing tilanji had to contend with was the fact that apari who was probably a bit pissed off that her pet had just been smushed was in the process of calling down another lightning strike apari laughed maniacally as she brought down the storm but talanji reacted quickly throwing her arms wide and conjuring yet another magic barrier and it worked even better than she'd hoped because the lightning bounced off it arced across the battlefield and punched a parry right in the chest and the widow's bite leader then shot backwards flying into a pillar here we can give her mercy together talanji didn't hesitate to take teo's hand and the two of them then forced their way through more rebels until eventually they reached their target what was left of talanji's childhood friend was pretty unpleasant to look at legs sprawled out in front of her with blood dripping down her cheeks she'd hit the pillar very hard and cracked her skull open talanji however knelt down beside a parry cradled her neck and tried to smile i'm sorry apparently the siege my father was dying i wanted to help him but i should have stayed to help you too you can rest now it's all over it's not over you should die for what you did to me tell my mother you should die vengeance will only take you so far you need more than that to survive i did not help you then my friend but i will help you now talanji held aparri's hands and looked deep into her sad terrified eyes she then cast a soothing spell hoping it would at least ease aparri's pain a little bit life had not been kind to the girl but once she was gone her body would nourish the earth and one sami would keep her spirit from the more it was ironic really she'd wanted the lower dead but it was he who would now save her from everlasting darkness the queen then squeezed her old friend's hands whilst teo drew her blade and then boof it was all over with the parry dead the rebels scattered however sarah moon warden did not retreat although nathanos was nowhere to be seen the warden and a few nearby dark rangers continued to fight right up until some war horns sounded and a bunch of tauren shaman and nightborne archers finally arrived the dark rangers soon fell and bane smashed sarah right in the gut with his totem that was still covered in bits of smushed red dick don't look at me with those gloating eyes nathanos nathanos i will not be abandoned again not now you have accomplished nothing do you hear me nothing throw then cracked her helmet with the blunt end of his axe which stunned her to silence mind her tightly i know exactly what to do with her an unnatural cackle then rippled out from within the necropolis and talanji raced towards it and when she arrived she saw one sandy beside himself with amusement whilst nathano's blight caller was having a bit of a tantrum i told you dead man you're no match for my queen talanji wasn't gonna let one sandy face nathanos alone even though she had basically exhausted herself by this point and had very little left to give in terms of strength but she had something else something better although his power comes from his believeth mighty bonsandi lower of graves your strength is mine my strength is yours nathano's had enough sense to know at this point that he'd lost so he just kind of glared at them as they escorted him back outside i will swing the axe for what he has done to my people unlike sarah blight caller gave no taunt no mockery he simply sheathed his bow pulled the vial from his coat uncorked it and bowed his head my lady and out of nowhere a liquid tendril of purple and black emerged enveloped him and swallowed him whole throat raced forward but he was too late the thanos was gone welp guess he slipped away maybe tricksy indeed just like your old powerpoint sandy i however planned to live a lot longer than him there was a murmur amongst the horde and zandalari forces as they all slowly realized they'd won and it was over and that murmur soon grew to loud cheers and hoorays and stuff but thrall looked kinda disappointed about the fact that nathanos escaped that looks so sad for all he came for me and here i am whatever the banshee queen had planned here today you stopped her he's right the horde stood together as one behind our ally not just an ally i wish to take my place on the horde council it is where i belong speaking for my people and listening for them our armies must be rebuilt our city secured and the trust of the people won but we will emerge stronger than ever a very touching one somebody pretended to wipe a tear from his face sarcastically but to land you could see the look of relief in the lowers eyes now i believe i owe you all a feast no assassins this time you have my word matthias sure had never sailed as andelari's ship before but he learned pretty damn quickly the horde leadership had let him go no strings attached and although he was initially filled with suspicion he wasn't going to punch a gift horse in the mouth that didn't stop him from inspecting the ship from top to bottom upon boarding it though just to make sure there weren't any nasty surprises but all he found was nice surprises quintolanji had stocked the ship full of fresh leftovers from their celebratory feast plus they thrown an extra bit of precious cargo into the brig for sure to deliver stormwind city rose up from the horizon so short turn to the sour faced vrykul captain do you have papers papers i've you fair enough as the ship pulled into the harbour jaina proudmoore anduin rin and flint fairwind were waiting did they mistreat you they had bigger problems i'll tell you about it later there's something you need to see flynn didn't wait a moment longer to shove anduin aside rush towards mathias and give him a tight warm hug which mathias returned flynn there's something i'd like to talk to you about maybe in the gilded rose tonight will you don't be late myus then slowly released flynn from their embrace and slid the perfect blade of grass into the pirate's hand that he got from that guard in the prison that time flynn didn't exactly look sure what he was supposed to do with that piece of grass but he kind of blushed and then anduin went ahead and cockblocked them what is so urgent it was better if i simply show you come sarah the horde gave it to you no strings attached there are always strings even if you cannot see them thrall wanted her delivered to tyrande whisper wind and malfurion stormrage along with this letter that is oddly generous of him i agree it will be done but first i will have a word with the prisoner something had changed in syria at the mention of tyrande and malfurion she was still full of rage but their names added fear into the mix where is she where is sylvanas windrunner nowhere you will find her even if you did it's far too late you've lost my spies tell me the opposite is true you were unsuccessful in destroying one sandy your dark range of forces were annihilated and blightcaller only escaped because your mistress intervened do you know how many deaths you've caused how much misery you've brought upon my kingdom do you even care sarah said nothing but just smiled smile or you like a creature there's little hope for you now your people will want to speak with you want to know how you could serve sylvanas you realize this yes i know it and i feel nothing i will give them nothing once more you waste the little time you have left anduin grunted in disgust and then stared at her for a long intense spell however a wisp of purple energy then traveled down his arm and gathered in his palm but it was gone as quickly as it appeared it startled amount enough to make him stumble backward and as he looked at jaina the fear on her face was enough to shake him to his core and sarah threw her head back and laughed tell me how does it feel to know you've lost take heart falling line you will serve well you will serve well to run a whisper wind shandris feathermoon and maya's shadowsong stepped through their portal and arrived in the stormwind stockades anduin's message had mentioned a gift from the horde whilst the sealed letter from thrall had managed expectations advising that this was not what was owed but hopefully it was a start the three elves made their way through the dark and dank corridors until they reached an iron door and as they entered the cell the prisoner raised her head you sarah security measures in stormwind seem somewhat lacks of late i am the night warrior no way is shut to me is that so what about the way of compassion of loyalty are you finished suppose i am you've come here to kill me is that it the loon abandoned me you abandoned me my sister warriors and you did nothing to save me i have nothing left to fear you have me fear you don't be ridiculous you with all the rage of the dark moon have done nothing to avenge your people you are wind tyrande impotent worthless cowardly wind i wish i could have done more to protect you but some natures proved too evil to curb too ambitious to abide sylvanas has such a nature and i will not forget that you are her servant now sarah and i have not forgotten that either durander then drew her sword making a big song and dance of it so sarah could plainly see what was happening tyrande think look i see a sad and defeated thing that has chosen a path nothing more i chose nothing i did not choose to return everything inside me is ugliness and rage and the only thing that quiets the scream is death my ab shadow song then reached out and placed a hand on terranda's forearm but the night warrior just shrugged it off i knew you once to find a form with two snap legs a thorn pretty much everyone claimed was beyond healing many offered to end its suffering but you saw inside a spark of life a hidden light and it died what's your point how long did you try if you continue down this path to randa you will find yourself no better than sarah she is in agony can you not see it her only relief comes from spilling blood is this what you want to find your only comfort in the suffering of others and so i should just do nothing that isn't what i'm saying and you know it listen to randa i have lived as one consumed and although there is no great love between us i would not see you become what i was what sira is now you're more than just rage and vengeance you are a priestess and a leader take pity on this creature surrender raised her blade a wrist twitching you will not you like the however before sarah could say balls or courage or whatever she was going to say durander struck swift and true cutting an opening in sarah's neck no deeper than the width of a fingernail there was no blood because cyril had none to shed but the corrupted undead warden still clutched at her throat and turander shuddered she'd thought to feel nothing but that shallow cut had made her feel horribly alive mercy for that little hidden light mercy for a sad defeated thing durander nodded shandris and mayev no doubt had things they wanted to ask sarah but the night warrior was finished she'd seen what she needed to see so she turned to go but before she left the room completely she had one more thing to say alas sir i do possess the courage and that is what frightens me that is what should frighten us all after that meal i'm tempted to stick around the port of zandalar was busier than ever all thanks to the skies now being clear and the lanes for commerce being safe once more when some of these shrines were already being rebuilt and word of his heroic stand at the necropolis spread the lower of graves was not quite back to his full strength yet but delangey knew it was only a matter of time and she was feeling a whole lot better herself not just physically but emotionally as well sure she still felt kinda pissy about jaina proudmoore and the alliance's assault on her city but she now realized that patience would win that war and that the horde weren't just a bunch of useless jerks thanks for the hospitality my dear please do visit orgrimmar soon as much the council will wish to discuss plus we can hang out i know all the best places you save my city first arcanist i will definitely visit soon the lisserer then stepped aside allowing some of the others to say their goodbyes the bandage decan hobbled up with thrall providing the young troll with a bit of support thrall himself still looked pretty sad losing the thanos had clearly angered him but he was doing his best not to be a buzzkill brave honorable ambassador how do i thank you for your sacrifice with a kiss actually no crispy all over it's my pleasure to serve your majesty i hope you meet again soon you packed your styles yes and the special poultices tell me a house a car don't make a queen fuss so in public i must see to my people here we must heal and learn to trust one another again when zandalar is strong you will see me in orgrimmar's account i'll bring my royal physicians with me just in case the lord is united and our purpose is clear when you feel ready join us in the hunt the hunt for sylvanas windrunner seemed like an impossible task to search the entirety of azeroth but talanji had made a promise and she'd be a jerk not to help the horde after they'd just helped her oh almost forgot i hope you don't mind taking one more with you talanji then spun around scanned the crowd until eventually she spotted tayo tayo wishes to act as my ambassador she will be my eyes and ears just as the khan was for you without her we would have been torn to pieces by black caller's traps she's welcome among us i'm zakah i promise i'm pretty handsome under here or i will be once my hair grows back and that was that the lyssera opened a portal and the horde left and much to talanji's surprise she was kind of sad the city felt much emptier without them but the queen's work was never done so she made her way back to the great seal to hold court and talk to her people and stuff first up was a young girl who skipped up to the queen and pressed a squashed purple flower into her hand thank you i don't know if i'm worthy of your gift but i will endeavor to be so mother says you're not worthy are you going to make us worship once amny please don't make us worship him i like gong of course you do everybody loves gonk you should give him many offerings and sing chants to him every day we need all of our lower small one for our soldiers to grow big and strong for our fields and seas to flourish for the health of the zandalari people and one sandy is not so bad he helped us fight off the rebels and he protects our souls keeps us safe then mother is wrong she is right to worry but tell her that all lower will be whispering in my ear all will advise me that is my promise to her and to you oakley dokali the child squealed with delight and raced off and a whole bunch of other people then spoke asking their questions and making their requests right up until the sun went down and it got dark at which point did landry retired to her chambers big words you said to that little girl today words you do not agree with when sandy then shrugged we had a deal you protect me my bond is broken the pact undone i keep my promises go come forward but talanji did not come forward she just sat down on her bed instead i've thought about it what i said to that girl is true you must relinquish some of your say in mata's bonsandi you are still the lower of kings but gonk paku akunda all the lower they are crucial to our survival might be i'm not the foremost expert on crops and the like it is a fair deal unless there's a trick here i'm not seeing no no more tricks points andy i've had my feel then we can make each other strong i'm not foolish enough to think this will be the last of my troubles the last time our kingdom is threatened i want power but i want it on my terms this time will i still be the lower of kings you still be the lower of kings yes i suppose our bargain is amended then but i warn you talanji don't gloat this battle is won but not the war time will come when you be tested and that time is coming soon why'd you have to ruin it i hate it when you talk that way it frightens me good it should i have one more thing i'm exhausted once andy yeah i think you'll like this when somebody then winked stepped aside and revealed a familiar silhouette standing behind him talanji my girl the queen gasped and rushed towards her father you've grown wiser and stronger just as i knew you would i'm proud of the queen you've become i've made so many mistakes father i don't know if our people will ever trust me again but that rusty can't laugh gently and hushed her but his spirit then started to waver a little bit what's happening one sandy say what you're musting quickly the other side be too unpredictable these days show me the perfect queen talanji and i'll show you a monument of stone perfect rulers live only in memory your mistakes will be forgotten when your victories and triumphs come you've already faced so much i wish i could be there to guide you you do you guide me every day it's time i returned you to my care us to come the king nodded and took one last look at his daughter remember talanji you're more than just my daughter more than blood you're the queen zandalar deserves you will make your ancestors proud as you have already made me to wield so much power that power will be your prison this world is a prison so [Music] and i will set us all free [Music] my champion your timing could not be better tell me of your victory as we take these first steps together nathanos got to his feet and sylvanas now it's to tremble in his hands i failed you my queen once andy lives zero moon warden has been captured i could not carry out your command the horde they came in force they resisted us i fear that one semi will only grow more defiant now savannah shifted her gaze away from his blubbering lips to the tower looming above she'd felt so triumphant a minute ago beating bolvar and shattering the helm of domination and tearing the edge of reality open and stuff but nathanos's failure had really put a downer on things the jerk what are you still doing here i will return to the marist dead my lady and await your orders go away you will nathanos do not be idle the lower knows the shadow lands well i expect you will return to me with means to prevent his meddling my path lies ahead and off she went towards the promise of more power she had been the plaything of a self-righteous cosmos long enough but not anymore it was the jailer that knew what really needed to be done because that guy can definitely be trusted and we're leaving it there you're still here cheers me this took like five months to make and i worked kind of hard on it so thanks for taking the time to watch it all and stuff i get weird comments from people sometimes that think because i make jokes and say sarcastic things i must hate warcraft and i always think who that would dedicate this amount of time making videos about something they hated that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard anyway links in the description links in the description for the book and my patreon page and discord and stuff if you enjoyed this video like subscribe all of that bollocks and all that's left to say is thanks for watching and see ya [Music] you
Channel: Flying Buttress
Views: 204,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warcraft novels, warcraft lore, flying buttress, buttress wow, world of warcraft, warcraft books, audiobook, voice acting, Blizzard Entertainment, warcraft novels audiobooks, best warcraft novels, world of warcraft novels, Shadows Rising, Madeleine Roux, Shadowlands, Supercut
Id: LeZt1Pq3zIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 3sec (11883 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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