Could The Twilight Realm Ever RETURN To Zelda? [ft. MaskedNintendoBandit]

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[Laughter] if you didn't know already The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is my all-time favorite videogame that's right not just my favorite Zelda game but my favorite videogame with this I often get asked or stumble upon questions regarding the game these questions range from theories to favourite moments and characters to debates on why Midna is in fact the best companion in the entire series which she is obviously but my favorite questions and discussions have to be the theories about the game Twilight Princess is one hell of an adventure which is filled to the brim with story lore and contact with the main feature of this adventure being that the Twilight if you didn't already know the game features this unworldly location known as The Twilight Realm a parallel dimension to the realm and kingdom of Hyrule this land of darkness and shadow has a rather complicated history which will be explained later this realm could only be accessed via the mirror of Twilight which great support also entered the Twilight Realm our previously mentioned friend met na hails from this land of shadow and at the end of Twilight Princess breaks every fans heart as she bets farewell to Hyrule link in Princess Zelda as she leaves for home unfortunately Midna also shares the mirror of Twilight as she leaves ensuring the Twilight Realm can no longer be accessed from the world of Light Hiero however could there be another way another way to return to the Twilight Realm it's been a thing of dreams for us Twilight Princess fans to see the Twilight Realm returned but the big question is could the Twilight Realm actually return could there be some other possible way to access it in today's video joined by my great friend the amazing Mass Nintendo Banda hey guys Mastana bandit here huge thank you to hyrule gamer for letting me be a part of this video I hope you guys are ready for what we got in store today it's be good we are going to look into this question and try to come to some sort of conclusion on if the Twilight Realm could ever return to the Zelda series oh and there is another video we did over in his channel live right now to go watch after this one so we're very further ado let's answer the question could the Twilight Realm ever return to The Legend of Zelda [Music] [Music] to begin we must have a full understanding of the Twilight Realm as mentioned briefly the Twilight Realm is a parallel dimension to Hyrule a land shrouded in darkness which is home to a race of people known as the twili the peaceful shadow beans that inhabit this world opposite of Hyrule and the light worlds at first sight the Twilight Realm may seem like a dark and potentially dangerous place to be but this supernatural plane of existence is actually for the most part a peaceful land Weaver going to in depth as we do that over on mass Nintendo banned this video which you can check out afterwards in a nutshell the long story put short is that the king of evil Ganondorf was banished to the Twilight Realm prior to the events of Twilight Princess there he meets a certain Twilight called Zant whom he teams up with to overthrow the current leader of Twilight Midna and escape the realm by combining their powers Ganondorf in Zant infect Hyrule with Twilight attempting to shroud the Kingdom in darkness but after an emotional and quite frankly stupendous adventure Lincoln Midna take the pair of evil out restoring peace to the land once all is peaceful in Hyrule Midna heads back to the Twilight Realm but in one of the most heartbreaking moments in the entire series she shatters the mirror of Twilight the only known entrance to the realm which by the way is something that only she can do as only the true ruler of Twilight can shatter it completely of course this isn't the full story and history of the Twilight Realm but it is what we need to know for answering the question of if the realm could ever return if we take a closer look at what is at least said moments before midnight Eve's high role we can note down a few interesting details she tells Lincoln Princess Zelda that light and shadow can't mix as we all know but never forget that there is another world burned to this one followed by Princess Zelda scene shadow and light are two sides of the same coin one cannot exist without the other Zelda herself also mentions that she believes the gods created the mirror of Twilight in order for them to fight the Twilight Realm one day and discover a creation of the gods the Twilight Realm at the end of the conversation madness says one of the arguably most important or controversial depending on how you look at it words she says to link see layer what jaws being a bit of a stretch tends to imply a possible meeting in the future rather than a solid goodbye which would imply no promise of meeting again is a stretch but something to know so we know that the only known connection to the realm was destroyed at the end of Twilight Princess well there are a few potential connections to the Twilight Realm across the Zelda timeline and a few different games we will investigate them one by one and see if they are of any importance our first connection takes us to the game directly after Twilight Princess in the timeline for swords adventures in this unique Zelda adventure we can find what is known as the Dark Mirror an object found within the second stage of the realm of heavens otherwise known as the dark cloud it is found towards the end of the section of the game and appears as a small handheld mirror built into a stone design at first sight the only noticeable connection between the dark mirror and the mirror of Twilight is the design of the stone frame both share that gray on dark grey stone pattern but the connections go deeper the dark mirror has the ability to reveal the darkness within someone resulting in said darkness being brought to life this is told to link by the white maiden but it is also said that the mirror is controlled by Ganon as he can create infinite shadow links to take out the player the most interesting connection is within the history of the dark mirror it is told to link that the dark mirror was used to seal away a dark tribe that invaded Hyrule this is told to the player by dombay with the exact quote dubbing this as a legend quite possibly referring to the same legend told to link in twilight princess of dark invaders being sealed away through the mirror this is further backed up by the white maiden as she also tells link that quote long ago a dark tribe invaded Hyrule they were defeated and imprisoned within the mirror the tribe's mirror prison was then away and hidden in the forest temple to sever its connection to this world all of this sounds awfully similar to how that dark invaders known as the interlopers invaded Hyrule and were sealed away within the Twilight Realm which is accessed by a mirror we do also need to take in consideration that over the ages which is possibly hundreds and thousands of years the specifics of a story may change being passed down from one person to another by word of mouth alone the story on the dark mirrors history is an uncannily similar story to the mirror of Twilight this connection is strong but we do have more to cover so we'll come back to this a little bit later the second connection takes us to another timeline which well some may argue can't have any connections because it's in another timeline it could in fact potentially have connections to the mirror of Twilight because the events of the interloper war took place many ages before the events of Twilight Princess meaning the Twilight Realm and mirror of Twilight were likely created long before we see them in Twilight Princess this connection is found within the downfall timelines a Link to the Past the 1991 snez classic although this adventure was made before Twilight Princess existed the Zelda games often just have a way of connecting things regardless of release order so we will give this connection as fair chance within a Link to the Past link can acquire an item called the magic mirror a mirror with the ability to transport link between the light world and dark world which is the main mechanic or gimmick of a Link to the Past the magic mirror is crucial to the story as Ganon also known as his alter-ego agonal kidnaps and sends Princess Zelda to the dark world a parallel dimension to Hyrule the magic mirror is like the dark mirror a handheld mirror but this one is a mirror link in use as mentioned it's used to transport link between the light and dark worlds it's not a clear-cut connection to her the mirror of Twilight works but it is incredibly similar in terms of its function both are mirrors connecting the worlds of light and dark it's not the strongest connection but it one that's definitely worth noting our third and possibly most interesting connection can be found in breath of the wild the game which takes place long after all the others in the timeline you might already know about this connection as it's become quite popular with Zelda fans over the past three years on the southern lure land shores of Hyrule by the Palmer a beach we can find a stone monument that looks incredibly similar to the mirror of Twilight this monument is not the mirror of Twilight however we're not trying to imply that this is the same mirror from so many ages ago however it does show a strong resemblance to the stone frame seen on the mirror of Twilight along with sharing the same gray stone designs as the dark mirror the monument is actually part of a side quest in the game called a fragmented Monument this is because the full monument has been broken into four pieces with one remaining intact to the frame the other three pieces or fragments of the monument can be found scattered throughout the local area this is of course an obvious reference to the three missing mirror shards from Twilight Princess and while breadth of the wild is basically built on references and easter eggs some hold valid evidence of being more than just a reference as I already mentioned the fragmented monument takes on an incredibly similar design to the framework on the mirror of Twilight along with having unique blue greenish detail work around the edges which is a nearly identical color to the color that the spirits trapped in Twilight take on in Twilight Princess on top of all of that the monument is situated in front of some ancient ruins that we'll get to soon so those are the three big connections found throughout the series with this evidence we can begin to try to build a case for the possibility of a return over the hundreds and thousands of years that make up the Zelda timeline stories from the past have been known to change or alter over the course of time because each time a tale is passed on to another person small details like names locations and general information can slip causing stories to slightly alter over the ages knowing that the Twilight Realm was created long before the events of Twilight Princess the original story and facts likely changed over the many ages between the creation of the Twilight Realm and when we learn about to end Twilight Princess most we don't know for sure there is a chance that in the early days of the Twilight Realm there was actually more than one entrance to the realm but over the years the likes of the interlopers descendants the twili the story changed due to each passing coming with the chance of someone forgetting details if this was the case it would explain why we see something very similar to the mirror of Twilight and Four Swords Adventures a second mirror of Tsar's either that are the stonework scene of Four Swords Adventures as more paying homage to the mirror of Twilight as it played such an important role to the kingdom of Hyrule in Twilight Princess which was directly before the events of Four Swords Adventures and the timeline but we are still left with the question of why are there connections to the mirror of Twilight in another timeline rather than just seeing the actual mirror of Twilight the magic mirror connection found in a Link to the Past is definitely not the same mirror however the purpose of it could back the possibility of there being more than one entrance to the Twilight Realm what does the magic mirror do exactly well you see it transports link from the light world to the dark world the exact same thing in the same fashion that the mirror of Twilight takes link from the light world to the dark world and because a Link to the Past takes place in a different timeline from Twilight Princess the dark world appears differently what we see in Twilight Princess is just the Palace of Twilight within the Twilight Realm there is likely so much more to the realm that can even be backed up because when we venture into the shadows in Twilight Princess we can see distant islands floating within the shadows set aside from the Palace of Twilight indicating there are other settlements in the realm that we just don't actually see in Twilight Princess likely because they are of no importance to the game's story on top of all of that the reason the dark world in a Link to the Past appears more is a conventional world a carbon copy of Hyrule could be because the timeline split a Link to the Past appears in the downfall timeline occurs on the basis that link is the it by Ganon at the end of ocarina of time meaning even when Ganondorf discovered the mirror of Twilight he went into the twilight realm without anyone after him like he doesn't while a princess and then brought the Twilight to Hyrule creating a dark world similar to her parts of Hyrule become infected in Twilight in Twilight Princess it may sound a bit crazy and honestly issued as this is the Zelda series we are talking about but there isn't really any reason this couldn't be possible moving on to the connection found in breathitt the wild the explanation for this could involve the previously mentioned homage that's being paid to the mirror of Twilight the events of breath of the wild take place farther apart than any other game in the entire timeline the placement of breath of the wild is still debated by fans but it's commonly agreed upon that it takes place at the end of all three timelines as an inevitable outcome regardless of its specific placement we can safely say that it takes place a considerable amount of time after Twilight Princess the idea behind this fragmented monument is that the story told after the events of Twilight Princess about the mirror of Twilight is that the Twilight were seen as a peaceful and possibly even sacred race due to Midna playing a crucial role in saving Hyrule from there on out people wanted to honor or pay homage to the Twilight over the years the people of Hyrule created monuments or statues honoring these events including making monuments on the mirror of Twilight and this could explain why we see something so similar to the mirror of Twilight now before we present this next idea hear us out the fragmented monument is found in front of a set of ruins ruins that belong to none other than the mysterious zone I tribe in breadth of the wild the zone I are only known as a mystery tribe from many years ago so far back that there's simply a legend fading away in time they were said to be a tribe that had magical abilities some would say that the abilities of the Twilight are magical along with the fact that between the events of Twilight Princess and breath of the wild the information known about the Twilight which was very little too general civilization faded into nothing more than them being a race or tribe with magic like powers it's a huge huge show in the dark but as Zelda fearest it's our job to consider these possibilities the long-forgotten so when I tribe could be the twili from long ago a small detail to know about the fragmented monument is that it's located in front of a rock face which was required for the mirror of Twilight to project the entrance for someone to enter whilst we are implying this could be an honorary recreation the ruins in front of them could be representing something for the mirror to project on to putting the theory regarding the connections to the site for a moment when met the bid farewell to Hyrule at the end of Twilight Princess she did say to Princess Zelda never forget that there is another world burnt to this one obviously implying she doesn't want the existence of the Twilight Realm also known as the dark world to fade out of existence this could explain our theory of after the events of Twilight Princess the people of Hyrule honored and paid homage to the Twilight for years to come with the honor been seen as far into the future as the events of breath of the wild I personally say that this is enough evidence for us to say that the dark world of Twilight is still of importance and certainly could return but we need to answer how that could happen and thankfully to breath of the wilds receiving a sequel which is currently in the works at the time of making this video we could have a solid answer with the sequel to breath of the wild being well a sequel it has given us a strong indication to the future of the Zelda series it's looking like each new game from here on out will be taking place in a new reuniting sort of timeline following breath of the wild in attempts to clean up the timeline we've known and loved for years mainly because the Zelda development team does not consider stuff like the timeline until after the game itself is finished if the semi confirmed theory of breath of the wild being an inevitable outcome to each timeline is true the games to follow it could contain long lost contents relics and such that originate from each of the timelines of high rules early days it sort of falls under the what-if style of theory but what if the events after breath of the wild potentially within its sequel the other entrances to the dark world or Twilight Realm are recovered or found as the full history of the Twilight Realm is unknown we cannot write off the possibility of secondary entrances such as the magic mirror in Link to the Past due to the fact that the full history of the shadowy plain isn't clearly known that would explain why in Twilight Princess the story we are told tells us that only one entrance exists when we in fact know that other entrances do exist this means yes the Twilight Realm could in fact return to future games in this eldest series hopefully along with teaching us the full story of the Twilight Realm as we are only told so much about his history and Twilight Princess but that's just our faults what do you guys think be sure to leave a comment down below with your faults on the theory and if you have your own theory feel free to post that as well thanks a ton for checking out the video I really appreciate it if you enjoyed be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel for more zelda content huge thank you to my great friend mass nintendo bandit for joining me on what is our third collaboration now hey guys once again huge thank you to the one and only hyrule gamer for letting me help out with this one and also thank you to all of you for listening in don't forget there's the second part to this theory live right now over on my channel so be sure to go check it out but for now this is mass antenna bandit signing out peace be sure to go and check that out for the card in the top right end card or at the link in the description also feel free to check out the other four videos that we've done together another big thanks goes out to all of my amazing patreon supporters for being the generous folks you are if you would like to support my channel for as little as $1 a month check out my patreon page through the link in the description again thanks for watching and until the next time I've been high roll gamer you
Channel: Hyrule Gamer
Views: 228,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Legend of Zelda, Breath of The Wild 2, Breath of The Wild sequel, Botw 2, Botw sequel, Botw, Breath of The Wild, Hyrule, Hylian, Princess Zelda, Ganon, Ganondorf, Malice, Calamity Ganon, Triforce, Zelda Theory, Zelda Lore, Mystery, Mysteries, Explained, Analysis, Zelda News, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Zeldatubers, HG, Zeltik, NintendoBlackCrisis, RMFH, MaskedNintendoBandit, Croton, Hyrule Gamer, TLOZ, LOZ, Master Sword, Sheikah, Sheikah Slate, Kakariko Village, Link
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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